New Fake Galar Pokemon

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the problem the new girl our forms suck we got lemonade sloth dubstep bird I just hate this one this one makes no sense for door the solution open up Photoshop and start a five-minute timer consume an entire G fuel pack at home for maximum energy output and make the new pokemon forms ourselves Cass form with the gun Charizard spear that wood has my attention okay I've seen like three people in a row say Wooper fire type cuz he's hot I was like a hot Wooper whoa it's over I already got it done going to walk three two one go alright the time has started gravely local why is this such a low cool you know what we're doing it we're doing it low quality loads at the lowest fidelity low dead that could exist I'm sorry we just got a decapitated best you've got to have like like there we go okay so like a little bit of a cleft chin going on to star look like soda pop in ski you guys ever seen like a scorpion ill yeah I don't like it ah perfect the low Ted the compressed the low dead with no brim copy right oh let's go I don't think there's a better image on the internet that could have popped up I love it oh no it just helps some reach the top level of the fridge a little bit easier you know what I mean he's gone what do these even do antenna you get better reception no one's used normal TV in so long Charizard you're a 90s Pokemon you're behind the times all right what's a manly man man notes there there we go there we Daniel I don't hate many things but I hate this I'm honored that that that is quite the chat message uh what's the next step I think totes you've heard of lotad how about low Chad if you make fanner of low Chad please manually reduce the quality of your art you have to put it into Photoshop and shrink it and then expand it again take care of this little hump it stops oh oh no oh you doesn't have an order line I lineup environment anymore okay okay laughter do his arm Gallo has been a little bit skinnier um now I have to spend to squeeze it in nine seconds what no imagine if I was bad with this program I couldn't I couldn't I was actually a trick question this is a rug in a woofer hole did you know there's been as fire and rock type now that's the man this Wooper has musk and it's done all right I'm starting to lose my mind chat I'm not sure if you picked up on it I'm starting to lose my mind so I just take this duplicate the yay whoa I can't go I can't go that high up I can't go out I have God yeah very good there we go nothing now it's a little bit more decent we did some quick like like for kids censoring wrote rotom girl form of god so this is this is Chuck chart char spear here's our Chara point on his hands yeah as J mode you could have born from the void able to censor anime girl thighs I think that's a good special power for a firesteel type with his left hand he can control the TV ratings for immature scenes in anime sharra shark okay sharp is art sharp is art excellent next GUI ji close but not not a Pokemon close though I see where your brain is connecting the two dots I'll do it like is it stupid I'll do this is incredibly stupid a man's got no belt a man doesn't have a single belt to speak of and someone in my live chat has suggested made a single important cleric clarifying suggestion turn Milotic into a belt first time in the photo shopping doc can I get like I'm scared just searching body pillow we have a snow what is this image does the image is brought to you by snuggle Pedic ultra-luxury bamboo shredded memory foam full size body pillow with cool spelled with a k - flow breathable cooling hypoallergenic pillow outer fabric and you'll never believe it fits 20 times and covers how do I get this image playing a video you guys want to watch the video on snuggle Pedic tell my FaceCam for this it'll be like a live reaction this is a this is like a Nintendo Direct we're with dr. Rick you want to be able to wrap your legs around the body pillow this is not going driving you're late oh my goodness she's getting into it with the same important one of the doctors in the room come on have some class would allow your hip like a live demo patience Lee starts now going in right here read about it still allows you to use your own pillow if you want for your head well all people smart design a little higher and we're able to do something that no other manufacturer has even decided they would even offer let alone are offering at this time this body pillow is going to support it as everybody thought of making a pillow well for many years to come we've all been sleeping on rocks for the last two centuries finally someone had the goal the nerve the thought process to make a soft body pillow Godspeed we have to turn an entire Pokemon into a belt in a humane way and this time we're not like like you know do what actual companies would do it like skin is Emma or something that's gross that's inhumane that's cool instead we're going to morph their body and break their bones until they fit around the loop first thing we need to work on is absolutely eradicating guard wars body and I realized what I was saying halfway through that and I'm like you know what I'll just finish the sentence at this point you know I've said worse more importantly we need to divide the guard Warren has huge liquify the biggest liquify money can buy make it a good content to wear that'll have to do it I don't want to see under that dress grace and the finesse of a surgeon who would be fired from their job all this it would be probably more efficient to use the color picker and you know they like the magic wand tool to you people you clever people I say shut up allow me to be dumb on my own line of spirits trying to one-up me mods ban anyone who tries to one-up me a jet please you're at a goldfish you know how the motto is like the snack that smiles back we're gonna be doing that with a belt the belt smiles back if you have an issue with that I don't know run works for a lot of people there we go I'm to racing the wrong thing ah alright they clarified with this body pillow they clarify that there needs to be enough head room ah it's just a pigtail BAM okay good it's perfect you ever just like look like someone or like approaching you the wrong way it has built-in water gun if you get too close it'll tail slap you yeah it's like a girl with a really long ponytail if you just turn around too fast the patil just backhands you except the tail is also like you know two feet long and like made of iron bail tonic where you would bail time I mean the dress has clearly been torn in in in a few different ways I don't think the the fusion process went seamlessly as the doctors would say on the transcripts know it now we have guard your carnal desires that's the Pokemon that's her name that's the whole name anyway every single time I do you want his ding screams give him a gun give him a gun whoo magic I was like oh oh five minutes to turn him into a gun start go filter liquify we need no no no no no no no don't liquefy yet we need to prioritize details it's Finn also unneeded take it off I don't care take it off I said Photoshop it's like he needs it to live I'm like he needs it to die I know that graphically doesn't make sense I don't care I'm under a time constraint we're good we're working on the fly we're working on the fly yugioh card maker gone of the carp spell card equippable union circulation uh blood set ID na creator boat year now generate yes gun of the carp couldn't engine but froggy chair Treecko has a tree Torchic the rubber chicken wait a second I'll play your sick twisted game here we go a little bit more vibe too you know that we could hang out too okay with a hint of trouble lurking in the background yeah Torchic now what does this look like a twitch emote I love it I always eat one or two of these that I actually put like some genuine focus into just to make it like a look good haters would say it looks fake [Music] guy loves dreaming that works right that works and there we go now it's heart now it's a note see they're all dressed up all sharpen lights who wouldn't take Vista prom you know what I'm saying ten percent charm ninety percent screaming I think that's better than most your odds I mean as Jett desires there's only one thing to do we must give it a gun like one of those stupid memes trust nobody not even yourself alright oh it's perfect once again I've done it I have saved Pokemon we did it everybody we saved Game Freak just in time for their brand-new release of the DLC round of applause everybody rounded applause please clap for me God please that's what we love to see Game Freak sended send the sentence in the venmo sudden the venmo right now you are know the details twice as much as usual I worked hard on these thank you Phil you give me all of my irrational fears now that's that's the kind of message in my live chat I love the safe it really proves I'm doing something with this channel I get to resonate within people's heads whether for the good or the bad whether it's a nice nostalgic memory of watching you when you're younger means stilling fear is crippling fears into you that will care you carry with you until your old age glad I leave something in your heart and I have pickups help me well if anything that you just saw today didn't scare them out of you I think it's a hopeless cause friend you're gonna have them till you die
Channel: Failboat
Views: 362,059
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Failboat, Pokemon, Isle of Armor, Pokemon Isle of Armor, Sword, Shield, live, Photoshop
Id: 0mkHckVFm0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 20 2020
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