"thAt iS offENSIve" - People Triggered by Inoffensive Things

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what is the most inoffensive thing you've seen someone get offended by we were choosing a mascot for a summer camp where i worked it was the first day of camp and we always let the campers vote on a mascot that we'd use for the rest of the summer as sort of a bonding thing this year the kids voted for wolves as a mascot it was almost unanimous but one kid probably about nine or ten threw a fit because wolves are bad guys and predators and killers and he doesn't want to be a wolf he wants to be a hero he refused to participate in any team activities because he didn't want to be on a team with the bad guys at one point we brought in a guy in a full mascot wolf costume for some anti-bullying program and the kid had a massive tantrum i almost felt like we were going to learn at some point that his brother was killed by wolves or some other tragic origin story i did feel bad for the boy because i was fairly certain he had some kind of unaddressed emotional difficulties or something but we weren't going to change the mascot name that almost everyone voted for the really sad thing is that wolf populations have suffered a lot due to stereotypes that they're bad i imagine all the werewolves at the camp were just awkwardly sitting there wondering whether to speak up or not i still remember in kindergarten when my friend and i were reading all the colors out loud on one of those crayola super pacs i got straight up yelled at and sent to the principal's office for saying orange pizzazz because the teacher said i called someone a peabot and would not listen despite having the crayon as evidence after a 30-minute scolding and waiting for my mom to leave work to pick me up for my suspension she came in all apologetic when i explained to her the whole situation not the school's side ma went apple [ __ ] i'd heard her say crap once that's the only swear i ever heard from her and we had just been rear-ended in traffic how about c can he say see cause you're all being see right now this is freaking ridiculous and just went off while i'm sitting there all oh and the principal is just rednaff i got unsuspended on the spot but she pulled me out of school for the day anyway we had a lovely day and she explained very well how i shouldn't swear like that unless absolutely necessary and i've exhausted all civility when being civil simply isn't working sometimes you might have to call someone a pea but the next day at school i learned that i now had the stigma of being the kid who got the crayola super pac taken away maybe 22 years ago i had a phone interview with the baking company i didn't care to have my peers know what i was up to so i took the call on my cell phone in my car but the call was crystal clear and no technical issues at one point they had mentioned the weather and asked how it was where i was i told him that i was sitting in my car and i could see that it was actively snowing and whatnot the interviewer asked me are you taking this call on a cell phone i told him i was then he asked me if i thought that was appropriate i asked him what he meant by that he said he thought it was kind of rude to take a formal call on a cell phone i told him i would be more than happy to conclude the interview if talking on a cell phone was an issue if he was interested i'd be happy to continue it the next day when i'd be at a desk he again repeated how rude he thought it was that i had called from a cell phone and that there was no need to continue the interview process i disagreed with the first point but did agree with the second to this day i wonder what the heck he was talking about and where he was coming from row way to stamp i am an aging worker who refuses to keep up with technology on his forehead only thing i can guess is the possibility of a dropped call but like you said it was completely clear using a walking stick i was in a car accident a few years ago and it fricked my leg up since then i've been using a walking stick i was walking to shop pre pandemic and an old bloke gave me the dirtiest look i've ever seen what do you need a cane for your only a kid he actually got quite pissy just seeing me using a stick like my dude i'm just out trying to buy some milk i don't need your crap today i didn't say that out loud i just said it to myself after i got home people like that are the reason my partner doesn't like going out he's had a few operations on his back and needs his stickers one of his legs has been left weaker than the other he's had someone try and take his stick as he is walking i nearly batted them i was at the vet with my cat and he sneezed this was apparently very offensive to an elder woman she was there with a corgi and she started screaming at me for about 30 minutes about pet hygiene i'm sure her dog has done a lot worse in public someone posted a video about 9 11 and someone commented please take this down you're not from new york you will never understand this pain she said this as if only people from new york were in the world trade center as someone who was born post 9 11 and is from the nyc area this mentality is very common we were taught that 9 11 was our tragedy and people who weren't from the area would never understand how it affected us a lot of people romanticize the idea of being so close to the tragedy i once listened to my boss try to lecture the fire marshall because he was talking about something being flame retardant her reasoning was you should just call it fireproof because retardant was an awful word it was one of those times where i really should have tried to stop her but instead i just stood off to the side probably making a surprise pikachu face i got an angry call from a client at the vet hospital i used to work at she was angry that the doctor had written in her dog's chart something along the lines of chemotherapy has [ __ ] the growth of the tumor she was deeply offended that the vet called her dog [ __ ] i had a co-worker who got mad at me because i asked her not to tickle me that's inappropriate at work b we're not children we're not in a relationship we're not family c i don't like being tickled she flipped out and said everyone likes being tickled and i was being mean to her happily my boss had my back also some people start swinging punches when they get tickled it's not safe to do it to anyone randomly when i was a child my mom paid for something with a check the cashier remarked that my mum had nice handwriting my mom flew off the handle and we had to storm out of the shop in outrage to this day i have no idea what happened maybe it brought up sore feelings from when she failed the doctor entrance exams i am a disabled person my life sucks because of my disability and no longer being able to do the things i used to love makes me quite depressed sometimes but some butthole tried to lecture me about how i was ableist for wishing there was a cure for my disability frick me for not enjoying being in constant pain and possibly ending up in a wheelchair in the future i guess i remember i once got in an argument with someone on tumblr because they stated it's offensive for me to not want to have my anxiety and i should be proud of it no thanks becky i'd rather be able to live my life without the constant feeling that something's going to go wrong a freaking picture of an eye we have an organization-wide theme every year and all the pcs on our network have the same background and theme which can't be changed so this year's theme is vision is 2020 and the background was a zoomed in picture of an eye in really awesome colors two women on staff wrote letters to complain that the picture was even as it drew from illuminati imagery and paid tribute to the all-seeing eye of ecliption deities they whined and complained to such an extent that the picture was eventually changed to shut them up and let the normal folks get back to our actual work this clearly proves how much of an idiot these women were the illuminati eye is always depicted within a triangle which i'm safely assuming wasn't the case the canadian flag told me that if they put up a canadian flag in pa the neighbors would come and shoot everybody not quite sure about the logic on that one some people are weird when it comes to flags i live in a mostly hispanic part of ny you can't drive by a house without seeing a puerto rican flag or a few american ones one time an asian family moved here and put up a flag that had buddha on it a bunch of people bitched and buddha was taken down apparently buddha is racist back when i was in grade school a teacher of mine was discussing something i don't exactly remember the context and he said god or a god in order to be neutral to those with various religious beliefs and probably to cover his bust since he was commenting about religion while in school and a girl in my class got so upset offended about it she started balling about how he is being disrespectful to her beliefs you're disrespecting my faith of disrespecting other faiths my mom got mad because and i quote she never asks me for money referring to me i'm sorry would you rather i constantly bug you for cash so i can buy candy and crap since she's apparently offering take advantage of it i worked at a restaurant and we put up some halloween decorations we had to take them all down when someone found the glittery skull decoration offensive similar situation happened to me i'm a nurse at a children's hospital i was wearing mickey mouse halloween scrubs which have little dancing skeletons on it a visitor for one of my patients complained that i was wearing scary and inappropriate scrubs had someone get offended by me calling my brother bro they insisted that i was racist and that white people can't be related to mexicans like seriously lady that's not how genetics work we are 100 related and are a mix of white and native american it's not that unheard of for one biological sibling to come out lighter or darker than the other and even if we weren't related seriously i'm racist for calling someone close to me my bro despite being different skin tones seriously thank you for coming to my rant session have a good day i had someone scoff and ask me how i a white person have a latina cousin it's like they don't realize two people of different races can have kids together i spent nine hours deep cleaning the house for an inspection i went above and beyond clearing my work schedule and going the extra mile and my roommate double checked my work he had a complete psychotic meltdown because i forgot to sweep underneath the couch i moved out the next day and never spoke to him again i once lost a good chunk of my security deposit on an apartment that was spotlessly clean when we moved out we got dinged because we didn't clean the fireplace it didn't occur to us to clean the fireplace because we had never once used it we left the fireplace in exactly the same state it was in when we moved in this guy at a halloween party i was at was dressed in a giant bacon costume some girl was yelling at him for being so offensive toward jews and muslims she was neither jewish nor muslim one of the muslim guys at the party asked her what the frick she was talking about but she didn't back down lol i have no idea why people feel they need to go out of their way to be inaccurately offended on behalf of other cultures religions reminds me of a news story i saw a while ago a muslim family moved to a mostly white town the white people decided it would help them feel more welcome if they removed every book from the library that had anything to do with pigs or bacon i guess just because you can't eat it you shouldn't see it or read about it either while working tech support back during the dot-com boom i had a customer get upset with me over the use of the word icon he said it had religious implications and he insisted i call windows icons little picture things typing in someone's phone number to activate their awards card finished typing it in found her name proceeded with the transaction and said you're good to go the woman replied with wh at his that super said to me and she gave me a fiery glare as if i just kicked her toddler across the store it means i found your information you'll get your points the woman oh okay then i still can't figure out why she flipped out like that it was a rewards card she got her points and she got her discount i just what the only possible way i can imagine getting offended by this is from never having heard that phrase before and assuming it meant i would like you to leave but even then that is quite an assumption i told my my sister in a pm that it's first not one rst after she posted something on facebook with the spelling error she flipped out saying how i'm a bully and i need to appreciate that her spelling is more unique edit she's 27. unique yeah let's go with that there was a post on reddit a while back maybe ater a guy was dating a girl who lost her crap because he said flame retardant and apparently retardant was a terribly offensive word i think about that post a lot maybe someone can link it considering how easy it is to look up the meanings of words nowadays these misunderstandings of terms should happen less not more a sandwich i kid you not my ex-husband was given a sandwich by other than 13 years old daughter and because she cut the sandwich he went off on a massive strop about how his sandwiches should never be cut etc the poor kid's face she was crushed it still wins me up no end every time i think about it that sucks my youngest isn't allowed to use sharp knife so when he made me a sandwich he tore it in half it was still a great sandwich i sang the song hit the road jack to a kid i just beaten a game while in the third grade mockingly he took that as me calling him a jackass he told the recess monitor this i was told to stand against a wall away from the rest of the kids with the recess monitor i am now 27 now married with two kids but i will never forget this if you ever see this i didn't call you a jackass jared but now freak you forever up voting so jared will see this when i worked in customer service yes mom don't you mom me don't you freaking m a m eu piece of crap okay sir ex of mine once flew into a shrieking rage because while he was driving someone swerved or did something surprising and i gusped out loud apparently that meant i didn't trust him and our entire relationship was in question the amount of rage for the level of infraction was upsetting my roommate will get mad if someone falls asleep in his car because they are supposed to watch for cops when he is speeding i'm not kidding at school someone didn't have a calculator and asked if anyone had one they could borrow someone offered them a pink calculator and they refused saying that they were offended they'd try and give them something girly someone once got offended because i used the word black in conversation i was talking about an article of clothing the color black they tried to make into something about race and that i shouldn't use the term black anymore and should say african-american i said that makes no sense i'm literally talking about the color black am i supposed to say i'm wearing an african-american colored shirt maybe i'm crazy but i think that's actually offensive lol don't worry i myself have african-american eyes if i recall correctly i've been brought by norwegians had to take down their norwegian flag because morons kept shouting abuse of them after mistaking it for the confederate flag alternatively morons getting p off at people writing x mars because it takes the christ out of christmas even though x greek letter chi is a symbol dating back two thousand years that means christ i used to work at a flag store have heard of the norwegian danish and uk flags all being mistaken for the confederate battle flag the common factors seem to be morons who see a red and white and sometimes blue flag that isn't the us flag i managed a small new team that had no procedures or policies so i set about instituting some i mean you never know i could get hit by a bus tomorrow and then no one would know how to process these requests i told them when asking for their feedback and for them to write up how they did their tasks then we would come back together and decide best practices in a meeting little man filed a complaint to the manager for my use of violent imagery and said that he felt threatened it was a whole thing ultimately he got fired frick him by ee that's why i always use eating by a rhinoceros huh that's not better is it the kid that got the cops called on him and suspended from school for having a nerf gun in his room during a zoom class i commented on her added thread once and said that the weird serial killer mass murder of fangir also sent nasty messages to the parents of school shooting victims were buttholes which is a pretty non-controversial statement or so i thought some rondo appeared in my comments bitching about how everyone was entitled to their freedom of speech lon fayeow had to take her a did break after that one also this makes zero sense since one calling someone in butthole doesn't mean you limit their freedom of speech into it is your right to call literally everyone and anyone and but all thanks to you guessed it your freedom of speech my parents are abusive and have called my sisters and i every name in the book pretty sure c was said to me more than my name in a fight my sister called my dad a fool when he was throwing a hissy fit he flipped his crap and couldn't fathom being called something more offensive he called me and told me what she said and i laughed at him now my sister and i laugh all the time about how crazy our parents are one time my dad told me to go to bed i said or man a common colloquial expression of disappointment he grounded me for addressing him as man instead of dad at my wedding we mark the vegetarian items as vegetarian this made the one vegetarian at my wedding sister-in-law who hates me fly into a catatonic rage because we are singling out the vegetarian food as vegetarian and not treating it as normal food then how the frick are they supposed to know it's vegetarian yikes that's a ridiculous thing to blow up at someone about and she doesn't even make sense it's definitely easier when the food is labeled as vegetarian vegan etc so you don't have to ask i hope you don't have to deal with that particular sister-in-law as much since your wedding my mexican friend born in a small town in mexico wore a sombrero and poncho for halloween a white girl told him that's offensive to mexicans one easter sunday a lady in church was wearing a hat that had the easter bunny chicks and coloured eggs as part of its design the woman in the pew behind her took umbrage telling the lady that easter was about the resurrection of jesus from the dead not about silly rabbits chicks and eggs i want to see her hat next year that depicts the whipping and crucifixion of jesus when my ex and i were looking at houses we brought his dad let's call him dave to see houses we already liked the real estate agent didn't spend enough time on telling dave he was right that the bottom step was too tall so later that night i got to hear an hour-long lecture from dave about how the agent was a piece of crap that was trying to take advantage of us a large reason i'm single now is because my mental issues are too much to deal with but dave here is definitely a contributing factor as well this happened just last week i work at a bank in an affluent part of atlanta read old white money and a woman called in to let us know she was offended by the security questions for her online banking and the security questions she herself set up came all the way to the bottom and finally found gold an aids walk happening in front of our restaurant my boss said well they better not come in here spreading their disease i was like dude that's really not how eids or their walk work i'd hate to see what he thinks about the breast cancer walk my dad loves to tell the story of how shortly after they were married he and mom went to get some fast food as they pulled up to the drive-through window my very conservative mom saw the sign that said condiments available upon request and said omg that's disgusting why would a restaurant feel the need to give those out she had misread it and thought they were giving out condoms upon request one of my co-workers was surprised and said oh my god a religious co-worker overheard her using god's name in vain and reported it to hr they had to have meetings with hr and the managers about respecting people's religion the lady said oh my gosh he didn't wish for the death of christianity for frick's sake it was ridiculous fun fact according to my cultural background study bible taking god's name in vain didn't even mean no swearing with the name of god it meant don't use god's name to place magical curses on people in school i referred to someone while talking and pointed at them and was told off for pointing a finger out of character for the teacher she must have had a bad day or something dude i got kicked out of class for yawning i literally never did anything bad in class before imagine a random quiet kid just getting told off and booted from class for being tired i had a pastor that insisted we call candy canes jesus sticks because christmas is all about jesus y'all ain't no fun to be had otherwise well i was seven and accidentally referred to the holy jesus stick as a candy cane in his presence and i crap you not he speed walked over to my dad to tell on me and carry on about how offensive it is to see all the world trying to remove christ from christmas it starts in the home den of sin without jesus something something dark side my dad asked him if he was serious spoiler he was very very serious and then told him to grow the heck up and that's how come my dad dressed up as santa a couple weeks later and came into the church yelling hohoho candy canes while passing said satanic candy canes to all the little children during the children's church portion of service the pettiness runs deep and it was delicious jesus christ i mean the guy could have at least insisted on calling them shepherd's crooks since you know that's the intention behind the shape but no let's go with the vaguely dirty sounding jesus sticks i had a friend who asked me if her outfit matched neon stripes and pastel flowers i don't usually like clothes but this was a walking disaster and my best friend responded to her maybe different shorts she ran out of the room crying why because someone didn't like her ugly butt outfit don't ask if you don't want to hear the answer my seven month old was wearing a shirt that had a rocket ship and the nasa logo and some middle-aged woman in the shop said he shouldn't be wearing that because he's clearly not an astronaut i was dumbfounded years ago a friend of mine went to play with othello and a couple of old ladies got upset that othello was being played by a black man if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 284,505
Rating: 4.9309139 out of 5
Keywords: inoffensive, inoffensive vs unoffensive, inoffensive memes, easily offended friends, easily offended people, easily offended, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit
Id: cppx7V7gJCw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 26sec (1466 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 14 2020
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