In-Laws Showed Up at My Home After Dad's Funeral and Said: He Didn't Have a House

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hi everyone I'm Jun and my husband Gabriel is helping me write this story before I dive in let me tell you something my first meeting with Gabriel's parents Louis and Lena was a complete disaster here's what they said I can't believe you would date such a loser Gabriel this woman has nothing going for her she just works a desk job in a small office how will she ever give us a good life Mom I love June and she's the only one I want I don't care about how much money she has or earns those things never mattered to me well they matter to us Gabriel we've made that very clear from the start if you had listened to us you would understand Gabriel if this girl has nothing else to offer she can't be our daughter-in-law we won't approve of her you need to find someone else no Mom June is the one for me I'm going to marry her I had the whole proposal planned and now you've ruined everything I was shocked the entire time this conversation happened yes I was surprised Gabriel was planning to propose to me we had been dating for 3 years and I hoped he would ask me to marry him but I didn't expect it so soon but that wasn't the only reason I was stunned Louis and Lena's reaction to our relationship was very upsetting Gabriel had warned me about them he had said look June I've already met your dad he's a great man and a great father I know you have high hopes for my parents but let me tell you they are not good people Gabriel how can you speak about your parents like that they must be good people since they worked hard to raise you it must have been tough for them they're really hardworking you don't get it June yes they worked hard to put me through college which helped me get a good job but it was all out of greed they always wanted me to marry someone wealthy so they could benefit from my wife's money and live comfortably they won't be happy when they find out you work in an office I was Nave and didn't realize how selfish and cruel parents could be my own parents were kind and even Gabrielle acknowledged that although he financially supported his parents he didn't have much contact with them he disliked them for some reason but didn't cut ties because they guilted him about their sacrifices when I met his parents I saw how greedy they were despite Louise and Lena's protests Gabriel proposed to me and we got married they threatened to boycott the wedding but eventually came after Gabriel pleaded with them he didn't have much family and wanted his parents there desperately they only agreed when he assured them that my family wasn't poor my father owned a house and some property they made it clear they were there for their own gain they told me chat you PT just so you know June we still don't approve of this marriage Gabriel is successful and we expected him to marry someone buy we're disappointed he didn't we wouldn't have come if we thought you had nothing thank goodness your father has something to his name I hope you remember us in our presence today day when you eventually inherit the house I'm getting married today guys my father is healthy and there's no reason for you two to bring up inheritance I walked away from them after hearing their words my father was my only family and hearing that on my wedding day was sickening I couldn't believe lisis and Lena had the audacity to demand a share of my money I didn't tell Gabriel about it I didn't want to ruin his day and I knew it was hard for him to cut off his parents unfortunately things went down Hill from there Gabriel and I were happy together but his parents were always nagging us about money they kept asking about my father's wealth but we never gave them a straight answer so they kept bothering us their behavior was embarrassing and entitled they had no right to know my father's worth we couldn't avoid them because we lived in the same city and Gabriel wanted some relationship with them for a few years I tolerated their greed they drained our savings by asking for more and more money making EXC puses and guilt tripping us when we refused and they never stopped commenting on me and my inheritance chat GP I started to ignore them but things got worse when my father was diagnosed with cancer it was aggressive and he didn't have much time left we flew to visit him a couple of times since he lived far away Louis and Lena weren't happy about it they said you shouldn't spend so much on flying to your father you're doing it too often it'll drain your money yeah he won't live long anyway and he's in Hospice there's nothing you can do for him now so it's better to save your money and not waste it there visiting my dying father isn't a waste of money guys and what we do with our money is our business you have no right to tell us we're your in-laws and we have a say it's for your own good you should spend money on people who be around longer to enjoy it I was furious at their words dealing with my dad's illness was already overwhelming and anyone who's lost a parent knows how tough it is Louis and Lena weren't being supportive instead they were subtly telling me not to see my father and to spend money on them instead thankfully Gabriel stood up for me and ended the conversation but from that day on I was determined to set things straight once I was in a better place emotionally I vowed to show them where they stood my dad passed away about 3 months after his diagnosis it was devastating even though I knew it was coming seeing his health de time was incredibly hard to accept Gabriel was my rock through it all he held my hand as we arranged the funeral Lis and Lena bombarded me with messages asking about inheritance and funeral costs it disgusted both of us but we didn't react we decided they'd face consequences when we returned home as expected Louis and Lena were at our doorstep as soon as we got back they pestered us with questions so the funeral's done I've been curious what did you inherit your father must have left you the house right what on Earth are you talking about Lena how is my inheritance any of your business I just came back from my father's funeral and this is what you're concerned about oh come on June don't be so sour since Gabrielle married you we've been wondering why I mean you don't have a fancy job and you're not exactly a beauty queen what did he see in you Louise and I figured it must be about money mom what's gotten into you how can you insult me and my wife like that we got married because we love each other I've told you this so many times please don't bring it up today Gabriel there's no need for the theatrix we're just asking a question June can answer and we'll be satisfied we wouldn't mind if you married her for money we'd be happy to know you got a good deal you're awful parents to accuse your own son of being a gold digger you twoo are beyond belief I can't fathom how someone as amazing as Gabriel ended up with parents like you chap GPT enough with the small talk June tell us what you got in your inheritance this is what I've been waiting for your father must have left you something Gabriel mentioned he lived in a big house you could just tell us now and buy us a house instead we'd make great use of the money after all we your parents now hearing this made my blood boil I was Furious and Gabriel looked at his parents in disbelief even he couldn't believe how greedy and selfish they were my father hadn't been gone for even a month and they were already planning to use my inheritance for themselves they even started calling themselves my new parents that was the moment I knew I had to act I had tolerated them for years for Gabriel's sake but now I needed to show Gabriel their true colors I replied actually my dad didn't own the house when he passed away I'm sorry to disappoint you he did own it for a long time but he had to let it go recently for reasons what so your father didn't even own his house anymore no I I said he owned it a long time ago he had to let go of it recently so no I didn't inherit the house or anything else oh my God so your father was poor after all I knew you weren't wealthy your father couldn't even keep his house until the end he died with nothing leave our son you're worthless mom our marriage isn't over because she didn't inherit anything you can't ask her to leave me over that don't interrupt Gabriel we won't allow this marriage to continue you dis pointed Us by marrying into a poor family you didn't consider our happiness I'm ashamed to have a son like you Jun I'm sure you trapped my son into marrying you people like you use tricks to lure men your plan was to cut us off and take his money well I won't let that happen Louis and Lena pressured Gabriel to divorce me and marry a wealthy girl so they could live in luxury Gabriel was upset and breaking down I knew I had to help him make a decision Gabriel are you going to let your parents continue this I've tolerated their Greed for too long because you felt guilty cutting them off are you still going to keep them in our lives I don't think we can recover from this June I've had enough too Mom Dad youve shown me your true colors today you've used me for your own game for years I won't tolerate it anymore don't be foolish Gabriel this girl will lead you astray from your family we're doing this for your own good we didn't invest in you just so you could give charity to someone else you need to divorce your wife and start over there's still time for you to find a wealthy wife we'll help you this time you've made too many mistakes on your wrong no I won't leave my wife because she didn't inherit anything I'm done being manipulated I'm staying with June you two won't be a part of my life anymore will you gain by staying with June this isn't what we wanted she's not worthy of you if you stay in this marriage we want nothing to do with you we won't help you when she leaves you destitute seeing Lena and Louis's Behavior I decided to reveal the truth I knew telling them my true net worth would make them beg and plead I don't mean to take Gabriel's money I have planting on my own and I'll take care of him just fine without your help nice try June you don't have to lie to us Lena snapped yeah you're just the daughter of a poor man you don't make enough money from your job to support Gabriel Louis added well actually I have 50 million in my bank account and no I didn't earn it from my job it's from my father that's impossible your father didn't have anything Lena scoffed don't try to deceive us June we can see through your lies it won't work we'll make sure you divorce our son and leave him to us Louis threatened I smiled at them and glanced at Gabriel who gave me the go-ahead he knew me well enough to anticipate what was coming next I opened my bank account and showed them my balance Louis and Lena's eyebrows shot up in disbelief they exchanged a shocked look and stammered no this can't be real you must have faked these bank statements you said you didn't inherit anything how you also mentioned your father didn't own his house where did this money come from Lena demanded why I didn't mention was that my father owned a big Ranch where he lived he sold it before he passed away and gave me an early inheritance he didn't want me to use my own money for his care unlike you too Louis and Lena couldn't believe what they were seeing or hearing they turned to Gabriel for confirmation and when he confirmed it they fell silent for a moment exchanging another look then their Town shifted completely oh this is wonderful news we thought Gabriel made a mistake but your father did right by you June you should have told us about this sooner Lena exclaimed yeah we got worked up for nothing you did marry Well's son we're so happy for you both Louis added with Gabriel's expression I knew my job was done he would handle the rest so I held back my frustration and let him take over I trusted him to make the right decisions and he didn't disappoint Gabriel was Furious and Unleashed his anger on his parents how dare you stand here and keep talking to us you were pushing us to divorce and now you act like June is family how could you we didn't know her net worth back then Gabriel she hid the truth from us how are we supposed to know she's actually rich Louis pleaded yeah June we're sorry for assuming the worst you surprised us can we move past this now that you've got an apology Lena added no absolutely not I won't forgive you for what you did today I just buried my father and you didn't let me grieve in peace I'll never forget or forgive this it's enough since you think so little of me you don't deserve to be in my life get out of my house and don't come back starting next month you're on your own I won't be helping you financially anymore you don't deserve it after today after Gabriel's ultimatum Lis and Lena went ballistic begging and pleading for us not to cut them off but neither Gabriel nor I paid them any mind Gabriel was so angry that he threatened to call the police if they didn't leave our house eventually they heard the warning and left but they continued to blow up our phones with calls and texts we blocked their number and warned them that we would press charges if they didn't stop harassing us for the the next few days Gabriel handled his family while I focus on grieving for my father finally in a peaceful setting I could reflect on my childhood memories and remember my father for the good times he was truly amazing when he understood I didn't want to move back south he sold his property so I wouldn't have to worry about it he even used some of the sale money to pay for hospice not wanting me to spend my own money on his care he was a great parent and I miss him dearly while Gabriel mourned the loss of his toxic family he faced guilt from others who didn't understand why he cut ties however when he shared the full story they sto pressuring him now everyone who knows Louis and Lena is disgusted by their behavior despite us blocking their numbers and changing our locks they persistently try to contact us we're considering restraining orders if they don't stop soon meanwhile I recently discovered that I'm pregnant it's bittersweet knowing my father won't be part of my child's life but Gabriel and I excited about this unexpected blessing we're preparing ourselves to welcome our little one into the world with open arms
Channel: Revenge Realm
Views: 2,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, reddit real voice, Text story, revenge, Revenge story, AppleText, Relationships, aita, redditstories, Apple, texting, texting story
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 36sec (876 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2024
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