Biggest Jumpscare Of My Life | 3 Scary Games

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[Music] let me ask you something the deep ocean sitting out in the water in the Atlantic Ocean in the middle of it just you alone Treading Water scary huh cold Abyss look I love subnotica because that game is awesome so I want more underwater horror games and that's what this one is hey good good morning uh sorry for making come out here this early those cables are becoming a real problem we sent a guy down there to fix them a couple days ago but we haven't heard from him all right the subtitles in Japanese wor about probably justu just remember to keep an eye on your oxygen level and refill your tanks on time okay be ashamed if we lost paid back the cost of your training anyway there's uh there's 10 cables that need fixing and the elevator won't let you in before you fix them all so make sure you don't forget any other than that just relax right take it easy see this has a little vacation down there with you you don't need to think about anything out I'm sure you'll be well [Music] any excuse [Music] me cool I got about half of that there's 10 cables I need to fix the whole point of this game is that we're fixing fiber optic cables at the bottom of the ocean there I am John Abyss he said to treat this like like a vacation you have some awful ideas for vacation you don't need to think about anything down here except oh oh oh okay so what do I what do I use on anything oxygen refilled well that's good isn't it why am I hearing voices okay this is a cable whoa what is [Music] that okay is that a telescope or a World War II turret are we defending Normandy or something down at the bottom of the ocean what are we defending ourselves from actually I don't don't think I want the answer to that okay let's just keep going oh my God I have to go over the edge really not a fan of that these are miles away I hate this wait did I lose track of it is that the same one I was following oh my God please swim faster please tell me there's more stuff I hear it whoa okay I don't have much oxygen is this oxygen can I fly through it I'm not going to be able to remember how to get back to my oxygen oh it's a giant satellite dish oxygen there can I even make this one would argue if I've used over half my oxygen to get there then I don't have enough to get back this is awful awful video game awful by which I mean incredible but also awful oh my God it's around the other side of it too [ __ ] hell I have no idea what I got down to I have to repair 10 of these [ __ ] things oh there's more oxygen further away what is this the just the platform I was on okay I'm starting to understand the reader now it's saying like go down oh and then it's very finicky it's very picky about which direction to be going who why is there just like a giant h human bridge wonder what's going on down here like why all these structures I wonder what collapsed that satellite dish is this the one that's near oxygen nope wait what where the [ __ ] is that cable I don't know I'm so lost okay there's oxygen this way I need oxygen what was that W huge satellite dishes what oxygen at 24 I thought the Satellite Dish like fell from the surface but I guess not okay there's a cable up and now it's down so it's on this level somewhere I couldn't see it though I could hear the voices obviously oh man what else is going to be down here with me what if we found something we weren't supposed to go up go down oh there it is well that's a different one I did not realize that that's what I was doing all this time dude we have the Greeks down here the Roman Empire what's happening the lost city of [Music] Atlantis wait I was near something base oh like where I started okay okay is it just me or did that cable look like it was alive you know what I mean it looked like it had flesh it could just be the inner wirings and that's how you chose to show that but it felt like it had flesh and that's why I could hear stuff and then I sealed it back up that's really creepy like obviously I'm getting very strong iron lung vibes from this but also just any lovecraftian sort of vibe all right should be hearing it any second there it is I think it said there was oxygen nearby as well that's oxygen [Music] that or it's like an internet cable and that's your way of representing the flow of traffic across the internet but it's really creepy to come across that and hear voices under the ocean oh man I can't see anything also why was my flashlight on the like bed of the ocean why didn't I bring a flashlight with me whoa Mega [Music] structures oh it's way up oh you you guys ever heard of megalophobia where you're like scared of giant things cuz that's kind of what this feels like like the underwater is just all one big place in our brains at least in my brain but this type of stuff like Mega structures and I have that when I think about like if I ever see Earth from space I'm sure Earth is beautiful from space I'm sure the people that go out always have nice things to say about it and it's like wow we really are just a tiny Speck in the middle of this vast Cosmos and everything that's happening down there really doesn't matter and I've heard people have like religious experiences that way but to me I can't go into space and look back at Earth like that I will freak the [ __ ] out why am I not it's not finding anything else this is another one of those games like iron long where now I want to see the map without without any water or anything around it okay just keep following this way how many did it say I had repaired [Music] five this is really cool I don't know what I would hate more being down in the ocean like this or being in space both are pretty damn scary this is just pure black how far up am I I'm pretty [ __ ] far up but so is this cable what's my oxygen on 40 God damn okay I see something what is that [Music] this just a giant rock whoa whoa I got really turned around I don't see the thing oh there it is oh my God I need to get the oxygen quick after [Music] this 23 oxygen oh crap can I even make it to this yeah I can easy no worries at all I wish I could look around a bit more though I feel like I'm being like pressed for time constantly that's this satellite dish again I am not at all where I thought I was O 20 that's it okay thank God there's more than one little oxygen place around this I would have hated if I had to go out get oxygen and come back to that one spot every [Music] time okay cable there's another cable closer yeah says that it's down oh is there a cave here that's kind of freaking me out actually the [ __ ] was that did you hear that I don't know if that was the music or not I heard like a ow oh yeah there is a hole please stop do not enter unless trained there is nothing in here Worth Dying For oh yeah oh my God I'm in bowels oh this place sucks this place sucks this place sucks oh oh my God what way am I facing Jesus I don't know if that's me or the game doing it where I completely lose all sense of what direction I'm facing I know how to get out but I'm trying to see if there's other stuff down down here no oh oh it probably stinks down here but you can't smell it cuz you're under water uh-oh is this how I get out uh-oh ah I wasn't worried for a second I was very worried for a second also I really expected to like be more paranoid I hope I see something before this is over okay we're back at the bridge I really is my base like that way I'm really turned around NOP my base is to the left clearly I have no idea where I'm going wait I was going towards oxygen where the [ __ ] is that oxygen [Music] uh-oh well time to go back to base cuz I have loads of oxygen I'll go back to base cuz I don't know where I was going maybe it was the base oxygen that I was heading towards there it is the beautiful blue it's also interesting that with the c cable cut open that you can hear like voices Escape it but then when the cable's closed it stops these are some big ass structures we built these what are they attached to though maybe they're just supports for the elevator I I can't afford this I I need to go I need to find out what I'm doing okay where's that cable this way oh another dish feel like I was heading to this cable at the start or closer to the beginning and I just lost it here it is oh it's on a bridge or whatever this is now what should I just go back to base I thought the be was getting faster it would be so cool if there was like an extra thing on that that didn't say oxygen cable or base it said something like creature or like unknown question mark something like that I would love that okay 55 oxygen left we're fine where am I there's the beautiful [Music] blue I'm just going to attempt to get in my elevator and go back up is is that okay is that allowed all cables have been repaired authorization to use elevator has been granted the end you did well huh no no no no this is called a silk bulb test which it kind of reminds me of some of the other games I've played before like Watson gotot test Mandela catalog kind of Vibes I think I have to like test something please stay seated for the duration of the test you got it whoa you prefer the color red true or false uh is that is that the top one you pressed a a is true you love red I do I like red red used to be my favorite color when I was a kid and then I grew up and realized that I don't really have a favorite color I like all colors for different reasons calibration key a a BB ABA Ababa Ababa a a b b a b a I'm incredible at this test okay this is an image of a door you're timing me false this is an image of a door false this is an image of a door false that's a baby this is an image of a door that's true God it's like skiner in oh I didn't even notice what I was looking at until just now whoa oh I don't like it oh stay there you're not going to come out of the screen are you no I choose b a moving on B moving on I don't I stop stay there what are they doing they keep falling into the floor oh today was special whoa whoa whoa this an image have a clock fall right back to the questions what the hell was that oh these are cute pictures uhhuh huh this is an image of a telephone their name could be telephone I don't know yes this is an image of a telephone no that's the true American family this is an image of a telephone Hello beep beep it's for you this is an image of a person true but you I mean I don't know what you're trying to do to me these could all not be people this is image of a person no this is an image of two people so yes it's a door and a person yes my God what is that what is that what is that what is that oh why am I moving what's going on what did you put in my milk calibrated I don't know what I'm calibrating 16 out of 16 the first 100% I ever got in my life no there's not a friend no there's something behind me I hate that no that's a picture of William defo no oh my God oh my God oh my God this is a picture of a stranger yes I didn't even realize it changed all strangers all dangers all the time yes what's wrong with their heads my God there's something in the room with me do you trust them absolutely not there's something moving over there while they left now no I don't trust anybody you ate breakfast this morning yes you ate alone false you'd rather have eaten alone false you fear being alone true if I'm alone than video game but also no friend equals sadness you feel guilty when you're alone I don't think I should be answering these truthfully cuz I don't but I'll say yes for the character cuz I want you to do spooky things you feel alone in a crowd sometimes you are alone we're all alone we're born alone and we die alone actually we're not not born alone time will wash you away time is the enemy time will 100% wash every single one of us away ni we invent time machines or immortality both of which sound kind of scary then don't look behind you true oh my God Ababa I like that sound of those buttons what just happened what is that has that always been there what is that thing oh oh who is that sir do you want to answer some questions oh calibration calibration where's the thing I don't have to time it makes sounds when I look down what's he doing [ __ ] eating a Subway sandwich over there what are you don't look down hey don't do it it's like rustling rappers in church oh my God what is it oh man is it cuz is he getting closer every single time and I messed it up by [ __ ] around and joking fine I can do it this time I got you buo you're not getting anywhere near me no don't you [ __ ] dare you [ __ ] dare calibration failure please reset restart test I didn't fail I didn't fail I did it I did it no this application has encountered an error please please it's check vitals if it is no longer responding to quit an application press control to gain composure press control [Music] oh where am I oh what is that thing me up at 4:00 a.m. looking for [ __ ] beans wake up [ __ ] hello today was special absolutely not today was so special no calibration complete thank you for your [Music] participation again oh I did it question mark what did I learn not much about myself what did I learn about the system it's out to get me it's trying to kill me at every turn that was very very fun it seems like that's all there is I've clicked on other ones and it seems like that that's the end of the game so this one went off the cliff that's intense right in wolf games chill out I haven't even started yet what's Jimmy doing there in the front it looks like the thing in portrait of God that I was watching okay press your left Mouse button to interact you might not have any per any of performance issues but if you do high quality is recommended be aware of your surroundings he's always watching you why are people always watching me huh why is this real it can't be I thought I woke up but this isn't my room oh this looks like PT immediately have you ever had those moments everyone's always like pinch yourself in a dream it'll wake you up it doesn't I had a dream when I was like 12 years old that I wanton a bunch of money I found it in a hole in the field out the back of my house and I was like is this real and I pinched myself and I didn't wake up doesn't work stupid maybe somebody else has to pinch you or something I don't know a squeak oh nice house very nice nice vase be ashamed of someone pissed in it this is PT we're just going through kima's mind again okay everything's the same so far piss pot what's up where the hell am I somewhere inside the deepest depths of a Japanese man's mind and his name is small island which is what Kojima stands for ooh different hallway daring today aren't we spicing it up a little doors I've never been afraid of my door door in my something happened to my brain today I've never been afraid of a door in my life that's what I wanted to say that's what I actually said have no one tell you any different no my piss pot I filled it too much with my sweet fluid do you know the person behind you Evelyn's in the room behind me there's no one behind me so no I don't know anyone behind [Music] me my God Jesus Christ that really got me holy [ __ ] all right I'll give it to you game who's that behind you ha surprise it was in front of you idiot turny turny [Music] squeaky oh well there's just another one I'll find it I'll deduce my way out of this hellscape I am the greatest detective this world has seen are you lifting back there are you raising you better [Music] be there are times when all I can think about is murdering someone you okay are you doing okay like you you need a you need a mint or a therapy I want somebody to take that out of context to use this as a sound on Tik Tok there are times when all I can think about is murdering [Laughter] someone you know what Fair me too sometimes I think about murdering people as well sometimes some people deserve it there there's your there's your sound bite the male had made his way through the hallways where he had found some valves that he would turn to get himself out of danger but he was turning them way too often and forgot about everything else that was going on don't do it again don't scare me the way you did the last time I just [ __ ] hate it I hate it I hate it I told you not to do it and you did it anyway why are you doing this to me why would you do this to me why moving on any hi I thought you were someone who was going to scare me but it turns out you're just a perfectly normal person thank [Music] you what's down this dark hallway though who's waiting for me down here the game is called The Lost fear where have I lost it and will I be able to find [Music] it what is that just get out of here it's like a bar Le from halflife except way worse okay okay fair I didn't I didn't know you were like that you're at the end of the hall again you're just waiting for me I'm not falling for it again John standing there naked I'm the one who's afraid I'm not falling for it you can't scare me if I just stay here can you do it again I dare you do it again I dare you I double dare you I double dog dare you you're looky this chair is in the way or you about to catch hands I'm going to turn around now but don't do anything behind my back you're doing stuff behind my back aren't you I'm going to go around this corner John going to go through this door John prank him John rude wanted to go through the door but instead you're just making me walk an endless amount of hallways that's fine I deserve it probably I thought I was a good person but apparently not apparently I deserve horror and misery Tick Tock John the Clock IT tolls for thee it's time to quit your [ __ ] and grow up can I open this door can I just get in the clock can I just end it all here I'm going to crawl into the clock and become a clock man I'm going to stay there for the rest of my life until my days are numbered like the clock itself birds fly north in summer East in Spring West in fall and South in Winter don't people say birds fly south for the winter cuz it's colder where they are so they go south to where it's warmer what what either way I'm not a [ __ ] bird East in Spring are are you spring West and then South okay okay thank you thanks John nice house you got what's the square footage on this bad boy it's got narrow hallways but they're [ __ ] long are you shake rattling rolling down here John Jonathan jonath I can't see you make yourself known jiggle around a little shake it ooh the Red Room the last game asked if my favorite thing was red and now it [Music] is I'm going to have to introduce you guys to WD40 or some sort of oil uhoh therapy Circle I'm not have to face my emotions I don't think I'm ready don't think I'm equipped oh what's the shiny on the ground a key a key to happiness or a door I can Sprint jonath never mind never mind I'm moving on nice house ooh green Walls oh John John you can't be doing this to me you can't just be coming through a door like that you can't just there's got to be buildup John you can't just [ __ ] naked flailing around like that God Almighty stop it sprinting sprinting running [ __ ] chairs however will I get over these chairs oh John I didn't know you lived in a hospital John these are quite nice John John I'm looking at them again for the first time John what does this say is it weird that I like the sound of screaming yes yes that is an immediate red flag go seek help and for the love of God don't Gaslight someone into falling in love with you cuz all you're doing is bringing your problems on to them John Johnny NY man are you out there John oh John oh this is where they film the [ __ ] scenes from Saw hello John I'd like to play a game for years you've been jerking off thinking no one has watched you but everyone has seen the fruits of your labor now you must jerk off in 1 minute or face the blades that's what it sounds like I should find something to break these planks okay you got it a crowbar maybe probably be the most useful or a hammer just an empty room chill on what are you doing hello is this my surprise birthday party John are you all going to jump out and yell surprise I guess not would have been cool if you did though would have would have made me feel loved oh I found what broke it it turns out it's trauma well this is discomforting is that where I lost my fear is it in the black abyss below I John hold on hold on I'm hearing the sounds of the Damned oh you're pretty give us a kiss oh no tongue first date I didn't lose my fear in there I [Laughter] tried I tried to wake up I see but now I'm one of them what a weird chest mouth person soon you'll be too you'll float too you'll float too oh we're back Jesus chill out can we all just go to the store pick up a bunch of chill pills my name is Vasco Roa Roa I'm 13 and this is a game I made in 2 weeks guys what are we doing a 13y old made this in 2 weeks subscribe to my YouTube channel what is your YouTube channel death in progress you make other games as well you're 13 and you're making horror games dude I'm about to be 34 and I still don't know what I'm doing I have no idea what I'm doing with my life I just wake up I eat I play some games and then I go to bed and then I do it all over again feels really weird anyway those were three scary games you have practiced your fight or flight turns out it's all flight all the time and a little bit of [ __ ] but that's okay you're only human
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 1,781,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye
Id: Jme8W5uJgpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 31sec (2611 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2023
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