Worlds Most Wonderful and Bizarre Animatronics - Return to Marvin’s

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[Music] hey all carpetbagger here coming to you live from the north more specifically Farmington Hills Michigan even more specifically than that I'm in front of Marvins Marvelous Mechanical Museum now one of the very first videos ever did was that this amazing news even know what it is is it more than a museum it's an interactive attraction where there's arcade machines robots coin-operated wonders and it's it's been quite a few years so I'm excited to see how the place is doing sadly the owner Marvin you go to passed away a few years ago so he's no longer with us but I'm it still wanted to check out see if there was anything new anything different and most of all I am just excited to be back here so follow me watch The Meters were off says for those of you didn't spend any money please leave a donation for the electric bill all these amazing pinball machines and this right here this was my favorite arcade machine of all time check out these old chuck-e-cheese animatronics pretty impressive that's munch there in the middle Jasper the dog I forget her name some of my animatronic friends can help identify these creations it's a singing pig lady three Birds three singing birds and then I don't know what this is this wall here like has weird hands that applause I guess yes we have wah blow and he's coin-operated you can see the entire life of Robert Wadlow for 50 cents [Music] funny mirror from Coney Island amusement park there see a long-necked woman that looks like it made it came from a red police and a horrifying clown this is called the misers dream see if it works Oh bank vault open oh is that the devil in the window what every man must do before he takes a poo I guess we should find out what is he doing is he doing exercises poop related exercises here's everyone's favorite The Laughing sailor got a fee on his nose [Music] Louie the love shrinks Love Shack it's this is Louie the lug shrink see what he has to say [Music] [Applause] looks like a strikeout pal users are easily manipulated but very flexible like most of your relationships start outstretched but pretty soon user even the comics and laughter reverse psychology at the end of the day Joe lover will finish toying with you put you back in the plastic what's brown how this is scientific stuff here sorry that's its facts now back off a little a little Cupid I see the sex change machine is out of order license Undertaker license bone doctor welcome to the manor love affection a little tenderness it means what I mean here have an Asian gentleman this is happy good fortunes master le cheated by name and again now who can do your job [Music] some people might find it slightly offensive alright now we can play tic-tac-toe against a chicken there's my worthy opponent and we are gonna see if we can beat him at his own game it was first Tekken Pete's turn chicken goes for Brad right in the middle is it possible to win at tic-tac-toe [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he beat me since I'm asking all these other random fortune tellers their opinion on me let's see what the brain has to say to those knobs guys evil-looking [Music] so the answer is greed that's all name fool and at number eight now strap just called the donor not sure what's about to happen here we got a guy laying on a slab Oh sliding up oh he's breathing dr. Ralph binge and purge the County food inspector a salty looking fellow in there oh there he goes Oh vomiting absolutely the worst thing I've ever seen [Music] Michigan's rarest creatures well-known for the slow reflect room flexes and persistence the michigan anteater demonstrates the infamous honey technique which contributed so much to his animals utter lack of success as a species it's an ant coming you're gonna suck it out oh he missed the haunted houses often have the profit but there's a man being electrocuted this is like a miniature version of it he's in a little box but you can still Brian huh oh there he goes oh not pleasant I'm sorry I feel guilty now the nervo meter test your courage got a hold the bread button as long as I can oh no there's the dog I defeated the dog Manor oh wow that's actually connected then actually electrocute you I had one hand on us I wasn't working when I completed circuit actually was running electricity Julie oh that's fun all right in the vein of all these torture games we have the three trials of terror and keep your hand on the button for all three trouble over sure gonna try [Music] some hands on fire defeated the three trials this is designed to cure your fear of spiders the one you have to stick your hand in all right so put my hand in there there comes the spider and what's gonna happen to me Oh something's tickling the bottom of my hand my butcher whim Oh says I'm a book the great shopping - off it's like he's got a blade that he that he will cut your hand off with so yeah let's pay for that that sounds like brilliant idea all right gonna put our hand in there some of his mystical powers and Oh chopped my hand off Hey look an autographed photo of Jake the snake Roberts Merlin the magician see oh there goes what's he gonna do what's he gonna do is little fraud little frog under his cop and put it back down via magic trick I think what's gonna be under there now I'm going to tap it with his magic wand and now what he turned it into a little birdie it's out of the mysterious moving ever so slightly so there she goes putting her hand over her tarot cards her finger there's have been detached all right Oh down here there we go all right another endurance game king cobra got to see how long you can hold your finger on there I don't know what the Cobra is gonna do all right Cobra do do your worst oh he's dancing [Music] and the strike isn't it the anticipation makes it worse you [Music] all right the Cobra is not even moving anymore but this is not Frankenstein but crankenstein his method out brother I'll actually think he's called because there's a crank down here guess we got to revive him by turning the ring Oh Danger Danger I brought you back to life you jump-scare me in response love these old magician posters on the wall there we have the world's most tattooed woman I think she's from Ripley's I don't know who that is next to her there's the steakhouse don't know what that is maybe some sort of disturbing knockoff of mr. Peeta vigorous strength healthy color by the vibratory doctor the vibratory doctor I don't know what this does I'm a little worried about this attachment right here but I guess we'll give it a shot done vibrate vibrate I am this is it's disturbing yeah I don't I says not electric try it it is pleasant the guillotine see what happened this is sort of execution simulator oh there we go oh I see it you see it to the guy oh she's got his head chopped off Wally and Wanda the Polka babies I could use it to hold the baby dance there they go here's something of immense historical importance is amazing the Cardiff giant this is actually PT Barnum's own Cardiff giant it was alleged that a farmer found this giant petrified man in his field and of course they charge money to be able to come and gawk had to come to see it and then PT Barnum offered to buy it and they told him no so he did the most PT Barnum thing you could imagine and made his own and the hair sits right here Marvins Marvel's Marvin's Marvelous Mechanical Museum seriously though it's huge you 30 pound weight limit that's no fun that's an interesting trash can right there you go buffalo head right there interesting things up in the rafters Colonel Sanders with the world's largest chicken bones you have those animatronic bears which I swear we're actually moving a second ago we've got another family of bears up there exposing the sex led maniac to the world on-screen there we have the world's heaviest man clearly not me wanted slide and his aunty tonk piano if that no-good character right there got a lot of tickets right you see a picture Jesus there this is the auto weds machine it actually is the most expensive thing here two dollars to operate my wife's not here but I really want to see how this works oh don't tell her I guess I'm gonna wanna get married here at Marvin's [Music] please select your Union won four straight for us to work it press three for lesbian or floor floor best friends forever yes electrocuted you know I'm straight so I was straight please let the crew was its name then please enter the prize name then the breath would even though she's not here we can get married long distance if they're already married do you take this man to be your lawful wedded husband to have and to hold from this day that's one in four I do that's two decades she's not here but I'm assuming she do you take this woman to be your lawful I do ended why here crazy no like your envelope you have exchanged these written as the pledge of your valet to the it's a rings congratulations you may now kiss please take your certificate of union and you know really use a captain went for your special occasion all right we're happy with our service please retain your receipt for a 10% discount with auto Tavares Strether's prophesies another fortune-teller what's she doing oh here she comes [Music] that is the stuff of nightmares right there sadly the alien IQ test is out of order the disgusting spectacle let's pay for it go for it [Music] I wasn't told that it would be that bad all right invasion of the body snatchers what's gonna happen oh that's not good oh my gosh it's turned to an alien the waiting room Gus this lady's pregnant this guy's got an ax in his head not sure what's wrong with her but now that guy is just a skeleton he probably needed the most this disgusting face was part of a game called poison the rat this Spanish Inquisition torture scene here this guy's having hot brand in his skin this guy's being flagellated guess that kind the backs being stretched such pleasant times Andrew the greatest of the great illusionist just gross picture Burt Reynolds naked on a bearskin rug don't tell anyone but oh now everyone knows [Music] what shall we do with the drunken sailor shall we give it the drunken sailor should be sailing not getting drunk [Music] where's Pekin atom that giant snake and his gelatin oh no this Humpty Dumpty behind the concession stand oh I love the monkey so much this is literally my second favorite arcade game of all time the original Ninja Turtles game I could literally literally spend all day in this place instant physical exams with doctor I'm a whack enstein all right it's but it going here oh what's this a rotating model the human body in there [Music] just so much hanging from the ceiling so much pushed up against the walls it's hard to just sort out all the wonderful things going on around you Marvin's marvelous monkey band his own fans comprised of apes and there is the visage of Marvin himself big Marvin's use furniture Wow got that guy in a tub of spaghetti eating it they get their thoughts coming out of the drain these guys are going to town on a turkey dinner get a quick scan of what pinball machines they have in operation [Music] this is pretty cool actually it's a little ride that takes your photo they have these at Chuck E Cheese and I don't know if that's supposed to be chunky Janine or not beautiful cool carousel right there Oh clown head right there and look oh the world's largest overalls seriously would get on some of these point operated animals but thirty pound limit that's what the fun police have determined tune in for maximum smoke is that Charlie Chaplin that is it electric chair with a granny in it and I'm not sure what the dance of the fairies is Elsie she has chewed her cud we're kervins amazing water fountain [Music] Wow so what can I even say that largest collection of just amazing robots no salt Arno Pappy but they got about everything in between just amazing I can't recommend this place enough it's free to go in you just pay quarters to operate the machines you want so much to look at it's a card of China in there for the love of its love this place can't recommend it enough appreciate you guys watching please check down in description see other amazing mind-blowing places I've been you may also check down the description for ways to help support the channel I have a Spreadshirt shop as well as a patreon page if you don't at least $3 a patreon I will send you postcards while I'm out in my journeys and for now this one's in the bag the one thing I can't figure out what is that hanging ball of hair right there
Channel: The Carpetbagger
Views: 547,107
Rating: 4.8999252 out of 5
Keywords: the, carpetbagger, roadside, america, americana, weird, strange, detroit, farmington hills, mi, michigan, weirdstrange, creepy, roadside attraction, roadside america, marvins, marvelous, mechanical, museum, odd, oddities
Id: wDKBC7Yafyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 55sec (1435 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 30 2018
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