Most Uncomfortable Jobs Tattoo Artists Had to Do

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tattoo artists and body pisses of reddit what is the most uncomfortable job you have had to do nsw i got my first tattoo when i was 18 went into some walk-in shop in downtown vegas first half of the tattoo goes well outline is down and he's started shading then he disappears for an hour he finally reappears goes sorry man had to to a playboy bunny on some chicks t he has his priorities straight you gotta give him that my boyfriend is a tattoo artist and owns his own shop he once did a tattoo on an uncircumcised gentleman of a rabbit right on the head of his dong and a top hat on the foreskin so he would have a rabbit coming out of a hat he's also done wears waldo's head on the head of a dong and tattooed a tea bag like a tetly tea bag on someone's scrotum but the stories he tells me are phenomenal and i don't know how he does it makes me wonder how many seemingly normal people are walking around with odd tattoos and piercings on their genitals i'm a tattooer but not too many personal stories however my buddy who is a pisser was piercing a ginormously fat lady's hood he couldn't hold up her belly and pierce so he ran duct tape under her gut and had her hold it up like reigns while he worked another friend of mine had a girl lodi and die while getting tattooed don't take pills kids i've been piercing for about six years now i will generalize when i say the most uncomfortable position as a hetero female is when women clamp their legs around your head upper body just as you've penetrated the hood it is a knee-jerk reaction but not a good position i generally use my elbows to keep their legs spread i've seen so many disgusting [ __ ] the back to front wipers currently on their period girls and once i saw fresh cm inside of a woman it was my or their i suppose luck that their significant other was standing behind me watching in said situations i made a habit of putting a couple drops of lavender oil in my mask to avoid odors it has never made sense to me that people cleaned their noses out before a nostril piercing but don't consider checking their lady bits before a genital piercing before the piercing is performed we do an anatomy check to be sure said lady has parts that are suitable for the piercing she wants during this time is when i have encountered aforementioned atrocities yes i have refused service more times than i can count but more often than not i send them to the restroom to clean up before i perform the piercing it is always entirely up to my discretion whether i peer someone or not you could always wear one of those plague doctor bird masks i had to tattoo very early in my tattoo career snoopy's dog house around an older woman's tea but when i asked why she said so when my husband pisses me off i can send him to the dog house fun times i read snoop dogg's house and got really confused about why you'd want a tattoo of that of course the real tattoo isn't any better bean piercing for nearly 10 years now one time i had a rather elderly gentleman come in he was in his 70s wore a pink three-button polo shirt khaki shorts and golf shoes he was in need of a jewelry change out as his old jewelry was old and tarnishing he had his prince albert stretched to a diameter of nine stroke sixteenth of an inch and it had essentially caused the urethral lining to pucker out of his piercing and pee holes quick change out and clean up and he was on his way out the door as he was leaving he asked for my name as he put his hand out for a shake i told him my name and he replies nice to meet you i'm dong at this point i lost it and started to laugh so hard i cried he realized his folly and laughed with me i'll never forget that i was getting a tattoo and this big homeless looking guy walks in he looks at me my artist and takes his shirt off he turns around and shows us the dragon tattoo that is half complete on his back he then looks at my artist and says can you make that into like a fire truck or something my artist just exhales deeply as i can guess this guy does this a lot or something and says give me a few minutes to finish this up i am a shop owner and about a week ago a 20-something guy came in and said he wanted it to to that day we were completely booked for the day but one of our artists talked to him about what he wanted and scheduled him an appointment for the next day he said he wanted our ip full name with a wax drug bag next to it okay a little weird but not the strangest request he leaves a deposit for his appointment and makes a comment that money is no object about an hour after he leaves a police officer comes in he said he was looking for this guy because his girlfriend wanted them to do a welfare check on him because she was afraid he was suicidal turns out the name the kid wanted in his tattoo was his name so r.i.p his name we were told they were going to continue looking for him but if he came in for his appointment the next day to call them he didn't come and for his appointment i hope that he got the help he needed and i saved his deposit for him if he ever comes back i hope that guy is okay at a shop in los angeles years ago getting some work done asked the same question to the piercing lady she said a guy comes in regularly full business attire three-piece suite briefcase oxfords a real patrick bateman type the first time in he wants to get his dong pierced so he goes to dis robin from his waist to his mid thigh he is covered in disney tattoos like covered donald duck mickey mouse pluto the whole gang he also already has a dong piercing actually he has close to a dozen after his initial visit he came in every few months to add a dong ring or disney character she said he was the weirdest client she's ever had when i was in my 20s i was a body pisser and i managed the shop i worked at a rather large woman requested a horizontal hood piercing this is not uncommon what was uncommon was her anatomy was very small i could bolly find her lady parts so her clitoris was very small and her thighs were very large she was also very nervous and kept clamping her thighs together i tried helping her breath and relax this did not help finally threatened her that if she didn't stop clamping her thighs together she would have a needle in her thigh and a crooked piercing she somewhat cooperated and i finally got her piercing finished one of my worst ever experience he is in a woman's crotch i stand by my body former pisser here i have also had this situation her so i think was with her and she kept shutting her legs so he wouldn't be staring at her snatch so i had to make him leave on a related topic a guy i know found out the hard way not to stand near a bonfire with nipple rings it was just as hilarious as you think it might have been this made every horrible thing i've seen in this thread completely worth it i was getting up to two a couple months ago and my friend came with me because he was thinking of doing some work himself and wanted to check the whole process out he's asking the artist a bunch of questions and he finally got to the big one he leans in close and goes what's the weirdest crap you've ever tattooed on someone we got two really good ones well the first paid job i ever had was a bunch of stars coming out of a girl's butt crack i also did one where a guy wanted his girlfriend's name on his arm window that's not the bad part they had already broken up the stars are in her eyes ass i asked my artist about this and he told me a great story about this good looking blonde woman maybe early 30s wearing a nice suit she came in with a picture of a dog and wanted a memorial portrait to two of it and set an appointment for the next week first thing he thought was weird was that the picture of the dog looked like just some random dog picture that she found in a magazine or something then she shows up and informs him that she wants the tattoo on the inside of her butt cheek like right next to her butthole not one to turn down an interesting story he says let's do it so she strips down and spreads out and he starts as if most of it isn't weird enough at this point he notices that she almost seems to be getting off to it her squirming seemed normal at first because people do because it hurts especially considering the location but when she started moaning he knew something was up he said the tattoo took about twice as long as something that size should have because he was having trouble with not laughing and also had to wipe the area constantly because it was hella moist hello moist oh man i used to assist in piercings and suspensions at a shop my friend owned a guy comes in for a gish piercing he is in a suit and tie not out of the ordinary at that shop there was ton of under the suit piercing into two people that came in so for the gish you have to get on your elbows and knees and more or less present he takes off his clothes and is wearing bondage clamps on his nipples still not that odd he gets into position and i go to clean and sterilize the area while the pisser is setting up all the hardware it may seem obvious to everyone reading this as it was to me but our customer hadn't thought to remove his massive butt plug during undressing starting to be odd as i have never knowingly had anyone getting wanting to get pierced while wearing a butt plug he removes it i get him cleaned the pisser clamps him and he squeaks we exchange a little question glance needle goes different squeak jewelry goes in and he moans he gets up off the table puts the bus plug right back in and goes about getting dressed i go to prep the table and he has came all over the table peter north status he gets dressed pays well and tips well and goes out the door he came back every year to have it stretched and did the same thing except he remembered to take the butt plug out during his undressing on subsequent visits my friend is a tattoo artist and had some trashy lady and her gangster-looking boyfriend come in wanting nasty as tattooed across her back because it was her boyfriend's pet name for her my friend refused to do it after some debate she told them that if she still wanted that tattoo in a year she'd do it for half off thinking the problem was likely to take care of itself a year later there there again reluctantly she relented after explaining this would be hard to remove hard to cover up and reminding her that it was legit permanent two weeks later she was back wanting it covered up because they broke up he stayed with her for that year just to see if she would do it i'm a tattoo artist and a pisser there are several uncomfortable things in the job i think one of the worst things is dealing with people coming into the shop messed up one time we had a guy who was totally drunk and was messing with the liquor store next door and got pepper sprayed in the face and came stumbling in the shop knocking stuff over one time i had a girl come in totally messed up and carrying around an old tube tv crying super hard saying she needed a place to stay the worst one that comes to mind is this girl came in to get her hair cut we let her know it was a tattoo shop she said okay so this is how i want my hair can you diet too again this is a tattoo shop she said okay can i use the restroom my co-worker said screw it let her use it and get her out of here so she uses the bathroom walks out and when i check there's tons of hair on the ground and she starts acting super crazy knocking stuff over and being irate and my co-worker calls the cops the cops come and thanked us because she escaped a mental institution in oakland which is five and a half hours away from us not a tattoo artist or piss or myself but i remember the pisser being extremely annoyed that day why you ask a guy was in there three days earlier to get his member pierced he came back three days later when i was there to get a tattoo to come back and complain because he thought it was infected as soon as the pisser said why do you think it's infected i saw in her face that she regretted ever asking the guy got the piercing and then proceeded to do his girlfriend up to hershey highway the next day she spent the next half an hour nearly screaming from the stupidity of the guy's actions even after she told him to not freak or anything of the sort he wasn't the brightest bulb in the box as someone who had his member pierced i'm pretty astonished he was able to even have sex with it the first three days i was healing it was painful to even walk around let alone jam it in some holes i had to change down this woman's tongue bar we offer a free shorter bar after the healing time and as the newbie i got told to do it as my training well first off she smelled of actual poop which wasn't a good start her whole skin and scalp area was flaking on the shop which again wasn't that great but hey i'll look past and just deal with well in her mouth was where the actual smell of human excrement was coming from every one of her teeth was covered in a yellow white slime of pluck at least a few cm thick the whole bar in her tongue was covered in the white slime too i held my breath and tried to undo it the whole time her moth salivating a brown liquid on my hands i literally couldn't budge the thing due to the pluck and spit so had to get my boss lady to help me the look in her eyes was so sad when she saw me needing help the smell hit her too so she held her breathe and tried her best too but accidentally bumped her teeth with her hand as she was trying which ended up being dentures that fell out leaving a slime trail down the ladies shirt and onto my boss's shoes spattering this thick cream everywhere never have i wanted to laugh and throw up so much in all my life i just about lost my dinner reading that frick that row i feel like i've been waiting for the opportunity to post this not a tattoo artist myself but i've been around some enough to have this lovely tale when i was 15 i went with my sister and her friend to see them get their noses pierced while there my sister commented on this clock hanging on the wall it was a basic clock with a picture of a beautiful purple flower as a background the guy laughs and says it is nice and that the background is of a tattoo he did she says that it's beautiful but the guy can't stop snickering so we ask about the tattoo the tattoo is one he did on a girl's butthole he then tells us that it was his most awkward piece he's ever done because the entire time he was doing it she was orgasming and squirting uncontrollably he said he used more towels on her than half his full back pieces after he says this my sister goes so you took a picture of it and turned it into a clock and he says yeah i thought it would be an awesome way to tell people this story tl dr my sister and i met a guy who tattooed a flower on a girl's butthole then made a clock from a picture of it last time i was getting a tattoo i asked my artist this question apparently at least once a year someone tries to get the tip of their dong tattooed he apparently has an 800 flat fee and a 300 ball handling fee with a no refunds policy earn it or burn it so to speak apparently a guy tried and lost about one stroke two inch of the first line and bailed artists made 1100 bucks for five minutes of prep work and one second of actual tattoo time i have been piercing for 15 years professionally now and i can say i have probably forgotten more weird stories than i remember but a few stand out i was working on the strip in las vegas 10 years ago and a 99 of my business was tourists one night i was finishing a body piercing and out of the corner of my eye i see two older women walk into the studio and start looking at the body jewelry case i let them know that i would be with them in a couple mins after i was done i approached them only to realize it was a nice older lady and a middle-aged man and drag he wasn't even trying to look like a woman it was if he threw this all together at the last minute for a halloween party smear lipstick crooked sheep wig thrift store dress the woman approaches me and politely asks me what the largest gauge i can pierce her husband's nipples at surprised i showed her and her husband into my room i let them know that he is going to need to take his dress off for me to do the piercing and luckily he was wearing a pair of shorts underneath so it didn't get weirder yet i let her know due to the size of her husband's nipples i felt comfortable doing them at an 8 gram max 3.2 mm she agrees and i do all my prep as i am ready to do the piercings she starts to stroke his wig hair and tell him he's a pretty little girl over and over i believe some other wrong things were said that i blocked out he took both piercings very well and after we finished he sat up and thanked me in a deep manly voice very politely and slipped me a very nice tip as we were finishing up with aftercare instructions and things are about done the wife turns around to ask one last question she asks if i also do body modification work i answer yes and she reaches into her purse and pulls out a giant metal butt plug before i could really adjust to what i was seeing she asks me is there any way that you know of that we could pierce this into him she explained that they would drill holes around the base of the plug to attach the rings the point of it being she would be the one who would control when it was in and when it was out since he wouldn't be able to remove it himself i let her know that this was way out of my field of expertise and gave her the name of a practitioner in my field that is known for the s m side of our industry she thanked me and gave me another large tip and let me know it was for being so professional and not laughing or judging the turns out this was the last hour of their vacation and they were on their way back to rural iowa i think it was iowa where he was a school principal and she was quilter tldr pierced her old man in drag while his wife told him he was a pretty girl then asks me if i can pierce a butt plug into him humans sure are an interesting bunch one day we're sending autonomous craft hurtling through space and the next day we're semi-permanently inserting objects in our butts my aunt used to run a tattoo shop up until three years ago because it was in a bad location and she got a good enough offer of sale my favorite story of hers was that someone came in on saint paddy's day and wanted a tattoo of a shamrock around their butthole she refused at first but then the person offered her 2 000 and since the person was almost entirely sober she did it after hearing this story i remembered that my cousin's birthday is the 25th of march and she got a really nice laptop for it about six years back i'm pretty sure her computer had been bought with butthole money i used to be a more pisser let's just say if you want to get a decent piercing please go to an actual shop not a freaking mall kiosk they are cleaner and have better tools than a dang gun with an earring in it i had absolutely no training save for a 45 minute video and having to pierce five of my friends the most uncomfortable i've felt is when parents would bring in their two three-month baby girls to be pierced i refused to do them and nearly got fired over it if you had your ears pierced as a baby at a mall and they are perfectly fine i'm genuinely happy for you i've personally just seen so many babies with messed up ears due to growth keloids and other unhappy things to be comfortable with it plus in my opinion piercing a small baby is stressful and if i'm not calm i couldn't be comfortable putting an earring gun to your child i believe that a child should be old enough to make the decision themselves because earrings need to be properly cleaned and taken care of an older child would be able to take more care of their ears than a toddler who would be touching them often if you want to pierce your child's ears that is your choice as long as you're careful to keep everything happy and clean the risk of infection is lowered i do stand by my opinion that if you want a good piercing doctor's office's pollers tattoo and piercing shops are the way to go it's typically more sterile and they really know what they are doing as opposed to my 45 minute training video on a tiny black and white tv in the back of the store a co-worker of my dad's used to run a piercing tattoo studio before he got into the it business he got an email from a guy asking if it was possible for him to progressively gauge out his dong hole to the point where another man could freak him up his own wang that email got moved straight to the trash folder it is possible for anyone wondering i lived four years next to a tattoo parlor got to chatting with the guys inside surprisingly they are not that bothered by genitals and the like it sought to have a right of passage for them most of the people who've been there long enough to are just numb to everything so there's really no uncomfortable though they do be about all the people who come in wanting the generic stuff girls who want butterflies dudes who want the prayer hands or other gang style tats because they wanna seem tough it was kinda surprising how many of them consider themselves artists first and to two people second and find the job really monotonous until someone comes in wanting something spectacular or something they can just run wild with my artist told me that when he was tattooing in phoenix a woman would come in on a regular basis to have him dry line tattooing without ink her inner thigh she would apparently pay for his time and tip him well if she was satisfied there's a locally known guy in my area called pat the tat dude has a lot of tattoos and is an old school punk a real one not someone trying to pretend it's not dead he's a bit of a loose cannon and an all-round oddball but a nice guy one day he walked into a tattoo parlor and asked to get a tattoo of a glory hole on the back of his head this might seem like an odd request but for pat it wasn't as odd as all that his tattoo artist said shaw and asked if he had an idea of what sort of pee he would like pat didn't mind and asked him to draw what he wanted the tattoo artist had freaked someone the night before so he drew that p from memory showed it to pat who was happy with the design and said go ahead after it was finished pat got chatting to his artist and asked who this girl was he'd banged the night before turns out it was pat's sister the guy happily tells this story to anyone who asks about his tattoo and he still finds it funny he's got a tattoo of his sister's sea on the back of his head i'm not sure what his sister thinks about it this sounds like an amazing so a guy walked into a bar joke if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 50,608
Rating: 4.9027662 out of 5
Keywords: hardest tattoos 2k20, hardest tattoo cover ups, hardest tattoo, hardest tattoos to do, hardest places to tattoo, tattoo, pierce, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 30sec (1410 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2020
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