International Paranormal Museum and Research Center - Somerset, KY

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hey you all carpetbagger here coming to you live from the south more specifically somerset kentucky even more specifically than that i in front of the carnegie community arts center now underneath the carnegie community arts center is the international paranormal museum and research center and i visited here a few years back but i was interested in returning um they have they had closed down like everything else in the world closed down because of the pandemic they have now reopened and they have kind of redone their museum to be more friendly towards um a self-guided tour and and added some things as well it's added some additional rooms so i'm very excited to check out what is what is new here at the international paranormal museum and research center so please follow me all right the museum is down the stairs we head down the walkway here love their logo there the loch ness monster being abducted by aliens it's the entrance way there we got mothman it's one of the hopkins field goblins ufo see if they have added some true crime artifacts we have a vial of dirt from ed gein's grave site eddie of course the inspiration for norman bates buffalo bill and leatherface and then this is some dirt from the crawl space of john wayne gacy's house almost notorious serial killers infamous for being a clown this wicker coffin right here is a funeral no parking sign and that is an embalming machine some embalming tools right there churns oval so these are coins that would be placed over the eyes of the deceased then we have some beard clippings from charles manson some toenail clippings i'm trying charles manson that is almost as disgusting as it is terrifying a small painting here by charles manson when we look over here you can see a map of hh homes murder castle i've actually been to the location of the murder castle outside of chicago there's nothing left of it but here's some of the rooms and traps so they don't know the man created a hotel literally with the sole purpose of murdering people and killed tons of people during the world fair then it was converted into apartment buildings afterwards the handbook for the recently deceased that would be the guidebook that uh dead people receive from the great film beetlejuice oh there's the crescent esp kit i need to get myself a copy of that and learn esp at some point a board game so by milton bradley that teaches you to read people's minds this figure here is wearing some ceremonial odd fellow robes a secret society that uh you know we don't know what they're up to because everything was a secret there's a whole case full of spooky got some bones i think that's a finger right there it's a jawbone i don't even know what's in this spooky vial right here you can see the two-headed duckling right there one of nature's mistakes little display on lizzie borden um there is her house i've actually visited there not never stayed overnight that's going to be that's a goal but not been there it's a replica of the house and a replica of the axe that she gave her father father 40 wax with and there's a lizzy bobblehead in that little jar of fun see a two-headed turtle i have some cult items tarot cards see there's both baphomet and jesus christ next to each other in that case i guess different religious icons some vampire stuff we got some nosferatu beer it looks like back there and a bat in a box some voodoo items up there i guess uh some coffin nails up there we got some talking boards i'm gonna be commonly known as ouija boards i used to communicate with dead spirits and here's a sight i've actually been to the grave of changing bunker there's a little bit of the grave soil here's some other attractions and i've been to at least most of these the raymond bucklands museum of witchcraft magic i've been there that's a really cool place of course the mothman museum is amazing the international cryptozoology museum in maine been there the expedition bigfoot museum that is in uh cherrylog georgia amazing bigfoot museum wolf's museum of mystery i went there when it was in saint augustine um they've been trying to open a new location elsewhere um hopefully we'll get out there at some point to see their new location when it is open and then the museum of the weird in austin texas an absolute amazing attraction this here is gladys the haunted mannequin she came from a local department store apparently at night while the store was locked she would be found in different locations different parts of the store would move around on her own and man that she's spooking me out right now here is a whole case of ghost hunting equipment this is kind of your bread and butter here the k2 meter emf detector you kind of use it it is meant for for measuring electrical uh electricity like in the air and so you can like find disturbances unexplained disturbances and uh in certain areas some thermal cameras can detect abnormalities and uh in the air i don't know that teddy bear is it a haunted teddy bear right there this is the male meter apparently this is the first piece of ghost hunting equipment that was designed specifically for ghost hunting i guess it has all these different measurements built in can can determine certain unseen forces it's a aeropod right here which i guess creates a magnetic field and then tells you if anything is disrupting that magnetic field these are dowsing rods and you hold these out in front of you and the spirits communicate by crossing the rods and i guess sage right there will actually help remove bad spirits from a designated area by burning it and spirit dice because you roll these and the spirit can communicate by giving you different uh letter combinations to possibly spell out words and of course a ghost trap which is used to imprison the ghosts once you uh communicate with them now this is a very kentucky artifact here but this is a haunted bottle of bourbon and that's kind of a interesting story it was found um with this letter with it and i just read the letter and basically a group of musicians would play weekly and invite other musicians to come and a mysterious stranger appeared one night was playing the fiddle and he played the fiddle so well and and and then to put the others in a trance that smoke was rising from his fiddle and appeared to like take over their minds and all he ever left was this mysterious bottle of bourbon and um yeah really really mysterious story there here's a case of haunted artifacts we have these two dolls robert and elizabeth that says that these dolls would actually scratch and bite children said a local psychic communed with them determined that their names were robert and elizabeth and i guess to stop the evil behavior from the dolls told them to play silver silver barrette and the hair of elizabeth and that stopped the bad behavior and haunting this is a baby doll that was used in a ghost hunting investigation i guess as an object to try to prompt spirits but something became attached to it um during the investigation and the doll apparently will blink its eyes by itself it's been said has been caught on film blinking its eyes rapidly oh spooky and this quartz pendulum here was used in ghost hunting but it was retired because a psychic told them that it had been used too many times and had too much evil connected to it psychic said they could actually see evil oozing off of the uh pendulum so they decided to retired at that point so i pendulum absolutely crawling with evil this is the waverly hills padlock from the waverly hills sanitarium in louisville kentucky i've never actually been there very creepy leprechaun right there here at the carpetbagger channel we have a great love and appreciation for uh different quilts and different quilt stylings but we especially love there's a soccer trophy that belonged to a paranormal investigator and after a long night of investigating a paranormal activity had come home and that night he found that his soccer trophy had the head snapped off and decapitated and he took that as a sign that maybe something um not so kind had followed him home from uh from the ghost investigation says that this melted doll said to have come from uh henryton state hospital i said that verified accounts of crying noise coming from this doll so that they thought someone was locked in the museum and crying but it is came back to this doll so the people around the dial often feel profound sadness these are models of famous haunted buildings that is the franklin castle it's the limp mansion from st louis and the mcpike mansion from alton illinois alton illinois is also the home of the world's tallest man robert wadlow they're probably the most infamous haunted houses of all time the amityville horror house different various items in this case you can see uh model of the queen mary i've actually been on that ship it's an infamous haunted location so i have a brick from the fountain of youth there's a bottle of fountain of youth water and some various beers themed around ghosts that's a stanley hotel from the shining do at some point want to go to cryptvcon but i think all conventions were pretty much closed this year we'll take a look and see how things go next year heading into the cryptid room of the door we have a line of pennies supposedly that will protect the room against the ruguru a cursed shape-shifting swamp monster from louisiana see ya severe alien head there over here there's one of the hopkinsville goblins one of the weirdest alien stories these little monsters attacked a farmhouse in kentucky and were repelled when the family used shotguns to fight them off this is to scale supposedly the exact size of an actual hopkinville goblin down here is a recreation of the farmhouse what it must have looked like being attacked by the goblins see little goblins crawling in the windows there there's some stuffed uh goblins from hopkinsville they do actually have a little green man a festival in hopkinsville kentucky to celebrate the um the the occasion almost unique looking uh space aliens the flatwoods monster it's uh flatwoods west virginia this is a very near where the mothman sightings were but it's a unique creature with its own history some believe that the unusual appearance is due to it nearing some sort of space suit that this is not actually what the creature looks like but the creatures inside of this suit see some other versions flatwood monster here's your more classic gray alien this is a uh what the roswell aliens would have looked like down here we can see some farmers dealing with uh cattle mutilation this little miniature scene got a little piece of the roswell crash debris right there some interesting alien items down here this looks like maybe what an alien would look like with its skin off a 3d alien and there's a bobblehead version of that guy from uh ancient aliens george like i know he's very popular in like memes and i think i remember this from an episode of ancient aliens some sort of carving they found that appears to be a spaceship there's a piece of wheat taken from a crop circle 1989 in england yeah wood carved sasquatch check this out this massive full-sized bigfoot right here this case here has different uh bigfoot casts nutella i think that'd be something you would leave out to attract a sasquatch during a bigfoot hunt up here some prayer flags reminds me of uh expedition everest be associated with the yeti which is a cousin of the bigfoot it's quite a collection of big footprints these are replicas famous sasquatch prince the crippled foot right showed how the toe would be disfigured there and she heard knuckles some items down here pertaining to the yeti check out that yeti right there that is super creepy [Music] that is actually abujam is a restaurant and brewery actually from waynesville the town i live in fuji is kind of a sasquatch-like creature that collects jewels it's like a mountain legend there's bigfoot the giant snow monster game some skunky information skunk is the florida version of the sasquatch i actually own this book if they sell this at the skunk ape research center in the everglades here's one of the men in black it's actually wearing a facial covering but uh probably not for safety probably this is a way to keep more secrets the mothman section right here it's a wood carved mothman it's a replica of the mothman statue of point pleasant oh look at that mothman's so popular he has his own funko pop now this is actually a piece of the silver bridge the bridge that collapsed uh during the mothman disaster as you can see from that newspaper interesting story about this um i actually did a video previously on this museum someone that owned this piece saw my video contacted this museum and offered to give it to them so very serendipitous yeah mothman a very popular monster where he celebrated in pop culture mothman beer mothman hot sauce i do notice that cryptids do seem to be very popular in the uh craft beer market uh at the moment love this model of mothman now that is so cool there is a audrey ii replica little shop of horrors um one of my one of my absolute favorite movies and uh there we have uh jackalope i love his bright blue eyes all right with the goat man the pope lick kentucky goat man actually own that shirt they used to sell it at will russell's shop and there's a little coloring book for the kids to color the devilish uh public goat man it's a lake monster section of course loch ness might be the most famous we've also got uh champ from lake champaign look at that getting some more uh cryptid beer and a model of the loch ness monster and the ceelo camp there is important because that is a cryptid that was perf that was confirmed to be real um they thought that it had been extinct for thousands of years and they actually caught one off the coast of uh south america the lizard man from bishopville south carolina here's some uh some lizard man butter beans apparently for some reason the lizard man is associated with with butter beans um i guess he eats butter beans there's the skateboard swamp i've actually been there looking for lizardman but i did not find him there's the rugaroo the shape-shifting werewolf-like creature from new orleans he actually has some guru rum i love this map here monsters in america showing some of the famous monsters you can find in different parts of the united states the chupacabra from the texas new mexico arizona area it was beast of busco i've been there found in a lake giant snappy turtle in a lake in indiana lizard man of skateboard swamp in south carolina skunk apes public monster puckwood mothman oh the jersey devil so many giant and bizarre monsters in this great country of ours so thank you for joining me here in somerset kentucky at the international paranormal museum and research center center a very very very very cool um collection here because it combines a lot of different interesting things ghost hunting aliens and cryptids all in one cool little package so definitely highly recommend it if you are in the area if you like see other places i've been please check the interactive map in the description of this video if you'd like to help support the channel consider donating to patreon three dollars or more we'll get you a postcard once a month also now selling two different styles of enamel pins in the etsy shop those are great christmas presents i think but until next time this one's in the bag
Channel: The Carpetbagger
Views: 63,839
Rating: 4.9408503 out of 5
Keywords: the, carpetbagger, paranormal, supernatural, ghosts, ghost hunting, dills, haunted, dolls, cryptids, roadside attraction, roadside america
Id: 1QtQg-Bb_wI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 36sec (1356 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2020
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