My Husband and MIL Planned a Surprise Trip Without Me,so I Called My FIL and He Made One Phone Call.

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I'm Harley I'm 34 years old and I'm a bold and self-reliant woman let me tell you about the crazy journey of my relationship with my husband Dominic get ready because it's going to be a wild ride Dominic and I had our ups and downs like most couples even though I loved him a lot there was one big problem his mom Charlotte she was always critical of me no matter what I did she never seemed happy whenever we have family gatherings Charlotte would make mean comments about my cooking she act she was a fancy chef and I couldn't cook at all she complained about the taste how things looked and say I wasn't as good as her it felt like she was trying to prove that I wasn't good enough for her son but it wasn't just about my cooking Charlie had a talent for making me feel small in other ways too once at a dinner party I proudly told everyone about a big promotion I got at work hoping for a pat on the back instead she just brushed it off like it was no big deal saying it wasn't as good as what her friend's kids had achieved it made me feel invisible like she didn't care about my success and our wedding it should have been a happy day but Charlotte made it her mission to criticize everything from where we had it to what colors we used nothing was good enough for her she'd whisper her disapproval to anyone who'd listen ruining what should have been the best day of my life you'd think my husband Dominic would stand up for me right well not quite bless him he had this weird blind spot when it came to his mom he couldn't see how she treated me made me feel small and acted like I didn't matter it hurt a lot and his dad Caleb was the only one who seemed to get it and call her out but I wish Dominic would be the one to stand up for me after all I was his wife his partner and I deserve to support no matter what but every time I felt let down Dominic stayed quiet letting his mom's words hurt me over and over again it was like being cut by tiny knives again and again I wanted his love but I also wanted him to stick up for me it wasn't just about defending me from Charlotte's mean comments it was about fighting for our relationship and showing me I was important I hope he'd see through his mom's tricks and put us first but it seemed like he was stuck in the family drama unable to break free as time went on I started to feel more and more frustrated I felt like he didn't care about me or what I needed it was like we were stuck in a bad cycle that we couldn't get out of the beginning of the end came when Dominic said he had to go on yet another business trip this time to Tampa for a week another trip seriously Dominic it's a really important meeting that couldn't wait babe he said but you just got back from another one can't someone else do it and why Tampa all of a sudden I asked surprised he had only just come back from a different business trip so this sudden one made me wonder I tried to tell him how I felt hoping he'd understand but his answers didn't help much but I let it go I'll bake even though I'm not sure about this you know sometimes things just come up unexpectedly in business I said reluctantly yeah it's just business okay even though I had my doubts I didn't push it too much and off he went on this business trip the first 3 days of Dominic's trip went by and my suspicions got even stronger I decided to FaceTime him like I usually did when he was away but he kept choosing audio calls instead hey can we do a video chat tonight us sorry the hotel Wi-Fi isn't great so audio calls are better for now but everything's fine don't worry Wi-Fi problems it seemed too convenient didn't it babe don't worry about it Dominic reassured me but I couldn't help but worry sometimes I hear a woman's voice in the background and it made my doubs grow stronger making me even more uneasy I felt like Dominic was hiding something like there was more to this trip than he was letting on the trust between us was starting to crack leaving me with a sense of uncertainty that hung over our relationship despite my doubts I stayed quiet and accepted his excuses for those 3 days it was hard to believe three whole days had gone by and I still hadn't seen Dominic not only did he avoid video calls but our audio calls kept getting shorter and shorter I had to find out what was really going on on the fourth day I tried to Face Time Dominic again hoping to get some answers but when the call connected instead of seeing Dominic it was Charlotte who answered she was sitting in a beach chair with sunglasses on and a tan I was shocked Charlotte what are you doing there where's Dominic she smirked looking pleased with herself oh Harley dear you didn't think he was on a business trip did you honestly I can't say he needed to go to Tampa to keep this from you but I suppose that just shows how pushy you can be I couldn't believe what I was hearing Dominic had lied to me and his mother was there enjoying herself while I was left in the dark anger started to Bubble Up Inside Me as I realized they had been deceiving me so you're telling me you both planned a secret vacation without me well yes she admitted why I demanded because I wanted to visit my hometown and I wanted to do it with my son is that so wrong charlot replied of course not but why keep it a secret why exclude me I pressed because this trip is just for me and my son she explained but I'm his wife I should have been included this could have been a chance for us to work out whatever issues you have with me and I could really use a vacation too I argued well tough luck you didn't get one sorry not sorry Charlotte retorted I'm going to set aside your childish behavior for a moment to say this even if you wanted this special trip without me it would have been okay I'm an adult you can tell me if I'm not invited to something I can handle it but here's the thing we kept kepted a secret from you because we simply didn't want you to know it's as simple as that we didn't care if you wanted to come or if you would have been okay with us going along we just didn't want you to know but your constant calls were annoying so I decided to just tell you Charlotte explained are you serious Charlotte what's gotten into you has all that sun fried your brain I shot back how dare you insult me like that you're taking this too far you're acting like such a drama queen she retorted I not be dramatic I have every right to be upset especially after years of putting up with your nonsense I responded Charlotte Shrugged pretending to be innocent oh Harley dear sometimes it's better not to know everything your husband does it was just a little secret getaway just for us something special you wouldn't understand the bond we have a rush of emotions flooded through me betrayal anger and sadness it was obvious they had planned us together leaving me out and feeling compl completely deceived as I realized the extent of their deceit I couldn't help but wonder what else they had lied about how long have these secret trips been happening why were they so insistent on keeping me in the dark and what else were they hiding from me the trust I had in Dominic was falling apart and I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard his voice getting closer mom why did you answer the phone what's going on Dominic's voice sounded tense it's time Holly knew the truth it's been 4 days his mother replied firmly Dominic snatched the phone from his mother his face going pale as he realized the mess he was in he stared at the screen knowing he was caught in a lie why did you lie about the business trip Dominic and the Wi-Fi was fine the past few days wasn't it I demanded I didn't want you to be mad at me he admitted well of course I'm Matt I thought you were avoiding me is it strange that you want to spend time with your mom yeah a bit but Dominic you haven't been standing up for me and I've been feeling distant from you already if you wanted mom sometime you could have just said so even if I was upset about not being invited it would have been better than feeling like this I argued anger searched through me as Dominic tried to explain himself it was clear he hadn't thought about how his actions would affect me Dominic I wouldn't have been upset if you had just been honest with me it's not about the trip itself it's about you keeping it a secret that's what bothers me I mean I thought you were cheating on me for crying out loud what no way Dominic exclaimed yeah well when I heard women's voices in the background of your calls I started to wonder I said bitterly I have a special bond with my mom sometimes we just need to get away Dominic tried to explain in Tampa of all places you both hate Tampa and what about Gertrude weren't we supposed to visit her I questioned so this secret was just between you two what about your your dad did he know I pressed I can't talk right now I hope this trip was worth it because when you come back I'm not sure you'll still have a wife I said firmly Holly please wait Dominic pleaded but I couldn't wait I ended the call and ignored all of Dominic's attempts to reach me I paced back and forth in my room trying to make sense of it all why would he hide something so simple from me one thing about me when you lie about small things I start to wonder what big things you're hiding it was strange to think of Dominic spending time with his mom on this secret trip honestly I would have preferred if he was cheating on me I was frustrated with my distant and secretive husband and his difficult mother I knew what I had to do I needed to talk to someone who would understand I picked up my phone and called my father-in-law hoping he could offer some clarity and support hey it's Holly I need to talk to you about something important I poured my heart out sharing every detail of the deception that had tainted my marriage anger sadness and betrayal swirled inside me as I recounted Dominic's lies from his fake business trip to his desperate attempts to keep me in the dark his betrayal cut deep but what hurt even more was Charlotte's involvement I described how she seemed to enjoy keeping me ignorant relishing the power she had over me the weight of their deceit felt suffocating and as I spoke I could sense Caleb's shock and hurt in his responses Caleb's voice turned serious matching the gravity of my my words what I had no idea about any of this I'm so sorry you had to find out like this as soon as I found out I called you charot told me she was going to Tampa to visit her mother and repair their relationship I believed her well dominate just confessed that they weren't planning to visit bertrude at all and Gertrude has no clue about any visit I revealed Caleb's shock and hurt were evident over the phone it was becoming apparent that Charlotte had been weaving a Web of Lies manipulating everyone involved I can't believe Charlotte would do something like this it's one thing to have disagreements but to deceive her own family it's unforgivable Caleb said his voice heavy with disappointment they both need to learn a lesson I agreed that's a brilliant idea I was seething with anger ready to do anything to teach Dominic and Charlotte a lesson after a call ended with words of encouragement and excitement for what was to come I waited eagerly to hear back from Caleb about his mother-in-law's reaction a couple of hours passed and Caleb delivered the good news as Caleb described his conversation with Gertrude the seriousness of the situation became even clearer his voice shook with a mixture of anger and sadness I told her everything Harley she was Furious devastated even she couldn't believe her own daughter would deceive everyone like this Caleb explained she deserves to know the truth Cog Charlotte has been treating us horribly for too long I replied Gertrude has decided to take action Harley she's planning to teach Charlotte a lesson she won't forget she's fed up with Charlotte's behavior and wants to show her what real rudeness looks like I hope you don't mind me asking but what exactly is the issue between Charlotte and Gertrude well Harley I'm sure you'll find it ironic but Charlotte always claimed her mother was very rude and cruel to her they've had a rocky relationship since Charlotte ran away at 16 being in and out of touch for years it's very toxic but after talking to geru for the past hour I'm starting to think Charlotte was the problem all along it's crazy I've been married to sha for all these years and you and Dom have only been married for three yet you've managed to uncover more family secrets in this short time I should have been more Curious I should have stood up more how could you have known Caleb don't be hard on yourself please you were just being a good husband trusting what your wife told you and you stood up more than your son that means something thanks Harley for everything I'm glad I could help even though it's unfortunate it came to this I remarked yeah I guess so but I'm looking forward to Gertrude showing him how T she can be Caleb responded the next day arrived and the Fout from our Revelations began Dominic unable to grasp the seriousness of the situation called me in frustration his words filled with irritation Holly what did you do what do you mean mean don't play dumb with me bertrude is here and nobody else knows we're in town except you she said she came because she heard we were here I'm glad she knows the truth everyone deserves to know after all you're sneaking around how could you do this Harley Dominic's voice was filled with frustration in the background I heard some commotion likely from two female voices one sounded much older which I assumed was Gertrude unleashing her anger Dominic maybe it's time Charlotte faces the consequences of her actions she needs to understand what it feels like to be deceived I replied firmly suddenly I heard charlot's voice you ungrateful little rat how dare you expose us like this as I listened I couldn't help but chuckle softly though there was bitterness in my laughter before I could respond I heard another voice Stern and authoritative don't you dare speak to that young lady like that I've had enough of your insolence you've been telling everyone how rude and nasty I was to you huh when all I did was care for you and help you out of trouble you were such a problem child lying about everything and being nasty to everyone and I see that that lifestyle has followed you into adulthood we haven't seen or talked to each other since you left and this is how you want to act do you think I'm rude and nasty just wait I'll show you rude and nasty I heard things breaking like a glass or a vase and it made me a bit fearful as the shouting continued I couldn't imagine how scared Dominic must have been but I realized that this was the consequence of his actions he was an adult responsible for his choices I was done making excuses for them they were getting what they deserved and I was glad to hear it unfold for the next few days Dominic kept asking for my forgiveness because his grandmother was driving him crazy each time he called I reminded him that this was his fault meanwhile charotte and Gertrude continued arguing back and forth I was surprised they didn't get kicked out of the hotel they were staying in as their 7-day trip came to an end Dominic revealed something even more shocking Holly please you me to talk to Gertrude I tried talking to Dad but he's still upset with my mom and me Dominic pleaded slow down what's going on you two were supposed to be coming back right I asked trying to keep up I thought you learned your lesson I added well Gertrude doesn't think so she's planning to board the plane with us explained what she wants to follow us home and make sure my mom starts acting like a respectable adult and not some crazy teenager he continued wow that's unexpected maybe next time you'll stand up for what's right and not go along with your mother's schemes see you when you get here I replied Harley I regret everything haven't you punished us enough please talk to Gertrude and tell her she doesn't have to come with us Dominic pleaded desperately I don't think so sweetie who am I to argue with that woman she's terrifying I responded to Dominic's plea how do you think we feel he asked honestly Dom I don't care how you feel you've been lying to me for God knows how long and you never stood up for me when your mom treated me poorly you're getting your karma don't be mad at me now have a safe flight well as safe a flight as you came with these two ladies being together I retorted firmly as I hung up the phone a sense of satisfaction washed over me finally the tables had turned and I had stood up against the toxicity that had plagued our lives for too long Gertrude the unexpected Ally had Unleashed her own brand of justice and I couldn't help but feel a glimmer of excitement now I await their return expecting stories from Gertrude as unsure she continued to make their lives difficult on that flight Revenge never tasted so sweet
Channel: Revenge Realm
Views: 2,235
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, reddit real voice, Text story, revenge, Revenge story, AppleText, Relationships, aita, redditstories, Apple, texting, texting story, audio story podcast, mother in law, storytime, FIL, MIL
Id: fZy01xy221I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 23sec (1043 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2024
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