People Who Hid On a Cruise Ship to Go Again - What Happened?

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redditors who have tried to hide on your cruise when it ended so that you could stay on the ship for the next round how did that go there was an episode of this american life i think where a woman did this but back in the day like the 60s or early 70s there were seating charts or something in the dining room so she couldn't sneak in to eat and things that she assumed would be open most of night like bars weren't she lived on a lot of by garnishes and had to pretend she was drunk who kept passing out in the lounge it was a lot less fun than she thought it would be with very little sleep and cleaning herself up in public bathrooms while worrying she would be caught doing so at any time she had to sneak back into her own country because she hadn't brought a passport i worked for carnival we will find you we know you're in the ship and we all want you to get off so i can't take a short nap before i have to do it all over again in a few hours on the last night of a cruise my friends and i got really drunk well i don't know how the heck but i ended up somewhere passengers shouldn't be in a goddang supply closet i believe the ship had docked and there was a two-hour search for me still drunk i couldn't find a way to get out of the room where the supply closet was but the door was locked the crew thought i was trying to sneak another ride but after reviewing the cameras they clearly could tell i was nowhere near sober so they let me go on my way with a good laugh to this day i still don't remember making my way down there not me but a couple decided to hide to try get another week out of their holiday this was while we were halfway through our holiday so we heard it all dozens of announcements calling for them or anyone who's seen them were made throughout the day their rooms were searched and everything the owned in that room was seized apparently the ship left port late by about 90 minutes but they were eventually found and escorted off the ship when the crew decided to check the identity of every passenger on board it was not a cruise but a fairy also we didn't hide on purpose it was the ferry from cyrus prince edward island to the isles de la madeleine quebec canada a 12 hours ride we embarked at 2am and found a very quiet spot to sleep we slept through the landing and no one woke us up because no one actually saw us when we woke up we saw the islands going away from us result we spent 36 hours on that boat sorry for my bad english it is all electronic card swipe now everyone monitored all the time all of the japes and scrapes of being a stowaway one step ahead of the steward is in the past now sounds like it would be easier to just get a job there used to be in the uscg we had this happen a few times in miami they were all escorted off the ship typically the police handle the situation but if a stowaway was discovered while still in the 312 mile range we would render assistance once they were apprehended by the onboard law enforcement i don't know if this counts but my dad got locked in a toilet cubicle on a ferry to france and it took several people to find him the toilet was right out of the way and you couldn't hear him yelling even right outside in the corridor because the doors were so massive i guess he could have gone immediately back to england could have become a ship toilet hermit i worked for carnival for five years specifically in debarkation additionally i worked for disney cruise line in princess cruise line here's what happens we give you a card upon checking and that card is scanned the minute you step on board additionally it is scanned when you leave the ship for either complete debucation or excursions at the end of your cruise debucation starts around 7 a.m come 10 a.m we receive a list of people who have not yet had their card scanned it's impossible to get off the boat without getting your card scanned unless you jump into the water haha then the manhunt begins to get you guys off the ship so we can put a new 2200 to 2600 people on it we do not start boarding new passengers until every card from the previous voyage has been scanned in my experience nobody ever waits and tries to hide if you do take a cruise book a flight that's a little bit later in the morning and go with the latest checkout time you can so many people aim for debarking around seven o'clock nine a.m literally over 1700 people will be waiting in lines that'll take well over an hour to get out of instead of waiting in line for the hour stay on board and eat some breakfast take some last minute photos and then when your time comes just leave go through customs and be on your merry way i'm the one-stop redditer for all cruising tips haha this sounds u.s specific though here in sweden there are some really low class party cruises on the baltic sea called the frick boats where they don't scan anyone and i guess there are all different levels in the world in between up to the luxury stuff so not all cruises scan people i am a stand-up comic who works on cruise ships three four months out of the year guests who take forever to leave suck employees of the ship can't leave until every last guest has existed the vessel so if a guest is taking their time to leave or hiding they are potentially keeping over a hundred employees from going home and many of the employees are on the ship for like eight months so every second counts when they just want to get off and start heading home get the frick off the boat i'm going on a cruise in a few hours and i'm hiding inside the pool i'm in it for the long haul and that's all there is to it ships tend to have really good tracking of their packs there's security cameras everywhere and when you disembark they give the ship a really good walkthrough all the passenger areas are easy to see through and have no hiding places and if a packs were to be in a crew area it happened every now and then we would notice immediately i've never had passengers try to stow away but i've definitely seen crew run away from the ship that mostly happens in american ports personally when i was working on ships i couldn't wait to get the frick off them every time i saw land why people cruise to begin with is beyond my comprehension it's a change of pace vacation typically cruises are very low stress just fly drive to the port embark and everything else is taken care for you unlimited food access to resort level amenities a preset itinerary and life at sea which is totally refreshing for us land dwellers a little different i was going through a really hard bout with depression in 2012 and really had nothing going on in life besides an overnight job at a gym my parents decided to do a family cruise in march as our christmas present i was actually planning on saying goodbye to my family at the end of the trip and just getting off at the last island and not getting back on then i found out the cruise company would alert local authorities that i didn't get back on i wanted to just island skip for a while instead of back parking through europe to do some thinking and adventuring i didn't want to end up in some crappy caribbean jail it is right they don't just leave without passengers as they could be lost and stuck what happens if they find you and you don't want to get back on board i have no idea but can't think what you would go to jail for you'd be all on your own though if you couldn't get home my friend did this he can't handle his drink and we were on a mini cruise cruises from newcastle to amsterdam after a good few drinks he loses it rips a table from the wall and throws it away took his top off as well as another friend's top and threw them overboard shouting iii he was quickly sent to the brig and had his passport confiscated meaning he couldn't get back on the boat after our day in amsterdam so he tried to hide under the bed according to his story he couldn't fit so his feet were sticking out a bit and said he got caught straight away they threw him off and we never seen him that day imaginably when we got back on the boat to no friend under the bed we were concerned we chose his closest friend to call his dad to say we have lost your son lameo and his answer was oh i know we booked him a flight turns out he ventured off the boat in a panic somehow managed to find a british embassy and explained his situation not sure how but they organized him to fly home without a passport every time i see him i ask him to tell me the story again for a laugh an ex-gif of mine was an ambode cruise photographer i remember her asking her something similar before and she told me they swipe on and swipe off everyone on every stop at every time she did say that she'd known people to try and stay away but basically it turns into a massive freaking easter egg hunt to find the person the liner she was on always awarded the staff member that found the person with some sort of bonus but she never told me what it was i remember her saying that someone caused the ship to be something like six hours late to leave because they'd done such a good job at hiding eventually they were found or gave themselves up and were arrested by port authorities every cruise ship has an employee section that includes a club bar areas i once got access after hitting on a bartender beers were one dollar and everyone was wasted that's an area i would look into you ll never find it on your own death need an employee to show you how to get in dude this should be any or all of them one a life pro tip 2 life hack 3 how to vacation frugally seriously i was on a ship travelling from portugal to china we took a wrong turn somewhere landed on a remote island and now the captain's enslaving all the locals while i won't rule it out as an impossibility nowadays it would be extremely difficult at first you're scanned on and off the ship so they'd know you never got off so now you're hiding on the ship wtf are you going to do you won't be able to get into or back into your room you won't be able to eat or drink on some of the cruises since you'll need a valid key card or wristband you'll be carrying all your stuff around since you'll have nowhere to store it you might make it to the first port without being caught but then you'd probably want off and when you get scanned off you busted i'd say it's 99.9 percent likely you spend your stowaway cruise in the ship's jail cell until you get back to home port i don't think i've ever been scandal at the buffet on princess the on-deck food and drinks though usually get your key and room number i found some crew clothing in the laundry and put it on the crew was changing out at the last stop so nobody would recognize my new face in the two days between the ending of one round in the start of the next leg i found myself enjoying the nods from other crew members and a level of respect i wasn't used to having dressed as a normal passenger i decided that i would chat up some of the bar staff and see if i'd have any luck getting free drinks after a few beers this new bartender came on an old british guy looked like he'd seen some stuff he had a nickname for everyone governor amigo pal comrade i guess he'd really traveled a lot he kept serving me drinks with a sly wink like from one old sea dog to another it came time to settle my bill as the ship was prepping for departure and when i went to give him money sure enough he told me i didn't have to pay no sir he said this one's on me see upon no trouble at all good luck getting us out of dock and he pointed over my shoulder with his chin i turned around and the rest of the bridge crew as though with a security detail day 247 they still don't realize i have been living off of sea water and ritz crackers for the past month i can't let them see me in the cafeteria people tell me all the time dude just leave the boat but none of them understand using the quarters i find on the ground i was finally able to pay my cell phone bill game today i got a text from some guy named boss dumb name telling me that he's gonna put me in a thing of fire whatever probably insane i got a scam text from some guy named jean calling me husband and from police regardless i'm probably gonna fry up the phone battery for more fire today i sometimes wonder what life is like outside of the ship but quickly dismiss those thoughts after i realize that there is no such thing as living outside of the ship around day 50 or 60 people in blue coats began to harass me saying that i must go or they're gonna find me or something they're probably just h addicts though they scared me enough to go incognito until they're gone with the combo like sea water and ritz crackers you'd be dead within a day lol semi semi-off topics are for canadians unless you purchase the ship's wi-fi package do not use your cell phone on a ship it's four dollars per minute talk time 75 cents for a sent message 25 cents for a received message and 15 mb for data it's called premium maritime paper use rates and is built to your carrier by the ship's cruise line on the ship the closed cell tower is the ship's mast i work in the industry and i have seen people's cell phone bill cost more than their crews boarded for a trip from southampton to queenstown stayed on to get to new york all was good until we hit a dang iceberg been 107 years and still haven't docked freaking sucks man at least the water is heating up finally though wouldn't happen you have to check out with your cruise car died if you aren't checked out they'll announce on the intercom to check out whilst sending out teams to look for you after 20 minutes they will announce again upping the ante saying you are in violation of maritime law once they find you you're never going on a cruise again and will face a hefty fine a source friend worked for cruise lines for four years not a stowaway but a cruise ship worker for royal caribbean this is actually a pretty regular occurrence probably happening about once a month every other month my favorite was when someone had gotten very high on acid and locked themselves in the bathroom because they were with their family and didn't want them to find out the crews docked and when it was time to go the family was panicking trying to find him security eventually found him and he admitted that he was planning on leaving his family here while he did the cruise a second time honestly there was no way he could have gotten away with this because the make sure everyone is off the boat before we let more people on and if we didn't find him then the cleaning crew would have i was on a cruise where a guy tried to climb down the ship into the lifeboats of course he fell overboard and died in the water and we all woke up a few days before christmas to a cruise worker on a jet ski pulling his waterlogged corpse out of the ocean so i can't recommend it but hey his ghost is probably still there unusual to find the body his family must have been relieved at that at least don't do it on a disney cruise house of brutal torture at the hands of goofy will freak up your world last time i heard his a hyuk i had a flashback and eight months of therapy was undone do you want to be waterboarded by an anthro dog do you want to hear him sing when you wish upon a star while putting out cigarettes on your arm don't do it bruh i tried it once there was a homeless man called harry who had stowed away as well and i got talking to him it turns out that he helped some rich guy out who rewarded him with a ticket for the cruise ship the captain wasn't too pleased because he looked kinda scruffy and this was a nice looking ship the captain let him stay but he was only allowed to use the facilities at night and had to sleep in a maintenance room the cruise was quite big so he had quite a lot to choose from there was a casino a restaurant a mini golf course a bingo hall but this man chose to go in the swimming pool he had never been in a swimming pool before but he saw the diving board and thought he would give it a go turns out the guy is a natural he is so good that the captain was beyond impressed and wanted to showcase him to the guests the captain let him stay there for a few months to practice and to entertain everyone however it wasn't enough for the captain he wanted it to be bigger and better every time one day the captain decided to make the diving board much higher which didn't seem to bother harry much the big day comes around and this thing is tall and i mean tall harry was a little bit intimidated but he decided to go along with it anyway because he finally had somewhere to stay he began to climb what he described as a never-ending ladder to heaven halfway up he noticed that he could no longer see the swimming pool and that the clouds and seagulls appeared to be closer to him he finally reached the top and took the dive knowing full well that he could completely miss and die he dived perfectly no splash at all however because of the velocity at which he was going at he went straight through the floor of the pool piercing through several floors past the casino past the tennis court passed the golf course past his bedroll until he went straight through the ship itself everyone thought he had died but after five minutes he resurfaced much to everyone's disbelief the captain couldn't believe it and wanted to know how harry had done it to which harry responded well cap i've been through many a hardship in my time my ex told me this story when we split up he said he was messed up mentally about it if that's your excuse then okara so he went on a singles cruise with his buddy the problem was he was in his early 30s and everyone else was like 45 plus if the cruz isn't helping his mood at all until they land in jamaica and him and his buddy take a taxi to some bar in the bush there he meets a pretty girl wins a game of pool life feels good again they hear the warning signal for the crews so they get back on the boat my ex was shook and didn't want to continue so he put important documents in a plastic bag and jumped off the boat although he's a new fee he swims like a rock and jamaican authorities had to rescue him then they questioned him for 24 hours are you sane do you have money to get home until he was able to call the bar chick he had met to verify his story they released him and gave him three weeks to visit play on the island the rest of the story is pretty boring he stayed and played hide the weenie for a few weeks until he started getting hit up for money all the time but the funny thing was i met a guy from jamaica i live in northern canada and i told him this story and he knew about it apparently my ex is island lawn now lol i used to work with carnival cruise lines and had an active role in the debucation process typically debarkation would be a three four hour process i worked on the larger vessels guests would be scanned off the ship using their sail and sign card fancy term for onboard debit credit card as guests are scanned off of the ship their name is checked away from the manifest any remaining names are then called over the shipboard pa system until they are either found or confirmed to be in the customs queue a security sweep is completed on each deck checking all bathrooms crew-only areas open decks and guest cabins guest cabins are typically swept by housekeeping staff each member of the security team is given a physical list that they must carry with them from location to location until the entire ship has been swept with exception to sealed areas such as the engine control and access and the bridge any guest not making an active effort to vacate the vessel or attempting to stow away on the vessel is arrested and escorted off of the vessel by whatever law enforcement agency has jurisdiction in that harbor or port i've only ever seen it happen once and it is not pretty you're taken forcibly off of the ship to a holding area get questioned searched your belongings get searched and you can be held for up to 24 hours followed by fines and i could only assume court appearances the other things that you might not think of if you're attempting to stow away is the effect you have on everyone else the cruise ships unload one cruise and load another the same day delaying that debucation process keeps those people sitting standing in the hot sun this is typically upwards of two zero zero zero three zero zero zero people for larger ships you also slow down the customs line as they will pull an agent or two for the questioning and ensuing paperwork the attempt can delay debarkation embarkation and sail away for several hours in other words i will be still awake and delay someone's vacation and have it off to a rough start because they want to be selfish please when you leave your cruise the kind of courteous to the crew that's helping you that morning wait for your debucation zone to be called and when it is try to say thank you to at least one crew member before you leave and don't be afraid to give them a hug most people that work on cruises don't see their family for upwards of six months and never have days off they really do bust their asses to try and make your vacation as memorable as possible they pee off the next group of passengers waiting to get on board because the ship didn't clear customs and we all had to wait for the idiots my dad was an accidental starway once back in the 80s he was a representative for a major company in transport one day my dad and his co-worker were told to go to austin belgium and as is a situation on the ferry tidova i don't quite remember what it was about but it had something to do with a truck on board at the ship they were met by an customs officer who accompanied them down below the job apparently took a little longer than expected suddenly both my father and co-worker noticed that the ship seemed to be rocking a bit as if it was at sea the officer took them upstairs and lo and behold they were on their way to marry old england the captain apparently had forgotten he still had people on board and had left the harbour once in england my dad his co-worker and the officer were briefly detained and then immediately put on transport back unfortunately the first boat back did not go to our stand but to cali france so when they arrived they had to call their boss and explain it to him the boss then had no choice but to come and pick them up himself and drive them to austin where their cars were an ex-co-worker of mine left the job we cowered to here cook for carnival i think this was like six years ago but i know it was one of the big ones and he told me about how on his very first trip some dude was walking around their kitchen acting like he belonged and everything but not actually doing anything he had apparently snatched up a chief smock from the trip before and with a little confidence and charisma had managed to stay unnoticed for about three days when the head chief finally called him out he confessed immediately now for the climax the chief offers this dude a golden ultimatum he won't say anything if the dude actually works and will even help him get a job when they return this mother says he won't work for free so he got confined to her room and the police picked him up when they got back mind dude who told me this is a huge liar but i thought it was a funny story nonetheless if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] so bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 20,631
Rating: 4.8829269 out of 5
Keywords: tried to hide, cruise ship, sneaking on cruise ship, sneaking, boarding, without a ticket, free ride, cruise, free cruise, caught, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: wOEmlbIxkrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 7sec (1447 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 19 2020
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