Mother of the Groom showed up to the wedding after not having seen her son in 10 years

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[Music] hey folks i'm back with another story for background i'm a wedding and portrait photographer mostly elopement so these days thank god with stories of the crazy families and guests i've had at some of my events over the years and today i have a story about the time emil showed up to her son's wedding after 10 years of silence you read that [ __ ] right a decade there were tears cbf dirty looks quite a few thrown my way when i popped off on dear old mom and copious amounts of drinking involved not me rather mel got shithamad on the dance floor but i'm getting ahead of myself basically i was forewarned that mill wouldn't be there but that the smell phil has since remarried was going to be taking the place of melanogroom oriented events and that it would be dundee i'm all for it out of curiosity i had asked if they invited mill to the wedding or if she was totally out the bride informed me that they sent an invite as a courtesy but she never responded so they assumed she wouldn't attend oh how wrong they were i show up on the wedding day to the bride being knee-deep in her third bottle of wine she had some rather alarming family drama of her own go down the night before but that's a story that i feel that if i tell may be too identifiable and when i arrived she immediately told me she was so sorry about how the day was going to go and i went into crisis dodging mode i told her that i was determined to make sure that everything went correctly so she should let me know what to do she told me that the mill called about 20 minutes before i arrived and asked where she should park she assumed there would be family-only parking you see and as family she needed a good spot mind you the bride has yet to even meet the mill that's how long it's been since they were in contact so here's this woman demanding princess parking without so much as an introduction three hours before the wedding we can all see where this is going right i proceed to ask how the groom is and if there is anything i can bring do kick to help them out bride says he knows she's coming his best man stopped by to buy all the wine i quickly made my way to the groom who is hitting the bottle just as hard as his future wife and he told me that he decided to let her attend as it wouldn't be worth the hassle to remove her but if she made the bride upset she was out the ceremony goes fine as we didn't have time to run into the woman but when family pictures came about she wasted no time trying to take over now let me start with this causal weddings are fine they can be really nice and this was a casual wedding but it was not a backyard wedding people treated it like church clothes not a hoedown but not mill oh no y'all we are talking ripped blue jeans or three-quarter sleeve shirt with a bit too old cross on the front and flames on the back and one of those purses that attaches to the belt clip to hold your phone so your hands are free to hold your beer she even had the beer cracked and ready she was glaringly out of place is my point i start lining his family up for pictures and i ask her to stand next to the bride and for dad smell to stand next to the groom i had gotten clearance from the couple to include her in pictures but the groom specifically asked to not have her stand next to him as she hadn't been around the bride offered the spot next to her as a nicety immediately she cbs and i said mill is something up you're not smiling in any of the photos she growls at me and says how dare you put her next to my son i'm his mother not that w obviously talking about smell everyone gets dead silent and i smiled my million what duck you smile and say i don't see a w here rather i see a family that's trying to get wedding photos done shall we continue without the name calling otherwise you're welcome to go wait for the reception to start she quickly shut up but was grunting throughout the whole photo lanoup i asked her if she needed a cough drop and she cut that out we finished and headed off to the reception where she proceeded to continue drinking like a fish that was out of water when it came time for the mother sun dance my drama feelers were tingling so i asked the groom what he wanted to do his stepmother who was ashamed all day very kindly offered to let his mother dance with him if he wanted she said if this can help repair things i'll gladly step aside absolute saint i tell you during the dance mill was sobbing into her son's chest all about how glad she was to have him back and how much she missed him the groom was stone-faced and angry throughout the whole event and the bride was taking shots over at the bar ignoring the whole thing i thought she would chill out but mill decided to spend the rest of the night chasing after me making my job a hell of a lot harder because she was trying to explain why she needed to step away from her kids you see they wouldn't support me when their father and i split he cheated on me with that w and my kids weren't there for me i needed to protect myself on and on and on with the excuses i was clearly the first person to stand up to her in ages so she needed me on her side i finally stopped her and said look mill i don't care about your reasons i'm here to do the job your son and his wife hired me to do and i will not tolerate you interfering with that anymore you decided punishing your children for not taking sides against their father was the right decision you chose to not see your kids for 10 years missed weddings the births of your granddaughters and being a part of family because your feelings were hurt i have literally no respect for people like you and you cannot convince me otherwise now please leave me alone and stop drinking you're making a fool of yourself i walked away from her and straight to the couple to tell them what i said in case i overstepped the groom hysterically laughed and said it's about ducking time someone besides my sister and i got it want a beer i declined but after that she sat a table and was quiet for the rest of the night i don't regret what i said at all and to my knowledge she has reached out a few times and very few family members are letting her back in to preface this this incident happened exactly one year ago today we are nc with my parents and will be for the foreseeable future unless my mom gets therapy my dw and i are in therapy not so much because of issues we have in our marriage but because both of us have shitty families and neither of us until meeting our therapist had strong spines we are vlc with dw mother she's more beck than anything but she also has some drug issues she's dealing with namely an addiction to painkillers okay let's go back a year and a few days dw is due any second with our first child my mom up to this point has been back mostly little annoying things however she has also been patronizing a dw in the six years we were together two years married i've always shut that [ __ ] down but i'll admit i should have gone vlc or even nc before this so the plan was to have both sets of parents to the hospital after the baby arrived and ew and i had time to bond her parents accepted that my dad who is her enabler was okay with that but my mom was not she demanded she be at the hospital we told her no she had to wait finally she said okay after she saw we wouldn't put our feet down so the baby was born it's a boy we hadn't found out do it was a big surprise anyway both sets of parents come everything's good finally dw is tired so i walk my parents out hers had gone home my dad went out to get the car i waited by the front door with my mom she turns to me and says that my dad and her are filing for custody of the baby she claims my dw is on drugs like her mom a lie dw doesn't even drink that she saw how dw was around the baby and she fears for his safety i'm stunned my dad pulls up and she gets in and leaves i go back upstairs and wife sees my faces i really don't want to tell her but i'm not going to lie to her she's upset as am i so i text my mom that she's not to contact us i then block her number my younger sister is blowing my phone up and i know it's my mom i get along great with my little sister as does dw but she was a minor at the time and lived with my folks we go home the next day dw had tearing and therefore needs meds she refuses pain meds because of her family history but says she will take advil so i go get some things at cvs dw and baby are sleeping him in his cot in line getting us dinner when wife calls hysterical she woke up and no baby i run home and we are both a mess at this time then my neighbor comes over she says what's going on she sees me running like my feet are on fire so i tell her she tells me wait so your parents weren't supposed to take the baby yet my mom came and kidnapped my baby i call the sheriff's office my best friend is a deputy there as soon as i tell him and his partner what happened they had to get our baby turns out my dad wasn't involved in the actual kidnapping although i'm sure he knew about it my mom knew at the time where we kept a spare key and let herself in both her and her fm were arrested because there wasn't a chance in hell we weren't pressing charges the baby was returned to us and according to my friend they had a nursery waiting my mom was sentenced but because of her standing in the community she was only given a slap on the wrist however the negative attention she got after that event spurred her and my dad to move thankfully my sister turned 18 before then and she stayed with us a few months before going a few states away to school for a long time both her and my dad were radio silent however my mom has tried to reach out in the last few months thankfully we've learned from this we have cameras a security system and no spare key outside our neighbor who is now a great friend has our spare we are three months along with our second child i'm hoping my mom doesn't find out hopefully this will be a good place for me to use as an outlet also nickname suggestions for my mom would be appreciated this story starts with a simple wedding and it was a beautiful one the event had been pretty chill up until we are getting ready to get the bride into her dress we were doing a first look between her and the groom so there was about three hours before the ceremony to go and she started asking where her mother was the maid of honor went looking for mom and came back after 10 minutes told the bride that she was getting dressed and would be in soon she had this look on her face where i could tell she was holding something in i'm super good at reading body language and weddings have solidified that talent so i pulled her aside to see what was up it's a major part of my job both at weddings and births to keep my client calm and the day moving so i wanted to see what i could do to ensure that happened the mo told me that mom was getting dressed but that her dress was cream-colored and she knew that the bride was going to be pissed ha ha ha [ __ ] awesome i remember thinking to myself i asked them all where mom was so that i could go see this train wreck from the beginning she took me back and lo and behold she was dressed in a wedding dress it wasn't stark white but an ivory came to her knees and she honestly looked pretty good in it like had it been any color rather than what it was it would have been perfect she asked me if her daughter was ready for her to come in and i hit the brakes on that i ended up saying the bride was using the wrist man to wait up i would come get her when she was ready i needed a game plan and i needed one fast i decided honesty is the best policy because i knew that seeing her mom in the dress without preparation would upset her more so i pulled the bride aside and told her exactly what she was wearing i showed her a photo that i had taken covertly with my camera and told her that there was plenty of time to make mom go and get a new dress if that's what she wanted us to do sidebar i don't [ __ ] around at my weddings in fact i have a cooperation clause in my contract that states that if a family party member or friend causes problems during the day that delays my ability to do my job i have the right to remove them from the situation and not allow them to be involved in the photos and i have the right to be as snarky as i want during that process although usually i remove them while being kind it infuriates the offender even further i stress this clause to my couples when booking because i want them to know that i have no problem being the [ __ ] photographer that i'm only working for them and my only concern is getting them down the aisle keeping anyone from dying and getting great photos so if i have to verbally punt grandma by god i will my clients adore this clause because they don't have to be the bad guy i'm their own personal clint eastwood complete with resting [ __ ] face and a sarcastic tone to match i tell the bride that i can handle this and she says she wants me to do it but do it in front of her so that if her mom throws a fit she can shut it down mom comes in and right away she starts in about how great her dress is how good it looks on her and how the color complements her skin tone all of which was true sadly the bride says mom we said navy navy not white mom responds with i know but the white looked so good it was on sale and i'm the mother of the bride so i can wear white too everyone will love it jaws dropped all around bridesmaids are seething and red-faced i'm in [ __ ] or of the scene before me the bride buckles down about her mom not wearing this dress and i'm talking to her about running to the mall and getting one that is better suited color wise when suddenly a rare and bridesmaid trips onto mom and spills her soda big red onto her white dress which is now pink on the butt you could have heard a fly fart it was so quiet inside i'm torn between screaming and hysterical cackling i didn't even think of having my camera in my face when this happened so sure enough mom starts screaming at the bridesmaid the usual how could she she's ruined the day her perfect dress is destroyed she never liked the bridesmaid anyway because she's trash and everyone knows she's a full-down drunk just on and on and on nobody said anything and when she finally stopped to take a breath i interrupted her and said we can fix this but you will stop yelling it was clearly an accident spoiler alert it wasn't but you need to stop screaming at her she rounded on me and said you're the hired help be quiet i literally laughed in her face and said lady you're not paying me to do [ __ ] your daughter is you be quiet or you will be excluded from every photo test me she rounded on her daughter who backed me up and told her mom to chill out and apologize to me and to bridesmaid or to leave she then stomped out of the room screaming still about how the day was ruined and when the door closed the bridesmaid who hadn't said a word yet simply turned to the bride and said well that's handled you know she won't risk looking like a mess in front of everyone else want some wine sure enough by the time the wedding started mom was wearing a red dress with a ton of cleavage but you can't win everything and was all fake smiles for the photos i'm guessing her daughter said something else to her about me because she kept her mouth closed around me from then on out i have three kids 15 female 12 female and seven male my oldest has always been a cuddler and that suits me fine because i'm too recently my in-laws were over and we were all watching a movie together it was a kids movie and so my 15 year old was bored out of her mind and tired so she started to snuggle up to me and go to sleep after the movie was over we sent all the kids to bed slash their rooms and got chatting for a bit longer there was a fair bit of wine involved i was sober though and eventually after a short silence my phil let it drop that he thought it was inappropriate i still coupled with my 15 year old i don't really know why he brought it up suddenly but i was prepared to laugh it off and just assumed it was the alcohol to my surprise my wife and mill both agreed with him i have a lot of respect for my in-laws i get along with them great and i consider them closer than my own parents obviously i'm quite fond of my wife as well but i outright told them to duck off and go duck themselves and then left them and went to bed i've never spoken to any of them like that before but it felt like the right thing to say in the moment they all want me to apologize for being so rude to them am i the a [Music] do [Music] so you
Channel: Ask Girl
Views: 49,971
Rating: 4.8945689 out of 5
Keywords: reddit girl, reddit entitled parents, reddit groom, reddit mil, reddit wedding, reddit mother in law, reddit justnomil, justnomil, r/askreddit, r/ girl, r/ entitled parents, r/ mil, r/ groom, r/ wedding, r/ mother in law, r/ justnomil, askreddit girl, askreddit mil, askreddit entitled parents, askreddit wedding, askreddit
Id: UoiwiXZ9iQU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 17sec (1097 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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