Most Clueless Bar Owners ๐Ÿ˜ก Bar Rescue

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๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/a-mirror-bot ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 19 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

There is nothing you can do to not convince me that John is actually an animatronic look at his eyes when he yells looks like a Chuck e cheese animatronic

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/kilo240 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 19 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Fun fact: bars and pubs on bar rescue transfer a large chunk of the ownership to taffer and his holding company. Thatโ€™s how they get the spot and renovations for โ€œfreeโ€.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/jokekiller94 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 19 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Love this show

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Cash_man ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 19 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

This guy has to do at least a little bit of coke before the cameras come on.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/yayce ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 19 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
- You have the ultimate excuse the greatest excuse of all (beep) time. It's not my fault. It's the ghost. My grandpa is going to lose 300,000, not because of me because of the ghost. - [Son] I'm scared. What do you want me to do? - [Jon] Everything is about you. The food from this kitchen could literally kill somebody. I have to go in and shut this down and figure out who the hell was responsible. - Hey Henry, Jon Taffer. Nice to meet you. Let's go to the kitchen. - Hi, John I like the coat. - [Jon] This is the sweat rag. Show him how many times you wipe sweat off his head, puts it down, picks up food, throws it on the grill and your food is covered in sweat. Now you're laughing, is this fun for you? - He should put gloves on for that. - When I bring the health department in here and shut your ass down. Is that going to be funny? - That would be (beep) sucky. - [Jon] It really would cause I'm going to freaking do it! I'm going to shut you guys down! Shut the grill off! Turn it off! How long have you been here? - I've been here two years. I've been managing for a little bit over a month. - Do you know about him? - [Manager] I just hired him as kitchen manager, not too long ago. - Kitchen manager? Are you (beep) nuts? - I mean it's.. - [Jon] Do you know that this guy's going to kill somebody? - I'm not doing this. I'm out. - What? - [Manager] I'm not in charge of the kitchen first of all. So to yell at me about the kitchen, I mean, he's yelling at the wrong person. He needs to yell at Miles and Henry about that. - [Jon] Is this going to be a joke for you? Because I'll walk the fuck outta here. How much money do you have on the line? - You're right. - How much, how much money? - A lot of money, - How much? We have to over 200 grand on the line. Henry, shut the (beep) up. - Is there any chance that you're going to make your money back like this? - Not like this. No. - It seems like a joke to him. - You know, I don't, I don't know, understand why he is taking this so lightly because this is very serious to me. - Is this what you want to fricking be? - It's the best we can do right now? - So you're a loser. - I'm a loser. - [Jon] Are you? - Nope. - I'll do it for you. I don't want to do it for him. Cause he's a cocky son of a bitch who thinks this is a joke and it's not. - I can do it for sure, man. - I don't want to shake your hand. I want you to look me in the face and do it. Either you will come on board and (beep) do this or I walk out. (laughter) - Come with me. - Yeah let's do it. - [Jon] See this grill? You clean it, and fire his ass, and then I'll come in here and help you because I will not work with him. - This is his second week in the kitchen. He's never worked in a kitchen before. He doesn't have the proper training. - Who didn't train him? - We did not have a kitchen manager. No, one trained him. - Okay. Here's the deal. 24 hours. You guys clean this kitchen tomorrow night, either he succeed or he fails, agree? I will train him all day tomorrow. If he doesn't try, he's gone. If you don't try, I'm gone. - All right. I guarantee you we're both going to try it. - We'll see. - [Chris] I feel really bad, feel very disrespected. At the end of the day. It's all on me. I'm a human being, I gotta, I gotta live up to my expectations. - [Henry] Jon Taffer could've not mess up the kitchen so much, I'm pissed. If he's trying to help us out, man. That's a tough way to do it. There was no conversation there. I've got three employees that are like maybe, just bouncing, Just because of it. - [Donna] There's some people that are mad about their food. I'm going to buy them some shots on us. Do it. - [Bartender] She's mad about her food, are you buying her another shot? - What's she needs? You were mad about your food too? - Yeah. - She just didn't like it. - [Donna] Can we get her a shot too? - Oh, I don't need one. - This is really not a good way to fix our food but let's have fun with it! - Jesus (beep) - [Customer] I really just wanted to sit down, maybe have a glass of water. Not really a hard liquor drink. Just a little too much for me to handle. Especially since I've told them I was driving. (crowd cheers) - How loud that owner is, just loud and obnoxious. What happened? Holy (beep) (customer screaming) - [Bartender] That's why you're not suppose to have a damn horse in the bar! - [Guy] what would've happened if that horse broken her leg? - That's disgusting. And she's laughing, she thinks this is funny. - Look it got so scared, it like pooped! - [Jon] Oh, we crapped on the floor! Oh! - [Donna] You almost fell on my table. I'm sitting there going.. This aint his first rodeo! - We all done this one before. - Scott rode a horse in the bar, everyone's rode a horse in the bar. You ride a horse in a bar when you're a pissed mother(beep)! - [Jon] We just saw a horse crap on the floor in a bar. I'm going in, I'm going to go to work, man. I'll see you inside later. - [Jon] As soon as I started looking at this bar, I saw drunk owners. I saw a barbecue chicken my spy couldn't even eat. And that's nothing! A horse, took a crap in the middle of this bar tonight and they didn't even clean it up. That is the worst thing I have ever seen. Either these people are morons or they're so drunk they don't get it. - Very nice to meet you. - Pleasure good to meet you. - You look as good as in all of your pictures. (indistinct) and all your shows. - You seem so intoxicated I'm surprised you know, even who the hell I am, to be honest with you. - To be honest with you- - This the way you run your business drunk like this? - I tried not to. - [Jon] Well, you're not succeeding are you? - No, no. - Cause you blew it tonight. All right. Why don't we get the three of us. Let's go inside and talk, so I can learn a little bit about this place. Okay? Hopefully you're sober enough to remember something for me. Hello Donna. - Hey Jon, - Can you see me? Can you even see me? - [Donna] Yeah. - [Jon] Am I in focus? - You're gonna focus. - [Jon] You're in focus. Okay. Sit down, if you can. - I wasn't quite expecting you tonight, so thank you. I'm sorry. - [Jon] I'm here to help you guys. - You're absolutely right. - So I want to talk for a couple minutes and learn what's going on here. Other than the fact that I have two drunk owners. Tell me the story. What happened? - [Aleah] Can I tell the story. - [Jon] Please tell me the story, Aleah. - Um, so basically- - The bank came in and said, because you're in default of your property taxes. We have the right to foreclose. - Okay. - [Donna] Cause we own equity. - So, that puts you in default of your mortgage. - Yes. - Yes. - [Man] Okay. So now we have a bank who is in trouble. - They're in trouble. - [Man] Who is in trouble. - You blew it. Right? - We did blew it. We understand that. - [Jon] In the mortgage it says, if you don't pay your taxes, I will- - Wow, you guys are really going to do this? - [Jon] I will. - [Man] Yes. - Listen to me. Only I can tell you to shut up. That's the deal. - And you can tell me to shut up and I will listen. - Thank you. How in debt are you? - I might not. - Look at me, try to concentrate okay? Try to at least act.. - What? 180 thousand? 180 thousand dollars. That's my number tonight. - [Jon] $180,000 in debt. - Yeah. - [Jon] Right? - Do something to dig yourself out! - I'm sorry, I'm doing the best I can do! - You're not doing the best you can- You're sitting before me, drunk. How many nights a week do they drink here? - Every night they're here. - Every night we're here. We drink a lot. - [Jon] How do you feel about that? - [Aleah] Drives me absolutely insane. - That's best you can do. - What do you want me to do? I want you to sober up. I want you to come in here tomorrow and I want you to fight to this place with me, Scott. I want to look in your eyes and see a partner. Not somebody who's drunk. - Oh my God. - You know what, you know. You're a man, what are you going to do about it, Scott? - I'm fighting the battle, Jon. - You're not fighting a battle. You're giving up. You're drinking and giving up. - Jon, we (beep) up. I understand, but I'm trying to understand where we're at, let me talk. - [Donna] Let me tell to you. This is how we don't see, eye to eye. - [Jon] Donna, look at me. Shut up! Don't talk. - I will listen to you. - Don't talk. - What happened? - I tried. - [Jon] This was the most frustrating conversation with a bar owner I've ever had. You can't reason with somebody when they're drunk. - He's the drunk one. - I'm the drunk. - I couldn't get anywhere. - [Jon] Aleah. How do you deal with this? - I don't. Can I tell the story? - Please tell me the story, Aleah. - Basically what happened was we didn't pay our property taxes. We couldn't come up with it. We tried. - [Jon] So you defaulted on your contract. Now the bank has the right to take your property away. - [Aleah] They we're ready to close the doors and put us to auction. We filed bankruptcy the same day. - [Jon] When does the next bankruptcy court appearance? - In about twenty five days? - [Jon] Your reputation in this town speaks for itself. Doesn't it? Aren't you known to come here and drink every night? - You're right. - [Jon] So if I was the bankruptcy judge, I would never believe in your plan. - Jon, Jon, Jon. - This bank is going to take this place away from you with 25 days. - I'm not (beep) stupid. I'm not a dummy, alright. - You're embarrassing yourself. You're acting like a drunk ass(beep). - You know what? I've been fighting for this (beep) place, every (beep) day because this is me. My names on the door and I have fought to get you here to have you save my business. - [Jon] But Scott, listen to me. Only you can! - [Scott] I want you to teach me (beep) how. - [Jon] Here's the deal guys. Every bar owner that I know, who's successful. Does not drink in their bar. So Aleah, they don't drink in this place. That's the deal. - Absolutely. - You guys have one drink. I walk out of here. - You're Steve? - Yes, sir. - [Jon] I'm Jon Taffer. - Nice to meet you. - Where's Brad? - He's right over here. - I want to sit down for a couple of minutes. Let's talk. - It's a little nerve racking. Not knowing where things are going to go. Maybe he doesn't know at all, but maybe he does. - I wanna talk about integrity for a minute. Why did you copy everything from across the street? - I didn't copy everything. You got to realize a lot of that was my ideas. But you sold it to them. I mean, you sell a business to them. You get paid, you walk away. Then you try to steal everything that they bought and paid for. Then they sue you. Then you spend a hundred thousand dollars on lawyers to protect your thievery. That's unethical. - I'm not a thief, I've worked hard and I've proven myself as a good person. - If I was opening this bar, there's one color that I would not make the drink, and what do you think it is? - [Brad] I'd guess green. - Of course, cause it's right across the street! What decision did you make? The exact one you shouldn't have. - I think there's a lot of things that we do, people copy of what we did too. I mean, I'm focused on beating them. - But that's not the way to do it. If you see this on the street, you think it's a hand grenade. If you see this on the street, you think it's a hand grenade. There is nothing about this cocktail that makes it unique or marketable. - [Jon] Really creative, huh guys? I mean, this is really dynamic guys. This is going to make me a fortune. You have no individuality. - That's (beep). I mean my cups bigger, my cups a turtle. my cups a different color. My cup is totally different. - We're actually helping them. A green drink walks by, you know, somebody says, Oh, that's one of those hand grenades. - I mean, I don't. I mean, I, I think it was different enough, you know. - This is a copy. Copies always underperformed the original. - That's why this drink is a piece of garbage. So I walked by here I see no to go sign. Up to 80% of the cocktails in this city are sold, how? On the street. - I know. - So I have no to go sign. I got a building that doesn't hit. You with me guys? So you're here every day. What did you hire him for? - To run the place? - So I'm blaming this on you. The fact is you ain't managing (beep). - Are you a good manager? - I think so. - What should beverage cost be? - Well, I do have some, uh, issues. I may not- - You don't know. What should labor costs be? - That I couldn't tell you. - About eight points below what you're running now with 28%. So you got a guy running your bar. Doesn't have a clue what the numbers add up to. - [Brad] It's surprised me when Steve didn't know some of the numbers because he's more of the managing partner of the day to day operations. But you know, we're a partnership. So I should take some responsibility too. - Right now you're a glorified host. You shake hands, you talk to people, you work with the employees, but you don't manage the business. You're a failure. - That's (beep) (beep). - It's not (beep) (beep). Because if you don't admit you're a failure, then you'll create every excuse in the book. Blame yourself! - Not gonna sit here and look at my face, in my (beep) place and call me a (beep) failure. - I just did and I'll do it again. You're a failure. Steve is one of the owners he's supposed to manage this business day to day. But he doesn't have a clue what a beverage cost is. He's not really a manager. He's a glorified host. Question, are you lazy or do you not care? - Neither one of those things. - Well, you gotta prove it to me. Cause I think it's one of them. - I can prove it. I'm not afraid to prove it. I have no problem proving to you I'm not a failure. I'm gonna work my ass off to make sure this place, turn this into something. - You too, You put a half a million dollars into this place. Think of all the decisions that you made that led you to this place. That should bother you, right? Brad doesn't seem to care. He's in the hole half a million dollars, but he sits there smiling as if life is good. If I was out of half a million dollars, I'd be pissed. Guys, Turtle Bay is dead. - Turtle Bay's not dead. I mean, he thinks he's going to get rid of this brand that we've worked hard to build. He's going to have to show me something to make me believe he knows, not just the bar industry, he knows New Orleans. - [Narrator] After a heated night with Brad and Steve. Jon meets with the staff to identify any additional issues. - [Jon] Well welcome. Thanks for coming in here this morning. My name is Jon Taffer. I have opened conceived, marketed, or operated more than 800 bars. And I'm going to give you everything I got. I want to really talk for a couple of minutes now. Greg, do you make exactly the same drinks and recipes that she does? - Well, there's no set recipe lists. - So the answer is no? - Yeah. - [Lexi] There is not a set trainer and as bartenders we take liberties, but we kind of have a lot of freedom as far as making the drinks. So I think some consistency there would help a lot. - [Jon] Can't manage our costs that way. But that's why management has to manage. Have you made any effort to achieve it at all? Has he trained anybody in this room? - [Steve] I, I feel like, I feel like we're working with adults here. I'm not a babysitter. - You are a babysitter, welcome to management. - [Steve] I expect them to act like adults when they're at work and do what they're supposed to do. - And they expect to be led by somebody who takes them down a path of success. Are they leading you to success? Who the hell is making money? No one, you're the one who's wrong. - [Steve] The crazier thing, then not knowing what the drink ratio and everything else is. It's letting a TV bar man, come in here and change the bar overnight. - First of all, I'm not a TV bar, man. I've got a 35 year reputation in this business and there is nobody more respected in our industry than me and these freaking cameras don't mean (beep) to me. Brad doesn't care, so Steve is on a free for all. This place has no controls at all. You now work for me. You guys work for me too. I'm going to take this place and I'm going to change every dynamic of it. - If I come in with some chicken (beep) cup, you're going to hear about it. I fought for that turtle and to prove that it was different and we're proud of it. So I'm not going to get rid of the turtle unless he comes with the "wow" factor and he better come strong. - [Jon] The cup you have now is a piece of (beep) cup. So I'm going up, I'm not going down. - [Jon] So Jeremy who owns this bar borrowed $300,000 from his grandfather. When he bought the bar, we put it in his mother's name. She signed for everything. His grandfather's retirement is on the line. Now his mother's house and everything was on the hook for the credit, the liability, the taxes and everything. - [Women] So where is he? - [Jon] He's not here. He won't come in this building alone. - What? - He won't come here. There is something about that bar that you and I have never dealt with before. The staff absolutely believes it. That bar, is haunted. - Really? - I'm not sure I believe it or not, but I want you to see how serious this is to them. - Let's see. - [Jon] So there's Jeremy. - She said, basically frequency, as it cycles through, there's a part in between that's called white noise. And that's where spirits communicate with you. We've heard some, we've heard some stuff over here. - [Man] How many people are in this bar right now? - [Women] How many? - [Ghost] 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8! (screaming in bar) (screams) - I want you to meet Matt and Jordan, the comedians. How many bars you guys been in? - Between us, probably a thousand. - So you know a good drink. You know, a bad drink. - Yeah. - I want you to go in, try the drinks, check out the bar. - [Matt] We'll report back, if there are any terrible drinks. - Okay. - Or ghosts. - Sorry. - Good luck, guys. - [Bartender] Hi guys? What are we drinking tonight? - Uh, I'm going to have a vodka soda. - And for you? - [Matt] Uh, kettle and cram, for me. We kind of want to hear the ghost story about this place. - [Bartender] He's been here for 13 years and he's seen a lot of the ghosts. - [Jordan] You're of a school of their is a ghost here. - There's some crazy stuff that happens for sure. - Could it just be a rowdy drunk who fell asleep here? - No. - [Jordan] Is there an origin story to the ghost? - What I've been told, that the person actually died on the floor. - [Matt] So the origin of it is, somebody died at the bar. - That's what I've heard, man. And so I've even tried to do my own research, but the internet didn't exist. I heard it was like in the eighties. I never believed in it until I witnessed it for myself. Even then, I don't like telling people about it because they looked at me like, like you guys are right now. - [Women] This is not a joke. - This is not a joke. This is real to him. - [Matt] Hey, we both want to hear the ghost story about this place. Do you know about it? Like if a certain song comes on the jukebox or if there's a full moon. What triggers the ghost? - [Bartender] It's everything, different for everybody. - Different for everybody. Okay. - I'm scared to talk about it in here. - Okay. - [Jon] She won't talk about them. She's terrified. - [Matt] Can we get two more kettle and cram, and? - Kettle and soda. - [Bartender] Kettle and soda, Kettle cram, on the way. - Three ounces. She's just all over the place. (laughter) - [Matt] Madam, this is just a glass of booze. - [Jordan] Oh all right, topping it off. - Taking a sip is like doing a shot. - [Jon] Yeah, very irresponsible because of leads to over consumption. And then what happens is they down to three ounces in a few minutes. If you broke it into two drinks, as you should, you would have then doubled your profits. - Right. - Here's a half open ginger beer and a glass of something. - Yep. - [Women] There's just stuff all over the bar. She should be focused on saving liquor costs, making sure you're pouring right. Making sure that you have a comfortable, clean atmosphere. - [Jon] You and I have been here now about an hour. You see the owner, Jeremy? - Not anywhere. He has no idea, the amount of liquor they're giving away. - [Jon] I know about you, but I am out of fricking patients. His family's money is on the line. This is fricking absurd. I'm going to go in, I'm going to talk to Nicole. I want to see what's going on because I can't watch her over pour and do this anymore. - There's always something with me. - [Jon] I'm going to go in and find out where this guy is. - Get in there. - We're cursed, we're cursed. Remind me to not talk to myself anymore. - Hi. - Hi. - [Bartender] How are you? - Good. Nice efficient system you got there. - I know. - [Jon] I wish the guy who owned this place was here so we could see how long you're waiting. - Thanks for your patience. - Hi, how are you doing, I'm Nicole. - I'm Jon, nice to meet you. So I understand Jeremy brought this bar, like three years ago. - Mhm. - [Jon] Where is it? - I don't know, not here. - Is he normally here? - No. - Why? - Basically, there's just some weird (beep) going on. - [Jon] Was the business doing better when Jeremy was more engaged in it? - I think so. We don't like to talk about it inside the bar because of more we talk about it. The more stuff happens. - [Jon] Lena. Lena. - [Lena] Yes. - [Jon] Come here hun. Are you scared to be here at night by yourself? - Absolutely. - [Jon] Absolutely. - Scared to death. - [Jon] Oh, Jeremy, you're here. - [Jeremy] Jon. - [Jon] Nice to meet you. I want to understand this. You bought this bar when? - February of 2012. - Okay. When you bought the bar, was it making money? - Yes. - [Jon] Now are you making money? - No. - What's wrong in this bar? - It's, the bar, its, the bar's haunted. - [Jon] So you believe that you're failing here because of a ghost? - Because I'm not here. - So what do you think it's going to do to you? Does it have a gun? Does it have a knife? If this bar closes, your grandfather's out $300,000. - [Jeremy] What do you want me to do? - You have the ultimate excuse, the greatest excuse of all (beep) time! It's not my fault, it's the ghost! My grandpa is going to lose 300,000. Not because of me because of the ghost. - [Jeremy] I'm scared, what do you want me to do? - Everything is about you, not the (beep) ghost! - [Jon] So there's a bed. He owns the building. He had a tenant to lease the bar from him and the guy didn't pay rent. So he took the bar back. So now you have yourself a reluctant bar owner. So he's had it now for five years, he's losing about four or $5,000 a month off season making a couple of dollars during season. All in all, it makes no money. - [Man] Nothing. - [Emily] We don't get a whole bunch of traffic. We're just rolling with the punches, doing what we can. - So there's Emily, she's a bartender. - [Scarlet] We don't have glassware here. - [Jon] That's Scarlet, she's a bartender. The game crowd can get kinda rowdy and we don't want glassware breaking. - And that there is Jess, another bartender. - Are the fryers on? - Delilah Was doing it, you might wanna check. - [Scarlet] Did you turn the fryers on? - [Delilah] Yes, just one. - There's Delilah, who tonight is working as a shot girl, but she's also bartender. - I Kinda wanna see it now. I kind of want to buy you one. (laughter) - Are you cooking? - I can cook. - Okay. - [Jon] I find it strange just a moment ago. These two were screaming at each other. I wonder why they run so hot and cold. So for Recon, I got locals. Gordon Whitten-Meyer and Gordon's son. Gordon is a sports writer for the Chicago sun. So I thought he was a perfect candidate to do recon for us tonight. - [Scarlet] Hello, Can I get you guys something? - [Gordons Son] Can I get a long Island, please? - [Scarlet] Hey Em, you want to make him a long Island cause you're the best at it? - [Emily] Absolutely. - [Scarlet] Anything for you? - You got like a shandy? - [Scarlet] Yeah. - What is that? - Does that say what I think it says? What is that? - You wouldn't be talking about the hot pussy, would you? - [Gordon] Oh Lord. Almighty. - I've never had it personally, I am allergic to it. - Hot pussy shot. - What the (beep) is that? - [Emily] It is made of four different types of bourbon, cinnamon, brown sugar, and habanero pepper. - You can do that stuff in a college bar. When you're 21-23 year old customers. You don't do it in a sports bar with a 40 year old customer in the room. - [Gordons Son] Do you guys not have a burger or anything like that? - Only on game days. - Can I just get some, mac and cheese bites, with ranch please? - [Gordon] I'll try the, the dog. - [Emily] Okay. - [Jon] He's touching raw product with his bare hands. Look at the smoke coming out of the oil. - [Ryan] That's the food from the bottom of the fryer burning and coming up. Everything has been cooked in there you can taste in that macaroni now and now I don't even want to look at that. - Fruit flies. - [Jon] There are flies all over the place. - Oh man. - Doesn't it take them a while to just get a hot dog and something you fry up? - They're not prepping anything ahead of time, is he? - [Ryan] No, this guy has no clue what he's doing. - So now he's breads the hotdog bun with his hand where the raw product was. No gloves, of course, - [Man] Welp, hands run into the pickle juice. That whole thing is spoiled now, Jon. - Oh man! - [Man] There was no way in hell, Jon anything can be served out of there. - Guys here's what I want you to do. Go in, check the bar. See if they can make a decent fricking drink. Go in the kitchen and do not let him send out any more food, to any more customers. - Tell you what, I'm gonna check the bar. You go in the kitchen dude and find out what the (beep) is going on. - I got this. - [Phil] Hi. My name is Phil. I'm one of Jon's experts. - I'm Ryan. I'd shake your hands, but I've watched how you cooked tonight. So I don't want to do that, if you don't mind. I'm one of Jon's experts. We've been watching you from the SUV and I've got to ask, would you eat out of this oil? You've got to understand that you literally have mold on the side. You have disgusting (beep) grease that you're cooking food in. I mean, are you pretty much just like don't give up level is like right here. - Yeah. - Okay. (clanking) - [Ryan] Every time you clank that on top of that fryer, that grease builds up on the back and then eventually this place is going to catch on fire. - Mac n cheese bites. Enjoy. - [Phil] There's Ed. You have the staff back here. And I asked him what the recipes are for a long Island ice tea. We have no consistency with this. I made a fishbowl right here. This isn't something that's going to bring people into your bar. If I have five of my buddies sitting here, we're ordering a fishbowl. Well you want to have a nice romantic fishbowl with me? - I don't drink. - [Bartender] That's a lie. - [Phil] What? - [Bartender] That's a lie. - [Phil] The point here, you don't just put together some stupid little fishbowl like that and not even have a recipe for it. - You guys all work together and you can't make a same drink standing side by side? - [Phil] It's not that simple. It's not that simple, Ed. The smartest people have people in place that know exactly what they need to be done. - In some sense. - [Jon] This guy won't talk to his customers. He won't talk to Phil. Won't talk to Ryan. Let's see if he talks to me. - [Phil] Look at all of these bars that are around you upstairs, they're doing a great job. They're Packed. You're making excuses for me right now. - [Jon] Ed tell me how much money you're losing each year? - Each off season, probably 30 to 40,000. - 30 To 40,000. You think cleaning it might help a little? - It gets cleaned every day. (laughter) - [Phil] Look at all of these flies up along the railing. Look at all of these (beep) flies everywhere. Flies breed off of yeast. They breed off of filth. They build nest and they grow out of your drains. - How about the fact that he's in the kitchen, cooking food, never washing his hands. So he touches raw chicken, then he touches the handle of the refrigerator. Then he takes the hot dog bun with your raw chicken on it! When you hear that you want to come back here? - No, I ain't coming back here! - [Jon] You want to drink that right now? - I'm done with it. - [Jon] Does anybody want to drink this? - [Crowd] No! - Of course not! Anybody want to drink this? Of course not! Who wants to eat this? - Not me! - Do You wanna eat it Ed? - Sure. - Sure, you'll eat it, your hands are all over it, anyway! Ryan, throw out the (beep) food in our kitchen. Shut it down. - [Ryan] No problem, Jon. - [Jon] Nobody eats anything in this place. Look at this (beep) place. Is your house (beep) hole? - Not at all. - This bar is shameful. For four years you've been failing. The greatest ball park in the world, is across the street from here! This should be a place of (beep) respect. Is this the pride of Chicago? I am going to make you responsible no matter how embarrassing it is. What (beep) this is. Let's get outta here guys. Good job on the Chicago pride Ed. - [Emily] I care about the bar. I'm glad someone's throwing it in Ed's face because he needs to hear it because he's heard it from everyone else and it hasn't changed a thing. - [Ed] The foods awesome! - [Bartender] No, it's not awesome. - We through out completely good foods. What did he graduate, Ronald McDonald's cooking store or something? It's a kitchen. It's got grease. - [Ed] Perfectly good mushrooms. Better not have thrown out my freaking lobster dip. Perfectly good food they threw out, man. - [Jon] Hello. - [Everyone] Hello. - Let me get those out of your way. - [Jon] So I see we're not alone. - How long we've had flies Ed? - Off and on. All it takes is one night. Don't clean up the bar, proper way and the next day you pay for it. Who's fault is that? - Bartenders for not doing it, uh. - So it's their fault? Isn't it yours, as the owner? It's your bar. - That's everybody's. - Okay. - You're not going to sit here and manage us. Find someone who needs to do it! You don't give a (beep)! - [Ed] You've been here for two years. I've been here for 15 watching people run this bar. - Every person in this building, including your employees are an inconvenience to you. And it shows! What's the problem? Smiling Ed, is the problem. Does this guy have any emotion at all? Anything that gets a reaction out of you, I'm all for. You, my friend, come off like an ass(beep). The issue is you Ed. The excuses don't work. The (beep) doesn't work. I will never respect you, if you don't change. So if I don't want to do this for you, the only reason why I would do it, is for them. How do you feel about that? - Not happy. - [Jon] Good, because I'm not happy either. Let me bring my experts in guys. (rock music starts) - Hi, this is John Taffer. Click here to subscribe to paramount network on YouTube for more Bar Rescue.
Channel: Bar Rescue
Views: 1,629,783
Rating: 4.8872356 out of 5
Keywords: clueless owners, worst bartenders ever, bar managing, Stress Test, Sneak Peek, highlight, Jon Taffer, Bar Rescue, Bar Rescue Show, bar rescue clip, best of bar rescue, bar rescue best moments, bar rescue best of, Paramount Network, Paramount, bar rescue tv show, bar rescue paramount network, bar rescue paramount tv series, bar rescue jon taffer, best bar rescue, top bar rescue, stress tests, bar rescue stress tests, bar rescue stress test, stress test compilation
Id: dovwYZAnVk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 48sec (1908 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
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