Superheroes vs Jesus & the Afterlife (Both Good and Bad) | PKA

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oh that would be what would if you were you know getting assisted suicide getting assisted suicide what method would you want to take out i don't need any help right like i feel like if you do need help like i get it if you do like maybe you're like bedridden or like like you know you just can't you're just like kill me like typing it with your pinky or like your tongue or something like that like that you need help but like as long as you can like are like 20 there like you don't need any help like hang yourself shoot yourselves one or the other park yourself get wasted blackout drunk park your car in the garage right you'll never wake up go out listening to some easy listening some easy listening yeah and like how shitty would it be if like your last memory was like i hate this song [Music] you put your own mix on there right like like that's the real question is what's the mixtape that you want to slowly die to oh man i don't know what was the song they played introduce myself i'm a man of wealth and taste yeah that would that that's the way to go do you think that one yeah it's a song about the devil right oh you want to be thinking about where you're headed yeah welcome me welcome me into the gates what are you gonna do kyle if if when you die turns out all that [ __ ] with jesus was real and like you show up in hell like are you going to like try and make a make a deal with the devil to send you back or something you're going to just immediately be like that's what yeah well if i could make a deal with the devil i certainly would right you know like if you could do some sort of thing like spawn and come back is it like spawn lucifer it's nothing like spawn [ __ ] my favorite marvel character uh yeah i i would i think i would attempt to get a spawn deal right right um come back as uh you know as a superhero or villain either way i'd do his bidding whatever he needed me to do right like if if god sends me to hell then i'm team devil at that point like he's given up on me the devil sees some worth in me right is this or like some sort of weird rape box or or something like that that you know for all eternity i'll definitely come back and do some evil yeah the devil can't read your mind the way god and jesus came true i read that so you're gonna have to like uh i'm pretty sure uh we can get you know woody's mom to clarify on that but it's it sounds right to me like you'd have to show up in hell like already brown nosing your ass off like oh thank god i'm here i was worried i was gonna end up with that [ __ ] god i mean am i right man why would he kick you out you're you're a great looking dude you're you're awesome man i'm so psyched to be here starting on first the morning star himself from lucifer like yeah you you better be as above oh i've been looking forward could i have your can we get a selfie do you have phones here no we only have sprint t-mobile this is hell this to me you know how taylor gets irrationally upset when we talk about like which superhero can beat the other superhero that's what we're doing right now in my head like this yeah how would you deal with the devil keep it up same way i deal with the flash this this conversation right here will be replayed on a cloud style big screen outside the pearly gates i don't think it will jesus see right here where you denied me for the 479th time turns out that's the magic number 470 478 i can put up with 479. it's not my fault i wasn't given the gift of faith and really i hold jesus responsible he could have done anything just something to prove his existence sometime in my entire life thus far yeah that's not what faith is yeah you need you need to you can't ask for evidence if it's faith but there have been times where like i'll walk into my you know kitchen late at night like after in college like after drinking i'll be like oh if there's like just one more slice of pizza in there i'll believe in god and then it is there and it's like nah you have to do more than that for me [Laughter] i wouldn't put the box back if there was no pizza in there god you've been foiled this was me not eating at all that's pretty funny though yeah this is way different than marvel because uh this the marvel's all made up by people just trying to make money [Laughter] yeah probably how many marvel superheroes would it take to beat jesus oh please some of them are gods i i think thor might take him straight up first of all like those are the weak tier gods like they had like a whole bunch of them like none of them are omnipotent thor's a straight up god and look at the two of them next to each other unless you're some oddball buff jesus you know if you oh he's a god they mentioned it several times the last episode they've changed that sort of in the lore he's an alien he's a god and loki's a guy they say they're gods they're they're not they are here's this it's a made-up thing so i'm right i i can't be proven wrong i could find a source material that says you're wrong they're aliens she disagrees all right this profile picture this guy's profile picture of jesus that's the jesus we're looking at oh [ __ ] jesus is yoked out of his mind wow this is the full savior right there good jesus oh that's buffer than thor quite honestly and he's not even showing his full power god the only reason he's jesus isn't always walking around like that is because he's humble right like he he's fine just with a great core he doesn't need to be showing off on the beach cut that swimmer's body yeah there's so many pictures of buff jesus like on the cross like breaking the two things like the the i know i know the devil's in the marvel comic books i was watching this whole video series the other day about the most powerful beings in the marvel universe and the dc universe like um is yeah yeah he's in there somewhere uh but but uh that's strong doctor uh dr manhattan was uh was one of the most powerful characters because he sort of can rebuild matter and manipulate time and in the whole nine dr manhattan's an interesting case they made a marvel movie about them having to assault heaven to get get jesus you know because they were tired of whatever whatever jesus was doing who knows i'd go see that one if it was like hulk in all of them trying to assault jesus and it's like two hours of them planning and then like right before they're about to do it it like shows jesus he just gives them all brain aneurysm all dead thanos can do that even more he snaps his fingers and kills half the universe yeah but thanos didn't even build the universe jesus did says that in the first chapter i wow this is question jesus wasn't around this chapter you can't beat me i got all the facts on my side but i can make up more because it's fake yeah well we'll see about that come judgment day we will man i'm going to be so pissed if any of these religions end up being true i wonder if your parents will will pay some price for not having instilled faith in you i like to think that like one of the values is slightly off but it turns out like chickens are sacrilege or something like eating chicken's a sacrilege and that's where like there's been a huge [ __ ] up i eat chickens like 360 days a year if you throw in turkey like that would be that'd be my biggest sin for sure my father too he eats chicken all the time just about every meal i would love to him to get the pearly gates as big [ __ ] dude in a feather suit and be like dude you have no idea [Laughter] you're so screwed saint chicken peter says no way [Laughter] colonel sanders is in the is in hell in like the deepest pit exactly seventh circle yeah colonel sanders is satan oh i would like that devil sanders yeah spicy yeah i i like uh well i was gonna say i like thinking about this but i'm realizing i never think about going to hell because like i'm not or heaven you know it'd be pretty dope if that was all real and i and i believed it you know like i think that that definitely is a valuable thing that brings people a lot of comfort is like you'll see people like billy graham who just died who lived to be like a hundred and uh had met like every president since like the [ __ ] you know world war ii or some [ __ ] and like as he was dying you just know that dude was like i'm coming home jesus like i'm totally happy with this i had a wonderful life you've blessed me with and i'm on the way and then poof he's gone and in my my view he didn't go anywhere he just there's buddha he's just like oh no oh if i if i arrive there and it's one of the you know the civilian religions the a-league gods xenu was there you should have listened to tom cruise yeah if it's that uh many armed indian guy if it's buddha i'll be way happier about that than if it's like jesus or allah cause i don't think i'm gonna be able to talk around jesus or allah they seem pretty pretty headstrong and like oh you didn't follow the rules you're not coming in i think it's yahweh that you have to be aware of jesus he'd let some [ __ ] slide right jesus would be the good cop to yahweh's bad cop absolutely yeah yeah she's like come on dad he didn't mean it he did a whole sh a whole show about it he's gonna just listen to this bit yeah i appeared to you thrice as rufus and you rebuked me each time it's like you had a hammer in your hand you were black uh man that'd be even more shocking you show up and jesus is black you're like oh i'm going to what what what you're black like hell yeah and he'd be like four foot eleven like those little people that could my mom said you were watching another elevator mr gamertag your mom that would be like a form of of hell right being on a perennial elevator that you never arrived that would that would suck but you can't can't one see you can't piss see i i like the supernatural the the tv show supernatural their version of heaven and basically like everyone who dies who actually goes to heaven is in like their own little apartment like a little bubble that's customized to them they get their own heaven that's just their heaven they're not in like some place called heaven with a bunch of other dudes like exp because my heaven is completely different than your heaven your heaven is completely different than chis is heaven right so everyone gets their own version and the and the same thing with hell you get customized versions of hell like whatever would be the worst thing for you because some people like some weird [ __ ] right like you know there's some people who have a fetish for like bugs crawling on them well you wouldn't want to send that guy to like bug hell right meanwhile like some guy with arachnophobia straight to bug hell some guy with like that [ __ ] thing's getting introduced to his room and the walls will be covered with [ __ ] 24 no you don't go in yet yeah that would be [ __ ] my my hell it would have nothing on tv but it would have the full dc and marvel dvd [Laughter] you have all of eternity to be angry at the bow and arrow guys [Laughter] what would your hell be the entertainment that they would bring i don't want to attempt fake a billion years of baseball but only the first part of the season it's all meaningless they're all spring training games they're not even using the [Laughter] maybe wings of redemption is my roommate and can't go can't go out right and i'm imagining this like the way you described it we're all in our little shitty apartment like that's where the hell is what's in that apartment that makes it hell so roommate wings is there i i don't have uh i don't have any cell phone service no 4g or anything i've got just enough that i can see that the reddit titles but when i click it it's right like and so i'm out all the nss few pixels of each image showing that's it yeah i think it's a redhead yeah when he's like how old is she jesus it's your own device what energy in my hell it's my dude it's mine too you both looked in the refrigerator
Channel: PKA Clips
Views: 9,669
Rating: 4.9012346 out of 5
Keywords: pka, pka clips, pka highlights, painkiller already, painkiller already clips, painkiller already podcast, painkiller already highlights, clips, highlights, FPS Russia, Woodysgamertag, Taylor Murkah, pka podcast, podcast, pka clip, Dr chiz, pka moments, FPSRussia, kyle pka, FPSRussia PKA, PKA highlight, PKA 387 w/ Anthony Cumia - Artie Lange's Troubles, Seinfeld Stories, pka 387, pka 387 clips, pka 387 highlights, anthony cumia pka, superheroes, marvel, jesus, afterlife
Id: iVIck60PfXM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 05 2020
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