COIN CASTLE Inside The High Limit Coin Pusher Jackpot ASMR

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I want to know what's in that little box oh this is crazy this is crazy looks like a little getaway aren't you road trip there's a band a little bit crazy at the warehouse some legal battles going on so we're smack dab in the middle of Ohio we've got like four state borders right next to us yeah let's go to another state and have a some more fun let's do it oh don't forget to subscribe and hit that Bell icon so you get notified every single time we release a new video and when we go live [Music] all right after buying what are ya $25 $25 and she chose this amazing tower of cash power of money maybe there's something hidden in them let's find out that would be pretty sweet if there was I don't know if you're gonna be able to get them with the $25 just remember what happened last time we were here okay that's only because we haven't shown when you lose it'd be a pretty boring video should we should we share every time you lose that one time actually I'm gonna release that video someday I didn't think you were actually gonna get it to move Tennessee I see what they did on the edges so all the quarters always push out oh I'm gonna say all the quarters always push out to the edges so I thought they were just gonna go to the sides to the right and the left but if those those money boxes all fall backwards you kind of [Music] yet almost do seems like it's designed to fall back you've got four boxes going forward nice job oh man and now they're gonna bunch up nice hopefully they don't all bunch up oh did you see that there we go push it [Music] [Music] you run out of quarters that say you only push like maybe a buck down there so far that's how they win they design at the fallback [Music] all that was close there's so many quarters on the edge that are just gonna all fall out or once I feel I feel like what do you feel and I feel like coming [Music] that's a pretty good push nice [Music] oh he just knocked a couple more towers it's like the Great Wall of China there I can't believe you already have one of the boxes almost to the edge I thought they were all gonna be falling backwards or blocked well that one did a back flip these two did you're gonna be able to get that block your money off [Music] that box on the back is just floating it doesn't know whether to stay on well they're super light obviously folded like that so nice push is it the one in the back it's like floating it's just floating oh you got it it almost gives you a good push [Music] all so close to getting that guy [Music] all right so you're just gonna keep playing left yeah I'm favoring the left because you've got these two just hanging on the edge not only that look she still has towers these towers haven't fallen yet almost every tower fell backwards which I'm sure they were designed to you only have one quarter left she's down to one quarter there's no way you pushed $25 back out why do I push them and that's how the house wins now no that's how the house wins all right let's see how much we got you won't believe it you doubted my bag 2950 there's no way I didn't see that much fall well that doesn't count our buy-in so we're still we're still behind but but you're ahead a little better beat you're ahead a little bit so 2950 can't believe it oh there goes a good push I don't know both those boxes are just floating oh I can't believe you those towers from the Waller still up one two three four seven powers did but remember when you got that massive tower last time we were here remember they all fell backwards and they all locked in so that just see that just fell backwards as well that's how the house makes money and everybody said no no you can't leave and you were right you should have left because you lost more money by playing [Music] nice oh that was good one nice whoa look at that look at that I think those are fifties you got a hundreds and fifties nice if you can get them I'm feeling [Music] that luck will run out on that bag eventually [Music] so what's your secret to playing the machine since you never let me play obviously come early as soon as they open do you want to be the first one in the machine when nobody else is here what else you've got one I can't believe it well I can't really reveal all my secrets okay just one secret maybe my lucky bag I tend to favor the different sides whether it's the four locks or the far right I don't like center now a lot of viewers go oh no no no you need to push the skill stop not every machine has a skill stop and putting this one there is no skill stop you have to actually beat it with skill nice another good push no your machining nice no your machine know how it works and you like to play do the edge not for the middle or to the yet to the side oh man that was another good one with my experience playing right down the center just takes longer to win something Oh another good push how awesome would it be if all three boxes fall at the same time never never would happen never ever never we didn't think that tower would come down but it did [Music] that's what they're designed to do got it that's two boxes do you think there's anything you know I guess we're gonna find out hopefully there's something in them how cool would that be if there was [Music] specially a mystery box made of money are you gonna get a good push so close right on the edge [Music] here comes so close [Music] you saw four towers standing and somehow they like they're starting some kind of circle over there those two could fall at the same time if you hit I don't know can you hit left and right at the same time now you do whatever you want to do those were your last two Oh time to count you lose or did you win I want my money back and then some I got fifty nine dollars and 75 cents not bad plus the two money boxes about fifty and a hundred we had a fifty and a hundred all right can we open them now no no we're gonna wait till the end why because you want to get the other ones you don't you exactly you do well she's going straight to the left there's two of them over there you got one right on the right it's got a wall block in it but the one on the left and the right yeah yeah it would be awesome but I'm not sure how you think you're gonna pull that one off stop bagging that lucky [Music] you got another one that thing fell hard there's got to be something in it the things just went from them okay so now you're going to the right okay she's playing strictly right right now just go for the other one she's you don't want the stuck one over to the left so you're gonna go straight straight right just don't hit the machine don't shake good yeah it's working whatever you're doing they escorted her out oh my god it's moving okay what's the plan now I could either knock these towers down or I could go for that last box what do you think I mean it's up to you if you don't love anything you don't let me play I could give you my hoodie you could wear the secret no I just think we conceal better in my dying goody well that's gonna be a tough one getting out last one maybe not you just got a huge push oh yes you are oh yeah you are oh I can go deep and the box on the left is pushing just got a tower down you're doing everything on the right and the left is actually moving how weird you think you're gonna get the towers down and the box just like playing the right oh yes you are I can't believe those those towers are actually getting that close davin felt fell yeah so should be a good push coming righty-oh [Music] it's jiggling it's wiggling [Music] they wanna fall right now somebody's talking about you well they probably are watching me right now on YouTube and talking like go George go go George go you an you're lucky can I borrow your lucky bag have any ones on at the bar yeah they all want to borrow your lucky bag they want you to auction it off on Sunday night on our live on [Music] should I charge hourly or [Music] [Music] maybe we should get some celebratory ice a moment on fries you ain't got a towel fat kid that you take it do you eat the cake or the ice cream part of that heard of this her actually it was getting closer it's uh it's another hundred [Music] it would be nice if there was a skill shop on this but I'm sure there's not for a reason they don't watch a bunch of it all up I've never seen one with a skill stop that thing is getting closer for sure nice push engine closer [Music] crazy thing is you still have one tower that hasn't formed Oh as I say it it just fell I can't believe that did you see that just like I'm out you slag is you falsetto but deep Souls what I'm really made of getting it that's the fish box I want to know what's inside of them you're getting it come on how many quarters do you have left I'm pretty confident you don't have very many quarters left all right you got to get it with the quarters that you have left can you do it you only got like four dollars left you better you better favor that side I don't know if you can do it although that was a pretty good push but you've got to get everything with the quarters that you have left you keep throwing them in the middle I'm not sure it's gonna go oh oh there's there's no way you really think you're gonna get it she says she's gonna get it with the coin she has left without getting everything that she pushed I do not think so I'm always down that lucky bag what do you got a $0.50 left she's got 50 cents left she have to get it with 50 cents let's see what she's got so you wish you wish let's see how much you got admit it you got some quarters that time lucky bag brought me back $89 nice two more Benjamin boxes okay those are both hundred boxes okay I can't wait to see what's inside sweet you playing or give up um you got one more in there $89 worth the quarters if you could get that if that's a real hundred dollar bill with $89 with quarters I'd say that's a pretty good investment just getting it to budge already oh my goodness I think you just pushed it an inch and that was with what 50 cents whatever you did do it again that was epic okay that works too you're definitely up oh nice ready to play in that side that was nice come on but just to the left push this to the left push it push it real good no I don't ever use pain just moved again I was just mimicking you oh you got some quarters on the edge hit it and hit it hard [Music] oh that a hundred is Stuckey over there [Music] you love for code [Music] so just watch it again [Music] Oh punched again it does look like it's stuck on the curve it's like hovering right now it's hovering I think you got something good going on here it it's not falling back it is hovering over the edge it is literally hovering over the edge oh my goodness are you gonna get it oh man no just moved again this is epic it's so sticky close it is so close I [Music] can't oh my goodness half of it is hanging over the edge I'm definitely gonna get it with this bag he's got all that to get it with I don't know it's moving for sure cloten moving it's doing all kinds of things all the quarters from underneath business one see I see that one is a tricky little box it's been like floating then the quarters went out then it's there it's hovering who the hails knows what it's gonna do nice nice yeah I think you're getting your quarters back I want to know what's in that little box oh this is crazy this is crazy it's like stuck on that curve keep playing that's $75 more in quarters quarters and then you got all these boxes okay shake up shaking shaking shaking shake them all right okay there's the hundred let's see two hundred okay definitely definitely a hundred dollar bill right no way I thought it was one hundred dollar bill there's no stinking way are you serious are they real yep two real hundred-dollar bills all right the other ones other ones no way there's 200 same three four okay three four five six anything oh no no so that's us 500 then that's just 500 all right real that's 500 how many more boxes five six seven eight no way you're buying dinner tonight and how scream [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 459,262
Rating: 4.8864594 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, playing high stakes coin pusher, won money in high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin pusher big win, coin pusher game, coin pusher money, high risk coin pusher jackpot, high risk coin pusher big win, won bitcoin, high risk coin pusher videos, progressive jackpots
Id: xwar-NSa_rI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 22sec (1822 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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