Kids are missing & their parents won't help

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[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so I came across a very bizarre case now I have a particular fascination with cases where the people involved don't seem to want to solve the case like parents with missing children who don't want to cooperate with investigators I find to those cases fascinating because clearly the family or the person is hiding something but also they're making themselves look incredibly guilty while hiding something which i think is quite ironic before we get into the video I wanted to thank today's sponsor which is care of as you guys may know I've been working on improving my hair nails and decreasing my stress levels so Carib has been super useful Carib makes it easy to make sure you get the right vitamins that your body needs you just take a short 5-minute quiz answer questions about your diet lifestyle and health needs and then you're advised which vitamins are right for you the best part is that carob makes sustainability a priority with compostable packs this time of year is always difficult for me personally so taking care of myself in this period is particularly crucial go to take care of calm and use my code glare 50 to get 50% off your first care of order thank you again to Kara for sponsoring this video mother of missing children allegedly believed she was a god here's what we know there's a bizarre and disturbing case out of Madison County Idaho two children a 17 year old Ty Lee Ryan and her 7 year old little brother Joshua JJ valo are missing and authorities blame their mother Lori valo for refusing to participate in the investigation now investigators want her and her husband Chad able to do the right thing and come forward with the information they have regarding the whereabouts of the children police say they believe the kids are in danger description of the missing children so according to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children Joshua valo has brown hair brown eyes stands a 4 feet tall and weighs 50 pounds Ty Lee Ryan has blond hair has blue eyes is 5 feet tall and weighs 160 pounds the children were last seen September 23rd 2019 in Rexburg Idaho authorities say officials said the little brother may be in need of medical attention so here there's a tweet with a picture of both of the children just for reference if you live in the area if you happen to see them there was a tweet that said it is astonishing that rather than work with law enforcement to help us locate her own children lori ballo has chosen instead to leave the state with her new husband the reason that I'm even talking about this case is because and we'll get to this later but just to contextualise lori valo was seen in hawaii with her new husband while her children have been missing for four months and when they asked her about like her children their whereabouts she'll just say no comment I understand not wanting to talk to the news but going to Hawaii is not a good look when your children are missing so then there was a press release from the Rexburg Police Department and I'm only gonna read one paragraph so if you want to read the whole thing pause as stated in our previous release Lorie valo / de Belle the adopted mother of Joshua and biological mother of Ty Lee has completely refused to assist this investigation we know that the children are not with Lori and Chad de Bell and we also have an information indicating that Lori knows either the location of the children or what happened to them despite having this knowledge she has refused to work with law enforcement to help us resolve this matter it is astonishing that rather than work with law enforcement to help us locate her own children lori below has chosen instead to leave the state with her new husband can you say suspicious police said the missing a child report was made last November 26 they said charges haven't been filed yet because the primary goal right now is finding the kids adding that charging decision will be made in due course based on the evidence available valo and a bail allegedly said Ryan had died in a December 30 statement the Rexburg Police Department outright criticized valo and claimed that she and a Bell told witnesses that Ryan had died a year before the death of her father Joseph Ryan which is untrue de Bell allegedly told another witness that his wife had no minor kids cops eval and a bail weren't being honest with law enforcement valo fled her townhouse before FBI raid neighbor says Fallows next-door neighbor Seth Barnard told Fox 13 now that he saw her and her brother pack up a truck he said he believed they were just going on vacation next morning boom they're gone he said adding that she left her possessions Joshua valleys toys remained on the porch Sharan artist said he met Ryan once but that Joshua valo to play the law with his children he said that he was told several weeks into the school year that JJ however was going to move with his grandmother go visit he said he last saw the trial in September question is where did they go he said we have no idea they just kind of took off and vanished for multiple relatives died in the last year valo and des belles history is a tangled web with multiple deaths in the family in recent years two of laurie bellows former husband's recently died according to AZ central Joseph Ryan died from a heart attack in 2018 according to Fox 10 Phoenix then her fourth husband Charles Bala was fatally shot by her brother Alex Cox Cox claimed this was self-defense but it's not like he's going to be tried for this he died in December of unclear causes des belles wife Tammy de Bell passed away in Idaho in October police are investigating her death and authorities went as far as to exhume her body last month family suggested that valo had an affair with de Belle while she was still with Charles valo I don't think there was any doubt that there was something going on and obviously he was still married and obviously Laurie was still married Larry Woodcock Joshua ballo stepfather told ksl TV kay Woodcock boy's biological grandmother suggested this was going on in between a year and a year and a half five the second coming of Christ [Music] okay before we continue the amount of deaths that surround this couple is unbelievable to me especially the close proximity of a lot of these deaths I'm not saying that their murders are up to something weird although I definitely think they're up to something weird whether that's murder or not I'm not sure but the sheer amount of people around them dying and for marriages Wow that so much has happened and I'm not shaming therefore for marriages like finds your prince charming whatever the hell but also where the [ __ ] are your kids and why aren't you alarmed I just can't fathom the concept of knowing my children are still out there and not doing anything or maybe it's because they know where their children are five the second coming of Christ kay and Larry Woodcock said that valo was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day saints and that Charles joined after meeting her nonetheless Laurie valo began changing they said they alleged that she started claiming she was a reincarnation of wife of Joseph Smith the founder of the church in court filings dated February 2009 teen Charles valo claimed that Laurie professed to be a god at getting ready for the second coming of Christ according to Fox 10 Phoenix Jesus would return July 2020 and she trying to kill Charles if he tried to stop her according to papers nonetheless Charles bellow dropped that matter in March he wanted to save the marriage a son told the outlet so then there's a tweet that said new details Laurie Veloz former husband Charles filed for divorce last February five months before he was shot and killed at their Chandler home court Docs reveal Laurie allegedly said she was a God preparing for the second coming of Christ if Charles got in her way she would murder him that's very interesting timing more Court docs say Charles got order of protection versus Lori he tried to get help but she refused community bridges HC contacted Gilbert PD to take her in if contact was made Charles claimed Laurie said she would not only kill him but she would destroy him financially the deaths now become even more suspicious to me because I'm wondering what else is going on and what the context is for the other deaths six valas oldest son tells her to do the right thing Kolby Ryan a son of Laurie valo released a video in which he pleaded with his mother to do the right thing I would never want anything to happen to you and I would never want anything to happen to Ty Lee and JJ ever he said I would do anything to protect them and you know that I just want them to be safe and I want them to be okay and I want you to just find it in your heart to be able to help with the situation so I think we can all agree that everything thus far about Lauri valo seems extremely shady her husband as well but they gave less information about him something about this just makes me feel sick to my stomach and the only thing I can really think is quite morbid but the reality is if you're not looking for your kids either you know with who they are and you trust the person which is the more positive outlook and the other outlook which is the one I'm leaning towards considering is that you know where they are and they're dead so I hope that's not the case but I just can't find an explanation for this type of behavior I mean going on vacation already but the sole concept of not doing everything in your power to help your children be found you might as well just admit but you did something let's get to the point where they're spotted on vacation so here it is missing kids from Idaho mama found in Hawaii ordered to show children on Sunday the police department in Hawaii said it was assisting Rexburg police the department sent a statement that had served Vala with an order of petition in an attempt to have her physically produce her children to the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare Bala's attorney Shawn Barthel ik confirmed NBC news that she had been served the order the statement said baloo and a bail had been staying for an unconfirmed a period of time and a search warrant had been served on them and their vehicle KP d's desires to continue to assist the Rexburg police and whatever way we can with their efforts to locate the missing children the police chief Todd G ray buck said if it's our sincere hope that the children have a safe return the department's statement said that the couple does not face charges or arrests but the Rexburg Police Department said in a statement that if valo fails to produce the children within 5 days she could be held in contempt of court I genuinely am in disbelief the route this has all gone between all the deaths of these people closely tied to Val o especially and then also now day bail I don't understand how they haven't been held in contempt until now the kids were last seen in September so I'm also wondering why it's taking so long for the police to do something and I assume it it has to do with some legality that I don't understand where they can't be apprehended because of X or Y I really hope that she does within those five days show her children because I just have a feeling something really grim is going on here and I have a feeling that she's dangerous which I think we've kind of seen considering the death of one of her prior husbands and she said that she would kill him and I know people say that has jokes all the time but in this case I don't know how figurative it really was and I have an utter disdain for parents who commit crimes against their children the level of cruelty this just shows to me is absolutely jarring if someone told me hey there's missing kids and the mom doesn't really care where they are isn't cooperating with the police and was found on vacation in Hawaii I genuinely would not believe it it's so disappointing that parent would act that way and if the kids are in fact okay I don't think they should be staying with her because something's not right there anyways guys let me know what you think in the comments down below do you think she's innocent guilty do you think the kids are okay I sincerely hope they are but it doesn't look too good right now let me know we think in the comments down below thank you guys so much for watching thank you to my patrons as always and I'll catch you guys next time [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Views: 275,744
Rating: 4.9658566 out of 5
Keywords: lori vallow and chad daybell, lori vallow, lori daybell, chad daybell and lori vallow case
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2020
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