I bought the "you." girl's course & this is what happened

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[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so today boy do I have a good video for you so I really like Cody Coast channel and he recently made this video where he was reacting to a creators video and the video was titled you that video is great the Cody : so I suggest you watch it I'll have it in the description anyway the you video is made by this influencer so he briefly touched on the fact that this influencer had a website and was selling courses so let me take a sip of my dumb [ __ ] juice me the dumb [ __ ] decided to buy one of those courses cuz I had a feeling that it was gonna be a load of bull which plot twist yeah it was anyway let's just take a second to talk about who this person is so this person is called Claire she has an Instagram account with almost 300,000 followers all of her pictures are deeply aesthetic I would kind of categorize her as the typical influencer which no shade but she is kind of the typical influencer with pretty aesthetic pictures she's conventionally attractive she's thin blond hair long takes topless pictures with her hair covering her boobs you know what I'm talking about like this so I think Claire has good intentions I want to just preface that I think she has good intentions I just think there's a lot of lapse of judgment and I get an air of intense pretentiousness you know those kinds of people who are all about like peace and love and whatever but when they talk to you it feels like they're talking down to you like they have all this extra knowledge that you don't have which everyone has knowledge that someone else doesn't have the thing is just like if you approach it as like I know things and I'm so sorry you poor stupid soul you don't know that's not okay and that's not cool and I just think it's so patronizing and not my cup of tea so she sells multiple courses I chose the photo-editing one because she tells you how she edits photos on her iPhone so she starts by saying how you know many people don't have a camera or can't afford one she mentions that she had to sell hers so she had to make do with her iPhone right which to me was kind of funny because I feel like most people I know main we use their iPhones as you know regular people who weren't like photographers or something so I was just kind of like she was acting like this is such a rare thing and that she really made it work and did this groundbreaking thing and I'm like you're taking a picture with my phone it's not that deep anyway once you are on her page there's this really deep message that I think we should read just so you get an idea of what we're getting ourselves into if there's anything I know for sure it is this you are not alone none of us are beneath the surface we're all starving for the same thing love we all have so much to give your story matters to you matter your unspoken thoughts dreams ideas what keeps you up at night everything it all matters you know more than you think you do the truth is love has become my passion human connection has become my passion this is why I created coexist which is her website which is honestly just a safe place for beautiful humans with beautiful minds to come together and experience this love within thank you for being part of my story I'm ready to hear your own this really could have been shortened to like two sentences because all of these sentences aren't really adding anything substance they're just saying that you are not alone your thoughts matter done far as I understand it's a little confusing but you can get a monthly subscription or you can pay for a course now if you get the monthly subscription you can get monthly themes focusing on a single self-love topic full online course teaching you about self-love topic each month access to a private online community meetups for members all other courses are included for free I have no problem with people starting their own business the thing is when someone starts their business I want to pay for someone who's qualified which is why I'm going to university because I want to be a university professor there's a reason they make you do that much training it's because you need to be qualified I don't know how qualified she is to be telling people how to go about self-love now obviously everyone can give each other tips but it's just kind of like I don't like the idea of feeling so self-important that you didn't train in something and then you're just gonna tell people what to do you know what I mean it would be like me never going to school for English and then telling people I can teach them how to become a million dollar I decided to get the photo editing course and there's this little video right next to it so if you click on the video this is what happens so beautifully like so beautifully and give them this like old-school grainy film look because I for a while you don't have a camera to take photos on and so I figured out how to take such beautiful photos on an iPhone and there's so much that you can do with this little device in your hands so I'm gonna give you a little peek into my okay so as you can see she goes into the whole camera thing again which it's like she's really acting like she reinvented the wheel by taking pictures on her iPhone like not all of us have that problem I saw a lot of conspiracy theories in the comments of some of her videos thinking that she's on drugs or something I'm not gonna make any allegations of that sort I just thought I would let you know cuz I just thought the behavior in this video was very strange maybe that's what happens when you're extremely positive and do whatever she does I just thought it was weird also to be noted none of the videos I saw in her course are edited there kind of like this very raw which if it's a course I don't really want a raw unedited thing of like um uh an eyes closing and weird mouth sounds which you'll see she does quite often I want a course to be clean if it were a vlogging channel it's a different story you know but a course should be clean and planned out and well edited so I wasn't really a fan of that it made me feel like all this was half-assed which I genuinely still think it is and you'll see why so anyway once you spend $22 to get this course you get this message made this because I want to show you the power of technology I want you to see how many magic you have with a touch of your fingers release all fear of creating an all fear of self-expression so grateful for all of your support I want to share the secrets of learn of creating art on my iPhone and having confidence working with what we have we need nothing to express ourselves like you can see there's this whole fake deep thing going on also I think she could have benefited from grammarly because there are quite a few mistakes and just these few lines which looks kind of bad for a business but anyway after this message this this life-changing message I decided to look at the courses so the welcome video is less than one minute we're gonna tally up how many minutes all these videos are because this is part of my conspiracy or my theory that this is half-assed because all the videos are extremely short you don't need pretty much any knowledge in this and it's all kind of really badly put together so anyway after that we have another really useful video which is the how to use screen recording it's a 1 minute video how can you talk 1 minute about screen recording you go to settings whatever and then you drag the thing down press the button at screen recording the fact that she even put this into me is kind of hilarious because this is free information you can get on Google and that's kind of one of my problems with this is that the idea of when you buy a course now I knew this is probably gonna be full of [ __ ] right but if someone is a fan of hers and they really value what she has to say I kind of feel bad that they're gonna pay what 22 dollars and get information that is completely free on wwq cool calm or even on YouTube I'm sure their tutorials so I'm just kind of confused as to why'd you would include things that are completely free and think that was a good idea unless she genuinely just does not get a [ __ ] which possible so then she tells us what editing apps she use and that's under a minute which I don't know why you need a minute just give me a screenshot of the apps which are these ones okay great these are all very common quite famous apps so again we're not really given any extra information I really appreciate it if there were apps that I know nobody uses or I've never heard of because that would be something new but these are all commonly used apps that I've heard of or that come up when you type you know photo editing app not very impressed so far anyway then there's a couple of videos that I just cannot believe exist and here they are I didn't watch them because I didn't want to kill more of my sells and I already have at this point but here they are and all of these are really complicated topics so please pay attention because otherwise you're not going to understand anything that's going on there's wiping grease off your lens using natural light change your lighting being comfortable on camera posing naturally and hold your camera level [ __ ] really all of this is intuitive like if you look bad in a certain lighting you're probably gonna go try in a different lighting I think that's a natural instinct I don't think we need an explanation for that the only one here that I think is useful is if you want to talk about lighting in the sense of hey don't go out at noon to take pictures because oftentimes the light will either not work in your favor or just not be flattering so go out at this time for better lighting like that could be helpful but again that doesn't need a video you can do three sentences of a post and just say these are the times I recommend going out don't go out at these times to take pictures done it doesn't need to be a video but anyway so I decided to show you being comfortable on camera because I know that's a problem that many people have I have that problem myself so I'm like okay let's see what wisdom Claire and her boyfriend have to share well let's just look at it together teach you how to be comfortable on camera so I think the most important thing to become from on camera is to be in an environment that's natural so this is not a very natural environment for you it doesn't really make sense so let's know let's go inside and do something that you would do like just do something you would do naturally anyways like would you be sitting on your computer probably something like sit on your computer and as you're taking photos and someone just like talk to them like you know what are you what are you doing on your computer babe what are you doing I'm so curious Oh [Music] I love themselves too cuz it's all connected everything is connected so I would just take a photo like just look up petunia like you're on your computers just like talking to me whatever like come smile like look up at me he's so cute cool so that's how you are comfortable on camera it's just do something that you would naturally do anyways so this video to me was entirely useless because even at the end when the boyfriend thinks he's being deep I'd be like just be confident because confidence is like the most attractive thing her sexiest thing that doesn't help me like that's cool yeah I like confidence also but how does that help me take pictures and then Claire was saying Oh take pictures in a space that is natural to you most of the time people want to take pictures in a memorable place or a place that is beautiful you know like if you're gonna see a waterfall you're probably gonna want to take a picture in from the waterfall right so if we all just take pictures in an area where we're comfortable I think we're all gonna get bored of taking pictures at home on the couch so I didn't really think that was extremely valid information I think that it's very circumstantial and it won't help the average person who's uncomfortable on camera so thanks but no so then I looked at how Claire uses her apps so she has another section that's like editing photos and Snapseed mixtures visco rvf and editing videos for instace stories so these are really the only things that are actually potentially useful but even then these are all very basic things like these are there free tutorials for this online like I know desi Perkins shows how she edits her pictures for free like yeah you might watch an ad but you're not paying for it so the fact that you're paying $20 for less than 14 minutes of videos in this particular section is ridiculous to me now I decided to check rvf so it's rotate video flip and this is what happened so I'm gonna take you through a little course as to how I edit videos on my iPhone right now and the first app I use if I want to put a video on my story that's longer then like 30 seconds and it's turned the wrong way I'll first go in to rfv and I will just find a video so for example let's use just Shh oh yeah let's use this one so we were doing yoga and direction that I want it to be and just hit save and don't close out the app while it's changing it because then it will just stop so you just have to be patient for a minute just breathe to something that makes you happy make some food pants and music take a bath take a shower read a book and it will just be exported when you are done and able say it's been saved to your camera roll and then an apple peg because this app is free just great and then you can see it will appear shout out Britain I love bread it'll appear here it will appear here I'm just doing the thing right now and then you're gonna go into story oh just split it Oh as you can see from my screen recording the site glitched on me twice and I don't want to say that that's gonna happen to everyone because it might have just been my computer or something but genuinely making a video about how to flip your videos this is not real editing this is all basic stuff when someone pays for an editing program the idea is that you're gonna tell them something a little bit more advanced like adding layers or adding special effects or you know something that you actually can't normally access so all I know I'm not obviously happy with this whatsoever I genuine and wondering how someone that is so about positivity and self-love and whatever can do something so half-assed and just be okay with it now I don't want to draw conclusions on who Claire is what she believes in or whatever but it just seems deeply hypocritical that's someone who's so about live in life and going with the flow dude and self-love and empowerment would then turn around and do this because I genuinely feel like it probably took a longer to set up the website than make any of this content I genuinely feel like like that now maybe the intuitive eating program is better but at the same time I don't know what you can get about intuitive eating from her for $20 or whatever that you can't get from a cheaper book from someone who actually studied nutrition I'm disappointed I think that this is kind of the epitome of what a lot of influencers are like that they're selling this image but when it comes to really putting in the work to you know give back in a sense even if you're they're getting money for it they're just not willing to do it so yeah I mean I'm not trying to say every influencer is like this but I do think that there's something to be said about these influencers who really think they're saying some deep philosophical [ __ ] when they're not and I just I really don't know what else can be said about this anyways guys let me know what you think about influencers who try too hard to be deep or try to make things meaningful when they're just not I'm very curious to know your opinions anyways thank you guys so much for watching thank you to my patrons as always and let's get right to the banner [Music]
Views: 1,167,860
Rating: 4.9191055 out of 5
Keywords: cody ko, noel miller, that's cringe, claire michelle, you., coexist, photo editing, photo editing course, influencer
Id: ndU1bG_egUM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 16sec (1036 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 21 2019
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