My Family Thought I Wasn't Good Enough. Only the Groom's Side at My Sister's Wedding Truly Knew Me.

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so there's this moment where Jessica suddenly realizes something about her sister she thinks her sister is kind of sad and unlucky and then she gets this idea what's the idea well just wait and see Jessica wearing a fancy wedding dress starts talking to everyone around she even grabs a microphone then she says loudly to all the guests does anyone want to marry my sister she's not super smart and she's getting older you know after saying this Jessica's sister gives her a sneaky smile but she doesn't realize how rude Jessica's words are the room suddenly feels weird and people start whispering some of them look at Jessica with disapproval but Jessica doesn't notice any of this she grabs the microphone again and tells her sister come on you have to make yourself sound better there are lots of good-looking doctors here don't you get what you've done wrong suddenly something big happened a woman named Emily Nichols who's 29 years years old and works a regular job spoke up she's not particularly striking in looks just ordinary but she has one interesting thing about her she became a lawyer after finishing Middle School Emily has a sister named Jessica who's 2 years younger Jessica is pretty and outgoing so their family always favored her Emily unlike Jessica isn't noed much she's just average in looks and style plus she's not very Charming so she didn't get much love from her family or relatives at home she felt ignored and often got treated coldly she couldn't compete with Jessica's natural charm which got all the attention from their parents instead of love Emily got harsh treatment I tried really hard in school hoping my family would notice me even just a little bit but no matter how well I did I could never beat my sister eventually I got tired of trying so hard to be loved by my family I decided to focus on something else instead of seeking their affection I threw myself into studying telling myself I'd find my own value studying hard made me feel more sure of myself and I started to see good results I hope that one day my parents would praise me for my academic achievements so I kept studying late into the night during Middle School I always got the highest grades in my class and did better than everyone else in tests but my parents never praised me instead they seem disappointed if I didn't get almost perfect scores in every subject they'd say things like being at the top isn't enough you need to be perfect in everything even if I got a 95% in a tough test they'd still say it wasn't good enough my mom's voice was like ice sharp and cold she always had something to say about my grades making excuses feel useless are you trying to show off these less than perfect grades she'd say making me feel small all I could do was mumble an apology yes I'm sorry I'd say quietly no matter how hard I tried my grades never seemed good enough for my parents they never appreciated my efforts if I didn't get a perfect score they'd scold me but what hurt more than their coldness was when my sister Jessica said seemingly innocent things oh are you getting in trouble again she'd say barging into my room and smirking at my report card getting scolded even with good grades that's sad I get praise even for barely passing then she pretend to be concerned saying I thought you were feeling down but I guess I was wrong if you were really worried you would talk to me like that that was my report card I said see that's your problem you're always so standoffish that's why Mom and Dad don't show you love it's because of that Jessica replied her eyes cold and full of contempt even as she walked away I could still feel her disdain after she left I heard her cheerful laughter with our parents from the living room I should have been used to this by now but I couldn't stop the sadness that welled up inside me tears streamed down my face in my my hand was my report card now crumpled from my tight grip I made a new resolve to stand on my own and escape this suffocating family environment I decided that excelling in my studies and improving my abilities was the key to my freedom from that moment on I promised myself I would make it happen I threw myself into my studies with even more determination than before one day as the Autumn Breeze blew through the classroom Windows my father made an unexpected announcement Emily you will not go to High School you need to start looking for a job immediately he said coldly I was shocked and didn't know what to say why would you say that I asked trying to hide my confusion my father replied it's not worth investing more in you if you want to go to high school you'll have to pay for it yourself if you can't do that you'll have to give up but I'm still in middle school I can't get a job that pays enough how am I supposed to I tried to argue but he wouldn't listen then you'll just have to accept it your mother and I have decided to focus our finances on Jessica we can't afford to spend more on you he said firmly that's not fair I screamed internally but my father's decision was Final his harsh words seemed to drain all the color from my world turning everything gray my mother and sister watched me with unhidden smiles clearly pleased now I understand there were options to cover High School expenses like finding schools with tuition waivers or scholarships but back then I didn't know about these options and I felt devastated by the end of my educational path from that day my passion for learning faded quickly the praise from my home room teacher who admired my grades felt empty with no support for my education at home my hopes of continuing my studies seemed impossible after Middle School I started working at a local Factory I wasn't old enough to live on my home so I worked hard until I turned 18 most of my salary went to the household and I saved the small amount I kept for myself those days were tough like crawling through an endless tunnel on my 18th birthday I finally left that house I left a single letter for my family and with a firm decision in my heart walked away from the home that was now just a memory after I left it was as if I never existed to my family they didn't call or write at first living away from them was painful and I felt very lonely but over time work kept me busy and the loneliness faded living independently the stress from home disappeared and I felt a new sense of mental Freedom this peace of mind reignited my enthusiasm I regained my love for Learning and decided to start studying again I began with the basics reviewing diligently the joy of learning filled my heart once more and soon I was studying with ease I moved on to high school textbooks and started reading extensively during my reading journey I became fascinated by books on law which sparked a deep interest in the legal profession although I had only finished Junior High the idea of becoming a lawyer seemed far-fetched but then I learned about the preliminary examination system which opened up new possibilities for me this system offered a chance for someone with my educational background to take the bar exam armed with this new information I intensified my dedication to study I used every possible moment at home and during breaks at work to memorize legal terms during lunch I would eat while studying for the bar exam my workplace was full of older colle colleagues most around my parents age they noticed my efforts and came together to support me at the age of 23 I passed the bar exam after that I left my long-term job at the factory and got a position at a top Law Firm after about 4 years of training there I opened my own law practice now I am a legal consultant for a hospital and I feel content yet sometimes I wonder how my parents would react if they knew I became a lawyer I think about whether I would finally meet their expectations despite this I have not shared anything with them in my heart I believe I will continue not to reach out to them however an unexpected reunion with my family came sooner than I anticipated one evening after work I came home to find a message on my phone from my younger sister Jessica saying she was getting married Jessica is getting married I murmured to myself my sister now 27 was engaged to a doctor the notification said her wedding was next month and they wanted me to attend despite the long period of estrangement from Jessica and my parents I hesitated to meet them but as a family member I couldn't ignore the significant event so I replied that I would attend my sister quickly responded with the exact date and location of the ceremony her message ended with don't forget the wedding gift which made me smile Riley it seemed Jessica was more interested in the gift than in wholeheartedly welcoming me I decided to use the wedding as an opportunity to reunite with with the family and then part ways again on the day of Jessica's wedding I Donna carefully chose a blue dress and headed to the venue after completing the entrance formalities I took my seat in a family area where my father and mother were already seated you have some nerve showing up here you must be doing well for yourself with the meager earnings from the factory my father said coldly indeed you're right introducing someone like her as family does not do us any credit as parents my mother added disdainfully just shouldn't have invited someone like you my father continued I told them exactly that but they insisted on receiving the celebration money regardless my mother said quietly right in front of me they continued their conversation without hesitation ignoring my presence this was my reality I had a faint hope that sharing my side of the story might bridge the gap between my family and me but it was quickly shattered both my father and mother avoided talking to me completely in a silence I glanced around the venue and noticed some familiar faces on the groom's side haven't I seen that person somewhere before I wondered feeling a sense of deja vu as I tried to remember I looked at the groom's name and my suspicion turned into certainty the connection I had anticipated became clear and I couldn't entirely hide my surprise it felt like a twist of fate however I decided to keep my emotions in check and quietly participate in the ceremony as the program proceeded the bride and groom made a glamorous entrance followed by his team guests offered warm words and entertaining performances softening the atmosphere time passed and the banquet gradually shifted to dinner and then to photo taking sessions throughout this time my parents got up without acknowledging my presence and moved towards the front where the bride and groom awaited Jessica like a magnet clung close to them smiling happily in each photograph taken I pretended not to feel anything and focus silently on the meal in front of me but expectedly my sister Jessica approached me she came closer with a smile but her eyes had a spark of something more than excitement to see her sister after so many years it seemed like she had an ulterior motive big sis it's been such a long time hasn't it are you happy to spend time together like this she asked lightly I nodded quietly expressing my genuine thoughts yes the banquet food is really wonderful I replied with a sarcastic smile Jessica continued you can't get such luxurious food at the factory you work at can you you should be grateful for this opportunity something inside me felt like it was being torn apart but I didn't show it on my face Jessica's words grew sharper cutting into me with a taunting Edge oh dear did I upset you I'm sorry but it's natural for you to be envious isn't it your little sister marrying a doctor and all the phrase I'm sorry slipped from her mouth flippantly as if it were a meaningless ornament I kept my expression unchanged and quietly waited for her next move then Jessica whispered in my ear big sis because I feel sorry for you I've come up with a great idea despite maintaining my composure I asked with suspicion a great idea what is it Jessica replied with satisfaction you'll see just watch closely adorned in her elegant wedding dress she gathered the attention of everyone around as she received a microphone from the staff suddenly she announced loudly to the guests ladies and gentlemen you may not be aware but my sister is here she may not have the highest education or be the youngest but if there is anyone kind-hearted enough could you please take her under your wing my face turned red in an instant what are you saying Jessica I exclaimed unable to hide my shock and embarrassment I exclaimed Jessica continued even louder although she doesn't earn much and leads a modest life is there someone here who can brighten my sister's future as everyone's attention focused on me Jessica seemed to be relishing my confusion sporting a smug smile then something unbelievable happened Jessica's disrespectful Behavior escalated and shockingly even our usually gentle parents joined in please treat her kindly their careless comment was the last straw for me rage surged inside me how far will they go to satisfy their desire to ridicule someone especially at a moment of happiness I couldn't believe it but it was was time for them to Face Reality as the atmosphere in the venue shifted and murmurs grew Jessica unaware she was once again the center of attention cheerfully took the microphone calling out Emily look there are so many doctors gathered here it's your chance I remained silent but my solemn gaze conveyed a strong will this is the end for you I thought Jessica confused could only respond with he I approached her calmly saying you'll understand soon just how Terri your actions have been as Jessica tried to make an excuse the groom suddenly raised his voice to address the venue wait please why are you leaving your seats his voice captivated everyone looking towards him it was clear that all his colleagues from work were standing up heading for the exit even as the groom tried to stop them a dignified man who seemed to be the hospital director spoke to him firmly the recent remarks of the Bride were so unpleasant that I'm in disbelief I apologize but we can no longer stay here we will take our leave now the groom rushed to stop the hospital director offering to take responsibility for Jessica's words and actions please wait I admit her words were inappropriate I'll speak to her directly and ensure she undergos a serious change in Awareness however the hospital director explained the seriousness of the situation and revealed information about me that the groom was unaware of the problem isn't just that do you know what what kind of person her sister is the groom confused admitted he knew nothing about me eh no I only met her sister for the first time today and all I've heard was that she worked in a factory after graduating from middle school the hospital director couldn't hide his irritation at the groom's ignorance don't be ridiculous her sister is a respected lawyer and also serves as the legal adviser to our Hospital the groom was shocked to learn this indicating he had no idea I was the hospital's legal adviser the lawyer is our Hospital's adviser not only the groom but also my sister parents and other guests were left speechless I was contracted as the legal adviser to that hospital which was where my sister's Future Husband worked the reason the groom looked familiar was because I had seen him several times at hospital events other guests likely realized this too when they saw me my sister's inappropriate comments only made things worse prompting the hospital director to openly Express his out wage although the groom himself is a member of the hospital's medical staff and has no direct relation to me to the hospital director and other staff the legal adviser is of significant importance the groom's face turned even redder and he stepped toward his sister raising his voice in reproach what on Earth is this because of your carelessness my reputation is now tarnished the groom reproached Jessica his Tong filled with indignation Jessica stumbled over her words for a moment then defended herself like a bewildered child it's not like that I truly had no idea that my sister was in such a prestigious position growing more indignant the groom continued to chastise Jessica for her ignorance ignorance is no excuse and how can you speak so lightly and disrespectfully of your own sister as a human being your behavior is at the very bottom you've truly lost sight of what's valuable desperately trying to elicit some understanding Jessica pleaded wait a minute listen I have a good reason however the groom unwilling to hear her explanation declared decisively the withdrawal from the marriage itself I have no interest in hearing your excuses our marriage discussion ends here shocked by his words Jessica collapsed on the spa as if her soul had left her her complexion turning deafly pale then in a fit of anger the groom and the guests disappeared from the wedding hall as I was about to leave I heard a desperate cry from my sister behind me please help me Emily but I didn't let her cries sway me confronting her with a Stern tone I said help you you say why should I do such a thing for you the situation you're in now is the result of your own actions trying to get a laugh with a joke that mocks others and then playing the victim when it fails is pathetic I can't accept it Jessica confused and anxious pleaded why are you being so harsh if you had had known about my success as a lawyer I replied calmly but firmly why did he bother to contact me in fact I was planning to end our relationship after this wedding but seeing your unfortunate end I'm somewhat satisfied you must be disappointed that your engagement to a doctor has been called off well you better work hard to find your next Prospect with those words I left the venue with dignity from afar I could hear the critical voices of my sister and parents everything went as expected and and my sister's marriage was no more the parents who had believed a secure future was guaranteed through my sister marrying a doctor expressed their anger towards her for the first time amidst the chaos my sister always pampered could have bear their anger and saw Solace with a broken heart but I turned a blind eye to her please devoid of sympathy I never answer her calls despite her repeated attempts and I cut off all contact with the family I heard that my sister had quit her job now unemployed a strange from our parents and spending her days isolated at home as for me I am enjoying a very satisfying life both professionally and personally leading a peaceful existence without major problems although my relationship with my family has been Rocky I am grateful for the strong support I receive from colleagues and friends this contented life isn't just luck it's the result of years of self-improvement and hard work there were challenging days but overcoming each obstacle has brought me to where where I am today reflecting on my past stroubles and their impact on my growth I aspire to continue living a fulfilling life at my own pace setting achievable goals while minimizing stress
Channel: Revenge Realm
Views: 4,800
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, reddit real voice, Text story, revenge, Revenge story, AppleText, Relationships, aita, redditstories, Apple, texting, texting story
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 40sec (1180 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2024
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