🔥 1 HOUR MEGA-MUD SPECIAL!!! NOBODY ELSE can do Cape York like THIS!!!

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[Music] welcome back to all for adventure last time the boys were in a world of Earth pushing out to the western side of Cape York well you said last little episode there is anything to go by we are in one hell of a mission exactly the same thing mate I've never seen it that wet so quick it was Bug Hole after pothole get the winch get the winch a one day trip was quickly turning into three days this track would have to be some of the toughest I don't know toughest country that we've ever rolled in let's rejoin the adventure a day and a half in all night The Scrub bull wakes up camp this is his swamp hurry up and get out inside early morning too there's still water in the swamp oh nothing like mud between the toes in the morning boy yeah it's got a hard bottom where it does good entry good exit hard bottom you're right we'll wait over this side and you can do your big thing and just in case you don't make it peel the water out of course Swampy sure I woke up this morning thinking we'll go past the worst of it looks like the worst of it in front of us great oh boys coming through Nelly it's close [Music] I'm out you gotta hit it hard right hell yeah I already got lines there won't be so bad okay my dad coming in ready or not here we go nice oh okay now that we know what the what the bottom is like it's just hitting it winching through yeah it seems to be working so far good luck buddy now too right he's got some mumbo oh he's not gonna make it dude that's a negative on the making more of a run-up on that one can you grab the um tree protector please mate I forgot it [Music] was slowly too long yeah there's no point getting the max tracks out because you'll just get a little bit bang and you'll yeah you get a little bit of traction for the length of the track but we've got a long way to go he's got a hard bottom if we were to sink right through to the diffs and the axles yeah then you'd be going oh hang on a minute I think we better get some Max tracks out they spoke too soon and sink to the axles time to break out swampy Zombies going off [Music] it's red look at that I'm not up why am I getting bogged I'm not really sure don't just be too soon I'm not in the mud you've got a lot of zombie though oh mate it's easy to be here there's a field driving around in swampy Daddy it's easy to be confident with 46 inch tires zero PSI yeah no wait that's an Excellence [Music] swampy makes a great recovery truck just check the front winch on as well so he can stretch Swampy [Music] so we needed Max tracker Tuesday I'm going to get swampy off that lightens the load on this truck uh got onto the track so you can see me move forward really quickly perhaps we probably should have been using the tracks that was the uh that was probably the decider right there still dragging either trees Jace decides to change the wind chat all right so that'll give us a straighter line because we're seeing we're going to head for that tree there no matter what try and get the whole truck over this way so that we get a clear line when we're coming through get our fun playing those tracks come on we'll do more and I'll be out [Music] who's there I'm out I'm out yeah that's one that's one then go to zombie yeah you wanna move swamp It Forward I'll drive forward yes I do want to move swampy forward another one on the bug list tick [Music] holy I haven't got the run up I want I can't go backwards there we go oh yeah no stand on it cheers concentration looking good inch is good and hold it in mate yeah I'm moving forward not bad not bad foreign [Music] [Music] cross fingers we're uh through the worst of it you know damn well we're not still some water in this little swamp ahead of us boys hair bad oh it doesn't look too bad you said that about the last one we're getting scared now we're scared of the water we've got bugs and stock in there we're scared there's no master wind chop there either no it starts off nice and hard and then soft sand in front of me I need to get tickets uh mate hit it hit it with everything you got all right there you go try to fly out of track so we might be half a chance yeah you got that yeah you got that you got it you gotta slide in you got it yeah I think the trickle what we'll do first is we'll go to the uh fresh water the upper region before we head out under the bay it's good it's this bit up here I'm concerned about it's a long look at it oh it's very long so this is the road there's there's a fork in the road heads off across this old pan to the beach and this one heads Straight Ahead refresh just some fresh water about 10 K's or so all right anyway so what we'll do is we'll head down this way and we'll grab Blick swampy off click to see if Moto up we've got to Chuck our fishing rods in yep got boost it yeah what do you reckon don't get to cut the bar for dinner tonight because we've got nothing left oh bear bites yes uh let's boost it let's do it all right boys we'll see how deep it is you see how you go first copy that yeah it is quite hard oh [Music] see I found the fine line all right I might have to tell you through this section [Music] I'll just see how deep it is hey it looks like it's quite deep Roger that foreign [Music] Rock by the water is bug s see where the ant-mans are over there yep that's where the dryer the ground is three line for a while stay on course by the time we get there it should be perfect all right so what I gotta do is I gotta try to find the track and stay on it I have the Wheel track just back there it was now posted again because I need to be on the Wheel track once we get into this big stuff so we can get right to breathe out here we go down the river we got a river oh it's not the locked our imagined it and it's nothing like I remember years ago wow let's go and have a look see what's here we're not asking for much just one fish after all that would be would be good that'll do I don't even mind if you catch it two days 300 boggings I'd prefer I caught it but I still wouldn't mind oh little fish but larger fish really come on mate you don't want to be playing around you just keep doing your thing over there like that bear up are you have you got him yeah everyone it's been a wrap [Music] it yeah [Music] I dedication [Laughter] [Music] that's how the pigs have been here real fresh that one stomping around that probably last night up here too eh drunk loads of them yes piggy Heaven mate piggy heaven sure is that's why I got a stalker have yeah Duncan Bearer Duncan mates [Music] he's in these in the lilies careful careful you got to sacrifice your shirt and go in and like be careful don't get deleted you're dead he's holding there so gentle gentle slide up the bank part in there [Music] Gotti oh yeah anyway well done job done hell yeah prickly pear you might just fit him in the CF Moto tray mate oh well done I'm happy with that that's dinner tonight mate yeah I didn't know at least nice silver Goldy colored too silvery Goldie like silvery with gold rainbow yeah okay good job that's a good bar right 65-67 it looks good nice power off the shore it was worth a run hey 100 yeah we mucked around that other bloody Bend Road I'm done see as you can see before it's later though all right the Team Heads back to camp for a cooker it's one of the best sunsets so far this trip they'll try for the coast tomorrow g'day guys it's me again now today's video is brought to you by the campus 4x4 boss air range now I've got a few of those bits and pieces here now one of the ones that really stands out for me is the tire repair kit mate I wouldn't leave home without one of these on your next adventure this could get you out of a sticky situation in the middle of nowhere with a quick Bush tire repair so remember that one we've used that a lot once you know when we've been out in the field now if you get a chance go on to Camp boss 4x4 shop online or check out your local Campos 4x4 dealer anyway back to the adventure after a real Mozzy infested and just a you know damp ground it's a wrappy campsite last night I'll tell you I'm dying to get at least get to the coastline where we can get out onto the beach and see the Waters of the Gulf you know you get on there mate yeah a little bit of a scout and swampy and what's thrown me off as well is this grassland yeah this is not real dead remember from last time it's a big salt pan all I'm seeing is grassland yeah now if you'll notice Simo see those scraggly sticks to the right of us are you indeed that represents uh there's a little Saltwater Creek on my map it looks like because it goes travels all the way to the coastline but we've got to try and cross this Creek at numerous times gonna be our first Crossing year somewhere you're right looks like a bit of a spot to cross here did you want to go first Cinema you're the lighter vehicle I see water Downstream and I see water Upstream this there's a spot right there he's got a lot of sand in it feels pretty good though a little bit something no nothing compared to what we've been doing I'm not gonna follow in these tracks I'm gonna go around just broke the crust I'm going to pick just a slightly different line so this Saltwater Creek here so on the big Tides this will just fill up with water so we're actually on the salt pan now there's a lot more grass than normal but if you go through this will Meander through the pans here a little bit and out there if you look way on the horizon those gaps in the tree lines that's literally access to the golf so let's keep cracking we've got one of those um all those little wet creeks in front of us this one doesn't look as easy as the last one they do look like a little bottomless pit too doesn't it so you drive around up here anyway now on the holes so these little holes what pigs come in they wallow these little holes and they make like a little hole and then the hole dries out and they're done with it all you get is these melon Holes about the size of a picked butt I can see the Sand Dune boys thank goodness for that all right we are very close I don't think I'm getting a little bit seasick close is that one another one of those little gullies to our left we gotta try and get around nasty little Gully too oh I sold everything melon holes back there yeah trailers stuck on a boulder and can't speed through it I don't want to start giving it too much so I'm gonna just give a little tug I've been just cruising just off your Wheel tracks in case we're getting a bit of sort of Muddy stuff under the grass yep because that trial is pretty heavy you just dropped in a hole didn't carry momentum and then oh yeah just can't get out of it so that's all that dogs that's all I needed it's over that sand dune boys will be there just over this rise boys is gonna be the Gulf of Carpenteria and she is I'll show the ocean first let's her first ah there it is wow look at that here we go how good is that nice glass here what a crack and die dead glass good job boys that was the mission getting there good job that's right that was Heavy yeah we did it it was very hitful bumpy very mud heavy here we go boys first drive on the beach open it up open it up oh it's bloody high tide too right there but we have let the air out of our tires so it's all good Carpenteria here on the way on the west coast of Cape York Glass House bloody awesome absolutely awesome there's a trailer of yours down on the beach back there girl you can feel it put it away from trailers and everything yeah the sand is Buddy soft right I know I just stopped for a little bit oh yeah then you went straight down another one in there all right trashy see if I can get out of there and out gone get out mateys yeah dropped a bit more air out of tires dropped all the air out of the uh the trailer as well and um that made all the difference there all right so we're gonna turn along the beach for a little bit then we're gonna find uh a track that shoots off like a an exit track that drives over to uh almost barricade apparently there's a barracamp on the um yeah I've got Wheel tracks in front of me they probably come from their Camp I'd say they can still drive onto the beach during the wet season here it is we're on to it ah there we go this Joy there's stuff lots of stuff everywhere the crew pull into the Barra camp and meet the locals plenty of them this is awesome mate I always wanted to come here I've heard about this for years and years and years made of mine comes out here you know waiting yeah you're waiting yeah he comes out here all right well I'll tell you what I'd be Keen to check out your your bush camper it looks pretty cool looks real cool Shane gives the team a tour of the stuff hey mate you got some gear around here right look at that shine a bit this thing's got a story oh bloody ice made our World War II M.A carrier apparently it was yeah yeah thank you and back in the day as a young fella here brought a passage you had to jump out of the Crow's Nest oh well for me but it was sad it hurt when you hit the water anyway yeah did we have to do that now right if you want yeah there we go are we gonna have to fix that I will just put it on the bill what's this big thing well that's our freezer there's about a 24 tonne freezer oh you can get down into it through that hole there this looks like some sort of kitcheny roomy things before you go up into the helm I'm picking this up into the helm yeah that was it so is the name Candy length overall 20.11 meters Home Port cans so back in the past before we had the fire yeah I was just testing the uh the wobbliness so if you want to do a phone call you can generally get service from the top of that that a lot of the crew used to climb it and do phone calls that's a serious jump I can add that on the road it looks too rusty for me I think it was only like 30 something foot but adjusted Larry felt felt like a lot when you're up there down through there like that the crews still have a bit of life so are going to get in a quick flick before dark stab him off hey nice work nice Sabara yeah he tried to run me back to that snap right back for it oh you wanna come up here you don't want him to he's got a bit more of a ball to him but come here little fella and doors yeah it's lovely oh you're sure they're right at the boat too little bugger it's all going off here it's going off Little Queenie yeah you might not be able to get to the bar if we got queenies this River looks great the fish are going off everywhere out of town my little queenies got a hit it's a good hit yes good fish yep Big Ben doing the casting wow fish good fish oh yeah baby it's all yours okay he's about 65 that wasn't not a real big barrel but good enough please they are just about to head back once every few years with so much fishing this inevitably happens unfortunately it's Simon's turn for a hook in the arm is it good or bad ah there's a dryer look at it it's gone past the bar if that's good that's good [Music] he's gonna be a push ready cutting the bush through Val try the easy way first in remote areas you just have to deal with the problem medical help is dies away you tough bugger oh my God love that ah the easy way is a no-go apparently first of all remove the other hooks to push the Barb through yeah booyah Booyah did you get it yeah then Barb off pop her out and remove you know the good thing about getting a hook in your arm it comes out when you actually get it out sorry oh it feels so much better it feels so much better now with the hooks out you can feed the animals to make them happy again yeah Dave is a pretty cool bit of gear you know you can make savory dampers you can make spicy dampers you can make you know dessert type dampers and you can just make normal damper you have with butter and jam and all that sort of stuff so it becomes a little bit of a conundrum and I'm sitting there and I'm going what the hell could I put in a damper so I come up with a few concoctions I'm going to show you one of those that sort of found its way into my head just the other day now it's called an apple and peanut butter damper let's get my old Bowl trusty bowl out we're going to cook this one in the camp oven got some coals going on over there I've got my little tin here that I use and of course the first thing you need when you make a damper is you're going to need the the raw ingredients so first of all let's get some self-raising flour into this bowl here now I'm going to put about that much in so we'll get some cream we'll get a little some eggs how many eggs do I want probably just a couple of eggs I'll just whack two in two will be good let's get a little bit of butter out crack them Chuck them in a little bit of cream now I've just got some thickened cream okay yep test it always test the cream when you get on the sticks a bit of a stir up so let's get some honey in there for a bit of sugary taste peanut butter don't forget the peanut butter let's whack a slab of that in there we go I've got some crushed nuts here these are just crushed peanuts I'm going to whack a few of those in stick some apples in about that much I didn't put a whole lot in there now we're going to try and mix all these ingredients together now you want to mix them together but you don't want to beat the crap out of it remember the less you beat the damper mixture the better it it is and it doesn't turn out like Rock Cakes you've got a really greasy pan okay otherwise it's going to stick like a monkey on a banana the butter and the flour candy this is mum's kitchen which is good try and do that at mum's kitchen you shot let's stick that sucker in there like that and that my friend is ready for the camp oven so get the Old Camp oven out don't forget that trivet that trivet is what will save the day when it comes to burning and that's pretty much us let's go all right boys we've got some coals there everybody looks and rolls under there somewhere real hot that's it yeah all right now on top remember no flame just coals and good Timber I'm gonna make us some food now oh look at that that's just magical the thing about a damper is you've got to it's like an art form you've got to you gotta really play with it and look after it and massage it and do all that sort of stuff so you can get the Perfection out of it let's have a crack I'm going to open it up and have a quick look at it and bust him open and there it is smart guys ready boys didn't have gone it didn't go oh my God it's like a it's like a rag to a ball the old smuggage what do we get going here one of you boys got cup of coffee coffee so this is a peanut butter and apple damper all right so do you want a little bit of butter or you want to eat it like that there you go just like that if that's all right you go yeah it's got peanut butter in it so it's got nuts in it as well cheers [Music] foreign [Music] guys today's video is brought to you by Camp boss boss Chopper now I'll tell you what mate the chopper she's good for chopping everything slicing Dyson you name it when you're out camp cooking now check this little beauty out this thing is sharp as oh you shave your face with this sucker and uh rightly so because it's got a diamond steel look at this it's got a diamond steel Sharp now built-in to the uh the pouch and look it is razor sharp great for those campfire Bush cook-ups I use it all the time especially when I'm out in the field camp cooking anyway guys uh if you want to check them out go to Canvas 4x4 Web Store okay so it's can bus 4x4's web store you can check them out there otherwise go to your local dealer so there's got to be a Campos dealer near you check the list you'll never know might be one round the corner anyway back to the video and back to the adventure so this morning we're gonna head we're gonna head up to the what they call the freshwater reaches of this river system there could be anything from toga to crocodiles nesting to barramundi the whole shooting match foreign [Music] [Music] yes let's go get it up first one of the day fish it's a cracker too he's a good one go see me yeah good job fish that's the first fish of the day like literally we've been fishing for like what oh three minutes three minutes there you go that's pretty cool we stopped here because there's a there's like a slide it looks like a big Crocs come in and out through here into a billabong behind us mate this place is absolutely magnificent I saw the sound as I was reversing out and went oh Bara Barra saw him on the Sounder and mate there he is so to work that snag for half a dozen cast and you probably just straight in they look like good colors too they're not black they're not swamp dogs because we are in fresh eh yeah so yeah it's got the same color as the ones at the river mouth yeah he's a good Baron he's a good fish today is going to be I got a feeling today is going to be the day mate we're going to get some good fish oh I got him did you say that oh my God I caught the seat oh there you go little one Cape York barramundi in the beginning guys the Rhythm in yeah look at that here you go buddy [Music] his Apes on that buddy snag oh they fight good those size don't they there he is about the same size again yeah good size it's like real good eating size oh he's a good one a little head trash a little bit bigger that one eh Don't we like the head thrash oh yeah thank you mates you guys that's a great fish man nice work very happy with that look at that mate is one bigger than yours I think a bad sign um [Music] all right holding hold it tight I'll see if I can get you in there we'll release these fish what's your thoughts Carl because you were coming up to the cape and like you never caught a barrier before put your thoughts off we're gonna get my barrels okay what's your thoughts on she snagged on the barrel come on stop lollipop again Dolly gagging he's got him clear reckon this would be Carl's biggest fish this is his PB at the moment yeah this is his PB we're gonna have to measure him oh it's a good one but he's cooked on the side don't put too much pressure on him oh he's only just cleaned yeah what a diamond this mate how how good now is it after all them bog homes [Music] 65. I was closest good fish mate and look how much flattering is than the ones we just got good job we'll let him go I don't need him [Music] come on you cheeky little bugger two on oh this one oh that's a good fish mate that's a solid Barrel yeah that's a 70. fish that's the 70. he's TV and everywhere yeah hit the 70s oh that's a good one yeah pretty good there he is there's a guinea better that's pretty good hey and this is something that's very rare for me with such a beautiful eating fish it's like [Music] really starting to change now see all these big bull rush Reeds coming in on the banks water's starting to clear up a little bit it's got a little bit more flow about it it's narrowed right down oh so pretty see where the water's coming from oh it's getting tight there's a big log there it's getting very tight yeah it's a big log we've come a fair way up the river probably at least 16 17 kilometers now they did talk of uh some little rock bars and stuff like that but not knowing where they are so fish on fish on Fish on what is it you reckon I don't know yet I've got a dog get out of my target this is my target spot it's on YouTube oh there goes my tiger now [Music] you see that I hooked a tiger and Jason off yeah I did see that did you notice that I didn't know [Music] you know he's killing the toes over there swimming with you he's coming with me full noise and what is it under the boat it's going around the snag here it is a blue big color of your big Goldie oh yeah beautiful the golden so it actually matches the color of all the weeds up here yeah mate you go back to your little snag there he is there he is just a little one [Music] he's not bad [Music] how's that I never thought you'd catch that good sized fish in this little creek eh oh big one didn't he go and he peel some lawn that's awesome in this fresh crystal clear water oh it's so cute with your little barramundi or your face so cute all right Friday look at that letting go already gone [Music] mate don't muck around oh dude oh there's no way you're gonna get that fish eat a little bit more light out that is a good fish open your mouth [Applause] oh yeah oh you feel the weight difference in the last couple that I got hey I'm done 74 buddy PB 74. look at that let's let him go good job mate well done he's got the biggest run out of all of us now he's just he's showing off now for me this is good he's just showing off yes drive me out drive me out let me get this up first drive me out away for you okay let's build a heap of line I don't know just people to people on the out get me out get me out because he's gone oh this is a solid fish put some hurt on him get him out of those Sticks no he's in the sticks oh did I just back the throttle off then lost him how do you feel that's a good fish yeah it looked like a good fish it's speeding round we're going for another [ __ ] [Music] neutral and get me out of town yeah big fish go go go go go in the water don't worry about along the water turn turn turn turn oh he's going clear he's going clear and he has swallowed it he's a leader on his mouth yeah [Music] cheers [Music] destroyed he's coming in oh I knew that was gonna happen but I thought he just got off I saw that spit and I thought I thought he was gone man oh he's not done yet a lollygagging yeah in the boat that is swollen yeah that's a good size that one have a look at that Cracker that one's about 72. it's not that big 72 bang on though oh we'll let him go [Music] I get used to this mate do not get used to this one you can't go down from this why do you think we're smiling our dials because we're not used to this it's definitely worth it oh but yeah it's definitely worth it 110 hey this has happened before this is this has actually happened before I see the smile on Jason's face we've actually got to drive all the way back out of that track yet we'll see if it keeps that smile on the way out over the last five seasons we've given away over two million dollars worth of dream prize Rigs and now this could be your chance to live the all for adventure dream this year we've assembled another awesome Prize Package valued at over 200 [Music] suzu D-Max which has been fully kitted out with all the gear you need to confidently head off the Beaten Track and make it back again on the hitch there's a Jayco Crosstrek for a bit of luxury and there's a u-force 1000 from CF Moto for a bit of fun there's a boat and outboard package some fishing gear not to mention five thousand dollars from BCF so that you've got all the gear for your trip away one lucky person can win all this and it could be you collect your bonus keywords to increase your chances and if you're an Unleashed subscriber you can double your chances to win register now and you too could be living the all for adventure dreams foreign there's plenty there mate if any barrier where that come from right get a loads of sunset Boys best campsite we've been to so far this series 100 ah look at that g'day guys this video is brought to you today by the ultimate camp cooking bundle from Camp boss now this would have to be one of my most favorite cooking utensils because it is lightweight it's 12 inch it's spun steel Camp oven comes with all the accessories you've got a bag you've got a trivet you've got the hook and you've got the gloves makes cooking in the bush easy and simple like I always do when I go away anyway if you want to check them out go to Camp boss 4x4 online web store or get down to your local campus dealer anyway that's enough from me keep checking out the video [Music] John day after we call embarrass is one bigger than yours so um mission accomplished here this beach but now we're all packed up we've got the big track out because it's crossed we don't have any stay tuned we shall see [Music] how big is he DNA oh it's just strawberries drawbars he's just dragging I'm sure I said a couple of minutes ago go a little bit further to your left I'm sure I did he did he actually did say the same and Van's about to go in [Music] yeah you're right it'll pop that I'll get you to disconnect the move yeah you see the old Crossing there eh where's your radio well I went that way because of the old Crossings East State of the track I stayed to the track there you go Amity let's go that's out of that little hole bog one down don't drive into that one I'm not gonna drive into it don't drive into that one no I'm not driving into it I'm gonna drive I'm gonna skirt try and skirt it just here go out and around and back but I reckon this this is what I remember oh yeah it's getting this all the years ago I remember this but the problem obviously it's wetter than it was dry as a bone last time I was a bit scared to drive onto this but it's actually yeah I noticed that but lighter vehicle first showed the way yeah 100 but still I wasn't gonna drive on it go down a bit there yeah you can see when it gets a bit of weight and a bit of Turnage on it put it this way don't dawdle on it no move hello you feel like you're going down head towards the grass like you can dial it in don't even hesitate all right let's keep going Roger yep [Music] onwards you're in trouble he's the jackknife man stop all right stop you're jacked knife and it onto the canopy yes I'm coming forward now yeah I might go forward now yeah if you don't go forward go just keep going around like that I'll get out of your way your truck's loaded up going backwards hey you've got to go forwards in this stuff holy [ __ ] just stop there just stop there for a second you're gonna go down any second don't do a sharp turn and just do a slow straighten it up and then straight back no no reverse you've got no power in Reverse move use your momentum forward you're going down like you're going to start to cut through any second now turn now turn now keep the momentum and go go go go man you're gonna go through oh there's plenty plenty plenty you were just ready to go through then I could feel it like I was driving around before I could feel when it's going to go but see even when it digs in like it's not like it's that real jelly soft as stuff yeah it's got to be break through it it's got a bit of sponge but it's not it's not like it's bottom bottom of this pit like most of your salt pans yeah but when these get when these break through that's oh enough lollygag and let's go it really tastes gonna get across yet now I gotta I want to get around this so I'm gonna have to go out here to try and get around this that little creek back there they all have little feeders [Music] yep there it is across the little Feeder [Music] real careful scooting the edges of these salt pans yeah okay nice the skirting the edge of the salt pans the bomb yeah a lot better than going across those Mountain holes right those melon holes we've got whiskers on the water this is good we can do find me Norman [Applause] yes the savings and Salt's obviously dried out enough you can sort of gin around it even those wet patches don't you know they don't break through straight away with heavy vehicles the living isn't it I thought we were like taking our life into our hands dropping on here but it seems to be okay not through it yet though yeah finding the crossings across these little Gully it's going to do us in so I'll get that bit looks [Music] going in he's done it yeah it's solid solid good took the risk oh yeah nice work you got it you cross yep yeah that was the main one I that was the important one we had to get across White I think we've got another one to cross yet I just find the dry spot we'll be right I like Adventure Time fun in the wet spot [Music] I mean hot very noisy from back here how'd you go no you wouldn't believe it but she popped in the neutral just on the last bit oh no he actually made it through yeah I'm through but yeah popped into neutral and revved out that's weird that's what all that noise was am I going to come through yeah mate you're good to come through you're making no worries [Music] did you sleep out of the tractor was you trying to cut a new one I was coming you were tell me that didn't know how to you about your two wheel rocks [Music] hey guys today's video is brought to you by the premium Adventure recovery system from Camp boss 4x4 now this is an awesome little kit now I put this kit together so that you've got all the little things that you need when you're out on an adventure and you get yourself bogged and you're looking for recovery so if you get a chance check it out Campos 4x4 shop online or get down to your local Campos dealer and they'll have plenty of these in stock otherwise mate stop listening to me Babylon and get on with your adventure [Music] foreign [Music] foreign double line on double line on the camera truck single on Simon like what a mess [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] underneath [Music] weekend it's just I just need traction [Music] I mean Crow control so I got all four wheels doing this back and [Music] then like come on baby come on [Music] nearly there I'm nearly there is some good [Music] tell everything guys we'll get rid of um [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] just engaging my crawling control [Music] not happy David [Music] what a broad hole what a nightmare mess from hell drive that damn car boy drive that cop let's fly now flying [Applause] loving it double line pull two inches always gonna work [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] foreign hey guys if you've been touring around this great country of ours camping boating fishing four-wheel driving and adventuring as much as I have then you know that you've got to rely on good quality gear now campus 4x4 have put together an awesome range of products that are made from quality components now there's heaps of Cheaper stuff out there and we won't mention those brand names you know who they are now when we design things they're designed to last and you don't want them to fail right at that time when you really need them anyway if you want a chance to check out some good quality gear get onto Campos 4x4's Web Store okay and check out the shop there otherwise mate if you look in the list there's a good chance there's a Campos dealer right around the corner from you anyway let's stop mucking around here and get back to the adventure ah another bloody Crossing oh no the cracks are appearing cars are breaking my CVS clicking Aces car won't charge I don't know why the warning light didn't come on from my alternator but I did see it charging so maybe it was charging on and off but at the moment it's charging nothing so I've got no batteries batteries are dead flat and so I've just I did put the battery charger in so I've got the battery charger down the front there and I'm going to jury rig the battery charger under the Bonnet run it through put it into the front there and then I'm going to run it up to here the generator and I'm gonna have to run the generator on the roof because once the car starts it's not like an it's not like other cars like older version cars it actually needs at least 10.8 to 11 volts in order to run the computer so when the battery goes flat the car goes dead so I'll need to keep the batteries charged while I'm driving along now either two or two things my alternator is packed it in because there's a good chance all this water this dirty crappy water has has made my alternator car kit which is probably the 100 the problem so I think my batteries are good I've got a 30 amp charger there I've got that red Arc 30 amp charger and that just kind of punch it in hard and we'll see what happens I'll keep the pet the petrol up to this thing and run the generator on the roof and try and get the hell out of this track and cross fingers nothing else happens on this track and we get out [Music] Jesus think about coming in on it's not so bad there for a minute uh how'd it feel at the other end no pretty good eye hard bottom didn't slow you up too much nah I just got to stick to that original tracks pretty good all right that's what I'm gonna go we made it we didn't think we're gonna make it but we made it who did not think here I am over his side I think I'm gonna have to pull the winch out now I've got to walk all the way back through that pus oh you do so just take it back over there yeah you know you're on your own amateur move sure I'm not gonna say I'm not going to start now oh yeah I might just go and sweep the fish or something hit it to the eagle I'm not going to start walking it back across now because I know what's going to happen yeah Jason I'm flying through it he'll be tidal wave I thought you were collecting that tree then I'm right on my side oh it's gonna hurt the button off just a whiskey to let the traction get back on so you end up all the way out here too yeah you had enough Dimension to keep climbing up through it like this is pretty Sandy yeah it doesn't get older it's fun here we go I'm coming through hot [Music] what are you gonna do [Music] went into neutral again you did you hear it neutral boom had to pop it back in I heard a noise over there exactly anyway I made it you made it done attraction easy you're up Kyle you just gotta swim back yeah so you just dropped me back if you hop on the trailer I'll reverse back as far as you can go back and jam on the brakes oh princess doesn't want to get his feet wet is he off yet Narco you can come further than that you've got plenty of traction yeah he's off now where you go hahaha [Music] you know all I thought of then is going like drifting sideways into that tree yeah smack yep that's why that's why I picked that line instead of going away in close like the last two cars went no I'm not going anywhere near that thing [Music] let's have a look behind us there's got to be like 100 maybe even what 200 whistlers there's thousands of United Birds Ducks Magpie geese egrets it looks Sensational now this time of the year that the water holes start to shrink so all the birds they congregate in one area so behind us very very cool anyway this track that we've been on for the last God knows how long and got in and caught some absolutely epic barramundi he's still punishing us and I'm pretty sure there was a quote that Simon said in the boat what was it to the small on Jason's face we've actually got to drive all the way back out of that track yet we'll see if he kisses that smile on the way out and was I five minutes ago when I was putting the generator on the roof of the truck not smiling I heard a few swear words but we won't mention those dude there you go guys anyway we can't hang around here forever we got to get our busted ass trucks off this track and get back to civilization before I run out of generator fuel and patience so we'll see you guys next time so I'm off the Beaten Track [Music] next time on all for adventure what was that yeah don't go left don't go left go late wet is causing big problems but no Hill is unclimbable Maxie come on come on baby blood to the boards come on baby come on join them for the adventure
Channel: All 4 Adventure
Views: 468,802
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: All4Adventure, australia, 4wd, 4wd action, 4x4, unleashed, hilux, toyota, quadbikes, camping, vehicle mods, big tyres, tires, queensland, quads, all terrain, overlanding, tacoma, outback, offroad adventure show, oras, pat callinan, roothy, snatch, patriot, jase, simon, 4x4 action, boating, fishing, winching, crocodile, barramundi, cape york, 200 series, d-max, isuzu, fail, 4wd 24/7, nolan's crossing, old telegraph track, OTT
Id: grk3Ork0otg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 32sec (4112 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 01 2023
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