Mother don't want my girlfriend for Christmas because she isn't family

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[Music] i go to school three hours from home and i have two older sisters that have already graduated and returned to the city for their jobs so we are all pretty close to home and have family get-togethers often and always have big dinners for holidays my girlfriend is from france international student so my mom invited her to thanksgiving dinner with us because she said she shouldn't be in the dorms and that she should come for christmas too if she wasn't planning to fly home she has a job here and only goes home for the summer she loved the idea and thought my family was so generous to offer she came over for thanksgiving and my sisters acted really quiet and didn't talk very much they both have not been in relationships serious enough their words lol to bring someone to holidays so i think they felt awkward about that and didn't like that i was the only one to bring someone my mom who was initially very excited about having my girlfriend over also was quiet and not very welcoming it was really strange considering they're usually so outgoing and extroverted they now are telling me they don't want her over for christmas because it feels weird to have someone who isn't a family member over am i wrong or isn't it common for people to bring souls over for holidays like at a certain point people get married and either spend the holiday with their soul or bring their soul to their own family or vice versa i asked if sandrine did anything to upset or offend them although i certainly didn't think so i just couldn't understand why they would have invited her in the first place if they didn't want non-family at the dinner they insisted she was sweet and didn't do anything just that they couldn't be themselves around her i feel really terrible about having to tell sandrine this of course she will jump to the conclusion that they don't like her right how else does it sound i'll be really uncomfortable going to dinner now because i'm going to be wondering why they didn't want her there with me should sandrine and i just do our own thing for christmas or is that unnecessarily harsh to my family i really appreciate everyone's response to my post i was starting to feel a little crazy and felt like i was being selfish not wanting to spend christmas with my family so i appreciate having other people validate the situation basically i called my mom and asked her what the deal really was i said that she was the one who wanted sandrine over and it doesn't make sense to uninvite her and have treated her coldly at thanksgiving i told her that it not only embarrassed me but was flat out rude to sandrine she maintains her story of its uncomfortable having non-family at holiday events it seems like most people think my sisters convinced my mom to uninvite her because they were uncomfortable for multiple reasons either that they don't like her or are self-conscious about being single and i think that if that's the case my mom is sticking to it and isn't budging i asked if it had anything to do with them and her response was of course not lol i told her i wanted to spend the holiday with sandrine and that she was putting me in a really awful position having to figure out how to break this bad news to her my mom asked if we can just talk about this again sooner to the holiday and if we could drop the topic for now whenever she knows i'm right about something she tries to delay the actual conversation so i said absolutely not because if we are not coming over for christmas then i need to know now so that i have time to tell sandrine and also time to plan something fun for us to do she said i was being unreasonable my sisters both texted me in our group chat a couple hours after my phone call with my mom and asked why i'd choose my girlfriend over them the whole blood is thicker than water thing i'm not responding the sad part about this is that sandrine had texted me a screenshot of the present she got my sisters asking if i thought they would like them this was right before my mom told me she wasn't inviting her from christmas i had forgotten about that at the time of writing my original post so now in addition to telling her we aren't spending the holidays with my family i need to figure out how to help her return the gifts my issue is that i feel like it might make the most sense to say that i'm having some trouble with my mom and sisters right now which is true and i would rather not see them at the holidays and would rather spend time with her this would avoid having to involve her in the reasoning for not going she wouldn't feel bad about them not liking her and she wouldn't feel guilty for being the reason i'm not spending the day with them which were two things a lot of people brought up in their comments the thing is she will still want to send them the gifts she bought she'll probably want to mail them because she won't want to look through not giving them gifts does anyone have any tips on this end not only do they not deserve her gifts i don't want her spending money on people who are so thoughtless and rude to her i'm looking into what we can do for the holidays and really appreciate the suggestions we're on the west coast so unfortunately the new york trip is not feasible for us but i've still got a few other good ideas for a little background two days ago my family and i went to a hotel to enjoy a really good weekend my grandma and aunt were visiting so that's why we went and it wouldn't take us long to return home the hotel was just a city away from mars so no big deal the hotel had everything massive restaurants children's playgrounds tennis courts golf a beach an amazing wildlife environment and the most important over 30 pools in the whole ducking hotel we are literally an hour away from cancun so the hotel had guests from all around the world and there was a lot of diversity among the people now i'm a c-cup so my breasts are actually pretty big in my swimsuit shows a lot of chest my younger brother 15 and me 18 were enjoying some drinks in the pool's bar when an american girl around my age sits next to us she ordered something and then saw me she looked surprised as soon as she saw my breasts and then to her flat chest this continued back and forth like three more times she looked a bit sad the mother of the girl then came and sat next to her i didn't want to pay attention to their conversation that's rude so i concentrated on my brother and our drinks all of a sudden i feel a sharp tap on my back i turned around to see the american girl's mother with a disgusted face and her long and sharp nail still in the air are dear cast b equals brother b equals me m equals entitled moment equals entitled daughter s hotel staff bm barman m hey can't you cover up some more me i'm sorry m i told you to cover up you're upsetting my daughter with your massive breasts why are you using such swimsuit me um i don't swim too often and forgot this swimsuit didn't cover up my breast that much ed ugh m why won't you use your beeswater shirt me i don't like using it m you look like a s me e excuse me b the duck who do you think you are to call her like that m shut up kid be like duck i will well m was really fat m how the hell did you just call me you little me hey don't call my brother like that it's not my ducking fault your daughter is as flat as a six-year-old m what the hell did you just said about her b don't scream to my sister we were getting attention from other guests so someone called a staff member and he came fast s excuse me you are scaring the other guests what's going on ed she was exposing herself to me and then b insulted my mother me and b what m we want them out of the pool s is that true me no we didn't i was just sitting with my brother and she then stared at my breasts her mother complained about it and then called me a [ __ ] for not covering up bm she is telling the truth the others are lying m nonsense bm is a liar and this b is exposing herself even now s madame please stop harassing this young lady i'll have to ask you to leave the pool and come with me to the lobby m i won't do that we have done nothing wrong you can't make me move i'll sue you s stops trying to convince em and ed from getting out and just takes out his radio and calls for security security will arrive soon so you better grab your stuff cause you won't be allowed to set footer anymore m what the duck is wrong with you you stupid mexican then it happened duckinghead grabbed one strap of my swimsuit and pulled it hard enough to break it i covered my chest as fast as i could and because of reflex i punched her right in the face now em was screaming at me ed was bleeding from her nose and mouth while crying and screaming in pain i hid pretty hard my bee was screaming at this bee and in front of me trying to protect me i was trying my best to cover myself and the poor s had the duty to try to control us now to shorten up the ending security arrived and escorted him and head to the lobby my parents finally noticed the commotion and handed me a towel and went to the lobby to give my statement m and ed were kicked out of the hotel and i ended up at our room ducking b i'm kind of convinced that i'm overreacting and i'm in fact but i want other opinions first also i'm tired so i'm going to make this as clear and concise as i can my bf 20 meters and i 18f have been dating for going on a year now we started out as fwb but then we both developed feelings in the beginning stage of our relationship he would constantly take me out to dinner and buy me random things he found and thought that i would like nothing ever expensive just a cute stuffed animal or figurine that he saw for example at the same point in this relationship i would reciprocate these actions i would bring him food to work when i went in to visit him i would buy him random presents and would surprise him with random dinners just so he knew that i cared about him fast forward a couple months and he's still doing everything listed above just less frequently he developed financial struggles and eventually quit his job and was unemployed for about a month during this time he completely stopped spending any money on me and it was entirely me spending money when we went out ordered something together this didn't bother me at all as i understood it was only a temporary situation and i loved him he got his job back about three months ago making decent money we make about the same amount and i have recently moved about an hour and a half away to go to college so we only see each other every two weeks the problem for me comes in because i'm the only one making an effort to drive the hour and a half to either visit home for the weekend or take him up to my dorm this costs quite a lot in gas after i make the drive i'm the only one who spends money on dates or anything we decide to do when we hang out and he frequently asks me if i can buy him food his excuse for this is that we always hang out right before he gets paid he gets paid on monday and we always hang out the weekend before due to work schedules and at that point all of the money from his paycheck is gone he never makes any effort to save money even though he knows this is going to happen every time we see each other today he called me and told me that he went out with friends and tipped away to 60 dollars because it was the best service he had ever received i have not said that this hurt me or anything regarding the situation at all because i don't know if i'm being an ass would terrify did confront him for this my fiancee and i have been saving up for six months for a jet away together a month from now a much needed romantic adventure for the two of us we had mentioned it to his parents a while back and they recommended a cabin resort they've been going to four years and we decided to go there we will be passing through his parents city to get there so he let his mom know we could have lunch before or after they chatted about the details and so on and then made lunch plans great then on sunday night his aunt his mom's sister fb messaged me asking if this place has a pool because she wasn't sure if she needs a new swimming suit i sent back some question marks thinking there was just some confusion it turns out fiance's mom thought about our trip over the weekend and realized it would make a great family jet away she called her parents her brother sill and her sister slash bill to make sure they and all their kids were free and could come she called my fiance apparently to tell him all this after she talked to the rest of the family on sunday night but we missed the call and when we called back they had gone to bed apparently on her lunch break yesterday monday she called the family who owns the cabins and asked if we could cancel our reservation because she wanted to rent a way bigger place for everyone they have been going to this place for years and know the owners really well so the owners assumed everything was cool and are willing to help us however they can hooray they called me asking if i wanted a refund to my card or if if i wanted to apply the money from our reservation to her new reservation i had my fiance call her as soon as he got off work last night and then it all came out she basically said well you would have known already if you answered the phone sunday night he told her this was supposed to be a romantic jet away for us and she again said we should have answered on sunday night and it's too late now because she paid for the bigger cabin already in fact since it's less than a month away everyone who needed time off work put in full time off yesterday monday so she feels it's too late after talking to her last night my fiance talked to her again late night and now again this morning he has offered to go for a big family trip some other time saying several times that we want to keep our original plans but she just keeps saying it's too late but it's going to be a great time when he pushed it she accused him of not caring about family of caring about me more than his family of not caring about the fact that his grandma is getting very old and probably can't do these things much longer so we should do it while we can and so on she is definitely laying on the guilt trip and it's working when he brought up that she did not ask us or talk to us about it before making all these plans she guilted him some more pretty much i didn't know i needed to ask i thought you cared about family and loved family and would be happy to spend time with family and that some people would kill for a family trip like this we don't know what to do anymore we talked about just giving in and planning a new trip for ourselves another time but we don't want to send a message that it's okay to walk all over us slash our plans on the other hand we can just keep our reservation and do our own thing but that will probably come with more guilt trips i don't know what to do anymore and my fiance is stressed to the maximum from dealing with all this already my wife has an amazing singer and i love to say that she loves to flaunt it if i could sing like her i swear i would never shut up she often sings when she's doing the dishes she sings when she's cleaning the house sings in the shower can spontaneously bust into song when it's silent it's never bothered me i find it quite cute my wife sang to our daughter when she was still in the womb and still sings to her now my mom got evicted out of her apartment and my wife was the one to invite her to stay with us until she could get back onto her feet i was fine with the decision and my mom was happy that she got a place to stay for a bit and got to spend time with her new grandchild my daughter just turned one my wife sings a lot to the child my mom would always make a face when my wife was singing a song that was inappropriate a few examples my wife has brought up to me that are apparently inappropriate my wife was singing can't take my eyes off of you by frankie valli when she was changing her diaper which was considered inappropriate my wife sang a very soft version of helpless from the hamilton musical while she was playing with her and apparently my mom deemed that inappropriate my wife was singing a song in french and my mom got really mad at her for some reason that she even spoke to me about it i told her she was overreacting and she should just let my wife sing my wife came to me with all my mom's complaints about her singing and how she felt bad for singing to our daughter something that she usually really enjoyed i told my mom more firmly that she's overreacting and that she's making everyone uncomfortable i thought that would shut her up my wife threw our one-year-old a small birthday party over zoom but she baked a big batch of cupcakes and sent them to her family the problem arose when my wife started singing happy birthday to her and my mom started to complain that this was the only time my wife had chosen a song appropriate for babies i pulled my mom aside and told her that she was making everyone uncomfortable including the people on the zoom call and my mom insinuated that my wife was sexualizing my child by sing explicit or songs about love to her i got very mad at her and i raised my voice at her and told her she could live with my brother or on a smallish rental property of mine i wouldn't make my mom pays she isn't in a good place financially and she chose my brother and everyone is mad at me for sending my mom to my brother's place my mom is mad at me for being dramatic and kicking her out over a small issue my brother is upset because he wasn't expecting my mom over him and her don't see eye to eye on most things and i feel like i made the wrong call [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Ask Girl
Views: 28,256
Rating: 4.9162011 out of 5
Keywords: reddit girl, reddit revenge, reddit pro revenge, reddit entitled parents, reddit, r/askreddit, r/ girl, r/ revenge, r/ pro revenge, r/ entitled parents, r/, askreddit girl, askreddit revenge, askreddit pro revenge, askreddit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 28sec (1168 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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