Is WingsofRedemption Getting Married? | PKA

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all right serious question here what do you do you know if wings is getting married I saw him say it's that he was engaged he made several references to her he said the people are all up in his business and want to know about his fiancee but you know he doesn't want to share too much this guy was catfished like two months ago six weeks ago how long ago was that two months ago yeah so he was catfished I don't know I don't know who you're talking about with her he was catfished so the relevance of the catfishing is that we know he was single two months ago got it okay and so he just met somebody and he's already not aged yeah yeah and I I don't know like wings is coming into truth is fleeting sometimes and what a nice way so like I don't know what to make of this maybe you would be a good party so like it's amazing to me right I've heard it described as a I pronounce you chuck and Larry type situation like like maybe he's getting married for a reason other than true love like I don't know I don't know people get married for lots of it I mean like they get married for you know safety and security and not maybe from tax breaks and for green cards and it's one of those things that doesn't always have to be only about love unfortunately I he hasn't been lucky in love you know for most of his life so I take that and look at it through a different lens right like maybe here's a guy when something good comes along is more apt to lock in than someone who feels like he could get another girl tomorrow would would you go to the wedding yes yes I would wear my best dungarees maybe overalls whatever fits no no I would go to I would I would I I think I would go I think I would go I'm curious I want to know that allowed to leave the state but will you take a camera oh I'd love to but I'm stuck here you know I'm actually I'm going back to jail hypothetically would you go Cal it's a no no no I'm thinking I'm thinking like like you want to go I'm considering if I would actually go light like because it's a bit of a hassle right it's six is eight hours drive over hello you know this guy ten years okay Wow okay years ish I'm not completely over that I don't know him the way they those two do when there was another youtuber attacking my son and wings took his side and I don't know that I'll ever fully get over there oh yeah I'm a special needs son and that guy was you know he uploaded a video where his friend called him a [ __ ] [ __ ] and worse and wings took that guy's side and I'm never gonna be all the way over it wings cancelled a camping trip oh wow that's uh yeah I mean no what do you think you would go would you go to the wedding huh I I'm very curious you you have to know what he would stand when they asked that question part one yeah his superpower is that like regardless of what he's done somehow you still hope things start turning around for him that's honestly I think that reflects positively on you you guys want the best for him so that sounds really nice you could say that about Kyle but you couldn't say anything [Laughter] Oh Kyle just send a hex his way I just did it to get all sorts of evil and the evil intent out of it make sure it's a pure wedding hmm because these witches say that witchery is for good you know Richie has to do with personal gain is probably no III would go to the wedding if I if it were like feasible yeah I would go because I think it's gonna be I feel like you and I would get back to the hotel room and we could have some good talks about what we had just witnessed like went to you and I went to Joe Lausanne sweating and we got out I think we both people what's the guy's name that made Joe Lauzon cry black guy Burt Burt from the UFC Burt I forget he's the guy who like like like checks on the fighters and make sure they they're like doing the right thing or something like like like don game day like he met a lot for Joe he met a lot so Joe Lauzon is a UFC fighter well the the UFC used to have this guy who kind of took care of the fighters before and after the fight made sure that you know beforehand they had everything they needed and after he and they had all the care they needed right like they could be injured and he would just and and this guy meant a lot to Joe he would also hype him up and Joe was really receptive to it and he didn't know but they got him to the wedding and he gave a modified version of his pre-fight speech that applied to marriage and it was pretty neat it was almost like a song parody like but for me taking any aspirin but like a marriage a marriage hype up thing and that's really nice yeah it brought euro to tears and that doesn't happen much chicken nails Oh God yeah that was a but yeah what I was getting at is like you know take take that experience and go to the other end of the spectrum and that's what you'd get cuz Joe had a very I think I think it's a northern thing more I'm not saying that southern weddings are like classless but I think that Joe's wedding seemed like it was like a six-figure or more wedding it seemed expensive yeah just a statue sits and they do weddings nice there yeah it was like that that's an extremely expensive wedding and I'm not accustomed to that sort of thing down here but tell you who's even less accustomed to it and that's the good folks of Myrtle Beach South Carolina so when we i mean i i'm sure the after party would be at Buffalo Wild Wings but I'm not sure that the wedding itself won't be in the parking lot I'm not sure the girls are real-life human like like this whole thing to be prepared for phrasing this whole thing could be false she could be a Russian bride alright let's take let's take all right let's take bets here my bet is real human wedding will not happen these are the these are the this is the two binary decisions essentially unless you can think of some direct other direction this could go tailor is it a real human and and second question will the wedding happen if it is indeed a real human or I support I suppose it gets the wedding could still technically happen or he could claim it happen even if it isn't a real human the other day is it a love marriage is the other thing or is it like a green card marriage or something it is a desperation marriage it is his greatest dream to be alright so getting beyond jokes and stuff you know he grew up without his dad right so he's got this he never really had an archetype for a male role model and so he has his own idea of what it means to be a man and some of its right and some of it you kind of roll your eyes because he wants to be handy and he wants to be a truck guy and he wants to be big and strong and and there's all these things and part of that is wife and kids big part of that he thinks that being a and means having wife and kids and he has long talked about his dream of being married and having kids and now he thought he'd already be there by now and so if he found someone who is in a similar mindset then I could easily see it playing out with him saying you know I'm looking to get I'm looking are you looking for something serious you know and him being like oh yeah I want to get married and her saying really well I wouldn't be opposed the idea was like really what you'd like to get married yeah to me yeah you proposing right now yes I am and you think they followed more tape please yeah in my t-zone well one tea no I think it could easily go down back quickly light light light if it just like boom boom boom boom boom and and maeín engaged and then I think your initial call is correct I think she's real and I don't think that they're that a wedding will happen I think that's that's where I'm coming down on the okay so I'll go again I'll go over my dating career and it inevitably results in the same result which is you have the conversation and this is like early on in relation it's always like the first month or so and I'm generally the serious type of guy like I'm a monogamous serial monogamous so um when I'm dating somebody I'm like oh yeah like I definitely want to try and I definitely want to try and you know just make this a serious relationship see where it's gonna go I kind of want a future and whenever you say that usually the people that I would meet would go oh really well I'm also looking for that and then you have this conversation and then you both sort of like you said you reached that impasse where you go well I could get married well I could get married and then we both look at each other and go let's wait a few months that's usually that would usually where we would land usually yeah you know what let's just wait a few months at sea like let things play out and that's what we always did and then of course after a few months of let's make sure that actually is an ingrown hair because yeah exactly and eventually that's not my boy that's a real nasty one all right pills for it don't you hate when you're ingrown hairs get large scabs look like chicken pox and a disease um but after three months or so you know we go oh well we weren't compatible we move on whatever uh you think he's the kind of guy to just double down on it absolutely let's do it let's absolutely okay I think it's not a real person I think that it's the story he told on twitch and it was just a way of him kind of broadcasting a level of success that he's not having right now Wow well I'm glad we all didn't have the same prediction so I've been free to time will tell put some money on this how about I've you know slightly like five bucks per a and B you know a total of ten and like the most light light like like I would I think that we have agree that the marriage won't happen it's just what exactly that that's why I put it this way because because so the one five dollar bet would cancel out and then he would owe me five if she is real right but only if we definitively find out she I don't so I don't want to predict because I thought maybe a it's rated to disc it I don't I don't know this person at all but I'll put it this way if they get married and they can prove it you all have to pay me ten bucks how about that how about I make sure you get that smart-mouth coupon a four dollar bottle of mouthwash I think that not only is she not real he will eventually take the side of saying that everyone was a sucker for believing it you know that that there that he fooled them all and oh that's not his style okay that would be that's a ballsy move to light everybody and then be like suckers dude it was easiest he was single recently that's what the catfish thing was I did somebody I didn't like this one I didn't like it in khao yai thailand i saw it in private we didn't mention on the show we thought it was harsh but here I am I guess I'm a dick um he had a troll who found him on a dating site and or weeks would you say it was four weeks maybe one week is it I think it was two months okay okay oh my gosh a beautiful period of time this guy used a fake picture of a different girl and old wings into thinking that she really dug him and Wiggs mentioned his girlfriend on the show a couple times there were enough clues to realize it was this imaginary part was really a dude that's yeah and like I said like romance hasn't been an area where he's thrived so it's just extra mean right like you probably know who this guy is I do he's no uh he's he's he streams on Twitch and he's known for raging a lot I think recently he's a big guy if I'm thinking of the same guy is it the guy that recently was like upset and was was telling his viewers it's gonna be like 10 bucks an hour there you go yeah I don't know I well I I believe that I am the foremost wings of redemption expert in existence okay absolutely he has not been studied by anyone quite so qualified for quite so long in his existence you'll be watching like a Discovery Channel thing and it's like this is dr. Stevenson he's an expert on this one of the gossip pyramids just one of them though he doesn't ask what the names that's how real science doesn't [ __ ] know that's what Kyle is with wings yeah okay yeah yeah whenever they go to these specialists and stuff like I saw this guy talking about whether Indiana Jones was a good art archaeologist or not you know I've cursed no real and they're like no it doesn't make any sense he's like he's into the Holy Grail and Mayan temples and this and he's like no no real archaeologists focus on one little thing there are scientists who only focus on the amount of radioactive element found in like sea shell fossils in one region of the world there their focus is so narrow that they have devoted their entire career to like okay I'm only looking for fossilized sea horses with with radioactive elements in them that cut they came from an asteroid stress this a triceratops Warren get out of here I feel so blessed to live in a time line where Kyle is that sodid detail expert on wigs of redemption he lived with me for a month okay yeah so I'm I'm Ground Zero I never doubted you I listened I smelled right there on the front lines it's the worst month I've ever had and I've been to prison if they said look Kyle you can go back to the clink do another month with snow or winds redemptions gonna move into the bedroom right next to yours well he won't be in prison right he was the worst I have only had Y I've had a lot of female roommates but as far as dudes I've only had two others and those were when I was like 19 20 years old yeah these two coolest [ __ ] Lithuanian dudes who were like 24 so they've got booze and marijuana and like nineteen year old me just letlet like you know they're kind of showing me what to do and you know these guys have you know one of them's like a bartender at a really fancy restaurant the other was my coworker selling cars so like we got an awesome time love those guys to this day I looked I looked when I'm up a little while ago he owns a business down in Florida doing scuba tours I'm so happy for him out of that yeah I kids I got a war stories from it was just it was just there were days when I just hid but the war stories are like ep's without closing the door like it's that he plays loud music all night all night late night of the night light like and and like I he's the bedroom next to me I moved bedrooms you did move bedrooms like the room that I used to do PK from back when it was like this of this little blue room was like and like my basement was like 80% finished I just moved into that room I lived in that room during what's when wings was there like I just moved into what looked like there wasn't even a door on the closet like it was I was just like this is where I'm gonna live I'm on the opposite end of the house and a floor down like it was perfect I'm getting away from him it was I don't have ever told this story but me and my girlfriend went out of the basement while he was there and we spooned we smoked some weed and I went to smoke weed in front of wings because you know he's got a big mouth he's gonna let it slip even if he did he won't mean to but he's gonna like say it accidentally don't people who listen great yes gonna let everyone know I smoke weed cuz he does [ __ ] like that this is like four or five years ago or whatever and and so we go down to the basement we smoke some weed and we come back upstairs and we're both real good and stoned and when we sit on the couch and he's on the couch - and he goes and I'm thinking like we're bustin he goes somebody cooking collard greens I smell collard greens and we look at each other like this is the only human on the planet who doesn't know what marijuana is so distinctive I know a skunk got hit by a car down the road and we were just like we start like trying not to giggle but but like I know we stink of it we just smoked like a couple of your stones not gig yeah we're stone and like it's pretty obvious I don't know I'm not I'm not you can't really tell when I'm stoned I did this show for years stoned his [ __ ] so stoned whoever said I would go take a piss I was in I was just outside the door glassy eyed in here talking about rape no I just had to begin I don't know I I didn't I don't think I've said anything bad about him at all really I just everything I've said is true I I find the marriage thing very interesting though and I would go to the marriage and if he if he comes to Georgia I wings I suggest the Botanical Gardens in Athens Georgia well do it in Georgia Kyle will pay for it that's right well $600 limit $5 a plate the Western sis Lynn was having a special what do you $5 [ __ ] pop icebox actually if I went to a friend's wedding and they're like in lieu of this chicken dish that's been sitting out and not very good because they had to make 600 of them we got Popeyes boxes for everyone like thinking it would be popular you know everybody's been drinking they're having a good time getting a big like one Chomp had the football team and you got a McDonald's
Channel: PKA Clips
Views: 159,951
Rating: 4.8944163 out of 5
Keywords: pka, pka clips, pka highlights, painkiller already, painkiller already clips, painkiller already podcast, painkiller already highlights, clips, highlights, FPS Russia, Woodysgamertag, Taylor Murkah, Dr Chiz, pka podcast, podcast, PKA 479 Bruce Greene - Going to Wings Wedding?, Witchcraft, Moose vs Bear, pka 479, pka 479 clips, pka 479 highlights, bruce green, pka bruce green, wingsofredemption, wings, wings tings, wor, wings pka, wingsofredemption pka, twitch, stream, wings rage
Id: RRkg3L0wzaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 11sec (1271 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 22 2020
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