Multi-level Marketing Schemes | PKA

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you don't have to think about numbers anymore it's just I such literally I pass I need to do something oh here you go this is it credit cards more like a Dave & Buster's card now everything if you have enough money I was like in this this I have a very very rich friend is he's not that rich but his family is worth a [ __ ] ton like like nine figures okay I got we used to be better I should have stayed better friends with him thought but he we were going to a blues game I might even mentioned this in the podcast before but this was a couple years ago it was me him and a couple other people driving not even his car we're going to the Blues game and he has like some special card that his like everyone his family has that says how much he his family donates to the police union or whatever and we were driving like you know how every stadium there's like those diagonal on the street parking spaces that are all taken up by cops near it we're like that would be the best parking spot me and a hop skip and a jump and you're in the venue and we were still looking for parking and there are a bunch of cops ahead of us on the right as we were driving down and he was like I slowed down here I'm gonna hop out and talk to one of these guys I was like one of the st. Louis metro PD officers like they don't give a [ __ ] about you dude like they're looking out for hammer murderers and [ __ ] like these are the real deal ones he's like no no I just stopped here just stop here and so he's like forces the guy who's driving to stop kind of blocking traffic a little bit he walks up I don't hear what he says but I see him talking to a cop showing him that card and the cop like gives like a little tip of the hat gets in his car backs out of the spot drives away and my buddy comes back and is like yeah that one's for us it's like holy [ __ ] God it must be cool to be that rich like he just tell a cop move thank you very much for your father's contributions to our police union and I'll be going now there's like oh this this is so tight there's got to be the way to live there's no rules there's there's no rules I mean people always say it but like what you could buy as many lawyers as you want there at that point you're never going to jail for almost anything unless you're caught with a knife I mean in [ __ ] OJ Simpson man he did Bernie Madoff only went to jail because we [ __ ] over other rich people that's right yeah I never looked at it through that lens yeah if he would have been running some pyramid scheme for a bunch of like right if he had loads working wives you know selling you know juice capsules or some [ __ ] [ __ ] like he'd be fine people do that all the time they're fine yeah companies are up and running my facebook is filled with people selling drinks that will make you skinnier or not yeah I wanna start a pyramid scheme I mean a multi-level marketing business yeah have you ever had a friend who was into that and they're trying to get you on board yes yep it's the most annoying thing ever like when I sold cars like a lot of those guys had side hustles before the term side hustle had been coined some of them just you know did normal [ __ ] like they drove a taxi or something like that but one of the guys was selling Amway or some [ __ ] I don't even know what it is and he would always be Hawking that [ __ ] at work like not just to us but like to us like so you don't want to buy the Civic how about some Amway lately he's just like like while he's trying to sell in the car and his [ __ ] peer made pyramid scheme nonsense he's it's the best networking ever I'm constantly meeting rich people all day people look let's suppose when come they're here buy a [ __ ] car it's great I'm like I'm gonna rat you you're scaring the customers they're being polite yeah yeah look the bosses that's what he got fired for eventually like the law he's found out like yeah like there was a big blowup he's like I've warned you and I've warned you and I've warned you and here you are we have to work computers to look up cars and you're using one of them to hawk your [ __ ] he says literally we have two computers that we use to let use Edmonds and all the carfax stuff like for those salesmen to use and he's using one of them to like do whatever sort of Amway nonsense there is to be done I don't know anything about so what quiet no works I mean you guys have any of you guys ever been involved with any of those things like I got okay so my first job when I was fifteen I was applying for jobs everywhere because I needed a job and I was like ah should I'm gonna get a car like I gotta make sure I can pay for it my first job ever that I got was selling Cutco knives and cut Co knives as far as I can see are pretty good knives I don't know I'm not sure I don't know anything about knives but I had to go to a class learn about Cutco knives and they're like okay cool you get a job so all you need to do is buy the Cutco knives and then you're gonna take those knives with you to other places and sell them right you're gonna say like this is what you get and then other people will buy the knives that you had they won't buy them off of you but you keep your knives and then you go to different houses right and I was like well great I was 15 years old I was like this sounds like yeah why not totally well I brought it to my parents and I was like I mean this was this is earlier so I was like it was like 1996 maybe the internet wasn't really think you could google it and I went my parents was like hey I just need a 150 bucks for these knives and I'm good to go and then I can go ahead and start working and both my parents would whoa hold on what is this and they started asking their friends and all their friends were saying as soon as you buy those knives they're gonna fire you and a friend of mine who was also in the same like an applied for the same job got the same job bought the knives and before I took the job he got fired so he bought the knives and they fired him and so I was like what just about to buy these knives and supposedly start my job and never did because that was exactly a multi-level marketing pyramid scheme is they just give people these knives for a hundred fifty bucks they're probably thirty bucks a pop or whatever and then they fire them and then just keep doing that with people like I would imagine they'd want to keep people on board so that like some diamond in the rough at some point is like hey I actually sold a bunch of knives that was the thing I found out is that they would give let's say fifty people jobs and then keep ten of them on mmm and so then they sold a fuckload a knife like you said they keep on 10 other people that are good salesmen or whatever and then they would go and continue the scheme so what you did I mean what you do is you buy those knives get fired then you immediately go out start advertise all right well you just need to buy these knives from me and you're part of the company you don't work here anymore mark all of those knives are hidden in a pressure cooker somewhere in this building you need to rehire me my [ __ ] instant pot all your [ __ ] Japanese [ __ ] and steel where through people's tempest that's what I would yeah well thankfully I didn't do that I was almost part of a multi-level I could have been that very top at some point okay you know if I continue working there right no yeah I've seen there are so many of those all those Mary Kay all those pink cars you see driving around like those are I guess rubes or I guess the pink car people maybe they're not rude maybe the level of the people who are really taking advantage of the rubes under you get that pink car when you're like the top salesperson for like a either a state or lesser a big area or something like that and they get like a [ __ ] Cadillac like a nice [ __ ] car hideous color it's hideous I see those and I'm just like you sell Mary Kay at which point it's a rolling advertisement and there may be happy at some point you're like what do you see what you see us pink car is I see someone who is hustling I see somebody's rich that's like an ugly [ __ ] car that I wouldn't drive that's when I generally an overweight one the white wheel like I don't care about the person behind the wheel I just I wouldn't want to drive that piece-of-shit car what if I was if I was flipping [ __ ] makeup brushes the way they are you know I wouldn't mind yeah I see there's a one percenter salesman right maybe not 1% earn wealth but this is a person who's able to who's at the top of their field nice [ __ ] wagon loser so much I imagine those companies are like and here's your Cadillac lease that you are now up you're [ __ ] makeup brushes and mascara selling [ __ ] 4,000 miles a year and only 30 cents a mile after that six miles yeah yeah I know that it's sad though seeing that like not not the paint cars but seeing people who like genuinely think that shit's gonna help I'm help them out it's like yeah you it's like telling someone god isn't real almost we're like you don't want to rush it because then they'll be sad yeah they might kill themselves yeah let them let them sell their [ __ ] I remember Juice Plus was one oh yeah and they are these pill I remember my mom like just bought those from a friend when I was a kid like never got involved in it but she's like buy the little like green and red things even as like a seven year old eight year old taken those like with meals I was like this just no way there's that many vegetable nutrients in this little capsule it's not even the size of a piece of celery or like a tiny little florets of broccoli like how how are there nutrients in here and then come to learn you know eight nine years after that my schools too tough
Channel: PKA Clips
Views: 25,744
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Keywords: pka, pka clips, pka highlights, painkiller already, painkiller already clips, painkiller already podcast, painkiller already highlights, clips, highlights, FPS Russia, Woodysgamertag, Taylor Murkah, Dr Chiz, pka podcast, podcast, PKA 479 Bruce Greene - Going to Wings Wedding?, Witchcraft, Moose vs Bear, pka 479, pka 479 clips, pka 479 highlights, bruce green, pka bruce green, mlm, marketing, multi-level marketing, pyramid scheme, mary kay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 22 2020
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