Mother in law wants her son's opinion on her lingerie

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[Music] every year around our respective birthdays my three best friends and i set aside a weekend and have a birthday sleepover it's just the four of us booze the tv video games and pizza it's nothing special but it's our ritual it is also no boys allowed because we are 12 year olds trapped in adult bodies and boys are gross this occurred during my birthday weekend jada caught wind of the sleepover and hinted that she wanted an invite i was still holding out hope that i could win her over at this point so i said yeah come by she was surprisingly well behaved and even brought over a movie and a dozen cupcakes from a bakery i love she made a few jokes about me getting older and offered to run to blockbuster if we didn't like what she brought got i'm dating myself i was very hopeful and it was a decent afternoon after dinner we decided to change into our pajamas and settle in with a movie now my friends and i are nerds go to comic con in costumes have debates on the best race in low tr and rpgs gaming obsessed nerds so when we have our sleepovers it's not anything from penthouse forum it's a couple of nerdy women in stained sweats and marvel t-shirts arguing over the best doctor who we're all sitting on the couch and floor waiting on jada when she walks out of the bedroom in a ducking black teddy complete with garter straps it looked like something from fredericks of hollywood i'm pretty sure i went blind for a few seconds before i turned on the movie to distract us all from the horror my bff gave me a wtf look but i just shrugged hell if i know after the movie jada asked when x would be home i explained that he was with his boxing buddies for a boys night and he wouldn't be home until morning gee disappointed oh i was really hoping to get his opinion on my outfit me sorry what outfit we are not fashiony stars but there are four women here i'm sure one of us will have something useful to say g the one i'm wearing silly and that won't work i need a man's opinion cue horrified looks and noises from the rest of us my best friend bff says what everyone is thinking because she gives zero ducks bff wait you want your son's opinion on your lingerie gee don't say it like that you're making it sound obscene bff it is obscene and it's gross why would your son want to see your tits hanging out like that why the hell would you want him to g stop making it sound obscene it's not we are very close you don't understand you don't have kids bff starting to giggle i have a seven month old son and the only time i want him to see my tits's when i'm feeding him are you still feeding x's name cause i have to say i think 23 is a little old to be breastfed gee you're just a dirty girl you're all dirty girls with dirty minds bff starts full on laughing which gets the rest of us going she has one of those belly laughs that makes it impossible to hear without laughing in response jayda gets up and stomps into the bedroom she comes out a minute later fully dressed glares at us all still making hyena noises calls us dirty girls one more time and leaves in a half it took us hours to stop randomly laughing one of us would giggle and the rest would follow i told dex about it the next morning when he got home and he was thoroughly disgusted but told me it explained the voice a mail he got apparently she called to inform him that i was a dirty girl with dirty friends who wanted to tempt him away from home and god my friends and i still refer to each other as dirty girls especially when out shopping and we pass a victoria's secret or similar store pretty sure them all employees think we are certifiable giada projects many of her own body issues onto everyone else for example xfsil1 is solidly built she's not fat or muscular just solid jaida would always yell at her for eating and nothing xfsil1 did was correct if she said no to the food she was offered or left it on her plate jada would whine about how she slaved over the stove and she is so unappreciated but if xfsil1 accepted and ate the food jada would wait until she was finished and then comment on how big an appetite xfsil1 has and that she would never get a man if she keeps eating like that she would say this even after xfsil1 came out as a lesbian and was in a committed relationship jayada would also do what she called pinching inches she would sneak up behind unsuspecting people and grab their side or the back of their arm to see how much flesh she could grab she'd squeal in delight when she got a grip and laugh about how much she was able to grab she got kicked out of a movie theater for doing this to a stranger in line now i'm overweight and have gone up and down several sizes over the years i'm also extremely well endowed and have been since puberty this is not a humble brag it sucks my boobage was the source of much b i was a d cup at nine is causing back and shoulder problems and my bras are ducking expensive and only come in black nude and white unless i want to shell out hundreds of dollars for a special order because of my endowment i wear oversized shirts and hooders almost exclusively an extra button undone doesn't look cute or tantalizing on me it looks like i'm putting myself up for sale jada has always made comments on my weight x shut it down when he heard it so she made sure to always comment when he wasn't around for the first year of my relationship with x i was [ __ ] mad i moody levels of vigilant about keeping my breasts covered in front of jada she had made previous comments on seeing just the outline of them through my clothes and told me i should play up the girls i knew if i followed her suggestion that she would just use it as an excuse to humiliate me i was right one summer day i was sitting in our apartment in a tank top and shorts x went out to pick up dinner i'm laying on the couch with a cold washcloth over my eyes because it's [ __ ] hot and i hear the front door open i assume it's sex coming in with dinner until i hear the screech gee oh my god i jump and lose my washcloth just in time to see jada practically prance over to me on the couch she starts staring at me like i'm some kind of fascinating alien i'm still stuck in deer in headlights mode because why is this woman here and how did she open the door i'm frozen to the spot right up until the moment she reaches out and grabs a tit in each hand and pinches inches i slap her hands away and she makes her sound like a wounded seal me don't touch gee you hit me you hit me i'm telling x is main me what are you five go ahead g you look at how fat you are why are you sitting around like a hussy you should cover up my baby doesn't need to see that he'll be disgusted note this was the year before she dressed up in lingerie forex i responded without thinking my only justification is that i was in shock because my boyfriend's mother had just come in unannounced and manhandled my boobs me that's not true he likes when i wear even less she gave me a horrified look and hid in the bathroom i heard her wailing sobs through the door x came home less than half an hour later heard her crying and looked like he wanted to do an about face right back out the door i left him to handle her while i went in on my dinner small victory and update i still have a lot of body issues stemming from being b for my breasts and later my weight jarda amplified my insecurities by 1000 however i have been swimming at my gym a few times a week for the last three months i'm now able to wear a bathing suit in public without crying and i've lost a total of 87 pounds since last may a poster wrote about her family's attitude towards her tattoos which reminded me of this at the time that this took place i only had one to two on my shoulder x also had one low on his hip bone that jada had never seen we were all ajard as celebrating her birthday there had been a small gathering of about 10 of her friends as well as her family xfsil2s boyfriend and me we had finished with a dinner and presents her friends had left and we were drinking coffee beck jada makes a huge deal over her birthday she's not satisfied with just celebrating on the day she wants a birthday week she also has a cz tiara and a bright pink sash that says birthday girl that she wears every [ __ ] year it was an epic battle to get her to not wear the thing in public because it embarrassed her kids then jada decided to ask what she should wear to the party over the weekend i know you are throwing me a surprise party you guys aren't as good at keeping secrets kihi everyone got kind of awkward there was no other party planned this dinner was the celebration xfsil said they had homework so they couldn't plan anything ex-ffil had checked out and was robotically shoveling another piece of cake into his mouth x said we had plans at night but could stop by to take her to breakfast if she wanted gee what plans what's more important than mommy's special week ex mouse and i are going into the city with friends g that can be rescheduled me well we also have appointments to get to twos note they are not matching tattoos g what you are not you will not defile your body x's name pointing at me and you i don't care what you do to your body but you keep your [ __ ] desecration away from my little lamb i knew you were a bad influence x informed her that it wasn't my idea and that he already had a tattoo and was going for another an elephant [ __ ] a grenade whilst flying a jet would have made less noise than jada at this point she screeched and started pulling at his sleeves and his shirt i'm guessing to see where the tattoo was x squatted her away and told her it wasn't up there and it was in a place no one could see g sobbing and grabbing at his belt show me show me where she had you ruin your skin x ducking stop jayda held herself on the floor and started kicking her feet pulling her own hair and wailing her tiara rolled away and i was slightly concerned she was going to strangle herself with her sash the whole time xffil just kept eating cake paying no attention to the woman losing her [ __ ] on the floor everyone seemed to take their cue from him and just kind of sat there and ignored her after a few moments she realized no one was paying attention so she pulled herself to her feet sniffling and collapsed in her chair gee thank you all for this it's obvious none of you love or respect me so don't bother throwing me any kind of party this weekend i'm sorry my birthday is such a bother xfil okay x there's one more piece of cake left want to bring it home x yeah thanks me 0.0 g wales and runs out of the room x ended up getting the start of his tattoo sleeve that weekend he has sleeves tattoos on his back and shoulders and my name on his chest she eventually got used to the tattoos and even asked him to get one that says mom she cried for months after he got my name done it probably still kills her if he hasn't gotten it removed already background x's mood stabilizer stopped working he fell into a depression and stopped taking care of his mental health jayda had a heart attack and used it to guilt her already vulnerable son into doing what she wanted he started living up her ass and leaving me to deal with her alone she went crazier than normal when we were planning our wedding [ __ ] bought a legit wedding gown to wear for the mother sundance i'll post about it sometime it broke my heart but i noped out of the situation we got back together after almost a year because we did still love each other x and i had been back together for a few months when he started showing me samples of lettering for a tattoo he wanted to get he surprised me by saying he wanted to get a tattoo of my name i explained that i didn't want him to get something so permanent done when we had just gotten back together and that he didn't have to do anything so drastic to prove he loved me he argued that it wasn't to prove anything he wanted it and it was his body and his decision he got my name tattooed over his heart that weekend now jada likes to pretend she's helpless it got worse after her heart attack x had apparently put his foot down on this for the most part but he didn't mind helping with yard work so when she called and asked him to motor lawn that summer he said yes he takes his shirt off beforehand because it's [ __ ] hot and jada squawks like a deranged parrot gee what is that on your chest x oh muta two cool right it's my favorite i tell him to stop sucking up and he kisses my cheek jada bursts into tears runs inside and slams the door x shrugs comments that she took it better than he thought and goes back to mowing the lawn xfsil1 goes inside to check on jada and i wait outside despite the heat there was no way i was going to trap myself in the house with gianni sharp objects so soon after discovering the new tattoo surprisingly she doesn't come out even when x yells he's leaving it was radio silence for a few weeks we figured she was trying to punish us and joked about how this was the wrong way to do it then we get a call from xfsil2 telling us that she found jada passed out on her bathroom floor and she wasn't waking up x tells her to call the ambulance and we'll meet them at the hospital we find out jada had stopped eating and drinking she had lost about 15 pounds and had fainted from severe dehydration she was given four fluids and a referral to a nutritionist and psychiatrist jada is released from the hospital and ex starts getting calls from jada's church friends saying they are so concerned about jairus failing health can't he fix things he starts screening his calls and leaves a message for jada that he was going to cut her out of his life again if she doesn't stop having nazi old shits blow up his phone x and i are hanging out after work when we hear a knock on the door a police officer and social worker are here to do a wellness check i'm made to leave the apartment while they talk to ex i'm really concerned and have no idea what is going on so i sit in the car and listen to music when i see the social worker and police leave i go inside and i can hear x screaming from the hallway i hurry to check on him and i hear the tail end of his phone call with jada don't call me ever again if you come here i swear to god i will have you arrested i'm done with you i hope you [ __ ] choke on your tears you're dead to me x hangs up and is shaking and crying he explains that jada called the police and told them i was taking advantage of him because he's an emotionally disturbed person and i was abusive and branded him as punishment he was humiliated that his mother used his mental illness against him that way he was furious that he had to explain to strangers that he was getting treatment show them his prescriptions and offer the phone number to his doctors he also had to convince them he wasn't being abused taken advantage of or branded he was just a dude who got it to two of his girlfriend's name i asked if there was going to be a follow-up or if i was going to get in any kind of trouble and he said he didn't think so that by the time he was done explaining everything the social worker looked blank and the cop looked confused and pissed off there never was a follow-up and we were in sea with jada until x's grandma had a stroke and jada played gatekeeper [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: R Girl
Views: 24,655
Rating: 4.9092283 out of 5
Keywords: reddit girl, reddit entitled parents, reddit groom, reddit mil, reddit wedding, reddit mother in law, reddit justnomil, justnomil, r/askreddit, r/ girl, r/ entitled parents, r/ mil, r/ groom, r/ wedding, r/ mother in law, r/ justnomil, askreddit girl, askreddit mil, askreddit entitled parents, askreddit wedding, askreddit
Id: _IeORTtGqBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 56sec (1076 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 27 2020
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