Good Ol' Peps - Believe You Me #256

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That poor dogs asshole

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/chuck_the_hammer 📅︎︎ Sep 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

Walnutpark coming in hot baby boiii!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/joshuajturnbull 📅︎︎ Sep 16 2020 🗫︎ replies
shut the [ __ ] up this is believe you me on the gas digital network all right ladies and gentlemen it is another episode of the believe you me podcast i am still in the hotel from the shining lewis is in the comfort of his own home harrington is going to harrington and brian is in hospital having a hernia operation so please uh spare a little thought for brian today and welcome to the show who was it again frank francis francis of assisi don't call him francis i i hate the name francis and um no offense to any fans out there there's probably 30 francises listening to the show right now that are [ __ ] crying if that's his name then that's what i'm gonna go by what's the problem with the name francis frank is a good name frank's a man's name just it's frank like a period at the end of a sentence frank's frank's a little you know it's a little yesteryear hey frank you know you sound you sound like a no offense to any franks out there of course francis it's a little more bougie it's a little more out there i mean that's a man's name francis sophisticator that's a guy that's a go-getter francis baby he's only saying this because he already said this was his confirmation name before he told us this so now he has to stand by the fact that he picked such a [ __ ] girly confirmation name and he chose it well that's what you do with the confirmation name when you get confirmed in the roman catholic church to give you the ability to pick a name not that i needed another name because my full name is michael gavin jones of galen bisping so now with the addition of francis and god knows why i chose that michael gavin joseph francis galen bisping there you go too many names too many names but still francis that's a solid touch how are you lewis how's it going i'm okay i'm uh i'm a little beat up a little bit tired ugh here we go fight journal what we're saying what's going on [ __ ] you dude fight journal's paying my bills right now baby boy hey good for you shout out yo kratom um yeah listen it's [ __ ] dude jiu jitsu sucks dick it sucks dick whoa yeah i'll say it right now dude no wait they should ban it from martial arts competition it's the gentle art don't be frustrated don't you know that's like saying that that's like talking [ __ ] about your wife because you're an [ __ ] you know what i mean because you're not getting along because you're a dick right jiu jitsu is a fantastic martial art louis it just takes a long time to master this is the thing you see so many people diving in head first not respecting the arts thinking it's a game you know thinking it's a game louis it takes a long time you know what they say and this is true in martial arts for all martial arts and you know it's funny because uh on this note last week um there was somebody fighting and they were a black belt at the age of seven and no disrespect to any black belts at the age of seven but you can't be a black belt at the age of seven okay because they're just simply not enough your brain isn't developed enough to take it all the information anyway what i was gonna say is you only truly really start learning and understanding the art form when you become a black belt that's what they say when you finally become a black belt that's when you really start learning so it's not jujitsu's fault lewis it's your fault you're ignorant i am extremely ignorant and my body is not made for jiu jitsu and it's just it's and i am kidding obviously it shouldn't be banned from competition but it's so i have so much respect for guys that are good at it and it's just such a disheartening thing when you go against guys that are legitimately really really good do you did you ever feel that way let me ask you a question because you weren't known as being a jiu jitsu guy and when i grappled with you the one time and i was very injured so i will say i was i was a fraction of myself of course but but you felt like a goddamn it felt like an elephant was stepping on top of me it was crazy it was like i could move the weight to the size of the strength i know incredibly large biceps and penis that i have it was technique baby dick you just laid it across my chest no no no i've done jiu jitsu for a very very long time uh and it does it takes a while but the thing is the thing that you're struggling with lewis and finally funnily enough i was talking to rebecca about this because you know you were talking last week about your little boo-boo your little foot injury it's feeling better thanks for asking this is uh this is what happens right you're trying to jump in at the deep end and that's why you're getting injured to [ __ ] because you got to start right you gotta you gotta build your way up and like so you're kicking people and you're kicking bags and stuff and you're getting hurt because your body isn't used to it right that's why you start slowly and increments and you build your way up and this and that because your body becomes accustomed to it it becomes conditioned you know like you see these [ __ ] out there trying to kick [ __ ] bamboo trees and kicking telephone poles or whatever out there or i'm trying to condition my shins that's not how you condition your shins you go to thailand you don't see thai kicking bamboo trees you don't you know what they kick they kick bags and they kick them from a very early age and when you first start kicking bags your shins will hurt the next day and they'll continue to hurt until eventually they don't anymore why is that because your shins are conditioned and just like your body if you kick an elbow it's gonna [ __ ] hurt but you do slowly become accustomed to it you know you condition the body lewis so you know you've got to take baby steps buddy you can't rush this rome was not built in a day did you in your later in your career professional you know now you could be honest about this because back then i'm sure you're like no it never happened but was there any was there would you ever grapple with somebody and they just made you feel like you were like there's just no winning here like they were that much of an ace or were you good enough to sort of keep up with really anybody that you were grappling with yeah no listen i don't mind uh giving credit where credit's due you know i i i have rolled with some very very good people but to be honest my jiu-jitsu was at a level that i could hold my own yeah you know like uh yeah yeah i'm trying to think i mean i went down to the mendez brothers which are two brothers that have a uh a school in costa mesa and they're very very good and i went down there to train when i was training for was it gsp maybe it was jsp and i went down there and these guys are awesome they're they're way smaller than me though to be fair but rolling with little guys is such a pain in the ass because they're so fast it's a very different style of jiu-jitsu to a bigger guy anyway they're good but they are way smaller anyway i went in because i wanted to roll with some good guys and anyway they [ __ ] set up the camera and do it come on let's roll my but they set up the camera i'm like you [ __ ] [ __ ] i know what you're doing here you've got a ufc world champion in and you want to get it on tape well website of me getting taps out yeah didn't happen baby did you cut the cameras or no no i didn't no no i didn't but i [ __ ] i turned my game face on oh no okay okay [ __ ] shit's on baby boy and it didn't get me but um i'll be lying if i if i didn't say i was defending the entire time attack after attack after attack yeah no listen i've rolled with guys that are so good it just it's hard to comprehend sometimes how they get so good but i always had good defense but um you haven't done jiu jitsu for a while i'm going to go back to it my knees are slowly healing up now and uh yeah i'm looking forward to getting back on the mat yeah well what's a piece of advice give me some advice starting out in jiu jitsu what's the best advice you can give somebody because this is it's it's tough i've i've done the the you know i haven't done a ton of jiu jitsu it's there's no shortcuts it's as simple as that there is yeah i mean you're looking for a secret or something like that there isn't one and like everything in life you know it just comes with time and hard work dedication practice you know just just drilling the basics there you go you got a drill you got a drill drill drill because every time you do a movement you create that that that's a neural pathway in your brain it's like when you first get shown a technique you're like what the [ __ ] oh my god this i don't know what i'm doing and you can't do it you know your brain is trying to create that neural pathway and the more times you do it that pathway gets a little stronger and then before you know it you can do it with your eyeshadow in fact in fact that's a good idea actually uh visualize doing the moves with your eyes closed because it's just as a good almost as doing it for real because you're still developing those neural pathways in your brain so you know you just close your eyes if you know and just just think about you going through the movements you know because it's all just drilling the more you drill the better you get and let me tell you drillers are killers baby that's what they say if you drill properly yeah properly it's hard work yeah well thank you very much mr bisping this is this actually this is really good because i'm a fat old man but young fighters that are coming up can actually get real advice from you that they can apply to their real legitimate careers so uh even though i'm tooting my own horn here i think it can be applied for some people that might be thinking about it or even er i i really have said this for a long time everybody should go and train and test themselves in one way or another it really is it's fun and it really is a you know it's a it's just a great way to exercise i look forward to going and sparring and training martial arts more so than i've ever looked forward to going for a run or going to some personal trainer session or some spin class or any other [ __ ] it's [ __ ] cool what do you want if you're listening to the show you think it's cool let's not be phonies right now you think it's cool to kick and punch well so if you haven't tried it yourself at the very least you should get up and give it a try because even if you're not in shape or whatever um it it's just [ __ ] cool i don't know i have my sister in my garage punching me unboxing i'm looking forward to doing jiu jitsu again but i was talking to the therapist that came around was doing some rehab on my knee i said well i'll be able to do jiu jitsu and he's like yeah take it easy uh and and you know like you sit on your knees you know you sit back on your knees i said well i'll be able to sit like that because i've been able to sit back like that for forever and he's like nah that's not going to happen i was like all right okay indian styles just and then i said what about heel hooks and stuff like that because i don't have tendons anymore you know when you do a heel hook it's all your tendons and things like that that are going to get damaged and i don't have them and he said no no no no no you can't do heel hogs i'm not why is that because i don't have tendons he said well think about it now you have a fake knee and if you think about it it's like a door hinge okay it'll go that way fine all day long but if you're if someone's [ __ ] around and going for a knee bar and they pull it the wrong way you're gonna bend the uh the hinge the other way you know what i'm saying and it'll be you're gonna bend my hinge so i can do jiu jitsu but i just gotta just gotta take it easy to take it live that's fine by me i've i've had my competition days anyway but uh but yeah there you go anyway uh we were gonna have alexander volkanovsky the champ and leon edwards possible champion waiting joining the show today but we're gonna speak to them on thursday when i'm at home and uh definitely got a solid wi-fi connection so make sure you check that out on thursday of course this weekend colby covington taking on tyrone woodley that's a great fight we'll talk about that a little bit later but there was great fights at the weekend which we're going to talk about but there's been some uh some interesting developments over the weekend unless you i mean if you're a mma fan you've probably heard about it some uh i'm i i don't know too many facts so we can't cast aspersions but uh conor mcgregor is on holiday on his yacht in the mediterranean enjoying himself living a fantastic life looks [ __ ] awesome and uh unfortunately was called in for questioning regarding another sexual assault allegation yeah well uh once again you don't know what the deal is apparently he was called in but then released as well which is probably promising i mean i don't know where was he called in for questioning i don't know corsica maybe i don't even know where corsica is i haven't i've no idea what part of the [ __ ] world corsica is in corsica is one of the islands of greece france nope greece greece good okay greece sure i'm pretty sure it is yeah i don't know corsican rape laws i don't know how lenient i don't know them either i did not study the course they can rape laws but i'm i'm gonna go out on a limb not loud not allowed i don't know dude of course it is in france [ __ ] yeah thank you very much whoever corrected is it in france is it all right i should have known that when he said in that article that already is on holiday in the south of france that should have been the giveaway i guess um so but either way i don't know well actually in france they seem a little rapid i gotta be honest with you oh come on lewis don't insult our french audience did you ever see uh what's his name uh pepe le pew come on yeah he was definitely very rapey jesus christ it's hard to defend pepe's behavior in 2020. you know it was look it was a long time ago it was a different time people acted differently but in 2020 like pips perhaps pads we gotta talk buddy you gotta tone it down a bit what are you doing bro if peps was on our podcast he would probably take a leave of absence for a little while if peps was on the podcast we'd get taken down on youtube no i remember i went on holiday vacation uh to the south of france um with the school when i was a kid when we were like 13 we went for two weeks to the south of france and we went and and there was we were all walking around the city center or sometime one day and there was a sex shop and we went in there there was [ __ ] dildos and all kinds of stuff we couldn't believe it we thought it was hilarious uh anyway back to conor mcgregor listen nobody knows talking of dildos i'm joking i'm joking uh that's a total joke um no nobody knows the facts right nobody knows the facts and i will say this right i feel like we have to give him the benefit of the doubt here because i don't know man it's all the i've always said there's no smoke without fire you know but this has been several times now several times okay and one could argue well he keeps getting away with it so therefore he keeps doing it but i gotta say you'd have to be pretty [ __ ] stupid to be routinely sexually sexually assaulting people like that do you know what i'm saying you got to be pretty [ __ ] dumb if you're a conscious advocate devil's advocate of course there's lots of devil's advocate in today's show devil's advocate devil's advocate uh bill cosby i can't do it that was like arnold schwarzenegger turning him to bill there's always two sides right uh but i'm just saying i'm just saying if because you got to remember he's [ __ ] supremely wealthy he's world famous and he is a target now i'm not defending him i'm not defending him because we don't know any facts but i'm just saying i'm just saying i i don't know i'm starting to get a little skeptical i'm sorry i get what you're saying so here's the thing and i yes i would we all have to put our detective hat on you step back from it from the first second and go fine and i don't want to be always just believing guys but it's like it's not that i believe guys i'm saying when you have a guy that's that famous who parties that much who obviously has a target on his back um for multiple lawsuits i don't know how many lawsuits conor mcgregor has had to go through already but if i had to guess we've heard about a handful and i'm sure there's a bunch more that have just happened that we haven't heard about okay they slide through the cracks yeah exactly so i'm just assuming that it's something that like if he gets taken for questioning and then no charges are filed i have to say like look i i can't if charges were filed and he was arrested for it i i would i would be much more like oh [ __ ] but because i let him go and no charges were filed i'm going like okay well i don't know the guy's a good yeah devil's advocate the way it works always lewis you generally don't get charged if you go in there and you're denying it then they do an internal investigation and then it'll go to the crown prosecution service the cps in england you know you would if you deny it unless they have slap bank uh undisputable evidence you would not get charged unless they had it on video and certainly in a sexual assault case uh so so you would not get charged the likelihood of being charged on the spot right then and there unless there was a bunch of witnesses in the room that saw it that that undeniably it went down you wouldn't get charged you know what i mean this is also multiple country to country it's weird i have no idea what the law is like when you're on the a [ __ ] boat in the the french riviera and you're from ireland and like whatever that process is you got to figure it's probably difficult when you're in the city the same city to get somebody you know pull up for for assault charges uh harrington just sent me in the chat this is third assault charge or his third sexual assault charge is that what i'm seeing uh yes sir can you give us more details in the because i want to remember i remember the other one that was like sort of a couple months ago okay so i'm i'm just reading this is off of fansited it's giving all of his arrests here uh can i say something finally and i'm gonna cut you off harrington but you finally look good you look like a producer you look great he's he's looking like he's in better shape he's in a studio the angle's right this is good devil's advocate you do look good no no no no seriously you look good you look healthy you look clean your beard is trimmed you've lost some weight the angle is there uh but i will say this you don't need to i'm trying to give a fair balanced opinion on both sides you know hey let's bring up all the other ones that he's been accused of as well that's a little unfair that's a little unfair that's like painting a picture right those ones should be held irrelevant right now we're basing this one on the merits but still go ahead go ahead with your smear campaign look i'm just saying if a guy burned down three houses and then he goes into a store and buys a gas can and some matches you're gonna look at him a little suspect no devil's advocate he does make a good point that would be the other way around if a guy went and bought the gas cannon matches and then burnt down the houses you're saying if he burned down the houses and then bought the gasoline if he burned if the houses were burned down and then the guy goes and buys gasoline there's nothing wrong with that maybe he'll be honest with you his car broke down he needs the [ __ ] gasoline we don't really need an analogy here there was a crime committed by a man we could just talk a bit in absolutes no we can we can anyway go on then hammond with your smear campaign okay so if you remember uh back in march the new york times had brought it up uh that he was you know uh being investigated for sexual assault charges uh and then you know back in october uh there was a bunch of rumors circulating around uh this was in dublin a report states that a woman or twenties was sexually assaulted in a vehicle parked outside a dublin pub uh he has not been charged in a crime in either incident but he does have you know like i said he's got two sexual assault investigations already pending on top of him yeah well listen listen so i guess based upon that one of two things right he's either a sexual predator or he's getting set up you right you know what i mean it's one or the other it's black and white i in this occasion because of who he is because of the money because of the fame you know unfortunately it does not and we don't know any uh so i shouldn't even say that because it's kind of insulting to any victims of sexual abuse so it is a tricky situation you just don't have the data i mean you've got to tread carefully but what i do want to talk about is i saw some tweets before having to bring these up this was rather disturbing connor uh i was on the treadmill not the treadmill [ __ ] i would love to be on the treadmills on the elliptical which is a rather more toned down version the treadmill's gay cousin it is i'd like to say the treadmills [ __ ] cousins you can't even say that because they're gay i can't say [ __ ] it's a treadmill's gay [ __ ] cousin no the treadmill is the tread the elliptical machine is the disowned abandoned illegitimate child red-headed child yes i tell you what jason pirillo talks [ __ ] about the ellipticals all day long i'm telling you baby boy you crank that mother [ __ ] up to 15 and you go for it i'm sweating like a maniac okay yeah i mean you're you're only on one knee you wouldn't if you could choose yes fine you're doing good with what you could do good with but if you could choose you would be hitting the pavement with your dog why are you trying to make me feel bad a bit i'm doing a bit i'm doing the best i can here buddy okay i'm pushing on the ground sorry i'm not out there doing a fight journal uh harrington bring up those tweets bring them up so go on read them out please to lewis offer the show for the show harrington read them out in in an irish accent harrington are you there wow can you hear me oh my god what is he doing i hope he killed himself how cool would that be harrington read them out yes yes sir i can't go on like this man i'm crushed here uh suicide intervention yet ridiculing me in this manner online at this horrendous time in my life i'm trying to stay strong for my kids and the people and they rely on me with that love and support me thanks for the insults hypocrites well listen i just got to say the fact that you're mocking his accent and and he's he's sending out a serious tweet and he's kind of a cry for help you know you're mocking him that's not nice no so listen uh you took it down i was about to read it in a more nice heartfelt manner and one with a little more understanding uh i think he's since deleted those tweets is what i saw but um yeah i mean listen hold on let me just adjust my contact lens because it keeps i have astigmatism so it always moves around suicide intervention yet ridiculing me in this manner online at this horrible time in my life i'm trying to stay strong for my kids and the people that rely on me and that love and support me thanks for the insults hypocrites so yeah i mean listen maybe he's been getting some some [ __ ] online which is you know that's just the way it is unfortunately social media is full of a lot of people but that is a nasty it is a nasty uh claim or allegation it's a very nasty allegation so people are going to do that but listen if he is innocent i can understand his [ __ ] pain because that's a very very and it's a big if it's a big if we have to look at it from both sides it's a big if yeah if he is innocent and he keeps going through this [ __ ] man i feel for the guy if he's innocent yeah it's a very uh you know you said it before we don't have enough data to really give an honest assessment for oh like well this is what's going on you can say you believe his thing you know you believe some random people that you've never seen their statements or whatever you don't really know um it is tough it's a completely tough situation it's tough for his son his wife his family no matter what right so whether he's innocent or not right it's very tough for his family and people love to jump on the bandwagon of kicking people when they're down it's very easy to just send out a tweet or whatever it is and you know this if this guy is being falsely accused of this and you know he's being arrested for it and he's got a you know he's got a his son has to like grow up reading about this one day you know that's tough and that's something that if you're you know for a father or a man to have to deal with that is really tough and it is really hard and i think people just throw it out there like who cares whatever this guy's a multi-multi-millionaire he's a famous person who gives a [ __ ] but human beings are still human beings you know that's just true yeah you know and your first day is still your worst day even if you got a million dollars in your bank you when you're having a bad [ __ ] day and it's the worst day of your life it still kills you well if you look at the facts of the matter right and i'm not i don't swing off the notes of conor mcgregor far from it i don't you know but i'm just calling the facts like i see them here there has been allegations has there been any charges there's been no charges yet and from what i understand of the previous ones that wasn't through the lady in question or whoever it was the victim or suppose it makes him not coming forward they came forward and tried to uh aggressively have charges pressed you know but but but they never were and why is that you know so so i don't know maybe i'm wrong and if i am wrong i apologize to any alleged victims and if and if and if he's innocent then [ __ ] the whole world owes conor mcgregor a big apology because it's it's a very very nasty time we don't know anything more about it so we might as well just leave that one there but we'd be remiss not to mention it because he's the biggest star in the sport of mixed martial arts one of the big stars in the [ __ ] world let's be honest so uh so anyway moving on moving on baby boy moving on baby boy did you watch any football do you give a [ __ ] i don't give a [ __ ] sunday was the uh the opening day i was tweeting yesterday because i was stuck in this goddamn hotel all day you know i've got one knee and i'm like so i just i lead on my bed all day bored out my mind went on a twitter marathon and it was oh it's nfl sunday bro watch nfl and i've i've tried to get into it i've tried i need a team i don't mind it watching the game live is awesome but i guess i need a team but i do like basketball what would be your team if you could pick an nfl team now i'm feeling like i'm gonna i feel like i'm gonna start with this las vegas raiders [ __ ] it's a new team it's a new franchise they just built the stadium here in vegas it's unbelievable it's so sick all right it's a new team so i'm therefore i'm a new fan i go with the new team las vegas raiders baby and plus ice cube in the nwa [ __ ] it was all about the raiders stuff so [ __ ] it i'm a raider i'm a raider bro they were pretty they were almost like a symbol i think they were i don't know anything about football you think i don't know anything about boxing or mixed martial arts watch me talk about any other sports okay but weren't they a really really bad team it was almost like um yeah they were like they were known for being really bad but they were also known for being like really hood like people were like raiders [ __ ] from oakland oakland california is a really like ghetto area yeah um so that was kind of cool like they were like as just like uh like their gear was kind of cool it was that logo was cool the hearts were cool but the same logo still yeah yeah yeah i'm gonna say i'm gonna say yeah i'm gonna say yeah i've seen the logo i can't compare the two we'll leave it there we're not here to talk about the raiders but i'll tell you what did happen yesterday in las vegas donald trump was in town el presidente the big dog himself uh he was here excuse me to talk to a national convention i was watching on the news and there was a big hoo-ha being made that thousands of people were going to gather together without a mask in sight and anyway dana white was there dana white was there with justin gagey ali abdelaziz donald trump gave ali abdelaziz a shout out through the speech he did he said i want to say something dab ali you know so that's amazing just engage was there henry sahudo uh what's his face uh colby carvington was there you know and i gotta say you know whether or not you're a trump fan and whether you know you're a republican or democrat or whatever you know the fact that that donald trump speaks so highly of dana white i mean that's that's huge you know listen but trump fan or not the president is saying very very kind words about dana white i mean that's the the dana white is the king of [ __ ] las vegas man it's pretty awesome and it shows how big the ufc has become how uh great of a businessman dana white is to be able to take this barbaric you know crazy fight you know cage fighting and to you have the [ __ ] president the united states shouting you out and talking about how much you respect you and as a fan of the sport shows up to where he doesn't anymore we used to show up to events um pretty regularly yeah well well the reason being was because back in the day when they were struggling to find venues trump was allowing his venues to be used i'm not i forget the the actual area mohegan city yeah yeah there you go so yeah so where but but that's you know i've got to say a fair play to dana white there and then fair play to donald trump for showing his loyalty uh he also shared some kind words about uh welterweight contender colby covington harrington bring up the video here because uh the only thing that made me laugh on this sort of monster the only thing that made me laugh and and donald trump saying some nice words about colby which is great for colby we know he's a big trump supporter it's sort of i mean look here's the it's sort of great to have trump saying things about you sort of but there's like uh no no well yeah it's a double-edged sword people love it people hate it but what that let me make my point the thing that i just that i wanted how uh how is it to bring it up for was just hilarious it was a very awkward handshake at the end of the interaction let's take a look i'm going to be watching colby i'm a big fan of kobe he's a winner he's a champ and it's going to be a great evening a great fight and i just wish him best of luck but i i've just seen him a lot and he's tough good luck champion thank you appreciate mr president i know i think colby went to kiss his hand or something he went to kiss the ring he's like what's steady on colbs i think colby went to go like dap him up because he's [ __ ] no the president is not gonna [ __ ] duff you off i know but if you look at what he did he like held his hand up here and the president went to go shake it so he met him in the middle it was awkward and bizarre um yeah i mean it's awkward you know that's a confidence booster off of colby coverton coming into this one this weekend it really is you know he's a big trump supporter he's a big fan of the man himself that's huge it is i guess tyron's hates trump so i'm sure it's a confidence booster for tyron as well and probably more so for tyron than colby because i don't know how much colby really loves trump kobe's not a into politics colby's into like trolling people and i think that's why he wears that hat tyron is into like black lives matter movement anti-racism he's been a very big why do you think that is well plays around who's into black lives matter well of course he is he said i'm just saying like that's not fake i don't think so i'm saying oh it's not saying hey black lives matter psych it's a joke no of course he is no the point i'm making is though that it's real emotion from tyron whereas i don't know if it's a real emotion for kobe so if there's a confidence booster there i think tyron's going to see that and be like yeah [ __ ] you do you want yeah i think it's i think it's real on both sides and it's just gonna make for an even better fight and it just hypes it up even more uh yeah no no donald trump has been getting involved in uh some of the ufc stuff lately as well there was a thing like what did he retweet at the weekend he retweeted oh oh sorry pardon me bobby green bobby green after his last five remember we had him on the show bobby green and and in his post fight into not the he just won on saturday night so shout out bobby well done again great fight um but his last fight that he had and we had him on the show remembering the post-fight interview he brought his dad on and bobby was from a you know he was raised in foster homes and foster care and his father is his adopted father i think it's his adopted father he's white and he said hey bring him in and his dad comes in obviously bob is black and he's white and you know he was talking about the division in the world and things like that it's a very very beautiful touching message anyway donald trump el presidente retweeted that as well so he's really uh you know getting behind the ufc lately yeah yeah sure maybe okay all right all right uh great conversation that's a real yep maybe maybe uh well anytime i try to give my opinion on it you shut it down what are you talking about you literally i just gave my opinion you didn't want to hear it i did want to hear it that's what we're doing we're going back and forth um all right tony ferguson tony ferguson was supposed to fight dustin poirier uh much to everybody's uh disappointment dustin poy is not taking part in that fight i think it's ufc 254 i think it's habib and uh gaiji can you believe that's just around the [ __ ] corner what's the date on that well in two weeks we've got izzy versus romero on fire that's only two weeks away two weeks away that's wild they're going back to fight ireland for five weeks the first opening fight is izzy versus romero costa yeah then they're doing three more or four on the final fight is khabib khabib versus gaijin october 24th uh yeah that's pretty crazy and yeah it was supposed to be all right so continue sorry yeah no no so dustin poyo and ferguson was supposed to be the co-main event which would have been incredible but uh ferguson uh it's part of me not ferguson poirier you know i think he want from what i can gather wanting more money when he compensating better and the ufc said no and he's pulled out of that fight i think we talked on this last week so that's not the point that's not the news the news is that tony ferguson has come out and he's sending tweets to dana white harrington have you got the tweet there and uh if you bring it up just read it out for me please all right i'll read it out he says he is looking at you kid pay the man i dana white love y'all but let's give the hardcores and casual fans what they deserve a good fight sir i mean i think that has to be the first time we've seen a fighter's opponent going at the ufc and said hey give him more money yeah i mean there's probably a little bit of uh interest there for tony as well because the major fight big fight fans are clamoring for it now a lot of people would want to see it and i'm sure in tony's mind it's you know a winnable fight that's on the way back to getting that title because pory is that guy right so you know for tony he wants that fight to happen uh who else what else is there for tony who else would be for tony to fight if he doesn't get the poirier fight that would have the same impact and get him another title shot yeah i'm not sure but they are leaving focusing on the car so they're gonna find somebody for him and as we know it lightweight there's tons of talent there it's a shame and it is a tricky one listen i understand that poirier wants more money but also on the ufc side if you look at it from both eyes size devil's advocate if you will um he signed the contract you know what i mean so you sign a contract for this many fights for this amount of money and then your star rises a little bit and then you want more so it's it's a tricky one there and you know i'm not being a company man you know that's what people say oh company man but if you're the ufc you can't bend every time you can't be forced you know what i mean you can't allow fighters to break their contracts otherwise you just send set in a trend and then fighters will do that all the time you know what i'm saying it's a tricky one it's the fans losing out here it really is because i was looking forward to that fight and i agree i mean look so i i didn't realize that i apologize because i did not know that uh that poirier was trying to change the terms of his contract and i i gotta be honest with you i'm not a company man i have nothing to do with the ufc you gotta fight out your contract you made the deal you gotta make the deal that's the way it works just the way the way men do business is you know you you know and i i'm not that's not a knock on on pourier because he's an incredible fighter um and maybe he's looking at it from a different perspective and i'm not a fighter and bisping maybe you could you know shed some light on this devil's advocate you know he's like hey dude i got x amount of years left x amount of fights left in my body you know if i'm gonna do this i'm gonna do this for a certain amount of money and this is what it's worth i've my star has grown this much in my mind i'm worth this much so i'm sort of torn actually because i don't knock a guy for saying my time and my health is worth this much but at the same time i'm like well dude you did sign on that dotted line yeah exactly and that's what i mean it's a very it's it's hard to pick a side either way right because i'm always on the fire side you know i always want everybody fighters they they sacrifice a lot i always want them to get as much money as possible but as we just discussed you signed the [ __ ] contract and if the ufc has seen to fold every single time a fighter does this then they're gonna have no strength you know what i'm saying and then they're gonna have no strength when it comes to negotiations uh yeah it's just a tricky one it really is i feel for dustin i understand the ufc doing it that way uh yeah i'm just trying to think if there was any and you can't knock the ufc because they did i mean look let's not get their [ __ ] twisted the ufc has created a category created a sport i know that there's other promotions and there's been other things through the years but what the ufc has done dana white the fertitta brothers for for the sport what they brought it to i mean we wouldn't even be having this conversation about contracts and people being millionaires and we were talking about like how many millionaires has the ufc made and it would not exist without the work that these guys put in so i also just sort of i also just sort of go like you know what they know they know how to do this and they know how to build out a business and i just thought i put a lot of faith into the fact that the ufc not only has a great business sense for this but actually has what's best in the for the fighters in mind because what they've built for these fighters even when you started mr bisping what i mean what what do we talk about the difference in the what the average fighter makes right i mean jesus christ what a world it's become like where i mean there's so many different fighters now who are movie stars who are just massive massive household names and it just wouldn't have existed without the ufc yeah i'm just bringing up uh his record here dustin poyer listen i understand right because you beat anthony petty's big gage you beat eddie alvarez beat max holloway then he lost to khabib and he beat dan hooker and that fight with dan hooker was amazing by the way uh you know he feels like he wants more money but from the ufc's perspective like well you're not the champion you know the only real time then you've got that bargaining power is when you're the champion you know and then you can talk and even then i remember uh with dana you know i was trying to get more money once and he was like what are you talking about mike you've got a contract you signed a contract and it has championship terms in there you know and that's just the way it is if you sign that then i guess you've got to be a man and on and out that contract of course across the board i want more money for everybody you know so i feel for dustin poirier but it is a tricky one uh but yeah anyway listen best one i'm sorry well i was what is this option to retire i don't really understand what the terms are here so dustin poirier is gonna talk to him it's up to him he can choose the ufc can't force you to fight of course he cannot force you to fight so it's up to you you want to sit out you want to retire no i don't think it will be because even if you get injured they put a freeze on your contract i think so so something like that something like that i haven't got a contract in front of me and i never really studied them that hard anyway but i do believe yeah so they don't really expire like that because if you say you're sitting out or whatever i think it puts a freeze on it i'm not sure i'm not sure i don't want to miss quote there but um yeah i mean the only thing is you'd have to do is say well i'm sitting out and then ufc obviously they're going to hold their ground and they'll say all right well fine and then they both sit there and ultimately ultimately it's just employee that's going to lose out the most isn't it because ufc will still go on business as usual and then eventually maybe dustin will come back or the ufc will reach out to come on dustin come on all right we will let's talk so anyway fingers crossed i hope they figure it out okay let's just take a quick second to talk about my amigo where amigo what's up amigo no listen omigo omigo where you gonna go to the toilet and you want to do it in style wicked and wild check my style punk [ __ ] never seen me smile don't know what that is listen um i've got one of these they sent me one they're amazing okay go into the toilet now and using toilet paper just seems so antiquated right in your ass caveman disgusting you're getting close to the feces with this with the amigo that i have i walk in bing it lights up i sit on it it's warm it's delicate to the buttocks okay you take you you do your business we won't go into details there and then you push a button squirts a jet and then you have a little directional pad you know do you want to up a bit you want him back a bit left right whatever you find that sweet spot and then guess what why are you describing it like it's a sexual device i'm just telling you it's the future okay and then guess what the built-in hairdryer can you dry no need to touch anything no need to go near anything you don't need to buy toilet paper uh that's why i installed mine when the whole you know the the [ __ ] thing with the pandemic kicked in and the toilet paper yeah and then so obviously the one i'm talking about there is the pimp daddy of them all but there's a way cheaper version that i have in the kids bathroom 39 no need to call a plumber right it's very very simple even me an absolute [ __ ] that's not good with my hands i could install it it took me 10 minutes to do and i'm telling you listen listen i know these are ads and we talk about them all the time and we're trying to you know we're trying to tell you how good these products are but nobody nobody will regret buying one of these louis no not at all i'm gonna tell right now you're not gonna be able to switch back it's not any [ __ ] go and see what people are saying about just the experience with my amigo it's not just us saying this it really is going to change the way that you poop i wait to come home to poop now i we we have them at the office which is great at the studio but i have them at home as well i can't do it when you use toilet paper even wet naps i thought wet naps was the future that's what i switched to for a while no way there's no clogging of the the drainage systems there's no having to waste money once you have it you're never gonna go back it's super clean this is the way they do it in europe it's the way they do it in asia it's the way the rest of the world is adopted finally you can live in the now not live in the past brother it's 20 20. you know what i mean you don't do such barbaric acts like take a piece of paper and wipe your buttocks right to get right in there deep in there sometimes you got to get in there bud and it's [ __ ] disgusting well not now you just sit there you look at your phone yeah do whatever you want with your hands it is basically hands-free ass wiping okay and it feels good it's the best tell them about the cold louis all right here all you gotta do right now is go to my that's m y o m i g o dot com slash b y my amigo dot com slash bym we're going to take 10 off your my amigo bidet get your bidet today go to and use that promo code to bym save 10 okay let's get back to it all right anyway we were going to get into the fights but there was one more thing i wanted to discuss in fact you text it to me last week lewis and then when i looked at it i was absolutely horrified and disgusted uh and i put it on my instagram and it's uh and i think it's an egyptian martial arts coach harrington just played this it's a it's a coach um supposedly training some fighters are sparring with what looks to be a little six-year-old kid and he is as they say taking absolute goddamn liberties i mean it's just absolutely disgusting [ __ ] off i mean look at that yeah this video is not really working out well it's okay we'll just put uh in post just do the one with the sound it's fine we've seen it oh look at that i mean he head kicks him and he drops and now watch this one now he does like a spinning back kick i think just kidding look at him look at the kid [ __ ] [ __ ] and then again i think i just leave it there harrington a spinning hook kick to the head just leave it there however yeah kill it now yeah did you see i mean that that guy should be ashamed of himself you know kelvin gastelum funnily enough sent me a message uh with with the guy's details and i was like let's call him let's call him on the [ __ ] show and see if he picks up see if i can see an interview well first of all i'll tell you right now that kid is not going to be a champion um that kid had terrible striking defense um i don't know i reckon you [ __ ] take a punch better than you bud you think you're right back up you can give that kid some credit no no never mind that that guy's an absolute piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] right and what you find is if when you do martial arts which i did for my entire life and when i was a kid there's a pla there's lots of coaches like well i shouldn't say lots because that's not fair but there is some coaches like that and that guy there obviously um you know has some insecurities about himself he's trying to make himself feel better and by taking down young children and doing that make trying to make himself feel like a big man and aren't i good aren't i great well of course a little five six seven year old kid is not going to be able to compete with you he was absolutely defensive [ __ ] his pants and you're just taking liberties and i don't understand why that kid's parents aren't going in there and kicking up more of a fuss i remember i went into a jiu jitsu class and uh yeah shame indeed and the instructor at the time grabbed me by my hair with both hands and swung me around in a [ __ ] circle you know like you grab a kid by his ankles and swing it around you grabbed me by my hair and was swinging me around my feet were off the [ __ ] ground you know there is some jiu-jitsu martial art coaches out there like that and i don't know why they do it but they are not fit to practice governor's advocate go ahead you become world champion devil's advocate got to stop saying it so much it's funny every now and again but devil's advocate every three seconds devil's advocate doesn't work uh no no no no you did i i won't joke about it i won't joke it's disgusting it's horrible that's child abuse that that's assault that guy should go to prison that guy should go to [ __ ] prison or lock him in a in a cage with a real fire someone his own size and strength and martial art ability and get his ass kicked who knows maybe maybe the guy's a badass and he [ __ ] everyone up but still i'd love to get my [ __ ] hands on him i mean what would you do that was james that's james um i mean obviously i'd [ __ ] hit the guy in the head with the bottle yeah but uh you know yeah yeah it's terrible i mean um uh i can only think of jokes to make it better than you don't want to joke about it so yeah it's not really a joke you wanted to talk about it i know but i thought i was gonna make some funny jokes about how the kid had no take down defense but then you'd you know yeah no it's disgusting man it's yeah it really makes my blood boil because you've got these kids they're going to do martial arts because they want to build self-esteem they want to build self-confidence they want to learn to be able to how to defend themselves like i'm studying for the contender tomorrow night and when you know we listen to all the audio files they do these lengthy interviews and there's one kid on there i forget his name part of me but uh he's talking about how this group of kids came up and he bullied him and he just took his back off him right in front of him and he couldn't do anything to stop it so he started doing martial arts you know and it completely changed his life and now you know nobody's taking his back off him and he's about to find the contender and possibly be in the ufc it completely changed his life so a lot of the time that's why these kids go to start doing martial arts and then the instructor the guy that's supposed to be making you a better person teaching you self-defense and building your self-esteem is literally the one knocking it out of you the guy isn't fit to run a [ __ ] martial arts school he's an absolute disgrace yeah he's terrible obviously go on give us your jokes give us your jokes that's fine i mean i've yes obviously i agree with you he's terrible i know what is what is the counter argument mike he's not that bad you know what i got to be honest with you he's he's not that bad of a guy he's he's trying to well but i was trying to find it because kelvin gaslin sent me a message and on it there was a [ __ ] phone number so when you when i swiped and said there was a number i was like let's call the guy call i know but i can't find it i can't find the bloody thing it's disappeared or i just need to look better whilst i'm not live on a podcast you know i just dedicate a minute or two into it anyway i think we can just give him a resounding believe you me [ __ ] that guy shane bell indeed shame um all right ufc at the weekend there's a few talking points we'll start with this one ed herman did you see that lewis yeah i did i did uh you know good friend herman not a lot of honor but hey [ __ ] it dude you gotta win dude what is he supposed to do is he supposed to go oh no i'm [ __ ] i should have lost that fight yeah yeah but the discussion is not on ed herman the discussion's on the referee right the referee totally [ __ ] up there so having to bring up the tape which i sent you um they're fighting mike rodriguez was winning the fight ed ed was looking okay he was having his moments here's the finishing sequence there just press play there harrington he knees him in the midsection and then drops to the floor i don't wait for it boom that one didn't connect the groin and then there's another one and that was yeah you didn't see it probably it doesn't connect with the groin under slo-mo on the instant replay you can clearly see that it it came no hold on boom nowhere near the groin pit yeah yeah and then he goes down and you know my dad i suppose oh he's definitely hurt he's been needing the [ __ ] liver you know that [ __ ] hurts and then my dad said yesterday ed herman went down holding the groin but he didn't he went down doing that so he wasn't necessarily holding his groin and then because of the way he went down the referee [ __ ] dives in stops the fight gives him five minutes and then the rule is which i just don't get this this is crazy they're not allowed to look at the instant replay even though on the screens everywhere and on the monitors for the for the commentators there is the re instant replay we can see it but the referee can't look everyone at home has seen that it's actually not um so as soon as the replay is shown the fight is stopped harrington's saying what does that mean as soon as yeah yeah yeah it doesn't matter having to white harrington so go on and explain yourself come on even though i was there and i commentated the entire fight go on harrington can explain it i'm sorry under the new unified rules of mixed martial arts as soon as replay is invoked as soon as the ref goes to watch the replay they cannot restart the fight so the only way you can look at replays in a fight ending sequence yeah which is a stupid rule it really is but but then but then what happens is the fight continues and again it's no no uh shame on ed herman you know if i continued he got lucky so to speak you know it was the referee's fault and then he pulls off a kimura a beautiful kimura from half guard sweeps him on top gets on top and takes the guy's arm home with him uh yeah and i i because i was commenting i felt really awkward because i i know ed he was on the ultimate fight with me great guy and we go back a long way so i didn't want to talk too much [ __ ] but the reality is yeah the reality is that fire should have stopped in the second round yeah dana wake gave um the other gentleman uh rodriguez his uh win bonus which was pretty cool as well because he should have won that fight he really should have won that fight the referee um i forget the guy's name is the newer referee i think it's chris tyone i think it was chris tayo and if i'm if i'm wrong there i apologize chris tyler name but i'm sure he's getting [ __ ] destroyed online uh it's a high pressure job i mean look you know mistakes happen the reality is just once in a while when you make a mistake it ends up being like a fight changing mistake that happens so and often referees make mistakes fighters make mistakes judges make mistakes um but in a situation like that you're really [ __ ] over one guy in a pretty big way yeah because it's not only the financial ramifications which you know as we know dana took care of and that's a boss move by day and i gave him his win bonus so that's great because mike you know he's he he's an up-and-coming guy you know so he's not earning hundreds of thousands you know he he's had a few fights in the ufc and he's doing well you know but so he got his win bonus so that's great uh but it's the it's the implications on his career he's got a loss on there now now again it's a tricky one because ed herman did submit him so should should it be should it be over of overwritten the win because i don't know because you can't say that ed herman didn't win by his own accord yes the referee stopped the fight when he should have allowed it to continue and then stop the fight because he was beaten but then when it continued he did actually kimura the guy do you see what i'm saying is that it's it's a very difficult situation they're they're by by the the rules of like the mma gods they're one and one okay so ed herman lost the first fight by tko then they fought again right after and he caught a [ __ ] gamora so they're one-on-one they should fight again uh i think that should be ruled in no contest i think they should invoke some sort of post fight you should be able to take an instant replay to uh the commission after the fact and and get that scratch from your record make it a no contest and they run it back that's the only thing that that's fair in my opinion oh yeah absolutely i i would say i'd be surprised if the ufc didn't do a rematch there and you know the referee the referee [ __ ] up simple as that now i get it referees uh it's a tough job in fact mark goddard wants to come on the show next week so we'll get mark on and we'll ask him about it what he thinks but uh it is a tough job you know but he may he made a call and it was wrong you know but there was no malice there but he just [ __ ] up so i think uh they should appeal it and i wouldn't be surprised if that's overturned but again to my point before ed herman still legitimately did come or do you know what i mean he doesn't take away from what ed was able to do in the next round so it's it's it's just a messed up situation there but that's what uh the instant replay is for you know but anyway yeah what was the other gentleman's name um rodriguez uh mike rodriguez mike rodriguez oh mike so mike i mean honestly he's still got to look in the mirror and say dude you lost that second fight you lost that second fight to him so yeah even though he has every reason to be pissed that was stolen from the victory was stolen from him he still has to go like well [ __ ] i shouldn't have gotten submitted when they came back out they did get kamored yeah they she got tapped out you got tapped out and i tell you what it looked [ __ ] painful as well that was a bad deep kimora it was right up the back now if that would have been a [ __ ] injury if that would have been an injury that really changed the course of this guy's career i mean well he might be legit it might we don't need arms but uh yeah man yeah so anyway congrats on at home and forgetting the kimura commiserations to my rodriguez for getting absolutely [ __ ] over there by the referee and and yeah and dana was like at the post fight press conference was like that was some steve mazzagotti [ __ ] from back in the day so uh yeah he's not dana's favorite referee right now uh we'll get to the main event just a second quick shout out on the coal mine over before it started real fast it was uh karma worthy who used to be a model or did a little bit of modelling from new york and then got into mixed martial arts he was looking good he had two quick wins one was a knockout one was a submission or two now either way two stoppages came into this one against ottman as itar who we briefly mentioned and you ridiculed his name on the last show uh but um he had one fight in the ufc and i didn't understand what all the hype was around yes he was a beautiful win but [ __ ] hell jesus christ commonwealth is good it's got a bright future anyway it looks good so far so good and that almond zeita jesus christ and if you look at his fights outside of the ufc that's what he does every time he is very very content and happy to stand toe to toe and just when i say swing like a maniac i mean swing like a maniac it's brutal it's it's blistering it's it's fascinating it's dumb as [ __ ] but it's amazing to watch as a fan and and he wins you know so far so good he's putting taking people out of there he's now 13-0 10 knockouts two submissions only once i think he went to a decision so he has got a very very bright future ahead of him did you see that ah no i did not okay well don't worry about it yeah it was over before it started anyway so but yeah keep an eye out for that guy uh yeah he's uh he's definitely destined for big things what about the main event yeah i saw the main event main event was great wow yeah it was uh i mean literally as you know as exciting as you can get as close as you can get i think uh harrington put the like the compu strike numbers in and i guess every round was super super close um yeah fun fight yeah no great fight it really was it really was and what made it even better was that you know obviously angela hill clearly won those first two rounds she was the busier person she was landing more shots she was controlling the fight but michelle made some adjustments as the fire went on she obviously got a couple of takedowns and then the fourth and fifth the [ __ ] speed of her striking man and angela and daniel both of those ladies if there was a crowd in that arena at the end of the fight everyone that was in there was on the feet and clapping and saluting because it was an incredible display of martial arts and technique and heart and will and all that good stuff just a fantastic fight um michelle watson got the victory you know i don't really want to see if i agree with that or not because i don't want to offend angela hill because angela is really pissed off she's been kicking up a bit of a storm on twitter which i get she feels like she won the fight you know and she didn't you know according to the judges i had it one two for angela three four for michelle and it was all going into it on that fifth round i think two of the three judges agreed with your assessment yeah it was a controller i'm not harrington wasn't a takedown in the fifth round or lewis the only uh the only successful takedown was by watterson in the third oh yeah okay she held it down for quite some time but yeah you know it's one of those fights but anytime a fight is that close that razor close which it was you can't be mad you can't of course for angela she feels like she won she feels you know she feels like she's had something taken from her which i guess she has because there was just as much a possibility that they went her way you know what i mean it was so [ __ ] close so close yeah i mean um look i i mean i think dana white even said as much that neither girl skips a beat you know i mean it was an incredible performance by both and it was a split decision i mean you know at that point you can't really um beat yourself up too much when it's a split decision i i mean i you've you've got to saw a couple split decision losses in your career is it does it worse or is it worse or is it better because are you sort of like nah i [ __ ] beat him you can convince yourself that you won that fight or you like [ __ ] me if i could have done a little bit more uh no i know if i if i'm if i'm going to lose i want to lose my split decision just for the uh you know just for the the embarrassment is that well at least it was a split you know i remember when i lost to vandalia silva and uh that was definitely i was definitely robbed on that fight a [ __ ] first two rounds i [ __ ] picked him up slammed him out punched him whatever who cares i lost the fight and as i was walking back zach light uh he was my wrestling coach at the time shout out to zach light and uh i'm like oh well at least it was a split decision against vandalist silva you know he's a legend of the game or whatever you think of him i said nope nope no my unanimous i'm like no no it was please nope unanimous decision mike you lost unanimous i'm like whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa buddy [ __ ] you now steady honestly just let me live in the moment thinking it was a split decision at least i'm [ __ ] heartbroken here come on so funny um yeah i mean yeah look you know i i guess yeah that's what you want but you you don't want to lose just in general but i i guess um you know yeah don't i don't really know i don't i don't really know what to uh to make of it i i don't know you know better than i yeah no listen you know there's nothing to make of it it was a tremendous fight they should both be proud of themselves it was a great display of martial arts talent and this is interesting i'm sorry this was an interesting little tidbit so the fight was initially supposed to be a three-round fight it was supposed to be um glover to share versus santos yeah they moved that out right so uh they made this a five-round fight so if you go by the judge's scorecards angela hill would have won the fight that's the most [ __ ] thing that was the most [ __ ] thing i've ever heard in my life it wasn't a three-round fight it was a five-round fight the the glover and the santos fight they they agreed to make it a three-round main event right great you can't look at it like that you can't you can't bring that into the equator you go well hold on glover versus thing was meant to be a three round it was a five round you agreed you signed the contract from the time that's not that's not what uh i'm saying originally angela hill versus michelle waterson was supposed to be three rounds oh yeah no it was the co-main event yeah so they changed it to a five-run fight now because because it became the main event right of course but i'm just saying if you go by the judges angela hill would have won the fight if it was just a three-round fight now i'm sure that they would have fought differently it would have been a different pace it would have been you know it wouldn't have been the exact same fight but i thought that was an interesting little fact yeah no no i see what you're saying i see what you're saying you know and that's probably just going to like uh annoy angela even more you know had it been the cole man event she would have won that because she did win the first two rounds angela won the third sorry michelle won the third so yeah she would have won a three round five but it wasn't it wasn't so you know that's just like if you're angela hill and you're looking like that you're just torturing yourself you know what i'm saying because unfortunately it didn't go away she was the first african-american female to headline a ufc event at the weekend so that was big for her and all that inspiring many many young girls at home watching that but uh yeah that was that that's our ufc roundup that's how you actually round up for of the weekend fun times fun times uh we had another fight this week and we're going to obviously do official picks oh no you can't do official picks no i can do i'm not commenting oh you're not commenting jesus christ i don't even know yes so thursday thursday we'll do some official picks i was going to say can we push the podcast back a little bit on thursday because at 4 p.m eastern is the press conference and i'm sure with colby and tyrone they don't like each other as we know them and look at the see the start of this show what we were talking about it's very political um there'd be some great bits to talk about so if we could just push push it back by like an hour do you think you could do that uh yeah i could probably do that yeah that'll be good because then we can react to the to the uh the press conference you know what i mean there'll be some interesting things to discuss and then we'll make a few hours we could do evening you don't care yeah yeah no i don't care so thursday night guys it probably won't be out at midnight soon it'll be out a little bit later in fact before we do some some questions uh and before we talk about uh the fight this weekend let me just do plugs really quick you guys love the show go to our itunes leave us a five star rating positive review that's how people find the show if you guys want people to find the show and that's the best way you can help us out please go leave us that rating also go to our youtube channel subscribe hit that notification button that so you find out when there's brand new shows that are premiering on our youtube channel and if you guys want access to the entire on-demand library all the shows that we've ever done uncensored and ad-free uh you guys get to make gas use the promo code bym you get a 14 day free trial okay so yeah let's let's do 6 p.m eastern is that work for you and 3 p.m cali can we just push back in half an hour so then i'll put because my son sleeps over that night so i'll put him to bed at 9 30 and then we're good no no no i'm saying six six p.m eastern oh maybe let's talk about it up here we'll figure it out all right we'll talk about it on fair uh yeah um all right hamilton we got any questions bud uh yeah we got a uh we got a couple of questions here uh this one is gonna be louis from texas give me just one second to pull him up luis luis luis from texas oh yeah byn pod is the email address if you guys want to send in your questions or videos or fan content really anything okay you guys got it this guy's got beautiful eyes go ahead hey mike lewis from texas again uh i just had a question of all the people that you fought who was the hardest as far as race was it a mexican guy a black guy a china man uh what was the hardest you've ever had just out of curiosity this guy straight up carrying racist yeah no i know and harrison i have all the questions that you could have played that's the one you play with an echo on nonetheless big stupid echo terrible sound quality could have done with the volume up a little bit more and it's a guy asking a racist question louie's from texas go [ __ ] yourself uh and i'm not answering that question because if you do could you imagine the headlines you know what i mean you're just walking into a [ __ ] minefield there big time so where you you know you get to respect all the fighters baby puerto rican jorge rivera i know there you go the el conquistador puerto rican um harrington what else you got there was one that's been sending in the people been sending you in uh it was a lookalike if i'm not mistaken yeah so i got this from probably four or five fans of the show uh all of them wanted to be the one to break the news so i can't give any single person credit however uh congratulations on your retirement mr bisping yeah so i saw this on twitter yesterday right and i i i studied it carefully i'm like that's me i'm not that i'm obviously that's not my hand with the terrible tattoos but i'm i was trying to like study the forehead because i do have those like little [ __ ] divots in my forehead his nose looks a little fatter than mine i have a big scar in between my eyes i don't know if he's got that there who is this guy can we get a little more context yeah can you give some details because i don't know anything harrington he looks like bisping that's all we know yeah he looks like me after a very very very heavy night uh yeah so this guy's name is uh robin robbie uh sorry uh uh robin rockin deacon uh he went 11 years between wins he's considered britain's worst boxer he's ending his career with a record of 53 losses in 55 professional bouts hey you got to respect that guy i mean number one that if he at least is leaving with the title you know what are you going to be remembered for something he looks exactly like you he's definitely related to you he has to be he's not related are you saying my dad was spreading the seed while he was in the army probably to be honest with you i've only met john bisping a couple times but young bisping looks like he throws down some [ __ ] hey hey have a bit of respect please but uh i imagine that 53 losses out of 55 fights whenever i see that whenever i see a fighter i respect that fighter because that takes so much balls to keep walking back into that fighting arena stepping into the ring in front of a crowd after you keep getting beat and you keep getting beat and we're not talking two three losses four are lost five six oh do you think maybe should hang it up 53 when you get into like 37 in a row but you know you're definitely like okay maybe i'm going to stop i mean i love it what is it so this a quote pull that quote up parenthood what does the quote say you could say you could read it actually um i mean we're good so he says my role was to go out there and get beaten up for a living i gained nothing apart from losing a few brain cells and being a dumbass i'm a journeyman boxer but i wouldn't class myself as that i would consider myself a gladiator going into battle whether i'm ready or not hold on this is this is crazy because i've i i've just said uh there's been have some discussions at the weekend about a movie role uh and it's playing a boxer that just gets beaten all the time i swear to god if it turns out to be this guy that's why that's crazy you look just like him if if they hire anybody else about a book called the journeyman no it's not yes it is what is the journeyman about can we look at is that it's about a fighter that has like a ton of drug problems and whatever and and and alcohol and things like that so he just he just goes out there and he's he's happy how will you ever relate to this guy i i don't know but listen but if that's the guy if that's the guy that's crazy oh here's rebecca i texted before any suggestion to talk about on the podcast you could talk about alfie and his anus we'll get to that in a minute because that's hilarious you're gonna want to hear this louis but yeah yeah i mean 53 [ __ ] losses that poor guy but also at the same time i take my hat off to him and i salute him imagine if you're a comic and you every time you went out there people are throwing [ __ ] at you and like 50 shows in a row like there's a lot of comics like that because it's it's a different thing like so comedy there's no gym so most guys that stink just keep it in the gym they never make it out of the gym they just think and they're doing it to be fit and then you know you're like you're not athletic whatever it is you're never gonna make it above that level comedians they're in the club immediately you're in front even if it's a small shitty audience you know you're you know 20 people 15 people whatever it is and it's trial by fire every single time so there's a lot of comics who they have a few times where they've done well and that's enough for them to hold on to that dream because they feel that yeah yeah probably even more extreme so that guy think about his win the two times that he won out of 55 fights bisping think about when he won how good it felt he got thirty he was thirty zero and thirty one in his thirty second fight he won no but listen it's different because in comedy you know your ego's gonna take a hit and you might be a little embarrassed and go oh god that was awful that was [ __ ] they did not find my jokes funny maybe i need to find a better job in boxing get out of my head going to die you're going to get brain damage you're going to get your face destroyed i mean looking at that guy as soon as he looks just like me he got out pretty well get out pretty good i reckon if he lost a few pounds laid off the [ __ ] beer in the drugs and like you know just like put on some better clothes he could he could brush up to be a pretty good looking dude if you ask me yeah all right dude well first of all can we reach out to him harrington and do your [ __ ] job for once reach out to that guy see if we can get him on next week that'd be a really fun interview or for thursday or monday or whatever um do it do it that would be hilarious harrington we're putting it on you and i want to see i want to see you working just let the teachers i want to see i want to see the proof that you reach out i want to see the instagram messages the twitter messages i want to see your tweet anybody know this guy we want to talk to him if the if i said to harrington right now harrington i'll give you a million dollars get this guy on the show by thursday he'd be on the [ __ ] show without a doubt so treat your job treat every day like we're saying harrington this is worth a million dollars and then eventually you'll make a million dollars it's a little bit of advice to you i'm not sure if you'll make a million dollars i just i don't want to lie to you i want to temper your expectations on the line i personally fly to london and and bring this guy back and do him in studio like that's a million dollars in the studio you know what i mean come on um all right well we'll end on this little rather unsavory topic and then we'll let you all get out of here uh yeah the dog i did want to talk about this i totally forgot about it uh so alfie you know poor old alfie as you know is uh he went through that phase of like getting his jizz all over the floor and rebecca's always having to scrape it up well now he has a problem with his um his ass and he's at it for a while he can't poo he can't go i think we talked about this a little bit a while ago right anyway the problem's still going on you can't walk because he's like he's always straining always trying to uh squeeze a poo out and then he can't and then all of a sudden it just comes out for ages it's ultimately disgusting anyway uh he's getting really bad it's getting really bad so i said we've got to take we had him on some medication that was expensive and that kind of helped and then we took him off the medication then it came back so then we put him back on it again but now the medication isn't working and as i said the poor [ __ ] dude is miserable so i said rebecca take him to the vets he needs to see the vet anyway he was out with the dog walker and then they called up on friday saying uh he's literally peeing dark thick red blood okay so he's peeing like dark thick red blood i'm like oh [ __ ] take it to the vets right now anyway so it's called a fistula so he's his own immune system attacking his butthole basically and there's a bunch of scar tissue which is developed around his ass and he can't believe this please hit the hub he can't pass he can't take a dump poor guy because he's because like german shepherds are so they're into bread let's be honest you know what i mean because they want that the finest breed so so he's you know he's drawn a short straw so to speaking because of his interbreeding uh his own immune system is attacking him and as i say he's developing all this scar tissue around his ass and the medication doesn't work so we've got two options two options option one is that they do an operation and they remove his entire bladder oh no no he's rectum they've removed his entire rectum no it's that'll solve it that'll solve it what does he have what does he have instead of an [ __ ] nothing so he'll have no control over when he goes he's just splattering [ __ ] all over the photos you thought calm was bad non-stop he has no he will not be able to control it okay enable option two option was that happening like well you know a lot of people in this circumstance they put the dog down you know what i mean we're like no way we're team alfie he's one of us he's one of the boys you know what i mean hold on we gotta hear option two before we decide if option three is not an option no no no but listen where'd you hear option two it's like some kind of sexual device harrington would use option two is what we're gonna start with option two what they do is they do this procedure where they insert like uh an inflatable balloon into his anus and then they pump it up and then as the balloon gets bigger it separates and rips all the scar tissue and then he comes and he said they said it's going to be really really painful think about that you've got all the scar tissue around your ass they're going to put a balloon in and then pump it up and then how much how much scar tissue is around his [ __ ] well i don't know i i i i don't have a measurement obviously would you say that his [ __ ] looks like your forehead was wrong with my forehead i don't know i i listen i don't know just imagine bitsping's face walking out of the dog's [ __ ] pass me a magnifying glass yeah i haven't believe it or not i haven't checked it out but anyway they're gonna put a balloon in and then pump it up to break and separate the scar tissue around the ass around the anus poor inbred [ __ ] dog out of his misery no no he's not poor dog he's not he's like you kill me please don't put a balloon into me just kill me i was i was so devastated i was worried about him when he was peeing blood i was like oh my god get him to the vets right now paul rebecca she had to wait there at the vets all day while they were like doing some tests and whatnot but um jesus yeah and then exactly your dog is the sweetest dog i've ever met in my entire life i mean granted he did take the eye out of your other dog but that's okay no that was detail oh dito that was dito that's right we all wish death upon detail when it happened that was detailed this is alpha alpha is a sweetheart absolutely sweet dog yeah he's [ __ ] great alfie made me want to get a german shepherd yeah he's awesome just they just well no they don't he just has a problem with [ __ ] and it's bad it's bad after this story i'm not even going to ever pet a german jeopardy i swear to god we're never going to get a german shepherd ever again because our last year machete detail he died early because he had some kind of [ __ ] issues health problems yeah and he was that he was going blind they said that the owners take after their parents or their owners no the dogs take after the road and say i was blind he went blind but um yeah so then they're going to remove the entire rectum and i said well it's simple all we do is then we feed him because now we feed him the evening in in the night now we just feed him in the morning and keep him outside throughout the day and bring him in in the evening i don't know if anyone knows a [ __ ] solution to this problem out there please send it in by important i seem like i'm being insensitive but you know jesus no no it's a lot it it is if that problem was happening with my uh sister i'd put her down yeah my sister removed her anus and she was [ __ ] everywhere i'd like we gotta kill jenny right now we gotta bring a doctorate best friend louis yeah she's my flesh i my son and his mother took my dog oh very happy about that well he won't mean her separated it was like the dog it was the family's dog at that point he like been with my sons he was born so i couldn't and but i mean my lifestyle isn't conducive for a dog yeah no you don't want a dog you know you're out bloody doing showers and whatnot my sister trying to get me to get a cat for my son no [ __ ] one i'm getting i'm sorry for you cat lovers if you're a cat lover you're a weirdo cats they're [ __ ] [ __ ] they have no loyalty the [ __ ] in a litter tray it's the most disgusting thing i've ever seen in my life i would get like a uh i would feed a local stray cat i'll put a little dish of milk out for a local stray cat maybe and they can kill the crickets in my garden don't get me wrong cats are wonderful animals cats are incredible they're they are an incredible species but they're just not loyal they just want to come back get fed and [ __ ] off again i was talking about this on another podcast today but it's kind of interesting i do have to go but it's kind of we're on this topic right now it's such a how long do you think it would be if you died and alfie uh was there with you how long before he would start eating you if there was no food available there's no food available how long do you think you i was dead he was starving and he's like i'm warning him i mean on the flip side let's look at it the other way how long before we start eating alfie would you so alfie dies you're starving that is a good point i i never thought of it that way because like in my mind i'm like oh that's a barbaric your pets will eat you if you die like that happens like people will die in their house they start to decompose the the pets are hungry does it happen is that oh yeah that actually happens yeah but then you gotta figure if you were starving and you had a [ __ ] dead pet like god damn it i gotta cook sport [ __ ] get a boyfriend [ __ ] sports gotta go man if it's me or you if it's me or the dog listen i love dogs i love animals but let's [ __ ] call let's just keep it real you know what i mean also dogs it seems like it'd be good meat if you feel a dog's thigh that's a [ __ ] nice it depends what kind of dog [ __ ] little shitty chihuahua wouldn't even be worth it would it and that little thing you've got that's not even a dog sport it's a jackpot that's a [ __ ] solid dog my dog jack russell that'd be like having a little [ __ ] tiny little chinese spirit that's about all you get [ __ ] racist little [ __ ] racist everyone cancel him now a little nibble is that a chinese impression that was an impression of a chinese person who he said was the weakest physically to go against he we edited that out before i want to point that out hey one of the best stuff is vietnamese go [ __ ] yourself all right that was fun uh goodbye everyone we'll be back on thursday uh colby coughington tyronn woodley very excited about that that's exciting [ __ ] mulkanovsky and leon edwards also as guests big show thursday see you then
Channel: Michael Bisping Podcast
Views: 46,052
Rating: 4.7914996 out of 5
Keywords: Michael Bisping, Luis J Gomez, MMA News, UFC, UFC Vegas 10, Michelle Waterson, Angela Hill, Conor McGregor, Tony Ferguson, Dustin Poirier
Id: a4AVU7iT1Zs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 46sec (4906 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 14 2020
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