ENGLISH CLASSROOM VOCABULARY & PHRASES / Learn English / LIVE British English Lesson - Anna English

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hello and welcome to another class here with me Anna English broadcasting to you live from London today I am teaching you about the classroom so literally if you are someone who goes into a classroom where they are a student or a teacher then this lesson is going to be particularly helpful for you but if your learning English overall you will find this lesson helpful so this is English like a negative if you are new here and you would like to learn English you'd like to learn to speak fluently and more like a native then please press the subscribe button and the Bell notification button so you don't miss any future lessons so let's get straight into it shall we as always I have made lots of notes which I'll be going through right now with you if you would like a copy of these notes I'm giving them away as a thank you to anyone who donates to this channel and helps this channel to grow you can donate via a donation button in the description box or if you're live with me right now via the super chat button which is next to the emoji sign next to the comment section so without further ado let's get started so in the classroom were first going to look at just some basic vocabulary I'm sure most of you know most of these words but we're going to cover it just in case so if there are any words here that you're not familiar with then do let me know by leaving a message in the chat room obviously patrons you can chat to me in Skype I'm here to receive your messages so we start off with a word book a student needs of books to work with but you have a couple of different types of book we have a normal book a book is anything with writing in if it's got the text in it it's a book I don't have a look at the hand to show you but I'm sure we all know what a book is and you might hear talk of a textbook a textbook a textbook is like a workbook something that you be given by a school or something you would buy from on the internet that instructs you that helps you to learn your topic so in schools of course there are many textbooks and a different textbook for every different subjects that you're learning I'm sure as English students you have English textbooks so we also might talk about notebooks a notebook is something you write in so I have right here I have a notebook a notebook it's something that I keep my notes in it's small notebook I haven't written it down but you would you would also potentially have a note pad slightly different a note pad is usually about a4 size a bit bigger normally if you talk about a note pad I imagined it to be bigger but a book has covers on it and it opens like a book and then you have a notepad a notepad and a notebook a notepad tends to be open so there tends to not be a notepad you wouldn't have a cover like this it would just be open so that you just write on it and then you rip the pages off a notepad all right we okay so far do you use the word journal in the UK we do but Journal has many different meanings if you're talking about for as a diary we would more often use the word diary see a diary is like your schedule it keeps you on track also a diary is where you can write your thoughts and your experiences so we would normally use a diary a diary and when you're at school you probably have a homework diary a notebook that tells us that you can write in your homework from each day in Malaysia we don't use notepads in school that's very interesting what do you use if you don't use notepads your pronunciation is very clear I like your idea of what you want thank you um okay let's carry on so back to the notes we have a bookcase of course a place to keep the books a bookcase I'm sure there's one in every classroom in fact then certain books that you would almost definitely find within a school would be a dictionary a dictionary a dictionary is a list of words and the word meanings I'm sure everybody here knows what a dictionary is and thesaurus a thesaurus is a book now you can look up a word and then find lots of other words that are similar to that word so it helps you to find different words with the same meanings or similar meanings and then we have of course a chair a chair to sit on and we have a desk or a table now everyone knows what the table is I'm sure a table has four legs you can put things on it you can sit at the table you eat dinner at the table you also have tables in schools but normally when we're talking about the tables that you sit and work at in school we refer to them as desks there are specific pieces of furniture that are called desks they usually have little drawers in them or the lid of the the top of the table will lift up and there's a place where you can keep notepads or books or things inside and that would that kind of table would be called a desk that's a desk but we also refer to just normal tables in school if you're sitting at it to work at then we would say desk sit down on at your desks we would normally refer to a table as a desk okay so let me do some quick look-see what my patriots are saying hello patrons I hope you're all well by fine and that is why I don't understand that andreas but okay I know what where are your beautiful earrings and earrings has two R's in it's by the way Eric so make sure you add an extra R i i i just didn't think to put my earrings on today but thank you okay so other things you'd find in a classroom a clock of course and lots of students when they are bored do something called clock watching clock watching it means you're constantly watching the clock to see when this lesson and will be over so clock watching is if you're bored you're looking at the clock to see when the lesson will be finished if you are in a well-equipped school you might have a school computer in some schools now students have computers each every student would have a computer it certainly wasn't the case when i was at school and then you might need a pen drive if you're working with a computer a pen drive I'm just seeing if I've got one here I don't seem to a pen drive is a little hard drive that you plug into the computer to take files off the computer and take somewhere else a pen drive just a little stick I can't do I have one here no I don't have one here to show you but a pen drive it's a little thing that you stick into the computer of course if you're in a traditional school like I was where there aren't computers for every student which is the case in most schools then you would need a traditional pen a pen and you'll need some form of paper normally people use the size a4 a4 is quite simply I've got some notes on here quite simply a piece like that an a4 piece of paper an a4 piece of paper Cannell has never heard of a pen drive oh okay well that's what we call it a pen drive or a little yeah we call it a pen drive it's my first class with you hello from Guatemala hello Jose if you are here for the first time then please do press subscribe and if you're enjoying it finding useful then please click the thumb button because you know I love a thumb as long-nosed thank you for that long okay so let me carry on da da da we are we're talk about pens and a4 paper if you have lots of pieces of paper that are loose and not in a pad then you might need a paper clip a paper clip clips to gather all your pieces of paper it's just a little piece of metal that's way that it holds paper together when you use it and in some cases you might prefer to use a pencil or if you're very young and Uranus a young school like a primary school or a nursery then you would use a pencil instead of a pen a pencil has led and a pen uses ink this is the pencil the the point is led so we talked about the point of a pencil is led you write with lead and if the pencil has broken or if it doesn't work it's because the pencil is blunt the pencil is blunt and if you then use a pencil sharpener I have one here in fact I'm going to sharpen my pencil for you okay so sharpen up will sharpen your pencil a pencil sharpener sharpens your pencil okay so it makes your pencil sharp I think I need to empty my pencil sharpener good question English vibe viv why do you prefer writing with a pen or pencil I think a pen but it depends some pens have very leaky nibs the end of a pen is called a nib by the way even some natives don't know that the end of a pen is called a nib I don't think I have a pen oh yes I do my pen broke so I have a very skinny pen that's the inside of a pen basically but the end of the pen is called a nib and nib and some nibs are leaky which means they leak ink and it makes the paper very messy so in those cases I prefer pencil how about you what do you prefer pen or pencil okay so you have as I said a pencil and then you also potentially use a highlighter a highlighter is a bright colored ink pen and it will little color in bright yellow or orange or pink or green or even bright blue and it's so that you can highlight over some written words so a highlighter you highlight word the highlighter and then we have a rubber or an eraser so if you're working in pencil you might need to rub out your writing and so you would use a rubber or Americans tend to call it an eraser but we can call it an eraser - and the end of my pencil is an eraser or a rubber a rubber there is a pencil sharpener Voyage talked about that a ruler you'll use a ruler to make straight lines to draw straight lines and also to measure so if you need to measure something you use a ruler a ruler okay then if you need to cut paper or something else you might need to cut string or bits of tinsel or something then you would use scissors scissors and the pronunciation scissors not schizos some people say schizos it's scissors okay so make sure you get that one right and then if you've written on a4 paper or any kind of paper and you need to put holes in so that you can put it into a file then you will need to you a hole punch a hole punch basically just puts holes into your paper so that you can file it in a you know folder okay would you mind mentioning a different ruler of course the word ruler can also be used to talk about someone who rules so on who leaves they are the ruler if they rule a country or a group of people they're the ruler but in this case a ruler is an instrument a ruler in a classroom would be an instrument okay let's have a look at my patrons what are you guys saying here I've got let's see you back what's the difference between college and university in the UK it's to do with the level of education so in college college you do two years normally you study a levels or that kind of level of education is where you go after you finish your high school or secondary school education so it's 16 years old you can then go to college and do your a-levels so it's after school then once you hit 18 usually sometimes people go a little later in that older then you go to university university is the highest form of education it's where you go to do your degrees and then your master's degrees and your doctorates it's the highest level of education so we go to school college university I hope that answers your question and if you pick up your pen and your pen isn't working and you say my pens run out of ink or my pens broken okay oh and let me just see what else is saying here can you call a highlighter also a marker no it's different girls so a highlighter literally highlights it's brightly colored and it won't it won't cover as in it won't mask the writing underneath so I would normally if I'm using a highlighter it's because I've written a word so I've written a word I know you can't really see that and I want to highlight the word so I'll cover it with a highlighter and the highlighter would allow the word to show through a marker tends to be just thick dark ink that will just go over that uncover it and mask it so you wouldn't be able to see that word so a marker is a thick dark pen and a highlighter is for the purpose of highlighting hello Harrison don't worry that you're late that's okay what is a foundation course a foundation course is a course that you do to access a higher level course so maybe you didn't get the the grades you needed from your exams to take the course you wanted to take so you do a foundation course which is normally a shorter course there just gives you those extra skills that you need to progress to a higher course okay I'm going to just take one more question from my patrons and then I'll carry on with the notes can I just use punch no need to add hole is that correct I guess you could in a classroom situation you say I need the punch I guess who would know what you're talking about but in my school we always say hole punch hole punch can I have a hole punch I need the hole punch I don't know anyone else who went to an english-speaking school would you just call it a punch or do you call it high apply punch a hole punch let me know how to pronounce the word comfortable comfortable comfortable I'm sorry from speaking strangely I have a big ulcer in my mouth today I'm not sure if anyone knows what an ulcer is but it's basically a sore I I bit my cheek I bit my cheek earlier today and it's turned into a big sore in my mouth so if I'm talking a little strange it's because my mouth is so sore okay so let's carry on with the note shall we so we have a hole punch and we have a stapler if you don't want to use a paper clip to keep your pieces of paper together because a paper clip comes off and on very easily you might want to use a stay a stapler puts staples into your paper so pieces of metal to hold your papers together they're called staples staples and you use a stapler which is a machine that puts staples through your paper okay so final few words and then we're going to move on we've got uniform so most children particularly in the UK most of us have to wear a uniform to attend primary school and high school it's not so much the case once you get to college and university because you're 16 and older you're considered an adult and so they don't expect you to wear a uniform in some cases you do wear a uniform but but sorry that's my housemate you could probably hear who's covering a spluttering in the bathroom he's not very well bless him but yes as younger students were expected to wear uniforms in most schools I'm just going to shut this door so that you can't hang it all that two seconds there we go no more coughing and spluttering hopefully so and a uniform yes normally uniform will consist of a shirt and a tie a blazer sometimes and trousers or skirts depending on the school did you have to wear a uniform at your school let me know I might liked my uniform I'm al hey Tito uniform color it didn't flatter me at all Oh bless you oh it's done now hopefully you don't have to wear uniform anymore if you don't wear uniform at school do you get suspended yes so they do take it very very seriously you have to turn up in your uniform or you will be in a lot of trouble what do you call the bits that come out of the puncher so out the hole puncher I don't know just it's just bits of paper rubbish I haven't mentioned we call it rubbish could you believe now is ordinary and general ordinary and general okay so let's carry on with the classroom vocabulary so much uniform most students also follow a timetable a timetable the timetable is basically a plan of where you have to be at what time on what days so on Monday I have to take geography at nine o'clock English at ten o'clock history at eleven o'clock and then we have a break and then home economics or technology or science German Spanish whatever the order of your classes are you will need a timetable to keep you in order so you know where you have to be and so most students will have a timetable okay next you also will have to deal with deadlines you'll be given lots of work to do homework to do and you might have to do coursework if you're getting close to doing an exam and so you would have to a deer a deer to a deadline a deer to a deadline a deadline is basically a point in time where your work is due the point where your work is due Lesley julia has just sent over a 2 euro super chat thank you so much Julia for your support as always you're very supportive of this channel and community so Julia as you know that anyone who sends a super chat will receive the notes that I prepared all you have to do is drop me an email and I'll send those notes to you thank you so much very kind so a deadline I hate working to deadlines but usually working to a deadline makes me more productive it makes me focus on the work that needs to be done sometimes if you miss the deadline or if you're having a difficult time finishing the work then you would be asked you would ask for an extension you would ask for an extension and extension is basically just an extended amount of time so you basically just say I need more time I need more time and so for example if I had to write an essay that needed to be do it and that needs to be handed in on Monday my deadline is Monday but I am moving house and I've got a sore in my mouth and I don't feel very well so I say to my teacher teacher please can I have an extension I don't think I'll finish the work by Monday please can I have an extension and then hopefully they'll give me an extension is they all right you can hand the work in on Wednesday but no later and I'll go thank you very much thank you do they still have prefix and head boys and head girls yes they do that's a really good point I will make a note of that prefix prefix is that how you spell it I've never written it down actually so prefix okay let me just write this here prefix head boy and then I'll do a highlight of that one dude you do there we go okay so we have of course students students you all know what students are students are learners so we have many students at this school we have many learners you are all here I imagine you're all students of some form because you're here to learn so your students if you go to school you are students if you are taking any kind of class if it's a dance class then you are a student so you might also then hear a student the in photo as a pupil it's exactly the same thing a pupil or a student exactly the same thing no real difference okay so pupils yes exactly the same and within your student body the student body is the group of students the student body you will find prefix a prefect is a prefect is a very good someone who has behaved very well who does all their work who is performing well in class and they are asked how they're chosen by the teachers to help the teachers with the teachers work basically so the prefect for example will set a good example they say that's a good work a good phrase actually to set a good example they set a good example for other students they also might be on like litter Patrol at lunch times and they might be the person who goes around and says excuse me did you just drop some litter pick it up or I'll tell the teacher or they might help out with certain events or help the teachers during exam times or something like that so prefix help the teachers and then one boy and one girl from the oldest year of school will be chosen each year to represent the school so they'll be head boy and head girl so you have head boy and head girl and they just represent the school it's just a way of highlighting the well-behaved students so that everybody has the aspiration to be like them I'm going to be on my best behavior because I want to be head boy or head girl when I'm in my final year okay I think you've spelt a RZR wrong okay let me have a look you know me with my dyslexia I'm always making spelling mistakes so of course I have either what is that raise there we go thank you for that if you do spot any spelling mistakes then please help me out and let me know do you pronounce the T in prefix prefix prefix yes kind of is is is kind of wet with the s prefix prefix okay so with all those students you need a teacher and a teacher obviously is someone who teaches the students now something you must be aware of I'm always correcting my students with a teacher teaches a student learns I'm often being asked teacher when you learn me English teacher learn me English I don't learn you I teach you you learn from me but I teach you so teacher please teach me English that is what you would say the teacher teaches the student learns ok so just think of it in that way teacher teaches learners learn ok so obviously there are many types of teachers for different subjects if you are a teacher then you would normally if you are talking to someone about what job you do you would talk about what type of teacher you are so I would say I'm an English teacher if you teach geography so I'm a geography teacher if you teach German I'm a German teacher I'm a PE teacher a teacher who teaches physical education so sports I'm a science teacher I'm a biology teacher so you would always put your subject or you generally put your subject in front of the word teacher what is the difference between a teacher and a professor I'm not having said sure and I don't hear professor being used very often in the UK so I'd be interested to know so if someone wants to look up in fact I could do it right now da da da so mmm a professor is a university academic of the highest rank they are whole they are the holder of a university chair so a professor is someone who has gone to the very top of the university they are academic and they've got some form of university university degree a very high level or you call a university teacher in America would be called a professor that's probably why I haven't heard it much here in the UK because it's more American it's more American okay oh lovely we have a hundred and seventy-six people here how many thumbs do we have till we have a look dad seven not bad not bad okay let's carry on with these notes shall we so the head teacher or sorry the head so you can actually say her teacher her teacher headmaster headmistress for a lady so headmaster is a man her teacher is male or female headmaster is a man headmistress is a lady and a principal is also a way to describe the head of the school the person the teacher who is in charge of the whole school okay great that's nice and easy um Denis has mentioned a teacher's pet it's a really good point thanks for bringing that up a teacher's pet is the teacher's favorite so we often would tease each other at school and say oh look at you teacher's pet or I want to be teacher's pet it's to be the favorite of the teacher if the teacher seems to favor you you are the teacher's pet a lecturer is someone who gives lectures again normally it's like a university you don't tend to have lectures at a school you have classes at school so a lecturer is for university let me just write in here teacher's pet because I think that's a good one copy this paste teachers we do the apostrophe because it's possessive teacher's pet and the teachers favorite student okay lovely let's carry on so we have the word attend so we we tend to attend class and we're talking about going to class we'd say I'm going to class I need to go to class I don't want to be late for class so I need to go to class or you talked about attending class I'm attending a class tomorrow normally if you are if you are a full-time student then you just say I'm going to class I've got I've got class I've got a class starting now so I'm going to attend class if you didn't go to class then you say I didn't go to class all right I don't intend to go to class I won't go to class but if you are going to a one-off lesson maybe if you're someone who takes the odd dance lesson or a private English lesson perhaps then you could say I'm going to attend I'm going to attend the class today I'm going to attend an English class later it would normally be a group lesson as well oh you wouldn't say it for a private lesson we would say for a group lesson I've got I got a class to attend I must attend class now lots of you been writing dis attend we never use that word we never say dis attend you don't dis attend a class you attend the class or you don't go I didn't go okay so when you get to class when you are in attendance when you are in attendance when you're attending class your teacher will normally start the class by taking the register we use this verb for this action you take the register so the register is just a checklist of student names so that the teacher knows who is present and who is not so hello class please sit down and listen carefully while I take the register and they do a rolecall of names and you say let's say Julia and she go present or yes miss no English five present harrison present a Guatemala is me taking the register and when I finished then I have I have taken the register I've taken the register okay so let's carry on oh hang on I've got a message from my students here my patrons teacher's pet how did you call the paper that you get at the a semester with all your final marks and your certificate so when you've finished we don't say semester ha either here in the UK we say term the end of term so in a typical in a typical UK school you have three terms the Autumn term the spring term and the summer term and then we have a summer holiday or summer break which is a long holiday from the education system and we come back to start the autumn term in the September time and so we have terms and when you've finished and you've done your exams you will get a certificate at the end to say what marks you got a certificate or a school report Thank You Junior yes a school report depending so and it with an exam you get a certificate if you're getting a piece of paper to say how well you've done maybe your teacher will put some notes to say Bobby was very naughty this term he needs to try harder that's a school report so it's a report on your behavior on your level of work on your attendance to go home to your parents to say they've been very good or they've not been very good and report cards tends to be more American we just have a report score unless my school report a report card I think is more American do UK schools have separate have separate pupils in forms and I'm not sure what you mean we do separate students into form so you have a form which is your group that you take your initial register with and your T your form teacher will look after you in entirety your process throughout the school and then you go to individual classes separately with other groups depending on your level and ability okay I'm gonna carry on because I have a feeling this is gonna be a very non less than otherwise so you've taken the register when the class is finished you might hear the teacher saying class is dismissed let me change this to is class is dismissed the class is dismissed this means you can go that means that the session has ended and you mean you're being sent away so you've been dismissed class is dismissed you can go off you go see you later hurry up get tea next class so dismissed dismissed if you are naughty and you don't do as you are told then you may find yourself serving a detention and here it put the sample sentence you'll replace in detention if you carry on misbehaving so a detention is to detain students after school has finished as punishment so if you've been naughty you've been given you've been given a detention I give you a detention that means at a certain time on a certain day maybe tonight after school you will stay for one hour and you might have to write lines or you have to read a book or do something really boring normally as punishment for misbehaving so most most children find that it's very very upsetting because they just want to get out to school as quickly as they can so um you may have blackboards in your school a blackboard is literally a blackboard which is in front of the class and the teacher can write on it and to write on the blackboard you are going to need chalk pay attention to the pronunciation chalk chalk so it's not short which is sometimes white here chalk and that is used only on a blackboard so chalk is for a blackboard nothing else a lot of people now have a whiteboard a whiteboard is exactly the same as a blackboard but it's white and it's plastic and you will write on a whiteboard with a pen a whiteboard pen or a whiteboard marker so whiteboard pens or markers I don't know why I capitalized that I'll take that out some schools if they're very posh have an electronic whiteboard now I used to visit a lot of schools when I was younger teaching educational exam skills study skills that kind of thing and in some schools they wanted to they did have electronic whiteboards and they are very fancy although I must say that in some cases they would break and when they break it's a nightmare and in one case I didn't realize it was an electronic whiteboard and you're not supposed to write on the electronic whiteboard with ink but I didn't realize as electronic and so I took my pen and I wrote on the whiteboard and everyone might Wow oh no because I couldn't rub it off and I have made the mistake before as well to use the pen that was by the whiteboard that was just a permanent marker I'm not a whiteboard pen so when you write on it you're writing stays there forever and I hunt on that on a couple of occasions it's horrendous anyway never mind it's all in the past nothing to worry about now what about a green board I've never heard of a green board sky is it like a chalkboard it's exactly like a chalkboard a blackboard is a chalkboard okay what's the difference between detention and suspension if you are suspended then you are told to leave school for a certain amount of time you are asked to leave school detention you are detained for an hour if you are suspended you are asked to leave school for maybe two weeks or a month perhaps because you've been that bad so you don't want to get suspended Julia says I like the nails thank you this is for my children's channel because I was filming for my children's channel so thank you very much although it's starting to peel you see it's coming off I need to touch it up all right now we're moving on to phrases and okay I'm gonna try to get through this as quick as I can I know these lessons become very long and some people find them boring let's carry on a teacher might say to the class listen up listen up so it's a phrasal verb that we use all the time you rather than just saying listen we say listen up all right everyone listen up I haven't heard since a week so listen up if that if the children are being too noisy you might tell them to quiet down you might even tell adults this I know is when I've been in rooms with adults sometimes were asked to quiet down please everyone quiet down it's in a similar way if they are being noisy or they're being a little bit too energetic you might say okay settle down now you're just asking them to be calm so settle down settle down if you have asked for them to do some homework or to do some work during the lesson and at the end of the lesson you want to receive the work you might say to them you need to hand in your work okay everyone class dismissed but as you leave please hand in your work please hand in your work okay so hand in opposite to hand out if I ask you to hand things out for me I'm asking you to go around and give out the books so for example I might give you a whole pile of books and say can you hand these out to the class and you go around and you hand them out or maybe you've done a test and I've marked your tests and now I'm going to hand out your results Julia there you go Harrison there you go I'm handing out your results here we go so I'm passing everybody their results English five would your children's channel be useful for really small children my children's channel if you are interested will be for very young children for tiny tots from like babies up to maybe eight years old okay doesn't only listen work so can you say just listen and you can go alright class listen but mostly we'd say listen up and we'd have that it's just easier to say listen up and it gives you that up when the children go huh so listen up okay let's carry on so hand out in handout take one and pass them along or take one and pass them down that's when you are at the front of the class or maybe you're in a circle or whatever it is whatever arrangement you're in in your class if you have a pile of books and you don't want one person to go around and hand them out you could just pass them to the person at the front and say take one and pass it down take one and pass it along so they just take theirs and they pass the whole pile to the next person so that's something we hear a lot in school take one and pass it down pass them down you'll always be told to take a seat in so many circumstances not just in school take a seat take a seat take a seat to pronounce calm down we don't pronounce the letter L is that right that's right L in calm is silent so you just do it a wide our car mouth has just made a good point if you are in a very very young school if you're with preschool nursery or primary school ages you might tell them when you've been telling them to quiet you might say put your fingers on your lips I think there's a limit please and you get them to sit like this I remember all hands on heads if they've been naughty you might tell they've got their hands in their heads obviously you would not use this for an adult class or even for all the children they would be very upset about that I'm sure okay let's jump back to the notes you will be asked probably at the beginning of a class to open your textbook text textbooks open your textbooks and if the teacher is speaking at the front of the class and they want you to write it down they'll say okay everyone you need to take dictation I'm going to dictate to you now you need to write this down to take dictation to take dictation okay one of you has and so Marcello said I don't understand the difference between hand in and hand out just think of it like this to hand in is to give your work if you've finished your work you're giving it to the teacher you hand it in you've done it you're giving it to the person who needs it to hand it if you are the teacher and you want to give the work out to the class you hand out hand out so I hand out the work when you finish the work you hand it in to me and I will mark it hope that helps okay so to take dictation is to write down what someone is saying to take dictation Paluxy only said at the front of the class or in front of the class you can use both because you're physically at the front of the room at the front of the classroom but you're also in front of the class when we refer to the class as the pupil so the whole body of pupils in that room is the class so I can say hello class that group of people is the class so if you are in front of that group of people you are in front of the class so you could say in front or at the front of the class I know I don't know how to pronounce this Ray Ray and an N has made a good point hand in you can also think of as submit to submit is to hand in okay let's carry on and you are often asked in class to read something aloud to read aloud okay I think that's quite straightforward you might be asked to complete and exercise okay class today you'll have to complete an exercise before I will dismiss you you might have a test now I just wrote this down because I want you to be aware of the verbs that we use you do a test or you have a test you don't make a test I've heard that before we don't make a test and we do a test or we have a test do a test or have a test Harrison has asked do you have GCSEs in England yes we do and I know the education system keeps changing a lot at the moment over the last decade it's changed a few times what we've we've had GCSEs and as far as I know we still have GCSEs for high school students so if you make dictations does that make you a dictator yes I guess so but not in the sense that you're thinking of a dictator can be a ruler who rules a country by force a dictator who doesn't give the people any choice but in this case obviously the dictator is the person who is reading and you have to copy from okay let's carry on is this video real-time oMG yes it is hello welcome guys if you are joining me for the first time and you're interested in learning English and you want to sound like a native and improve your fluency then please do press the subscribe button and that Bell notification button next to subscribe so you don't miss any future lessons what I'm trying to do here is grow a community of English learners we all try to help one another I come live as often as I can and provide some many lessons as I can and I always listen to your suggestions and so you're in the right place let's carry on so that we're not here past dinner time so when you've done a test or an exercise you have completed or finished that exercise I've completed the exercise I finished the exercise so you might be set and exercise in lessons you finish it really quickly and you go excuse me miss I've finished the exercise and your teacher might say good you can just relax for 10 minutes until the end of class yes I'm very happy what I spoke about before I thought I should just note it down my pencil is blunt is when the pencil doesn't work when the lead has broken or it's been used too much without a sharpener and the pencil is sharp is the opposite of blunt you have a sharp pencil okay then the words tension I mentioned before I just want you to know that the verb that we use is to get you get a detention I gave him a detention he had a detention you can also say that but I got a detention is what you would normally say he might come home I go a really bad day I got detention for speaking when the teacher was speaking I got a detention for chewing gum or I got a detention for not doing my homework and I as the mother you might say I can't believe you've got a detention you always get a detention from that teacher you have to try harder okay so if you are really really naughty and you're suspended then you might be suspended suspended you might be excluded or removed these are the different words that would be used to be suspended to be excluded or to be removed from school and if you have a test or exam then you would sit a test or take ya take you take test you take an exam or you sit a test sit an exam both the same and the difference between tests and exams did you know what I think I don't know I would say that an exam is more official and a test is just a short-term gauge of how you're doing to measure your performance but I think an exam you get a certificate the end off so I think they can be used interchangeably but I think exam is definitely much more official you don't do GCSE tests you do GCSE exams I've got an exam today I only ever got more detention in my life sis Harrison good a quiz is something completely different a quiz is not serious a quiz is usually for fun okay I know in America they say pop quiz they have a pop quiz quite often in schools we don't really use that phrase right back to the notes so talking to the teacher or talking to the students so students these are some of the things you would say to the teacher teachers are referred to as mr. Smith or sir so gets a man you call him by his second name mr. Smith mr. Jones mr. Harrison if Harrison was your surname that is or they might just call you sir excuse me sir can I ask a question if it's a lady you would either call her Miss Smith if she's not married or mrs. Smith if she is married or mrs. Smith if she doesn't want you to know her marital status maybe she's divorced or something or separated or just shy about it or you would call her miss now if the teacher is mrs. Smith but you're just going to say miss you wouldn't say mrs. this is because Miss is on its own and sounds rude I don't know why it just is if I say miss hey mrs. it seems rude so you wouldn't ever call the teacher excuse me missus need to call a missed even if she married and even if you'd normally call her mrs. Smith Thank You mrs. Smith you call a miss mrs. Smith miss that's what you call it in some schools they prefer you to call a mom I have seen that in a few schools in the UK but very few very few I know a lot of you here call me Mom I find it a little bit old-fashioned so I would just expect you to call me Anna because I've given you permission to call me Anna I am Anna so call me Anna okay some of you already asking but why but why but we don't use mrs. no that's right we don't use mrs. don't ever use mrs. on its own it just seems rude okay let's carry on so you might say if you're outside the classroom you're queuing up you make this might say me may we come in or can we come in so you're asking if you can't enter the classroom can we come in may we come in you might apologize for being late you say I'm sorry I'm late it's just pretty standard I'm sorry I'm late and you might you might have an excuse so the excuse might be that you were you were held back by a previous teacher so you might say I have to stay behind I'm sorry I'm late I had to stay behind so to stay behind is to stay on later at a previous class you might say mr. Smith kept me behind after class mr. Smith kept me behind after class that's why I'm late you might ask where should I sit where should I sit I'm just going to come back to some of your questions here what have you saying mistress you never call someone mistress and mistress is somebody who a lady who is having an affair with a married man so a married man has a mistress so never call someone a mistress okay but someone would take offense to that I'm sure okay some of you are feeling tired and it's quite late in some countries I appreciate that the lesson is coming to an end I promise and is it okay to ask how were you as a young student Anna socially and studies I was actually a good student I wasn't overly clever I wasn't the brightest student in the class but I I worked hard and I did very well is it her to flunk to flunk is to to fail if you flunk a class ah I mean I thought we don't use hang on let me check it flunk if you flunk an exam I need flunk an exam it is an American term and to fail to reach the standard in an exam so yeah you flunk it you flunk an exam you fail an exam but we don't really use it in the UK alright that two notes so wife exit if you've forgotten your pen which many students do say can I borrow a pen can I please borrow a pen would be nice can I please borrow a pen or please can I you can do please at the beginning you could say oh no I forgot my book what can I do you might say excuse me could I please could you clean it please explain that again lots of you asked me could you please explain that in game and I say of course I can if you didn't hear it properly then you could say could you repeat that please sir could you repeat that could you repeat that please miss of course if you don't understand you can simply say I don't understand or I don't follow you these two phrases are exactly the same I don't follow you I'm not I'm not following you can say that I'm not following I don't follow you I don't understand help me explain it to me you could say I have a question how tall are you I have a question what is the capital of the UK okay you could say could you bring could you please check my work could you please check my answers could you please check my spelling so to check you're asking for validation from the teacher could you please check it to make sure it's okay you might just ask for help you could say could you help me please can you help me please both of the same could sounds a little more polite but they're both the same pretty much and you might just say miss I'm stuck or sir I'm stuck so if you're struggling and you don't you can't get any further by yourself and you are having a really hard time you just go miss miss I'm stuck sir sir can you help me I'm stuck so it just means I can't go any further without your help you need to help me okay you could just say also I find this difficult I find it really difficult could you help me could you explain this again as many of you asked me to do you could also want to slow down could you please slow down yes explain is like spelling something else could you explain it could you go into more detail could you please speak slowly please speak slowly that's what lots of you asked me to do here generally I speak at normal pace to help you with your listening skills then you might ask how do you pronounce and then the word how do you pronounce this word how do you pronounce mala hmm or you might ask what does this mean what does and you might write the word or say the word what does flabbergasted mean you might ask what is the deadline or when is the deadline so you can say both what is the deadline when is the deadline or when is this work do you win exactly the same question there all right how are we doing I'm doing good oh gosh we've just gone over an hour I'm sorry about that I'm going to try and speed through the very last little section here now and then I will say goodbye you can go and get my dinner so teachers the kind of things that you'll say you might say to the children put your hand up if you know so put your hand up if you know what the capital of Spain is put your hand up if you know what my middle name is and you're just asking the children to show their hand to say that they know the answer and then you'll choose someone go yes and then they'll tell you the answer put your hand up if you can also use put your hand up if you're just asking to see a show of hands so it might not be that you're asking them to say something you might just be like put your hand up if you like green almost if you like green put your hand up if you're learning English um most of you are learning English you see you might also say to your class who can tell me so in the same way you're asking for an answer who can tell me what is the capital of Spain who can tell me what is my middle name so you're asking them full an answer if they then start shouting out to shout outs just a sudden me shout then you go up put your hands up please let me see your hands up now I'll ask you so to shout out we should add that to the list in fact I'll write it here oh dear who can tell me please don't shout out please don't shout out if somebody is late you might say where have you been where have you been why are you late hopefully they'll have a good excuse then you might ask the class who would like to explain to the class what we've been discussing who would like to explain to the class what we learnt yesterday who would like to explain to the class pi PI pi how we find pi yeah or something like that some some question that requires a little explanation so then you might say if if the children are being very naughty and they're not listening and the wasting time you might because you fed up in your whether it's your time you're wasting it's playtime now but I'm not going to let you go out to play until you've all settled down and stopped talking it's your play time you're wasting not mine I've heard that from teachers so many times so it's your time you're wasting not mine if you hear some students talking at the back of class and they are talking about something and they're talking privately and then they're disturbing the class than the teacher might say do you fancy Shep do you fancy sharing with the rest of the class the do you want to tell us what it is you're talking about is obviously more important than what I have to say please share so that's obviously the teacher being very annoyed that the people at the back have been talking while he's talking do you fancy sharing that with the rest of the class and then you have the phrase this is your final warning or this is your last warning and this is when your teacher has lost patience they've already warned you once or twice and now they're saying this is your final warning if you do it again you're going to the Headmaster's office if you do it again you're going to get a detention all right so I'll not tell you again it's a final warning and then the very last one on my list is I expect you to be on your best behavior or I need you to be on your best behavior so someone's visiting or if you're if something special is happening you might say look please be on your best behavior and we use those words be on your be on your best behavior or you might say I was on my best behavior I was on my best behavior but we always use on with best behavior okay my mouth is very sore so I need to go and put some medicine on this I'll take a few questions now before saying goodbye thank you so much for joining me everybody and I'll just say it one more time if you're not subscribed please do click that button and the bell and if you haven't already then please do give this video a thumbs up now there are lots of links in description box below to products I think you might find helpful too free trials I'm not sure if you're aware but Amazon are offering lots of 30-day free trials at the moment for things like audiobooks which are great for English listening and to streaming 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wanted I'm going to say a quick goodbye to my patrons what are you saying here is there a difference between can I ask and may I ask no they're both the same although may I sounds a little more polite okay is there is that this is that same to say raise your hand if instead of put your hand up if exactly the same Georgie and raise your hand if you've got a question put your hand up if you've got a question they're both the same so good point thanks for raising that okay so do you have any questions here what's the dissertation a dissertation is a written piece of work that you do at the end of your degree so at university you'll finish you have to hand in a certain amount of work and you always have to provide a dissertation which is like thousands of words I can't remember like I can't but I did a dissertation I can't remember ten thousand words something like that on a chosen subject where you teacher's pet Anna yes I probably was in some classes and definitely was there some classes what do you call a student who only gets good marks and somebody who always gets bad marks and if someone gets bad marks you might call them and dumps or you might say they're a bit slow or slow learner adults is not a nice word though I wouldn't call anyone adults but you might say they're a slow learner if someone is really really good you might just say they're an excellent student or they're a star pupil a star pupil [Music] what does the opposite of a teacher's pet no I don't think there is one I don't think there's a word for the opposite to a teacher's pet teacher's nightmare perhaps do British students often change classes at school what do you mean what do you mean I mean they go from classroom to classroom throughout the day it says visit their different teachers and do their different subjects is that we mean anyway in America we call this a thesis yes a thesis and serve a dissertation in America that's right your nails look like a rainbow thank you and what's the do and pronounce the difference between control and to control control and to control I don't know what that word is Bernardo I'm sorry so I can't help you yes in the pronunciation of my surname is Tyree Tyree what is the difference between till and until there were the same they're both the same just wants a shorter version okay all right guys um insane all right lovely I'm going to I'm going to say goodbye I'm going to say bye it's been a very long lesson and I don't like to keep you too long also I need to go and eat he's going to put some medicine on this this saw it's very sore thank you so much for joining me I hope see you again next week I am moving house next week so for the next two weeks now you're gonna have to bear with me I will be hopefully releasing a video later tonight so if depending what timeframe you're in you might be waking up to a new video or going to bed with a new video but there'll be a new short lesson later this evening otherwise I may do a lesson on Monday but you'll have to join me on Facebook and Instagram to know exactly when that will be and I'll try my best to do as much as I can next week but you'll have to just two weeks be aware that I'm going to be all over the place with my move alright guys love you lots lots of love from London have a lovely evening sleep well
Channel: English Like A Native
Views: 43,449
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learn English, English lesson, English like a native, vocabulary, esl, english, English speaking, speak english, pronunciation, british accent, british pronunciation, learn english speaking, anna tyrie, Grammar, british, anna english, esl crime, english listening practice, english lesson, english vocabulary, intermediate, learning english, classroom, learn classroom, vocabulary class, classroom vocabulary
Id: 0osGYGfhMqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 40sec (4180 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2017
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