Say Watagan? Graham Rips Through Some Tough Tracks! 4WD Action #175

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the wattigans a four-wheel drive Mecca held in higher steam by four-wheel drivers around the country now I'd been warned about the car reading tracks and I wish I could say that fear did not weary me but with Shorty by my side bring it on we push these Forbes their limits and not all of them made it through to the other end [Music] looking for a mad deal on the gear that you're chasing like this awning I've got you covered keep an eye out throughout this video for an exclusive discount code and get 10 off store wide for all full drive Super Center YouTube subscribers and as always enjoy this adventure because this is an epic trip joining me on this trip is regular Tim Bates in his 2002 gu Patrol like a fish out of water outside of the Victorian High Country we're gonna prove to Tim that the rest of Australia does have worthwhile four-wheel driving to offer too g'day guys how are you Josh Ryan pleased to meet you mate Josh and Jess are always down here exploring the area they'll be leaving the Convoy in their 99 petrol 100 series probably would be fun exciting different experience now everything I've heard about this place suggests you don't need to go too far off this black stuff before you're into the good stuff no you don't have to the tracks are only probably five kilometers worth of tar I was watching the news last night I reckon it's the wettest month you've had here since 1953. it's going to make very slippery and difficult while they've done a heap of touring around this big country of ours Steve and Kaz are actually watering locals that have done very little exploring around their own backyard and would you believe that Steve and Karen met on the job they're both bus drivers their maneuverability in a bus is something to be seen as you'd imagine but uh after that jumping into the four-wheel drive it's nice and small really who's got that 100 series of that silly sticker right what does it say it says Nissan recovery vehicle [Laughter] hey Jamie how are you how are you mate Jamie and his family are obsessed with four-wheel driving and have traveled extensively in the top end and in their backyard The Glass House mountains having driven a Defender for 16 years Jamie has recently upgraded to a brand spanking 130 model yeah it'd be a great push for this I generally I take the old Land Rover 130 I've got but this time we're going to take the new one out it's brand new it hasn't been off the road yet yeah it's mainly a recover vehicle for missing and Toyotas well I reckon you're able to put your money with your mouth I'm the only one's got nothing to prove here your backyard you're full of confidence you reckon you've driven everything Tim comes from The High Country I come from a place as flat as this table and doesn't get any rain let's say we're going to have a look at though excellent that's great check it out [Music] so where are we heading right now bud oh we're heading on the cut Rock Road Cut Rock Road what's it like mate weaponics back with all this rain without lots of modern slippery clay that sounds like about as much fun as you can have with your clothes on mate let's get stuck into it the Watkins is an absolute Maze of tracks and you could spend a lifetime exploring this place we're going to be keeping to the northern part of the region and we'll be in the what against State Forest and also the National Park after meeting in kuranbong our first track will be cut Rock Road and from there we're gonna snake around with our final destination being Eaton's Lookout we're just airing down here on the side of the track I found myself an old thread here with a quote from this very area I'll read it out for you it says people please note this is real four-wheel drive or disposable car country these tracks can and will eat lesser cars for breakfast those aren't exactly words of encouragement but it does sound like a challenge and I'm up for that look at this for a track I can't even walk up the damn thing my any car up here you can see there are other people about a guy putting the blocks up there's no way you drive that without some rocks take the angle up through the side there your bum about there yeah and come up over that there with this might just be doable we'll need a spotter yeah a little bit nervous but quite excited about it now Josh isn't quite sure the name of this track well look even if it has a name but it's off plank Hill Road and comes out again on Cut Rock Road [Music] in fact this is probably a complete not a waste of time but let's I'll even put the slopy side towards you oh I reckon that you won't get anyway look up here with his safety numbers [Music] I might just uh get rid of this bad boy for you because what your tires are what would you say 500k is old yeah brand new tires I don't want that stick going through them could be a dog of a thing to get out of there is she now makes a wisecrack about me not using the sharp end whoopsie guys whose ex is [Music] so here you go on that motor if I've got to pack it more I will [Music] nice angle just go back a bit keep it going keep it going [Music] what's going on there mate that's it that's it that's it that's it hang on all right if we was getting him up over that tree root give me all the crap mates beautifully done beautifully done [Music] smile it's your call completely but if I had panels like that on shorty I reckon I'd pack this up and winch myself up this there you go mate yeah if you think so this was where a sense of team really started to form with everyone pitching in traffic the winch button doesn't work to release it only comes back in the winch is flying up [Music] put onto the recovery point on under the bull bar foreign I'll let you go for it [Music] if we get weight on that cable too close to that train I can't go forward anymore We're stopped well come across a little bit of a problem here a little bit of a snag Josh's winch won't winch out under tension and what that means is that we can get him up over that rock step but he's going to be flush up with his tree and we're going to need him to winch out under tension so we can undo all the gear so we can drive off so what we're going to do is try and pack up that rock step he is that close to being able to drive up that if you can do that can we get him up here without rearranging and trying to put another Anchor Point out we have got a small Anchor Point up here it's a little bit iffy I don't want to be using it to drag him up over that rock step all right let's see how that goes honey let's go for it [Music] four to go foreign [Laughter] there's my camera there's all sorts of bits and pieces in there there's my stable table alrighty let's see what the big High Country man makes of this challenge the main problem Tim's got here of course is that he's got a long wheelbase vehicle he's getting stuck in the ruts that have been made by everybody else yeah what once was a four line been reduced to Rubble [Music] all right see another crack [Music] we'll build it up again we'll see if we get a little bit higher boys can start the rain Quarry up here I reckon they're just about dragging rocks out of everywhere everywhere they can find them at the minute now we're looking more this is a work of art if I'm looking from this way it's a swan [Music] the mirror is gone here you're a rodeo rider in another in another age where'd you mate yeah go get up there and I'll winter up mate you're not feeling me with confidence Tim hey [Music] and that's you right there mate [Music] after YouTube let that winch cable out and I'll pack everything up you can drive from there [Music] we go we're up well this Little Rock step has proven to be a little trickier than uh we thought of course it's changing every time a four-wheel drive comes up here you can see divots here that weren't there when we got here and as the wheel bases on each truck change everyone's finding they've got their own battles shorty made it look a bit easier because I was halfway up when I was over the top it was all over for me whereas the longer wheelbase trucks they are struggling a little bit because they're still in the ruts even when their top wheels are at the top of this so it's a little bit trickier for them we've got two long wheel Bears to go we've only got about an hour light left let's see how these guys go [Music] [Music] good work Stephen cares nearly got there [Music] [Music] right I might get your line but I'm always gonna hook you up this little tree up here just pop you up over the top that's all you need now I know earlier on I said I didn't want to use this particular tree to do a full recovery but if you can imagine what we've got here in this scenario is that rock step there rather than having a vehicle here having to pull the vehicle up and then over the rock step the vehicle's almost over it so all we'll do now is just pop those back wheels over so the pull forces significantly less everyone's clear the winch went ready don't keep in the back of your mind in fact this is the challenge begins [Music] okay right about now I'm feeling a bit nervous [Music] I can feel that hole in again yeah we'll have another go straight I hope this ends well oh yeah that's reverse that one full force ahead or behind oh right [Music] sugar free to have another go if you want thank you Defenders hung up on the side road yeah we might uh we might pop you up over the topper the darkness has really taken me by surprise one minute the sun was setting the next was Pitch Black [Music] yeah happy with it mate absolutely awesome I'll take my hat off to you that was toughs well that is day one of the trip on a track that we all just looked at and went we'll just zip up there head down here to camp maybe even taking another track on the way we've been here for hours and I am starting to get a deep respect for this part of the country because of that is what was planned for day one isn't even it's not even on the maps really and if that's what day one got for us I'll tell you what the rest of this trip has got me very excited but for now let's get to Camp get a fire guard get a meal on maybe even have a beverage foreign Drive super center with incredible deals on adventure Kings camping and outdoor gear take your camping experience to the next level with the amazing Grand tourer Mark III aluminum Rooftop tent the rooftop tent that practically sets itself up King's portable gazebos are built Ultra strong with a tough steel frame how easy to set up even by yourself and are available in multiple sizes for the campsite or the job site the incredible new 270 degree freestanding awning can be set up in just 40 seconds and wraps around the side in the back of your car for incredible amounts of shelter hitting the water on a king's inflatable stand-up paddleboard for an insane amount of fun at the beach the River or the dam but warning it's highly addictive plus there's fridges solar panels and more to make every adventure incredible at full drive Super Center you get more for Less [Music] [Music] what a glorious day the sky is blue the Sun's shining I tell you what I could really get used to this [Music] folks it goes without saying that if you had a campfire last night you've got to put it out in the morning now our campfire I'm almost 100 sure is out big trouble is the Embers underneath there could still be a light so I'm not going to take that chance if you needed any more incentive most of the state forests and national parks are in Australia are happy to Dole out fines for fires left unattended when you leave Camp so don't take that chance [Music] hey guys if you look to your right coming up here there's a wishing well that's where there used to be a natural spring for the timber workers where they got their water from yeah right I've turned around all the wishing well for the kids eh yeah everyone that's right all their money and actually now this area here is a really good demonstration of just how well nature can regenerate itself because of course during World War II this whole area through here was stripped of a soft Woods because it was found that they made an extremely good wood source for uh for the rifles and also the mosquito airplane all this wattigan area completely stripped to look at it today though you wouldn't have a clue would you oh it's coming after you've got a nice little section of traveling just should overgo it we're having a driver change yep about time sure to go begins as you jump in the hot seat there wherever you are what's your off-road experience uh pretty much none now I need to be nervous I'm sure you're in good hands up there but I'll give you about 16 car lengths so put it in low range yep pull that back this one pull that one little range all the way and flat out all right yeah beautiful handled like a pro look at you go oh well if she could do it this is going to be an absolute Breeze [Music] um guys hello a bit of gentle persuasion and Shorty's out started the ride of that tree route how well is Jess doing just as cool as a cucumber too I really enjoyed it I had a lot of fun I don't think I didn't have a smile on my face in one minute of that oh look at this weather hey absolutely beautiful today couldn't answer better lorries for once the rain was staying away and that is just the way I like it looks like Josh couldn't stay out of the driver's seat for very long it's got musical chairs here I don't think Josh thought that through you see Jess really enjoyed her first go at four wheel driving so now he's always gonna have to fight for the driver's seat pretty hot then [Music] didn't realize you had such a hit and tell him too yeah this really is spectacular fun four-wheel driving [Music] okay guys we've arrived at this bogh hole um I'm gonna go really slow as I drop down into it and as I come out the other side I'm going to give it the berries to get out of there sounds like a pretty solid plan mate I'll watch you and see how he goes it off Canberra or is it uh pretty level all the way down oh it's pretty level all the way down but the first drop in is very steep as you drop down into it always a fun maneuver in a short wheelbase vehicle okay here we go about to hit it this bog hole reminds me of a mini gunshot finally it's freezing cold outside [Music] more interesting little shorty on this one [Music] once those front wheels hit the bottom I wasn't about to waste any time I'm moving forward again [Music] nearly lost me sunnies [Music] looks like no one else is hanging around either [Music] that's it get on through [Music] okay guys we're going to be turning right up here on the Creek Road what can we expect out of this one Josh oh a few bog holes and a bit more slippery stuff I think uh the biggest driving challenge for me would have been the um the slippery Hill where uh unfortunately Josh came unstuck this is where it gets interesting though come around here have a look at that I need every bit of uh traction over got it at our disposal on this one I think have you done this track before a long time ago is there anything up there to winch off yeah a long way off around the corner nothing just here yeah right we're gonna need it about here yeah there's a lot of No Talking going on everyone's scared now the main difficulty with this section of track is that there are four distinct areas you're going to have to tackle each one requiring a different approach whilst we're assessing the track a few bike riders turned up to give it a go after seeing them really struggle especially before bloke it was riding for the first time we really started to have our doubts [Music] ready ready the boss strike oh so when I heard that noise I was standing quite close to the situation at the time first thing I thought of was definitely going to be a CV or something like that hey what do you reckon we went you from here all right the times I've heard of CV go it's just one bang yep and you're done yours was a bang then a grinding sound yeah yeah could just be Hub but we're not going to know whilst it's sitting there there we have to try and get it we might know when you get it up there that was uh you know it was really Devastation really because that sort of that slowed everything down and it shut us all down a fair bit because you know we didn't know what was around the next Corner before we got to it I need to be another three meters mate there you go we're gonna need another tree truck time to get the 100 up to the top so we can give it a proper diagnosis but this isn't going to be easy I'm able to ski to take the slack up okay we are all clear which one are you [Music] sounds good I don't know about you but for me it's always such a downer when someone's pride and joy sustains damage on a trip just wackle your brakes and let that winch table down and see if you can oh you can't can you all right take it take your uh can you take your Center out I sent a diff locks out give that a bill [Music] doesn't sound good that sounds unreal yeah I feel really bad for the guy because uh I've broken some parts on trucks before and uh nobody likes doing it but once you're there you're there you've got no choice that's a will to hurt because he can't come out on his winch [Laughter] remember he can't roll his ball he can't spool out on the load on the winch yeah you're right on that hole there well I'm back in line now I can ease the motor into it yeah you'll have to you just tell me if the winch stops if it starts I don't know what to do as long as that winch keeps turning we're good we're good yeah Let's cross everything we got all right here I go look like it's working hopefully the damage is something we can fix relatively easily I like that noise it keeps scaring crying foreign once we get that wheel off what we're really hoping to find is a broken Harbor perhaps even a CV because these can be fixed tonight if it's anything in deeper well that's Josh out of the game [Music] oh it's not that that's what I was hoping was the problem we should really check the Hub on the other side yep because it's not hardly either side CV yeah it's pretty simple whilst Josh was checking the other Hub us guys have to get a move on if we want to be up here before dark I'm fairly confident I reckon I can do this but it ain't over till you're at the top so [Music] oh my goodness I'm sorry you fell off on me [Music] looks like a team he's not holding back he's using that right foot and he's Gathering momentum [Music] you're in a hurry for something [Music] I tell you what I could see that front Locker working given the wheel length on Jamie's Defender the back's still going to be around the corner when the front's getting up over the top [Music] right well that was absolutely Sensational some found a little easier than others as you can see I'm still finding it a bit tricky just to walk up here but we all made at the top and that's the important thing however I still don't know what's going on with Josh and Jess's vehicle so I'm going to pop up there now and say g'day to those two and see what's going on I've got my fingers crossed that's just a hob or even just a CV something simple that we can fix tonight let's go geez we're going to tell you let's go over and check the grain maybe what's the go mate I think the crown Wheels going on the diff no that's game over that's it she's over we're still gonna get out of here yeah gotta get out of here yeah nice couple of steep hills to try and get out in two-wheel drive well I guess we better change that combo I better get in front of you then you better get in front the only thing is I can't have a Nissan title because I'll still lose my sticker and me diff it's a good point Nate you're a travel pill yeah how about you get out of here and we'll get up to camp and see how we go oh yeah sounds good okay it is just not an ideal situation we're all feeling really bad for Josh and Jess hopefully they'll be able to drive up and out of this track and make it back to Camp I even know we did damage our car that's the beauty of this place you can still carry on your trip while the others can go off and have a bit of fun well as you can see they made it all the way back to Camp without my help which means they get to keep their sticker [Music] as you can imagine while setting up camp the mood it's pretty somber after a while our Spirits started to rise again I Believe I Can Fly oh [Music] okay [Music] I'm layers of onions I can't cook for crap and here we are doing onions fish will not hold me back dude have a look at those steaks and boy did they smell good [Music] I said like I bet you're uh break down today mate nice at all I feel for you I uh break down 300 K's outside birdsville on the cool delay Downs track spat the axle out of the truck and uh not real happy about it and I'm sitting there thinking what am I going to do here and I got on the amateur radio and wound up talking a guy in Perth who rang my mechanic up and they had a bit of a relay session and uh throwing that all yet got told how to fix me my car and got it into birdsville but we've had that HF I'd have been in real trouble so yeah I was pretty lucky to have that so so in that respect how reliable is it if you if you had to contact someone in Perth um you'll usually find somebody if you're if you're around the right time of the day you will anyway so yeah middle of the day from where we were Perth is actually quite a good distance sure sure and that's with your setup you've got now yeah I can just get on that radio that's in the car now and go berserk so what are the chances of us picking up someone overseas right now uh what time is it oh yeah it'd be half okay can you show us how it works yeah absolutely all right I'm dead King not a problem yeah good evening my name is Steve Sarah Dill Tango Echo Victor Echo I'm portable in the wattigan mountains from bk2 uniform Delta portal [Applause] through there quite a few times yeah that's just the head unit we've got some sort of massive actually it's not that big if you imagine the size of that head unit yeah it's the same width yeah it's the same height and just get you'd probably go into the dash about that far no [Laughter] yeah okay thanks very much fellas uh it's been great we're having a chat with you tonight but uh I'm a bit cold here so I'm gonna go and sit around the fire and uh we'll hopefully uh catch up with you all next time get more for Less at four-wheel drive super center with insane deals on King's DIY storage and 12 volt gear to build your dream four-wheel drive whether it's an inverter you need to run 240 volt gear on the job side or the campsite a battery box or a 12 volt control box to easily access your power King's 12 volt DIY gear is what you need to take your 12 volt set up to the next level need a battery Kings has you covered with a full range of AGM Slimline and lithium batteries in sizes ranging from 98 amp hour to 200 amp hour all built with ultra high quality components to go the distance and of course you just can't beat King's solar panels and blankets to silently charge your batteries anytime the sun's out at four-wheel drive Super Center you get more for Less [Music] there's no nicer way to start the morning than a short stroll through the bush it's just so beautiful in here really enough to take your breath away a little bit of death defying step isn't it [Music] well what an awesome spot hey this is the sort of spot that really makes me want to break the camera out and try and get a good photo you folks at home will be familiar with me traveling with my full digital SLR kit but I'm on the road so much these days that I'm making every effort to try and save space in the back of shorty to that end I'm trying where possible to take only a small camera with me the technique we're going to use is a slow shutter speed to blur that water give it that milky effect that looks so great in waterfalls the way I'm going to do that is change the camera from the auto mode to the shutter mode shutter speed mode that's going to allow me to decrease my shutter speed second thing I'm going to do of course is find a stable platform to put the camera on because if I've got a long shutter speed if I move the camera everything's going to be blurry and I only want the water to be blurry I'm going to use this rock to do that I'm not even going to use a tripod there's two more tips I'm going to give you for this technique the first of which use your flash try and put your flash to burst at the end of the shot what that's going to do you have a look behind the waterfall it's quite dark down here in front of me is quite dark as well it's just going to give that a little bit of Pop just add a little bit of light to it and the last tip I'm going to give you use your self timer button set it on about two seconds because as you can imagine if you've got everything set up here nice rock solid and steady for a two second exposure then you go and push the button to turn it on you're going to move the camera so let's set up on this rock here and have a go see what we come up with [Music] you know I reckon I could spend a long time in a place like this just me my camera maybe even a book or two absolute Ripper [Music] so when you leave the camp if you turn left up onto the main road follow that until you come past the wishing well yep and you'll turn left in just the next track after the wishing well turning back down the hill heading back down the hill into green break Road Green break Road Green break road now obviously you can't follow us down there no unfortunately no I've heard I don't know whether you know about it there's a lookout up here called Heaton's Lookout I think it's cool yeah there's Heaton's Lookout we can all meet you there what about three o'clock sir we okay we could meet there but I think there's a better one just start the road from meetings look at meter Heaton's at three three Thirty and then you'll take us to your own personal Lookout all right we're not there by 3 30 Something's Gonna pass out come and get us Josh and Jess they're going to stick to the main artillery roads while we finish the trip Josh has told me where to go and I don't mean like that either no you know I find it really quite interesting number of people I meet on the tracks who are running their tire pressures too high not only on the tracks I'm talking on the blacktop as well right now we're on hard gravel so I've got the Cooper stts down to around 25 psi but as soon as we hit this mud later on we go down to about 18 PSI folks this is a kraken Hill there foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey how different is this track to what we've been driving this is like a uh a Forest Grove it's uh completely dense and overhanging yeah very strong over canopy here isn't it very tight and yeah awesome sight though standing the uh diversity of uh tracks we're going through here I mean we're going from Rock steps and open sort of gravel pits through these almost I mean this thing's almost untouched I can't see any tire tracks in front of me apart from the odd motorbike you can always tell when something hasn't been driven in a while when there's vegetation all across the track and wild vines getting caught up and everything you know it really makes me wonder what to expect up ahead foreign just on the web again here and I've got another quote again pertaining to the track we're currently on which is green breaks Road let me read this out for you it says green breaks road is suitable for touring class four-wheel drives but take a chainsaw as it's very overgrown now we're halfway through this track and Josh has got the chainsaw so let's cross our fingers that we don't meet anything large fox looks like there's a real Rocky clay section up here I don't look too bad I'll give it a crack first foreign well that was not what I expected yeah I'll spoke too soon ending up sideways on a steep slope that's not a place to be what I did wrong there was use the front Locker when really I didn't need to tap on this oh shorty foreign [Music] let's see here we go you've really got to pick your line right here we're talking off-camber sections big ruts and you have to keep your concentration going for long periods of time you know this really does remind me of a High Country Hill [Music] folks this hill just keeps on going and going and going [Music] foreign she flexes like a steel Rock [Music] really nice bit of technical driving through there you're gonna love that folks [Music] got a lot of coil suspension all around I tell you [Music] foreign guys according to the VMS we are a stone's throat from Martinsville Hill Road if we turn right here it's going to take us up to the lookout and judging by the time actually we'd be we'd be early if I hadn't got to that spot and bother so it's probably a good thing because we're right on time now when you're in a convoy like this it's a good idea to occasionally flick onto the loggers Channel and let them know you're around keep an eye out on the signs that tell you which channel to use [Music] we've made it why don't you lead on to this special look out of yours although I put my head out the window as I go fast enough look at this one too [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh look at this WOW [Music] [Applause] [Music] Josh how's this mate absolutely sensational that is a magical view I'll tell you what you know when I was doing my research for this trip scouring through the forums looking at quotes and getting information on the wattigans the one thing that I found comment to just about every thread was that everyone said something about these fantastic views and the absolute beauty of the area they were 100 correct they have a look at that as an example but what's also blown me why is the caliber of driving out here it's been well above my expectation I can't wait to get back up here and try it again but when you add to the driving fantastic campsites and the ability to be in the Aussie bush when you're so close to Suburbia well you can't go wrong and how about the weather even that cleared up for me which has been unusual for me I tell you if you add on top of all that the fantastic group of blokes and girls to come along with you got the icing on the cake and I'd like to say a big thanks to Josh and Jess for putting this trip together and making it so memorable for me there's a few Folks at home we'll catch you next time we'll drive action forget building your own set of storage drawers all paying well over a thousand dollars for a set elsewhere and get your hands on a set of incredibly tough and unbeatable value for money Titan storage drawers our entire range of Titan storage drawers have been built to handle just about anything you can throw at them all models of Titan double drawers come with an included built-in fridge slide on the left hand side saving you up to 200 compared to some other brands that charge extra for a fridge slide each draw top also has these heavy duty spring-loaded tie-down points to secure your gear on even the most corrugated roads we've put them through their Paces like none other we've jumped on them overloaded them with bricks chucked an engine on the drawers at full extension absolutely flooded them and used them off-road year after year to prove just how tough they are the Titan 900 single drawer is perfect for those who have limited space to install a storage drawer it has internal dimensions of 430 millimeters wide 790 millimeters long and 190 millimeters deep the Titan 900 Double Draw setup is ideal for smaller wagons like Prados pajeros and SUVs with the internal Dimensions identical to the 900 single drawer on each side the Titan 1300 Ute drawers are made specifically for Vans and Utes the internal dimensions are 1200 millimeters long 430 millimeters wide and 150 millimeters High 300 millimeter single drawers are also a cracking addition to the back of Vans and Utes the internal dimensions are the same as the double 1300 drawers but have an extra 40 millimeters of depth making them 190 millimeters deep and finally for the bigger wagons like Land Cruisers and patrols the double 1070 storage drawers have internal dimensions of 880 millimeters long 470 millimeters wide and 180 millimeters of depth they come 95 pre-assembled and all you need to install them is a couple of basic hand tools and a couple of hours on a lazy Sunday Avo you can also add optional Wing kits both model specific and DIY so you can finish off the back of your four wheel drive and have plenty of storage available for your next adventure take your setup to the next level with the incredibly tough and unbeatable value for money Titan storage drawers [Music] if you're after a Next Level 12 volt upgrade for your vehicle or your next camping trip then check this out the adventure King's 120 amp hour lithium battery this uses high capacity brand new grade a Lithium-Ion phosphate cells capable of thousands of Cycles it's paired with a high quality BMS able to Output up to 160 amps of current the future of 12 volt setups is here lithium batteries are super lightweight and still have heaps of power capacity in fact this battery weighs just over 15 kilos that's about half as much as a similar capacity AGM but that's not all lithium batteries have the ability to use their entire capacity from 100 to zero percent and still have an incredibly long life the reason Adventure King's lithium batteries are so good is because they use lithium-ion phosphate chemistry that means if you're using the entire 120 amp hours of capacity in this battery every day it would still last almost five and a half years some cheap lithium batteries use Grade B or even second hand cells to keep the cost down but not here Adventure King's lithium iron phosphate batteries use brand new grade a prismatic cells when these batteries are assembled each individual cell is matched with others and then grouped then those cells are balanced which means that these batteries always function at their best and ensure you have full capacity another major feature of these Adventure Kings 120 amp hour lithium batteries is the high quality internal battery management system this BMS for short takes care of the individual cells it balances them while you're charging your battery it prevents overcharge over discharge over temperature and short circuits a high quality BMS is so important and it's also incredibly important to match the BMS to the cells and the use of the battery a good indicator of a high quality BMS is to look for high current discharge and charge ratings this battery is capable of charging and discharging constantly at up to 100 amps and it can do a peak discharge of 160 amps of current a high discharge current and a high peak discharge current are very important if you want to run things like inverters that need a lot of power when they turn on to fill the capacitors if you're looking at a battery that has a much lower charge and discharge rate they could be cost cutting by using a cheaper BMS lithium iron phosphate is a safe technology unlike some other lithium chemistries and Adventure King's lithium batteries are doubly safe not only are they sealed and safe to use in your vehicle they've also passed a short circuit test overcharge test over temperature test and a vibration test so they're ready to be put to use some lithium batteries are extremely sensitive to hot and cold temperatures and they can be damaged or destroyed by trying to use them Adventure King's batteries though can be charged anywhere from 0 to 50 degrees Celsius and used or discharged anywhere from negative 20 right through to plus 60 degrees Celsius they use threaded M8 terminals for high power output and easy connection measuring it at 330 millimeters long by 162 millimeters wide and 250 millimeters tall all they fit perfectly in an adventure King's battery box for a lightweight and Powerful portable power station and with 120 amp hours on tap you could run a camping fridge for five or even six days or you can permanently install them in your vehicle for a Next Level super powerful setup that barely weighs anything and for that reason they're perfect for your full drive motorhome Caravan or camper trailer what you need to be concerned about gvm and GCM limits so if you want a safe lightweight super powerful and super long lasting lithium battery for your next level setup you can't beat an adventure King's 120 amp hour lithium battery foreign [Music] [Music] introducing the incredible Adventure Kings premium Camp oven stove your new best mate for delicious barbecue or campfire cooking and warm cozy fires whether you're at home in your backyard or at your favorite campsite let me show you all the things that I absolutely love about it and I'm sure you're going to love too this amazing bit of gear has been designed right here in Australia and it combines a camping stove and a portable barbecue into one it can run off multiple fuel sources wood heat beads charcoal briquettes and more when it's time to cook up a feast you can fit two large pots or pans on this huge flat cooktop surface that measures in at 520 millimeters long by 300 millimeters wide that's enough space to cook up a feast for the entire family and because it runs on wood or heat beads you can leave the gas bottle behind one less thing to pack and when you want a beautiful roaring campfire use the included hook tool to Simply lift the two-piece lid off completely and just add in some more firewood the raised enclosed design means you won't risk scorching your grass your deck or even your driveway and you'll be able to use it for a beautiful warm fire at campsites that don't allow open ground fires plus your fire would last longer because you're closer to the heat now that's Coast busy the enclosed design means it's super efficient and you can make the most of your fuel by directing the heat exactly where you want it you can even adjust the temperature of your fire by varying the airflow with these sliding vents on the side a two-piece removable lid on top and an adjustable flue you're always in control remove the entire lid for an open fire or just this circular inner piece if you need extra heat for cooking like searing steaks to finish them off and this up here now that is a real game changer a chimney that extends over 2.4 meters off the ground to direct smoke away from your campsite for smoke-free campfires you can even position the premium Camp oven stove under your awning your gazebo or your shed for maximum warmth and the angular offset chimney piece allows smoke to funnel away rather than getting trapped underneath there's even a spark arrestor on top for good measure there are so many more things to absolutely love about the king's premium Camp oven stove it's been designed to be super sturdy with these four large legs that extend the footprint a foot wider in both directions for excellent stability ability the legs simply screw into the bottom like this and you can remove the middle piece for a lower fire this huge access door swings open with the included hook tool to allow you to easily refill the premium Camp oven stove as required inside you've got this fuel rack that keeps your wood or your charcoal up off the floor maximizing airflow and preventing wasted heat it's a breeze to transport set up and pack down two with no tools required each of the four two-piece legs simply screw together and the chimney pieces pack into each other with everything fitting into the main body of the premium Camp oven stove for simple transport make sure you don't miss the incredible genuine cooking accessories available too like a proper Wood-Fired meat smoker and a clever barbecue Hot Plate set to really take your camp cooking to the next level the stainless steel water boiler too whether I'm at home in my backyard or out camping with family my mates or even by myself I absolutely love my adventure King's premium Camp oven stove it's a portable fire pit it's a wood or charcoal barbecue and it's the centerpiece of every backyard get-together or camping adventure and I know you're going to love yours too [Music] [Music] introducing the insane new adventure King's nine inch lethal LED driving lights these things have an amazing combination of both spot and flood light they have 21 840 lab proven effective lumens per pair that's over 2 000 more than the previous generation plus they have huge light distance performance with one Lux at over 1.3 kilometers these are the LED driving lights that other lights wish they were you asked and we listened you said you wanted even more flood of light out of your LED driving lights to light up the sides of the road the highway and the tracks we went back to the drawing board to redesign the lethal LED driving lights to produce exactly that at the same time we upgraded the lights to the ridiculously tough Kings laser light die cut fast aluminum housings and three millimeter folded steel mounts so not only are these some of the brightest LED driving lights we've ever sold but they're also the toughest how bright try a lab-proven 21 840 lumens per pair and one Lux 1 342 meters that's real world lumens too not the theoretical lumens that some lights claim they produce that's thanks to the genuine german-designed osram LEDs for simply unparalleled light performance we've also re-engineered the lethal lights with a new 5185 Kelvin color temperature that means they're just a little bit more on the softer warmer side still a clear crisp white light but that little bit easier on the eyes when driving long distances and of course you get all the features and quality you'd expect from Adventure King's driving lights like polycarbonate lenses the same stuff riot shields and fighter jet canopies are made of and an ip68 water and dust proof rating meaning these lights are waterproof to a depth of a meter for an hour plus for the first time ever they're rated to ip69k that means they can withstand high pressure Jets of hot water that tough diecast alloy housing features passive cooling fins and a waterproof breather for longevity and they have the ability to run on both 12 and 24 volt meaning they're suitable for everything from cars and four-wheel drives to trucks and Machinery including the brackets they measure 250 millimeters High 230 millimeters wide and 115 millimeters deep they have an attachment system that uses two eight millimeter bolts on either side to positively lock them in place and prevent them from falling out of alignment and of course they use the same plug as all previous Adventure King's lights which makes them an easy 10 minute upgrade just unplug your old lights Bolt the new ones on plug them in and you're ready to go add in a two-year warranty and you've got a simply incredible set of lights that leave the competition looking a little underwhelming the adventure King's 9-inch lethal LED driving lights are the best value LED driving lights on the market we've re-engineered them to be incredibly tough and Incredibly bright they'll turn night in today and they're on sale right now for a price you have to see to believe [Music] foreign [Music] listened the incredible mt-1 go anywhere camper trailer has just received an ATM upgrade to two tons all new adventure Kings mt1 camper Trails will now come with a new upgraded two-ton ATM but don't worry if you already own an mt1 because a retrofit upgrade kit is available too the mt1 is already an ultra tough trailer with a one-piece 150 by 50 mil chassis that extends right from the drawbar all the way to the back of the trailer now it's even tougher with upgraded suspension bearings brakes and wheels to bring it up to a two-ton ATM the brakes are upgraded from 10 inch to 12 inch electric brakes the alloy rims are now rated to two tonne ATM and an upgraded set of suspension arms also suit the upgraded ATM and for existing owners the retrofit upgrade is incredibly easy to do at home yourself everything just bolts onto the trailer with no modifications needed that extra payload capacity means that you've got more ability than ever before to carry the gear that you need and still remain legal for more information and full detailed specs on the mt1 see the four-wheel drive Super Center website now with the two tonne ATM upgrade the adventure Kings mt1 go anywhere camper trailer can carry more gear than ever before [Music]
Channel: 4WD Supacentre
Views: 22,102
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4WD Supacentre, 4wdsupacentre, 4WD, 4x4, Camping, Camping Tents, Camping Gear, Kings, Roof Top Tent, Camping Australia, Adventure Kings, Kings gear, camper conversion, Awning Tents, 4wd recovery, Air compressors, awnings, camp shower
Id: 7lNOOBeZzuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 55sec (3535 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 07 2023
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