Museum of Failure

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permanent installation [Music] hey wall carpetbagger here coming to you live from the southern part of California more specifically Los Angeles California and here I've learned there's a blazar tradition here in Los Angeles of museums temporary museums they last for six months a year a couple of weeks but they don't I guess things are so trendy here that museums Gil folk faux pas so quickly that they come and go and here's one that's about to go but I was able to catch it in time is the museum of failure I must have been I don't really know what's in here but the name like that how could I not check it out hopefully this isn't one big fail follow me Adam you're failing to make it into this museum in a timely manner we start the museum of failure of course with one of the most legendary failures of all time the Edsel which despite the infamy is a worldly cool-looking car room broom [Music] it's an XFL football we failed Football League ironically though they actually just might announcement like a week ago that they're restarting the XFL after like 15 years now you magneto apparently they says sunglasses we actually glued magnets to the side of your head so they could clip on and off that doesn't and that doesn't even seem real certainly wouldn't call Oreos a failure I guess they're saying individual flavors may be considered a failure there's peep flavored swedish fish flavored yeah yeah some of them are pretty weird just share some notorious failed movies and down here this one kind of gets me blockbuster I've spent many nights wandering the aisles of Blockbuster it's a portable record player when someone walking on the street jamming with that spinning around their neck and then for some reason this dog translator failed I guess it turned out to be a hoax but I don't know really why you would need a dog translator basically a dog barks you either feed him let him out or pedal and you'll usually be happy this hammer spike actually we used to lobotomize people for some reason you know lobotomies are considered be somewhat of a failure considering they made you into a brain-dead zombies there's a notorious failure AIDS candy which at the time you know you find and then when the AIDS epidemic came and no one wanted to put aids in their mouths oh wow there's a Segway in the museum of failure do you remember when they made the announcement that they wouldn't even say what it was but they said they and they were releasing an invention that would change humanity and it turned out to be the Segway did not change humanity because it was banned almost immediately and every city sidewalk in the world and then the owner of the company actually died by driving a Segway off a cliff this boat was a failure I wonder oh oh yeah yeah yeah yeah that big failure the DeLorean I guess is considered a failure despite its ability to travel through time and yes this actually does have the you know time when she built into the model the Betamax player live done I've never actually seen one of these in real life Wow the entire country of Iceland has been deemed a failure and also the title music streaming service this littleness no-name is a homeless begging baby doll which failed for some reason maybe just because it was kind of depressing there growing up skipper who apparently if you lowered her arm would sprout breasts which is really a bizarre concept for a child's toy well this is kind of crazy kala doll and only she connected the internet and she could have conversations but then she sold all your information to corporation that's how they could target you Kayla it's like it's like an industrial spy remember actually seeing these in the store these are like CDs that played sent like literally it had a scent story where put it in the CD player and it would just like let off different smells it really it's a dumb idea some big pens for her basically they're just their pens that are pink but that's all they are my son one time traded his iPod for as soon not as best decision Nitori with ET the most unsuccessful game in videogame history actually almost ruined the video game industry and actually the burying all the cartridges in the middle of the desert there's the virtual why I remember this thing is really dumb like stood on the table you could even strap up your heads it was too heavy you had to like look into it on a table and then we played these weird 3d games but the only color was red she's an awful awful thing hostess grisly chomps the little cake here the gimmick was that each one already got a bite out of it as part of the gimmick because their mascot would allegedly take a bite out of each one but apparently it reminded people of eating other people's food they've been discarded so who wants that phone fingers to avoid smudges on your smart phone brilliant all the power glove it's so bad I remember her my friend got this and it we all thought it was gonna coolest thing ever but it literally just was unusable it was a piece of never heard of the new spoon before apparently was a disposable paper spoon he folded an eight with that never never caught on I'm a bro Lester oh good old diarrhea chips remember I was so excited to try the lights colored ketchup and then I put it all over a burger and I couldn't even finish it because it looked like it was covered in paint you know psychologically your brain just cannot handle a purple ketchup they're combining liquor and intense energy it's never a good plan for the most notorious marketing failure of all time new coke now the opinions expressed here are the opinions of the museum of failure not that of the carpetbagger to be quite an exhibit on our president Donald Trump Trump ice Springwater well that's interesting I do think this is really odd there have a Trump vodka no no no either that someone would would make their own brand of vodka but Trump has has never drank alcohol in his life he's been very clear about that so why should I trust his opinion on vodka I actually really loved the arch deluxe believe it or not Colgate beef lasagna it's the first thing I would think will be does it taste like toothpaste pretty clear why this one didn't take off there was a really a Japanese company that's goal was to sell or not sell but rent these artificial girlfriend's you pay a daily fee and then when you were done they host her down and passed her on to the next guy oh gosh Google glass is already here but rejuvenate this is the creepiest thing I've ever seen is a horrifying face mass actually electrocuted your face as like guests to make your skin better or something just it's just psychotic harley-davidson cologne for those lists not like a biker failure confessional this person dated Billy Corgan this person paid $15 to get in here not doing what I love because of fear and too many what-ifs guess it's time to do my own failure confessional [Music] [Music] [Music] so the museum a failure oddly enough not a failure I actually quite enjoyed myself in here anyways please check down below in the description I have a interactive map that'll show you all the different museum's locations roadside attractions that I've been to also if you'd like to support the channel a donation of at least $3 on patreon will sit and I will send you monthly postcards $10 or more will get your specialty postcard and there's also other ways to support the channel such as t-shirts and all those links are down below for now this one's in the bag
Channel: The Carpetbagger
Views: 902,483
Rating: 4.8776584 out of 5
Keywords: museum of failure, weird, strange, unusual, roadside attraction, roadside america, twisted, donald trump, hats, titanic, adam the woo, failed products, hilarious, funny
Id: bHLejlEJ_Nw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 14 2018
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