Mother in law tried to breastfeed my child

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[Music] we left off as my mill being broke and how she asked us for help to give you a time frame by then i had two kids a 18 month old and about nine months old i had been married for three years and my mill had been divorced for six months so that's five years ago a lot of you wonder why we talk or why i didn't end things right there and then i understand why you'd think that but i think it's important to remember that there are a lot of things that happened since then and you'll just have to wait for the rest of the stories okay so since we left off after i gave her a ride home things went fine for the next couple of months she really took care of herself and she wasn't crazy or anything of the sort she'd email once a week or so asking how we were and updating us sometimes we'd reply other times we'd just thank her she also asked if she could send some presents to the kids on their birthdays and for christmas she was really being good we also knew she was in therapy and that she was really trying about six months after her failed engagement she wrote my husband entire big apology letter she said she'd be willing to really try and that she wouldn't be anything like she was my husband asked if we should give her a chance and i was like really so i told him that if he wanted we could meet her alone child free and if it went okay we'd bring the kids every sunday we met her for coffee and doughnuts it wouldn't last longer than 30 minutes and she was relatively pleasant we'd keep it at the basics what's new what's good plans for the week etc we did that for maybe two to three months and then we decided to bring the kids along the kids liked her she liked them i saw nothing wrong with going progressive about it eventually she asked us if she could maybe stay with the kids a bit alone i was like oh hell no but my husband was like oh you know she's not so bad maybe we should give her a chance since your mom gets to watch them all the time we argued about it but eventually i gave him i told him 30 minutes while we go grab coffee right around the corner and i'm leaving the nanny cam on and we are not telling her he tells his mom she acts super thankful okay cool i tell her to come at 7 p.m my oldest is already asleep and my youngest is really easy to put to bed so she just needs to rock her to bed she's understandably annoyed that the kids are already sleeping slash about two but i tell her that i'm sorry but that will work out way up she doesn't argue but she asks if she can call a girlfriend over once both kids are gone and if she can talk on the phone meh i get it no kids strange house nothing to do she's basically babysitting two sleeping kids so why not it was also beginning of 2012 so while a lot of people had smartphones she couldn't afford one and i didn't want to let her touch out computers so she would have been bored also it's just a phone conversation what could geo wrong my husband and i leave my mom goes home i have the nanny cam set all is good what you need to understand is that i breastfed my kids a lot i nursed them to bed i nursed them to wake up i nursed them for snacks and i just i nursed them a lot i stopped nursing them at three years old actually but by the time my mill babies at them they were old enough that none of them needed to be nursed to sleep or nursed in general it was more of mommy slash child whenever they'd ask thing i told my mill that if they woke up asking to be nursed to offer them water and if they insisted to just call me because i'd be right there anyway okay so we are out i've had a coffee it's been a bit over 30 minutes i'm nervous as [ __ ] and we go back home i opened the door to my youngest still being awake and to her chatting with this stranger men my husband gets upset and pretty much asks who are you to which the guy says what who are you i tell him to get out of my house and go grab my child from my mill now get this this guy says what are you doing and my mill actually tries to keep my kid and tell me that she'd give me the kid in just a bit i pretty much lose my [ __ ] and tell her no you give me my kid now the guy goes your kid my mill is obviously very uncomfortable tells him to leave gives me the child the guy isn't done though he asks me omg is this your baby who is she i'm too nervous to answer him i tell him to leave or that i'm calling the cops he goes and tells me to double check her background that she pretended that it was her kid in her house wtf i mean my heart is racing reading this once he leaves she's crying like crazy she can't even talk she's just crying saying she's sorry when she calms down she says she had met that guy a while ago online and that she never had the courage to make him come to her place since he's a wealthy guy and she lives in a trash place i almost felt bad for her but why the hell would she lie about it being her kid she said that she kinda had to because how else would she explain it so we kick her ass out i put my kid to sleep my husband starts watching the nanny cam to see where exactly it went wrong the guy came in basically five minutes after we left which explains why she was almost rushing us out now she had put my youngest down without her being asleep which is okay but my kid started crying about five minutes after the guy was there so she goes to get the kid and the video had no sound but i know how my kid gets she gets upset asks for the breast doesn't stop cries cries cries that's when you either get lucky and she settles for water and falls asleep while you rock her which is what my mom used to do or you know sir my mill had seen me nurse in those crisis moments this is actually hard to type because i keep seeing it in my head she took her 50 something year old breast out and tried to breastfeed my child she had her boobs all over her face my kid was obviously not interested and my mill looked distressed the guy was obviously like wtf do something so she put her boob away and distracted the kid with toys and whatnot after minutes it worked i was horrified i cried out for my husband god was he angry we called the non-emergency police line a police officer came to meet with us she filed a report and my mill taken to the post office later that night to give her version of things the investigation went on for weeks i'd call every single day for an update and whatnot in the end i ended up getting a lawyer to help us understand why the hell nothing was happening he looked into the file and while there was the possibility of arresting her for childhood exposure but that nothing was 100 sure as in we'd win we ended up suing her anyway and she ended up with a record for exposure in front of children but the judge said that from the video he couldn't tell that she was actually trying to shove it in my kid's mouth he still agreed it was not okay she is still not allowed to see the kids and every single interaction that she wants to have with my children must come through parents only she also had other consequences but nothing like jail time for extended periods or whatever so that was in 2012 we didn't talk to her after that till 2016. so last time we spoke jenny was trying to see my kids stalking them trying to figure out how she could see them what followed was basically a very clear and explicit conversation between me and her about how she messed up that contact a long time ago but that i'm nice enough to give her youth once in a while so that she should at least not mess that up plus i basically questioned her on her real intentions here why the hell is she so focused on seeing her grandkids when she's so busy with her extravagant life and doesn't have any free time at all i think that actually made her think because we didn't hear about her for a good three months and then she'd hit the fan it kind of went down like this one day i receive a call from my husband he's so calm but in a weird way sort of like when you know he's about to say something obvious but terrible he tells me that his lawyer called him because this lady that is in jail is pretending to be his mom now since i haven't written in a long time i'll mention that my husband inherited this really big company and that a lot of people friends and family seem to be popping in just to get some money it's still pretty uncommon so my husband got curious as soon as the lawyer told him her name and described her he was sure it was her why is jenny in jail if you've read my past posts you know that jenny loved her money and b men young preferable or really old but rich so she apparently started dating this 19 year old jude that was part of a gang and she tried to smuggle drugs into a country nice one jenny now she needs a really good lawyer and money so my husband is telling me this and i'm like though [ __ ] that's on her and he's also like yeah i agree so that's that it didn't feel right though you probably know that feeling of guilt but not my problem that's how we were both feeling so my husband actually said he'd go see her and ask her what the [ __ ] happened like what if jenny was just stupid enough to have the drugs put on her while she didn't know like what exactly happened organizing a meeting with her was actually really difficult and long we weren't allowed to see her until she had her trial so until then we paid the lawyer to consult with her and figure out what happened you're ready for this she had started dating this married man it didn't work out shame right so she basically decided to change her life around and hit the gym where she met this really cute and handsome 19 year old he apparently offered to help her train and set up a program for her so within some week scratch that probably ours she was sleeping with him and traveling with him and he was her new boyfriend she pretend she didn't know what he did for a living but honestly it's [ __ ] hard to believe sorry for the stereotype but the guy literally has gang signs tattooed on his face and neck he was also 19 driving around in a luxury car living in a luxury place and owning a couple places like you're not that dumb woman point being he asked her to bring a luggage on a trip she said yes and it was filled with drugs it's probably more complicated than that and i'm simplifying it because i was pretty upset when the lawyer told us all that the guy himself was not arrested at the time since she couldn't actually prove the drugs weren't hers but after a lawyer working things out it was pretty clear she wasn't the one behind all this master plan and although she still got to do many months in jail and still goes to jail on weekends she was freed for just being dumb and used i'm really oversimplifying the issue here because uh i don't want you to find out who she actually is and be it's very complex but that's the abc of it my husband and i figured this would be a bigger [ __ ] i got to change my life around for her however the first thing she did when she got out was to ask when she could contact her old boyfriend again it sounds dumb but we got really worried i know how some women basically get sucked into a vicious circle and fall in love for her so we offered therapy we spent a bit more time with her i even joined a yoga class with her like we really tried ultimately she decided that she wanted to go back to the married guy which sounds better than the 19 year old drug dealer and that's just something i personally don't want to get involved with so she is on her own that's really been it while she was in jail she kept asking to please see her grandchildren and for us to please bring them to visit grandma like no lady ain't happening as soon as she was out she didn't care all that much my kids aren't aware of what happened and i have no intention of telling them either i really really really wish her all the best and hope she changes and doesn't end up in a situation like that even for her that was a low and somewhat not her fault but she should have know better so much better we are actually months after the wedding now but she has done so many bad things at this point i have to start somewhere at the beginning i thought she was fine i didn't speak french she didn't speak english and we knew nothing about each other then i started understanding what she was saying a few months before my wedding and a week before i had to fly back to my country my mill demands that my future husband gets a print up i leave in five days we don't even have all the paperwork filed to get married and she insists he needs a print up of course she doesn't turn off the tv for this interaction she also doesn't wait until i leave the room she literally pretends i just don't understand french like i'm not there at all so the h and i are staring at the back of her head folding her friggin laundry as she says it's stupid if we buy a house one day and it might be part mine that it's stupid that he needs one it's not rational she never even turns away from the tv they both get angry dh panics she starts talking about lawyers and having us spending hundreds of euro to have a contract written up she makes him talk on the phone to a lawyer friend meanwhile if we don't finish our wedding paperwork in the next five days we will not get legally married on the day we planned the wedding for i won't be back in the country for months it turns out that the country doesn't even have printups she was getting this idea from american tv i could have throttled her dh had already told her no way before we found this out but she insisted he get a will made up which he hasn't that would keep his assets with the family a few weeks before the wedding and we are all living together yup and she comes home one day and says that she has taken the next two weeks off from work my heart drops she had already told dh that the colors we chose were depressing and sad that the flowers we were denying were sad and stupid and makes choices we already made a time suck file with ours of arguments dh is a sensitive soul you can't just tell him his dream wedding is depressing and have him be okay luckily we give her one thing to do that we were straight up going to skip gift bags of almonds and it gets her off our backs it takes her the full two weeks and she only managed to pick up the stuff my poor friends ended up doing them with me the day before the wedding the week of the wedding she had done nothing paid for nothing and demanded two full days of our attention to pick out and then buy two dresses that cost as much as my wedding dress for her to wear to the wedding fine we think hey the worst is over what could go wrong all we have to do is show up yeah about that we were told that if we were late to the town hall we would not be allowed in and we would not be married which also means i would have to leave the country that month we told everyone to be there early we had planned to do a first look in front of the city hall and have this big moment for ourselves we had a photographer all set up my new uncle-in-law was supposed to pick me up and take me the 10-minute drive to the town hall we send away my friends husbands to take the subway and then the macute girl leaves and then it is just the three foreign girls and the photographer who is looked at us and the clock worriedly i'm so late at this point that the photographer doesn't want to leave in case no one shows up at all five minutes after i should be getting married uil shows up it turns out that mill wanted to go too and it took her two hours to get ready the first look is dh and are looking panicked and angry we smile talkers pictures are taken and he told me how many phone calls it took for uil and mill to finally go get me we did get him and we did get married thank goodness but my mill doesn't stop there weddings in france are an all day long affair there was the official in the morning and then the personal one in 10 afternoon followed by dinner mill was in charge of driving my family of two to the reception hall every native with a car was charged to drive someone she gets ready for another two hours and never tells my family when she plans to leave in the end she gives them no warning and makes my mother change back into her dress literally in a ditch on the side of the road so my mom shows up pissed with crazy karma cube in a bright blue sports bra an hour before dinner mill goes to the hotel nearby and takes my mother with her so my mom can get dressed like a normal person mill takes another two hours this is mid-wedding i'm not kidding i'm not exaggerating she kidnapped my mother during the wedding dinner the guests were asking what was happening the woman who ran the dinner was in a full-out panic dh was so stressed out he didn't know how to use words anymore noon could find our moms we don't have dads so the hole was all the more obvious mill wouldn't answer her phone my mom didn't have one and they were totally mire i said screw it we start dinner without them they come in part way through the meal and my mother is fuming she told me that she kept asking mel to leave asking what she was doing to go back to the wedding to hurry up and my mill just ignored her mill denied the whole thing like she hadn't kidnapped my mom during our wedding dinner and they had just fallen into a space-time vortex not to mention the fact that apparently she was telling people we were thinking about having yet another wedding in a church the only problem was me and certainly not my firmly atheist husband whatever at this point i still didn't realize how just dino she would become in later months it got so much worse but the wedding drama wasn't quite over to top it all off we took her to lunch because if we don't spend time with her it means we hate her she looked us dead in the eye and said we should tell her thank you if i hadn't been frozen with rage i would have taken her fork and shoved it where the sun don't shine she continued to say that it was disappointing that we hadn't made provisions during our wedding to make her feel special apparently she wanted to be driven around because it was a day about it too dh gave her an unequivocal no so we got to deal with victim mill because everyone is so mean and only to her for the next few days [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: Ask Girl
Views: 14,992
Rating: 4.9502664 out of 5
Keywords: reddit girl, reddit mil, reddit entitled parents, reddit justnomil, justnomil, reddit, r/askreddit, r/justnomil, r/girl, r/ mil, r/ mother in law, r/ askreddit girl, askreddit mil, askreddit entitled parents, askreddit
Id: o2JbMWybO4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 3sec (1203 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 03 2020
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