My girlfriend's grandmother is trying to sabotage our relationship

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[Music] backstory my girlfriend has very strict parents and have seemingly for the most part tried to keep her from having a social life telling her grades come first generally and trusting of others and overprotective etc so it was understandable when she didn't want her family finding out about our relationship fast forward two to three years or so they found out mother first her mother was overall okay with me and did not have much issue with me just simply overprotective i.e don't be alone in a room don't have s etc not too long later her father finds out and decides to take the family and me out to dinner where for the most part he also ended up accepting me this is where the issues begin that night of our dinner i had been invited to stay over as it was fairly late and gave the okay on the way he had decided to stop by his mother's house my girlfriend's grandmother and of course i ended up tagging along her grandmother had taken notice of me and from what i could gather inquired about me from her son while i was out of earshot in view in this brief visit she had complained non-stop to my girlfriend's dad about me and ranting off what she didn't like citing i don't look like i would be a good match i'm told this later it's overall okay as i wouldn't have to see or interact with her all that much or so i thought fast forward two months and my girlfriend is moving right next to her grandmother's house now this had been their old house long ago but they had moved previously and rented it out to others and decided to go back come moving day i go ahead and help and assist with the move taking apart furniture carrying and loading things and then reconstructing furniture at their new home my girlfriend's grandma has the keys to their home cannon does barge in whenever they want as i'm helping set up shelves beds etc she walks in and i gesture a nice hello but she ignores me overall and i go back to setting up some stuff after setting up a majority of things we decided to go out for food apparently from what i'm told the moment we left she had gone on a rant about me how i was lazy poor rude etc constantly expressing her displeasure of me whenever she got the chance me who helped with moving and setting up bed frames tables shelves was being called lazy and sitting around shore she would continue to do this and at any chance try to find chances to berate me which only escalates and gets worse as she spins her webs to more and more people moving forward a few days after i'm told this and i visit her grandmother is sitting outside and because of how i'm told she does not like me i barely and shyly wave before going inside honestly this one is mostly my fault she goes on a tangent about how i was rude did not say hello and ignored her to my girlfriend's mother and father without much too soon they've slowly started to dislike me notice how i've been saying she has been doing this as soon as i'm no longer there this goes for my girlfriend as well she will not despite all her spite directed at me say anything to either me or her instead she goes for a different approach she goes and tells the rest of my girlfriend's family and continues to try and drive into our relationship telling her aunts and uncles that she is dating someone poor abusive rude mean etc constantly trying to get them to intervene in our relationship to my girlfriend's annoyance this moves on to her cousins but they all knew about me before the parents were told and generally did not listen to her or her this part is what i mean by my girlfriend's parent not being too far off from being on here now my girlfriend has a half sister and brother because her father had cheated on my girlfriend's mother you would think he breaks it off after being found out but no he just caters to both of them seriously want a scumbag anyways her half-sister is often forced to live with the grandmother and from what she can relay in a time any mention or sight of me will set her off and she has to endure it for an entire week or so every time this gets more and more ridiculous to the point of her telling my girlfriend not to sit so close to me or don't even sit on the same couch as me so now we end up trying not to go to my girlfriend's house anymore as often as the grandmother lives next door has cameras pointed at the doors and barges in whenever she likes without any notice or care of anyone else's opinion our current situation now is i'm barely allowed to go over because she doesn't want her sister to suffer her parents constantly try and subtly slide it in conversation to break up with me she was told not to spend any time at all with me for two months for whatever reason by her mother rather than being told we were not compatible she ignores this i get scoffs at any mentions of me by her mother her father constantly tells her and asks her why she wants a boyfriend like me and generally overall disliked now by her parents and other members of their older family added info about her in my eyes scummy father he has cheated on his wife and keep two families and yet he has openly stated he wished neither side kids were born he's pretty cheap constantly making promises of covering some expenses like my girlfriend's college or owing her a trip and then not keeping them telling her to pick whatever college she chooses and she can go to whichever she likes she picked one a bit further from home and wanted to dorm she had a pretty damn good scholarship for this school but he forced her to not go there and in the end had to take one closer to home and then constantly berates her for not getting a scholarship for a school that she originally did not plan to go to the rates her for not making money because she's in college and doesn't have the time or energy for it until recently and the moment she does get one he starts telling her that he can cut costs on her because she is now making money and he does just that he goes as far as to tell her that she needs to make money and that the money had to support him because he raised her he later says his plan is to retire to china and abandon both families honestly my girlfriend has consistently brushed and told them off on numerous occasions and correcting them on stuff the grandma spews about me but honestly neither the grandmother or the others listen at this point so now i'm set as a rude hoodlum that's poor and only after their money without any care for my girlfriend in their minds sorry if this doesn't really fit what normally goes on here but it felt like a good spot to vent edit much of her aunt and uncles haven't really met me yet so they haven't been able to form opinions on me instead it's already formed by their residential wrinkled vulture update i thought her mom was just a worried parent i changed my mind she is absolutely just as bad she demanded for my girlfriend not to see me for two months with no reason or explanation which she followed to her knowledge so when my family invited my girlfriend to dinner two months later she wanted to go as she wanted to spend time and get to know my uncle more as he was very into art as is she now when being kind and asked she responded with nope don't want you to hang out with him or his family again with no explanation other than just don't want you to listen to me and well she didn't like that and went anyways come 8 p.m she ordered her home immediately we were about an hour away from her home with the ultimatum to sleep on the street she ended up going next door to her grandmother's because her brother was there hanging out with their cousin when he got a call while she was next to him to refrain from telling her the doors were locked she knew at this point and ultimately got back inside and has packed in case of emergency bags into her car mainly work uniform etc so even if she was locked out she's have a way to work her mother's excuse was oh i just care and i just don't want you out that late i got livid and stayed about a five minutes away in case she was actually locked out for about two hours and really if you care so damn much you'd let her sleep on the streets in 20 degree weather and obviously not about either her mental or physical health at that point also not wanting her out that late logical thing let's make sure she can come in even later she tried playing the you live under my roof card a card which they forced on her since she had her scholarship and option willingness to dorm before they forced her out of it in the end my girlfriend gave zero ducks for it and openly didn't care if she was locked out or not cause she was sick and tired of their [ __ ] she also resorted to start stealing my girlfriend's packages which she got back because her brother told her it was his mostly true she gladly didn't take one meant for me though as it came before this issue and gave it to me the day if it was a 166 electronic picture frame that syncs to my phone i have it displaying our pictures together at all time before anyone else says why not leave where we are it's really hard to find open affordable housing she does not make enough nor do i atm and i live further away her school and workplace is a good hour away from her place and three from mine so that won't be good in any way she can't really stay with her friends for more than a day and she has no immediate relatives that are any better as anyone in her gen suffers similar issues from their insane parents the only one that is a decent person is her uncle who moved away to get away from the family craze from what i can understand this happened several years ago as i was young and even younger than my then girlfriend i now know how idiotic it was to allow myself into this situation background dated this woman for about 10 months enjoyed each other's birthdays and a couple holidays i added her to my phone plan and gifted her a pretty nice smartphone for christmas and she got me the latest gopro at the time i was also gifted random household items kitchen knives pots pans etc from family as i was still living in my first place solo on our ninth month into the relationship we decided to rent a house together that i have to pay double security deposit on because her credit is [ __ ] and a month into it she calls it off cool would have been nice to know about this before signing elise together but whatever i have had my heart broken before it's spring and dead things are now coming back to life so i see a better path in front of me with a replacement tenant that she okayed and approval from the rental company i was able to be released from the lease but not before having her and the new tenant signed promissory notes to pay me back for the double security deposit the choosy beggar moment or moments within the first week living in my new place she starts messaging me asking where the knives are me the knives my grandma got me on my kitchen counter cb it would have been nice to talk about those me talk about them there was nothing to talk about they are my knives cb i know your grandma gave them to you but i would have liked to talk about it me get your own knives bye next month i get my cell phone bill and it is three times its normal cost looking up the data usage i see she has busted our shared limit multiple times we agreed to go 50 50 on it until the contract was over i message her a picture of the bill and i will need x amount no reply i attempt to contact her multiple times on this and am ignored luckily i saw i was due for an upgrade and this sparked an idea if i'm not gonna get paid for this second line then i'm sure as [ __ ] going to be the one using it so i went to the store upgraded my phone and put a number data plan on my old device did not take long before my new phone started receiving texts from an unknown number cb did you shut off my phone me there is no longer service to that phone yes cb i knew you'd do something like this that's why insert her new boyfriend's name here got me this one me so you had a second phone this entire time and expected me to foot the bill oh no cb you got it for me as a gift you can't take gifts away me and i'm not asking for the phone back i sent you a text with the last bill cb well i can't afford that right now me luckily you have another phone thumbs up emoji cb well then i want the gopro back me you can't take gifts away remember her and the new tenant both broke the dates agreed upon in the promissory notes police served her papers they were never able to find the new tenant and the courts ordered her to pay the full amount plus two percent for every year she fails to reimburse me i lost all contact with them and heard they ended up in two different states breaking the lease on the house never received descent from a few years ago me equals me egg equals entitled would-be grandmother s d equals celen sad daughter pb equals pink bundle happened a few years ago at the time of the birth of our third child daughter after the kind generous 24-hour stay on the dime of the insurance company we were ready to leave everything packed up we were walking up to the lobby to leave when my wife had to use the powder room before the drive back home the hospital policy she was being pushed around in a wheelchair by a nurse's aide they have to be in a wheelchair until they actually leave the hospital even if they can walk so i was left alone holding the sleeping bundle of pink of course this was the last time said bundle of pink would be asleep for what seemed like the next 30 years but that's how it always seems i saw this elderly woman egg very neatly dressed making a beeline for me there was a woman who was maybe one-third of her age in a wheelchair behind her who was looking sad being pushed along by another one of the aides in the maroon scrub so i assumed she was a patient being discharged as well egg was keeping her eyes locked on the pink bundle and was yelling excuse me excuse me wait right there just stop since my wife wasn't back yet i wasn't planning to go anywhere but i had no idea what this lady wanted she got right up next to me and holding her arms out demanded that i let her daughter the person in the wheelchair as it turned out to hold pb for just a few pictures not knowing how to respond to such a strange unexpected order all i could say was up she repeated her demand young man let my daughter hold your baby for some photos this will only take a few minutes then you can be on your way me ah egg my daughter was supposed to have her own baby but she lost it i'm not about to embarrass her and let my family and friends know about it but they are all expecting to see some pictures on the fafsa book so just let her hold your baby and i'll take pictures for the facebook and nobody will know me uh egg i don't have time for this the driver is bringing the car around so just give my daughter your baby and be quick about it you are only here because of my husband's generosity anyway so you owe me she then gestures over to the lobby wall where there are portraits of the major donor slash fundraisers where i see a portrait of egg and a man of about the same age with a blurb about how they were members of the million dollar donor club me uh this whole time sd hadn't even lifted her eyes she seemed exhausted barely aware of anything that was going on egg was completely ignoring her and the aide who was pushing sd's wheelchair wasn't blinking an eye about now my wife was pushed back into the lobby and with a confused sweep of her head looked at egg who was standing right in front of me tapping her foot still holding her arms out she asked what was going on i said i have no idea let's go she was pushed through the inner set of the automatic doors i handed pb over to her sprinted for the car pulled up to the entrance loaded everybody up and drove off never to see egg again
Channel: Ask Girl
Views: 12,275
Rating: 4.8444443 out of 5
Keywords: reddit girl, reddit, reddit entitled parents, reddit entitled family, reddit family, reddit cousin, reddit sister, r/askreddit, r/girl, r/, r/entitled family, r/sister, r/family, askreddit, askreddit girl, askreddit family, adkreddit cousin, askreddit aunt, reddit aunt
Id: 27IrWoOxtOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2020
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