What an Insane "Mind Trick" You Know Of?

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what is a mind trick you know of learned this one second hand from a smuggler people tend to notice things they're looking for and once they don't find it or even better they do find it they ignore everything else so if you want to slip something by someone make sure they catch you on something that doesn't matter and they won't focus on what you're hiding the story behind this is that in berlin while the wall was up there was this smuggler who used to ride every day from east berlin into west berlin or perhaps it was vice versa i don't remember with a bag of sand on the back of his bicycle every time the checkpoint guards would cut open the bag of sand search through it find nothing and let him go on his way and every night he would return they never realized that he was smuggling bicycles while an effective example of misdirection that's an old joke in class if it's a presentation where someone has to present without looking at notes or anything like that and while they're up in front of classroom presenting some people forget what they are talking about space out freak out and lose their train of thought to counter this nod your head at the end of each sentence they say confirming what they're saying they will somehow use this as a motivator and nine times out of ten will keep presenting without fault you're a regular good guy greg if you're in a crowded social group restaurant bar party etc and you want to know if someone is checking you out try this turn sideways from them they will be either 90 degrees right or left of you then very obviously look at your watch even if you don't wear one lift your wrist then point at your watch and nod thoughtfully overacting is perfectly acceptable if they are keeping tabs on you even peripherally they will have a sudden urge to know the time and will either look at their own watch cell phone or casually look at the various obvious places where someone would put a clock so yawning seems to be another method however do you think the world's most interesting man would more likely be seen yawning or looking at his watch in a social setting after the templars learned this trick the assassin numbers dwindled drastically i hypnotized myself into quitting smoking every time i had the impulse to light up i simply told myself what a strange thing for a non-smoker to think eventually i convinced myself that the cravings were anomalous and could safely be ignored i was at the front row of a concert and needed to get out mid-show no one was letting me buy i decided to fake like i was about to throw up the crowded parted for me like i was moses worked all the way through the crowd not one person stood in my way for more than a second when i got out i just walked normally troll face another music festival crowd trick find a cup on the ground or use one you have and hold it high in the air as if it is full walk in or out of a crowd with the cup in the air leading the way as if it is full and they will part avoiding possible spillage i'm a paramedic when a patient is possibly faking unconsciousness we have two tricks to determine if they're really unconscious or not first you can lightly brush their eyelashes with your finger their eyes will flutter if they are faking it alternatively if they are on their back you can lift their arm over their face and let it go a conscious person will drop their arm away from their face finally a trick to see if someone is faking a neck injury or neck pain put a thermometer in their mouth while checking their vitals then ask them a yes or no question while looking them in the eyes if you aren't looking directly at them they tend to answer with a stranger how are you nhr but if you're looking directly at them they will usually nod their head someone who is faking the pain can do this with ease and yes there are a lot of calls where people fake pain illness etc for various reasons if you're trying to find something try looking right to left as opposed to left to right your eyes tend to skim over things if you search in the direction you are used to reading in so skim the opposite way it takes me a bit more effort to do this but i notice more details if i need to remember to do anything at all the next day i will put something in my room out of place this works every time say for example i really want to remember to email my professor before leaving for class i will put a movie on the floor i will initially think why is that oh right email ernie a key technique for me doesn't work if there's already a bunch of crap on your floor if you ask a question and receive only a partial answer respond with polite silence simply wait a more complete answer will usually follow this works wonders in face-to-face conversation just look at them and wait many people can't stand the void and will fill it with more information when trying to convince somebody to do something offer them two options either of which is okay with you humans have a hard time selecting outside of the given options example so did you want me to pick you up at 7 o'clock or 7 30 did you want me to pick up the 50 one of the 35 one etc during a job interview you want to keep eye contact with the person you're talking to it makes you seem more alert and confident here's the trick every 5 or 10 seconds switch the eye you're looking at it's such a small motion that the other person can't see it but it makes your eyes look like they are sparkling which makes you look very interested in what the other person is saying probably works for dating too clarification some people have asked for clarification on how this is supposed to work to comma on the small motion part you have to be a few feet away from the other person otherwise the angle your eyes have to shift to look at the other eye is easily noticeable comma on the sparkling since your eyes aren't perfectly spherical when they move the reflection of any lights in the room changes slightly if the movement is small enough all the other person sees is the light's reflection moving on your eye thus sparkling disclaimer apparently some people can tell what you're doing and find it very annoying if you're trying this and you get weird looks you should probably stop or if you want to freak your boss there's something in sales called the sullivan nod basically when you're asking someone something not up and down while you're asking their mirror neurons start firing and they begin nodding and agreeing with you subconsciously sixty percent of the time it works every time i found that this doesn't work so well for teller sales i live in inner city akron ohio needless to say there is a pretty high crime rate around the university center so i took a self-defense course at the university and learned the best self-defense tricks i could have never thought of act crazier than the person attacking you i'm talking mental patient on pcp with a bad case of jack nicholson insane nine times out of ten they will see you as unpredictable and not want to even mess with you for example i was across the street from my apartment at a circle k buying a 40 and a pack of smokes at about midnight 30 and this guy comes up from nowhere and asks me if i want to make some money i reply no thanks i have a job the clerk behind the window disappears to get my stuff and i'm stuck outside in the open standing right next to what amounts to a drug selling would be burglar after a while the silent intention gets unbearable and i ask him what his proposed opportunity entails just then the clerk comes back gives me my stuff and shouts out the window yo what's up dental or something along those lines the shady guy shakes his head and starts to walk away i pay for my stuff start walking along under the lights along the white wall of the building so i can be seen in case anything happens and i see to my left that this shady guy is following me walking parallel to me in the parking lot where it's dark he calls over to me and starts walking towards me i'm all like nope so i curve my arms up so my hands are in my armpits and i crouch down with a wide stance and walk sideways in a crab walk gorilla style fashion and start screaming obscenities about aliens and arabic coffee but the guy takes one look at me and makes a run for the bus stop tl dr a guy started following me in a parking lot of a circle k late one night so i went into gorilla mode and acted like a paranoid schizophrenic so he ran off strange things are a foot of the circle k my favorite works best in sports it's more of a way to get into other people's mind and screw them up say you're playing against a guy girl who is just on fire completely in the zone and dominating casually ask hey what have you changed to x better or something to that affect i've done it in volleyball where i ask a guy who's been hitting amazing i've never seen you jump so high before what are you change more often than not it throws them off their game done it in hockey too hey your shot looks amazing what foot are you leading with or you can ask someone what they do with their non-dominant hand when they bowl the results are always hilarious if you have to exert authority act as though your orders would never be questioned and you'll be fine if you have to throw someone out of a place just keep advancing on them until they are out the door i work security at a club and this definitely works when trying to get away with something sketchy not a legal percent but frowned upon walk into the place like you own it don't glance around don't even stop for a second or look confused nine times out of ten nobody will question you you can get away with lots of things that way nobody questions a man with a clipboard who looks like he belongs there it occurred to me a while back that a security uniform any security uniform will get you past everyone including security guards from a different company with a completely different uniform as a security contractor businesses at malls for example will call me to watch their store specifically for different reasons mostly at night once time i got lost i ended up at the entrance of a closed apartment store at a mall and the manager himself pretty much ushered me in if i hadn't asked how to get to my destination he would have just bolted off and i would have had the place to myself it's not the first time i wandered into places i shouldn't be completely unchallenged also it's really nice for when i want to smoke a joint in plain view cops just nod or wave at me no matter where i am standing at whatever time of night with absolutely no idea if i should be there or not and all my uniform consists of is black slacks and a polo with an arm and chest patch nothing flashy or even that noticeable most of the time i feel as though i'm just dancing in everyone's peripheral vision and they can try for themselves that whoever i am i should be here and don't need to be questioned it's a head trip in a similar vein if you have a white van and high visibility vest and hard hat you can do whatever the frick you want have someone lay on their back on the ground and hold their legs straight up so their body is making a 90 degree angle have them close their eyes and relax their body completely holded position for about 60 seconds then very slowly start lowering their legs towards the ground it's critical they keep their eyes closed and ask them to tell you to stop when they feel their legs are about to hit the ground they will always say stop way before it hits the ground and then you say well now i'm going to drop your legs through the floor and keep lowering their legs down onto the ground slowly it feels really weird and always works but i guess it's more of a mind-body trick the blood drains out of their legs and with their eyes closed they can't get a good read on where their legs are i was expecting the words and then you penetrate any moment in a job interview or tense first meeting don't cover up your chest just don't and imagine that the stranger is someone you know really well and after practicing this a few times you will be able to hotwire people into instant rapport works 90 of the time i discovered this one from my mother actually if you're out and about and come across hooligans or other entire do wells that might be up to something such as smashing things up who might well become confrontational you need to approach them and ask for a light all the time as you walk up they'll be ready for a fight when they realize that you as a sole person has approached them as a group and asked something innocuous and unrelated to their activities they will very likely give you the timeline that you asked for or then shuffle off with a bemused feeling i'm not advocating that you should go out and try it but only if you might have to pass by an incident going on where they notice you and you don't want any trouble of the three times in my life that i have been in this situation it has always worked courtesy of darren brown if you want to keep the seat next to you free on a crowded train bar ctc look at the people walking towards you and tap the seat with your hand haha i don't think you need darren brown to tell you that being creepy will make people not want to sit next to you you would be shocked to find out how often they look a distraction works sure they usually get mad right afterward but i spent the time between them turning and catching on to what they just heard leaving the room protip it is best to do this next to a door especially if you can get out of that door's line of sight quickly oh my god that man has a tornado if any of you have the opportunity take a social psychology class it's filled with this kind of stuff most of which has actual practical application one of the most fascinating things i came across in the class was about reflected body language for example if you believe you have a red dot on your head and you're sitting one-on-one with another person talking you will probably think that they are acting uncomfortable because of the dot but in this study there is no dot and the person is acting that way simply because you're acting that way all because you believe you have a red dot on your head the implications of our subtle and usually unconscious body language are huge and 99 of the time we're completely unaware of it i think this one is pretty well known by now but when high fiving look at their elbow and you'll never miss i tell people that the trick is to actually look at their own elbow and then i give them a good smack in the face if you want to make a good first impression you should make eye contact and copy the other person's actions for example if you see the other person fold his her arms then do it also just don't be obvious about it after a while the person will feel more comfortable around you you can then try doing something like fixing your glasses or hair or touching your ear and see if the other person does the same then you know you are in and the person is copying you without knowing it that means she likes you don't know if it counts but in managing and sales we're taught to use specific wording if i want a customer to go get two more movies to get the sale discount and me commission we say why don't you go grab two more instead of do you want to grab two more the difference between it being an open ended and a yes no question is money in my pocket [Music] if someone is intent on fighting you i mean physically ready to knock your teeth in try the following start off by calmly removing your shirt make it seem like you're preparing for the fight of your life but don't stop there keep removing other articles of clothing don't laugh or smile and with any luck they'll be gone before you're completely nude my friend's dad who was a career criminal who died from huffing glue once told me if you want to a voice being violated in prison just crap your pants thankfully i haven't had to try this out i call this one the glenn beck because he's the master but really news sources and political campaigns use this trick every day on all of us i want to plant an idea in someone's head and have them not be able to trace it back to you phrase the idea as a question inducing uncertainty by using related ideas basic word association bear with me let's say you want to get your wife to cook dinner at home more and you know she associates home cooking with higher nutrients instead of saying you should cook dinner more often you'd simply ask the question timmy's looking a little pale do you think he's getting enough vitamins let the target's imagination do the convincing for you vitamins nutrition home cooking you just have to have an idea how your target associates words if you're going for a specific result or the whole thing has to be generic enough to work on most people in a given culture if you're trying to change the tide of an election a couple of these ideas strategically planted can completely change someone's disposition but there's probably a word for this whole concept but i don't know it i sort of rediscovered it in a vacuum it's called inception one look me in the eyes do not break my gaze two tell me what you had for lunch three days ago the person probably can't remember it's a lot harder to access that memory without moving the eyes heck i couldn't tell you what i ate an hour ago without some serious thought if you have to hold eye contact to someone for example while listening to a long speech which you find hard to focus on or during a last one to laugh game look at the opposite snows you don't have actual eye contact but it seems like thus you can't avoid feelings you may have while staring into someone's eyes the spot between their eyes usually works well too not really a mind trick but if you have confidence in what you are saying and can back it up with false facts you can get people to do almost anything go up to someone in a restaurant and tell them to close their eyes and picture a playing card while they are doing this eat as much of their food as you can and run away i've done this many many times it's been so long since i've learned this but here goes nothing take your left perhaps non-dominant hand and squeeze your thumb inside it squeeze hard now with your free hand take your pointer finger and poke at the back of your throat you no longer have a gag reflex enjoy addendum apparently it doesn't work for everybody many people yes everybody know and after reading some comments i learned that the thumb is much easier and less sharp to poke at the back of my throat with i claim no responsibility for any food loss during this but if you have any food that has yet to pass through a digestive tract i would happily claim that great thanks now i'm going to have to explain to everyone why i'm covered in vomit when i go to the hospital for my dislocated thumb if you are falling asleep in a boring meeting sit straight up with both feet on the floor shoulder width apart then lift one foot up but only an inch or two no one will see it and it is impossible to nod off in this position you know the thing where if you repeat a word enough it loses its meaning well i've convinced myself that there is some kind of similar thing going on with pain if i'm in pain if i focus 100 on the pain and block out everything else the pain kind of loses its meaning i still feel it but it's no longer pain it's just what is to clarify i'm not claiming i could endure surgery without anesthesia or torture or anything but if i've stubbed a toe or cut myself or something like that it works fairly well i tested your theory by plunging a knife into my leg and i must say i disagree with your methodology hockey player here if you start banging your stick and yelling here here while the other team has the puck as if you're calling for a pass casually from your own team they will not expect someone on the other team to be doing this and half the time they will pass it the other half of the time though you will look like a freaking idiot if i'm having a conversation with two people a and b and i for some reason want person speaking a to focus look at person b rather than at me i'll just look at person b person a will almost always start looking at person b instead read it somewhere and it works try it if i'm having a conversation with two people a and b it usually just ends up as a conversation between a and b with me listening in i used to play table tennis with this clever bee when i was 12 and she used to say that she could throw me off my game just by thinking about the same thing that i was thinking about and i was all like you freaking reckon b and started thinking about strawberries and not at all about table tennis she beat me a shameful amount my cheap butt father taught me this and it has worked 100 of the time when bartering at a flea market gearage sale or craigslist hand the person the amount and cash you want to pay then suggest the lower price while the cash is in their hand example me how much is this that guy twenty dollars me hands him a folded ten dollars how about ten dollars that guy okay people just can't bring themselves to give the money back once it is in their hand they may not want to sell it for less but once the cash is in their hand they can't give it back when bargaining it usually doesn't matter whether or not the other person gets a good deal but whether or not they participated if you start low and then let them bargain up to what you originally would have offered they'll probably take it oh yes i've seen this some suggest that you start to 10 15 what you desire to pay and you'll most likely end up at your budget for example you want to buy a widget for 100 dollars but you only have 85 dollars to spend offer 72 dollars and you'll haggle up to that 85 mark one of my best if you have two friends people that don't really like each other doesn't work when there is a very specific cause for dislike tell each of them separately and in confidence when the other is brought up oh that's too bad there obviously the other person always telling me how much they like you and leave it at that nine stroke ten times within a couple weeks to a month they'll usually start talking to each other at gatherings and soon become friends tl dr trick people that don't like each other to start liking each other i heard that if you're with a group of people and everyone starts laughing you tend to first look at the person you like the most it's interesting to note where everyone else is looking oh that explains the group stare i get whenever i am laughing this isn't a mind trick but a biological trick if you are trying to see something in the dark don't look directly at it either move your eyes back and forth to scan or look to one side of the object the reason this works is because your color receptors are in the center of your eye and don't work well in the dark that your black and white receptors are toward the outer edge old trick i use a lot ask a question and then when they reply just repeat what they say for more information eg boy when did you think of that movie girl yeah i thought it was okay boy you thought it was okay girl goes into more detail if you want someone to do something for you simply use the word because not matter what you say after that there was a study a while back about people who were lined up to use a copy machine one person came up and said can i use the copy machine because i need to make copies a majority of the time they were allowed to cut to the front if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] so bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 26,408
Rating: 4.8950133 out of 5
Keywords: mind tricks, mind tricks illusions, mind tricks to play on friends, mind tricks magic, mind tricks you will always fail
Id: JWdHLeI8pgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 52sec (1492 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2020
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