Google Maps Has A DARK SECRET | 3 Scary Games

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thank you [Music] welcome everybody to the shadow over route 80. we're out in the cornfield looking at the gas station the music swirls in the background feel a chill go down your back you're not quite sure why are you killing or are you the killee we're about to find out easy guess me after Pizza whoa hello I should probably clean up a little place looks pretty damn spotless to me if you ask which I know you didn't okay check out the whole place first dang that's a nice kitchen these games and having people work at the night shift all the people really work in night shifts in places like this all alone without anyone to help you like I I'm pretty sure the place is dead and not a single person's coming in but this seems bad for your mental health I get it you got to pay rent you got to pay the electric bill you got to pay your internet bill you got to pay for Netflix there's a lot of things to pay for these days I know you got to make your money however you can I respect that but also I would not be okay with doing this job what am I cleaning oh God someone's sicked and or pissed all over the place how did you miss the cop hey don't matter he still paid for it I think that's everything God I thought the place was spotless turns out it was filthier than I ever thought possible ah Welcome to our store you now have tinnitus bring it in my brain sounds like someone in an operating room okay can I put this back dirty filthy mop huh that sounded like a boat don't come in here and fog horn at me hold on I have to go death for a second like a a bomb just went off next to me it's empty and there's blood all over the seas hold on I gotta get a sick thumbnail this looks so atmospheric nice okay let's figure out what happened to you are you there's no one in here is that blood what the hell I gotta get back inside [Music] is that somebody oh it's a motorbike it's probably mine how I got to work I am uncomfortable God damn this whole place is falling apart close these doors because I don't want anyone sneaking out on me hello your armor Dr Love [Applause] [Music] great I went death going through the door and I went deaf on the phone whoa whoa holy moly I was kind of okay when I thought it was just going to be some dude with a knife coming out of his car to kill me in my job I was kind of like half okay with that but a giant lanky demon dude now you are absolutely taking the piss okay at least he's not sneaking up on me again what's that yeah gotcha I'll catch you so anyone gonna pay for that petrol or what or is it diesel It's a petrol there's a diesel yeah yeah that oh smart decision yeah hey we're already working the night shift in a place where people actively and regularly get murdered so yeah why not go out the door that the demon went follow the blood trail why not live a little it's Friday night all your friends are out partying you might as well go out into the cornfield and die oh merciful Jesus born to the left of me corn to the right here I am stuck in the middle and dumb it makes it really hard to see in games like this whenever lights blasting in my face oh God a deer skull or a moose that is not the pertinent information you need to be picking out of this the fact that there's a pentagram and what I can only imagine is the smash logo in this I'm joining smash they said there'd be no more characters after Sora but wait am I supposed to go out here this is so dumb you are so dead now are those lights or eyes that I'm looking at they only appear when I'm moving oh never mind what was that okay it's probably just possums or rats or something I don't know oh God it's a crab people I would be running quite fast my finger is melted into the shift key and you are not moving any faster and It's upsetting me violently get in get in get in get in get in and close and get in and just oh come on well you're gonna have to kill me now because I'm gonna get reprimanded by my manager if you don't kill me he will Cara's gone burn it burn the whole place down take the petrol or the diesel or the gas or whatever the hell you want to call it I don't care what it is as long as it's flammable take it out pour it all over the building and then burn the place to the absolute ashes of creation dude if you're gonna haunt me at least buy something [ __ ] ghosts out here not realizing that you got to make wages what's that oh it's because I picked up the human skull oh wait that is out there I want to believe get the first aid kit that'll help hey nice no one's in here oh my God oh Lord now I'm in like retail hell no this is service industry hell that's actually just my manager asking why it was five minutes late to work today and then that they're gonna lower my pay dude I'm not even on minimum wage this is unfair that was sick though that was a really slick transition oh man I kind of like the hell more this is also retail hell but it just looks less cool let's not close you very uncomfortable with it no no don't feel like it don't feel like I'm back out into the cornfield from hell foreign I'm gonna go what is this the bathrooms only had known earlier I already shipped myself twice last call yes well I actually don't know if it's the last one [Music] oh God I hate this I hate this because oh I saw someone and then I saw the three skulls oh okay okay I'm just gonna go home no no the toilet opened I'm not going back to check it nope no way no how I don't even know how to open a door I have to the doors have to open for me I'm just gonna go back I'm gonna do my job this is my zone I'm just gonna stay here everything's fine oh there was three Alters back at the thing with the other skull there was three mounts for three skulls oh I'm gonna do something stupid aren't I yep here I go being an absolute [ __ ] again how was work tonight oh you know summoned the Antichrist out of the cornfield at the back of where I hate my job yep wait a second oh there's two more skulls oh God oh so freaky wait you're just in the mirror can we like make a deal or something [Music] oh I picked up a mysterious key where does that go are you waving or pointing [Music] nice fella real nice lovely did I I don't think I encountered anything that was locked did I there's something out the back no why would there be key a key what does it unlock the bins do I have an inventory nope maybe he unlocks the secrets to my mind no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no jump jump the counter well this just sucks this just sucks oh is it a a key to one of these I picked up my motorbike keys I'm out I am out of here buddy bye don't need to be here any longer I really shouldn't go I need this job I can't get fired we are way beyond that you're worried about getting fired what about getting dyed oh the hatch sure nothing bad can be done there oh my God oh my God you guys been at this for a while dude you have the right to remain dead anything you can or say will be shot against you who needs the last skull come on out come on out I've got weaponry well I'm not afraid to use it wait my score isn't the last one is it I'm going back I'm going back to the Altar and I'm gonna shoot everybody at the at it yeah I bet you're real tough now aren't you now that I'm packing some heat fine I guess I'll find the last goal I left Hallelujah is the nightmare over oh no you escape back to the normal breathing world but every now and then something in the corner of your eye can you be sure it's over the end is that the actual end or is there a different one [Music] what's that oh the last school oh my God oh oh the altar oh my God is that a giant beam of light coming out of it the last one was in the middle of the roads no wonder I couldn't find it okay let's go let's summon a demon let's see what happens I can shoot him whoever shows up Bang Bang You're Dead I'd like to see a demon survive that that's really ominous looking really cool though what do you think's gonna happen is it demons is it aliens am I gonna get sacrificed you know what I should be your hero oh [Music] wait that's actually sick [Music] oh that's a house in the background whoa there's people whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa should I shoot or just about okay lost my chance I'll let it happen I'll allow it [Music] The Children of the Corn want doesn't do anything [Music] hi hello [Music] is that it are we all dead oh I can leave cool so I'll just I'll just leave you guys to your ritual [Music] yeah yeah you guys have fun glad I could help um if you guys want to pick up any concessions on the way out pay for like I don't know like a hundred liters worth of petrol this is a good recommendation anything that will get my boss to be happy oh good Jesus oh no oh god what have I done I have Unleashed torment upon the world and it is all my fault that everyone's gonna die across the world granting a Eternal fear and purifying fire all living things look upon crashing waves of red the end happy about that happy that I could bring about the end of the world I knew I would eventually for something that I didn't have much expectations for going in that really surprised me excellent there's a little game called map friend it's like a scary Google Maps game look at this old ass uh or Os Oles us look at this old America tip you can fly anywhere you want to wow back in the day can I click any of these things like like you whoa here you go oh my God this is what it was like back in the day you guys have no idea did you know click on the location to go there exploring is fun with map friend okay looks like you're writing a letter did you know to go back to the map view click on me yay okay nice what is that I don't like how that finger is doing that hey Gucci coo are you feeling ticklish Gucci oh we can move okay yeah let's go over here was it really just a tree are you kidding me I thought it was like a cave entrance my God this is ugly I've I know I haven't been outside in a while but I know it looks better than this drag my friend onto the map to get an up close look yeah I already did that thank you okay what am I looking for I have a feeling we're gonna find like a body or something like that like a massacre I zoom out all these buttons they don't do anything wait there's something down here [Music] oh Willow Beach is located on the shores of West Water the closest town is westwater Township as of the 2004 census its population was 567 and contained 280 housing units the town is most known for the infamous Petersburg airstrip where the where they what were the what where the masked man killed hundreds 567 people and I thought where I grew up was small I grew up in a town of 600. so this is even smaller than that oh did you know you found an explore orb pick it up before it gets away ah look at me go thank you wait let's go back into map view because I oh is this the one that's the one I just went to hold on I didn't even get this one [Music] way we go learning with the Internet is fun ah westwater View did you know my friend Autumn magically gathers facts about locations stealing my information was Waterview is a parking spot that provides camping amenities to visitors of Lake westwater camping amenities are limited but the day fee is very cheap at just three dollars per day why is this one complete but the other one isn't okay and then the last one should be in the woods hold on I gotta drag my little body in here let's go map friend wait I didn't get an orb for the last one but that I just miss it coming out mad friend finds the best most up-to-date info about your favorite locations thank you thank you why did I have to click that so much Josh nature definite top 10 forests in Illinois state uh five Willow Forest I put this relatively unknown forest and number five Willow Forest is actually really beautiful in Spring it's not super big but it's worth the Excursion especially the views on westwater Lake are great from here I go with my family every now and then so to be sure so be sure to let me know if you're going oh daddy great you found another Explorer orb thank you map friend I feel like we're becoming the best of friends out in the middle of the water [Music] oh I like the way it loads in because anything could be in frame [Music] whoa it's at the water is too far away something no info on this location maybe something is wrong I think we're looking for somewhere else location missing wait can I copy this hey you found another Explorer orb search for new places [Music] cool wait I I can search I I just typed anything and that came up shots oh Lord that's ugly where are we flying to now I'll tell you Map Buddy don't you worry about it let's go to the road first nothing bad can ever happen there nothing bad it ever happened on a road where's the location icon here we go not a lot of data are you sure you're looking right won't you tell me I know what I'm doing I'm a child of the internet age not really didn't get as low as 17 but the insect runs between North Africa bordered by the Mediterranean Sea and the North and West Africa bordered by the Atlantic Ocean in the South a large part of it runs through Algeria the project was proposed in 1963 with construction started in the 1970s due to the high cost of uh Paving the way in the deserts eventually abandoned in 1972. hmm grab it grab it grab it it's going to get away great job you found an Explorer thank you thank you should we travel I kind of like doing this it seems horribly inefficient though considering you can just click on the map why are the locations missing sorry my friend can't find the location I'm just a co-pilot great you found an explore orb why can't you find it what are you hiding from me what does the government not want me to know a patch of dirt or is it like a crash site for something I'm gonna fight aliens that would be cool tip tip tip tip okay this one this from a top-down view this looks like Mars it's just sand where are we Map Buddy I didn't even get a chance to see that foreign do I have to keep clicking it to see it according to Western Aviary reports of crashes are very rare in fact the fatality record has been solo compared to Lola's later statement we're very concerned about the recent hold on accident to ensure our customers that so an accident happened and you're trying to cover it up um okay where are we going next uh let me just see I'll type in whatever I want top of my head yeah North 104 degrees uh yeah oh plane crash the Crosswinds were steady at 20 knots now it's 30 knots you couldn't have known captain dude that's freaky whoa [Music] it's just a plane crash it should have been you what [Music] what it should have been me I don't even know how to fly a plane or that location oh it's based on a real thing an amateur MH370 sleuth that was the Malaysian Airlines flight that went missing has confirmed he revisit our purported crash that he spotted on Google Maps this is it and the Cambodian jungle dude that's crazy oh my God this is an actual thing what that's so crazy so in the Cambodian jungle there's actually a plane on Google Maps right now that is wild that's actually like just there now whoa you just go to this one pumi crotch so what's the deal is that still there I need answers to this I can't seem to find any information please let me know in the comments if that is a real thing I'm so confused now I just want to find creepy things in Google Maps whoa a shipwreck in India let's go there oh every year thousands of people go missing along the United States forests and roadways some disappearing Without a Trace neither them or their remains ever being found oh okay am I gonna be one of them am I about to go missing South Indiana here we are folks we're playing a game called night stop I'm liking this only an hour more to go hey how's it going gas gauge it's getting kind of low I guess we gotta stop at a gas station should finally be escaping all this damn I didn't read the rest playing drive by Cree nice excellent slow down there Hotshot [Music] one of these days this bridge is going to fall and kill me let's not get too optimistic here buddy am I gonna stop at easy gas and then I'm gonna find the person from the first game and they're gonna be uh being attacked by demons where's the radio freaking out oh nice nice soda I am stopping at a gas station huh that's weird I don't remember there being a gas station here keep driving keep going if it wasn't there before it shouldn't be here now oh and you're pulled in 36 Mart where's the first 35. nice music you got there Buster Brown this gas pump looks old I guess I have to pay inside sure sure is this a door oh you're at the door I know those are automatic sliding doors hey if no one is around must be in the back last stop by Cree sure I just need to find the restaurant I gotta pee so bad damn look at this big chips salty chips spicy chips that's all you really need crackers okay I don't even know if I'm allowed to say that on YouTube milk what what else do I need oh here's the restroom [Music] oh God it's exactly the same we're all gonna die but hey I gotta I really gotta pee oh Lord have I been drinking high grade plutonium [ __ ] no it's piss actually oh good God oh good God not again what is it with gas stations and Demon rituals this is why I don't have a license this is why I don't drive exactly because of this [Applause] great where do I play my VHS of death hmm whoa why does the VHS look clearer than the actual game someday we're going to get to that like movie quality is going to be much better looking than your own eyeballs oh God I'm cleaning up crap again this Manual Labor Day for me and my horror games oh wait gotta wash it off this game's going for the realism the last game was just like yeah mix it all together sure mop won't mind please tell me because this is an older time period that you're actually getting paid more and inflation has made things made you a millionaire by now that is a lot of blood now where that blood came from and what end of a human it came out of is very important information 1985 though I wasn't even born my dad 1985. I blacked out in 1985 did that really just happen did I just lose minutes days wait July 15th I don't actually didn't see the date of the last one and it's 1am of course it is it's always the night shift at the night stop blood bucket would be a sick name for a band you guys can have that one for free if any of you are making a band with your teenage friends right now call it blood bucket oh yeah now we're August 15th Bob was doing all this did I do this and I'm just cleaning up my own mess okay wait did I see something out there what it's with all the blood oh my God maybe I work here and I kill people maybe I should take a piss again Okay so I feel like I'm someone who murders people in this place and then I'm cleaning it up and I'm videotaping it as it happens [Applause] it sounded like someone drinking a soda and they're at the end of it with a straw or you know a frightening demon killing someone mine's funnier though this is how these particles suspended in the air I have asthma I shouldn't be breathing this in foreign [Music] to hell [Applause] no no I absolutely refuse wholeheartedly and assuredly [Applause] why is this just another tape or flashlight flashlight [Laughter] dude all I wanted to do was piss and fill up my car that's it that's all I wanted to do I didn't want to do any of this I just watched a tape of someone mop hey squeak it's just normal stuff back here search continues for five missing women I'm sure they're not here mm-hmm good good I'm glad the eyeball door is closed hello I watched your shirt huh I can't oh I went sideways I'm shimmying I see I've played enough God of War Ragnarok I should have known what was happening rituals um got it again hello oh no I didn't know how to deal with crying people in the best of days they're there it's all gonna be okay see all gonna be okay bye you can deal with it on your own right you can get through this you're stronger than you know live laugh love I believe in you smile always dude why are you still here am I the only one that if anything like this ever happened in real life like even if I went into this thing and I was in the rest stop the restroom and like a screw fell out of the wall and hit the ground I'd be gone I would not stay here for any of this shenanigans oh great we're crouching and shimmying piece of rebar got it ooh bold cutters why would I need bolt cutters excuse me why do I need bolt cutters it seems like the chains in the padlock on that door were there for a very specific reason why do I need bolt cutters to rename [ __ ] we should rename indie horror games to stupid decision-making games stupid decision-making simulators yikes I'll just keep going why not in for a penny in for a pound if I'm gonna die I might as well be brave about it parents didn't raise no coward oh you're done crying you don't crying in the bathroom little baby oh you were strapped in multiple dead and gas station fire hope that's not me how did you get out it tore off our limbs it swallowed our eyes to build its Twisted body that's probably how you got out no limbs sure don't mind if I open up the door oh let's see that Twisted body but see that body let's see what you're working with no I guess I got the bolt cutters for no reason don't jump out at me now maybe for this one oh good actually sensible I mean we're breaking stuff that isn't ours but oh my God oh my God oh my God okay we actually have to save someone now okay this got real okay are you okay do you still have ears can you hear me are you even alive actually you're in a freezer you're probably dead or at least cryogenically frozen are you okay now is not the time to be opening up Amazon packages [Music] the room next door is making noise again [Music] oh oh okay oh okay okay this is like when people steal packages off your porch and they're like I saw you you're moving you're moving how are you moving don't turn your back to it oh I hate you terrible terrible why are your eyes in the Box you suck I'm glad your eyes are gone that you probably suffered a lot I'm uncomfortable [Music] good Lord is there gonna be more of you like that oh good now let's open the door yeah after seeing that let's open the door now dude her eyeballs left her head and ended up in the Box you were searching as you were searching it oh Key's not for this oh goody oh that's great then oh that's great actually good decisions push my mouth I'm saying that you are a [ __ ] and that you're just gonna find death for yourself but you're actually being smart about it and just going somewhere else unless this key is for the eye door [Applause] God damn it this is not the right decision who raised you [Music] this is a terrible decision you're making terrible decisions in life you should have just pissed your pants what in seven Hells is that is that a dumpster upside down are you a dumpster baby okay okay I was that your huh look at you can I leave no no [Music] what's so funny Paul okay I'm just gonna say I don't like being in the room with the headless body great great cool great things are happening in my life can't wait to tell the kids about this oh my God take all the tapes how are you gonna scare me when you have no tapes left oh each one has a camera I'm putting Exodia together you got some arms you got some legs you got a head cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool oh wait do I actually have to make it so you're probably bottom left nope take that out okay this is gonna be really confusing okay take you out put you here oh now you're starting to look right you're starting to sound right too yeah that's it that's it oh I didn't see that oh nice is this some sort of like theater can I go did I pass the test I passed the test the door is open we are set free the demons like thanks for putting my face together thank you thank you I'm leaving bye I don't remember the eggs have been that far away but you know what I got legs I could use a walk clear my head after what I've seen heading on node okay keep walking don't look back don't look back if you look back they're going to talk to you they're going to ask you questions and then you're never going to be able to escape just keep walking if I zoom in it just looks closer you're almost there I don't know why I'm holding shift like I can walk faster because I can't I I knew I shouldn't look back I knew it I told myself not to and I did it anyway let's go oh let's go a little quicker now that is a big thing that's following me no no oh you I'm not gonna say it I lost my light that's the biggest Injustice oh there we go I just needed to get Ultra dark Advanced Darkness please be something nice at the end of this hallway I've been through enough there's so many oh no is that your sick twisted body you're sick twisted buddy oh yeah [Music] wait I can't hacksaw wait no I wanted to cut stuff off not give it to you okay okay you just went full hereditary on me cool [Applause] foreign [Music] guys life is nothing but a summer vacation oh my God sacrificed to that stupid demon in the basement it'd be no let's think about it this way never go somewhere you're not supposed to don't go unlocking doors don't go looking around if there's a key on the table just leave it there you don't need to go poking around if you see a bolt cutters and then a door with locks all over it you don't take the bolt codes and start breaking locks like you just can't help yourself like you're popping Skittles in your mouth anyway thanks for watching this hope you guys enjoyed those are some really good games this time I really enjoyed every single one of them and I hope you did too please let me know down in the comments which one was your favorite leave a like on the video and subscribe and I'll see you then
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 2,245,347
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 46sec (2926 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 18 2022
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