The Mortuary Assistant (FULL GAME)

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[Music] welcome back everyone to the mortuary assistant we did a demo of this a while back and it was extremely scary way scarier than i thought it was going to be but now the full game is finally released and we can get in and start our new shift and take care of dead bodies why not that's not going gonna go badly at all get involved in the occult sure no problem at all i shouldn't be doing this i don't have the credentials i'm so glad it's almost over congratulations i was eight years old thank you i didn't live in canada i understand why you chose such a macabre field there's nothing disturbing about it it's just i'm proud of you i really am you've come so far so you haven't told me what's next will you get a job where you are or they actually have everyone they need but my old teacher mr delver transferred me to his office to finalize my internship there oh well that's good i remember you mentioning him where's he located are you moving away from me no no i'm not moving he's actually located around here river fields oh rebecca i don't like that grandma even i've heard things about that place just be worried about it you make up stories death is a scary thing to a lot of people and we try to explain things we don't understand and we want comfort when we lose someone we love i mean no one's embalming any ghost bodies or whatever it's funny right right i'm sorry but i wanted to give you i think that's exactly what we're about to do here i i don't know if i want that is that my mom's witch's necklace should be yours anyway that's got demons in it for sure all right enough spooky stuff i'm so proud of you when is all this happening when do you start i've actually been there for a few weeks now my review is tomorrow [Music] [Applause] is it the police what should i do riverfield's mortuary [Music] sure good to be back in daylight this time too i'm sure that'll last very long all right here we go it's strange to see it now with fully animated cutscenes i didn't expect that all right hold on oh my god what to expect after death more death oh yeah sweet beans give me give me coffee it's labeled fun because you always have fun when you're drinking coffee hello good to see you again keep your eyes closed thank you rebecca one last thing i forgot to give to you please grab a pencil from my desk and sign thanks zoe p.s good luck uh grab a pencil from your desk okay got it god i'm such a genius uh right mouse button for the inventory okay boom are you doing oh okay oh no surely you're not allowed just leave and put a dead body there and like like aren't i supposed what happened did my game crash jesus please for the love of your father please protect me i'm gonna need it okay got good to know where the bathroom is okay rebecca you got this oh god the power's going to go out all right all right jesus if she starts looking at us weirdly uh to cross is over her bring it down through her head oh rebecca great perfect timing hi i just finished with mr dalton here please wheel him back to cold storage and bring us mrs page whoa okay that makes a lot more sense when i played the demo i was on my own i didn't realize there was going to be another person here use the gurney by standing behind it and pressing the gurney interact key then walk backwards to the uh i don't want to look at you uh i hate this job i should go back to school uh to bring a body in or out of cold storage open the bay with the body's name pull out the rack then move the carrot over it okay this is mr dalton and then you wanted oswald dalton there we go sorry you died but hey at least now you get to go in the fridge can i oh gotta push in there you go nighty night now sleepy sleep i'm sure it's fine okay dorothy page come on down you've been chosen for this week's uh embalming dorothy is a bright old woman from the south of france there you go right on the gurney okay there we go you go i'm oh dorothy i'm sorry i'm there's i'm looking right at your bosoms i'm so sorry they're just there i will respect the dead and not look focus on my job we must stay focused brothers all right i'm just finishing up something here so why don't you grab the clipboard and start recording identifying marks i'll get out of your way when you're done and let you hop in here okay what you finishing up it says your computer's locked all right dorothy what do we got to do a clipboard used for forms of crave and tracking mortuary tasks large item okay i forget how to play this uh dorothy page yep yep yep clipboard away got it got it so i have to right shoulder left shoulder i gotta make sure it's all there yeah all there half the cursor over unique markings such as molds scratches and bruises interact with them to record them to the clipboard okay you got a thing there it's it's like it's oozing dorothy it's oozing what are you using okay nothing there all right let's check out your arms nothing nothing that's something you got blister boils on you is that hey dude hmm these old windows never stay latched okay that wasn't just me right question have you ever had a body like get up and walk around again like i'm not worried about it i'm just concerned like like dorothy here got a big old pile of like chocolate on her foot should i be worried about that or i'm pretty sure she got killed by a vampire no one ever believes me see vampire it's morbid time great climb on in here and put everything into the record system okay don't forget to take the print out to the front desk so zoe can add it to the packet for the family okay after that we'll get started okay i won't remember any of that thank you for walking me through this okay oh this thing i had trouble with last time and i can't remember why click the record system what was that i didn't say anything you all right yeah i'm fine i don't really want this job i stopped whispering in my ear are you joking are you pranking me is dorothy actually alive you just put her in there that's your wife isn't it okay click the record system icon to open the program match the sections on your clipboard to the corresponding sections on the computer once all findings have been entered into the system click submit to print out embalming records okay record system left shoulder we have blemishes right shoulder we had nothing uh right arm we had a rash sure rash blemishes that was bubonic plague and i know it uh head didn't have anything it didn't let me check the head hemangioma yeah she had that on her right leg that's what i was saying left leg had a mole uh i thought it was chocolate though so maybe i shouldn't be doing this job what am i missing left arm is that it oh dorothy can i oh uh it's like papers please 87. [Music] i did it good job pat in the back well done anything okay riverfield tomorrow okay a packet of mortuary paperwork related to the handling of the deceased file up front so they so they are available if requested okay use oh oh thank you dorothy you've been a pleasure can i go home it's time to embalm i don't want to jesus help me see that calculator flying across the room you know what that means jesus fast math okay uh praise up the big man all right now we're safe you're not gonna be hiding behind the door are you all right i've set everything out so you can just go ahead and get started i'll be monitoring everything's on your list there if you need it okay oh god um question how do i do anything i know i've been like working here for a couple of weeks but i've learned nothing why are jaws shut with needle injector and settings needles what is this a reservoir bag cool this is the trocar yeah uh uh i i guess i should just take everything i can't hold anything else never mind i am a fool for even thinking i could do that oh because it's a big item i can take the eye caps that's so you don't get night blindness when you're dead needle injector a tool used for hammering setting needles barbs into the skull okay i know what a scalpel is fast height setting needles okay that's just a wipe all right all right what is this cavity fluid i don't need to fill your cavities just yet there dorothy setting the face pull the manipulator up and press the injector button to drive barbs into the skull then twist the wires to shut the jaw oh i don't want to do this ew i am just beating the [ __ ] out of your head i'm so sorry dorothy oh your mouth is nice and close now she can't bite me at least if the demons come to get me she can't gnaw on me and give me rabies okay i did it insert eye caps to keep eyes shut oh goody so glad that i have this job use the manipulator to open the eyelid completely interact with the eye to replace to place the cap then close the eye but i can't use that here where else would you use it though what oh oh there you go just gonna put some pennies on your eyes so karen has some like coins for his across the river sticks some people do this as an actual job i mean fair play to them because they give our deceased members of family some decency um as they head on into the afterlife uh but this is this is a [ __ ] job i'm just gonna say it pick some bombing fluid and pump yeah i gotta get the glutaraldehyde uh the methanol the humectant and formaldehyde how much research on this stuff did you have to do to make a game about it like did you have to look up videos and everything is this something that you thought you might do and you're like nah game development seems a bit better okay mixing bombing fluid glue or is it glutaraly hide methanol i can't hold anything else okay can i that's not it can i drop that oh whoa okay viewing items that just slightly in description if an item is dropped drop button okay drop was that good okay it's right there um okay there it is glutaraldehyde sometimes we get chemicals that haven't been stored properly and it can make them pop like that no no no no no no no i'll get it no this is not how this was supposed to go how are you gonna have chemicals flying all over the room when you got a dead body right here you sir are [ __ ] okay anyway methanol is that you formaldehyde i need that too cool cool don't worry dorothy we'll have you having you look like the spring queen in no time i think it's just all of these i'm gonna put your humectant in can't you can't go up and see the big man upstairs without your humectant am i right i thought i saw a face jesus make an incision in the carotid artery and jugular vein with the scalpel i forget where those are some items need to be used directly on the body to use an item open the quick inventory select the item you need i i what did i need i'm missing something oh the artery forceps i'm missing something uh is the clipboard hold on hold on oh god you're just open in front of everybody like that use forceps to clamp tubing both veins okay okay i got him i got him i got the tubes for your neck hole oh jesus how am i doing making robocop oh mama engage pump and let the body drain i've done this once in the freaking demo and it's still grossing me out [Applause] is this good for you shouldn't we be wearing like face masks or gowns or something i'm over here in my civilian clothes getting dorothy's old dead blood all over my body [Applause] not feeling too good about this job here champ just like a big old enema dorothy it'll clear you right out all right turn off the pump and remove the tubes you're just all like empty now you don't look a day over dead dorothy don't even worry about it fill an empty iv reservoir bag with cavity fluid and then insert trocar into the abdominal cavity we all understood all the words we said here even the sounds are [ __ ] gross who has a tummy ache yeah yeah i'm just filling you full of sprite so i'll make that tummy a go away someone had a big launch huh yeah that's probably what killed you there we go that was a normal thing i just did mix cleaners in bathroom closet to create tank cleaner then pour it into the embalming pump okay follow the adventure steps this is [ __ ] by the way okay clean your base cleaner base i can't hold anything else huh oh do i just have tank cleaner now oh okay dorothy i'm back [Music] hello you didn't see that was that you oswald oswald got out of us morgue drawer and he was like dorothy looking kind of you know all right so you like make many friends doing this or because i'm sure we're not gonna have any friends after this apply moisturizer to facial features blow up dorothy i'll make a youtube video out of it moisturizing wipes oh yes yes these are good for you uh move the wipe across facial features while holding down interact until the lotion is used up no no no stop tell you what what why don't you go ahead and head out i'll take over from here uh are you sure i just got here don't worry you're doing great i'll get the last of your paperwork sorted today and call you in for your first shift okay dorothy i'm so sorry i was going to put the moisturizing wipes on you they have spf 30 in them they were going to keep you protected against the fiery flames of hell because that's where you're going dorothy don't scare me like that go ahead it's fine i'll give you a call when we get someone in okay bye creepy man god that sucked i'm assuming that my character's mom has died and i'm living with the trauma of it i think that's what was in the demo but i can't remember god wasn't even that long ago why can't i remember that it was just really weird so some stuff fell over that's not a big deal no i know it wasn't even my fault but he sent me home right after that i'm just really worried he was supposed to finalize my stuff today and he said he would right yeah so that's a good thing yeah it just didn't feel like he meant it like he just said it to get me out of the building wait a sec i have another call it's the devil hello hey rebecca it's raymond oh hi mr delver look if i did anything wrong today just no no uh i wanted to apologize you've done a fantastic job just not feeling too well that's uh actually why i'm calling you didn't drink the fluids that came out of dorothy did you we just got yeah are you sure i mean of course excellent you're doing me a huge favor i took care of the rest of your onboarding we're all set and your new badge is in your personal belongings that's great uh thank you i'm on my way right now i hope you feel better thanks again i'll see you tomorrow bye bye holy [ __ ] that was him he signed me on he needs me to come in tonight see i told you it was fine congratulations thanks i have to go like right now i'll talk to you later girl i gotta go i have to touch some dead bodies a lot i dream come true why does the mouse sensitivity keep changing it keeps going back down stay is that part of the game am i a dead body and i'm getting rigor mortis as we go death and decay oh it's a book of maggots on it i don't want to see that i forgot that we're in 1998 i was like what kind of phone is this and bam a history of preservation and its role in coping with death give me keys temporary items do not take up space in your inventory use a temporary item by directly interacting with the object that requires it okay maybe me make myself a sandwich before we go out all this embalming of dead bodies and sticking to troll car up in their abdominal cavities and sucking all the fluids out really makes me hungry donut stuff no that's gross dirty coffee unless you're drinking top of the morning coffee you don't have time happy tofu sick let's head out let's hope that dorothy stays in her cell by which i mean her lovely deathbed she doesn't come running around all nudie scaring me again yeah you want to close the door we're cool right guess i'll head to the back and get started jesus is coming down like cats and dogs out there you'd never even know it why did you even invent rain in the first place what are you doing i rebecca mr delver i need help someone's outside the mortuary just try to stay calm i know you're scared i'll unlock the door in a moment no what this is very sudden but listen to me we have to start right away i'm sorry i didn't know until it made itself known this morning that it was here let alone bound to you i had no way of knowing the possession had started what look this isn't funny stop you need to take this seriously you need to act quickly this is insane i'll just leave i'll just [ __ ] leave you can't leave rebecca i i can't allow that for you or for others it's far too dangerous what am i supposed to do then most bodies i work with at night are fine so we stay calm okay we have a balm file the paperwork embalm and stay calm treat it like a normal day staying focused will help i left some things for you on the desk okay is it a good call again when you get to the embalming room no wait ugh dammit what the [ __ ] this is son of a binky bonky i know they're gone and i'm gonna die here oh girl or something just just play along and do your job yeah yeah also in a mortuary to have a picture of a dead person like this it's kind of messed up oh is it have your chair look like it's covered in blood this place is [ __ ] also interesting that he's just talking about uh possession immediately there's no like dancing around it okay shouldn't i not have picked up the old key what happens if i pick up the whole key what do i do i'm so confused oh wait the keys i just got look i'm scared okay i'm [ __ ] quitting tomorrow i mean who does something like this cult members usually hello liar all right listen carefully i'm look i'm sorry but this entire thing is extremely unprofessional if this is how you treat new hires i don't think i can work for you this isn't funny rebecca you don't have to believe me but i hope you do before it's too late the only way to save yourself is to banish the demon before you're too far gone demon to do that you will need to learn the demon's name bind it to its chosen body and burn it in the retort look i know this is a lot to take in i wish i could do more for you i had years to learn what i know you have hours i've recorded a number of cassettes to instruct you in the hope that having a physical object with a known message will help you stay grounded oh lord i won't be calling again you can't trust the phones anything the most important thing in the room is in that cabinet open it up good luck rebecca i'm sorry this had to happen me too this is insane whatever just be the professional one grab a body and get started should have stayed in skateboarding college this sucks at least i can keep track of things close the door don't want anyone sneaking up on me especially not no dang dirty demons okay a small cassette labeled one night shift system the night shift database a computer program combining all my findings into one reference point the database contains all the information on the process of expulsion the tools used and most importantly all the markings of the known demonic names if you ever forget what to do replay these tapes or look it up in the database the collection of demonic names is the most crucial piece to the puzzle you will need this information my id card is in my personal belongings drawer on the back is the passcode to access it use it that's a stapler personal belongings drawer ah the book of typhon it's typhon burn the bodies six typhon walked among his disciples and he spoke he who does not truly let the lord into his heart shall be judged by his sin and destined to serve those who truly believe for all are assigned to the halls of hell seven abandoned god eight and has he passed okay i'm okay i'm i'm just here to do my job small casa level three process of possession at every moment the demon is the further you are from possession the more time you have the closer you are the more the demon will make itself known allowing you the information to guess its name and the body it's bound to the only way i've found to tell how far along a possession is on your own is to scribble on a piece of paper don't think about it just scribble look carefully if you notice anything strange it's starting to take hold there's a notepad and a pen drawing penises everywhere front room checking from time to time can give an idea of how long you might have okay um cool cabinet you got here dude tools of expulsion the three objects in this cabinet are your tools first the clay tablet in the center is called a mark placing the smaller pieces in the correct configuration will spell the demon's name gotcha second the bottles on the top shelf are a special reagent that will react to the mark add a bottle to the embalming mixture during the process when the mark is placed on the correct body with the reagent inside it will force the demon to become bound to it pay attention to signs that you have chosen correctly they can be obvious or extremely subtle great once you are certain the demon is bound to its vessel burn it finally the pieces of paper on the right are called leading strips it must inscribe the sigils of its name in our world to begin the evocation you will need to uncover these sigils to use them hold a letting strip up while wandering the mortuary if it begins to smolder and burn you're close when the paper combusts the sigil has been revealed somewhere in that area they can be anywhere so look on walls under objects inside furniture anywhere damon will inscribe its sigils over time to try and hide them so check regularly once you uncover the sigils use the night shift database to decide which demon you're dealing with and use that knowledge to create the mark the steps are simple okay add the reagent to the embalming mixture uncover the sigils build the mark and place it on the body then when you're certain burn it in the return simple so you don't know what that word means dude you're a freaking forget it let's just get a party and get this over with just kill me now just get it out of the way dank dirty demons jade schwartz come on down you've been picked to be this week's contestant hold on jade i gotta get a gurney a proper procedure we have to do here if we're ever going to find out who the demon is cromiel building no that's demons okay here we go grab it grab grab it yep yep i'm sorry did i have to work on your on your dead body it was up to me all right if it was up to me we would have been friends let's check you out sure you got any uh got any demonisms on you sorry i just gotta roll you over there you go yeah smoking would you like to be the new vessel for the antichrist it would help me out a lot hyphen balthazar beelzebub [Music] oh jay jay jaden here i thought new job we were gonna be friends i thought that we were gonna have a great time jade yep new job yep straight back to work screw this i'm getting back to work so stupid i ain't afraid of no ghost i am a terrified of demons though and the devil jesus can you help the bodies are waking up you've experienced with that after you died what did you do about it you gave your body and blood to your friends and they ate them that's [ __ ] there we go it's just a few blisters it's just a few blisters and a few boils whatever doesn't kill you probably hurt you real bad that it thinking all of them three or three huh so you weren't like killed by a demon you you could just be the house for a new one jade schwartz 29 oh that's sad jade you're taking too young you got keratolysis and you get hemogeonia on your on your oh i'm sorry sorry okay it was on the leg got it and you got a couple of blemishes on your left leg but i've got a moisturizing cream that'll clear that right off [Applause] okay i gotta wait for your printout oh interesting copy up front interesting jade it says it says here that uh you're a piece of [ __ ] and to stop scaring me weird how it says on mine but you didn't see that jesus help look you have access to demons of some sort you're able to talk to them ask him his name just say like you want to be like oh friends let you into heaven just tell me your name i'll put you on the list okay he can't be hiding around here should i be taking these pieces of paper and like doing the thing he said like a letting strip wait it's smoldering already what do i do with it i forget what you said i was too busy being scared and shocked does it do that everywhere wow dude is on fire i'm gonna burn the place down if i'm not careful hello found it okay it's a three i'm sort of some sort of like weird demon three is that is that it do i just leave that there doesn't say anything on my clipboard how to embalm a demon it's like this now like if i put the wrong one on does that get me killed i just learned how to embalm dead bodies i'm not up to code on this whole demon [ __ ] all right what should we do wire jaw sure sure wait all my stuff isn't laid out like last time you had it all laid out in a nice neat little package last time now i have no idea where things are oh there you go mr delver's extra keys to the mortuary okay wait no i need this oh god you allowed yourself to get that picture taken and then you use that as you're like sure trust me with your dead bodies access card okay five eight one nine raymond i really need a key to the hatch outside cleaner is low and you mentioned having some down there before i know you don't trust anyone to go down there but having a copy of the key would make things a lot easier for everyone zoe did you kill zoe i forget what you do what this is five eight one nine was that to get into the computer no [Applause] [Music] dude you were telling me a lot of things and things were already happening to me now i can't remember jade i'm missing something yeah my brain there you are my good old needle injector and my fast height sewing needles what's that jade i'm just gonna crack your skull for like two minutes sorry sorry sorry i'm sure you were a lovely person i'm sure you were a lovely person i've already died there we go what who's talking it can't be you because i just sold your mouth shut i don't even know what they said already died hey if you want to come in and deal with the dead bodies be my guest i hate this job i hate this job i hate this job all right jade what next insert eye caps sure sure sure put an eye cap in you take an eyeball out you put an eye cap in and you shut them all about talk to the dead body and keep yourself sane that's what it's all about hey jaden i'mma whip up a little concoction that's gonna clear that death right up you're not even gonna remember that you're dead after this hello who that jesus take their name oh jesus has seen some [ __ ] bro he's just as scared as i am and if jesus is scared i should definitely be scared okay paper and pencil you told me to just like every now and then but how do i how do i do it oh that am i good is that saying let me just close these doors jane give us a bit of peace and quiet you know uh scalpel i can't use that here wait what what am i supposed to be doing fixing bombing food and pump i did that we gotta close it oh i gotta put regent in as well in the old cabinet oh got it [Applause] raymond i just want to listen to the tape again raymond i'm what we in the biz call [ __ ] losing it there you go there you go jade now we're doing it excuse me oh whoa okay demon oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah we got another mark somewhere huh i can't see i turned the brightness all the way up and i still can't see anything that's kind of detrimental to my ability to be able to get the demon's name that's fine whatever whatever jade let's just let's just empty you out where the wind blows living on a plane you feeling good jade you feeling alive again yet is this working for you stupid demons in my mortuary it's okay when the liquid runs clear that means it's working if you hear a sound like you're grinding a clutch yeah like that it means it it means it's done [Music] all right cool removes remove the tubes all right let me take those out here i'm not listening i'm not listening no not today demon not today fill an empty iv reservoir bag with cavity fluid can do where do we keep the iv reservoir bikes no idea these no yeah oh that isn't i did it what do you think about that jade crazy world we live in huh uh and then insert the trokar and drain all the fluids oh this is the fun part jade this is where we really get to know each other so you've seen any cool movies lately or being dead like taking up all of your time this is probably why the demon wants to kill me if i'm being honest sir slurp slurp it's like going to a 7-eleven they sell a lot of drinks there and where did the hole go i'm like in my kitchen i should be the magicians let's go ahead and close that door let's go ahead and close that door i don't want any of this oh god i gotta go that way oh tits jesus what did you see who's there tell me i know you have the answers jesus you're just not telling me okay we're fine we're fine as long as the door doesn't slam on my face check your corners you know in this job about embalming people and rummaging around in their dead innards i don't trust it there's just something about it that's off hold on i think i'm starting to go crazy i'm sure walking backwards into the place where all the dead bodies are in the dark is not gonna end badly for me hey what do you know all right jade i'm gonna have to love you and leave you it's been great getting to know you yeah good luck in college dead college all righty um what do we do now retrieve the next dead body sure i can do that laverne ford laverne or randall day yeah come on out why not your number's up oh excuse me laverne i have a i have someone to answer hello come on can't just be messing around with somebody who's in here messing with dead bodies i know where the things go i can kill you okay laverne laverne i'm just going to call you mr i ford know how to pronounce your first name there we go now you and i are going to become best friends nipple nipple probably shouldn't be doing that to the dead bodies you got claw marks in your back there we go oh i don't know how i feel about that let me just let me just put it in uh entry two laverne ford thirty-five huh mole ah sorry male mild abrasions that's what it was that's what i saw is the mild abrasions [Music] [Applause] let me get your print out so we can figure out what kind of pokemon you are one set one second mr ford a dead one who's that pokemon it's you you're dead jesus what's up bro you see anything weird going on here jeez ain't saying [ __ ] um mr ford can you turn on the lights jesus don't do this to me anything okay that's fine it's fine i'm a big boy i'm a big boy with big balls and i can do big things with them like wire a jaw shot you guys don't think i can you guys don't think i can watch me watch me no no oh my god wait that means you're close right go away all i want to do is fiddle with the dead bodies stupid demons in my mortuary but it's like being at the dentist for dead people there you go there we go nice just a nice closed mouth yeah everything's normal here guys i'm freaking out i don't know if you can tell by my incessant talking but i am freaking out i don't like any of this i'm also fairly sure that i'm about to get possessed and killed while i'm trying to like embalm the bodies and do good things and i'm probably supposed to be doing something else you know now that since they showed up probably take one of these hold it up you know i have a coupon free embalming for anybody who's dead no takers man what's a guy gotta do to persuade some dead people around here close that door i don't like that picture looking at me in the distance blink mr ford blink once if you're dead okay good we're on the same page all right all right that's how i react after all the demons i've seen uh then we gotta mix embalming fluid you put your humectant in not now i'm getting my humectant on what hello hello why are you still doing that i'm going to kill you rebecca is that my conscience look bro i know we haven't talked in a while we haven't really had a brain to brain in a really long time i'm just trying to shut you off play playing video games and watching tick tock and tv shows i don't want to have to think you don't got to kill me for it okay we're putting her hide in that's an iv bag we don't need that yet that's for later laverne uh what was the last one methanol gotta have it you gotta get your meth and then we gotta put the region in just in case you're a demon and i have to kill you again honestly i just want to do my job well i don't really care about everything else right now i didn't mean that i do care i care a lot i care very much you might feel a small pinch oh [ __ ] that wasn't a pinch if i could come here come here now oh okay wait am i going to die if i do this who's that mom is that my mom is she dead oh you stupid [ __ ] hate me all you want he's dead because of you you should be the one here chrissy wake up i don't like this [ __ ] oh jesus i'm sorry i take your name in vain so often but could you please [ __ ] help all right mr ford where were we oh draining all your fluids out of your body should become a lifeless husk don't mind if i yes sorry the sound of your dead fluid scared me mmm forbidden soup [Applause] they would never become one with the day like that [Applause] what's on your arm is that a texture glitch or did something happen [Music] [Applause] who touched my dead body i think i know how to do all this by now slurp slurps open all your juices getting all the dead soup out stick in my troll car deep inside sucking out your brains with formaldehyde [Music] working at a mortuary is so cool get to touch daddy bodies just like in school there we go there you go all inbound let's keep looking around because every now and then that guy will show up and freak me out all right oh i hate that i have to go to the bathroom for this i've earned someone's on the roof and how much i wish it was jesus tap dancing christ up there am i right we're gonna run out of this i've got jugs left i keep seeing circles i keep drawing circles that bad i feel like that's bad i feel like i probably shouldn't be drawing those all right i'm just gonna apply some nice facial moisturizer to you it's from our new cotton blend it's great you're gonna love it all right there you go moisturized af that's the gurney open i remember this hey get one to fiddle and you get down to boy kick off shoes and you shut your [ __ ] mouth stupid randall you'll get your turn okay randall all right let me just put laverne back in and then you can come out and i'll stick my troll car all up inside you and suck all your fluids out sounds like a great time doesn't it okay and you go here you go bye bye now you've been great that's that's not how that was supposed to go there you go thank you mr ford all right randall how's it going there pal nice you doing good you sleep okay you look tired okay okay everything's good right right randall handle more chill we are not chill randall okay these keep happening in place oh there you are okay so it's like a weird t uh this thing actually put you there can i not remove these or does it not matter well i'm screwed if it's not right wait so where is this one then maybe he made itself known somewhere else [Music] oh it was behind the door there okay so it's a little diamond got it got it got it i turned up my brightness again like a doof all right we got it randall that was your name randall rando big rendy we got it bro it was there's none of these well that's just kind of a bunch of [ __ ] isn't it what am i supposed to get out of that we'll just keep going randy you're my last patient for today now let's see what's wrong with you shall we how many things do you have six oh i thought you were smiling i thought you were happy because it's finally your turn i'm closing all the doors i don't like people staring at me while i work with the bodies okay bit of acne it's okay happens to everyone all right good next stretches all done you got a little blister up here nothing on your back fair play oh big blister on your arm i don't know if that's a tattoo randy or if that's the mark of the devil making fun of me are you the body that i should bind this to i feel like i'm missing a massive part of the game entry three randall day 32 oh so young as well got a rash in your head a contusion on your right shoulder a mole on your left shoulder a contusion on your right arm right leg got a contusion left arm got a contusion man randy what's not happened to you one two three four five six [Music] sorry to say randy the report confirms that you are in fact dead i i was joking i was joking i it was a it was a meme i did it with the other guys and they didn't care the [ __ ] randy be chill about it i'm not talking to you jesus oh [ __ ] god that's terrifying hold on yep definitely going crazy definitely absolutely losing it any more markings around i don't think so okay we're cool for now just relax everybody just chill chill out it still bothers me that i haven't figured out what the bloody because i can't take these keys i can't take this five eight one nine didn't work in the keypad i'm so confused as to where to use it the night shift database is it this oh or look it up in the database the collection of demonic names is the most crucial i forgot that this is a section of the thing because i every time i logged in it was always on this my id card is in my personal belongings okay on the back is the passcode to access it gotcha history of the demonic identifying demonic tendency tools of combat demonic forces and sigils of demonic names okay let's open up this one see what we got immolation invidious desolation what about playstation oh [ __ ] okay um doesn't seem to be one of these could be this one wait no no this one this one has the three and the t [ __ ] i put them in the wrong place then yeah i think it's that one oh wait varaketh what's happening i oh hey one piece paper i know your name are you varicath no [ __ ] way there's no way that that happened by random chance at that exact time does this get is this game like tracking my voice or something what the [ __ ] holy [ __ ] okay hated that should i just guess then wait i have this one and this one can i not [ __ ] remove these does it matter oh okay okay i can do that wait varices no that game is just [ __ ] with me [Music] um that okay and then this weird tea thing and a needle magnifying glass um this one goes there that one was there which one was it hold on ah wait hold on does this mean i'm getting closer [Music] if i'm right okay [Music] i i don't know man we could like finish it instantly if that's the case let me just get some eye caps going on you real real quick because then that means i have to put this stuff in okay i need to listen to the tape again before i put any of the stuff in all right what's that oh rodney what are you doing [Music] oh [ __ ] i remember this this is where the dead lady is going to float is where dorothy's going to show up sprint i ain't afraid now i am hey mom oh crap my small world is getting smaller that was him that was him that was the demon little dirty demon okay hold on what was the was it this tape at every moment the demon is funneling its energy through you weakening you until you are unable to resist identifying a demonic entity is a delicate balance the further you are from possession the more time you have okay the closer you are the more the demon will make itself known allowing the only way i've found to tell how far along a possession is on your own is to scribble on a piece of paper don't think about it just scribble what i've been doing look carefully if you notice anything strange it's starting to take hold there's a notepad and a pencil on the top hold anything else checking from time to time can give an idea of how long you might have i can't use that here okay hopefully we're right but i don't know if it's a specific body that's needed for it as well or you just attach it to anybody no no i mean i'm going to because i want to see more of the game rebecca i know you're not here raymond give it up demon i know it's you i'm actually kind of scared to say its name again because now i'm worried that i can i'll go in here and it'll just be like game over ending i'm stuck so little raymond thinks he found a replacement another sacrifice to save his [ __ ] skin whoa no no no i'm not a replacement i'm just an assistant i'm a nobody no one cares about me they call me rebecca the nobody oh god wait four oh this is for the wait this is for the actual other key code thing isn't it okay one something it ends in four four i think yeah one something something something four four that was the actual demon holy [ __ ] oh god jesus christ this game is scary okay one something seven something four four one something seven zero four four one nine s oh [ __ ] was it zero seven or seven zero is this guy skittering that around looking at me and then it goes back i think that's it whoa wait that's the actual thing if that shows you which denomination of the denomination whatever you got the the the overarching umbrella that the demon's under right okay fishhook one oh that's creepy david whitlow oh god please don't tell me i died and i actually get to get my chance to do all this i'm sorry raymond raymond raymond you son of a [ __ ] oh god i'm not dead i sound dead how do i get back in okay can i go in the back what the [ __ ] raymond what the [ __ ] richard and you you didn't even try to help randy i'm so sorry where were we wait let me see this hatch key oh someone's got a secret someone's got a secret and i'm gonna find it right i know i was just buried alive and taken out of the hatch and that's all very terrifying already and i probably shouldn't be going back here to do this again but i'm gonna feet under achievement all his scribblings oh my scribbling's getting worse that's the demon symbol got it got it i think we were on the right one dear mr salah it was a pleasure working with you but i'm very i'm sorry to say that i simply can't afford to travel back out to you i have more questions about the athenian translations but i was also hoping you could send over the documents you had shared on quarter letting honestly any documents you could create copies of and send would be extremely helpful the package accompanying this letter contains some of the clay carvings i have made in an attempt to create the symbols you shared i have also designed a holder for them my hope is to combine the markings and holder to comprise a demonic identifier that will also call the entity to it and bind it there if correct the silver capsule in the center of the holder contains the ash of burned coffers and is lined with demonic calling runes based on our conversations i believe this can react with fresh blood from the possessed i wanted to request that you give the contents of this package a look and let me know if this seems like a viable method to bind an entity like just just let me know let's try it out with privacy also being extremely important to me i wanted to request you please send everything back including this letter all my best raymond mr conversation i believe this can react with fresh blood from the possessed me oh we have more stuff down here [Music] my game just crashed again ah he's a little kiln for making them wait how long am i it resets some stuff when i restarted i think all these things now are reset as well there's another door may 29th 1984. i'm not sure i've decided to write this i don't keep journals but it may be the only way i can deal with what's happened to get my thoughts out i thought this was over but it's happened to david i remember so vividly what it looks like i don't have any plan here i just wanted to write any before again i keep thinking about david i feel horrible what he became was terrifying i remember everything but i haven't seen it in a living person before and you and my god what was happening but i couldn't believe it it's been almost two decades when the body came in david almost instantly began to become irritable we both knew something strange was happening but it directly affected him he felt sl it felt sick and went home for the day only to return that evening saying that he felt he had had to come back and wanted to work at that point i couldn't ignore it i tried to tell him he was in danger but this was all that this was all real he insisted on working became irrational again and asked to work alone i again told him that what to look for but he dismissed me i went and bought a camcorder and told him to at least record anything unusual i wanted to be able to show him once he was in a moment of clarity so that maybe he would allow me to help him but it all happened so fast and was over um oh 1985 now i don't know what else to do i feel helpless i'm so sorry james andrea now it won't stop i don't know what to do so he's just been sacrificing people all this time for the entity obviously not everyone is susceptible i've learned that much it makes me want to never hire anyone again but i can't lose the mortuary either even if i did close it would still happen to me eventually two years later i'm back to writing here again it's been so long i thought it was over but i guess i've just been lucky i'm scared i was hoping this would never happen again but i have a feeling this is only going to happen more poor angela this is a horrible existence i almost felt victim before it's only a matter of time now until it chooses me i don't want to be alone but i think there's no escaping what has happened i will miss you always maria but it was the right thing to leave you to keep you safe i know you would never understand i took this journal away and forgot about it trying to move on and i found it again today and i guess i have been in a horrible place for a while now i can't live with all this guilt i feel so alone i feel so angry at the life that's been taken from me i stopped my life to take care of her and she brought this in okay i can't blame her that's not fair it's not her fault i have to find a way to stop this myself i've just been sitting here huddled in fear hoping this won't happen again that it won't happen to me i don't have much money but i need to start researching this in a real way i need to take control and take control he did fight him bury me out back um oh mr delver it is great shame that i will not be seeing you but i appreciate you sharing this with me as it does seem to provide a reaction and what you have made does make sense uh it's a very clever way to identify a specific entity this is he's talking to raymond now this is the other guy however i'm curious as to the reason for the body identification aspect as you would need the blood of the possessed inside the vessel which i assume would already be the case and tendency would be obvious so i don't really see the value of identifying the vessel however the demonic identification and binding aspect of this is fantastic thank you for sharing your work it's a great help to mine as you've requested i've returned everything with this shipment with great respect huh so you have to put the possessed person's blood into it as well it's not my blood is it i'm missing something oh you sure are huh where's the stuff that i need then oh i've been working relentlessly and i believe that i've made some progress i haven't pieced together much but i found enough that has led me to contact in egypt i'm flying out there okay trip to egypt was extremely successful mr salaze an amazing help it's changed a lot of what i believe i'm going to start pouring over these and see what i can piece together there's something here i can feel it so tired and angry i feel so helpless and keeping valerie here i can help her i'm sure of it i feel like i'm so close to something that can stop this but i don't know what i'm missing i've been working on a number of things meant to combat these entities i found ways to uncover their sigils okay i will help you valerie i hate what i have to do i have to feed her and care for her even though she is violent and gone it is far too similar to how this all began and i hated god damn it 30 years of this 30 years jesus i have a theory and i don't like it but i can't let this happen to anyone else this has to stop i have some things i've been working on that i'm going to send off to mr salah and get his opinion if it's a viable method i'm going to take i'm going to take this head on you can't stop it i'll keep at it keep it at bay i've seen some great news from mr salah i've been fortunate enough to not have another compromised body up to this point but now i need one my plan now is to work in the mortuary alone until this happened again if i can establish myself as a potential conduit and survive the possession using these tools i think i may be able to take control as well as keep this form from happening to others i don't know what this means for valerie it's the only piece of this i don't know how to live with but i might have to otherwise it's all been for nothing okay and i'm still not as crazy as before wait so how do i get in here then there we go i knew there had to be more here this is raymond delver i i know this will sound crazy but i believe i am being possessed if i am to disappear know that it was not of my own free will and that i am a danger to anyone i may encounter i should be killed on site this sounds sounds terrible but the woman locked in the basement must also be killed where's the key for anyone that may encounter this if you are experiencing possession the blood of the possessed will react to the name of the demon present injecting the blood of the possessed into a deceased body with demonic tendency will act as a reagent for revealing possession and form the foundation for binding the demon to the body then it can be marked with its name and burned this should banish the demon i'm sorry for what i've had to do know that it was only ever done to stop it all interesting do you think his keys upstairs next to his thing will help the keys in his drawer maybe that'll open that wait so does that mean do i have to get blood or is that what's in the reagent stuff it's been a lot there's a lot of information being thrown at me and i'm trying to like figure out how to piece it all together while also trying to figure out how this actually works um no i still can't take these uh let me just make sure of something uh back nope uh this oh [ __ ] no it's under this one oh am i wrong wait i don't see any of the other ones here the house of nvidia's this was the symbol that was behind the big thing on the throne pointing me towards the grave well maybe that was the previous one i don't know i don't find empty demonic tendency while any of these bodies can be manipulated it's far easier the entity to control its own vessel sudden movements large and small if a body appears to be more active than others or strange markings start to appear it may be signs of demonic tendency see this is what i'm worried about that any of the bodies that i could have used for this i've already done the stuff to or maybe i put the reagent in all of them so maybe i can actually use any of them after that when a demonic entity is present the vessel is occupying all right this working yeah this thing is huge so uh i guess um this is david raymond this feels insane but i think you were right this has happened a few times now but let me see if i can get in here oh there it is [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] it's so much an entity must be bound to its original vessel and that vessel destroyed in order to stop the process of possession throughout my work i've managed to discover and establish a set of tools to bring about the punishment okay occupy body must contain the reagent that's in all of them the mark must be must have the correct demonic name and the mark must be placed on the correct body and burned below are all the tools i'm aware of under usage oh [ __ ] i need you to let me lose oh grandmom you're not grandma what happened to your eyes don't you love your grandma no not not right now no it's so cold over here grandma i have things to be doing okay you know like i gotta bomb the bodies you gotta put a bevel reagent stuff in oh oh grandmom not cool i gotta put my embalming report away grandmom okay i'm on the clock jesus oh sorry i mean uh oh no wait did this reset then oh no i do need oh no there's way more oh i didn't see those all right gotcha okay i'm going uh a little cross-eyed here no sigils have shown up in a while though and now i'm second guessing that what i thought it was okay we'll keep at it what was that what does that mean also i meant to say it as well he has the mark on his arm because some of the others like did things actually no they didn't it was only the lady at the very beginning oh that's probably the lady he was working on right maybe not i don't know but he has a mark on his arm so is this the guy that we need to do it to now i lost where i was methanol i don't know what all of that smokey smoke was maybe the demons here i don't know okay i'm because it's either i get to the ending and i'm able to like try it on all three bodies and then i just get the right one or you only get one chance of it and you have to be right about who it is and i don't know which it is right now uh artery forcefs pvc tubing we can at least do this [Applause] i really wish i could get another symbol if i can get another sigil down then i'll have three out of the four but it said i can't do it until all four symbols are in our world anyway so i'm wondering if i just have to continue regardless [Applause] all right almost there [Music] dunzo do this stick it on in so how's your day been going i swear to god stop it who told you i'll throw paper at you no i won't i won't i won't i i'll stay here i won't do anything i'll i'll be a good boy you want me to leave i leave can't leave i'll come towards you then no whoa damn step through a wormhole in that hallway oh it's crazy can you give me some more sigils i'm sigiless come on give me your name where you from what are you into okay i gotta finish drain and randy over here sorry randy i got i got indisposed wait i probably should check oh yeah oh yeah that's a full symbol right there but it's happening like with the story i thought it was going to be a thing that as you played you would slowly like you run a time limit that eventually you would get possessed if you didn't do things fast enough but now it seems that it's just going along with like we're towards the end of the game so we're close to being possessed kind of thing let's go this way maybe there's a sigil somewhere out here oh what's that okay oh lord i mean it has to be you right all right hi okay no or maybe it's you [ __ ] [ __ ] what is happening i am getting very possessed look at a scale of one to possessed i am it who goes there i got paper can you stop that hello demon stop that please stop oh my god is this one still here oh that's like the oh that's that one that didn't show up before when i saw that one before it was just an empty diamond i think that was a bug i mean the game did just come out so it's understandable okay so that that gives me that one but now my other one disappeared the one in the front hall we had one on the on the wall in here and now i don't know what it was it was that weird tea i mean at this point i could just guess because there's five endings in the game but i want to get it right um excuse me i closed your mouth i'll close it again okay let me see [Music] um which thing was it not this one uh this one because this is the thing i'm seeing but if you go in here i have this one and i have this one and last time i saw this one and these are the only ones where those three show up like this one's here and these two are here but this one's here but none of the others but i'm not seeing this at least i don't think no it's the fish hook thing with the two circles um none of them are in this with the little three thing here but none of the others with this one and the three but the t or the other one aren't there i mean unless the is bugged and it actually is this one because this is the only other one that's like close to it i don't know jesus [ __ ] christ holy crap okay i i think i'm like full on ready to be possessed but i'm annoyed that my sigils disappeared what else do i have left to do here return the body to cold storage maybe i should just do that and see what happens i think i can just take the bodies out again anyway but maybe it'll trigger something else to happen if i do this randy you were here like what happens if i finish the bodies retrieve another body from the cold storage is there even another body okay stop no i'll give you the paper oh don't like that sound what is happening the music's like ramping up am i about to die [Music] it sounds like the start of a song can i just get my car and go home ah music stopped ah peace and tranquility never mind there's nothing based on a triangle about this i think i'm about to be possessed no i don't want to be [Music] i really thought this room down here would have a thing in it uh uh maybe i should just burn a body whoa that was creepy but also i'm still i'm looking for my sigils and nothing's happening so i'm completely lost as to how to progress this now because i could put a thing on him and just guess and then hope i'm right but i'm probably not going to be i think this is it how do i oh that's just burning on your forehead okay how do i place the mark i mean probably but i don't have all the information because the game broke what if i'm right though you're gonna be so mad if i get this correct he's gonna be like no you're wrong no no stop you're wrong seriously you're wrong we'll try it anyway we'll see what happens either you burn to death or i do either way it's over maybe just stand back what if demons explode there you go there you go burn baby burn whoa they do explode jesus sorry jesus again you didn't help me at all ah crap oh did i do it good morning it's nice not to be the one down there for a change raymond i suppose a first name basis is an order god damn you raymond did i make it is it over for now it's never really over oh man you've come a long way it's a lot to learn i'm so glad i'm here i know it's disorienting you'll get used to it you should head home and get some rest every night can be different i think i'm fine are you sure you seem out of it oh i've just been waiting for so so long oh god what are you oh no you chose the wrong demon rebecca rebecca's not here you [ __ ] idiot yeah eat it raymonds [Music] [Music] yeah [ __ ] damn okay not a great ending not not is it like the ending was bad but just it clearly wasn't the right ending created by brian clark good job brian very very good video game um and i think it's just made by brian and that's it which is oh of course the people who like voiced it and everything but that's crazy um that's a shame i i don't know if i could have gotten all the information then or if you need to go again because there is a thing at the start of the game on the main menu it talks about like bodies and bombed shifts done and demons don't but maybe that's just if you want to keep playing it over and over and over again and getting faster and faster but i i felt like when i went through it the first time i got i got three sigils one of them was empty and then the other one i got then didn't match up with the house that i had seen the invidious or whatever it was so i'm kind of confused as to what i did wrong um hey gab smulders um yeah i'm not sure what i was supposed to do differently or if the information was there or if it's a thing that you have to get it wrong the first time and then you have to go back and do it again with more information i don't know um but we'll see i'm curious what because the game just came out so not every people don't have all the information yet so um i'll rely on you guys who have more information by the time this episode comes out to kind of like let me know what happened bodies burned one ship's completed one time's possessed times possessed one ending three of five okay um [Music] because then it might be worth coming back and doing it again to get the good ending because surely i'd be able to do it quicker the second time around because he was like come back another day maybe there's some information that i need to get that i can get again maybe that door downstairs in his hatch is something that i can actually unlock and get into i'm not sure i'm curious to dig a little deeper into it but for now that was the mortuary assistant the whole game even though it was a bad ending but at least we got through the entire thing um let me know what you guys thought down in the comments below and if you'd like to see this again but getting the good ending and then i'll do it um but other than that it was very very good i was worried when i played the demo that it was just going to be a lot of random scares at random times all the time but it seems to have been paced a whole lot better this time and again in the demo when you go into that sort of like other world of like seeing your mom and the mannequins and things like that i was worried it would lean a little too heavily on that because i'm not really a fan of going inside the mind of someone and like the whole world changing and then suddenly you're in this random place that's amazed that you have to like wander around you know i like being in the location that the game takes place in and not really going further than that because it just kind of jumbles me around too much but this game didn't delve too much into that we saw the mom dead and then we went down into the mannequin area and the big demon like pointed at a thing and i think that's enough um but overall very very good i i think they did a fantastic job uh taking that sort of concept and actually fleshing it out into a fully-fledged game and kind of turning it into a sort of phasmaphobia thing where you have to get all the information of the demon and then get the right demon and then cast them out so there's something to do to go back and get it again and i'm here's what these other endings are going to be because you either get it right or wrong what what are the other ones maybe you get it super right and super wrong i don't know but i'm curious to see what they are but anyway that's gonna do it for me for now thank you guys so much for watching really appreciate it let me know what you thought down in the comments below and there's tons of other scary games that you can go watch as well if you want to stay in that sort of vibe right now but that's going to do it for me thanks
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 8,035,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye
Id: o-7-dl_KRys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 54sec (6234 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 04 2022
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