Subreddits About Crazy People (Witchcraft & Gangstalking) | PKA

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like how you're talking about witchcraft I had a bunch of Twitter friends linked me weird-ass subreddits to just laugh at and make fun of than one of the ones they linked to me was witchcraft mm-hmm and these people are ridiculous there are a hundred and twenty three thousand what I assumed to be women who believed themselves to be witches on here and one of the top posts that I linked was literally never wanted one but I found this on a walk across a bridge in Georgia and even my husband said that's not a stick that's a wand fits my hand perfectly somehow and it's a photo of this [ __ ] holding us first of all how do you not realize your husband's making fun of you that's not a stick that's a wand Harry yeah no that's that's [ __ ] ridiculous and then they have like an ironic posts here like well I finally did it I was so upset with my ex that I cast my first hex yeah people will respond and be like this is a great power not to be trifled with but I'm happy that you took down that abusive bastard and it's like you people are [ __ ] retards let me read this one I cast my first real hex by the way this is an active subreddit released all the things I held inside everything I bound and held inside someone threatened to kill me in earnest and I've spent the week afraid so I said [ __ ] it if not now then when he has sexually assaulted girls around me and he has an old man that lives next door tried breaking into my room to hurt me now my candles won't stop flickering it's my first Ernest hex lights are flickering too maybe there's a rare case when a hex isn't wrong this man smells of evil is aura sickens me and when I tried to ignore him he entered my space threatened me we will see how this goes serious comment with a hundred and four tene upvotes says hexing isn't any more wrong than any other type of magic so I challenged the entire witchcraft subreddit to a battle of magic and I asked someone out there on our team we need to start the r slash wizards for Locke Hill warlocks yes that's cooler argh and wizards is probably taken our slash warlocks and the whole theme of that subreddit is gonna be mocking how women don't have a full understanding of the magic invited demons in his soul no it was literally a joke like just a couple years ago I was watching the ring with my girlfriend tell that to the Morningstar yes the morning star and we were watching that my girlfriend believes in like demons and all that stuff and I don't and I thought it was funny like as we're watching it to be like Satan come into my heart use me as your vessel use me as you will deliver your will using me like saying that like something really and like I thought it was hilarious and she was like stop then she goes a step too far and [ __ ] plunges and fall and you like accidentally hit your neck on a piece of glass that's sitting on the ground or something you're gonna know what happened I was wrong about witchery but that I think that that was so many of them they sent me I went to get our slash gang stalking and that one what's that it ended up being our dad we talked about on the show until I looked there again it's basically people who are who have genuine mental illness yeah saying like hey I was out at the supermarket today and I saw a bunch of red cars you know they're always in red cars and I was walking through the gluten-free aisle and someone behind me said something that I said exactly just a couple weeks prior and they're mocking me they know that I know that they're watching and they still come after no they huge groups of a government agency that are trailing them in a very clandestine way and so they will say things like and then it's just a feedback loop in this community like every once in awhile like a big post comes through of like hey guys please get yourself checked out for schizophrenia this is not normal there are not people following you this is your videos there's the ladies like I'm being gang stalk right now look at this this is the it's so funny she's like I see him here every day coming down this street and you look and it's the mailman she she approaches the mailman who's in that stupid [ __ ] mail truck whining to still have those stupid [ __ ] mail trucks and she screams at him trucks this is insane this is only been driving the same truck since like 1950 I feel like the mail is one of the more frugal government organizations I can think of the cheapest way to like run the mail cannot be to maintain a fleet of 1950s male vans I feel like that's through gala tea like they they if Jeff Bezos thought that was the way to go he'd have a bunch of those [ __ ] riding around instead he got big-ass fans that say Amazon in the back there's a whole conspiracy behind why they're in those bands let me let me let me look this you're getting gang stalked aren't you he's gonna gang stalked by the mail I knew it I knew it this is I'm reading the how to protect yourself from gang stalking thread that's at the top of the gang stalking separate and it's yeah the in bold the enemy is a coward the enemy is the deceiver the enemy is diabolical the enemy is the corrupt this is insane ionic country is an apparatus of abuse I don't really I feel really bad for them actually because I yeah it's like it's a genuine mental illness like some sort of paranoid psychosis and so this is the fattest people on earth that are that funny yeah it is pretty funny those are good videos on YouTube anybody who hasn't watched where like they'll sit that was one with the guys pointing around look at all these red cars it's like it's just a red car why are you parked next to so many red cars there's like pointing at some like old ladies I can't you think I don't know who you are you think I don't know and then like gets out of the car walks over what are you doing ma'am oh just just shopping just shopping hey the piece yeah in your red Subaru huh yeah that part's kind of sad witchcraft I was having more fun making fun of here was this got thirty fourteen hundred up votes on the witchcraft subreddit my sister nine years old is already a powerful witch she's studying for a very difficult calculus test and when I saw and then when I said it would be tough she gave me her lucky pencil and told me to use it on the test and I do well I thought it was so cute I used it through the whole test except for the last two questions it has an enormous watermelon shaped eraser on the back that made it cumbersome to work with so I got my test back and those were the only two questions I lost points on fast forward I was helping her clean her room and came across a book of spells including one for enchanting her pencil incredible and people are supporting this there's something about amazing kids and their intuition this is so cool keep encouraging her she's before was real what was the great I'm gonna know what the grade was in that test cuz she didn't say she just said I did well right probably still shitty probably not good enough of a pencil she would have like a 90% or something right yeah it was a great question test I only got the last two I wants to dispel when I was 7 out of spite on a tire and that tire later ran over some nails children are powerful and they don't even know it I made a love potion out of all the good smelling soaps and stuff in my bathroom when I was a kid I use it on myself as a test and damn I genuinely liked the person I saw in the mirror too bad I don't remember what was in it yeah I was probably [ __ ] a bath bomb and some warm vanilla sugar but did I get a rash the whole time that's what's interesting nobody spells are going awry or just not working it's just that happened all the time in Buffy the Vampire Slayer it was willow was [ __ ] [ __ ] up left and right constantly [ __ ] spells up like all the time if you're a witch nobody on this on this forum is going man it sucks because I had such an interest in witchcraft and I don't have the gift it's a hard time buying Xander as the nerdy doofus though dudes like 6 foot 4 and handsome and he's supposed to be the the nerd of the group he got to you got to big and also abused his girlfriend in real life and yeah he was he definitely was not a nerd yeah well I'm bet he I bet he could handle her easily big boy yeah a little message to the listeners out there if you're gonna be silly on reddit with the forums we talked about you got to be tactful you got to be tactful you got to keep that keep it going because the r / telekinesis top rated post is still this one about a connection between physical traits and mental ability and it's do you think there's any connection between the size of someone's skull and their ability to perform the telekinesis Taylor has a way above average skull both in thickness and girth and he tells me he's able to move cheez-its is this crazy or is there may be a connection [Laughter] moving cheez-its with my dumbass giant an example of a shout-out to you orchestrating troll post okay yeah it wasn't over the top it wasn't ridiculous and it's referential he's got he's up he's got two different references in there right Taylor's love of cheez-its and his big-ass head alright that is eight nine point nine out of ten judges scorecards that was so go do what max did make it funny but believable enough that these people you know fall for it tell him about a hex that you put on someone that made them an alcoholic or tell tell them about toto something like that let's talk about some magic that you did come up with a nice retro one of you get in there and say I had no idea how powerful I was in 2016 at the time I was a Hillary person and so I used a hex on the DNC to screw Bernie over and to this day I regret it is there any way I can reverse this wizardry oh there's so many possibilities maybe a love potion that like
Channel: PKA Clips
Views: 37,418
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Keywords: pka, pka clips, pka highlights, painkiller already, painkiller already clips, painkiller already podcast, painkiller already highlights, clips, highlights, FPS Russia, Woodysgamertag, Taylor Murkah, Dr Chiz, pka podcast, podcast, PKA 479 Bruce Greene - Going to Wings Wedding?, Witchcraft, Moose vs Bear, pka 479, pka 479 clips, pka 479 highlights, bruce green, pka bruce green, reddit, subreddit, witchcraft
Id: jMhRB91vFto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 22 2020
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