She Was Arrested For Grand Larceny! I Bought Her Storage Unit! BIG MONEY! CRAZY Storage Unit Finds

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yeah another thing i'll get out of here oh you see what i see boxes we just drove 102 miles through the mountains into the country to get to this storage unit right here we paid a little more than i would have wanted to we paid 520 after fees we were like right under 600 of this unit so fingers crossed it's a good one let's get into it reason i wanted this unit number one is because right over here you can see that there's a sword there now twice since we've been doing this i've been on the unit just because i saw a sword one we spent 200 and made over four grand the second time was the fishing unit we spent one grand i made over 20 grand so swords are kind of like my good luck thing when i see even a unit if i see it i buy it since storage wars is back on tv let's go storage war style we have an old wooden chair here that's an easy 350. not that's lucky to get five dollars for us the real world let's go ahead and take this little box out right here i see a quarter it's a bicentennial quarter that's usually a good thing that can mean these people are coin collectors so i like that look at the little money sack what's in there ooh rocks and stuff look the oop i just dropped one oh you dropped the coolest one what is that oh look friend i'm gonna pour a couple out here in the tailgate let's see what they look like come on out oh yeah it's a nice little mix look at that little bottle it's like little pieces of amethyst in there even labeled look amethyst that's pretty cool let's see what else is in this thing this has got rings on it i think we can have some sterling or something right off the bat oh by the way that's crystal let's see this labeled right there yep that's crystal let's see if these rings are saying anything on them no no these look like um what do they call mood rings i wanted to change colors and stuff that's what they look like to me so let's just put them back on there uh that i think that's something you put needles in for some is it this feels like it's supposed to come open but it's not like i don't want to bend this stuff i don't have a choice like dale arthart what is it like a truck sticker car sticker uh all right an old world war ii postcard whoa look at that 1945 iwo jima the battle of iwo jima so most people are going to know that but you ever see like the famous scene with all the soldiers holding up the flag that's pretty cool it's from the fourth marine division i'm liking to see it already i love this kind of stuff let's see some more randomness what are these little things right here just this looks like it came right out of somebody's wallet doesn't it yep let's see if there's any uh gift cards in here and not just rewards cards like those are just membership cards kroger membership cards i'm not seeing any gift cards right now but we'll definitely check into it in more detail up there is you know what this i can already tell you what this is huh inmate work release id cards there you can already tell if i'm into the unit you can already tell they probably lost two because they're locked up and the rest of what's in here is just little there's actually a couple rings let's make sure none of these are real i don't have any markings in them or anything no nothing else dude the rest of it yeah i think it's just costume jewelry oh this is heavier than it looks let's pull it out really quick i'm gonna set it on this chair so that we can get that wooden thing right there out and use that it's our kind of unboxing table after we get to it what is this big thing this looks like a mechanic suit or something this looks like something michael myers wears doesn't yeah zero zone all right this is definitely like meyer stuff right there and this is another reason i like the units because all the tools that were visible tools are one of those things that if you see them at the door there's a good chance there's a bunch more of them inside the unit somewhere and they sell really easily so we got a saw work work i'm sure it's going to be plugged in but a saw a drill to see if it's got any juice oh it doesn't have a battery in it so i guess not hopefully the batteries are in here yeah that's one of the things that always happens with drills the wind's crazy right now like when we were driving up to the mountains you can see like the tractor trailers the 18 wheelers just going like this because the wind on the mountains was horrible another drill what do we got here what is that that thing i don't even know see more tools what is that i don't know what this is another drill this looks like a buffer or a sander maybe right here look at down there there's another drill a plug-in drill smaller drill so i mean we're talking tool central right here another drill over here another drill underneath i mean there's probably seven or eight drills in here sanders saw i mean there's no way that's not at least like 100 bucks in tools right at the door before i move this wooden table i want to point out the fact right there i can also see some military camo right there so that's also a good sign by the way did i mention where we're at is like gun city there's ranges shooting ranges gun stores everywhere so you know i kind of like that let's get this big old thing here out so we can use it put everything on it's got boxes on the bottom doesn't it yeah a couple all right let's see there's wheels on this side but not that's not that's why i was so confused i saw the wheel i don't want to pull it and i'm like it's not going let's get this box here and see what's in there we got extra heavy mayonnaise it better not be extra heavy mayonnaise it's shoes so a bunch of like not high-end shoes we'll just put them in our yard say a dollar a pair and something like that those what else is down there's another crate yeah let's pull this one out let's see what we have in here oh look a few smartphones i love finding phones because these tell the story people like store their phones but they don't clear them out you can find all kinds of information on people's smartphones everything you want to know about the person is usually on a smartphone and shoes and a bunch of rocks why they have so many rocks and a turtle why do you have so many rocks and some random golf balls that's kind of odd let's get into the blue bag now that we have a table and can set stuff on nicely oh look at this first thing i spot is a big old pair of binoculars 10 by 50. oh they work whoa i see you guys really close here i was trying to look in the other side uh what is this a dog leash yeah do you ever wonder like when you're going through this stuff you're like what was their like thought process as they were storing it binoculars dog leash toothpaste like why why is it stored like this hey look they're tinkerbell dog dishes cool maybe they're meant to be bowls i don't know probably both well i mean dog dishes are bowls yeah true uh what is that humano insulin look at the way they have it stored though that's strange i've never seen it made like that or stored like that so let's see close close and we got what is that oh grinder or no this little storage thing here's a bunch of cds most of them are uh burned so they're like worthless here's a binder i got some cards or some money no personal paperwork boo there's more cds in here this looks like i'm seeing a lot of bathroom now i see soap i see more toothpaste uh what's that just a glove what's the samsung thing charging dock maybe yeah i'm guessing uh the rest of it though hey look here's a lock first i feel like close cd closed oh is that what it is well there's your adult entertainment for the unit and the rest of it's all closed can i point out that every single cd other than the burnt ones were adult entertainment this has to be my new personal favorite i know this should be up for auction right i know everybody's gonna want this one isn't it yeah like why do they have all this on dvd in the 21st century we have the internet now i have the master roshi stick look at this thing this is kind of cool exactly like it like almost identical to it now while i'm pulling up this stuff this guy right here one of the main reasons we bought the unit beautiful look at that pretty thing right there swords i don't know why i just feel like if somebody collects swords they probably also collect other cool things i'm interested in that's just been my theory so far it's worked out for me so far this thing right here i think it's just the cane but look at the bird on it call that's like majestics yes i wish it was one of those ones that you could pull it out it's not i think it just it just comes off i was hoping it would be one of the ones that like you pull the handle off and has a blade in the inside those are pretty cool before i go any further guys take two seconds and make sure you leave this video a like for us it helps us out a ton and of course subscribe if you are new or follow us on facebook if you're not doing that already because we do videos like this all the time did you just hear a rooster in the background i just heard a rooster all right so let's pull out i think this bag might be all closed but let's just check it out and be sure of that uh yeah that bag is all closed so we don't want to look through that boring and look more tools are here oh look at that they go with the tools we already have a bunch of screwdrivers pliers uh wrench that kind of stuff you know your tools yep that was one of the other tools right there let's pull out this big old bag here is this one all closed as well it looks like clothes it looks like there might be some older stuff in here like what's this guy what does that say mirage classics authentic and original okay you have you heard that one claire's dating you i don't know just hear that rooster okay so i don't know what kind of jacket they are if they're worth money but this looks like it has a few jackets in it some shorts for me they'll fit me right yeah my waist size yeah i'd say so and the rest of it that was closed let's see what's in this box right here well we got a towel what's that stink bug wire right there you can get out get out what's in here what is that that thing everyone has in the garage it's like what is that i don't know just some random thing of nails and screws because maybe one day i'll need it yeah you never know what size you're doing there's some fishing stuff like very crappy looking old fishing stuff but sinkers fishing stuff nonetheless uh there's a dog bowl looks like so this is what exactly just a bag yeah beautiful just a bag a sticky buddy oh i need that what is that that was for getting pet hair yeah that's a winner for dexter yeah that cat's shed so much i've been keeping up with brushing him every day but he's just so hairy what is in here open tapes cassettes but let's see keith's sweat i'll give him all my love to you always hear the rock ones or the ones you want to look for there's ungrateful dead arrows bug thumbs and bug films in harmony aerosmith but those might be like burnt ones or no they're actually the right cassettes they're just in the wrong case so there's some rock ones in here that could be definitely worth some money that's the only there's got to be like another side to this right yeah let's look at this side open open there's some more van halen bon jovi elton john anything else to recognize not really for me but then again i wasn't born until 1994 so i don't expect to recognize how cassette tapes other than that we got a lot of tape in some paint brushes let's see what's in a little bag so then i can get the box down underneath of it a fairy and well whatever this is like an angel or a fairy something like that more ceramic stuff everyone loves this stuff but then it scares the crap out of me because post office just loves to break it and what is that little thing [Applause] look it's supposed to sit like that yep that's kind of cool let's see that all it's in here though oh no we have fish oil whoa okay yeah it's all in the bag this box says glass but it's actually just part of a christmas tree so now we know whatever their boxes say don't mean jack squat this unit so sometimes they label them well sometimes they're pretty much wrong with everything i think it should be one of those let's see what's i hear that rooster again this one's super light too what is that like a foot massager football just touch it just touch the bottom no you're gonna scrape your fingers across the bottom no you lick it what is that rooster going so crazy about over there i don't know what his problem is let's see what's in this red thing it's heavy so dirt um yeah it has some little crystals in there and oh wow why is it like the last three or four units we've found have been loaded with seashells hasn't it been like we never found them then all of a sudden like almost every unit we bought in the last couple months has had a bunch of seashells in it it's weird how it works like that so this box says dvds on the top and then on the side it says 46 servings so there's 46 servings of dvd how many dvds are serving like one and a half one one dvd well you guys have been asking for movie lots so with their dvds we got you and they are check that out are they in there that's the question let's open lemony snickets that's in there it's open like two or three just to be sure minions little toasters um frozen no that's what's up right there by the way speaking of this let me see this camera look at your shirt right now speaking of all the 90s cartoons that's cool arnold rocco avril monsters angry beavers and cat dog let's check this one more i just like to be sure so is this one full of two oh yeah it's loose but it's in like perfect shape so i'll take it they're all in there so that's definitely gonna be at least one movie lot this box is labeled super well look stuff all right so now we know there's stuff in there let's see what kind of stuff what is that that is stuff this is that dvd player yeah looks like a dvd player a pink dvd player yeah that's different let's see the wreath a light i guess i want to label this stuff too this is a very random accumulation of objects uh what kind of purse or bag do we have here doesn't say so probably just a random one you guys bid on the last few lots of purchases we have so maybe we'll put together another purse slider too if you like them in our auctions let's see what this is well that's also a purse there's like two or three purses in this one anything in the misty tin it says eat chicken is it chick-fil-a yeah another thing i'll get out of here [Music] next box is this one this one's labeled nothing beautiful all right so i guess there's nothing in there right yeah there's a plastic thing what is that it's a cookie too ooh you see what i see oh jordan boxes which one small one first of all and then this one all right oh boy oh there's a lot of earrings in here this must be just earrings some of these can definitely definitely be gold let's see if there's any markings on it no it says something there what does it say this is 10 carat so they're gold cool some of these can be gold we'll definitely have to go through all those in more detail set that right here go through this one now yeah all right your order you picked oh what is that man if that was gold that would be some money serious money right here it looks too shiny though and i don't see any markings on it fake gold usually like they try to make it look way too flashy and you could tell it's not real gold but always check to be sure yeah nothing i never had some costume jewelry this one listen that has jewelry and then why are you making me wait for the last because the big one there's like a little heart locket thing this is actually this is like a love letter let's see i'm gonna read it i'm not gonna read all of it but hey what have you been up to i miss you i hope you're doing good i met a guy in here who goes by the name smooth he's a tattoo artist oh this is about this is the game that sounds like a jail letter yeah then they start cussing really mad effing a-hole lauren yeah you will keep your business more private and well there's just a couple key chains and stuff like that so let's just put this back in here put that over here big box yeah this one's heavy too oh the nostalgia these used to be a burger king it's mewtwo do i have a card yeah it comes with this 23 karat gold plated trading card oh gosh i'm keeping that out of nostalgic but i used to have all these and youtube was like my favorite pokemon since they released them so hopefully we'll find the ball that would be cool look in here you got tigger oh look at that the little doll what's the show he's from i have no idea i can't remember tigger again another tigger some car keys and a penny from 2001 and just some more random jewish piglet too and some random little things in there but this is this is cool i'm definitely keeping it what's up all you wonderful people i haven't been in a storage unit in a while so it feels kind of weird me being on the side of the camera and him being back there but whatever i want to tell you a story before i get into one of these boxes so i looked up the lady i looked her up on facebook and instagram found two profiles the first one was back in 2018 second one was 20 20. so i was like okay well we found the inmate card there's a span of you know nothing 2019 and then i found the article to back it up says age and everything is right says she was arrested for grand larceny now it's a small town in this area but grand larceny that's a first for us i think yeah great largely the first draft but definitely interesting i definitely like finding the story behind the the person to see what was going on but let's see what's in this crate it looks like just a crock pot whoa we have these metal things majestic fireplace yep okay i guess they went to a fireplace there's nothing under the crock pot though a stick stick yeah beat you with it please don't i won't i love you all right i love you too don't hit me with that stick there's a book boring it could be a million dollars in there it is robin mckinley spindle's end i'm trying to hold this crock pot at the same time but i think 2000 this little crate looks like it's walk off balls maybe what is this what is this a light security system i don't know this thing and a bunch ooh the saw blade okay that would have been nice this looks like a solid version of like the sand lot when the dog goes to open up them yeah i know bury all the baseballs all right set that aside i'm going to grab this box for those right next to it why not get it off the ground a router like we haven't found a million of these in the past they usually sound yeah another one this looks like ours xfinity the remote uh an old lantern an old jug this kind of stuff i feel like sells well like at yard sales and whatnot or like antiques type stuff these are just rusty handles the plate garbage but like these kind of bottles this bottle looks like you can't see in there but it has like mud and whatnot in it but this one right here it's like a moonshine thing yeah it's a one gallon glass jug um i don't know what year that from i don't know how you tell i don't know it's definitely old it definitely looks oh it could have a little bit of value the next tub i'm gonna look in is this one right here i want to see if it's all closed right off the top there's a couple things right here in the corner that aren't so let's see what it is so i see dale earnhardt bear there just has to be washed a little bit this looks like one of those chinese or not china it looks like the chinese calendars but it isn't 1978. yeah 1978 and then this one is 1979 just a little scroll calendar all right um right here picture frame uh something in here hey what you got hidden i feel like i know what that is nevermind all right that how about something else that gross eagles she's disgusting an adidas jacket this is a good poshmark thing yeah definitely pretty good adidas jacket there can we get there that rooster again i do what's in here i wonder how much we have to pay somebody to take the eagles hoodie i don't know there's family pictures in here there's a purse that's empty clothes clothes called state jerseys yeah curry yep that's good poshmark too let's check this side picture frame what's in here towels sounds like something hard those are all towels there's something there's something in the bottom actually yeah when you move they're like clunk see what's in the bottom coca-cola glass mug glasses yeah it's just a couple glasses down there all right this right here this thing that looks like something to be at a tattoo parlor yeah uh what else is down here is it all close all the way to the bottom yes it is so before i grab this tote let's pick this up this is just a shoe good boy uh this has nothing in it and a thing full of bb's five thousand point two five gram bbs hopefully they find bb guns yeah hopefully here's a tote from my legs no it's just a lift very quickly and hard with your back yeah that's how you do it oh there oh is this the change jar always what oh you know what people like me should be this you deserve to be in yeah um some kids slippers some more fish oil yay uh this has pill what is this hydroquart hydrocortisone acetate yeah i don't know what that used for lighter fluid what are these more meals and it's a chicken breast bag let's point that out it is a chicken yes it is burrito that's a tortilla bag oh tortilla yeah but it just has a permanent marker and some parties and a spoon down there that's always suspect yeah a spoon one lone spoon in a bag is usually suspended never good this is i thought it was razor but it isn't random stuff razor blade yeah i don't know one lone ranger blades also usually suspects of ace with some beads in it okay this thingy it's like the male thing every office has that one's empty if you hear a random break in the background you know what happens it's the base uh latex spray paint what's in here some watches yeah all right there we go okay here's the back of dory that rooster is ridiculous in the background i'll tell you i can't tell what it is though it looks like earrings get this bag open somewhere so earrings but shut up loud truck it's not coming this way is it no um that doesn't say anything on it and it literally just looks like all earrings but i don't see anything marking wise yeah marking wise off the top that's all right that was in there there's a watch though it looks nice little brand um jordach jorda jordash it sounds like you're saying doordash jordash i don't know how to say it jordash don't look to me for that i'm like the worst of pronouncing stuff oh there's some cool pins down here here we'll put them in this box make sure that box doesn't move here's a coin what kind of coins we got foreign coins yeah it looks like italy we never found italian coins 1977 1979 all right all right so let's see we have this pin harley davidson of lynchburg virginia that's pretty cool let me know if you can see the or if you can't see him is that another harley harley davidson too it looks like yeah sure harley davidson pin the whole corner of them right here what the whole corner of another harley-davidson oh cool uh this is i guess just a key chain i don't it doesn't like open or anything boring this whole corner this is in there a keychain but it has like flowers in it a fidget spinner yeah rusty so it doesn't move this is another harley owners group that's old too so now i know this person owned a harley so those are expensive and this one is york i don't know york 2002 no no that's cool let's say on the back anything um g-u-n-z guns all right sounds good to me another harley right we're definitely gonna have a lot of harley get it well gettysburg bike week but it's just that like shield thing yeah a few more york that's harley davidson yep are they focusing okay yeah actually okay this one harley haven but it doesn't have a little thing on the back but still i mean maybe you can glue it this looks like an earring and then this little pin that says york 1973-2003 oh wow i don't know what that is i'm curious about that box yeah i'm saving it for last open house harley i guess that's hog hog yeah harley davidson um this box barlow has somebody's name on it oh some of them was in there nothing now what's this another harley cool newberg new york a couple more things earrings before somebody asks these harley pins will be in a lot in our live auction so the york pen you want to buy and that's how you're going to get them not dm'ing us another watch gruen g-r-u-e-n all right i don't see wait that says 10k on it does it really on the back 10k rgp all right is rgp the one that was like 100 10k no i feel like rgp is um plated this one is pulsar pulsar steel back is all it says back here here's another watch and a couple more pins here this one blue ridge parkway okay beautiful and then this one 12th virginia state rally another hog one so i guess old harley-davidson and then in here looks like general electric like either pens or cufflinks that's kind of cool huh it's probably collectible it's in there yeah that's all that's in this bag we can put everything back in here in any second um some little alcohol bottles that was a good bag yeah that was a frog i thought i was about to get my hand bitten off and put my finger in there randomly last night hey they were the frog on the porch yeah show the clip we have a little visitor on our front porch today a little frog sir you know this is private property hi froggy sir eel you're gonna have to go he's all bumpy is it a frog or a toad i don't know the difference uh whatever he is he's not allowed here get off my porch what if he touch his back with the camera you think he's gonna just jump away oh probably i wanted something to touch him with could touch on my foot yeah touching with your foot i don't want to get a wart from him go get out [Music] did he jump down no where'd he go he's on the other side of the pole um and then we have this big vhs player is it a vhs dvd player or just vhs just vhs some of those are worth money though yeah and then some fogger right here we have a corner cabinet i'll bring it out a little bit kind of awkward to carry but just a little corner cabbie put up in your bathroom or something your tail yep yard sale so i'll move that right there for a second this is a big tv that might be a little too big for the art style all right let's see it is an lg 42 inch 42 inch yeah we'll probably sell that one on its own all right that tv let me get a box down get that big old tote this long old toad i should say not really big so this is just like a table cloth last supper this picture all right of a cabinet with stuff in it oh well you got a lot of these little collectible figures here card sean kemp all right it's not even old it looks too nice to be old it's 94 actually the year i was born this is just like a little shelf to put plants in it or something so all of these let's see what they are so old world santa collectibles so here's him here's that one they all have like a date in a country 1800 1853 sweden so is this how like santa was portraying was pushed was santa like a thing back then you're asking the wrong one 1924 spain 1910 germany it's kind of cool though uh 1937 usa marble bar barrel mall paint hey brandon go to brandon's name stink bug oh right there get out did you grab it no there was a piece of hair i thought it was in his antenna 1914 france i don't know if i showed this 1937 usa uh 1912 yugoslavia 1932 canada wow these will definitely be a huge lot 1911 poland and 1925 mexico oh wait one more one more 19. 07 england that's a whole collection it is all right let's go into this next tote right here looks pretty big but you have to come back next time to see it have a good day bye
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 135,476
Rating: 4.8948765 out of 5
Keywords: i bought a drug dealer's storage unit, i bought a storage unit and found drugs, i bought an abandoned storage unit that belonged to a drug dealer, storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, storage unit auctions, storage unit buying, storage unit finds, storage auction, storage auction locker, storage locker, abandoned storage units, found in storage locker
Id: qOl1Tvi6DPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 28sec (1948 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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