Mother loses it over a palette

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[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so if you have the misfortune of being on Twitter you probably will have seen this or will have seen comments raging against this or will have seen me raging against it on my Twitter so I usually don't put trigger warnings because my entire channel would need a trigger warning but in this particular case there's gonna be some footage now in the footage you do not see any children being abused or anything like that but you will hear a child in distress crying and then someone speaking so if that's too much for you leave now but there's nothing graphic happening there it distressing angering saddening there was a tweet that got a lot of attention and in the tweet there was video footage of a woman being angry at her child because her child apparently played with her jeffree star alien palette which is now being discontinued her child got to the palate and messed around with it essentially I'll insert that clip here yes matter how many times I tell she can't at this point but it's safe with a combination on her she has ruined chocolates and one of them is being discontinued my hand hurts so in order to justify herself this woman then tweeted saying my hand was hurting long before I even started filming she was crying because she got popped put in her crib and got her Ducky's iPad at taken from her this happened because she repeatedly didn't listen to me yes I was upset about the palette and then there's footage that in my opinion doesn't really prove much I'll include that here [Music] [Music] [Music] barely hurt she cries for like five seconds so before we continue I wanted to do a little bit of research into who this woman was so her name is Michelle grace she has a channel with as when I'm filming 845 subscribers a lot of her videos are spiritual or witchy like there's a supplies haul there's a crystal Hall there's meet my Haunted doll I saw a couple of makeup videos then in the About section it says a little about me I'm 22 years old and a single mother of a beautiful baby girl I love photography and video production something about the editing process soothes me please hit the subscribe button to see new videos for me when I remember to upload so that's just a kind of basic idea of what we're dealing with as of my calculations her daughter is - and I think she turns 3 in the June time I believe after posting this kind of explanation tweet that like I said I don't think explains anything she followed it up by saying she's a lot smarter than you guys think she's the most intelligent toddler I know she knows right from wrong so yes she knew what she was doing she also knows that she's not to touch my makeup unless she asks and I help when I got up and came back I was getting milk giving the iPad back and comforting her yes I spanked and papa only when she will not listen to my guidance I've explained myself already but now you've seen the rest of that part of the video the rest was honestly me going on about how broke and said I was so a lot of people were concerned not only because of the child that sounded distressed in the background and a mother who seemingly just admitted really to hitting her child but because she has used the term at pop in particular which can be defined as to strike or knock sharply so it's not a slap it's not a spank it's a different category now I'm not about hitting children in any way even spanking I just don't really see positive outcomes coming from that that being said here the debate isn't really about is spanking kids good or bad because this seems to be completely separate from that in a way because popping seems to be like a more aggressive different thing entirely but in her tweet something that Michelle Grace thought was a really great point which plot twist it isn't was saying that her daughter is smartest toddler she knows and that she knows right from wrong had this been an older child that would be a discussion to be had whether they know right from wrong for a two-year-old I just don't really think that's entirely plausible I really don't think a two-year-old is thinking about your palette being like hmm I know what the right thing to do is but shall I get in and do the wrong thing I don't think it's that deep and I don't think it's fair to hold them accountable to that extent you can tell your kid please don't touch this and then do what most other adults do is to put something on an extremely high shelf that they can't reach or put like one of those child locks there are multiple ways to kind of secure certain areas from being opened by a child such as drawers with like cutlery and stuff like that I think the thing that also concerned a lot of people is that she seemed to be projecting this kind of knowledge onto her daughter like her daughter magically knows a lot more than every other toddler and she very well might be a smart toddler but I still don't think you could say oh she knows right from wrong and so when she decided to do this she knew what she was doing I think this is all [ __ ] frankly even if she was the smartest two-year-old in the existence of the planet it's still not appropriate to pop her and it seemed like the big point was that the palette is effectively now limited ish and palette because it's it's being discontinued so it just seemed like the palette it was this really massive thing thinking about all the possibilities and all the different parameters I still don't understand how someone can get that mad over makeup because Michelle showed a certain amount of questionable behavior I started digging now some tweets were sent to me some I found on Twitter and some I was digging through myself so I found one from earlier in February that says my kid crawled in her bed tucked herself and fell asleep all while I was upstairs with the dog I guess she was tired I'm gonna preface this now some of these tweets I don't think seem super incriminating that being said all the things she's tweeted before automatically have a negative connotation to them because of what we know now does that make sense so when I show you these tweets I'm not trying to claim that these tweets are proof that she's done extra I'm just trying to paint a picture of other things she said and why they may be concerning in conjunction with the evidence we have now to me frankly it seems like there's kind of a pattern of her not really paying attention to her child I don't know if it's to the point of neglect because clearly I'm not there I can't see what's going on but Tullio two-year-old kid by themselves when you're a single mother and it doesn't seem like anyone else's home based on this tweet it seems a little weird to me I don't understand it I'm not saying a mother can present with her child every second because there are moments where you have to do things and I get that but you'd think that she'd still keep a closer eye on her child especially if it's later if the child is tired you'd think that she'd check on her child to make sure that they're okay and they didn't like eat something that they could choke on her you know children like that have sticky hands like they hold and touch everything so then there was another tweet that said Here I am a thinking Aria had fallen asleep on the floor but now she destroyed my deodorant and again we have this pattern of it seems of either not paying attention or of just letting her daughter run around and then being mad when her daughter does something but at the same time you're the one who's not supervising her I suppose you can be upset that something was destroyed but at the same time if you were properly supervising her she probably wouldn't destroy as many things because you're around to make sure that doesn't happen so then there was another tweet from November 3rd and 2019 that said oh my god if Aria doesn't stop and then an angry face emoji some of this I don't think is necessarily incriminating as it could be seen as venting like it really could be seen as a mother who's frustrated at the same time if she has no problem with popping her child it becomes a little eerie to read these because if she loses her [ __ ] over a palette who knows what else gets under her skin there's another post that is from September 2019 and it says I need a [ __ ] vacation away from my family sadly away from Aria I need to clear my mind I'm on the verge of a mental breakdown parents need breaks here and there I think especially being a single parent since I was raised by one is heavy and you need a breaks and you need to take time to yourself that being said there's no excuse for acting poorly towards your child because you need a break and if she needed a break or a vacation she needed to take it I don't know if she did but it really seems like there's a pattern of her just being not in a good headspace let's just put it that way and I don't know if that's what's affecting her behavior like I said it's not an excuse but a lot of these tweets to me read us someone who's struggling and instead of doing something to help themselves they're just taking that out on the closest person which happens to be the daughter in this case then there's another tweet know why I don't tell guys about Aria because every guy who finds out runs and I'm sick of getting my hopes up and getting let down guy's [ __ ] sucks as much as I understand the sentiment that some people don't want to get in a relationship with people who have children which is understandable and fair enough I also just felt weird about this tweet I don't know I didn't like how it sounded I couldn't imagine hearing or seeing that my mom tweeted something about me essentially not blaming directly me but being like oh my god my daughter anytime someone hears about her they don't want to have anything to do with me it just seems I don't know I didn't like that then there's another tweet from September 7th 2019 know how a lot of these tweets are close to each other so there was a lot in February of 2020 there were quite a few now in September 2019 they all seem to happen quite close to each other so I don't know if these are particular periods of frustration or what says if RT doesn't go to sleep I will literally lose my [ __ ] this one was probably one of the most alarming ones someone come get this kid she [ __ ] pulled my SD card out of my computer while I was editing now I have to [ __ ] start all over again so again it seems like irrational anger over something and as someone who edits a lot I do know the frustration of what technology doesn't work for you or something happens it's extremely frustrating that's all it is it's frustrating it doesn't mandate you saying that someone has to take the kid away from you and it makes me wonder or what what happens if the kid doesn't get taken away from me this one I would say is actually incriminating compared to the other ones where I said you know with context it really depends but here it said here's how I see it you raised your child how you want to raise them i pup my one-year-old but that's because she's got a learning young they all do that's what's wrong with the younger generation nowadays you do what you need to do those that have an issue are irrelevant the whole concept of hitting a one-year-old is surreal to me I don't know what they could do that would in her mind deserve that kind of reaction and a one-year-old is so small I just don't know what you think they're gonna understand and obviously hitting a kid does this need to be said is not the move obviously not but trying to get into her head her headspace her whole excuse this whole thing the narrative has been like oh that she needs to learn she's really smart but a one-year-old what are they gonna learn from you hitting them they don't understand what the [ __ ] is going on even if we go back to the whole concept of children getting spanked personally from my experience I got spanked a few times when I was a kid not badly it was just like a tap when I was being throwing my tantrums and it wasn't ever like painful it was more like hey get your [ __ ] together essentially and the only people I've ever seen spanked are children who actually understand what you're saying to them like I think I was six or seven probably the first time I got spanked it's a different situation altogether the key thing being that at six or seven you understand what the issue is but like I said it's not a debate about whether spanking is good or not but just for context whereas here I just don't understand what she thinks a one-year-old or two-year-old daughter is really gonna get from being popped in the face like what does that translate to them to me that would make me scared of my parent if I'm that young and they're already putting their hands on me that also makes me wonder when the kid is older does that mean she gets beat harder because she should know better at that point as well the bottom line here is that if you're so comfortable with your behavior towards your child that you're first of all telling everyone and anyone that you pop your child like it's nothing and then you're even posting a rant about it which now is deleted that makes me question how comfortable you are with that kind of behavior and why are you comfortable with that kind of behavior let me know what you think let me know what you think should be done I saw a lot of people saying her child should be taken away let me know in the comments down below thank you guys so much for watching thank you to my patrons as always and let's get right to the fan er [Music]
Views: 753,632
Rating: 4.937736 out of 5
Keywords: michelle grace h, michelle grace, jeffree star, jeffree star cosmetics, alien palette, news
Id: irxXs8DJPLU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 28 2020
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