Chaotic Couples & Co-Owners That Desperately Need Jonโ€™s Help ๐Ÿ†˜ Bar Rescue

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oh darlene we've been watching you all night oh including the line i don't see a wedding ring on this hand but i have to right i have to work you have an ex-husband who you're trying to reconcile with who is lazy has a business that's failing you need money for your kids correct he should be busting his ass she's never here i'm the only one here doing come on really man cheats on you has another child runs a business lazily he's losing money you're 370 000 in debt and he's mad at you you've been home with the kids now and i shouldn't have to say hey come in and do something the whole thing is stressing me out i'm going to teach him what the stress is because that's both while he's outside let's go in scott come over nice to meet you nice to meet you you buy a bar you [ __ ] up right blow your reputation right blow your business humiliate your wife [Music] she comes back to you and says do something to prove to me that i could reconcile with you and this is it what are you saying i don't know what the hell she told you but last year i have been doing stuff well has he fixed everything has he done everything she's not let him hear it has he she's on everything she's never here john no it's like your motivation went out what are we talking about like repairing the bars there's not recently not recently look at this place not recently really do you want me to go through this and show you everything that you could have done that you didn't do you want me to go there and humiliate you in front of everyone boy will you look at her and say you're right honey maybe i could have done more and if you're disappointed i fricking get it or are you gonna look her in the face and say no absolutely man up you don't like it do you come on scott the fact that she came back to you is a freaking blessing do you hear me i know the fact that she takes care of your family is a freaking blessing for you you have no right to cop a freaking attitude on her so it's time for you to look at your wife and said okay personally i'm trying now professionally i got to try harder say something to her that gives her some hope scott go talk to her she deserves it come on scott what did you tell him there's nothing that called me lazy get that from i'm the lazy one i'm the only one here doing though i don't get that i do way more than you do i volunteered in the raising of the three kids what are we talking about personally we're talking about business both it's intertwined god does have a tendency to flip things around when we have a problem so most of the time you end up walking away feeling like not only you didn't resolve the issue that you brought up with him but that you're the person to blame for that come in here call me lazy be honest with me it's just been tough as far as the first day you uh you tell me things i probably didn't want to hear you think i did it maliciously you think i did it to help you right now i think you did tell me wasn't doing the job i should have been doing you know i had to leave you in a better place personally as much as economically that's really important and if there's anything i've learned about the two of you is that you don't talk enough no we don't and i do appreciate you getting scott to open up and do you feel you're closer to stop now than you were when i got here yes i do this is hopefully the opportunity that you've worked so hard for these past two and a half years all right since you've been together again i'm ready we're ready to get around with this fix let's plays fix this relationship and we're gonna we're gonna make this a better place you know i love you and i think we can do this together so you know i have this place under surveillance i want you to see how your husband runs this bar when you're not around can you like get omar or you to just i don't know pick up some of the bigger stuff that's josh that's just your husband i don't know if like it's the programming or if it's actually broken help me with this icy mother there get the rest of that in there for me oh sure thank you scrub who's that that's omar a server here he's actually transferring ice from a garbage bag into the ice machine i swear on our application can you lift 75 pounds of ice it won't fix itself mother how is he managing this plan you know he can stay focused for a little bit but then he starts to get stressed out and his way of dealing with it is to self-medicate with alcohol how's it going ladies hi how are you i'm josh i'm actually the owner of the place melissa good to meet you jackie hey nicole yeah can you give me a uh give me a beer please yeah just a second 86 grandma asic's grandma so that's nicole your manager mm-hmm that's another beer too who's that josh i need a tattoo that's travis travis has actually bartended for us for a while just watch him i know does your husband treat your staff well i i don't think so his negativity you know it's infectious almost two years so it's basically did his attitude cause the failure or did the failure cause his attitude when we first opened he was positive he used to be happy and fun and enjoy life and now he just seems miserable all the time i think he's just set himself up in his mind that there's no way out hey girl started off something to drink he hang everything and maybe i wouldn't be in this situation around dude okay obviously something's going on travis he gives stuff away he forgets you ladies want a shot yeah so hey so was he a drinker will you guys i mean he would drink but never like this have an owner your husband who's sitting at the bar getting drunk he hasn't been in the kitchen in a while he hasn't looked at any tables he doesn't know if things are coming out right this is him isn't it yeah uh you're uh what puerto rican puerto rican i'm cuban rights jackie that's a mexican name i thought she was you said you were both maxine you said you were with max how old are you what are like 25 yes we're going with that 25. she's 30x no no sort of gasps by the lines by your eyes [Music] it's bad it's bad you don't tell somebody that well i didn't mean to i'm i'm a little drunk i'm sorry i didn't mean to go i'm sorry some of the things he said were what's not okay definitely feel disrespected can i make now if you came out with a friend would you want him sitting next to you doing this absolutely not in fact i've left places because of that of course you have or women have i need a lion you need a lion yeah do you mean like a diaper as well or lighter life just just yeah yes what that was good dude so now he's established himself as the honor he's established himself as a big shot he's demeaned everybody around him so get you guys his emails is this the man you married no no not at all so what would be happening if i wasn't here we'd go out of business for sure we would lose our house um [Music] parents would lose a huge chunk of their retirement money how old do you catch two and four he pays us all this lip service about how hard he's working to help and turn this place around and this is what he's doing nice in here dude i got it when i was like 18. that and those yeah all of them happy birthday happy endings we were like i loved it and it was like now that isn't what they meant when they tattooed it on their arms was it you're not like a straight idiot you're acting like you normally act which yeah okay i'm working yeah dude she's working shut up don't knock like you do me a favor you're done i know she's just getting done nope seriously can we chill out now at least travis cut him off get out of here this is really hard to watch my purpose in being here is you do you need to go in and see him he needs a kick and a freaking ass do you agree i agree yes okay stop rock his world [Music] you come home and you say oh i'm working so hard to turn around the business while i'm working oh no no no you're not if you were really working hard to turn around the business you would stop drinking if you would stop cursing in front of customers hey guess what if you came in here and actually worked a little bit no no no no josh is actually blaming this on alexia i'm going in and putting a stop to this right away i'm done i am not watching this anymore and i am not having you take the kids down the tubes with you you either agree to stop this recommit to this business and recommit to our family we have put everything on the line we have put our family on the line we have put your parents on the line you need no no let's just finish that finish that this is just you've been embarrassing her all night leaning in on these girls and you have the audacity sitting on your ass drunk to actually blame your failure on her [Music] it's been tough john oh sure i know you're working so hard tonight how many customers have you checked their food i don't know how many people did you make sure he rang up you have two children at home and a wife you know you're a drunkard right yeah you know it i do you know you're not working so folks now you know why i'm here it's not because of a failing bar it's because of a failing person i think a man should earn the right to come home every day you should sleep in your bar tonight let's go let's just get out of here grab me a beer by the way go dude you gotta go gotta go no no [Applause] stop josh go home seriously [Music] it's like a volcano can only build so much pressure we're all at our wit's end could something give me a ride at home dude the man needs a kick in the nuts can you get me right now i saw an obnoxious fool two nights ago it was embarrassing where's all the potential in the freaking world what are you scared of because i want to help you i'm scared of failure and i'm scared of how i deal with failure you are far more valuable than any business i think i lost sight of that your wife loves you buddy i'm lucky she's put up with as much as she has i want to get back to the guy that she married 10 years ago i'm gonna bring her in to talk to us okay oh next year you have not been good at reaching out to lexia for help no i reached for a bottle you're not a victim are you no no we got to help him now okay you will completely back him up correct absolutely he's humbled up he's accepted responsibility we are freaking proud of you thank you i think for the first time we really feel hopeful so i'm excited for the relaunch and i'm beside myself i like that thanks appreciate it so there's bruno why is he cooking we had a full-time chef and there was a big falling out and we couldn't afford another chef we doing i'm all right how are you how are we doing hi there's liz liz is a bartender i love liz she was originally a customer i've been drinking a bit yeah you'd be surprised when he touches so i'm just saying there's chris she's a big girl she can handle a big one i came out really wrong i apologize we pisses a lot of people off maybe you shouldn't be working in a park it's the most magical place on the earth it's posh they probably should have been in the kitchen than ever being out on the floor oh shots for the bartender peanuts drinking burn out allows that he always has i have never worked behind a bar where i was allowed to drink he stays in the kitchen all night long and that's what happens she doesn't run the place so i reached out to about 200 people and they're in line outside of the bar right now oh my god are you kidding i'm simulating that the theater just broke okay because that's one of the built-in opportunities exactly that this bar has he's got a full staff let's see what happens oh it is going to get so ugly now i knew it was going to hit the fan i knew it everybody started coming in and we got hit then it was like oh my god we're going down that's all we're all gonna die with smiles on our face i have no idea what's going on right now i have no idea what i'm doing is there's people still walking inside there is i don't know this bar is now four deep hey if a shot of patrolman is way back here i wouldn't be mad okay he's in the kitchen he doesn't even know what's happening it's a lot of chaos all at once [Applause] [Music] somebody needs to get her off [Applause] look at them they're embarrassed they're going to win they're like what is happening you realize she's embarrassing the bar by allowing this to happen she's shaking her head that poor woman [Music] she got a pause but she got a pause from the young college students who don't spend money the adults are ashamed and he's back there doing what somebody would do for ten dollars an hour he's not a smart man give me a break that young lady just got you a free drink [Music] look at this um um um um what am i doing there's no systems here it's been a manual handwritten system since the minute we opened it's such a nightmare completely disorganized seriously yeah yeah yeah for real chill i need another drink let me tell you something chill out you see everybody else yeah all right good you'll get it when i get to you what else do you want me to do when i get yeah i think so you can't treat a guest like that it does not matter if you're busy it doesn't excuse me coming through excuse me people at the customers lots of people waiting it's a mess customer is reaching over the bar and helping herself it's a free-for-all all right i'm taking five minutes yeah now let's see if bruno helps he's holding on to the floor get the pole hope he doesn't touch food after touching that hole i gotta make some food yeah [Music] he's not going out there and running the bar he's hiding i haven't seen him wash his hand once i don't even believe this he's never been using his gloves this dish should also have the essence of a stripper pole oh no he put his hand on top of the food oh geez that's disgusting order up yachts every time he touches something he's contaminating something else after these orders i might kill the kitchen they just stopped taking orders that's the way to do it here he's facing total economic growth and he's drinking a beer we have to stop this rescuing this bar is critical for the economic stability of claudia a ten-year-old who's counting on her father to come through and he's yet to do it sherry's here are you surprised here am i surprised i think the shock comes to mind seriously she has no business being here say about your ex-wife turn around and get out how do you think he's running this place not so well easy to say from the outside looking in it's filthy in here come on your attitude sucks the puck on a kettle black you couldn't bartend because you couldn't make a change are you kidding well you know what she's sitting here right now actually trying to help you no she's not trying to help me she's trying to accuse me like she always does she said a lot of [ __ ] for a long time i'm watching your bartenders drink girls on stripper poles and you don't have a clue and this is what you do you come into the kitchen and drink that's how you come through for your little girl i think you're so used to fixing bars and you forget what it's like to work place every day i've owned more than you already i'm sure you have but i'm saying you've been doing this for so long and you forget how hard it is to do it on a daily basis the difference is i won't stand back here and great wow i'm hammered i can't do my job somebody better close for me thank you when you guys were successful here we had a good front of the house manager right yeah i want you to have that again for at least one night to have coverage and support here so tonight's dress says i would like sherry to work the very front of the house this is a bad idea sherry your purpose is to reinstill the old things that we used to do a little detailing make people feel welcome plain and simple this is a bad idea i'm already objecting to this this is not going to work for me i think it's a dumb idea and perfectly else with you are you telling me you think i'm done no i said the idea in the whole quarter of a million dollars yeah the idea of this is is not good it's just creating tension and stress where it's not needed you are hurting the business i'm not hurting the business i came into tonight prepared to run the front of the house i used to run the front of the house by myself on point you've been doing a great job last year watch the back of the house so what you want everybody to leave no you want you to leave out burn out burn out it's only one night one night just please we're here for you bruno remember that you are now be here for i want to be here for us i don't know why bruno can't get past his personal issues with sherry obviously she could help out why can't you just be a problem with it nice and normal for one that's been nice and normal for two and a half years now you haven't been out for 25 years so okay you know let's if we're going to split hairs exactly where we are that's my point listen to me your personal life is interfering with your business it's just unnecessary i think it's emotional i think it's discipline and i think you need it okay do it with a good attitude i can't just change my attitude why not because it's that's what professionals do emotions i'd like you guys to be reminded of the habits you had when we were successful i asked sherry to come here to send a message to the market that she supports this business if you focus on production behind the bar and in the kitchen and she focuses on guest service we should have a nice little combined effort going do you agree you'll see it okay let's go to work i don't need this right now one bit john bringing his share here is one of the worst ideas i could possibly think of don't let him stress everybody else out i don't know why bruno can't realize that we have a common ground bruno has to let it go especially for just one night it stops people from dancing on the pole last night bruno and sherry actually worked together today i want to make sure bruno and sherry bury the hatchet for claudia's sake and to protect the future of their business when my daughter was 12 i got divorced that anger was like a cancer to me and i got to a point that i said to myself i will never bad mouth my daughter's mother ever and i need to know that she won't bad-mouth me ever that understanding created an opportunity to co-exist my daughter won big time you want to say anything to her we've been battling for years now i'm ready i think i am i wasn't until you brought it to light it's leaving me alive i know what it is it's the hardest thing in the world it's a big help good i'll be glad all right it's gonna be great i'm really proud that you got this far okay are you good buddy i'm good i'm very good powerful a few days yeah man it's good it's a revelation can i have a promise that you never say a bad word about each other that's an important one yeah claudia's gonna win from this you're a great example for everyone who takes a bad situation and rises above it both of you well done oh he's working girl i'm always working so there's heather okay she's the owner and i have a bar so when i'm drinking i'm working yeah all right there's heather's husband howard they're losing two thousand dollars a month now howard has to give heather the money that he earns to cover the losses in the bar it's gonna be a big strain on the relationship you would think so right hi [Music] there's dee she's a bartender your specials tonight okay we have three dollar toy cards and three dollar cherry daddies so there's victoria she's a bartender okay what's yours okay here comes the boy pass the teeth and pass the guns look how tummy here it comes there's devin he's a bartender what's wrong she needs some training or what yeah do you see him smiling not at all and she's sitting there with her girlfriends just having shots he's not having any drinks he's sober isn't he he's serious he's watching the business i'm guessing at any point how he could say that's enough right when that gravy train stops that's when we straighten up right just continue to work i don't need to work anymore just continue to try to take care of the guests that's terrible okay well i'll just hit a minute thanks it's all about her party you notice that let me read some shots this is her party her place and i find it interesting that her husband pays the bills all right but she's sitting there drinking his booze and she's buying the drinks for all of her girlfriends i'm ready if i started yes or no two all right are you buying those or what yeah i'm gonna someone give me 15 shots and you get a shot and you get a shot and you get a shot [Music] [Applause] she's months from losing the whole damn place and you wonder what the hell is she happy about she has none of the risk involved in losing this so she's just having a grand old time with her girlfriends like she's at a private house party you already have one heather didn't get one oh i'm missing one for me you don't need one oh please fructose nene over there [Applause] and he's watching her have fun as she burns the money yep i it's not funny really she's drunk you know what guys i'm going to do something i've never done before i want to see if she can do this i am going to go in there right now i'm going to order so many drinks oh man so i'm going to go in and i'm going to do my own freaking recon this is going to be great let's see what she's got take oh my god another shot boy look at this guys we're just lining them up here did you pay for this i'm howard really bought it for her didn't he yes sir how many drinks did you buy her tonight howard you don't even know do you no sir and why i don't get this why why just like to have a good time so you like to have a good time at his expense so and are these your buddies yes and they come here and drink for free don't they no they have tabs sometimes sometimes yeah right cause he's working his ass off and you're partying yours month after month how many times have you written checks howard 25 at least 25 checks for 2 000 and nyx is what you do in front of him sometimes sometimes she says i got his back so i want to see what you got come behind the bar i'm gonna do my own recon all right what's your favorite drink to sell not to drink heather i make a cucumber shots no nut shots a cocktail can you make a margarita sure okay make me 15 of them right 15. yes make me 15 of them right now cause i'm gonna do it howard does it i'm gonna call you out he's being way too nice let's see what you got all right 15 of them let's go i got it i got it it's the most popular drink in america heather you should be able to do it you're right [Music] now do it without putting your hands all over the top of the glass she just running your fingers through your hair and everything else we gonna be here all night howard no it looks like it shut up this is amazing i'm working fast if she was sober could she do this oh yeah i am sober but she can't do it why i'm not because she's had probably five or six shots since we've been here so why is she more generous when she's drunk absolutely is she more flirty when she's drunk absolutely do you lose more money when she's drunk absolutely so why the hell are you drunk i'm not drunk you are taking shots sitting here with your girlfriends what did you do tonight that was work you know howard the quicker you tell her you're not writing any more checks the quicker she straightens up you know that ah yeah i know that but you know that it's a little hard to do i get it but you're enabling it aren't you no he's not give me a minute give me a minute so now i've been waiting what seven eight minutes for these drinks you just told me to make them give me a chance to make them doesn't that bother you that you're freeloading off your husband a party doesn't that bother you do you make a margarita should it be shaken or should it be built in a glass it should be shaking thank you don't point at me now shake them and start over again every time divorce every time it should be shaken no i'm glad you think this is funny while he keeps writing the checks cause you're dumping more of his booze down the drain now aren't you well it's our money i put a lot of money in it too it's not just about him i have worked my eyes he's writing the checks and going to a job right now yes but i also put on this all my money you know with you no howard i got your back but i don't want to do this for her this is outrageous it's incredibly disrespectful and you better realize i want your help i'm out of here so do i still make the drinks look at this place look at how everything is worn dingy when was the last time he updated anything in this place uh maybe a year eight years eight years the average nightclub needs some type of a remodel or a facelift every three years and generally rebranding every seven jp has owned this place now for eight years he hasn't put a diamond to it um can i do a mojito we don't have mojito how can they not have a mojito in a caribbean bank can i do margaritas yeah who's that bartender here can i see a menu a menu we don't have any kitchen's not even open so you can't even get something open in the night time is your drink good it's pretty bad like just pure margarita they can't make a margarita they're in big trouble right subscribe i'm gonna call her and see what she thinks hello hi ashley hi so what do you guys think of that bar it is old looks like my school cafeteria how's your drink uh my drink just tastes like pure margarita mix going to a caribbean latin place and not being able to get a mojito is pretty surprising i would think that would be the first thing they'd have the bar totally suck yes wow mario what do you think of this bar if i go out to my audience and tell them come down to this club you'll probably stop listening to me thank you buddy i appreciate it you need a shot [Music] who's that victor salute let's see where the knight takes us sure that's jp they're doing shots at the kill giving away chocolate he's giving it all away he's giving away your money i see a lot of guys here looking for some women you bought five girls we need more girl here we need much more it's offensive isn't it it offends you yeah i understand what would he say if some man was putting his hand through your hair probably he gonna kill somebody or hit everybody two shots [Music] bring some nice girls and some drinks with me not your man drinking partying on your money my money i don't recognize him anymore he's changed his soul his gems his value he's changing everything because what about your boyfriend what's up with my boyfriend i don't have a boyfriend you need a dominican man in your life oh my god i don't deserve this and you're strong aren't you oh yeah you know i'm doing a competition you're doing a competition too what kind of competition bikini big when i had to beat him show my support yeah yeah yeah it's it's stupid it's him that's not local did we have a kiss so i guess we you and i have some unfinished business no you're not married i know but you are yes yeah you see you see your ring on the street you see a ring you're seeing a ring on this ring huh not that [Music] i'm done i'm done i don't deserve this my girl doesn't deserve that no so i brought some presents to him what'd you bring i found the divorce you filed divorce she has id and the papers are there yes and you wrapped it as a gift as a gift and now this video made me feel so comfortable about what i'm gonna do with him he's throwing away everything even us this man is now this is your chance to say to him what you need to say he needs to know how serious that you are oh he will he will okay let's go all right i'm not gonna die i work too much if it's not the promotion oh darlene we've been watching you all night oh including the line i don't see a wedding ring on this hand but i have to right i have to work do you remember what day is today this is a present for you i'm gonna let you guys talk because she has something that she needs to say to you what day is today today dog you can't even remember because you have been drinking your freaking drink all day all night i have a present for you open it and that is gonna be the present for you sit down sit down no no sit down read it this is about you serving me divorce papers yeah i told you many times you don't wear wings so why do i have to take your dreams 14 years for nothing don't talk to me touch me bethel see you brand new shirt eddie get out of here let me talk to you don't come here you're trying to embarrass me in front of my people look at this brand new shirt do you know how many i don't care you embarrassed me telling the lost girl that you are not married why i didn't say about the marriage do you see a ring in my finger i'm a businessman but you want a businessman now hello forget about me i'm gonna take my daughter with me you are not the father that they deserve that that's your decision gth go to hell go to hell what i doing talking to a few girls am i breaking the law no you okay i feel really good actually like a weight is off your back yes i can fix the bar the question is is he worth it now i'll do this for you i'll do this for you little girls because i'm here for you edith i'll do anything i can to help you i did not expect the explosion that happened i'm here for edith she's the one who called me if she asked me to fix this bar i'm going to but there's nothing else i can do tonight [Music] hi this is john taffer click here to subscribe to paramount network on youtube for more bar rescue
Channel: Bar Rescue
Views: 493,946
Rating: 4.9187675 out of 5
Keywords: explosive relationship, crazy couples, bar co-owner, co-owner, bar owner, Most explosive relationships, explosive, Bar Rescue, Bar Rescue Show, bar rescue clip, best of bar rescue, bar rescue best moments, bar rescue best of, Jon Taffer, paramount, Paramount Network, Paramount, bar rescue tv show, bar rescue paramount network, bar rescue paramount tv series, jon taffer, bar rescue jon taffer, taffer, best bar rescue, top bar rescue, compilation, bar rescue compilation
Id: _hp4nsMxLJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 22sec (2242 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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