Hidden Jewelry STASH Found in Storage Unit I Bought an Abandoned Storage Unit For $100

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oh hey jewellers oh oh look that's a jewelry box top hundred dollars for you now I know you want to know it's an xbox bond the other Xbox box the totes the laptop the shoes we're gonna find all that up today and realize if we get all right what we made big money biggest college it's done with you don't forget to like the video subscribe if you're new let's get back into it [Music] let's start with the Xbox box not so he really don't do that no okay let's see what's in here what do you think we got don't say the C word don't say to see where - there you go that's the acceptable but not the other one I'm trying to be smart about this how about apparel that's also a bad word yeah well they said throw it on all your subscribers it's not okay wait what what is that decolorization that's where something we're gonna not talk about let's put this suitcase inside into something else fast let's see what's in the shoe box yeah are you thinking you get the shoe box because they're my size so let's see if we got some air forces oh yeah what is this really why well I mean we should assume people put paperwork this oh I know those bags before for the bill why don't you leave it in here Tinkerbell but it's from big five $60 $60 and this look like the one that came from Walmart that's why I wasn't expecting much but you know another storm I do that I might see there's other stores in San Francisco Giants you ready you know San Francisco Giants up just like the 49ers do I see coins lots of coins lots of coins they have cats on them good no cash value look fire casino Cinemark I think it's an arcade yeah well center marks a movie theater with an arcade maybe anything else in there different color junk I'm just standing awkwardly close annoyed oh that was loud you just give you weird looks you give you a weird vibe to it now vibe check what [Music] [Music] [Music] because they just saw that what did it so all right so we got some clothes and getting brand-new bras 240 hey close $30 you should know they're wash $30 why oh yeah $90 and walkies let me see this I think it's real killed you stab the camera I'm officially replacing your turtle I gave you last week this puppy pink one pink but you know what time it is what time is it come on somebody do all that look at somebody ask me why I like a dancing banana represent peanut butter and jelly like where did that start can I Kelly a fun fact what the do they made the peanut jelly song true fact he's a brother in love with Snoop Dogg and he died and I eleven hour stand off with the police looking out that's true oh well supposed to be an intel swift that beach studio pavillion there's actually a decent laptop one tear my harddrive somebody just poke their head back there to keep going so we look at this [ __ ] know this okay somebody's stalking let's send ninja penguin after them I'm a little freaked out that's the second time they don't come back baby come back [Laughter] now that that hottie where this is gone I hope moment a trip stop I'm feeling too awkward under seventy thousand people watching fine one one person fifty feet away take back row president I did you moved it all right go back to your friend well that sucks there goes that now all helps and dreams are crushed by me I guess thank you let's see what's in the bag well we still have look you still have an xbox 360 box not worth as much but it's still an expert that's true maybe the Xbox one is in there you took proud ownership of crossing his dream Jewett's yeah 95 Italy this real open this is silver 95 nice that's really blue the morsel huh mm 9 to 5 this is real silver at least the necklace is I don't think the hearts anything real it looks plastic if that necklace has three pieces of real silver or the last one another box you ready yeah one empty one that had a necklace in it by the time it might have been this maybe they've changed a box maybe like a jewel of everything all right that's awesome we just started in this bag I think we should set this bag down somewhere let's go through it nice and slowly I wanted to go through it on the ground cuz I'm a little excited now look at that a solar power waiting cat I've seen this before a solar power waving cat yeah alright then my ugly fingers okay we're gonna act like we didn't just see those there's a very inappropriate now off for YouTube pictures that you can't have nothing here what you got safety check what is it are those so stickers he's accomplishing I thought that's what they were I heart those stickers what else we got I see you got one what is it what is it this I kind of Fujifilm charger there might be a camera in here like a good one look at this a warning I have an attitude and I know how to use it I smile because I have no idea what's going on this is legit what I feel about majority the population shorty the population we're gonna save that for a little later don't knock it over this time Hey oh wait let me stop hitting someone [Laughter] combination Houston oh you like the ruby slippers these are silver these are old nice Oh another expensive Wyatt Airlines cuddly cousins boring I delicious hey paper papers delicious all right okay another box of delicious let me read his love letter dear babe here's some cookies you've been wanting I know it took me a while but better late than never [Music] [Applause] oh yeah see this is I'm talking about it the second day we found money in both parts now nice got any more in here right I'm wearing this fitting what God alright let's see what else we got what do you got alright my box is worth more than yours I think not I think so I say no I got a smiley face oh you know it's always I can get it calculator tractor hey I have a smiley face see there you go now you're happy you know we face that's good stinky nose I can make flipbooks of little stick men fighting like I used to do in third grade I don't tell me you didn't do that oh my god Megan find some new words insult me with we got some mechanical pencil that I think a brand new get in there oh they are look at that you know it's so satisfying when you pull a new pencil out of the box it has that laddie race your top and you just don't even want to use the eraser they just know the paper away what's the width of the web is that point five point seven point seven point seven game that when you write hard like I do sharpies everyone collected sharpies at some point for some reason we never used them you never knew why we had them but we we collect my pen Beecher what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas they're invisible that's not very good for games you can see exactly you see very well you you lost it you gotta find one card school supplies but we got a dollar and some shoes here that might have some value fingers crossed let's see what's in this black bag here we're gonna keep going okay it's got a little bit of weight to it I think that duffle bag from gta5 they make this little cash right that's close close hold on look that's a jewelry box top there's more maybe things like him like this guy he looks like a ripoff of on what's-his-name from Disney no yeah from where some Disney show no no it was it Pluto pretty sure you think was it was it Mickey Mouse's dog Pluto yeah I think that's right yeah I never what it also looks like Odie from Garfield you know I I was thinking oh when you said oh yeah I think about woody from barnyard her Otis Odie Odie don't we see what's in the xbox360 box of stop teasing Orson oh yeah somebody put you in charge I did you oh you're fired Eve's addiction sterling silver jewelry I'm addicted to jewelry I'll probably that be look at him see this is why I'm in charge yeah you gotta throw it away Oh check that rock out he's not focusing man no mi bici dark oh there you go kinda Sterling's really really brutally sellers that's probably cubic zirconium but still silver cubic zirconium mm it's in the main part no there there there that's frame yeah price tag on a six bucks this is brand-new baby named art okay I love somebody have so much brand-new stuff that's literally ma kill ya how it's usually spoken and then there I feel like there's like 10 different spellings for me are you an exorcist I am no I don't know if I sound up with one of those things you table get mad on I'm just gonna not the power of Jebus compels you there you go but other than that we got a piece of jewelry but I think that bag is too much support those toys now I don't care if you say it's time it's time I got a look in this Xbox 360 bucks I guess all ooh yes it's not empty are you ready I don't you know what getting all excited Xbox 360 like not even worth anything anymore but it's just what do they do to it coupon it why you put it back remember when I found one in the dumpster one time yeah if he's 90 dollars for this what's today's date they bought this on the 21st of December in 2014 it was $90 five years ago now it's probably like nine look right back here buddy babe all the power break it's all there really work [Music] TLC it's basically like you know what you just want YouTube who's that not thinking table waters and shares or people that mod looks like this basket on a pink thing yeah hey whatever thing abuse you're not being I am oh hey another one oh it's all makeup no there might be I can't tell that's a Goliath out of the stock the nice one no no every max time that we found all we found another cake jewelr jewelry boxes in here we got more clothes this is all clothes no fun well hat oh alright that's great we using my brains like popping out your brain cuz there's two of them there - inside of each other there's a penguin here yeah well that's what I'm this which I'm not removing oh there's three there's five look one two three six months three four five there's six six or just gonna call them toys if I turn this around I think we'd be demonetised but it all popsicle what is this it's a popsicle if you're brave enough no no number seven in there I swear if you don't subscribe then it's a popsicle for you look let me see this is that a bait cartridge that is definitely not a vape cartridge it's number interesting use the don't forger dangerous it's not interesting but better than clothes locker food challenge now that we're down about that stuff even he always I'm tired of it I think I'm gonna sue another monkey they're gonna see the old dirty mind I'm sorry I just dealt with 7up do you also get closer to each other gotta be something good nothing in there I'll see what's in here then already found what I think I was not looking forward to finding so they can't be another I see how are you gonna put in there Christmas light belt nice be hot we'll put those in that box why why did you store that thank you the birthday princess yay keep it on for the rock this clip yeah look at that loser shots my man sports carcass what are these Hello Kitty wallet it's also brand new it costs wallet no fun oh oh what's in here nothing well that's all out yeah we're loaded and fall out bottle caps yes I'm gonna go buy this plasma gun and well that's all it's in the air kind of sucked let's see this one and that doesn't look good I see papers after lots of papers lots of papers and more papers uh uh I'm sure on it's like a whole tree papers paper I'm not seeing nothing what is it exa money what is it who descend to thank you cause no money come on nothing there's a fill of bags they out there here sent off that's all paperwork get down five back scratcher I do I'll scratch all roaded what's in that box oh it says chic great Wagner one kick at a time all right this is an express white purse but it's kind of dirty it's not bad these are these shoes doesn't it look it start on top I think it looks good hey hello kitty a lotion thing and a wallet a wallet ballers WWJD what would Jesus do what would Jesus do that's a good question you should ask yourself just random junk what is the point of this just a ball ruby slippers well I'm just seeing more and more jumping fortunately like these tall cheap clothes random cheap stuff and paper yeah that's just cheap junk I think we're done oh but there's one more box isn't it I was a exact don't show that secret what's going here we're closer well fantasy entertainment that doesn't sound yeah this is the picture of the guy look I like the look people's names up for them weird and that's the guy we like that happy birthday to ya so close it assaulted me well I feels weird class of 2009 I graduated three years before me graduate 11 year for me I'm gonna get one of those in five months you're an adult now I'm gonna give this to somebody this is gonna be a joke what you get when you didn't really do anything yeah you're like 50 where'd you go to school what do you do weird family job like any dear an adult at least I'm keeping that for Jo it's cheap women's clothing nothing that we want to look through let's see you a pioneer looks like DVDs we have in here pick one you see you picks the better movie movie you got oh then he's awkard Dwayne Johnson those are two pairs three great names you automatically lose 300 sings the greatest movie ever Spartans Paul Walker's nothing to the past where yes I got the dark night where's the Joker you know I've never seen this movie until we flew here like literally like it's been out for what 10 years and I'm like I always said I don't want to see Batman and I watched it on the plane it was amazing actually I picked the score thank you i watch the Joker with Alex and Liz hey you want to get ripped in 90 day well do we have a plan for you not this one what else we could use that that's the best horror movie ever see that's more movie series ever hey just for saying that I got through I'm taking my gladiator best horror movies ever like Michael Myers okay Freddy Krueger that era this is like nan it's not a legend like Michael Mars is mine wising holly was your in-law avatar sounds pretty cool how'd you do that then down here we have underrated things as college let's check the third and dorm well I think we're officially done with the storage unit but we gotta load the van up get both videos worth home and then we'll do a little recap see we found anything secretive so see you then all right let's do a little recap on this year so what we have on the table is just the really high item stuff we got an Xbox it's probably 15 20 bucks we got a lot of new bras that we just didn't bring in here there's a lot of them but I bet you there doesn't even least probably $150 at the brand new girls I was saving there we got like 40 of them I just don't think they were very expensive random I know we have like 40 to 50 brand new those are out there all the regular clothes are just donating right now because it's winter it's cold and I don't feel like dealing with close even though that the dollar piece is just I don't I'm dealing with it so we're just gonna donate all the regular clothes but right now we got the jewelry it also weird enough they give away oh but first let's look at some of the jewelry because that's the best thing in the unit for sure this ring mom is he was already fella digital I'm gonna see if we can get it to focus on there that's the one and silver has like a pink heart yep boom right there it's really nice sterling silver piano know what the gem is actually I don't know if it's Ruby or something that's red but Kay Jewelers expense it like evens their silver jewelry like over 200 bucks apiece so that could have been good money there but she wants you like that off it's all she's like yep this is a good I mean it's a really nice ring this is if this sticker on the bottom and this is the original case means anything is Jo 8w for rocket NYC I know I guess and we also have this like bracelet sterling silver too I don't know if it's really supposed to go in that case but it is sterling silver and it is kay Jewelers well it looks like a pandora breeze it is it's sterling silver says nine to five on it and it has like a couple charms on it but that one is there one in here too if regarding this the ring I hope steer away because I thought the drag was empty yeah hungry yeah I thought the bag was empty but this one is also sterling the silvers are gonna focus on that I hope it does but well sterling silver ring with a probably fake Jones I don't think they put real diamonds in sterling silver it's like yeah but still silver so I don't know if this brands expensive I don't look that up yves addiction dot-com exec hey executor sterling silver jewelry exquisite sterling silver jewelry I don't know if it's expensive or not but rather bras are worth a lot more than just jewelry nice no no okay and most importantly we got two fun videos out of it so you can play with them and now we're going out to take the winner [Music] that was you make sure you message us some some type of social media let us know that you've seen it in we'll go from it by the way $175 $175 cash and I wanted to point it out something a little funny about that in January this year I posted a poll because I put a hundred K as my goal and I said what do you think will hit this year I wanted to hit 100k the majority that was like 68 percent or something I said super 75 K and I was like no weird issue for 100k and then and in December we hit 175 K we combined the two what is going on here that's just that's badness it's just I can't I don't know I don't know I just thought that was kind of weird it's a little like a pity type thing I lost 100 or 75 nope smash them together hit the hundred seventy-five okay that's what we did but anyway thank you guys for watching until next time peace out [Music] [Music]
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 46,197
Rating: 4.8870144 out of 5
Keywords: i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage locker, i bought a storage unit, abandoned storage units, abandoned storage unit, abandoned storage locker, abandoned storage locker auctions, abandoned storage lockers for sale, storage unit finds, storage wars 7.5 million dollar locker, storage wars, storage auction locker, storage auction finds, storage auction, treasure hunting with jebus, storage unit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 51sec (2091 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 22 2019
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