Secrets of the Carnegie Museum of Natural History

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hey you all carpetbagger here coming to you live from the north or specifically Pittsburgh Pennsylvania and you know as I travel across the country I love all those tiny roadside museums but every once awhile Ethier's to take in one of the classic museums eight-game the massive academic museums and I'm here at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History and it appears to be a quite and institution I'm looking forward to going inside I'm looking forward to you following me [Music] now this is a true highlight this diorama here I mean 1867 has previously displayed in Paris to see all that's going on here we have a man on a camel the attacked by a lion right there spend another lion that's been shot and dad's I guess this Lions intention is pure revenge just look at the house of agony on that camels face but this this piece holds quite a secret because in 2016 they yeah they did some x-rays on this man right here and they found that he has a real human skull in his head there was a the the model of his face was based around a real human skull they don't know whose skull it is where it came from but it yes a a man made of man parts do love the taxidermy and these glass boxes and that's very Victorian Museum look to it Oh woodpecker right there this was taxidermy at first but this eagle this giant life-size eagle is actually made out of ivory a timber rattler there think he's thinking about even a little birdie right there got mama bird up there and the baby birds are graphically eviscerating ugh I just I kind of feel bad with my dad for the Frog butterfly wall this is actually really interesting it's alright not Souris hornbill that is the male right there and the female you could see her poking her beak out of there to protect her the male actually imprisons her in a tree trunk he puts like that mortar or whatever up so she can't get out she relies entirely on him to feed her while she's taking care of their young it's really really bizarre and interesting this gift shop is pretty impressive basically because it has a t-rex in the middle now if I'm good and identified made bones and take a mat right there is a seal out of all these children's books they have some jars of fun one of the rarest pieces of taxidermy you'll ever see it's the taxidermy giant panda what is a fossil good question I'm swimming these are fossils here's a Pittsburgh native this giant salamander skull and one ever found and it was in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania marine life back in the day when Pennsylvania was an ocean and these beautiful fish and squid and trouncing around this big thing here this prehistoric animal looks like a cross been an alligator a frog it's called the Erie ops feed the Dino now we used to think that dinosaurs lived on meat but this dinosaur lives on cold hard cash like we had a genuine and paleontologist workshop here it's the other little bone bits they're working like look at those big ribs imagine if you could eat barbecued ribs over that thing that would be pretty amazing this little fun size mammoth right here this is a dinosaur called a Tsar me and Taurus made a 3d model of his head and using that they're able to make a 3d model the dinosaur brain I think that's the closest we'll ever come to seeing a dinosaur brain of of course unless Jurassic Park becomes real igneous rocks sedimentary rocks metamorphic rocks this is all like bringing back flashbacks of a particular middle school test touch a piece of float copper well you know got to ask me twice uh-huh good flow copper look at this this giant massive crocodile you know we was talking about alligators and crocodiles being living dinosaurs I'd say for the king of the dinosaurs because are the only ones that are still around you know dinosaurs always biting each other I think that's why they went extinct it's actually the first dinosaur acquired by the Carnegie Museum of Natural History they Diplodocus which is known locally as dippy I think what's even more fascinating is the name of this dinosaur full name is actually Diplodocus Carnegie so named after the actual founders of the museum that's really amazing that is a sauropod footprint imagine if he stepped on your face Wow just look at me his monstrous skeleton fish right here just some sort of Dino porcupine I guess touch the pass use two fingers to gently touch this piece of dinosaur bone [Music] this t-rex head is kind of lumpy and weird so either he still won't be weird to ear X or you know having your head lay around for millions of years makes your head all Lobby and weird okay this is kind of a mind-blowing moment this t-rex here it's known as king Rex the first and there's very good reason for that this was the first t-rex discovered he was this individual t-rex was given the name of trainer source Rex this is the og t-rex we are looking right now at mr. t-rex the t-rex that came before all others I love him so much yeah just me and the first-ever t-rex just hanging out seriously does that not almost makes me almost makes me emotional how ICO this guy still has crazy bone eyes yeah you can see that King Rex just tiptoeing through the tulips there over here we've got some various skulls of Triceratops style dinosaurs you know you gotta agree these these are probably the most metal looking dinosaur skulls it's like we got a little prehistoric possum right there it's a wonderful guide over there and she told me an interesting fact to answer to a question that I never even thought to ask its wire dinosaur bones Brown you know bones generally being a be white variety and the answer is that one of the first dinosaurs was dug up the the scientists it sort of immediately oxidized they started to come apart the air started to destroy it so he took varnish that he had it and varnished the whole bone and that's at the standard and from that point on all dinosaur bones were varnished in brown and the jokes you told Plus that if it happened to have a can of blue paint then all dinosaur bones would be blue heading into the age of mammals we see this creature here who is half skeleton and horse monster there's horse evolution first we start out with his adorable little tiny Pony almost like a little My Little Pony and then Oh turns into like a dog sized horse there it just keeps getting bigger Ellie and there's our finished horse just notice that some of these early mammals have amazing names long-legged hello Pig look at how the coyote sized bear dog that's um that's that's that's a good name that's like three animal names and want hey how are you doing coyote sighs their dog here's what buffalo looks like when you cut off half its skin and remove all its organs there's a little bright our pets out in California you can see these lions or or heckling this poor buffalo because he's all stuck in the mud they're like yeah these half animals sir we've got a certain creepiness to him just yeah that's weird this is discovery Basecamp to slow down look closely touch everything we could we could touch everything I could I could touch this bear oh good old bear you're choking yeah good you're here ma'am I wish I had a pet bear oh yeah good bear off gruffy bear yeah you guys you just pick up these owls just pick up an out how you don't know nice to meet you mind if I carry around for a bit yeah I just woke up to this Bob yeah oh he's a little heavy I don't think we're picking them enough yeah I can't believe it's let you touch the taxidermy it's an amazing we need Nora taxidermy petting zoos in the world a lion I love NYIT's yeah where else would she do this again just like stick your hand in the lion's mouth and just do tribute to do just hang out no one that he won't you won't kill you oh you're such a good lion such a soft lion some folks will never eat a skunk this is what looks like when your skull explodes this lemur looks like he's wearing goggles oh look at the little monkey this is a little creepy look at that's big head oh gosh hey turtle these boxes right here is a buffalo box and let's see it it's just it's filled with buffalo parts these boxes are just filled with chopped up animals oh look if it's cute beaver he's like begging for table scraps which would be what I guess skunks I want a pet skunk I think mostly the point of this is just me figuring out what animals I want to have as pets big alligators skull right here there we go yeah I've never seen anything like this it's just like taxidermy animals of boxes that you can move around and carry chaos rage oh yeah let's see what's in the opossum box [Music] what do we got in the possum box Oh a little possum footprint there plants there is awesome skull these little vampire fangs there's such a small brain cavity poor guys some insect diorama oh my gosh the other size of these bees look at these is a giant bees oh you don't want you don't want to be stuck you don't want to have that stinger there's a big wall of jars of fun what we got float in these it's like huh iguana oh it's just a bunch of like baby alligators shoved in that chart I for one welcome our new insect overlords there's something I'm really fascinated with the art of the diorama I always been a huge fan of taxidermy diorama yeah this is a really unique piece it's like a big bubble big glass bubble with I think those are like pheasants or something in there more than Ravens loser really large Nevermore always got loved the dioramas that are both above and below water just a blue goose not so blue but very much a goose this is good too right is it a red footed dumb booby how are you boobies doing in there a Roseate Spoonbill really kind of looks like he's been crammed in there pretty tight Wow better look faster there little guy this is the hall North American wildlife in the traditional style taxidermy displays that you see a lot of these museums whatever reason you could touch another bear all you wanted but this bears off-limits for touching maybe you just may be too grumpy these sort of Cubs together they're really really going at that same and that's right its nature it's how nature works back there this eagle is really excited that he just found this fish here are the mammals of Pennsylvania see that there's a lot of critters oh excuse me they're chaos reigns and where is he where where's the guy we're looking for there he is dramatic scenes of violence and death are always most fascinating taxidermy display here we got this elk just being devoured and pulled apart by vultures oh and there's an arrow enemy was killed by a bow hunter this is really interesting this is a collection of taxidermy that is categorized by how they passed away this lizard was smashed with a rifle but in the military tent oh you can just see the look on the face he's like oh this Imperial woodpecker actually extinct due to overhunting from actually from SeaWorld in San Diego this was super weird this hellbender which is a massive salamander choked to death on a marshmallow on this poor common crackle was stoned to death by schoolchildren what even calls them out Boyd elementary school Boyd elementary school we ashamed of yourself this table here is basically just a massive snake pit another rare taxidermy sighting a bald eagle [Music] oh look at that angry steel face see this amazing display of these like crocodiles as if they were swimming underwater oh there's a Oh what should I call it an Eevee and here we have the world's most unfortunate iguana you're such play on some extinct birds so you know is amazing to see but very sad to know that they'll never be back the Carolina parakeet of course most notorious extinct birds the passenger pigeon which was once almost like considered a pest but was killed by man and the dodo right there bird that was killed because of that no survival instincts okay this is really cool these are fictional birds matched up with their real-life counterparts there's a zoo from the Lion King next to a real hornbill here's there's two kids in the dead - could they maybe picked a toucan that wasn't so dead looking then there's owl Winnie the Pooh there's a there's a real owl we have a tweety bird next to a dead Tweety word again why did they make them look so dead it looks like the fake Tweety Bird mother the real Tweety Bird there's the roadrunner was a real Roadrunner of course the cartoon Roadrunner is like huge it's almost like an email or something there is opus the penguin real penguin gazing over his shoulder that's creepy wait a minute mommy's where where am I thought I was in the Natural History Museum they have the air conditioning cranked up in this section I always love when they do that the ultimate showdown man versus walrus I always wanted to live in an igloo when I was a kid let's see what it's like oh it's the igloo dwellers they're just butchering white foxes and collecting their blood the ultimate showdown man versus delicious bass they're sled dogs so yes I love traditional museums just as much as I love roadside museums some really fascinating stuff and they're the first t-rex ever discover the namesake of all other t-rex's and plus the the ability to just just fondle taxidermy is that impressed me in and of itself so much good stuff here but check it out if you're Pittsburgh pretty nice pretty nice little Museum they got here like the other museums I've been to as well as other roadside attractions the music parks and whatnot check the interactive map in the description I'll show you where I've been and you could tell me where I need to go also if you'd like to help contribute to the channel considering a t-shirt consider donating a patreon a donation of three dollars or more we'll get you a postcard once a month but for now this once in the bag
Channel: The Carpetbagger
Views: 95,133
Rating: 4.9498482 out of 5
Keywords: the, carpetbagger, carnegie museum of natural history, dinosaurs, bones, dippy, taxidermy, lion, bear, t-rex, first t-rex, king rex the first, science, history, amazing, pittsburgh, pa, pennsylvania, educational
Id: M8P72C1J5nc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 14sec (1274 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2019
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