'If he doesn't do his job then f**k him' The Most OVERDUE Firings of Season 1 & 2 | Bar Rescue

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[Music] what are you going to do this is your business you're going to let all your employees think that you're the softest one in the world mario is done immediately right now get it out of my place i want to make webbers better if he doesn't do his job than him [Music] where's brittany brittany needs to be helping you the girls aren't quite following the directions that they were given which were very simple directions like they're leaving their sections going outside for cigarettes telephone calls which is the biggest pet peeve of all you two only have two tables oh that's one that told to flirt with the customers to talk to the customers exactly so that's what i was doing you need to cover your area that is your area well then you shouldn't have said to conversate with the customers you conversate with the customers in your area it's not that difficult no you weren't what's going on i noticed that brittany was a little disrespectful to the lady that was helping us and i was offended she's trying to help you you're staring at her like what are you going to do take her out no but she was the one that told me she is here to help you she's the one that you're arguing you're arguing with her why what was i supposed to say she was awake you sit there and you listen you sent me a list i was disney but i was following the rules as well i think you need to step out of the office you're the one that's wrong i want you to go and never come back and i need my money for the most paycheck that you owe me i work here for free renee for free and it's not right everybody's telling you're a liar they did not everything i'm not lying go get your check i will i it's not the will time it's happened when i first started working here and i was supposed to get my paycheck and i get paid to the third week and i was like what's going on here and they said whoever brings the paychecks in that's how it happens these two checks it doesn't matter if you didn't give them to me today i still worked here for free unfortunately those huge blow-ups happen quite often around here look at this you didn't work here i did work here for free i told you i had no money i have to have my 87 30 i don't have 130 more dollars i had to walk away because i was a problem as long as i was there she would be loud can you two please go inside now and control her but security or the other managers will step in and be the good guy i'm the bad one obviously today oh yes right man hey please take some deep breaths come on we will fix the problem just take some deep breaths okay it doesn't matter i'm fired anyway and i want my chest okay i will get it clear fixed up for you in the morning okay sweetheart and tell renee that she's an embarrassment okay do you know what was going on with barrel i don't know she's screaming and doing this like we didn't pay her i'm embarrassed wayne was the center of these problems because he's the general manager of the building with no bookkeeping no attention to bank accounts and not caring much about employees these things happen one thing i know renee won't be successful as long as wayne is here a public outburst is incredibly harmful to both business and staff morale but it runs far deeper than what appears on the surface john steps in to find out the root of the problem we had a pretty serious incident tonight and it was ugly for a couple minutes when customers see things like that it's not good when employees think that their paychecks are going to bounce that's even worse listen to me we really screwed up tonight and the reason why we screwed up tonight is we allowed an employee to create a really bad image of us oh there's drama here every night well that's wrong when you sit here and say that to me you're saying it to me like this is the way the business is renee this is not the way the business is stressing this is the way your business is only what's it gonna be tomorrow night and what's it gonna be the next night we have to stop this cycle we have to stop these things we can't fix it if we don't fill the place with people and we can't fix it if we don't have a manager who's presentable i won't invest my time and wayne the guy is an idiot he doesn't care and if you think he's worth your time then i'm starting to question your intelligence firearm let's get him in oh no i i i don't think i could do this right then how can you run a business if you can is he the guy who's gonna get you make you successful no okay then let me invest in the people who can can you can you make him do the janitor work or something or is he gone forever where else is what's he gonna do you want to be an owner or not yeah then get him the hell out of here i don't care how you do it okay boss you want to sit here i'll be happy to do it if you like me too i'll show you how it's done unfortunately i have to fire wayne tonight i have no choice even he himself told me he can't run this bar you know what my expectations are a little bit from the past day and you know that you don't have the ability to deliver that so let's just makes this simple no more discussion non-negotiable i'm going to fire you now hack up your stuff and uh good luck with your next opportunity it really didn't surprise him at all got up and left he didn't even try to defend it suggested i was wrong tell me that he can run the place ask for a second chance none of those things that to me is evidence that i made the right step i'm getting tired of the bar business and maybe try something else different sounds like starting a new chapter in my life despite the setbacks the abby's new food and drink menus are a big hit with the customers [Music] unfortunately they're not the only ones enjoying the new food menu you just take some food and start eating in the middle of a shift as i was walking through the bar i saw one of our servers eating food in the middle of a ship if a customer sat down in your table you wouldn't have known it have you have you punched out it's a simple question did you punch out i was not working for two seconds he turned around saw me take a bite and started yelling at me mail server what's his name peter peter sitting in a back room eating food in the middle of a shift it's time that they understand that you're serious this is the moment of truth for tom does he have the courage to be a manager or not you went back there you're eating you didn't ask to get punched out you're trying to get something no what happened was i cleaned up my whole section and everything and then he started yelling at me about eating and i walked away the facts are out there you know john described it to me and if he's a weak league they have to go i have to let you go right now i understand your frustration i really do okay but right now i'm gonna have to let you go [Music] this is what has to be done to get to where i have to go [Applause] where's i'll be you guys know i rarely know where lb is i'm pissed off at lb day two no text no call this is a big deal here this is about changing the image changing his image highly disappointed that he's not here right now can't speak for lb not being here kind of unacceptable he's missing a big part of it today it's a shame because this could have been a great opportunity for him too okay so this is the time to humble up guys okay let's do it good morning good morning hi how are you good how are you very good [Music] when i came here and looked at the history of the business we know it's been a rocky road and we really wanted to take this opportunity because it's a new day there to start a new day here excellent i'd like to first of all sincerely thank you that means a lot to me that you'd be here but a couple of things i'd like to speak to you about is for one we're gonna not totally abandon the garage idea but we're going to soften it a bit um the sign itself is is is actually going to be changed the fact that lb is m.i.a proves that he doesn't have my best interest or the restaurant's best interest i think we try to tell you that the first night yeah yeah i'm disappointed to hear that you're not doing well but in the same token i'm not that surprised right the perception you had killed you from the beginning so i think this is a time to change it if you're going to change it i'm glad lb didn't show up today it's important that tim and richie finally look at this realistically monday night we're we're doing our relaunch which i'd love to see you guys and the rest of the board at so i hope you can make it i think we had a successful meeting today tim told them about the changes we're making and i think they have a new perception of him and hopefully rich too this was a big chance for lb to get back in the good graces of the town you blew it you blew it dude [Music] tim you looked at the selectmen and told them what about lb he's no longer gonna represent the restaurant do you want him here you know your days of damaging this place are over okay and what you bring to the table in a positive way is nowhere near what you've done to it in a negative sense albeit it's the truth okay i'm in charge of this place now i understand and you're gone there's a car waiting for you right there good night that's unbelievable bud john taffer just stole my bar from me it's obvious tim doesn't want me to be a part of the bar and if that's the case it wasn't going to work anyways what do you think alyssa i think that we need a little bit more authority if people don't show up for their ships but there needs to be consequences do people show up late now all the time who i think everybody abby comes in late kenzie comes in late a lot why do you allow that frank people show up late all the time in a bar i've been in bar business my whole life i've been in 35 months late all the time yeah when they work for guys like you when they work for guys like me they're never late that's the difference i think john's living in a fantasy world if i were to fire every single person that came in late we'd have no employees here where were you yesterday um i didn't come so you were supposed to be here yesterday and you you just chose not to come um i didn't wake up you didn't wake up with frank you can pretty much just show up whenever you want to there really won't be any consequences as long as you're pretty so you blew us off is that accurate yes how do you feel about that guy i was very upset it was nice to hear what did you do about it well i'm gonna do something about it you're going to do something with this for a week but then maybe it'll be a day maybe it'll be two hours you look in her beautiful blue eyes you'll melt you'll succumb and nothing will happen no it has nothing to do with her beautiful looks sorry has to do that when she comes to work she gives me 100 when she comes to work you're making excuses for keeping her good job you're the kind of guy that they know they can blow up that's not a business owner now you're going to tell me she's a great employee no i didn't say she was a great employer she blew you off does it get worse than that no so is she a good employee or she a lousy employee let's talk frank frank she's not consistent so that would make her not a good employer abby's on thin ice but i have a bigger problem with mia she's late as we speak and has absolutely no respect for anyone where's mia right now neil's lady oh she's late she's late mia shows up late today where she is we'll be fired so you're gonna be a boss and you're gonna see that you will see me again believe it i'll believe it when i see it thank you you don't have credibility because they believe it when they see it okay it's critical that frank get his credibility back with his staff they don't believe in him by firing mia they will understand that now it's different frank will do what he says and the rules are real it's a young lady frank is a hustler he's full of bs and the staff knows it so they bs him all day long and they manipulate the hell out of him so what happened today um i totally lost track of time i just couldn't come in so what happened yesterday same thing same thing okay we had things to do today we had training we had staff meetings and you have no consideration for me or any of your co-workers well you know all i can say is i tried to make it here on time i really did i don't think i'm special or anything i definitely do get away with a little bit more and people might get upset but that's you know that's frank's deal i know he has a thing for blondes i can't help being the type of girl he likes i don't know you didn't call me your i don't have no texts from you i'll be honest i love you i think you're a terrific girl you're my friend but you can no longer work here the frank i know probably will hire me back but maybe he needs some time to cool off all right frank you're gonna play like that yeah i'm not joking i'm serious if you want to talk to me outside and be normal i will talk to you when this is done right now i got business to run so when it's over you'll be normal and not be fake not be fake someone while most of the staff attempts to keep customers happy one employee chooses to fall back into our old habits [Music] what are you supposed to be doing bottle service right did anybody tell you to sit down and have a drink [Music] just answer me simple question i think you should walk away because if you sit at this bar and drink that drink much longer you're not going to be here i feel it we understand each other go to work guys it's time to manage she's the reason why you're losing money torres that's it right there fire her ass she's gone all of our employees are working hard brittany is sitting at the bar having a cocktail you're not here to work hard then you don't need to be here it's not your money on the line of sight taurus stepped to the plate understood that he's not going to be successful with employees like brittany i got fired because i was on person couldn't find nothing to do but everybody else managed yes john and that's what we've been talking about all along all right keep working keep working for brittany to sit at the bar and have a drink that's upsetting she's fired you know done read them out man read them out i'm glad she's gone [Music] you know some of this is training but some of it isn't people know when they're stealing i feel really bad right now i mean upset pissed off it's crazy you know when i'm in a situation like this sometimes i do what i call a landmark fire just to make sure everybody knows i'm serious a landmark fire is a term i use when i send a message to my employees i fire the weakest of all it shakes up all the other employees and tells them we mean business well it's d-day so let's go make a good fight okay let's do it when management has no credibility with their employees it's time to convince them that things have changed joe mario ron right now we want to have a small meeting real quick so i'd like to you to know that we did do our bev and tell reports thursday night was an f and how much liquor did they give away 435 friday night 715 i want to fire everybody right now but mario friday night what happened what happened to my money that was your shift friday night what happened to the money i don't know oh don't you know how many years have you been bartending four years here did you give up my alcohol probably over poured probably gave a shot away probably i owe report you have a poll how many shots have been given away without asking 100 maybe more i'm not sure probably i don't know did you steal my money watch the way you answer this question because i know more than you think i do what if i said some of his money wound up in your pocket now's the kind to come straight did it [Music] probably so you're a thief there he is a thief look at him guys that's what a thief looks like that's the guy who steals money counts it at night as low as it gets this can happen again i'm going to keep you here but this can happen again let me ask you a question what would you do joe i'd probably break us yeah and then what and correct what would you do if it was your business oh i'd be pissed i'd fire him what would you do if it was your business he would be out what are you going to do this is your business you're going to let all your employees think that you're the softest one in the world mario's done immediately right now get out of my place i want to make webbers better if he doesn't do his job than him i'm in shock right now i i'm just like i'm i'm literally speechless because i work with him every night so or a lot of nights so it's like it's just really hard to believe really what i got concerned about you my understanding you guys have a relationship a relationship and you guys have worked many shifts together so i'm wondering if you guys are still still in together so now's your time to tell me the truth are you kidding me corbin what happened in the parking lot when i came in one day and you guys were making it in the parking lot that's still in my time that was that was one time when i talked to you about that one time and i don't want to talk about it right now well we're talking about it it's my money that can happen tomorrow it won't happen with me all right i'm in shock i'm literally speechless right now i think kervin misinterpreted our relationship and i think he came at me without knowing full details just looking at these numbers man this guy's still thousands from me man thousands you know what i'm saying 700 in one night and that's a slow night he's been here four years four years 300 people yeah and the thing that he's been stealing from all these years it really pisses me off hi this is john taffer click here to subscribe to paramount network on youtube for more bar rescue
Channel: Bar Rescue
Views: 1,080,763
Rating: 4.8833294 out of 5
Keywords: you're fired, youre fired, employees getting fired, bad bartender, Bar Rescue, full, episodes, clip, clips, episode, angry, mad, funny, hilarious, bar, rescue, paramount network, jon taffer, john taffer, taffer, compilation, mid-shift, quit, quitting, fire, fired, Paramount Network, Paramount, bar rescue tv show, bar rescue jon taffer, top bar rescue, stress tests, bar rescue, fails, bars, owners, bar managing, highlight, Jon Taffer, Bar Rescue Show, bar rescue clip, best moments, best of, employee
Id: tVaTE6H1h9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 15sec (1155 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 24 2021
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