MrBeast Clones

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👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/Caynguin 📅︎︎ May 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

Ok I normally like anything you put out but..... this video was kind of bad?

Yes, while trending commentary videos aren't great to begin with, they have a point to it. Take the last two vids. It explained and showcased the James Charles incident, from other perspectives and then his apology video.

But this video, it just didn't really have a point to it. You started by saying "Mr beast clones are bad" but didn't actually show how or anything? It just felt like a rambling path to talk about morgz and carter for 10 minutes. Like you start out your section on Carter by saying he's creative and good (repeating it mind you) but then call him boring and stupid, then praise him near the end again.

Basically, this vid felt like content padding and not like it actually had a purpose.

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/999uuu1 📅︎︎ May 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

pretty boring video, you shouldve talked about more different clones, rather than two

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/harshy_g 📅︎︎ May 18 2019 🗫︎ replies

pyrocynical when are we getting a shadow the hedgehog playthrough

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/PrincessSmitten 📅︎︎ May 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

Is that... morgz?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/king-of-maybe-kings 📅︎︎ May 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

Morgz belongs in an insane asylum

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Imonandroid 📅︎︎ May 20 2019 🗫︎ replies

shut the fuck up pyro

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/antronxx 📅︎︎ May 20 2019 🗫︎ replies

So guys we did it, we made a severe lapse in judgment

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/no_bueno_hillary 📅︎︎ May 21 2019 🗫︎ replies

It wasn't good but it wasn't that bad

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/WeeklyIntroduction42 📅︎︎ May 21 2019 🗫︎ replies
Mr. Beast: YouTube Big Boi tens of millions of views per video. (faint laughter) Liked by everyone! ''Okay guys now I'm going to donate money to my favorite Twitch streamer!'' And number one advocate for stopping food wastage, Mr. Beast is living at large. But you know what happens when one YouTuber finds success? The hoard of copycats, emerge from their manholes. *music* We all know Mr. Beast, and if you don't? Take a quick look at his Socialblade, and be reminded that you will never come even close to being as successful as he is. You will always be in the shadow of FAILURE!!! ''This guy has a lot of money!" I like that's the opening for the FineBros video on him. (theme song of the circus) ''Yeah, I-I get that he's got a lot of money." So if you don't know Mr. Beast, he does a variety of challenge videos. Most of them are completely original never been done before OR he takes a spin on already popular challenges. Trying to constantly one of himself and grow as a person. Now, obviously by being so creative and diverse with his content, his fanbase in return are incredibly mature individuals. *Autism* Kids: *screaming* ''MR BEASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSTT!" *More autism* ''MR BEASST!" * le epic laugh* I mean, who am I kidding? My subs are like seven. By the way, guys, subscribe today to join the bruh *Bruh* army! It's like the bro army *Bruh* *Bruh* *bruh* but *bruh* slightly *bruh* better! *BRUH* Here, we've got some documented footage of every Pyrocynical subscriber ever! *opens door* *FBI OPEN UP!* "Fff-- you whore!" "We like Fortnite!" "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Now, I'm not that happy with Mr. Beast, mainly because he made Fortnite Ninja even more rich. ''Mr. Beast just donated five thousand doll-'' *Ligma Intensifies* I'm sure a man with the net worth of ten million dollars needed more money but you know, I-I understand, it's for clickbait, it's for views. We've all got to make sacrifices! *inaudible, it's like screaming* Today I'm gonna be defending Mr. Mynama Beast, *Alien speaking on Earth, (circa 1930, colorized)* there been so many people copying him and I am NOT happy. Now, I do understand YouTube is a really compared market, today it's pretty much impossible to not step on another YouTubers toes. ''Detention for you!" You have Cr1TiKaL making a very detailed in-depth video on how YouTubers tend to copy each other completely on accident. ''There is no bigger crime on YouTube,'' ''in making a video on a topic another Youtuber has already covered.'' ''If you do that, you should honestly have to uninstall your -- internet and just.. thrown in the slammer'' I'm definitely not taking that out of context, and there definitely isn't an additional four minutes where he defends copying of the YouTubers videos on accident. But yeah, on a serious note, especially in commentary, it's legit impossible to not copy someone else accidentally. I could make a video on ''Top 10 Things You've Missed In Fortnite.'' (A-A video I definitely love to make) --and then I'd realized I'mAlan actually did the video a week before me. People would call me a copy. '''Hello everyone, ImAllexx! Welcome back to another commentary!'' But then we both realize that PewDiePie copied both of us and did the video a day later, and we'd be called the clones, because people do not like to compare dates of when videos were uploaded. Okay Pewdiepie quitting lets plays and switching to commentaries has- Ruined my career *LEECH!* now one thing I've noticed with MrBeast, whenever he does a challenge about a month later Someone will upload a scuffed version of that challenge now when I mean scuffed they copy MrBeast's challenge And somehow made it worse the last one to leave the swimming pool wins 10,000 R O B U X (legit free 2019 no scam) Also, I want to preface by saying that the challenge isn't going to show in this video. I'm not saying that MrBeast invented these challenges you could have had some twelve-year-old boy from Mumbai, India Invent them and we'll never know but what I am saying is there's a correlation between one of the fastest growing Youtubers doing something and then a bunch of people doing it straight after the first case. I Spent 24 hours in slime. I am going to spend 24 hours in the slime If I don't Jake you can have $100,000 now one thing I massively respect. Mr Beautiful is that all his videos have done completely legit. They'll even catch on camera time sir is like visually uncomfortable He doesn't want to keep doing it. He wants to get out We'll just go rest and that's not really content, but it still shows that it's legit. Hmm Charlie you take the viewers outside and show miss dark out because they probably think we're lying two weeks after mr Beast uploaded this video my favorite youtuber on the entire planet rogues Some kind of correlation here between the towels and thumbnails now one thing about mr. Beast in his videos He's a fairly chill guy kind of quiet almost relaxed. He's not in-your-face morgs Here's the complete antithesis This could actually be utilized by mi5 as a way to torture people also one thing I love about this video moth You set the comments to new not tough. If you guys don't know the way YouTube comments work It's the top rated and it descends from there What youtubers will do that want to avoid criticism without outright? Disabling the comments. They'll change the default from top-rated to sort from the newest instead They do this to hope that any actual Criticism gets bearable for the tens of thousands of comments either leave your comments unedited and open entirely or completely remove them Who are more of a bitch than James Charles by doing this now because I'm a complete masochist I watch the entire video to see you know, where he'd shot. Mr. Beach you uploaded this video two weeks later It's pretty obvious that you nabbed it from him. So, you know, it's fine get below show, you know a little mr Beast gave me this idea go on walks. I'm I'm sure you can do just that Oh You were you didn't shout out mr. Beast at all You instead just had a sponsor for the video to go along with the 13 mid-roll ads. I do respect the hustle, honestly. Oh My god he's going on tour. I'm sure that tour was full of adults The lower than my sobs to be honest Shot me anyway moving away from my name our morgues. There's plenty more mr. Beast clones, so case to putting a hundred million Orbeez in my friends backyard So if we look up the video we'll obviously be able to just see any kind of clones that are sticking out They've copied him. Oh my god, it's morgues again. I'm not making another dedicated video. I've done like nine of them I am NOT doing another dedicate. He's so asking for it, but I'm not doing it Alright case three. Here we go Mr. Beast hyped up this trend with the last person to leave the circle wins money He started doing it with his friends and then he got a bunch of famous youtubers To do it like my best friend Bryce Cobb and literally no one else. Who are you people? And once he did this kind of video my boy Carter Shara go and copied him now I'll give Carter credit He's at least more creative with his content morgues is obviously just trying to leech views off. Mr Beast Carter's trying to copy but then bring his own element into it. Oh, she's going back for her breath She's running out of air. Did she make it? I am surprised that car has done something so inventive because in his videos, he's not the most interesting person He's quite vapid. He kind of reminds me of an oblivion MP seat when they give me a quest Welcome back to the Channel on YouTube under no circumstances should anyone attempt to recreate or reenact any of the activities in this video? Please do not try anything you see in this video at home I like how he hired someone else to do the audio disclaimer because he knows if he does it himself People are gonna fall asleep at his voice. I mean and I Eventually got bored, so I went to go watch some TV Channel on YouTube, okay Several things wrong with this intro firstly. Why are you motion-tracking your own handle when you own the channel? You literally have your own face as your youtube profile picture There is no way anyone even if they're new to the channel are gonna be confused on who you are Secondly you have merch that says subscribe while parodying supreme. I can't even see what it says on your shirt half the time, because the saturation of your camera is so high. but guys, I'm being harsh on Carter, He did actually clutch the intro because he said E P I C ! What's up guys, Welcome to the vlog! Welcome back to the most EP IC channel! I like how they're the only ones on sale as well, nO oNeS bUyInG tHeM pUt ThEm On SaLe! Now thankfully the Carter Sharer fanbase are much more older than Morgz's For example, the top comment on this video, " Press this if you are over 1' 3 quarters of the Carter Sharer fanbase were too young to like that comment. (lesbian laugh) "Cuz we need everyone for today's video because you have an awesome challenge!" "You guys ready?" (Despair) All right. Well, I need to uh... finish this game real quick (cry for help) Yeah, they seem super invested in this video. Carter, My Minecraft pig just died, lol Can I please take a couple days off just to greiv... No slave, you work until you have no kneecaps!! "you gonna play video games the whole time?" "well, I have nothing else to do." "I mean, I can look at the view, but I'm trying to win a game of Fortnite right now, so..." My god, thank you for flashing a PNG of Fortnite: Battle Royale, when he said "Fortnite". It's like a Mr. Beast video but th-there's just no pre-planning. Half the video is just, just really akward "It's like boring and stuff so... Check out this gate that I found it's like- opens up" Bro, look at this gate that can open Bro look at, look at this chapstick I found, It kinda like (wow explosion) opens. Morgz was water torture, But at least he planned some skits out. "you know what Morgan, perhaps this will help!" *Instagram thud sound effect* (pain and suffering) That's not, *le exhale* That's not how brain freeze works. now, I am telling a bit of a lie, a white lie Carter does implement some skits into his video "Hello!" "Hey, I have your pizza!" "Okay umm.." "pizza?" "ooh, pizza!!" "Wait, what.. who's that, Stove? wait, Stove?" "Thanks, Carter!" "Wait, how did you get down there?" "Good luck!" "Stove, get my pizza, stove!" "He's got the pizza?" "Well I- I ordered pizza," Morgz and Carter are like two opposite ends of the scale, One of them's mentally insane, the other is... just boring I hope you enjoyed this episode of top 10 things you missed in Avengers Endgame. Subscribe to the *bruh* army today, please buy my merch, (LINK IN DESCRIPTION) go away until actually make a good video, Yeah? come back in about six months. why did i choose to subtitle this I bought death grips on Cassette. I am- I am not on the autism spectrum, why are you saying that?
Channel: Pyrocynical
Views: 10,032,098
Rating: 4.905056 out of 5
Keywords: MrBeast clones, MrBeast, funny, fun, morgz, family friendly, slime, life hack, life hacks, real life, trick, experiment, pranks, prank, video, 2019, new, vlog, pyrocynical, morgz mum, girlfriend, challenge, infinite lists, fortnite, 24 hours, last one wins, millionaire, billionaire, satire
Id: wQwgkflF8nc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2019
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