Ripley’s Aquarium of the Smokies

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hey all carpetbagger here coming to you live from the South more specifically Gatlinburg Tennessee leave a more specific than that I'm from the Aquarium of the Smokies owned by the great riff Lee's corporation one of the top-ranked aquariums in all the country and we're gonna take a look inside I heard they have a new exhibit they have kind of a rotating exhibit room and a new exhibit called the savage seas and we're gonna see how savage these seas really are follow me it's a massive sea turtle monster hanging over top the children's play area it's like the Beast of busco up there in the rain forest check out these super vicious man-eating piranhas he's just thinking what you'd like to eat my face look at that they already ate entire steer hey there miss your electric eel show me some of your lightning powers well he's a big boy Charlie four-eyed fish they have their eyes ticking up above water for increased visibility you've got some mud skippers there fish don't like to curl on the water and hang out on land they think their things are too cool for water is there Archer fish they can actually blast streams of water outside of the water it not insects down in gobble waah you know I'd really don't have anything against to go on this but every time I see it along as I think about the time I went to Key West and there was just Crips full of iguanas and they'd go to the cemetery and they live inside the crypts and its really creepy it's okay buddy I'm not talking about you go to sleep some poison dart frogs I'm on top of any list of animals you should not eat the ocean realm [Music] you're some drifters just walking down that lonely highway of life also there jellyfish there's the flounder the doormat of the ocean what is that [Music] look at that he is changing color before our eyes nope that's them sir I think I might be some sort of coddled fish not sure these guys are pretty weird too just hanging out upside-down yes that is a cuttlefish and yeah they can change color so fast that they can actually make themselves flash different colors what am i pretty much one of my favorite animals hey buddy what are you doing the coral reef I can literally sit here all day and stare at this aquarium fish make me tranquil I could probably fall asleep in here that sea dragons drifting along there all right time to go into shark Lagoon oh no the conveyor belts actually not operational so we're gonna have to hoof it how are you today mr. Barracuda [Music] yeah here in that shark tunnel see it looks like an old wreck and a ship they're nice people if you look up there though see a bale freaking shark [Music] Brown a crazed look in his eye his dead eyes black like a doll's eyes [Music] yeah look how that looks like wreckage there all the fish and sharks so cool [Music] our softness [Music] oh yes the octopus is out it's a special treat it's normally hiding octopuses are pretty much my favorite animal so beautiful here's the standard cuttlefish [Music] the savage seas [Music] boy there me hearties from captain Cutlass telling us about wild storms and frightening monsters this ain't personal I just loved a scrimshaw here's some piratey torture items handcuffs and and whatever that chops off okay apparently I have a wid purpose and now and some sort of puffin I guess this guy he's super priority I think my favorite weapon of all time is the dagger pistol when stabbed and someone's isn't enough did you know monkeys were considered a royal status symbol to pirates how much do you know about famous pirates arm we're gonna do this in one shot so we can test my my knowledge which historically famous pirate to Dan Bonnie run off with would you begin her pirate career Calico Jack alright Blackbeard it says which one of Blackard sunken ship was rediscovered 1996 off the coast of North Carolina the Queen Anne's Revenge okay two for two two for four William Dampier hmm William Dampier was born in England but he was most well known for early exploration of which new country I honestly don't know this one but I'm gonna guess New Guinea yeah all right Captain Kidd how many acts of piracy did Captain Kidd commit during his career we're gonna say one out of four ain't that right I really don't know who this guy is check it out cracking photo op here's one I'm a ringer for this one history of the Fiji mermaid what two animals is a PT Barnum's Fiji mermaid made from muggy and fish here's a little sand box that we can play it and build our own islands with let's make this Inland Sea part of the ocean I'll the sand up till that there we go I have made a new continent I call it carpet bag yeah pirates are so backwards black cats are considered good luck to pirates all right these are different types of sea serpents the zip yes he's best known for having the face of an owl and a sword for a fin that that's weird Island whale best known for that does not look like whale looks like a insane turtle that's known for having a back that's camouflages an island he must be huge and the priest sir he is best known for being a rapid attacker and spring water from his blowhole just like a dolphin and the sea serpent is best known for wrapping its long snake-like body around ships during an attack [Music] take our lesson here is when doesn't panic temps the Pequod is is the ship from Moby Dick you still have some of the exhibits left over from the shipwreck exhibit that previously was here this is a Edmund Fitzgerald full of fish and revenge that's Blackbeard's ship here he is Blackbeard himself to tell you he has all these pistols and he has a cannon fuse is tied into his beard to frighten people probably would not want to ride the US has to nosedive that this submarine controls here oh dear [Music] [Music] you don't have to just look at fish here at Ripley's Aquarium you can eat them too did this to a porthole here Wow Penguins in the floor little penguins there you can actually crawl down in this tunnel and get a closer look at the penguin I think we could fit surrounded by penguin look at this guy how are you doing good sir what are you doing my fine penguin what's your name my tray Hugh is names a tray you like from neverending story all this guy's going crazy he hates that carpet seriously it making me nervous quit staring here's where they keep the young and sick penguins what's really cool they actually have an autographed photo of the penguin there are two more coffee you got it good it's Ronay translates to pig nose fish I guess you can cut these horseshoe crabs hey there crap how are you doing that's doing good look at this got an emo explosion in here shark here and actually rotate them like you're cooking them over a fire make your own jellyfish here touched it again choose a jelly belly that one the number of tentacles let's go big pinnacle ank the long all right what face do we want and eyes and a mouth hey super happy and let's see oh he needs a friend you can hang out with a mermaid I think it's good and and there we go that is that look enough like me okay and what's this oh back around yeah I'll have them with the sharks oh I don't know let's see this one that's pretty cool too alright we're finished it says that's a good looking jelly there's no official carpetbagger jellyfish alright some fish to feed to the stingrays going to attach them to this and then I stick in the water so they can eat it we are ready to go let's feed these rays [Music] who wants a fish head come on you want a fish head I guess you didn't eat the fish head now you're just toying with me there we go oh he wanted that fish Oh oh here we go ask I wanted all right big one right here hey there Oh head to them I've got you he's friendly he's like a puppy dog dead eyes black like a dolls rose so that was Ripley's Aquarium in the Smokies thank you for coming along with me appreciate you guys watching likes the other place up and check down in the description there is an interactive map that'll show you where I've been and you can tell me where I need to go also if you'd like to help support the channel consider buying a t-shirt consider donating to patreon a donation of three dollars or more a month we'll get you a postcard monthly and for all the information just check down in the description but for now this one's in the bag
Channel: The Carpetbagger
Views: 74,250
Rating: 4.9369655 out of 5
Keywords: the, carpetbagger, ripleys, aquarium, fish, sharks, tunnel, savage seas, jellyfish, octopus, animals, stingrays, fun, attraction, gatlinburg, tn, tennessee
Id: _lECRgAThcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2019
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