World's Most Amazing Collection of Tragic Artifacts - The Newseum

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[Applause] [Music] pay off carpetbagger here coming to you live from the South more specifically Washington DC and even more specifically than that from outside of the news the Thiam museum based on noose this is kind of an arbitrary idea that a museum we based on news because isn't all things in you see hems all history isn't that essentially news anyway we'll see how they how they articulate that distinction and there's supposed to be some cool stuff in there as well tell me it's pretty cool actually headline from pages from newspapers all around the country there's the Atlanta Journal Chicago Tribune now this is what I'm talking about decapitated tumbled statue of Lana mayor Lenin I've seen a lot of samples of the Berlin Wall through my travels I don't like how this is set up to have the difference of each side here my crossing from the west side to the east side things get much worse much less decorative this is absolutely insane that tower sort of the outputs from the Berlin Wall without massive that is and then absolutely insane they got it from Germany all the way here to Washington DC and here's the handcuffs used on the Boston Marathon bomber retaking the it's horrifying homemade weapons Ardi boulders have it's white maybe that's why they call them whitey oh my gosh this place the haunting there's a car that belonged to one of the 9/11 hijackers it was just abandon of the airport they reporter wore this traditional outfit when he interviewed saleh bin Laden the Silk Road laptop some things on the Lindbergh baby that's not the actual ladder but it wasn't a ladder it was reconstructed during the trial to prove something I guess the story is that they the kidnapper had gone up to the windows to kidnap the baby and actually drop the baby and killed it on accident okay this place is intense as far as like true crime artifacts go this is Oh oh my uncie tarik are left behind by the Beltway snipers oh my gosh there's the sniper rifle right there these used to kill all those people completely senseless I remember that what was going on so crazy watching they're just waiting to see here the next person to be shot would be and this is the payphone that Lee Malvo used when here's our local boy Eric Robert Rudolph and we got a hatchet it's a rosary Taco Bell at if you work at Taco Bell actually been to the dumpster where he was caught and boots and his family I guess there's Ted Kaczynski's terrifying homemade wooden gun and this is just unbelievably extraordinary please not touch the Unabomber's cabin this is the actual having the Unabomber lived in out in the middle of nowhere oh my gosh I've seen you know bits and pieces and relics from 911 pieces of building but this is this is something this is actually parts of the plane it's a police door that was that was blown off and look at all these cell phones and pagers recovered from them from the rubble there's some stuff on the shoe bomber Richard Reid and yes they have the shoe right there explosive explosive latent right there oh my gosh literally what don't they have here this is amazing seems that everywhere claims to have Dillinger's death masks this place seems pretty legit I don't know there's some adulteress guns and even one of his cigars that could have it on terrorism's absolutely mind-blowing seeing all that stuff well this appears to be some form of situation room there's some exhibits here about reporters attacked and killed imprisoned in the line of duty this truck right here is attacked bullets you just Fabia miss Daniel Pearl computer I remember he was the guy that was he headed by terrorists in Pakistan oh wow this right here was the antenna on top of the world shows that are right there that's it really a lot of people people pretty divided of whether or not flag burning should be a crime [Applause] [Applause] [Music] and this iconic photo here a woman being executed in an electric chair was taken with a hidden camera on reporters ankle that's it right there look at that that is Mark Twain pipe and inkwell apparently judge Ito had the special switch where he could immediately kill the TV coverage of the trial I don't learn remember using that OJ's jacket where's the bloody glove this is pretty funny this is the original c-span logo apparently they were just in the crappy office and they bought the would logo at a hardware store and while they were broadcasting the ass fell off the wall and broke Bill Gates keyboard nice carrier pigeon [Music] holy hell exists even colbert's on noticeboard the grizzly bears number one black hole son of the galaxy dusty Museum okay I have no idea why this particular item is here but it is amazing look at that right there Lady Gaga unique dress can't leave it after she wore it it was taxidermy here it was food bit of meat what oh she didn't get some sort of disease wearing that there's her wearing it oh my gosh the meat dress ronnie van zant of Lynyrd Skynyrd had a jacket not made of meat but still pretty cool oh wow sort of out of Mexico the the exhibit on terrorism was absolutely amazing they had about just all these items that were just unbelievable crimes and terrorism oh my gosh and then dimitra's I don't know why that's here but unbelievable always I appreciate you guys watching please like subscribe and share if you want to see where I've been I put interactive map down in the description if would take a look at that you can see where I've been and make suggestions on where I should go next also I sell t-shirts below and I have a patreon [Music]
Channel: The Carpetbagger
Views: 862,221
Rating: 4.8057961 out of 5
Keywords: carpetbagger, the, jacob, newseum, washington, dc, district, of, columbia, artifacts, amazing, true crime
Id: bfWfBpT7A7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2017
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