PKA on the Kyle Rittenhouse Case

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and we're live what did this happen the first night what did the burning yeah yeah i think the burning was the first night didn't get covered that heavy you're right and i i really pride myself on like watching fox news and seeing you oh she said they got the wrong story all the best videos i'm telling you come from independent journalists on twitter fox cnn all them are going to siphon everything through a filter get whatever they want out of it like individual journalists who like go to on the ground spots are like boom here's a [ __ ] video of what i got like you know what a good move is though those journalists or those people also you gotta also follow the other journalists that they hate yeah of course yeah it's fun to watch like right because i follow all those people on both like the far right and far far left interactions and everything antithetical things right after each other i only follow the proud boy twitter they've never led me astray you just have to be careful like for days the you know the first shooting the guy that was in the car a lot chasing kyle rittenhouse they said that he threw a fire bomb and a molotov cocktail at him it was a plastic bag and that just sort of i don't know how do you throw a plastic bag that's on fire it wasn't on fire but i saw a picture on fire what was in the bag i don't know it was in the bag i saw him holding that bag earlier in the night it looked like there were clothes in it like i don't know why you'd throw that but i've um i've been through the news in detail and it's a plastic bag but yeah it's very difficult to make tournaments in the moment i would imagine i'll find it yeah um it could have been a different fire bomb lots of people were were [ __ ] around with fire i'm just saying i couldn't throw a plastic bag if my life empty one yeah there has to be something in there right was it a brick i heard trump saying people were throwing soup cans and he's like it's perfect it's a really good weapon i'm paraphrasing it's a really good weapon it's not too heavy i guess he felt like it was hard to throw a brick might be i've never done it um and then if you get caught with it it's really kind of like what i just have soup i'm feeding my hungry family would call you a [ __ ] for having never thrown a brick at something he would you know when i grew bricks at car lots but uh but as i thought about it i was like yeah soup is actually it's almost perfect for this environment what are you doing with soup well i just it's so funny that like the soup thing came up because i was this is like nights before that happened i was watching some [ __ ] effortless horror movie which i love to do and like it got to a point where like two captives like had escaped their bonds and were hiding in this house but the captors were still right outside of the the uh pantry like one of those big rich people pantries that you can't just burst into and all around them they're like what are we gonna do in here we gotta get out they have knives and there were so many cans of soup and like beans and in my head my thought was like dude you can throw beans a can of beans [ __ ] hard and these rich people are stocked you just have the other guy open the door and you from the other side just like fire and beans out there as fast as you can break a wine button that was my thought now i'm talking about the movie more than what was going on but yeah you could [ __ ] somebody up with a can of beans yeah dude i almost so i've done a lot of research you know who did one of the better breakdowns of the uh sequence of events on those three shootings ben shapiro like and he backed it up with all the video and put it together new york times did a pretty good one too and i know you'd think that both would be biased but i think they kind of agreed and um uh it's to me it's all about the first shooting was the first shooting justified i inched towards yes but it's not super obvious to me right so uh the kyle didn't fire first i don't believe someone else fired behind him as he was fleeing but it was into the air right so kyle you're running away yeah yeah but i don't know if mistakingly hearing gunshots in the air makes you justified to shoot somebody else if the person's pursuing you seems like it would right really like so if you're chasing if you're right and i don't see you and i hear gunshots going up behind me like i have a reasonable anticipation that the people chasing me and i hear gunshots like i'm in grave danger you know i can see why you might be like fooled into thinking that but i don't know that you're legally justified in doing that you can't kill me because some other [ __ ] shot bullets in the air i don't know about the legality i was just saying like i'm putting myself in that situation and it's like if i'm running and i hear gunshots behind me and i know people are pursuing me like i'm going to be freaked the [ __ ] out agreed yeah yeah yeah we're on the same page there i can see why kyle might have mistakenly thought he was being shot at but i'm not sure that that makes him right right you know that that the the other shooter was on camera and he was clearly like i probably didn't even know the kyle thing was going down he was just shooting bullets in the air like an [ __ ] um so one of the guys that got shot was shooting bullets in the air no this guy didn't so there's here's how it went down kyle brings his rifle to this like riot it's kind of a counterpart let's call them something else can we do that written house we're going to call him written house brings his that's his last name brings his rifle to this riot and uh he spends the day lr like the bachelor like the bachelor episode all right so in the daytime he's like cleaning graffiti and all the uh protesters are pretty uh um non-violent and stuff like that and everything's cool right he also has a medic bag he's a lifeguard that's what he does which i interpret as meaning he has some level of basic first aid right because that's a lifeguard thing yeah and um and he brings his medic bag and he's there to like i don't know counter protest but also help people who get hurt and do his thing um at some point you're protesting the so uh in the very beginning like days earlier in the same t town a guy named jacob black was killed by policemen and that's almost a separate story but in my mind not a popular opinion good shooting uh wait what was that the guy outside his car yes yeah so that guy had warrants for his arrest the police were trying to take him in and he kind of like wrestled his way away from the police like as they were cuffing him he breaks free and then the video starts and the the policeman told him to stop he disobeyed that they shot him with the taser the taser was ineffective he works his way to the car and they're trying to opens the car door and he goes inside the driver's side car door they don't know this for sure but they have to be worried about this kind of thing turns out there's a knife in the you know the driver's side and as he's like leaning down don't know if he was going for the knife but that you could interpret it that way there's a weapon he has a weapon of that's his own weapon in the car perfect she could change so fast you you know those videos where like oh yeah someone that otherwise yeah they've impacted the way that i look at situations like this people can act very cool and then they pull a gun out and then it's it's light switch all right so anyway the guy's leaning into his car where there is a weapon and the police shoot him seven times in the back but the police don't know the police it could be a gun that he has in there yeah they're right i don't know i just know that he's what they do know is that he wrestled away from them while they were trying to cuff him and shook off the taser and kept i want to say driving towards the cars they're a better word than driving you know walking determined oh i saw this it was like it was like football kind of like they're trying to stop him and he's like rubbed like yeah i saw that part yeah so um so anyway uh that's the lens that i see it through other people see an amarn black man shot seven times in the back right so that that's i don't line up because his son was there as well was a big deal right he had three kids and well another another thing that got emitted from a lot of stories is that the reason the police were called in the first place is because the woman that he was kind of harassing there uh had a restraining order against him and he was going there and trying to take her keys and being threatening and that's why the police were called i didn't know that i heard some other very different story which was like he was breaking up a fight between two girls as a sweet guy which i'm not saying it's true which is what i this someone said it on the internet and they shot it they shot him they shot him a lot didn't they seven times yeah and it took about four seconds you to shoot seven times so how many people had guns on him all the cops please sure everything was more yeah i don't know but anyway um when this guy got shot people started protesting right and during the daytime as is kind of normal for these things it's like peaceful protesting and then nighttime falls and [ __ ] goes down right so somehow or another the owner of a used car dealership puts out the word that he needs some protection there's already been damage of this dealership and um you know he would like it if people didn't damage it anymore didn't make it worse than it is so kyle answers the call and there's this dude um rosenbaum or something anyway white guy bald going to call him in his late 20s and i keep calling him kyle rittenhouse by the way is 17. so uh um written house goes this this uh this car lot put out like a a post like on twitter or facebook i i'm a little fuzzy on that detail i don't want to get it wrong but okay okay word guys yeah he's a stranger to the car lot by any by any means it's not just going there to help out be a good right citizen that's true there is some misreporting on the internet that like it was his job to protect it or something like that but i think that's like oh no one's hiring a 17 year old mercenary with a gun to protect thank you yeah yeah no he self-employed on that job so uh um but anyway the the owner of the used car dealership asked for help written house indirectly heard that call for help and decided to answer it um he gets there and there's this guy in i'm going to call him late 20s early 30s and his name is rosenbaum and uh we don't know this part's not on film but in one way or another written house says hey you take your hands off that car i picture it like marty mcfly and biff at the time i picked him under the sea dance better for charles i don't know the scene quite well but um damn hands up get your hands off me you damn dirty so that's good so anyway rittenhouse tells him to stop and uh i think the guy says like you know fu he doesn't have respect the authority of this 17 year old mercenary dude and uh um i i i'm not sure this part's true he was yelling shoot me brother shoot me brother shoot me brother kinda but yeah oh yelling at some other white guy that wasn't even kyle rittenhouse it was just some other guy just yelling shoot me n-word shoot me and it's like where does this play in so anyway the rosen bomb starts chasing written back written house who's running and um the camera like the video to me isn't super clear but in one way or another rittenhouse gets like tripped up he's the shooter and uh and he gets caught this is by the way during this chase where he threw the plastic bag at the guy and written house is getting caught he shoots i think four or five times i think he got four hits on him um what are you talking about rittenhouse shot rosenbaum this is the first shooting and uh he shot him i think he hit him four times there was a graze on the forehead a shot in the pelvis that broke it uh a shot in the hand and like a shot in the back or lungs or something but like he hit him a bunch and uh and he killed this first guy and to me whether or not that self-defense is the whole crux of this thing i'm trying to go down the middle on this i've looked into the law so i know north carolina law when you get concealed carry they train you on it and i read the wisconsin law on this there are a lot of parallels it's pretty similar and so look if i like start uh that aggressive engagement with you and then you take a swing at me i cannot shoot you in self-defense it's a little different right if i'm just casually pumping gas in my car and you start hitting me then i can shoot in self-defense but as the guy who initiates it that makes it not self-defense anymore you know you might have escalated it but that doesn't give me the right to be like hey i feared bodily harm he was throwing punches at me like they can't do that however if you run right so i say taylor you're a big stinky poopoo head taylor starts chasing me and i run and i run then that's reset that whole thing about me starting it the fact that i'm running like that gets wiped off and i think you can make an argument that that's what happened he definitely ran right so so rittenhouse is running the guy chases him throws a plastic bag catches him and kyle starts shooting him and kills him and um therein lies the thing like does that reset is it enough is that is the actions that rosenbaum did throwing a plastic bag at him and yelling at him and like invading his space and stuff because he wasn't beating on him yet or anything right he was just on his way to maybe did that justify his shooting why was he going to beat on him if he has a gun in his hand yeah that's he wasn't the clear thinker right we don't think he was a clear thinker so um so like if you just wipe out everything and say all right kyle was running he was being chased and as the guy caught up to him he started shooting is that a self-defense that's the whole question and then the rest of them are downstream of that right like if the first one self defense let me let me go to the rest of them if the first one self defense the rest of them are period according to woody um if you uh on the other hand i can't be like all right i was doing a school shooting i shot one kid i'll give you that one but after that everyone started coming after me after that it was self-defense people tried to stop me and you know i didn't know what they were gonna do to me i was running from the school i made it to the pre-k and that's where they caught me right right all right so and these these fifth graders are just raining their little fists down upon me and they're trying i was locked and loaded the next the next two are either hey the first one self-defense the next two is self-defense or the first one's an active shooter situation the next two were trying to stop him that that's the break it's all hinging on the first one and i'm i'm leading towards all self-defense but it's not as clear-cut for me as it might be for other people right i would love to like i feel like most court cases are so [ __ ] boring this would be a great time to bring back the oj style [ __ ] televised uh court um trial and then we could follow with an la style right house can be like these don't worry the written house trial will definitely be followed by an la style writer if they find him not guilty and i think there is a better than good chance that he can be found not guilty because they're charging with first degree murder i think yeah that's nice it was confusing to me yeah yeah it it it depends like like if if he ends up with like a weapons charge like that's that's not even a felony which i think is probably this kid is charged with first-degree murder you're saying yeah yeah right and and i don't know if you want to finish woody but the people who they they chased him after that initial shooting that woody's described very well and he trips and falls to the ground and then he's attacked by people one guy comes and slams him in the head shoulder area with a with a skateboard he gets shot another guy comes with a pistol in his hand points it at the kid the kid shoots that guy and so and i think that's it right two kills in a wound i think i was wrong about three murders yeah so so the um you know the second two people who attacked him were both armed with deadly weapons one of them with a firearm and he shot both of them so those aren't they draw weapons on him yeah one of them weapons no but harley i just uh did a slo-mo of when he's on the ground if you want to play that one yeah let me check that out yeah now those are the next two those are the ones that i think you need to look through that uh fork in the road oh that's him on the ground yeah yeah so in those two if that was the start of it sorry just for time's sake like the timeline he's already shot a person at this point yeah that's what i'm saying yeah he's already shot the first guy so depending on the the fork in the road that you take this is either people trying to stop an active shooter which i tend to lean against or this is him killing two more people there's no video footage of the first person being shot there is uh or wait there's no video of the first person being shot there's video of what leads up to it it's like but it's almost like it runs behind a car and you can't really see that's why i think he's going to be found not guilty dude like i think this guy's going to get off and some cities are going to burn well if yeah here's what i actually think and it's not based on like law as much as it is like i don't know intuition i think they're going to i think they're going to accept a sort of minor plea like he'll plead guilty and get 120 days house arrest or something like like i think it's going to fall down this no one's happy what's at the end of the video still him or is that someone else shooting somewhere elsewhere or something oh in that last video he shoots the guy in the chest uh and kills the guy that comes and tries to watch the guy with the skateboard swings and then tries to pull the gun from him but the guy has one of those straps that keeps the gun on your chest then he shoots that guy in the chest he dies and then the other guy comes at him does a fake surrender and then as he's as kyle's gun apparently jammed he he came out with a gun and then kyle shot their written house shot the guy's bicep area that was holding the gun are you telling me are you clear to malfunction during this that's what i was seeing oh my gosh this kid's an operator look at him at like 12 i know it's slow moment kyle's idea i said does this guy have six months of firearm instruction as the teacher [Laughter] if trump had his way this guy would be on like the the [ __ ] marine recruitment like you know those those uh those ridiculous like uh yeah the navy commercial when you look it's like holy [ __ ] that's that's like a hop skip and a jump from being a [ __ ] halo drop trooper yeah oh well we're gonna have the power armor soon i'm sure and i just see the recruiter like oh yeah oh yeah just sign right here just sign right here yeah i remember watching those commercials and being when i was maybe like 14 and being like damn does everybody get a sword to wrap up like that 15-minute layout i think it all comes down to if a guy chases you and you fall while he's chasing you are we good there to shoot him is that still you and you were deadly and sure yeah i'm going to be sure sure if they're pursuing with deadly intent like if he had a gun they were trying to [ __ ] him up no you're on the next two i'm on the first one yeah on the first one what was the situation with the very first one the he was vandalizing cars in written house approached him said you need to stop the guy's like f you suck my dick yeah yeah starts chasing the written house written house shoots him as he catches up yeah but there's no video someone if someone came to me and i don't know how the law is but maybe if someone came to me and pointed a gun at me and i chased them and they killed me that's self-defense i mean that's not self-defense he if i pointed a gun at you and then you came at me to kill and i shot you is that self-defense like isn't pointing a gun like a major act of aggression so i think you're right but the difference between what you described and what happened is the running away if i come and point the gun at you and say stop and then that escalates it's not self-defense if i say stop and you're like [ __ ] you and i run away there's a reset that's in the law there's a way who ran ran away so i said hey carly you better stop and harley you said i'm still not scared of you and i was like [ __ ] and then you ran away yeah and then as i'm running away i trip and fall and you catch me and then i do the shooting so that's different than like just i i initiate the conversation with a gun uh i ran away so it kind of resets from there i'm running i know why i know why he's charged with first first degree murder is he brought again that's that's because he yeah he i mean there is like and i know i know in the past at least i don't know where everyone stands still but like i see like racism to an extent where there isn't necessarily obvious racism okay and i could like at least gather and it's not not something that would ever hold up in court but like uh i think like you know having a a a a blue lives matter post is a statement it's a statement in itself and and to to get like an assault rifle and head down there to protect like i think you're you're like you're posting your thing is blue lives matter that's your profile picture so i know you're about police don't you trust in the system that the police can protect it like if you like if blue lives matter does your assault rifle thrown in the mix mean something or is that going to be a negative for the police as well like aren't you complicating the job like at no point did the police ever say we need helpers and you're like blue lives matter so you have faith in the force so don't go and bring the gun you have faith in the force or you're saying blue lives matter as a counter post to the other black lives matter out there and you're going down there with the gun to post up with the gun and like if anyone's gonna [ __ ] around like it's just like i'm kind of like choked that a 17 year old and a good one too who's going down there to like wash graffiti and [ __ ] also has to bring the assault rifle and think in his head like this kid's ready to pull the trigger like i think ready to pull a trigger is a big deal i think i pulled the trigger with you kyle and i was like oh [ __ ] like in the woods yeah but you're a canadian yeah i know but so that's the thing like i look like your country is like really special in that sense i know like the definition of vigilante i was like can i use this word it seems a little strong right like a member of a self-appointed group of citizens who undertake law enforcement in their community without legal authority typically because legal agencies are thought to be inadequate but he's like blue lives matter now that's what i was saying about the blue lives matter does it sound like he thinks yeah they're inadequate he's like he's a cadet school like you know a thing that like he's a yeah he was in like a junior police officer training thing yo this guy i believe in my heart this kid went down there in his mind best case scenario he's gonna he's gonna he's gonna body some people dude i think he went down there with that on that thought right i think that you're not crazy for thinking that like the argument that you could put forward is like and this is sort of where the rights coming from this guy is really passionate about protecting used car dealerships that's what he was all about he did not bring an assault rifle to a protest or riot if you call it that because you know he wanted to body people no no no no he's really passionate about making sure used cars aren't damaged that's that's where his heart lies and he never wanted to hurt anyone he just likes protecting used cars and you're like man i don't know you have to wonder if he fantasized about killing people you know i i don't think that's something that would fly in court but in my heart it's just the way i see it is like this guy went down there to [ __ ] pull the trigger and he was ready to do it i think i think what he's guilty of is being a [ __ ] goober i mean look at this guy's picture first of all he's a googler out of date right like we saw him on that yeah but i i prefer to use this picture like like i'll use the picture trayvon martin i want and i'll use the picture of this guy i want and there's nothing racist about either thing i just think it's funny to do it this guy looks like a goober to me and he's 17 [ __ ] years old i couldn't even [ __ ] this guy if i wanted to he's so young right like like that's i i don't know 16 years i don't think we should be what i'm saying is we can't really get in this guy's head and be like ah i bet he was thinking this or thinking that [ __ ] 17 year old me was doing some crazy [ __ ] now i will say this well i wasn't bringing [ __ ] an ar-15 out in public anywhere any [ __ ] where you know and i i had one and i wouldn't have done that but i think he's guilty of being a [ __ ] goober it's not the time for your country to hype up goobers though for doing anything with an assault rifle because it's always a goober i've never ever looked at a person like and i'm not gonna say like i i will i'm only comparing it to a school shooter in the sense that it's a young kid ready to pull the trigger and take a life in that sense regardless of whatever is behind it publicly or in our heads i'm just gonna say i never look at a guy that sets out with the gun and goes out and and actually gets and kills people i never look at that picture and go that's a [ __ ] cool ass dude it's always a gooper so i feel like it's bad timing in this world to hype up a goober for killing anyone or doing anything with the gun even if he showed up with the gun i'd be like god someone can get this kid back home why does he even have this gun like send him home like because you're right like like his brain we can't talk about it because we don't know because literally what you said like you couldn't even [ __ ] [ __ ] not he can't even make that decision but he took a life you know what i mean like that's that's really crazy that's another one of the reasons i think he's not guilty as well is like like first of all like he is he a child or not like how old is 17 i can't i think there's a whole other statement you're right listen if this kid was 22 i i'd say guilty like i don't i'm not about it i i think i think even if like coming with the skateboard did he ever think that guy was gonna kill you i read that guy was apparently trying to protect people around is that guy going to murder you that you shoot him like that like there's a lot of stuff that i would take with a skateboard i'd shoot the guy with a skateboard too and i'd definitely shoot the guy who's standing over me with a pistol two what was going to happen if they if they got their hands on him is they were gonna beat the [ __ ] [ __ ] out of him and maybe murder him right there because it wasn't just gonna be you're right you're right and that's why like he shouldn't have even been there and it played out fortunately for him but i do sorry i don't think those guys are killing anyone that night without him being there i don't think anyone is getting killed that night i don't think anyone can't say that now if you flip that rationale to a rape who were they gonna who were these guys gonna kill though like that night who who is skateboard guy going to smash in the face with the skateboard right here with the gun you know i don't think that's fair to say because if you flip that same rationale to a woman who's who's dressed scantily outside of a club who gets raped and you're like hey these guys weren't out to rape look what she's wearing look where she is i don't think you can blame her i'm a lot more comfortable with girls walking around in sexy clothing than i am with 17 year olds with assault rifles he's tasked like bro [ __ ] [ __ ] the car a lot like no life is worth the car lot if you wanted to protect the car a lot cool like did you like just coming with the gun is like it's country's getting a little crazy let me jump in that one he's being tried as adult that's that's a fact i think it's wrong if we're talking about i think that's wrong too yeah it comes from a position of how dumb i was until 20 or so so like wait why is he tried as an adult how did they decide that already is that something they get to appeal i don't know enough about law in wisconsin law anyone 17 year old or is treated as an adult it's that simple yeah probably i think it's 16 you can consent and that's the states we're in colorado but wisconsin's looking up so the other thing i wanted to put like we're talking about legally i the law i'm reading i'm not a lawyer but i think when we talk about whether it was defense or not it all starts at the chase right the law uses the term reset right when he when he ran he reset everything so the whole bring in the gun stopping the car the yelling no no it picks up from this guy running and being chased and then this is a story that is a side of the story correct me if i'm wrong that comes from probably the 17 year old side no because this is the side of the side of the story that benefits him or like this is someone's side of the story isn't it like the whole reset aspect who who brought that up or did you come up with that in your yourself looking at the scenario i read the wisconsin law on self-defense that's where it came from so like the who's whose side saying that the running part the running sounds like it just sounds so weird to me that you point a gun you're like don't move [ __ ] that's like video will move and then you're like i'm sorry he leaves that's right that's on video yeah oh so that part we can't even count it means nothing is what you're saying right so wait because of that you're well once he ran away you're saying this is the all the evidence we've seen before so we're saying that it's reset like it doesn't even count according to wisconsin law when he runs away all the other like escalation and approach and stuff is reset right and i it took me a while to go through it but if i start an argument with you with my gun out it's really hard for me to claim self-defense even if you threw the first punch right because i kind of started but if i start an argument with you with my gun out and then run away well there's a reset and now i can claim self-defense because now in the in in law like or just in court how it could play out coming from someone who knows nothing running away is such a vague term because like by all intents and purposes we're holding a gun now and you've made a a a an aggressive point of telling someone something they said no like a tactical retreat is still within the realm of you can see there's a video of him he clear he runs away and this dude's chasing him down and he gets backed into a corner and he shoots the guy yeah there's a video you do not chase a kid with an assault rifle no not america are you insane no you know what there's a lot of pride there if you're a grown ass man and a kid points a gun on you you're like mad you're like young man you better [ __ ] pull the trigger and you better not miss are we worried about you there's a lot of pride there's a lot of pride out there i could imagine someone doing that i would never i'm with you i was like is a child soldier i don't care if he's eight and he's got an ak and he's like [ __ ] you on the ground i'd be like you want me to pick it up with my mouth no people will though you know people out there be like [ __ ] you pull the gun on me boy you better pull the trigger that's not me but i just assume some people are like well like you point a gun at someone there are some people where they're like you have to kill me now like just for the act of doing that yeah so the same type of guy that wants to light a car lot on fire i guess potentially you know is that what he was doing was this guy lighting the car lot on fire he was that's what he was working on that but but like i guess you make a good point there that like the guy who's in the business of lighting car dealerships on fire might not be the most reasonable business [Laughter] booming because we are talking about about a guy that was killed and he's actually not in the peaceful protest business we in the car dealership burning business i want to i want them to get a video of a guy like burning in business or something like what are you here for and he's like i'm totally apolitical schwartz kind of guy i just saw this happening i don't i don't know what this is about but man i wanted some stuff like i want to see that guy just some guys like what do you think about trump what do you think about black lives matter he's like that's not available are crazy flammable so you're telling people to buy american is that why you chose toyota no i'm here to like mars i'm gonna go burn the chrysler dealership just to show you i'm not i'm not playing favorites that's a huge percentage of the people that are out there like like they're not out there to send a message they're out there because it's like it's halloween right it's it's time to [ __ ] run around and get up some hydraulics yeah yeah yeah there's definitely a lot of people like that and
Channel: PKA Clips
Views: 82,490
Rating: 4.4085469 out of 5
Keywords: pka, pka clips, pka highlights, painkiller already, painkiller already clips, painkiller already podcast, painkiller already highlights, FPSRussia, WoodysGamertag, pka podcast, pka clip, kyle pka, FPSRussia PKA, PKA highlight, pka podcast highlights, Baby Beatdown, Wings Update, Helping Motorists, PKA 507 Harley Morenstein, Taylor's Next PC, Scary Movies, Gaming Talk, politics, kyle rittenhouse, kenosha, court case, cnn, fox news
Id: tYqO3GERgRw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 18sec (2118 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 05 2020
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