Glore Psychiatric Museum

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hey you all carpetbagger here coming to you live from st. Joseph Missouri I'm here in front of the state prison but I'm not here to visit the state prison this used to be a mental health facility a asylum if you will and during that time there was a worker by name of George galore and him along with some of the patients there I developed a Museum of mental health treatments archaic mental health treatments show the history of mental health how far did come how cruel it had once been and the museum itself expanded this eventually the the asylum was shut down and converted to a prison and the museum was moved next door here to what is now called the Glore psychiatric museum and it does it will Chronicle the history of mental health treatment I've heard very good thing that this would be a very fascinating Museum so please follow me [Music] Allah this is a restraint cage it's I'm necessarily very comfortable way to restraint someone putting them in a metal casket here's a client cannot refuse stamp that reminds me almost that Simpsons episode where they would stamp insane on your hand when you went to the mental institution who do you think she responsible to take care of the mentally ill to people is that it's the individual two people said family and friends where people said the community of the same said the state government and looks like most people think the federal government isn't exampie which is basically eating things that are food and check this out this was found in a patient's stomach who died a mental patient and all these things were found in her stomach at the time of her death I guess probably leading to her death you can see all these nails bolts buttons safety pins Brock's earrings look it's like this is even I mean it's not gross but it's like you'd see like the bile and stuff piled up there like they'd just like pull this out lay this on the thing just needles swallowing needles that is a just think about eating all those this is very fascinating as seen putting letters in the back of their TV and so an electrician sees the TV and found that there was all these letters that the patient was putting almost like a diary of things that were going on and it did record some of their delusions apparently the letter said that the hospital was storing their thoughts in some train cars back behind the hospital but yeah they didn't know I guess they it's unclear if they thought that their letters were going somewhere or if this was just a storage device yeah here's some love letters and they're absolutely haunting and see what it says here says the two Great Western boxcars numbers 17 8 20 Great Western boxcar number 3 8 5 2 0 has all I know in them there's a bullet that was removed from a patient's leg fifty-two years after had been shot into their leg by a man who he was having an affair with his wife here is a collection of 100,000 cigarette packs you can see they're all different brands a mental patient was under the understanding that if he could save a hundred thousand cigarette packs he could exchange them for a new wheelchair but of course this was just a delusion there was no such thing being offered but the hospital administration felt so bad that they actually allowed him to turn these in for a new wheelchair apparently the same man that was collecting the cigarette packs also hoarded neckties there's a seclusion room you can see putting a straitjacket in here very very sad history of Psychiatry timeline all started in 1790 when the straitjacket was invented 1848 Phineas Gage becomes a worldwide celebrity we're having a metal rod blown through his head 19:06 pavlov does weird experiments on dogs this is the tranquilizer chair was created by Benjamin Rush who's known as the father of psychiatry in the United States this was designed to help but calm down mental patients who are getting out of hand of course nothing helps calm someone down more than strapping and shackling them into a chair and putting a box on their head you can see it even has a area where they can defecate in pee so they don't have to be removed from the chair so we have father of modern psychiatry here's some bloodletting supplies some knives to cut people open in a bowl to collect the blood in I always like these to these fancy lead jars just like makes leeches seem so elegant I starting to have questions of how some of these early psychiatric treatments this is the a Harlan swing and it was used for patients that were uncooperative and kind of how it work is they were placed in here strapped into the box and then just spun into a circle to cause cause distress upon them I don't know why you would want to further distress someone who's already in a bad state but essentially it was a really bizarre punishment they just used the centrifugal force - it says rush blood does their brain wow that's that's wonderful there's some wonderful displays featuring some child styles this is the water dousing where the psychiatrist would just pour water on you while you were tied up this would help take someone who is out of it and knock them into their senses it seems kind of mean it actually was bloodletting as a treatment for mental health I guess they would try to bleed out you're crazy by strapping you down and slitting your ankle some sixteenth and seventeen hundred's restraining devices basically I guess they would just put you in a big sack and leave you in a Cell and here we have a treatment where they would literally just stomp on you and step on you I guess this is back when they thought that demonic presence could cause mental illness so they would just put you on the ground and give you good stomping hoping that would get rid of the demon here's the practice of just using dungeons to lock away the mentally ill back in the 18th century oh wow these poor insane women yeah these were straining cages are like super super cruel of course you can tie this into like these witch-hunt crazes see a woman here being getting ready to be burned at the stake this is called a lunatic box where you put the mentally ill person inside and they just have to stand there with only just their face poking out but of course if you get tired of looking at their mentally ill face you can just drop that and they are just essentially in a standing coffin called the baths of surprise so someone would be standing up here unaware trap door would open and just drop them into a pool of cold water it's supposed to be that sudden shock would end their delusions so you like get dunked in the water and you're like oh thank gosh now I'm not crazy anymore okay and this is the hollow wheel or a patient will be placed inside an apparently the idea was they had to remain completely emotionless or the wheel would start to spin and they'd be forced to be trapped in there running like a giant hamster they'd be locked in there for 48 hours and this was supposed to help snap them out of their delusions it seems like um a lot of these treatments would actually cause further mental illness through PTSD or if the practice of dowsing was just blasting this guy with a with a hose it's a lot of these treatments are so suspiciously like torture where's the classic stalks horst good old phrenology where your character was determined by the bumps on your head some exhibit on restraints and see you again simple as just tying someone to a chair well so these were some restraints that were actually used you can see the woman has her arms tied in that pouch in front of her here's some modern tranquilizers things that would be used to help calm people down here are some early tranquilizers which are just sticks and wimps meant to bludgeon and beat people with which I guess he's beat them into until then until they're nearly unconscious doesn't seem great this reminds me of the dentist's office from a little shop of horrors hydrotherapy maybe a little different than what we call hydrotherapy today this one it's where they just wrap you in a wet blanket and tie you up or lock you in a bathtub with only your head exposed and subject you to hot and cold water you look at this an enema table were you late on that and then the doctors had full access to your to your rear it's an old toilet I think the problem being that the coup would just fall on the floor some fever cabinets or they would lock you in a hot box with only your head head sticking out you can see in it and there's just like yeah it's the stool and that clamps are on your neck and you were subject to whatever temperatures they feel that you need to be subject to shock therapy or electro convulsive therapy could see woman being hooked to that machine I know this is still used today I don't think it is used quite exactly the same way as it once was yeah here's the electro convulsive therapy machine you can actually see that a mouthguard there to keep you from biting your tongue these would hook to your temples ooh trepidation where you just take out a chunk of your skull to give your brain some more extra room to to exist people still do this today thinking it it helps them think better mmm there's an early trepanation knife and you can see me I would carve holes in their skull this is 500 AD brain surgery oh my gosh can you imagine having chunks your skull removed with that in 580 here's a much more sophisticated 1890 skull cracking instruments here's our man Phineas Gage he had the tamping rod but I guess they used to packed on dynamite was blown all the way through his head and Ely lived and made a full recovery although some say that it's he became angrier more volatile later life this quote right here despite all my rage I am still just Phineas Gage it's a replica of Phineas gages injury showing kind of where the tamping around went in and out of his brain there's a replica of the tamping rod so you can see it's really long and just flew through his head it's crazy I can't run where it is offhand I know that his his skull and the rod are actually on display at a museum somewhere but that's a museum that doesn't allow photography anything like that if you remember where that is leave a comment in the comment section there's a Rorschach inkblot test what why don't I run through these and see what I see in these ink blots okay I see Mothman that's a guy with a beard as his eyes those are two people looking at each other getting water out of a well Mothman Mothman - snails kissing - half human half rabbits bumping their rear ends together oh wow these our two squirrels crawling up the side of a woman Oh what is that that is a a these are human organs of some sort or maybe not even you my other organs that is some guy with a Devilfish fur head he's wearing a big long coat it's not a guy who's wearing a bra this is very interesting this embroidery was made by a mental patient that was hospitalized for over 30 years said that she did not speak but she sewed these words together in a cabin sack by that be hmm is that not pouting Wow this is fascinating it's like have a look into her mind as to what rocking-chair hospitals apparently in the psychiatric hospitals in the mid 1900s all the patients had to work fed to do things during their keep and then apparently if a patient was unable to work they were expected to sit in a rocking chair all day long rocking they weren't allowed to get up they weren't allowed to ask for anything he's had to sit there and rock and sad here's a mid twentieth century award scene you see the patients no one's in a straightjacket it's forced to sit in the rocking chairs all day and rock it's the hospital's physical therapy room and see so the different things they use a treadmill you know that's nice and normal um this is a bit more concerning this this dunking tank this is somewhat unexpected in here apparently there was a flood that affected a car factory here so they donated some cars that were actually broke down to the children's psychiatric hospital and the children worked on them as an activity and they're completely amazing these are like customized cars made by child mental patients really cool to see how their creativity came out this one's known as the Yellow Rose oh my gosh look at this interior it's like so fuzzy the fuzziest car ever this is amazing this is like a piece of absolute art right here here's the other car called the jukebox hero it's very interesting the interior there but look at this on the on the truck bed here it says jukebox hero you've got that Michael Jackson Elvis The Beatles up there kiss pretty impressive man down this hallway they actually have some micro museums in this sections and different collections that don't exactly relate to the psychiatry aspect there's a figure of New York is actually the african-american slave that accompanied Lewis and Clark on their expedition here is their doll museum in here Brazil Barbie up there she is having a picnic with her man friend Ken how does Barbie measure up I guess this is like what Barbie would be looked like if she was a normal human being let's see how I measure up to Barbie Barbie would be way taller than me and have a much thinner waist it's not a doll it's an action figure yes they were they christened boy dolls his action figures like this I think this is a first actor for GI Joe the original is all had that scar on their cheek as a sign of authenticity and of course he-man is how bigger your arms compared to he man's longer but not as muscular the fear of dolls are similar objects they talk about the uncanny valley hypothesis which basically is that things that are human characteristics but are decidedly not human created a feeling of dread in people and here's the doll they use as an example it's a good example that's a good example of uncanny valley right there I know appealing to children in museums that was important but part of the World War one exhibit they just have a playstation controller and they let you play a game called battlefield one have some voting booths set up and they want you to write down what you think some American values are some different answers here so one says science prosperity the pursuit of happiness regardless of race religion disability sex or sexual orientation American values greed money simplicity Majnu and quote unquote freedom a profound sense of entitlement getting something for nothing you are not responsible silva just laziness xenophobia eva don't be hard on America we think we value liberty and justice for all but if you look around you you see that white rich Christian lives are valued over all others ignorance and intolerance unrealistic people being kind and using manners that's good but sad that sad that that there's so many negative and and partisan sentiments there I love America I love America I think people of all political backgrounds I think we have more in common than we'd like to think I think all people you know want the freedom the freedom to live our lives to be able to seek out what we love to be able to express ourselves in the way we want without the government or other people telling us what we can I can't do a course we live in a nation of laws and with our nation with compassion for for those that are less fortunate I love America I don't want to live anywhere else what I'd like to see changed is I would like to see people talk to each other talk to people you you disagree with you know if someone you find someone that you disagree with politically why don't you sit down with them and find something that you do agree on and work backwards from there because in the end we're all Americans we all love America you know they want to label people liberals or label people conservatives we're all Americans and we all love this country and we all want what's best for this country we have different ideas on how to get there but that doesn't mean we can't work together now I will get off my soapbox I apologize I noticed that their bathrooms are themed here and this is the phobia food bathroom so that no pauses are you afraid of clowns well I certainly hope not because you just stepped into your nightmare because you're locked in a bathroom with a clown all right so that was the Glore psychiatric museum I really was impressed that Museum a very depressing in some ways I'm showing how mental health treatment just was essentially torture at one point and you know they did some showings of how it had grown how it had changed over time of course mental health is still a serious issue that we are dealing with to this very day I do I do think it's very cool to have a an open and honest view of psychiatry I visited the Scientology psychiatry Museum out in Los Angeles a little bit skewed and this does show kind of both sides you know this doesn't pull any punches it shows how bad it once was and but you know it's a hopeful ending a hopeful future that you know that we can still work towards better treatment of our mentally ill friends and family appreciate you guys joining me if you'd like to see other museums I've been to as well as roadside attractions amusement parks haunted houses and other fun things check the interactive map in the description if you'd like to help support the channel consider buying a t-shirt consider donating to patreon a three or more donation will get you a postcard once a month but for now this one's in the bag
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Views: 756,352
Rating: 4.9043746 out of 5
Keywords: the, carpetbagger, glore, paychiatric, museum, roadside attraction, america, americana, roadside america, history, mental hospital, patients, spooky, creepy, dolls, mannequins, strange
Id: _TqC0DEyHcM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 5sec (1385 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 10 2019
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