BIGGEST JACKPOT EVER! $810 BEST Storage Unit Finds For HUGE PROFIT! HUGE ROI! Storage Unit Finds

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[Music] it is my favorite time of the day it is time to get in the truck and head back to our 1 000 epic storage unit of treasures i cannot wait to see what we're gonna get this time i'm hoping it just keeps going like it has been going no telling what we're gonna pull out let's do it but first we have a whole truckload full of trash that we gotta take the dump first so first let's go eat some garbage in a giant metal container then let's go get that storage in it [Music] uh [Music] we even get asked at the dump is the camera trash no you think we're just gonna toss like a 1200 camera you cannot have our camera why does everybody want it no [Music] all right trucks clear we're here at the unit i am ready to find some more treasure what else literally what else can we ask for in this unit besides more of what we've already found you know i'm asking for that more of what we already found let's open it up let's get back in there [Music] all right so we moved some of this junkie looking stuff out of the way because i want to get these boxes out the front of the unit done we keep avoiding them because of all that junk so let's just see what's in these first before we get to all the nice pretty ones in the back one everyone has these and every time you get excited like cookies open what's always in them screws bolts sewing stuff predicted the future look at that though yeah we found one of these another unit but it was multicolored and i kept it so we can sell this one yeah that's the easy five or ten bucks there's a sponge brand new stuff in here look at this what is it spongebob something spongebob coloring book and then some other stuff all right so look at this nice big wrench it looks like the ones from all the games and people get cracked in the head what they always give you as a weapon there's a doorknob some surge protectors some license plates that are expired four years ago let's see what's in this right here enough leather english water i mean literally i can't read something i can't sometimes no when i want a video like i'm just trying to like get into it so bad i don't even think to actually read it look at this little necklace though it looks really fake yeah it's fake it's fading away so let's just get this box out of here let's get into the east view over here next box is right here oh let's see what we got in it see if i switched my knife for the nice one and that looks like towels all the way nope not all the way down actually yeah it's all the way down there's also there's just a picture for him in there too let's see what that is the core home decor but other than that cows all the way down so let me just set this one aside that'll sell for us i mean it's good five or ten dollar boxes like the last video we'll ask tana no pay five it's all right let's see what's in this one coffee table stuff all right what do you keep on your coffee table i keep pop house we don't have a coffee table no we don't i have a i don't know what you call a little table we have a table with no george yeah that what do you think it is uh coffee table stuff what's coffee table stuff i don't know just stuff come on stupid take get out of here gosh so annoying all right well let's see what's in here first besides a bunch of junky mail and that's literally a spoon a door knob and some powder joy there i'm loving it they keep flip-flops flip-flops pictures battery maintainer um well cell phone case hair dye do you guys keep this stuff under here like a door knob do you keep this stuff that's your coffee table oh look i see more watches in here and a necklace or two let's see what we got here first let's look at the necklace oh it's all tangled in this get out get out all right let's see if there's a marking on it not that i'm seeing right now that doesn't necessarily mean it's fake so we'll keep a hold of that let's see more in here look a nice watch another nice watch we have to have close to 50 watches from this unit so far um hey we just said we needed one of these hooks yesterday we just said i was like just saying i wanted to buy one of these and there it is we have one actually i put it up i thought this one's a watch it watch it yeah watch it watch i'm watching it all right and well the rest of it looks like weird stuff let's set that aside this is the hat that like everyone who plays video games every sniper ever has that uh and other than that there's like a big pot let's even get it out and show you what it looks like looks like a giant leaf but it's pretty beat up like the paint scratched off and stuff so i don't know if that'll quite sell so this bag right here is actually more attachments for a kirby vacuum if you remember i think back in the first part of this we found the box to it it was like a 1500 price tag on it so these are the attachments to it maybe one of these boxes maybe behind one of these mattresses the rest of the vacuum is there hopefully with any luck let's get into oh this one is heavy let's see what we got in here this one says what living room living room let's cut it open watch your hands all right there you go oh let's see pictures hold on let me get those covered before we do anything else all right see photo albums lots of photo albums what's this what do you think's in here something interesting gun cleaning kit you know what that means there's another one in there somewhere i'm telling you this box is more delivering by the way so they keep just gun cleaning kits in the living room i respect these people pictures it looks like pictures all the way down there's a chess set in there like a chest and checker set under these let me look on this side make sure there's nothing hey look here's a remote remember in the last one we found a bunch of like rc cars so that could definitely go to one of them this side also looks like photo albums all the way down so that box besides the chest thing they'll just get back next box here let's see what's in this one what do you think we got this time um something in a cabinet these are not in cabinets flowers um what's this a little skeleton glass all right well looks like a lot of stuff the last work what some cool porcelain things in there probably set that aside is it all just like glass stuff wrapped up what's in this one oh look it's like the glass flowers does it have a maker on it no it just says made in china with no maker on it that's not a good sign as far as value goes let's pull out one more and see what it is this one what you got same type of stuff look this one well these are like collectible figurines yeah same thing again though nothing nothing on the bottom so they're probably cheap probably not obviously we can't be 100 sure i'm gonna check one more just because i'm curious let's see see look at that that looks like the last one yeah it does nothing on the bottom though it's weird there's no like signature in the clay there's no company on it there's just nothing so no idea what those are but let's get them on out of the way next box oh i see black stuff right on the top oh you know what this is right it looks like a small rifle bag right there it could definitely fit like an ar in there if you push into stock and stuff so that that's the bible well it looks really old doesn't it yeah check that out oh it's in really bad shape though but i wonder how old we're talking here but let's see i can't pull the page i can't pull it apart but a very old bible that i can't really give you a date on because i can't pull it apart what is this just an umbrella and well there's a black bag for us we can use that uh oh look a ring is in there come here there's a little it's very fake you can see all the paint coming off of it already but it's a ring anything else in there no socks mail hammer papers papers lots more papers so yeah let's go ahead and get this box out of here this box is awkwardly tall so we're just gonna get into this one over here and this stupid tape just doesn't want to cut all right what is it open huh [Music] look at the suit bag this wind is horrible out here guys it's so cold yeah look in there just a bunch of dress clothes in that one let's just set that aside this is here's a box with what are those beard compression bandage systems there's a lot of these in here there's like four boxes actually well four boxes total in there there's also this purple box which is more bandage so that's probably a good easy sail too what else do we have down here look at that a pair of little golden sandal things no price on them i see but they look in good shape touch those again these are lanterns and is that all ammo sounds like ammo to me i'll be very happy if it is let's see oh trolled me it's a glass chest set look chest and checkers it might be the pieces to that box we just found in the other box maybe so maybe that's what that is and other than that in here it's just a lantern an old house phone and that thing yeah that thing all right so this box looks like it's gonna be blankets and stuff anymore right now what need one right now yeah as you can see this is blankets all the way down i just had to go put the hoodie on because i didn't think it was gonna be this cold you know when you think you're gonna start moving you think you'll stay warm but then it's actually so cold you still get cold i'm at that point but let's toss this box aside to go to one of the other 800 we have next one could this be a good one and uh looks like somebody's underwear drawer come on man i don't want to touch this okay that's close all the way down let's just go ahead and put this one aside it's supposed to be getting better as we get towards the back not worse dang it let's just grab this one well i mean it's really hard to beat the front of the shooting money so let's see what's in this one the picture albums that looked like a picture of him doesn't it yeah let's see yeah that's what that is let's put that aside um well this is something glass again i'm assuming bottles okay huh i know some old ones are collectible but ting ting i never heard of it it's from 2011 it's not even like that old so i don't know if it's something went out of business or what what's in this little one here what is that look how tiny it is it's so tiny and wrapped up somewhat often a dolphin that okay this is all glass stuff again scoot over i don't want to look at you you think this is personal or something cool personal don't say that that's personal um well got another photo album down here yes it is another photo album another photo these actual christmas lights or something else let's see that there are christmas lights oh boxes bows yeah just christmas and stuff and photo albums neither one of which we want to deal with next one what do we got what is that oh one of those bags these bags are the best it's better this better not actually be all closed none of them have been yet have they i don't think so let's see i'm just gonna start putting stuff back out of the bag into the box trying to get into it jeans this might be the first one isn't it jeans clothes is this clothes no come on these bags have been the epic badge of the unit so far but this one looks like it's legitimately actually off close all right so i opened these two boxes and they're legitimately just plates all the way down so we'll just do them over there this one looks a little bit more random so let's see what we got first thing first look a little handheld vacuum not a dirt devil though not a curvy unfortunately so still a little bit of something some old plates old virginia plates yeah those are cool let's see battery pack is something books books books swiffer pads files i see a saw down there what's that just a trimmer line so we got a saw what's this thing all the way at the bottom on the box that's the thing we found earlier yeah toilet filled i look great all right beautiful what are these like coasters it looks like three bucks all right that one wasn't as random as i was hoping for move it aside next box opened up let's see what it is well a purse some kind of little cheap looking purse a pillow and this one doesn't look like it does it boring what are these actually come here just cards make sure there's no gift cards in there though see look now it's a rewards account i hate when i see reward cards i think they're gift cards they always get me so not seeing nothing in this one unfortunately besides maybe look at that another knife how beautiful look at that i should quickly search through this just to be sure so there's this wallet thing with the cards shoes tote bags socks socks okay maybe there was just one random knife in there because yeah that's all that's in there put that aside though i don't know what this is i thought it was an air mattress but it's obviously like a blow up pillow an air pillow is that a thing i don't know i don't know hey look what it's the gamestop box what is the game oh it is what's in here first no well there's the wii all right and there's a game under too wii sports of course that look there's one of the controllers there's one of the controllers there's the power brick pretty much the whole weed look at that brush i wonder if that's silver my grandma used to have one like that i think it's silver no i don't see no markings right here yeah i don't know it's definitely something we got to look at because it could be silver let's see hello um what's that pump for the mattress a bunch of pill bottles i think they're all actually pills from what i see they are but of course at the end you'll see a recap and they'll let you know if there wasn't what's this there's a person there what is this little thing that baby baby all right there's another one like that with a wallet in it though come here looks like just a bunch of receipts and paper and things like that no money unfortunately another one here just paper as well um these two bags it looks like all that's left that's just towels and that's just paper well at least nothing else that one at least had a wii it's something cool next box let's see what's in this one one of these maps dinner maps dinner mats they just we had some more than just the wind just decided they were going for a little ride and took them across the facility they might not come back now what's in here well that's another razor so two of them in there actually look along with some razor heads and stuff anything else in this bag what is this shia butter what is she a butterfly okay shia it sounds like you're saying yeah like yeah you want to play if you think it works i heard something did you put it right here no there's no staple again all right so in here look like cups and mugs and stuff nothing good that's the file styles dmv only oh i'm not oh look at that big box look at the big box hello oh it's huge what do you think this is uh well first make sure there's nothing else down there i hope it's either the gun box or the jewelry box or you know what else it looks like based on what we found in the past the silver silverware oh okay you ready yeah oh that's exactly what it's still everywhere but see that word stainless can't focus on it but it says stainless some of these could be mixed in like this one says westmoreland sterling so it might be mixed with some silver it might not be i don't know like these movies yeah like look at the bottoms of those it says sterling see this is one way i could tell if it works with cool let me find one that says stainless like this you know it's like a coin if you drop them you can hear the obvious difference between like a silver quarter a regular quarter it's like drop a knife no that didn't work i mean sounds different it's an obvious difference yeah it's a very obvious difference so if that's a silver set that's bank right here if that's silver in there with it so let's hope that's exactly what that is guys i'm in a happy mood right now so i just decided to type in the whole name westmore whatever sterling and look at this you can see single pieces 23 bucks for a knife 26 bucks for a fork 10 bucks for a spoon 50 bucks for that spoon right there so i'm gonna go out on the limb and guess that's probably silver or some people are just crazy paying 50 bucks for a spoon so this could be the mother lode this box says kitchen but as we were just saying now we're definitely going to take a closer look at these other box of said kitchen because if they're the type to buy sterling silver silverware no telling what else could be in there so let's cut open this box really quick it was the one directly under the silverware set so maybe that means there's more or it might just be all kitchen let's see another one of these a full microwave ting it's a full microwave easy 10 bucks and pepperware set well see what this is really quick oh okay cds apparently that's kitchen now dude oh look what you did your fault tasting kit this [Music] yeah yeah i don't know you broke the ting you broke the tank and just played so i was just going to open it just in case it was more silver but meh so next box any idea what that is saying that no idea that does that say g room again yeah what is the g room i'm thinking gun room game room you know one of those good ones something like that what about this you know what that does right certainly yeah oh well that's not what i was hoping to see budweiser pajamas and clothes all the way down it happens so i just moved this little box here that box was just open with two computer monitors they did older ones too so not much money there but let's start getting to these taped up looking ones at the top all right all right sounds interesting oh let's set it down personal pictures um these actual cds let's take a look really quick yeah actual cds photo yeah dvds and well literally just random stuff you would i guess expect dividing somebody's you know what that is right i know what that is but other than that it's just a bunch of random actual living room stuff let's look into this one now guess what guys poshmark just went off two of the tim's from last unit just sold for 90 bucks right after we ended that clip let's see what's in here oh well is that another one selling i just heard that phone's off this is actual towels all the way down it's all the way down towels up let's just set that one aside looks like a big one or smaller big one big one all right go big or go home feels like more clothes talk about we found that sterling stuff today because uh other than that sterling said in the wii today's been like one of the bad days in this unit but of all that sterling it could be one of the best you'd ever know yeah yeah look comforter oh boy blankets and comforters all the way down no no fun there let's get the little one too while we're still rolling okay that doesn't sound like clothes let's see ah rip you all right what is this what i heard rattling all right it looks like hair stuff doesn't it yeah yeah hair stuff and now here police sirens that's nice shower rings the rest of it though is sheets that sucks next box let's see what we got here where'd my knife go there it is what do you think it is uh it says g-room again but what is g room did somebody tell us i feel like the other day we got a good box in g room and then today we haven't had luck with jira what is g room oh random okay all right that other lantern i hate the screw cause they always rattle around just like ammo and i get psyched for nothing those are actual pills let's set these here all right what's this something looks like costume drawer but let's open it up and make sure that's what it is come here there's a watch in there look at that it is a michael kors watch actually check that sucker out can you see it yeah not bad not bad at all a little bit oh yeah that's it what is that silver screwers i don't know what was in there originally but it's not what's in there now obviously let's see oh these look like they could be money money please be marked you see that yeah let's see here i'm not seeing anything in there unfortunately what about that that looks nice doesn't it does that won't have anything in there also not seeing any markings oh look at that too a lot of nice rings but again no markings is that the last ring you see it oh it's so cold out here sorry for the sniffling constantly that little tiny thin things that's an earring there's a couple more rings actually that but again oh that's what does that say just like a chinese letter so look at your fingering well i don't know like blinged out right so yeah none of these appear to be gold unfortunately right off the top or first look let's see what else is in here look there's some more jewelry though definitely a lot of costume jewelry that's not gold what about that silver thing what this thing is costume this yeah samsung gear oh look at the samsung watch and it's actually in the box i can't imagine that's cheap that's pretty cool let's set that one down oh fargo oh there's rings in here too let's see i saw at least one ring roll down come here look at that that is also so unmarked a good chance they're costume jewelry but there's definitely not mean it's a hundred percent costume jewelry older gold is not marked well i guess we gotta see what's in this box right come here hmm what do you think i don't even get into it it lifts up oh turn it around that was almost bad all right so pills what's in there nothing um more pills i'm gonna check all of them pills pills pills nothing nothing let's see more mail more mail a thermostat it looks like it doesn't blood pressure oh yeah blood pressure thermostats also have digital screens of budget numbers on them right yeah yeah so unfortunately nothing else in there but costume jewelry and this i imagine has to be worth something look at that their price on it anyway probably not electronic for some reason i feel like never put it on there now but dang it can't imagine it's cheap so i just punched this into ebay real quick with some salt listings check that out 112 168 dollars this one was the untested one eighty six dollars a hundred dollars 125 dollars so i say that little box is at least 100 bucks that's how i like it next one right here how many bathroom rugs have we found in this unit i don't know then we saw all of them last time well except for once i put it in our bathroom oh that works too hair oh one of my favorite these are my oh bags that look at that i like the sound of it let's see what we got some other stuff in there yeah first check the bottle nothing pull the clothes out oh what get the clothes out of there get in here go in there that's empty it's really just yeah it's just this what do you think it is it's a weird sound i don't know what is that i have no idea what these are it doesn't say anything it says ellie mason company boston massachusetts and a pencil sharpener well that is the definition of strange uh other than that looks like a laptop charger that's another thing we've been found in this unit yeah we found a computer monitors and a printer and a keyboard no actual cpus no laptops maybe we'll get into that soon you hear this one like it doesn't have a rattle but it's obviously not closed what do you think it is g room again what is the g room what is the g room let's see what's in there stupid tape sometimes you're easy sometimes you're difficult well more comforter so check that out our sheets at luxury full sheet set it has a little it feels nice actually satin hmm that's cool a couple pillowcases brand new and a towel it looks like the core pieces at the bottom what i said more wall art yeah but i imagine that's probably actually 15 bucks so maybe 10. i got another one here with a nice little rattle to it i love my wrap it's a b room yes this is like a whole i feel like it's in sesame street here's the b there's the g we're learning our letters today let's see well this looks like a xbox thing or yeah yeah xbox 360 actually what the wire is what is these are here these are medical wraps these again will sell box of syringes let's get this out of here see what else is down here this thing what is this folder just paper yeah all right and the rest of it as well more paperwork so let's set this box aside really quick there's another small one back here i like the little ones they're just interchangeable or smaller what do you think's in this one say on it ross that's what it says but all these boxes are just generic names all over look how much tape they put on this one though yeah double tape come on double tape means good stuff right yeah usually okay i think open all right uh you know what it looks like i don't want to say it looks like an air mattress yeah open what is up with this tape that's exactly what it isn't it feels like it that is a freaking air mattress well that sucks so it's pulling those little boxes out from behind this big one because i like little boxes but i tried to lift this big one and it's very heavy so let's see what's in the big box hangers your favorite watch your hand i'll get this thing chopped off here you go just for you [Applause] poor hangar not in the water now in the water good drown drums what's this right here hmm this is actual paperwork unfortunately so let's set that out that was louder than i thought it was going to be they have so many look at all these hangers well in here you got kind of more door knobs a door guitar and more paperwork i hope it's not just super heavy because it's all paper lots of clothes lots of clothes ah it's eating me it's actually freaking closed that sucks this box i just took my hand in these are pillows no point looking at pillows which one should i get to this does it have a sound to it really doesn't know this well this one's blankets boring get out my wife this isn't kitchen that's it because well the only super good thing we found today was the kitchen stuff so right that heavy it's heavy yeah maybe it's another silver set kitchen kitchen that'd be nice oh you spilled kitchen roll this is they're adding up the value what's in here you know 560 maybe all right all right let's see what we got what do you think good kitchen oh yeah more silver more silver this is probably cups and stuff yeah hey pepsi cut at least they know right pepsi always always forever has been and forever will be better than coca-cola always um yeah this is unfortunately just that kind of kitchen stuff let me reach my hand down make sure there's no wooden boxes at the bottom no just cups all the way down so just move this box right here out the way this one is actually just blankets this one feels like clothes but it's the last one in the pile so i figured you know what let's just make sure live on the camera that's all it is and i see you nice that's why nike nike relaxed light speed 11 an hour do you think they're in there yes whoa definitely not nice these gross polo shoes gross um what's this something's in here look what is that where is the prison river i'm finding oh boy lots of cheap flip-flops my favorite here's a banana for you it doesn't have no pajamas with it peanut butter no no brian some purses let's see nothing oops come here looks like a half stuff in it coach but maybe it's one of the ones people want to restore i don't know what do we have in there a shirt a shirt that's it a shirt and other than that it's blankets so that back corner of the unit was all blankets well our truck has reached maximum capacity we pretty much got it almost all the boxes all these here we have searched there but they don't fit and then these are the ones that's left plus there's totes there's bags there's suitcases and who knows what else behind the furniture so we'll come back and do the rest of it next time for now let's go home looking at silver set and see how much silver we have and see what else we might have missed and then we'll do a recap all right guys so we're in the editing room before we do a full recap we're gonna play a really fun game here so we have the silverware set right and i already looked at the brand like i told you they 100 make sterling silver so one way to tell precious metal from steel is a super powerful magnet like this knife right stainless steel it grabs it very strong very strongly this spoon silver no grab whatsoever these are sterling silver spoons not to mention if you look at them side by side you could definitely see the color difference it might not be it might be hard to see on camera yeah but you could definitely see that these i mean you can tell that this has like a tarnish yeah compared to a very shiny silver so this is the game we're gonna play right now silver is at 23.78 per ounce right here we have our shipping scale with a bowl zero it out and we're gonna separate it and put all the silver in the bowl because you know so look that spoon an ounce 20 30 bucks right there for that spoon right there let's check this one right here we're just gonna use this to make our lives easier put the magnet there look no stick read it sterling two and a half ounces that's already 50 bucks right there just in silver this one doesn't say sterling two sure does look no magnetic attraction almost five ounces right there it's over a hundred dollars in silver right there that's how this is going to work that's how easy this is these you could tell i could tell by the color look you see it takes it right out of my hand see that there's i can't even pull it out normally that's how strong the magnet is it really pulls so that now let's see about this knife right here again stainless set it aside but look at these spoons i'm pretty sure these are all sterling sterling nothing boom sterling right here nothing throw it in sterling nothing sterling nothing sterling two more no that's already 10 ounces of silver right there it's already 230 scrap value in silver right there and we're just getting into these so let's look at this spoon sterling silver what a surprise look nothing add it to the bowl what about these two sterling look nothing look at this one sterling nothing what about these forks sterling sterling you say nothing and we had a pound look at that over a pound of silver right there that's already 16 times 23 whatever that is but we're not nowhere near done yet we have a lot more silver to go so let's go through some of these really quick again look two sterlings nothing throw them in there right look at all these i can tell you these are all silver maybe that's that one or these look see that you can tell they're not i was thinking all the spoons are silver or maybe not this one no nothing that one says sterling this one says sterling nothing all right so it is mixed this is why you check silverware right here this is why you go through it let's take this handful of stuff what about the fork fork is stainless let's get rid of it what about these two spoons because they look a different color oh look at that they're silver let's add them to the bowl load up this one silver got it sterling add it sterling that's a big one too look oh my goodness guys i think i'm in a good mood you know the knife so far have been all stainless but yeah we're gonna check every little piece because every piece is a 20 bill that comes out silver at a minimum that fork stainless get over here this spoon no stick in that why because it says sterling on it and these two forks i think they're steel yeah they're both steel so they're going over here but look at that we're already at one pound 12 ounces worth of silver all these knives are the same thing right pretty sure those are all stainless steel we'll still check them let's look at these two spoons right here i think these are both i think these are stainless steel yeah you see that stainless steel same with this one yeah those three are all stainless so rip them on out put them to the side let's go over here see that nothing because it's sterling same with this one sterling this one looks steel yep you see that can't get it off look how much of the silverware we've gone through so far look at this little set of spoons right here i think these are all about to be sterling silver because they look the color look at that no magnetic attraction at all over two pounds of silver so far and we still got more to go let's see check these knives out you see that color on them again nothing still ripped this silver this is too bright i'm gonna guess it's stainless stainless i'm starting to get the hang of this just by telling the color i'm learning here right i'm still the newbie in this business let me alone look that's silver watch silver this one stainless oh really is that sterling that is sterling that's two ounce fork right there at the 50 fork sterling sterling we're coming up on three pounds worth of silver guys three pounds worth of silver let's do this again sternly yes it is sterling yes it is this got to be stainless right no it's not because it says sterling on it and this knife is probably stainless i don't think we found one silver knife yet mm-hmm well except for these like butter butter ones yeah they're butter now you're right but this one looks it's the butter knife but it looks too shiny like that's probably yeah about to say it looks like it so does that these go over here let's keep going really quick we're getting to it look at that big boy i wish that would be silver what's it say not i don't think so oh but i'm gonna set this one aside because it doesn't say sterling on it but it's not steel so we'll set that one in a third pile this fork oh look look look it's sterling three pounds of silver let's get in over here look sterling this fort's going to be sterling too yep all these spoons here i think are going to be steer um stainless steel yeah yeah yeah yeah well those four are stained let's get them off oh there let's check these two forks nothing nothing and they both say sterling in them so look at that we're at three pounds six and a half ounces right now this spoon i think is gonna be silver yep this knife is going to be stainless yeah all right the rest of this stuff is starting to look a little sparkly so when it's like that sparkly i usually assume that it's just you know stainless steel oh this spoon is not sticking what's it say on it sterling all right look at these last couple of forks these are all i can tell you they're all stainless steel that's why i'm eating it this one yeah stainless steel this one the one has a different color why because it says sterling on it let's look at the rest of these these are all starting to look just like the stainless steel color let me go through it one more time really quickly we dropped the magnet in there huh didn't we drop the magnet in the big thing i missed the silver one right here because i can see the color difference look nothing and let me see let me see first nothing these all look like there's going to be stainless so let's do this ready let's check out oh look at this flip it over so well that cleared that out all stainless and i'm gonna go ahead and go on the assumption all these knives here are exactly the same knife and they're all stainless steel so let's do a little bit of math here right so remember we're at 23.78 per ounce right now so we have first remember that number all right can you help me remember that 23.78 yes okay so we have three pounds so three times 16. 48 plus 12.6 right we have a total of 60.6 ounces and what was the number 23.78 23.78 what what what is it 14 41.07 no boy 1400 holy cow fourteen hundred dollars in scrap silver not to mention look right here that's a nice little six hundred dollars in skull too and don't also forget this could potentially be silver too look that's three pounds 12.6 ounces put that in there that's another like almost three ounces so if that's real that's probably another 50 bucks of silver if it's there but we're talking 1400 scrap silver that's what i call a jackpot let me also remind you that number is scrap silver value that is a silverware set it could be worth a lot more than scrap value scrap value is just the basic smallest amount of money you get on just the metal but it being so many pieces and potentially a complete set we don't know yet it could be worth a lot more than that but anyway that is the probably one of the best finds of the unit now let's go into the garage and do a recap on everything else now that we're in the garage let's talk about this unit a little bit so for the first time ever there is nothing hidden that i didn't show you on video literally i thought there would be something but everything we showed you is what you got but can you really complain when you have 1400 scrap value which is probably worth a lot more than that i'm not complaining at all before we go i want to say two things one a lot of people have been asking to buy stuff poshmark ebay links are in the description poshmark has a bunch of stuff on it already ebay is coming soon we're going to keep updating these things like crazy so for those of you that are looking to buy stuff down there also don't forget this saturday we're doing a live auction we have all kinds of stuff toys lots of the knives you've seen from this unit coins collectible money like so much i can't even tell you it's a whole whole lot so make sure you come this saturday for that too but overall we got a truck full of clothes we're gonna just go donate we have these are empty boxes and trash i don't even have much trash it was like the most open the garage has been in a long time but that's it for today we'll go back to the unit tomorrow maybe i'm also bidding on another one we might go see tomorrow if we win i don't know you'll have a video tomorrow don't worry so if you enjoyed it leave it a thumbs up subscribe if you're new and until next time peace out you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 112,194
Rating: 4.9259753 out of 5
Keywords: storage unit finds, storage unit finds 2020, storage unit finds car, storage unit finds guns, storage unit finds money, storage unit finds mrbeast, storage unit finds pokemon cards, storage unit finds reddit, storage unit finds shoes, storage unit finds videos, storage unit auction finds, storage unit business, storage unit wars, storage auction, storage wars episodes, real storage auction, self storage, found money, how to make money, treasure hunting with jebus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 19sec (3019 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 02 2020
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