Moose vs Bear & Other Animal Fights | PKA

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and I've never seen better I would love to see a bear fight okay here lose are pretty stupid right loose is just generally huge they're huge they're huge but they're like they're like cows they know just doing it they don't do anything herbivores usually fight very well yet there are they loose all right I think yeah yeah yeah the flesh-eating moose of Canada I'll feed wide and far bang deer at the huge [ __ ] wolf tea northern moose yeah I did the so a moose is between 8 and 10 feet in length and heights at the shoulder is between four point six and seven feet it's the male is 842 like a full-grown adult male is 1,500 pounds so that's a car is a polar bear weigh 800 like half that I don't know that a polar bear is raised are the biggest bears an adult on hind legs they break it down like this googly [ __ ] ass for those dangerous bear okay an adult length seven point nine to nine point eight and weight is 990 so like a thousand pounds verse fifteen hundred you also get those those claws that mouth of a weapon the Bears have so I'm I'm taking a poll or get a polar bear over a moose plus uh like some sort of fighting grappling like body tight and experience it's got arms moose doesn't have arms just because antlers though those antlers yeah Lucy's got the one critical strike so basically if the boost is charging at you and hits you with that you'll probably die loses like a glass cannon in that way he hits you on that initial rush you're probably [ __ ] but if that polar bear can shimmy a little bit get to the side control the back we're under estimating the moose I have a laugh I'm I am I've seen those moose like just cow moose go crazy up in Canada and start wrecking neighborhoods and they're terrifying they're so big they get cars and the car moves then like they they're just so powerful I don't know I was Mosin Nagant one shot of moose or eight have to hit him in the right spot for sure the head any lung heart right would get it done yeah lung her heart or certainly in the head the brain but yeah if you shot him in like the guts you just really piss him off you just keep on coming a friend of mine who lived in Fairbanks for a long time and he said if moose just got loose like you were just talking about Kyle they were just charged through neighborhoods and basically people's lawns and there's nothing you can do like there's that you can't stop them you can't get out in front of them be like hey like they're just gonna they just keep going there's like plow down fences and plow down all anything in their path nobody was here than any of these animals and that's the hippopotamus yes have you seen that documentary that's coming I believe the Netflix called cocaine hippos no okay I hope they're dealers yes very skinny it's all about the hippos that Pablo Escobar imported to Colombia to be on his like wild game [ __ ] Preserve and then after he was put out of business now there's hippos in South American [ __ ] Colombia and there's an opener there aren't many predators for the hippo in Africa there are no predators for the hippo in South America funny how some comments just become [ __ ] continents I think America doesn't have the kind of apex predators that would reign supreme we did a real number on him we killed them there was well we're the apex predator there were there were short-nosed bears and saber-toothed Tigers and and I mean there were armadillos like the size of a Volkswagen like not not that they're like music writers or anything but like there was a lot of mega mega fauna here and we killed them those giant sloths what you're saying is the people of Africa and Australia who now have the apex predators are kind of [ __ ] because they allow them yeah yeah they you know I've said it many times Africa has let those Lions run rampant for far too long you just settle them down you ever seen the movie the ghost in the darkness the ghost in the darkness tells the true story of the Tsavo Lions this is a real thing that happened in Africa turn of the century like let's call it 1894 I more or less within 15 or 20 years either way is where I am I'm definitely somewhere in there no way to know and this actually happened again so the British were building their railroad through Africa at the time using mostly Indian labor from India and local african tribesmen there is this pair of two male lions without a pride very rare thing that had killed hundreds of human beings that's right the British have sent this this this Army Corps of Engineers officer to get this bridge constructed well the lions are killed so many of his [ __ ] workers left and right the beta's quit they leave him behind and and so he's his new mission is to kill the lions yeah and and like it goes on for a long time the szabo lions are in the Museum of national history spoiler alert I'd like the biggest lions in history are just a pair of gay guys this everything what it actually is is when when male lions come to a certain age they have a couple of options right they can either try to take on the Alpha of their pride and overthrow him or they can go out and start their own the most dangerous lion would be one that can do neither of those things and that's what you had here so this is some these are two male lions who don't have a pride so they really can't take down a zebra because of the team weren't required to do that well they can take down an Indian guy sleeping in a tent and [ __ ] tear his flesh off in the middle of the night it was it was hundreds that they killed like like not 100 or 200 I think it was like four or five hundred human beings that these two lions killed the movie has Val Kilmer and Michael Douglas Michael Douglas and it's very good and the guy who plays the after there's this really cool scene where they're dealing with some local african tribesmen and it's at a point in the movie for val kilmer comer's character has killed a lion not one of the main lines but a lion and he's wearing the claws around his neck he thinks he's a badass and they go Mutombo here he killed a lion once and how camera and then he goes uh how many shots they take you and he goes I use my hands a very small lion yeah good movie again the real fun movie it's one of my favorite ones growing up the go section in the darkness this hat this happens what's not rarely but it happens occasionally in the animal kingdom where it an animal will just start killing humans like sharks for the most part sharks don't do that they'd be like they're obviously they're just hunting they're looking for food or whatever so though they'll bite you and then they realize you're gonna seal and move on but sometime there'll be a shark I think there was a great white shark I want to say it was honoré or like somewhere in northern california that basically just started killing and it liked it for no other reason than they just wanted to like just kill around where they were and and I don't know if scientists even know why that happens I don't know why the animals just all of a sudden like you know I'm [ __ ] I'm gonna start killing bass sometimes it's one of animal predators wounded or when it's like I said with a sob of lions because they didn't have a pride of their own and they weren't really able to take on the natural prey and if they ever get a taste for human beings they they they found a new weakens food source because first it's something completely foreign to them they're not sure if that she [ __ ] with those weird hairless apes over there wearing clothes and living in buildings I remember there was some statistic about how many Indians dots not feathers have been killed by Tigers over this course of time and it was an outrageous statistic it was like 300 a year every year for like 200 years something the me I'm going until googling on that one doing tiger attacks in India yeah it's crazy not googling [ __ ] estimated three hundred and seventy three thousand people have died to tiger attacks between 1800 and 2009 how could you possibly estimate that how many people 370 373,000 over the course of a hundred and nine year period so many people that's what I was saying like it's a number that's like it's like whoa I thought that Americans lived there they'd flip that [ __ ] over not ignore Zion see it now we wouldn't have buffalo bill we'd have Larry the lion hunter widely known for killing thousands and thousands of lions just for sport yeah and I'm also drawing all these parallels between those Tsavo Lions Kyle's talking about and humans I'm like cut so these lions kind of joined the priesthood right know that they couldn't get married and have normal relationships so they become priests and then they start preying on the weakest members of society right they died eating zebras anymore the [ __ ] children that's the equivalent with these Tsavo Lions that make it just shows that any species any male member of species that can't get any [ __ ] is gonna go crazy it's gonna have a real problem you get like that's what you Roger Lions we're driving around and they're you know nice ass Mercedes shooting people out of their window in Southern California it was Elliot Rodger there's a reference I missed he was the the shooter who like like the in Cell shooter from a few years back who like like had those like those like pouty faces and would film himself in his car like women are the worst and they suck and they won't date me or [ __ ] me and I hate it and like you know obviously different words than that but pretty much the same message and then he like shot a bunch of guys and their girlfriends like walking around and really shot happy couples that's like what his target was yeah he was like trying to like he even failed at that he was like trying to kill women because he was so mad at women and then he ended up killing more men than women anyway so just a just a total loser and maybe he's dead now let's see yeah I don't actually care you know he's spiritually dead so yeah yeah it's animals are [ __ ] scary man lately I don't think I've ever been afraid of anything in the woods because there's nothing really here like what he said snakes sneak up on you it's almost not a rattler you know boys we don't have those in mime in the southeast Lane like there's there's a new black bear sort of in the north but I mean like hunting I was never afraid of anything that was actually out there when I'm in the woods my eyes are trained looking for poison ivy that's my life it's my natural predator that just [ __ ] my day up I've never had poison ivy and I've spent a [ __ ] ton of time in the woods throughout my life and so I am just riding the high of assuming I'm not allergic to I didn't know people were immune to poison ivy until I was in like my thirties and people there's a whole host of people like that I can't I don't know I don't get that and it's like to me it was like not getting scratched when sliding across asphalt or or like not getting broken bones when you fall off a building like how can you just not get poison ivy when you're in the woods you lucky son of a gun but yeah I've never had it and I have spent a lot of got ticks though and I've always been afraid ticks I was gonna say it has anybody so did how long did you have a tick in you do you know long enough for it to be like beat like like just feel it in my hair that night and pluck it out embedded in my head like in the skin yeah I pulled out a take a few months ago when I was out in my back yard doing work and like I got it like pretty much right away when I came back in and I was doing like my body search and stuff and I did some googling apparently deer ticks need to have latched onto you for a minimum of 48 hours until they can transmit that to you so it's not like an instant you're [ __ ] thing as that would suck because then you can't eat red meat it like takes some years off of your overall livelihood like it's it's a real sorts of side effects it's really [ __ ] weird but I've gotten them multiple times like three four or five times at least like you know you're in a day or deer stand like leaning your head back against a tree essentially and that's where they are I've gotten chiggers have so many chiggers I can't even count this is the [ __ ] worst I've gotten fleas what's between a [ __ ] and a tick a chicken is play loud music a cheater is quick that one was that was quick on the draw with the whole reason of Ronald Lyme disease I was waiting for that is you can see it visually on there and like grab it with some some tweezers yank it out a [ __ ] is like teeny tiny little thing that just buries into your skin and then you get dots tics have the cars that do wheelies right are the [ __ ] worst you like walk out and you know maybe you've had a different Kyle where you don't notice it right away but you'll be like sitting watching TV later and you'll eat your leg and there's just like two dozen teeny tiny little red marks you're like okay well this is my new feeling of my feet for the next three days you have to get a bunch of [ __ ] nail polish remover and paint it all over all the hole or not removal that x1 nail polish and paint it all over the little tiny holes and that way it suffocates them from the inside so that they die faster yeah the way they burrow in and then they like stick this [ __ ] type you know breathing tube they breathe yeah yeah this little snorkel and so you just paint over that [ __ ] I got him in this field in Tennessee and I got home and I was like googling you know how to deal with chiggers and man I got so many jokes here and I was like kitty I need I need nail polish and kitty doesn't do her nails but she had some purple nail polish from like a Halloween costume the year before and she was like oh my god and I was like well I guess my ankles are purple now let's go it was just my all up from my ankle like 6 inches of my shin I just painted [ __ ] purple with a whole bottle of that shoe so what happens when you suffocated do they then die in the hole and they pop out a few days later or sometimes you just like go into your bloodstream I guess like there's you know I've never had more afraid of tics than triggers because tics like can give you a shitty diseases oh yeah Lyme disease are way less annoying than chiggers cuz like the whole thing of it behind a tick is like its entire lifecycle depends on you not knowing it's there whereas triggers like the second library and the like I'm here [ __ ] enjoy I've never had chickens but I've had red ants they're terrible yeah if people live in an area without red ants here's their modus operandi they crawl on you and they they're like experts at not being detected it doesn't itch it doesn't do anything and they all get into position and then they release a pheromone and attack at one time so you instantly get like dozens and dozens of red ant bites it hurts but that's not the big problem the big problem is afterwards you get it's like an itchy pimple and it goes on for two or three weeks yeah we also got fire ants here and those do really [ __ ] hurt they're from South America they came over a few decades ago and [ __ ] shipments of sugar they are not from the north north america and they are not they have no [ __ ] enemies here no natural predators here I think ant eaters literally kill eat them in South America but we don't have [ __ ] ant eaters here so why don't we import those too nobody wants any eaters running around why they're fine they just have weird weird ass mouths it's like Arthur from that show that we all love yeah so I don't know if this is a good idea but we have problems we Jackie deserve my wife is got into plants and like landscaping and stuff like that so she grows flowers by the pool and around the house and slugs are eating her flowers so for a long time she did to try to manually like get all the slugs and throw them away and they like to go like under wet cardboard so she put that out and then collect like 20 of them dancing to make a dent in the slug population so she wants to bind nematodes nematodes are this parasite that eats slugs and I'm just convinced it's going to kick off like a problem after problem Yeah right first we get the nematodes to eat the slugs and then that's a problem so we get like something else like frogs to eat the nematodes and then we bring in like I don't know koalas to eat the frogs and something until we have like spider using moose I swear give a mouse a cookie scenario yeah but I mean there are of course treatments for slugs you know there sprays and and begone yeah there literally are you know I mean eggshells even work like there's all sorts thing you do oh oh there's I she is aware of that but the problem is they're not compatible with dogs action oh okay yeah hard about eggshells but yeah the problem is she thinks she's worried about the dogs getting and eating the snails that have been poisoned no eating you to poison well it's spray it's like it'd be like I'm getting into like roundup that you spray down on the e grass that's the thought process anyway I don't mean like random covering up has just been known to cause a bunch of cancer answer I mean we all get cancer that's rather good to you faster so the I think that's what she's worried about is ring round up on my own I'll have to ask her why you're they get an update on that we can't do diva toads now cuz the cold it's snowing here today they're just gonna leave the pool well I think the winter will kill them snails and just don't say anything to her they'll be dead it's this is good thinking should yeah you sprayed on the dirt I think what they don't eat dirt drew yeah there's probably snail bait traps that you know they make they make rat poison containers so the rat has to like go in and let go around the corner to get to the poison that way you can leave it outdoors and animals like your dogs and cats can't get at the poison but the rats can couldn't she also like a circle of salt around everything also witches slugs you can't I killed slugs and I was Achilles with salt you can't okay so that does work and she's put some salt on like they have like past that you like all the slugs are always walking across this part of the sidewalk so she does that but you can't just salt your lands gaping because that kills that kills the plants yeah yeah did you and we over get it
Channel: PKA Clips
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Keywords: pka, pka clips, pka highlights, painkiller already, painkiller already clips, painkiller already podcast, painkiller already highlights, clips, highlights, FPS Russia, Woodysgamertag, Taylor Murkah, Dr Chiz, pka podcast, podcast, PKA 479 Bruce Greene - Going to Wings Wedding?, Witchcraft, Moose vs Bear, pka 479, pka 479 clips, pka 479 highlights, bruce green, pka bruce green, animal, animal fights, national geography, documentary, nature documentary, moose, bear, Moose vs bear pka
Id: y42L1hb0XKU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 17sec (1217 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 22 2020
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