MY SWEET BABY EYES! | Reddit 50/50

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They truly are a secret society, finding their way into everything with only fans noticing

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/iBowl125 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 10 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PokemaniacNora πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 09 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
this one goes out to all you babies out there okay what's up you cool baby if you're watching this big disclaimer okay all over the screen and all over me right now this is probably gonna suck shield your eyes if you're scared of this stuff but me a true big alpha Gaelic gladiator that I am have you have you seen the beard have you seen it yet coming in nicely yeah Gaelic gladiator powers I'm able to look at this okay I look at the [ __ ] so you also will there is a 50/50 chance either I will puke all over my floor and cry myself to sleep tonight or I will see lovely puppies and cats and dogs all over the place and I will have the most joyous life that I could ever possibly have but you know what it is it's time for no not laughs no not dad either we all know it buddy Jackie Jackie also I broke my life my lights are broken I didn't get it well if somebody saw this I had nightmares about it just the most horrific things walking down the street and suddenly my body burned into a million flames it was horrible I didn't like it at all so I'm back to punish my eyeballs one more time you know what life's been too good to me life's been too nice than normal I've been going along and everything's just being la-dee-da fiddle-dee-dee potato is all the time but I need some punishment I can I need some tier two four and I can't have fun without a little punishment first but first I love a message from our sponsors have you guys heard about coca-cola zero sugar same great coke taste but now with zero sugar and now it even has a hint of added vanilla jacksepticeye it's not sponsored by coca-cola zero sugar or any of its affiliates oh goes down smooth alright limber up those eyeballs okay loosen them up it's time to get lubed up and freaked out all right back on fifty-fifty let's just go with the top ones today I'm just going to go straight to the website straight to read it okay and look at this again all right now I'm the second person to ever do this the last time I was the first person to do it now it's the second time that I'm the first person to do this type of video okay no one else it's done - right at 50/50 you can search all over YouTube but no one else has ever done them so you're welcome everybody let's look at 50/50 ladybugs not suitable for why are ladybugs not suitable for or not straight [ __ ] water the jellyfish marble is straight [ __ ] water let's see what it is oooh Jesus so the dog's mouth and a bunch of ladybugs in it oh god poor ladybugs poor dog poor me poor baby virgin eyes ah gee the first one I thought this was called Jackie Jackie but not clicking loose oh okay that wasn't that wasn't so bad okay that was not straight [ __ ] water but it wasn't that bad I don't need my anti kink connector protectors just yet the GOG Lutz all right Pat start bat start okay let me just lube up my eyes Ian okay okay I'm ready I'm ready now there's Vaseline all over my eyes and I can't see anything I'm just gonna scroll through happy little [ __ ] straight [ __ ] water or dead little fox not straight [ __ ] litres of water okay okay come on come on that Irish look come on potato gods give it to me oh I don't want to see the poor baby dead Fox oh [ __ ] me man let's just straight up roadkill I don't want to see that no otherwise eat up get the [ __ ] out of here oh my poor little baby eyes okay I'm gonna have to get a layer of protection on right now these are my old glasses and haven't worn them in a while so they're covered in dust so I'm hoping that that's gonna like block things out especially the haters sorry I couldn't see you there over the sound of how little I [ __ ] care about you a normal donut straight [ __ ] water or a donut filled with solid straight [ __ ] water all of these are straight [ __ ] water this might not be too bad you I mean it's not bad it looks worse than it actually is it's just a donut with salad on it covered in mayonnaise like technically that's it well technically a lot of things are but you know I'd give it a taste I wouldn't I have the worst gag reflex in the world if I even go near that and smell it I just make me sick just thinking about it we should just call this series risky click of the day because you've no idea what's gonna happen hey I woke up in a great mood jolly old good old Jack you know why cuz it's the same great coke taste and here whose sugar coke [ __ ] sponsor me even though I'm basically advertising the product without being sponsored so why would they pay me to do it when I'm already doing it for free no sense you know what I'm [ __ ] damn good at it give me my free coke zeros maybe even a charity one if you send orange or [ __ ] mango Coke Zero to my house you're gonna be on this website oh this is a this is a big risky one minecraft letsplay or tortured and skinned alive Oh get ready for they get ready to hit the back button on this one oh [ __ ] no I'm sorry I'm sorry that you have to see this I'm sorry that there's no filter between me and you the audience you guys are [ __ ] fine everyone at home Gordon what did they see what what was it I didn't see it at all yeah good keep it that way little Cindy okay you don't want to see this [ __ ] there's a reason that it this is not not suitable for this is not suitable for any living being on the entire planet what was that abbreviate to but Robyn tonight we're in this hey subjection to this gimme can we get some PMA's in the chat for Robyn you know for editing these having no filter has to see this [ __ ] just align with the rest of us well it's okay because if he gets the same great coke taste as your sugar but make all your problems go away you know what as a teenager I've seen much worse when you're in school and smartphones were going around for the first time and everyone's sharing all this gory [ __ ] at that time I was like that's horrible and I'm gonna go cry into a sock bullet at the same time you just get up the next day you're like [ __ ] it I'm a teenager I have no problems but now I'm almost a 30 year old man you know what I I'm a dad now I just want to sit here and have fun and you know play my Mario's and be an aspiring YouTube but no I have to sit here look at this [ __ ] voluntarily ha ha jokes I need a second layer I need I need I need more ok oh god it's like being in a [ __ ] fish tank alright let's see Michael Jackson parachuting off the Eiffel Tower a woman getting hit by a train wait did Michael Jackson ever parachute off the Eiffel Tower because I could just be getting jebaited right now like straight off straight off the back oh oh oh oh no oh no oh no oh no oh baby Jesus sitting in a crib didn't just get hit by a train or pulverized by a train why why am I looking at this why me why Gaber God's Irish potato gods come down and help me where's the pot of gold the goggles they did nothing all they did was zoomed it in further so I had to see it and it's like one of those things that like as soon as it starts I knew it was gonna be the bad one because there was no Eiffel Tower in sight but I had to see it my brain was just like hey oder what's going on behind this door and then you look in and it's just your worst nightmare like oh cool I'm just never going to sleep again let me so much that the same Graco taste as your shoulder can get really hey I'm fine now you know what I suck at this now oh this one's me Jackie Jackie alright I'm in a void but now I'm sucking a big old lady bug off a dog's mouth oh I need to get better at this okay okay put up the legs all right there yeah whoa okay four lines that's how many I'm getting this time that's how good I know I am because I don't need three lights all right I need four I know he's suck gourmet cheesecake suitable for work or straight [ __ ] water I love cheesecake I want cheesecake right now or magus maggot Mouse Magee first of all [ __ ] you second of all who puts this [ __ ] on the Internet I know I'm here looking at it I'm just as guilty and just as stupid for doing so but who puts this of onion who of course this [ __ ] and then goes yeah that's good no no no no hey everybody home hey hey hey you yeah if you think about uploading salacious [ __ ] all right stop I'm the antique ink connector protector police all right [ __ ] stop it I just want my safe space I just want an internet that has no problems I want an Internet that never argues with each other doesn't have any opinions and no politics exist anywhere I can see my own eyeballs inside these glasses in the reflections that's freaking me out it looks like a big giant that's my life gone [ __ ] guide damn it coca-cola gods save me oh that's the same great coke tasting zero sugar now with a hint of added vanilla jacksepticeye it's not sponsored by coca-cola zero sugar or any of its affiliates but I should be alright three lights left a honeycomb straight [ __ ] water or a foot with wasps I want this to be straight [ __ ] water why how how is that possible who doesn't [ __ ] wash themselves or wash their feet how'd you get a beehive wasp I've inside your foot that has me fake right is it let's fake the real oh I don't like that oh that may be an offset II and my tummy's no I came back from the grave for this alright I came back to deal out like a [ __ ] magician just the best top-tier quality YouTube content from a real gladiator from the Gaelic land of the Shamrock iron and this is how I'm repaid okay you know what voluntarily got myself into this alright so smack in my own hand for that no no bad boy okay so there's a My Little Pony straight [ __ ] water or there's a My Little Pony not straight [ __ ] water so we're gonna have to see which one this is this could be real bad alright alright alright give me yay that's good it's just about wait now get it out of here copyright I'm gonna get [ __ ] sued by the my little my little pussy's so necessary bad boy Carl but you know what that means it's still Jackie Jackie time that's good that's good that's what I thought there's a really high ratio of [ __ ] up verses being the best of all time in this episode and I don't like it I can't see a goddamn thing how dare you stand where he stood a rare kangaroo baby oh I really want to see your kangaroo baby because I really don't want to see a stomach Swan with parasitic worms no oh is it a little more soupy Oh oh that's adorable you don't have parasitic stomach worms do you well if you do I don't I can't see them so that's still great that's still straight [ __ ] water hey guys another one for me put it in the board where's my score Murray offset balance of how much I'm losing but there's no offset of how much I'm winning Oh now this one's good nine-year-old spills cordial on or cordial on a Gucci coat cordial is like the stuff that you dilute with water straight [ __ ] water or a very dislocated ankle now this blurry thumbnail so hello uh science tip here for you guys welcome to the jacksepticeye pro tip our the thumbnails are always blurry anyway it's cuz it's to try to trick you in to clicking on it so I can't see what this is it's the [ __ ] [ __ ] up ankle oh Jesus okay put on without the glasses Fred I can still see it now it's just darker [ __ ] and it zoomed in I don't like that whoo there was a dislocated ankle it was just like there was a hole in his foot and the testicle was coming out of it carry me home if one life left I have one life left we're good we're just gonna I'm just going to go through it and click whatever I'm scrolling up and down I can't even see it let me scroll you up and down till you say stop okay so this is the last one the last one I'm doing this one is for all the beans in the jelly bag so this is cat pouring straight [ __ ] water come on cat pouring pouring we need this we need this for the lads or a bleed bruised from foot stair bleed bruised from foot sir that's something horrible English maybe that's maybe that's why it's not straight [ __ ] water okay let's see come on Jackie come on Jackie Jackie that's not that bad that's actually okay we still can't show it though the sensors I can hear them they're calling me up right now Susie we're disky I just let me show the blood no okay yeah that's fair actually yeah can you keep my comments on I really want my comments to stay on I know yellow icons if I see a yellow icon and you're getting pulled for Christmas but technically I lost today guys I lost the 50-50 the toggles they don't even help who makes these anyway coke you let me down yours that is the same great coke taste in zero sugar and it does have an Africa cough Hinton of added vanilla but you still didn't help you do ease the pain afterwards though it's nice and sweet my belly hurts guys I didn't like that I think a Dementor just came and sucked the soul out of me what was the second Harry Potter joke in this video wow I must be a big fan well I'm just gonna wash my eyes out with bleach and I don't even think that that will help but I hope you guys had fun I did not now there is a 50-50 chance that you people out there are gonna click this video and hit like yeah go out and do it yeah you better [ __ ] do it or gonna come to your house and I'm gonna show you all the [ __ ] no same great coke taste is zero sugar for you or remember go out there and stay straight [ __ ] water thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it's hotter than a banana inside its own skin in here
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 2,435,020
Rating: 4.9567013 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, reddit, reddit 50 50, 50 50, fifty fifty, reddit 50/50, funny, funny reddit, reddit challenge, challenge, challenge video, reddit 50/50 jacksepticeye, jacksepticeye reddit, memes
Id: rT-0B9Jcvus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2019
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