National Video Game Museum

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hey you all carving burger here coming to you live from the great state of Texas more specifically Frisco Texas and even more specifically than that we're at the National videogame museum now this is not a vintage arcade or its amount of straight-up vintage arcade at least it is a true chronicling of the videogame industry but there are some games there as well so I've strapped my GoPro to my chest and in hopes of capturing some of that so that my hands-free to play any video games that are offered up for playing you guys ready follow me did anyone see the other end of this portal alright it's dangerous to go alone take this and a brochure look at this the tower different video games playing if you look closely they have reversions gold versions of the old systems okay there's a Nintendo 64 I think that might be a Virtual Boy yeah there's an Atari my grandma had one I would say I probably played this system more than any other the Sega Genesis oh there's Rob Rob the Nintendo robot up there [Music] here's stage one the beginning of video games so you can see a pong of course the first video game and here's a variation I never heard of puppy puppy pong there's a old pong arcade machine different one-game systems that look different paddles and controls was a famed historical character in the video game genre mario mario the the famed mushroom eating plumber this is the stage 2 timeline and this seems to go quite a quite a long distance of time to go all the way from the Atari to Sega Genesis Super Nintendo to the Saturn 10 o 64 Xbox and the we can control the screen with this giant Super Nintendo controller see what happens I just give you a lot of information on this gives Gameboy yeah I understand this before it's you drive and shoot the old drive and shoot at all these because these are all t-shirts from video games I remember splatterhouse was so controversial me and my friend would like tell each other rumors about it this is the Frogger wall what I think this might be the scariest video game box I've ever seen suspended cryogenic nightmare look at this you can actually play the video games oh I'm not good at this backhand shoot shooting is always helpful oh man I died game over that was fun some stuff with its guts showing I want you game boys down there alright let's get real serious heroes get some Atari going I guess it was like a little dog walking in the street oh okay oh oh no no no no no no no oh come on these controllers are so unflexible he's gonna give you blisters so easy you're someone like the customized controllers remember these paddles like made for tennis my grandma had that for her Atari that's like a standard PlayStation and again these Atari ones are so stiff and hard to use iconic any asset controller and yes light gun this control looks like an egg timer okay we have the National all right we have the national videogame museum video game I'm not entirely clear on what is okay I see people put in their own Easter eggs for different games it's like how to go into god mode and doom I remember this was like one of the weirdest phenomenon of the game genie where you literally used it as a way to cheat that video games this display here is kind of showing the video game crash that happened in the early 80s just showing that all these games are on sale going out of business let's see that et the notorious biggest flop of all time and even have a clearance been for all these games are 99 cents which if he really found these for nine cents by the steam is how the game actually works so it's a vetrix vetrix okay see look how the beautiful Victor lines are and how terribly terribly I reason they're flashing on my camera even though in real life right yeah it's got its limitations with being able to be reproduced well you know for for a video like this but trust me this thing is looks this is the only home system that actually even looked like an arcade experience and it was necessary to have the onboard monitor because it behaves completely differently than a TV stream hey I'm doing better my it's a game called adventure like a little Q running around oh okay it's okay just going around a castle or something it's a black line they can't cross suhara gataki I don't this games too complex for me conveys all these different game boys gotta be one of the most prolific and long-lasting game systems of all time was not long-lasting once the Game Boy printer and the Game Boy camera used to want one of these so now there's a little tiny arcade machines on controlling okay I guess it's really two separate miss pack women oh they die okay one of my pack woman died football oh I died yeah I guess I didn't die it's just a football screens a little faded here plays just like new check this out you can actually play ET the most notorious arcade game of all time they they're km that allegedly destroyed the video game industry but it's not quite that simple let's play all right et walks they give up who's that man okay you almost got me Dick Tracy is is chasing me so I go in these holes I think that's okay nothing in that hole I I raise my neck and then I go up all right goes up oh I keep falling in this hole over and over again oh this is it's not great okay go up out of the hole how do I keep falling back in this hole okay so go to the edge and then put my neck up does not something et did in the movies he didn't what this games not that good [Music] they gotta go right in the middle maybe that's the key okay okay this is the worst game ever sorry look at this their restrooms are themed after Dragon's Lair Oh PC games got a punch the demons doom me a gun or something punch my sponge there's these demons and knuckle sandwich says let's play Minecraft but never really understood it I know a lot of people really love this game actually remember the sega channel had a buddy who was subscribed to the sega channel it was it was weird it was like a cable channel where you could play certain games it was weird what's doing there John I'm trying to figure it out here let me help yeah there's nothing over here oh there it is the Virtual Boy the notorious piece of garbage that no one bought it 3d it's all red I'm Mario and someone stole my hat [Music] no I'm de Atari apparently claim to have a controller that you can control your mind and it apparently didn't work I remember my friend he uh he rented a power glove from the local store and and it was the dumbest thing ever it didn't it didn't do anything cuz there's a little like inside art games in the testing phase there's a pokemons until 64 there's the some sort of sewing machine add-on for your Gameboy Hello Kitty sega dreamcast and video game based serials just these are board games based on video games kind of interesting going going in Reverse when it comes to gaming let's play some super nintendo got world heroes loaded up punch punch punch you're the girl punch punch punch kick oh quit hitting me Oh powerbomb all right Little Nemo the dream master on the original NES all right now I'm wearing a frog I'm half boy half frog snails are still killing me and they beef or can they swim in the Frog swim yeah it's frog swim oh this is an awesome game restar and Sega Genesis he head butts head butts as enemies Oh Oh I mean rabbit we're gonna headbutt him there he's gone this is amazing their little 70s living room set up for you two to play centipede in it's like John is just chillin here in the the 80's bedroom [Music] ah it's a mistake oh look to have a Mogwai what you playing John that goes to beat it in less than 15 min can you do that have you done that before yes I used to be really good at dang John oh wait we're late how many worlds are there rolling so you learn something new about someone every day what I was video game nerd I got it a mushrooms in this and we're all right looking better take them with making grades this is the tough world but you got to do what to have a turtle - turtle dance this is tricky okay open our oh nothing oh no leave that Oh No okay so John yeah you did good you got to root you didn't win you got to world 8 to 2 and probably easily less than 10 minutes it's been 10 years in some place pretty pretty sharp I'd say who's this vampire was it no shirt because that it's the master team the master tailor dude look at me we've got a big red spot no your forehead from the overall thing all right facially heading into the arcade section let's see what they got [Music] you're playing Tempest you're yes oh I'm in the way all right we got four national video game museum tokens to use here in the arcade so we must use them wisely plan on playing around a tempest don't even know what I'm shooting Oh [Music] maybe Chu Chu Chu Chu Chu Chu we're traveling on some sort of black hole it's pretty cool that asteroids deluxe say a different version of the old classic asteroids got like a weird 3d effect [Music] you like the Galaga John is on the second round you let one of them with death you and then you rescue it with that so yeah then you have the two planes you gotta turn all the squares yellow oh I jumped off the edge of the earth appears that the gift shop is like an old item shop from an RPG the Chow snow so that was the National video game museum and I really loved this a lot of time do you see these pinball or our kid museums and they're more vintage arcades but this definitely has a solid museum aspect to it in addition to allowing you to have fun playing the games if you like the other places I've been please check down in the description there is an interactive map it'll show you where I've been and you can tell me where to go we'd like to contribute to the channel consider donating to patreon because that are buying a tree t-shirt all the information is in the description but for now this one's in the bag
Channel: The Carpetbagger
Views: 35,629
Rating: 4.9454432 out of 5
Keywords: the, carpetbagger, video games, vintage, pong, snes, genisis, sega, nes, old timey, arcade, plano, tx, texas, centipede, handheld, roadside attraction, roadside america
Id: hGlMdJaTbec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2019
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