Mother in law made a sad attempt to have me sacked

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[Music] cruise control my crazy mill who we recently went nc with has been a lot calmer than we expected she blew up the h's phone before he blocked her and she peered through our windows once i scared her off check [ __ ] but if you're interested i expected world war three so this has been pleasant the silence couldn't last so here's the latest in the exciting world of nope cruise control came to the house wendy h and i were both at work with a large mamillar envelope she didn't take the steps up onto the porch she just tossed the envelope like a frisbee and hightailed it out of there i guess she thinks she's invisible to our indoor bell unless she steps onto the porch she isn't i took one for the team and opened it when we both were home it was large prints of photos of cruise control and a note explaining that there for our photo wall if you're lucky enough to be hearing about the lunacy of cruise control for the first time right now i'll explain she has a grudge against her ex-husband phil and that extends to his lovely wife and his stepdaughters who are both friends of mine she would flip out and cry if we had photos of any of those family members within her site i got pissed one day and i updated the photo wall in our living room to include all of our family members cruise control was still in it for duck's sake we believe that seeing those photos is what caused her tantrum that caused us to go and see with her it's insane to me that she hasn't heard from us in weeks and has spent all of this time frothing at the mouth about what our living room wall looks like i don't know what to do with the photos i'm thinking of investing in a dartboard thoughts cruise control has taken to emailing dh not me i think she feels that i'm a lost cause because she hasn't had ample time alone with me to program buttons that or i'm just not that popular she wants to sit at the cool kid table i think she believes she has a grasp on dh based on her communications to him she writes stuff to evoke emotions especially remember when kind of stuff she thinks she can get him to miss her by making him reminisce about childhood instead of snapping into a trance and becoming a lethal killing machine bent on assassinating the prime rib of micronesia he usually shakes his head and says that's not how i remember it example she sent an ml about how something reminded her of how she took him ice skating for his birthday and they had a great time dh told me the real story he was invited to an ice skating birthday party at an indoor ice skating rink and it was during one of phil's days cruise control wanted to take him and phil said no because one just ducking y2 he knew she would probably ruin the poor kid's birthday she got jealous and decided that she would take dh herself the next week he didn't want to go because he still had blisters from the rental skates she insisted anyway and they had a lousy time the mls are being redirected to a folder so dh doesn't have to see them but she makes a new ml address every once in a while so a lot of them slip through he hasn't replied no contact weirdly enough means no contact so i guess her little p brain decided that dh must not be getting her mls there is simply no other explanation for his lack of response she showed up wearing a crappy halloween wig and sunglasses tossed another manila envelope like it was a frisbee onto our porch and took off the folder was printouts of all of her emails to him from the last time he ever emailed her back there was a note as well the note was paraphrased i haven't gotten a response from you so i assume your email address has changed here is the correspondence you should have received i love you the note seems fairly normal but do remember that she delivered it while wearing a dollar store wig and oversized sunglasses while attempting and failing to avoid our security cameras we did the same thing with this envelope that we did with the last one took it inside perused its contents scan slash photographed it all and then put it back on the front porch so that it would look like we didn't even care enough to pick it up the other envelope from earlier was rained on and looks pretty pathetic and i'm jazzed about the fact that she probably saw it i got a call this weekend from a woman who used to be my coworker at my old job i left that job over two years ago for my current job and since then the old coworker has been promoted and she would be my boss if i still worked the same position she told me that she'd gotten a strange phone call from a person who was concerned about a horrible person like me being an employee at workplace i asked her to describe the person calling and she said it sounded like a woman's voice and she was very weepy yep that's cruise control i gave my old coworker the cliff notes version and she said that she knew something was fishy about the call because the woman pretended to be a stranger to me but then shared details that made it clear that she knew me she also refused to give a name and asked repeatedly for an email address she could send evidence to i'm very intrigued about what this evidence could be but i'm not going to ask that my old coworker give out any more contact info to someone known to harass people old coworker did two very nice things for me one she never actually told cruise control that i no longer work there two she volunteered to pass along any communication she receives from cruise control without me even asking old coworker had a stalker when i worked there and she knows the drill hell the drill was written for her she will help me out if i need it i'm not happy that cruise control is trying to sabotage me but i'm glad that it was intercepted by someone who isn't actually my boss and is too smart to fall for that kind of nonsense d h and i have decided that it's c and d time eventually cruise control will remember that she could easily google me and she'd find my actual workplace which is easily searchable so we want to nip this in the butt now despite nc she still won't drop it quick background dh's parents divorced when he was a toddler he was raised 50 over 50 by both of his parents this didn't stop cruise control from lamenting about how hard it is to be a single mother to a child with a deadbeat dad cruise control spent a lot of dhs childhood trying to demonize his father it didn't work if anything his dad is practically his best friend they are two peas in a pod she was threatened by this and would cry whale and whimper until dh awkwardly told her what she wanted to hear so that she'd leave him alone she asked him to do and say things that were totally unfair ask him to say he loved her more than he loved his dad etc the last name change was the one thing the h wouldn't let her have when dh was in middle school it suddenly started to bother cruz control that she still had her ex-husband's last name she decided to change it but only if dh changed his two there was some kind of odd logic of hers that he would belong more to whichever parent had the same last name dh didn't want to change his name it had been his name his whole life and his dad was still very present and devoted to him so why erase that link to him when he was forced to favor his mother in almost everything else cruise control continued to badger him about it for the next few years she tried to compromise by saying that the two of them could come up with a brand new last name instead of using her old maiden name she used to make handwritten lists of last names and give them to him to ponder apparently she dropped it for a few years but she started right back up when she realized we were getting married she started in on the which last name will you take stuff very quickly she was practically foaming at the mouth she was so excited she wrote one of those god awful emails that was like 60 pages long about last names and how people are making their own traditions now how fun right you guys should pick a new name that has meaning to you she started making handwritten lists again a lot of her suggestions sounded like an omniplume one might choose if one writes smutty romance novels a lot of them sounded vaguely french she has a pageant four last names that start with saint none of them fit well with our first names one i jokingly said we had chosen the last name phalange she commended me on how unique it is i had actually wanted to keep my own last name because it's a rare one only 100 people left with my surname and only 30 of those in america my father is an immigrant and it's a little cultural title where he's from and my first and middle names are from my mom's culture dh has a nice surname but it's not in danger of dying out he actually suggested taking my name first and i thought about it and liked the idea and then cruise control was just a little too excited about it we realized with sinking hearts that she was going to change her last name to ours she's that crazy so i took the h's last name it's the only name she won't change hers to my maiden name is now my middle name anyway the reason i know she hasn't dropped it she left another envelope on top of the mailbox this time and wrote the h first name plus cruise control last name on it inside the envelope was another one of those lists the contents of the envelope didn't mention nc at all and sounded like we still talk regularly one thing even said here is a info that you asked for which neither of us have ever heard of much less requested happy ducking birthday to me ye we are having a very scary thunderstorm right now i would bet my life savings that cruise control checked the forecast and tried to predict the worst time to show up if there's lightning we just have to let her in right dh and i were having a very low-key birthday dinner just us the bigger family gathering will be this weekend she knows that we make the same meal every year on my birthday so we wouldn't be at a restaurant she showed up and banged on the door and started screaming that we have to let her in or she'll die of the cold it was over 80 degrees today and it can't be less than 70 right now and uh she has a car and can leave at any time she's still out there she's screaming and acting like a lunatic i don't know what to say to the police when they show up officer she'll tell you that wanted to wish me a happy birthday but i don't want her in my house because she tried to get me fired and she ruined the last party she crashed update police are here the police officer asked if we would mind taking this inside because it's raining really badly and it's hard to hear anything dh said you may come in but she may not they are standing in the front entry talking update 2 it was pretty anticlimactic one officer came inside to talk to dh the other officer stayed outside to talk to cruise control the other officer just let her get into her car and leave before the other was finished talking to us he opened the door and her car was gone i went to bed mad and didn't eat any cake update 3 dh is going to get a copy of the police report the c d was already going to happen but now the wording is going to be changed to reflect this incident i was starting to feel bad about sending a c and d but now i don't side note my birthday wasn't ruined dh brought me a lat and a cookie on my lunch break to make up for my lack of sleep we are having a birthday dinner on the weekend with my family and his family minus cc so that'll be my chance for a do-over update for no i don't live in massachusetts [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Ask Girl
Views: 23,442
Rating: 4.8966999 out of 5
Keywords: reddit mil, reddit mother in law, reddit wedding, reddit girl, reddit, reddit marriage, mother in law, crazy mother in law, r/ mil, r/ girl, r/ wedding, r/ pregnancy, r/, r/askreddit, askreddit, askreddit mil, mil, askreddit pregnant, askreddit girl, reddit honeymoon
Id: GV6yDxkqLSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2020
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