Modeling an Airstream Trailer Live in SketchUp

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there we go hey guys how's it going welcome back we made it to Friday another another week of quarantine down hello India that's right I just said that I put this out here because it's out of my reach I can't get it with my left hand if I put it over here by the camera so you guys can keep an eye on it but don't get to use that not today but it's okay cuz drawing with a pen is fun doesn't be cool oh yeah it's tablet time Christopher we're gonna do this thing Puerto Rico welcome Frederik hey fam civil I am doing very well feeling feeling okay I made it through another week I know it's I was just counting up I have my normal Mouse which I'm not using over here on this side I have the mouse for the streaming machine of a tablet here and then a touchpad sitting underneath that so I actually have four four pointing devices and I guess we can count the 3d mouse too so I'm not sure that's it's a lot all right we're gonna give give one more minute guys then we'll get this thing started sunny Dorset in UK was that sarcasm I know UK's not known for sunshine so I wasn't sure if that was funny or not hey Dave it's it's it's cold and it is snowy outside here in case anybody's wondering okay alright guys welcome its we made it all the way through another week we are here it's Friday again we're gonna do some modeling again I hope everybody is handling quarantine okay there's nothing anybody enjoys quarantine it's not a great thing but I hope you're all doing all right with me on the line is Jodi okay that's me that is you so he's in my ear and in your speakers hopefully and hanging out with us helped out and yeah today's gonna be a little different because in the place where normally I have my Logitech mouse I have a stylus right here that we're going to use with this Wacom Intuos tablet so Jodi did put the links up in our oh I was gonna switch to the the other window and I didn't know how for just a second there it's gonna take a second or two let's see where are we we are right here alright so I created I did create a topic in the forum so if you're not already on their forum stat Sketchup comm will take you over here and you can see this is where information is about what we're looking at and then he put links up here to the specific set up that that that welcome gave us for this stream so this is pretty cool just to give you guys a rundown before we actually know let's we're doing this in the right order so first let's let's talk about whoops what do I do so this is a touchpad too so I'm having a hard time remembering that when my pen comes off my hand can still do stuff it's gonna process there B should there be a pin jar for every time you take your pin off the off the tablet well nobody has time or money for that I did want to jump back to bag end real quick so you guys remember last Friday we modeled Baggins and or the hobbit hole Bilbo and Frodo 'z residents find the one that I made I don't feel good about this delay I'm seeing here is this lag there's no there's not a good sign when you're live streaming but yeah somewhere in here I post it there it is there we go I should just roll by this instead of that so this was the image or this was the model that I posted and I challenge you guys I said go ahead and take this and render it so I believe two people took that to heart there's still time if you get it up by the end of this stream I will show yours as well but the ones on look at MK a DD official I believe is how that would be pronounced produce this very green render so very nice great job look at all the stuff overgrowing awesome job looks very cool and then the other one I scroll down here B X Saldana Brian posted these pages which are very cool like through that tree up and back and it looks like he pulled maybe some images from somewhere else and got a uh what's it called when you're cute and creepy at the same time mmm there's probably a German word for that that looks a lot like the one of the hobbits from the cartoon it does witch but like all she beat up so I'm gonna try to play this see how big I can get this to go oh this is kind of cool did a little animation as well so they're sound - I don't know if you guys can hear the sound but it's worth checking out head over to head over there and check that out cool renders great job and I said if we if you guys get other renders up IV I'll check this at the end to make sure anybody else gets a render and we'll show that to you but now for today yeah I Kourt I accidentally coordinated my hat with my jacket here so I do have I'm still repping a little bit of logo there like I said in the garage it is a bit chilly today there is snow on the ground so I felt no need to pretend I just went straight for extra layers so here's what we're gonna do first we wanted to I want to talk about the setup so I do have my 3d mouse here I don't know how much I'm going to use I'm gonna try to do as much as I can just with the tablet the issue with the tablet of course is going to be shortcut keys I have eight shortcut keys so for up here for down here now I've done a little mapping to both of these I do have this wheel here which is programmable but the options are limited and Sketchup the other thing is is this right here I'll show this to you so this is not the standard pen that comes with you in two O's this is the pro pen 3d so this is different from the standard pen they gave you the standard pen has just two buttons this actually has a third button up there in the front and it's meant intentionally or intended for 3d programs because it gives you basically this is set up to put like a 3d tumble orbit animate kind of command on so I'll show you guys how I set that up as we do this and actually I want to start there I'm gonna I'm just gonna I'm not gonna spend a lot of time this will probably jump back I am actually looking for anybody out there any of you guys who use tablets feel free to let me know what I could do better because it's been a long time since apparently I did something there to make the notifications come up let's try that again you guys want to give me updates or ideas of things I could do I'm more than willing to hear it so first thing I did map some stuff specifically for Sketchup on my pen here's what I mapped so obviously the the tip is just a left click so if I tap on something it's just a regular left click I said the big button the extra button the big one right here to the scroll wheel so that means I can tap that and then orbit in 3d then above that the middle button right here I have that set to a space and then right click on this end so basically all the standard stuff I could have with a normal three button Mouse plus the ability to get back to select is on the pen from there I went through and put some keys on so the top set of buttons these ones right here are escape draw a line eraser and then something called precision mode I'll show you what precision mode and get in there below that I have my modifier keys shift control option and command so I've already forgotten which these are so I plan to stumble over that and then the other thing is the touch ring so I set it up as I spin this to zoom so basically the same as with what I'd have on the middle wheel of a mouse that's done by spinning this right here so I think I've emulated pretty well everything that I would have in my three button Mouse with this setup which is really cool the thing it's not here like I said is the shortcut keys so I will have to be jumping up to the keyboard or the shortcut keys on the mouse we'll see how that goes I didn't want to over use the mouse want to see how much I can get away with just doing this well I said I have heard more than one tablet user say they've found big advantage to adding the 3d mouse to their tablet so I want to see do a little bit of modeling just like this and then hop over here if that's a realistic workflow then that obviously fries some of the controls here to do different things so you could you could take a screenshot of your mapped keys and stick them in the watermark like you normally do with the other stuff they're always all this how you guys like to remind me you just have to go and we'll say 1:30 my already yeah me too that's the plan people seem to enjoy it when I struggle a little bit though I'd be honest I don't I don't know Dave Richards is saying he has a 21-inch Cintiq if you guys don't know a Cintiq is it's actually a graphic what do they call it a graphic pen display I think is the term that Wacom uses where you're basically drawing on the screen which is awesome that is that is super cool it takes a one piece of hand-eye coordination away because you're actually going to put the pen on the screen you draw with always left-handed I'm not gonna I'm not going to add that to my my things - I'm not gonna learn to be left-handed I don't know if that was intentionally a challenge I'm here it kind of looks like you are left-handed does it my left from here you're left-handed my left I'm looking at your now that I'm lined up with you I'm gonna move on alright so we'll go ahead and hop in I said this this setup may change as I move through here but we'll give it a shot and see how it goes I will say this though I will say already just playing around I didn't do a lot I spent maybe an hour hour and a half something like that trying to get this set up and figure out what to put on buttons and how to ideally use the scroll here I'm gonna use undo from over there but I haven't done any lengthy amount of drawing like I'm going to right now so with that let's hop in let's make an Airstream so I already had the question what model of Airstream and my drawing I don't have a specific one Jody went and looked for images too and it was surprising to find see how few sorry mark Jensen on Facebook just says we enjoy when you struggle because it proves you're human and not a corporate robot why thank you very much in my experience he's very human oh I I excel at being human if that's what we're talking about no that's actually part things I strive for with this with this dream specifically is I do want this to be realistic I don't we do training videos already we do stuff we rehearse and have everything set up and cut for time and that kind of thing there's supposed to be more like a live design process so that's why I like having you guys in here I try not to over prepare I just make it pretty realistic if we can all right so I had something else I was going to touch on but now I feel like I'm stalling so I'm going to go ahead and start by grabbing the one image I found which I think does a good job of showing what I'm looking for so I'm going to grab this JPEG and import oops I imported as a match photo I already screwed up once that's quick just proving your human early yeah I got that out of the way huh girly and often alright let's try that again yes someone's like that alright hold on now my camera is it a weird talk amongst yourselves while I was that was quick I did that be fast you guys screwed everything up no time to spare alright let's try it again all right so here's it so this is what I have set up right now right now that the touch wheel is zoom so it's gonna zoom in on my cursor and then the big button is where I can work it from so alright close this up close this up using my newest people switch one more time import grab that image and I don't see my options because I want to tell it to import that as an image all right so here's what I got to start with so this is gonna give me the rough geometry of the shell that was really the big thing that I was looking for is if you look like the classic airstreams airstreams are still being made today but they look they're still got they're still I don't know stainless or something like that there's still metal on the outside but they don't quite have that bubble shape that the classic ones do you know what I'm talking about and this if you look at it it does actually have all those so here on the side it has this little bit of a bubble out on the sides looking at the section through here it does come out like this that's the shape I want to yeah I think there might be aluminum I think Steve Steve got me on that one there are vertical faces the front and back from the windows down are vertical but everything else on the model is is domed or rounded so that is the big piece that I wanted to get so if nothing else if we leave this model today at the end of the day with a big bubble of aluminum I'll be happy ideally with some doors and windows punched in it maybe a couple wheels under it we'll see how that goes but mostly I want to get that aluminum shell because that is that that's the piece that I want to challenge myself with yep aluminum aluminum aluminum you guys got it yeah I'm trying to find out if they're still doing aluminum earth they changed it up I got a couple questions how can I learn Sketchup from scratch I would say check out our website we have a link to something called Sketchup campus they're awesome way to learn Sketchup I'll go out a couple links to the forum poster that sounds perfect if you check out forums at Sketchup comm and look for the modeling and air stream live in Sketchup Jody is going to put a couple links up there so you'll be able to see exactly what those are okay so I am going to you know if you're let's let's do this escape rectangle all right I'm going to start by sticking a rectangle in here and I'm trying to get the ground plane so as I looked at these different I'll do that shift in conjunction with the middle mouse button to pan so that's that's going to work but as I look at these different images you can see like right here it does come back to this piece Oh bubbles out of here same on the ends it comes straight down so I think what I got here is going to work I want to have that flat plane that everything will come up from now I don't want to model this whole thing so we've got my line button here so I'm going to just cut this floor plane in half use my eraser gear those this alright so now I think this is just a standard arc so I'm gonna try that I'm gonna try to put an arc from the midpoint here not quite this looks like it is just slightly just just off of a standard arc so I'll come up here and grab my Bezier curve let me go from the midpoint I'll be here they probably don't have computers and smart things like that they're just eyeballing it there we go and I think it's the same front and back so I'm going to try this I'm not sure if this is gonna work but I'll grab this piece I will move it oh I remember which one was option ah got it that little guy with the - you've got four options boom I got to give you credit that was that was it but only one of them Drake hey I'll see you guys tomorrow oh not me all right so I'm gonna do that and I'm gonna get rid of these pieces mm-hmm I don't like that I don't like the way that ties in there all right so I'm gonna do a couple times I'm going to draw that arc again so I'm going to draw my curve come from here zoom in just a touch come back a little bit further this one's gonna come out like that this one here that looks that looks better all right so I'll grab this take it over here you scale to flip it move it back all right that that looks better so go ahead and erase my corners off now all right and I'm going to take this and I'm going to make this into a component I'm gonna pull it up gonna give it a little bit of depth oops wrong button turn off x-ray and then I will triple click right click make component call this half floor and now let's see I will actually I will Mir that does even though it feels appropriate to use mirror while you're making a big shiny airstream it makes a lot of sense option click hmm why is it not working hmm I'm not every time something misses up can we blame it on the way hanging straight all right I'm gonna move a copy right here and then no actually I'll just let's right-click flip along the green axes I knew I was gonna work all right did you know that mr. tad rose from the the PM team had built out like they reef reef AB de or refurbished air stream and lived out of it for a while before Eve was on the sketchup team I did not know that you might still have it can you run out and pull some dimensions for me if I get stuck I'll see if I can reach him all right okay so those pieces then shift I'm just gonna group those together I like it moving a little bit easier all right so actually I'm going to tag that too as being floor so do you think those those dimensions are the outermost edge of the side bulges I assume so and I guess I mean it's aluminum but I'm a guest guessing that there's some depth to it right because it's gotta have some kind of insulation I'm assuming it's not just a thin chunk of aluminum and their shows depth and there's enough depth in there to put a window in so my thought is to get that outer shell and then use joint push-pull to give it some depth that's I'm thinking let's see how that works that's good so that's as far as I figured out how to do the next thing I'm going to slide this off to the side we actually I have to figure out how to so I have multiple arcs here so somebody's asking about left right front to back I don't think they're the same so if if I if I look right here this arc looks very different from this arc so I don't think they're the same I think that I can only do half in the front and back er and have to actually be two separate pieces so that's it that was a good question but I do think they have to be separate ones yeah these walls bubble out - that's that's one of things I really like about this so I think what I'm going to do is I'm going to do this I'm going to put a line right here at the middle take a line out like this take a line down to the bottom I don't like that and then I'm going to draw another Bezier curve I like to say busy I'm gonna pull this makes you feel cultured right it does like I'm kind of curious when you look at the the long wised version of that there's like this weird chunk of something at one in that didn't quite work and I can't tell if it's changing the angle of that mold with that end oh that that piece I think in our talent I was where if it's like kind of grayish look at the air conditioner something air conditioner hangs down in the middle we have to find that picture again no that wasn't it alright I'm gonna do this as two curves I'm try to do it as one but I'm just not not feeling it it's not not feeling right oops I undid my bottom line here there we go so first one I want to pull back on the green all right I'm feeling frazzled guys you're looking really really human oh holy crap I've never felt so human before alright alright so I pull my first one I want to come out just a little bit like this and then my second one I want to get think like that alright let's take let's just take that I'm gonna take this and make that interesting about a component side section - all right and I'm gonna move that where's that section - it's right here so I think this is like the most grabbed by this piece right here put right here on the end of that curve all right and then take that rotate that vertical rotate and I agree so it's in plain and then move it back over here and actually I think that is where I want to slide this over cuz I think I want from that intersection I'll pull it straight to the side that's going to give me that little gap I have for material I think all right so what I think happens here is I think this shape can be pulled down to there I believe that's fair yeah so I feel good about that now the question is going to be this right here getting this curve on one end and this curve on the other end and then once I have both of those then we got to come through and basically dome the whole thing out this is where the front and back differ because the the back end is less aerodynamic so this is the part where I believe the trailer hitch is right here so you know aerodynamics I think that's the front somebody could argue with me and set me straight on that I believe this is the front so this actually this whole whole thing is that it's when you look at it you can actually see the pieces of metal that are bent and riveted together or there's a seam or something but they put the pieces together like that so it goes over this piece however I think is actually I describe this you go straight up the window and then go straight back and then has like corners so whereas this piece is going to be kind of a fan of angled pieces I believe that this end is just going to be one that comes down and then corners we'll see we'll see I'll see how that works out for me so huh I might have accidentally disconnected myself I don't know if anybody could hear me I can I can hear you Jodi okay can everybody else hear me dramatic pause alright moon man says yep I'm assuming that's to your question okay all right all right awesome I'm gonna I'm gonna hop in here and I'm gonna make it a slight change I'm gonna start using my 3d mouse just for a little bit okay that was 30 minutes you made it 30 minutes pretty good I'll take it I tried but I'm just I keep my hand just goes like this I can't even help it like this is okay this is actually kind of nice if this is all you had if if you didn't or so one things that about using a pen is people talk about all the time is the repetitive strain from having your hand laying down flat like this in in a claw shape as you get you know tendonitis and and that kind of stuff this is supposed to be much more natural so I can actually see that this is actually very feels very comfortable moving around the part that I'm struggling with right now is being I'm depend on 3d mouse anyhow I mean that that definitely isn't something new but the thing that's getting me is movements on on here are absolute so if I pick my mouse up and I move down the lower right corner my mouse goes there pick it up move to the upper right corner Moscow is there whereas you know a standard Mouse is relative to where you start from so you're gonna go across screen you go once twice two swipes to get up there that kind of thing this has taking a little bit of getting used to for my brain to remember I want to go to the middle I just put my thing in the middle and so I'm getting there I'm getting I'm getting better though I feel like I'm getting something's getting better you eat you use a tablet like I use a 3d mouse not really that sounds like a fair comparison alright so I want to make sure as I do this that this shape I make is going to be the same height as this profile over there so just copy the end off and stuck it here really the only part I'm concerned about is this line right here alright so I'm going to grab a line pull it out here this part does go up straight to the top of the window and then it's an arc from there up here so I'm gonna say that that is my end so I'm going to go ahead and grab that place it at the end and it did it did automatically snap for me that was nice and I'm going to rotate that oops Jim morvay uses the trackball mouse which I think would be every bit as hard learn or get used to yeah I don't think I could do that all right this is this is this is making me feel very positive because right now I have a very similar gap between these two so I feel like dimension wise I'm on line I should point out that Jodi and I were talking about this earlier and we're not entirely sure where this plan came from it's not officially an Airstream plan so it didn't come off their webs or anything they do have like their images are kind of politically wrong floor prints what I found right there's kind of pseudo rendered which is cool they look great and not say anything bad at all but they definitely don't look like this so I'm not sure where this even came from all right next thing I do is I gotta get I'm thinking two pieces here here's my thoughts I think I'm gonna come in here draw a line back like this actually no first thing I'm going to do is triple click this geometry and put it into a component we'll call this the side back middle what aside me what is this is the back does the back of the thing it goes inside outside for inside it oh I guess so I don't know I don't know sometimes words just come out of my fingers and I was typing some of this morning and it was a force sent it forward sentence and I managed to miss mistyped three of them so that's how my day started all right it's feeling better you're not doing much better with that 3d mouse hurt touch tablet that's the kind of support I need thank you I just try to keep you humble yeah because I need I need that right now I need humility as I stumble my way through drawing a line it makes me feel better for you to keep you down raise myself up by keeping you down that makes a lot of sense all right so I'm gonna try to just kind of emulate this curve pull off of here this one will pull off here well unless fixed posted a horrible image I think you should model it yeah well that's that's how an air stream is not supposed to look you guys are wondering that's that's just the crumple zone that's for safety that's crumpled all right so I'm wondering if I can do this if I can get away with this if I take this and then I'm gonna try it I was so close right now if I draw a line connecting this piece to this piece and this line of course is an arc and I want it to be exact so I'm just gonna come in here grab this line patrol see come out of context edit paste in place should drop in the exact same spot should even break it so your that through that get rid of that hey we're 36 min into this and nobody's told me to save yet so someone did ask early on if you mapped saving ease I didn't hold on I need to drink some of my creative juices it's not oh it is afternoon you can do whatever you want you know I just informed me with excitement that the new Pixar movies on Disney Plus now so it is and that's our plan for tonight also finish this go sit on the couch and watch onward that's my day all right on out that the guy that directed that actually went to Amy's high school he's a great great ahead of her but he's a young guy like us I'm making facial expressions right now Judy I can see it like us everybody's younger than somebody except for one dude I think I met everything you age being relative you can always find somebody older than you were younger than you except there's one person there's one person who's the oldest and there's one person who's the youngest if you're if you're good you could be the oldest briefly yeah yeah I think maybe not really somebody's born every fraction of a second or something like that isn't it yeah so I do actually the speaking of the save key I'd never mapped anything to save and I don't really know why that is I never have on the tool bar so it's always coming up here in hearing command s I don't know why what I'm what I'm thinking actually this is my kind of a retirement plan once we get through the quarantine is I'm gonna create a like a little halo which put on your head and then you just tip your head to your map keys to your head gestures that's then all you gotta do is just get this awkward left hand twitch and all sudden you're saving somebody probably already made that I like that I remember way back seeing modifier key foot pedals where I think I've seen that too where you could actually hit control shift whatever with your feet and that's I don't feel lasted long I do you remember those all right focus my strong suit either that's right all right so I'm going to grab these and I'm going to use curved loft on this it's kind of funny because I was thinking about this hidden quite a few of the extensions I talked about being favorite extensions as we do this so not intentionally just kind of worked out that way I'll go ahead and open this up because I'm gonna be using this one a lot I'm just gonna skin that no wait right one escape let me know cut it out there we go yeah look at that now here's the question they look great that looks like it belongs in a really like cool modern looking bathroom well yeah maybe it is segments that turned out pretty nice alright so moving on so I know I have to reverse the face and I'm gonna start soldering groups together but first I want to get this one I'm gonna do the same thing I did I think I'm gonna come in here I still have that one so I can actually just get rid of these other extra lines so I have this line but now I need to come grab this line and this line out of their own respective groups so come in here grab this one ctrl C come out edit paste in place and that should break at this one so I can grab just the lower section yep delete that double-click over here this one will already be broken because it actually has a transition here control see edit paste in place alright so now I should have three lines that I can skin again I feel a little vindicated after that train wreck that was the Cobra cuz that was smooth that worked really well I should probably call it right now we were just talking about Frank Costanza no I'm sorry George Costanza from Seinfeld leaving on a high note I think what this guy yeah Frank was dead and just saying thank you very much and walking out right now cuz that that worked well let's see if we can keep it up keep it going alright so alright I gotta say this I am I'm trying not to think too much about how I'm modeling but this having the 3d mouse with the tablet this feels really good so I was struggling a little bit trying to do just the zooming and all this stuff with the Rings and it was I was fighting it definitely this being able to do this over here and then move here feels super natural I really like no sorry feels very natural not super natural it's not that good but it does feel that I saw spooky but yeah this this actually I really like this this this is starting to feel much much better than I was feeling before I'm like I'm liking this a lot so would you say I would be a better modeler if I used a 3d mouse coupled with a Wacom tablet so that question comes up about peripherals all the time and I'll say that for most software i I don't know that hardware is gonna make you good or bad at something you still have to know the software you have to know the program you have to know what the commands are what the workflows are what the processes are but I would say there's probably some learning curve that's changed so if you are used to using a tablet already which obviously I'm not if you are used to using a tablet already then it's going to slow your transition by using a tablet in Sketchup the 3d mouse most people don't already use a 3d mouse so I don't know that it'll ever make you quicker or better to pick up Sketchup so that's as a beginner once you're used to it I really think that personally I found that a 3d mouse actually speeds up my my modeling process so I'll say that in this particular case yes I actually feel like I'm quicker when I'm modeling with the mouse or modeling with a 3d mouse for what that's worth alright alright so I don't know if that was enough double-talk to get out of saying anything but you said nothing speaking of of Seinfeld there's a that was a conversation about nothing that it was that it was all right I got to get my other curve so I'm gonna grab this this is my reference I grabbed reference plane out of there again and there's something going on with with my my multi-stream thing every time I type it types multiple times it repeats my last thing I said on the YouTube channel specifically hmm so and Edie has it right for me sometimes going slower forces you to think more that that's probably a true statement there's there's definitely well I see I struggle with that because sometimes I do think that is is true a lot of times what I struggle with is sometimes I need to just get stuff out of my head and I speed through things and it doesn't always turn out well so there's definitely times where slowing down and figuring out how you're doing something's good but then for me there's times where if I slow down too much I'll lose what I'm chasing after so I would say both those cases are probably true sometimes there's a fine line between slow and too slow that's right between yeah dragging and all right so I got this and now I'm going to flip that upwards move it from this point and I'm gonna stick it underneath right here now this was one of the things I was wondering about because this round section is larger I think it goes back further so this will actually have to move in something like that which means this finished Ark will have to push back to there edie McGowan is talking about keeping paper and pencil beside the computer for ideas I literally do that all the time because I do struggle with that that is definitely I think the name was McGowan sorry mccoggins I added no but yeah that's absolutely I do that because I have a hard time they were saying letting what what am i doing to make that come up alright so this section right here I think I can do something similar to what I did before it is going to be bigger it's gonna be this whole thing so I said this whole this whole section right here is one big rounded piece it doesn't have that flat section coming over like the front did so I think what I'm going to do is I'm going to bring my one line over this way I'm going to put that arc down here to here pull this one out like this put this one in that wasn't right good again here all right third treads charm right the mill those two that's someone else asking for your image I'm gonna go push it in there put it in for him oh the images that I yeah I should have shared that no one's on me sorry about that that's alright yeah and I'm trying to figure out how to get this arc right maybe less pull out less like that and then no you know I should do I should really simplify this whole thing on myself I come into this copy that paste it oops like this stick it right here and then offset that our ups that there we go and I think I'm gonna started tally I might not do it on this one maybe next time where every time you say oops issue a little check mark oops alright so then I can take this this and I'm gonna copy that and then just get rid of everything else all right image is up here I'll just undo a bunch katia suggested because you push pull there's a line at the other end too Oh and pay attention I know you're done I don't doubt what you're saying I just don't understand what you're saying yes that's the problem with the latency between you doing stuff and what's being written yes my voice a soft net curve a little bit and I'm going to grab all these chunks weld them into one piece I'm going to grab that didn't work all right triple click now I know it's all connected let me go ahead and weld that and now pick that up move it option right there alright so obviously this isn't isn't in the right spot so I'm wondering if I can grab this I think we're creating a drinking game for your oops is right now it could be happy I'll be right back I got to go grab my class oh great like hit on but enough to be self-conscious though thanks guys it did suggest you should hit save every time you say oops that's probably not a bad idea I don't I don't hate that that's not bad I did not I did not do it right hold on control see edit paste in place grab that delete it draw a single line from here down to here alright with that I should have one two three four did you get that how many pieces do I have selected right now okay that's highlighted okay I'm gonna save without our noobs skin that thing ud alright last piece I like I said if at the very least I get this shell I'll be a happy man this is looking surprisingly good you uh thanks for that backhanded moment I learned the bath I learned from my dad he's the best of that ever wow I thought you're gonna do a lot worse than that I think my favorite dadaism was you don't sweat much for a fat kid uh thanks dad oops I think I I just pasted I just oops chugalug poohbear Jim's got a keg he said next to him move he's you're gonna have him soundbite that sounds like a challenge Tim Jim Jim that's one way to pass the quarantine I suppose alright so I'm going to copy this edit paste in place all right so that should give me my last few sides oh yeah see that's the that's the shape that that's the thing oh baby it's I think that my favorite part of of that extension is just gonna magic when it all sudden it happens mm-hmm I don't know if anybody else is playing if I my faces are always backwards like this I don't know what it is if that's just if that's just luck that happens to be how it turns out that's odd all right so I'm gonna grab all these pieces and make them into one component and I'm just going to call this shell or half shell that's what I'll call it half shell like like the Ninja Turtles all right let me grab all of this whiskers and I'm going to explode it I'm going to lips oops again orient faces whose bones these two lines that should get rid of those interior surfaces I think these because I really do only want to Oh am i deleted too much erase away from yourself all right so we grab all of this what's really fun on my end is I'm seeing what's appearing on YouTube and I'm hearing you talk in real time so you say oops and then I have to wait 10 seconds here it comes what happened he's got a special jody sense he knows what's coming before it gets there all right yeah ed mccoggins said hopefully that's right Duggan googan said he actually likes the reverse faces because you know actually differentiate and see the surface differences but Reed's settle on Facebook is asking which extension that was Kerrville off from Fredo six available through the education plugins store and I bet Jody could throw up a link it's repeated please I can I can well alright okay so that is done at this point from here moving forward there is no point in maintaining a left and right side I don't think so I think what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take these two pieces in here I'm going to explode them and then just get rid of the seen lines there's no point in having that bottom piece be a separate piece and then I'll triple click and soften to get rid of those extra lines on the corners too same thing here I'll take this one I'll move a copy over here scale it move it point to point and then you can take both of these make sure they line up perfectly first and then all right so here's here's the piece I'm struggling with it I think this is just I just got it I have to use this more but the right button the one that's the furthest one up and like it's breaking my flow because I got to stop and almost move the pen or to get up there I just got to figure out exactly where my like my buttons aren't oriented right either I'm not conscious of what way I'm spinning the pen so my buttons keep getting away from me but I definitely have to practice I would definitely have to practice that getting those selecting those things right getting the buttons right all right so I'm explode them and then immediately because I don't want to join anything else I'm gonna make a component of that and just call it the shell shall shell all right and now actually I should even be able to erase this this doesn't even have to be hidden I can just get rid of these lines one would think wow all right uh look at my hidden geometry okay yeah that makes sense wait a second wait I got butt cheeks ah dang it everybody has butt cheeks jeez get over yourself Oh guys I thought I had it I thought this was just nailed and now I'm having Cobra flashbacks again the back here's a chance to stitch you know how you feel about stitching I do enjoy it no but I shouldn't I should I should fix this proper okay I something looked a little off and now I'm definitely see what's I can't believe it just modeled a trailer but all right so Nick as the kids would say it is an aluminum all right or say that as well unless they were kids from the other side of the pond at which points they may say aluminium sorry I'm cultured like a lot totally totally cultured I'm totally totally cultures and stuff all right so let's get this let's get this patched I'm not going to hand stitch this I'm gonna let Kerrville off do its thing so I get grabbed just that V and I'm just going to fill that right in boom now I can but see I'm alright so I'll take that explode it save it command does it alright there we go that's that's one sick looking butter dish right there so a little handle on that mmm good stuff alright I do want to put my make sure you what's that apply a mirror texture now you do that I'm just kidding don't do um we do have if I look at I think we have metal crystal Morin said congratulations you've made Wonderbread yeah there's a lot of clicks to draw it to make that right there we go that's the one all right but it doesn't have thickness it doesn't have any depth to it so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna grab this one whole thing is technically one face right now just kind of cool so that whole big thing there's a single surface so I'm going to come in here and I'm gonna go tools for your six collection joint push-pull and use the thickener taking it that much see how it turns out so Jim asks would joint push-pull work for a wall thickness absolutely if that is how you draw your stuff look like a lot of it worked I did lose some phases though first thing I'm going to do is I am going to back down some of this softening there we go and yeah so it worked there works pretty good a couple pieces here that didn't for some reason not sure what happened here this is this was a pretty pretty simple face but for whatever reason something didn't line up but easy enough to stitch same thing here I'll just grab a line pull straight across that didn't close up interesting let's try this one go from here something's just not quite aligned I don't know not sure but again I'm not going to troubleshoot it I'm just gonna that didn't work got good cocky why why why you don't like this alright let's get this thing I'm gonna make I'm gonna make you close whether you like to or not it's only a matter of time you sound like my mom she wants you to close - no she makes clothes make you click me see you said I'm gonna make you close oh there's a different a closest things what those are called yes appropriate though you're using stitching to make clothes this I do it I do it's got to be done so somehow what this is refusing to close I don't know why so I'm not gonna spend too much more time on this because I'm irritated alright well move I always just make smaller and smaller triangles filling in my other one I always go to midpoints instead of ending in like that there we go all right there we go that ends closed and then over here we just had some weird overlaps I think so I might be able to just I'm guessing that the issue here is I have like just slightly slight folds over themselves so I think I can come in here and erase some of it yeah see those points don't quite meet they're just slightly off so when I get that what I tend to do look at see that little T oh that's a triangle so cute so gone alright so what I usually do when this happens is I just delete half of it I'm just going to get rid of this half over here and this is this is one of the issues with using thick and is it does kind of do this sometimes I mean it's still it's it's not a big deal this is way easier than recreating that that surface a second time but I missed you race this whoo good times being had all right you know it was funny we were just talking about watching onward on Disney Plus night actually yesterday we watched tangled which I guess I've seen before but I think I fell asleep last time I watched it cuz like a good 40% of that movie was new to me it was good I got I got twice the enjoyment out of apparently cuz see so you were sleeping beauty watching tangle greedy I know this is the right place for that conversation I agree moving on it was funny to watch in the current environment because it occurred to me that basically Rapunzel lives like a quarantine er where she is locked up in her room doesn't get to leave doesn't get to see other people is begging her mom to just go outside and do stuff with other people just for a little bit and of course her mom is a wicked witch so it's it's not quite the same as when I have to tell my own kids no they can't go out but still I saw some parallels well and don't you also have a pet gecko my daughter has a gecko yes so it is far less talented then what's his name Pascal Pascal yes oh you've apparently seen that once or twice too huh well I just like the name Pascal oh so I just remember it is good name whoops well jerk whole timeline caused a problem Oh No so at this point I'm wondering if what I should be doing this is getting messy man I know this is terrible and this is where I always somebody's supposed to stop me by now stop doing this I think it's sort of like watching it a train wreck it's I mean there's so I try schadenfreude a happening right here that sounded cultured speaking of cultured I am that my wife says I'm a lot like yogurt sour and if that means maybe tart all right I did learn something on the backside so this will go quicker well I'm just wondering too if I had maybe if there was a scale issue there or something perhaps it was cause I'm part of that problem I don't know I'm guessing totally guessing are you but you're but one to one scale aren't you you didn't or did you resize ah its arbitrarily scaled I just grabbed an image and pulled it in so but there are dimensions on there so I can I have something I can scale to crap I did again I think I just watched the money heist he thinks we should you should model the Royal Mint which sounds like fancy candy to me but there'll be a fun futuristic heist thing to do maybe that's what we do is it's do video or do builds based on quarantine favorites that's that does not sound bad at all model our favorite quarantine videos or movies so it's I miss I missed this one when Cody said it before said you could go back and and do a joint push pull ours instead yeah that's that's a great advice just after I finished hey you're absolutely you're gonna start losing people soon if you keep stitching I'm done I'm done we're done Blake did that mopping a tiger would be hard so mints oh yeah no the Royal Mint I don't know let's see if we can find a picture I heard last night that the tiger King is tested positive for cocaine 19 in prison oh great he's in prison now I don't have to watch it oh well you knew right at the beginning that that's how it ended I guess there's a secret the mug shot is the thumbnail yeah it's it's telling all right boom this is this so now what we got here - yes we got a bunch of doors and windows to put in so I think here's what I'm gonna do I think I'm gonna come in here and so my my dimensions are off of this I'm assuming these are to scale but I don't know for certain so I'm gonna do is I'm going to draw a line from the bottom here to here and then I'm gonna put a rectangle from here to here do that I wonder if this is the same option not quite the same where's my select see that I'm spinning my mouths I think this is just this is a behavioral thing that I got to get used to is being conscious of my rotation of the barrel of the pen what that affects it to know it affects where the buttons are so when I go to push when I go to push a button it's not always under my finger okay so I'm going to take this make that a group and actually borrow that thing that down here I'll come in here and just just using the by copying it over these aren't there in the right perfect spot but I can get them they'll be the same height if I line up the lines on the bottom it's basically what I'm thinking there see if this is the same sized window I believe it is all right man who said you look like Bono hmm with that with that on you know ever heard of you - it's a band like from that from the 80s 90s and 2000's I - what a tu brute a huh know how I feel about that no you yeah you need the glasses I think that was kind of his defining feature wasn't it those big slug glasses yeah Corey Hart sang about wearing his sunglasses at night Bono actually did it I'm pretty sure he wore glasses for like a decade straight I think he probably set a record or two there no I'm gonna go find out all right tell me just do it hey Google all right the other thing I'm gonna do and this is just to keep keep this all in the same thing I'm gonna come out here to my end and I'm gonna draw a line here and I'm gonna move that straight across to there that way I'll have the vertical height my windows the sides sizes we'll have to pull off the somewhere else but at least I'll know where they're at vertically all right so now I have these two alright these are from the inside so I want to make sure that I flip them when I bring them back over so I'm going to say move go from in context try that again move from here put that middle point here rotate that vertical and then swing 180 degrees and then move it out all right so that is where they will project onto the face this one right here same thing move from this point I don't have to copy it design just a right over middle point Q rotate it vertical whoops rotate it into the model and then move it outward all right so should check these should line up probably that perfect right against the back face there and let's see here how this goes all right pretty darn close so that means I can start making some cutters to put holes in the shell for these what I'll do is I'll come in and I'll make this its own group so to each of these I mean that the highest button is just out of reach all right and then I'm gonna take each of these and just extend them so they cut into check to make sure those all lap in yeah alright so I'm gonna do on a check well here first before I do this I'm gonna grab all this and soften it so it'll cut a nice round hole in something I want to check though is I'll go ahead and take this now and I can explode that so I have my line still here out here floating around but my solids are right here I'll do the same thing over here real quick and I could actually push this in first that would work too you know it doesn't matter all right now the other thing I did do take that and explode it I have to make sure this is solid which it currently is not so let's check and see why I just fix it all that did not work oh I know what's going on here okay I'm guessing if I peek my head inside this yeah come on just look inside between the layers guessing now maybe I'll see it in its hide everything else I'm thinking that I got get to that your doors misplaced all right we'll take a look at that it's possible everything's misplaced yeah I'm not gonna stand by anything yet huh what is going on it's really hard to see here let's do this oh my explains I don't even have a face here at all so did joint push pull not give me weird so joint push pull took that top section and put it into one rather than giving me any depth oh that's that's not an easy solution either just to leave it start over alright here's what I'm going to do I'm going to take this surface and copy it and actually I'm just going to delete it out of here all right without that there I want to make this a solid so a couple couple issues so why no way for somebody say something oh my gosh I kind of feeling like I need to hit undo a ton of times and just go back and rejoin push pull this thing because all of my geometry is funky yeah a fun little experiment to see how many times this undo works 100 tough all right so I now have a solid here so what I'm thinking is now go to edit paste that lid back where it was so that's on is that parallel with the outside yes and then I'm gonna pull it down like that and then it's definitely safe oh no it wasn't look at that it was alright so I'm just gonna get that thing to fill the gap so I'm just pushing pulling this through so it hits the next plane yikes all right now I'm gonna grab the bottom and I'm gonna scale it about the middle so that that disappears into the geometry in theory that sounds really like a really good idea there we go so now the bottom disappears into that wedge the top ties into the edges so as long as this now can be made into a solid group whoops and this is a solid group saying it's not solid anymore let's see what's held inspector or solid tools has to say about that likes it no thanks very much thank you I'll try this mmm right mouse button right mouse button like that so Lawrence and Saint gudgeons I'm not sure what s ND ee c hn s means are both pointing out the windows are you got your windows line that backwards need to flip them you got your front windows at the back of the building back of the trailer oh yeah this one's your right if I look at it from the inside well matches the plot no it is the windows are backwards you're right the doors the doors are backwards too sometimes backwards this is nice yeah the windows are backwards if you look at it yeah this should be over here so I can grab the door this and this make that into a group scale it oops about the middle boom so now if I look at it that's there we go good call alright now I gotta grab this get rid of this line get rid of this line actually before I do that let me try agree with deadening they've mm-hmm it's very confusing layout on that on the initial drawing it is because you're looking inside out so it's definitely not obvious all right so I'm gonna try to explode this and make it a group again now comes up the solid group awesome so now in theory I should be able to grab this and this do an outer shell and then that should close it in I I mean is it's hard to look at especially curved geometry like that so probably more cleanup to do now but it's hard with curved geometry like that to kind of sometimes see what's going on and I'd missed that I don't know I missed I don't know how it did that it just for whatever reason that top piece it didn't thicken it it thickened everything else except for that piece which is very strange it's not collected when you started when you did it I I thought it was all one piece so I don't really know how that didn't work well we'll have to go back and watch the watch the - later good thing we were got we got tape we can always review alright so they're back to something now so you can save I can and did alright I definitely got some spare geometry on the inside here that was the inside pop and through the outside easy to pick so um dang I hate when that happens cuz I don't like not knowing why my models not working the way I want my mouth okay now we got back to the solid group so now what I can do is I can say cut this from this and that should give me a door or no let's call that a window same thing here I'll go ahead and grab this every time a door closes another window opens or something like that an angel gets its wings that's right that's right a door gets its wings oh yeah this is right I'm good I'm second guess unless fix crawled back and said you vector vector thickened locked in the blue axis it's parallel with the top plane I'm not sure then I don't know what I'm reading wouldn't that give me I use thickener I'm pretty sure did did I not use thickener mm-hmm that was like an hour ago you've been stitching for at least 45 minutes and so at this point I've just zoned out I only stitched a little bit that was not hours of stitching it's only 1:30 we've only been on this thing for an hour and a half all right so almost got these in don't want to go get the end windows in at least into the shell how'd you did did you yeah yeah I thought so oops I just did that wrong I'm gonna have a mess here in just a second yeah not what I wanted that's good this could it all right all right looking good okay so so I'll show it up here with a bone and I'm curious if that is audible to the rest of the world no I don't hear anything stopped nobody's leaving okay you got self-conscious we have we have we have a show dog all right so what I got to figure out now is let's see this is section two so this is this looking this way so this is the window that goes in over here so what I want is I just want a line that goes from here to here I will point out I have not taken a single measurement of anything for good bad whatever nothing has been measured yet all right so so whatever scale it is it looks good especially really the scroll out when you zoom out so now if I grab a line a partner way you get labels this two here I'm going to go vertical to here along the green axes to here and then vertical again to here that line is the size my window pull it this way built this way that's what's getting cut out for that end window now what I'm curious about is if this is the same size as this because I think this is bathrooms right here that's section six five or six yeah so I paste this here will turn it to lay it flat no definitely different size okay so once again I'll do it again grab a line across here I'm going to select it move it from the center point from the center point I'm going to line that up with the center here straight out from the center and then I can just spin it 90 degrees and now this should be lined up at the very end so I can go like this come across to this length to this height - as you shift over here haha time-saver rectangle Jim said you're doing what we in the industry call guy balling Michelle's right as I say it out loud seems sort of inappropriate but it wasn't till you said that all right and now I can cut those out just grab it - that from this spinny spinny got the heater going in the garage today it was on earlier I turned it off because nobody wants to have a backhoe and knows of so it's off now but I get starting to get cool my legs are starting get a little chilly all right why that's why I'm wearing long pants that's that's an excellent idea all right so one two go - lines okay that's gotta go did you save yes good totally totally saved before you said that all right I'm gonna add some little ears sticking up but I think that's gonna be easy enough - I'm honestly not looking to stitch I'm just I'm at that point where it looks a little compulsive oh there's a break there there we go yeah I kind of wonder I'm still still trying to figure out what Joey push/pull did to me there so we were tight but I guess John John McPhee had said hello a wild we said you did use thickener but you hadn't reverse the door and window side you rotated them into position instead of mirror he might be talk about something else never mind dang it hmm they can locked in the blue out yeah no nobody's nobody else has figured it out yet okay all right I'm feeling good about my shell right now that's kind of that's kind of nice no wait what wait shut up dude don't say things like that geez and unless fixed set is probably sunspots I think maybe it's Mercury's in retrograde I obviously I got the Corona that's the problem isn't less-than-perfect modeling one of the effects it is yeah it's one of the symptoms all right all right there we go actually I'm messing with stuff I don't need to mess with because really all I have to do here is connect this point to this point this point back to this point I can actually get rid of these lines I don't have to mess with making them coplanar any stuff like that they shouldn't be there to begin with yeah that's that's Purdy same thing down here this is all just garbage can all go off you this is why I really I mean I will advocate for this a shortcut key to show hidden that's good stuff all right what's true shortcut key I don't know exists map down here it's show hidden okay obviously sure all right so that's good that is that is what we got now I'm trying to think of how to do how to do the windows because it does look according to this drawing right here it does kind of look like there and it is I know Dave's already saying it I can I can feel it these are low quality images I think I think Jody shared it they're not it's not awesome but I think what we can do is let me let me see something because I think it's a flat plane but it's rotated slightly so I think it's something like this I come in here and grab middle points too middle point whoa man still having having those mouse driver issues jumping this wait a minute let me check something there we go that might help so 3d mouse 3d connection the the mouse option there's an option about what it's supposed to spin around because when you normally inside of Sketchup you orbit it orbits around whatever geometry or whatever pixel is underneath the tip of your cursor so that's not there with a 3d Mouse obviously it rotates independent of the cursor location but one of the options you have in here is to set the rotation center to use the selected item so that's why I was having such a problem so I was jumping around so much just because as I was rotating it it was rotating around the middle of this rather than the geometry is working on so something to be conscious of if you do use a 3d mouse watch watch that alright so gonna take this to the center of this piece and from there and go to there alright so that looks like that's the window I'm going to do some things now one point one point five all right and I'm going to take this push pull this out to the corner there push pull yeah but all right am i safe because you know because I'm good at it I'm gonna use vector push pull again so hey let's go tool palettes and turn on joint push pull I believe the green one is vector it's looking like YouTube lost our stream well several people have reported that it's either frozen or free yeah last Oh a shot I see it see what happens if we reloaded nope and look six of us back okay like so it's back Christopher set us here well that was the most entertaining six seconds of this livestream ever sorry if anybody missed that whoa house good stuff huh never be able do that again so I drew it probably stopped the video too i I have this rectangle drawn and playing with a little offset I'm going to grab this right here and do a vector push pull from this point out on the green axis to this point that's going to pull it straight across normal push pull of course would pull it normal to that plane so plot out a weird angle vector push-pull pulls it out straight so that's gonna be in line with with that edge there and I'll cord this side and do the same thing I'll grab this vector push-pull from this point to this point and I'll triple click and make that a group all right I did make it a group and not a component that was intentional because this I'm gonna copy and stick whoops missed it right here nope I think we get it there today a little more moving alright and now I'll turn that 180 degrees that falls perfectly in line there because I copied when I took my reference geometry I made it the same height at the same height so it's the same there and now all I have to do is open again because it's a group actually no before I do that I'm going to copy it over here say move it from here option to here option to here and that one fits perfectly because that one actually was a copy of the window on the other side this one however I'm to select it grab the N geometry I don't want to scale it because if I scaled it'll distort the geometry and I'll end up with these rails on the end they'll be bigger than the verticals so grab just this geometry hit move pull that straight over to there same thing over here I'll come in here and grab this move from here over to here normally I don't do much textures because I like to just I like that white but I'm gonna put a glass texture on here just something like that Steve suggests that the YouTube stream throws because you have the heater off oh well unfortunately much as I'd like to turn it back on I'll blow a fuse I can only I can either run to be quiet I either have to run the streaming computer or the heater I can't do both if you had were the old max like one of the the towers those aluminum towers then you wouldn't need a heater once you have that thing going you'll be a little furnace very very true oops and I can mouth no see this one's gonna be a little different cuz I don't think I can just stretch that this is the geometries can be different this one so I'll have to redraw that initial actually wonder how this is even gonna fit because I wonder if this is actually multiple pieces cuz I don't know if they can do this whole arc and fill in the gap look Lauren said you could light a lot of scented candles I think it'd be awesome like some of those nice Jesus candles I think blasphemous one one could do all these things nope tomorrow's a new day I am struggling with and this is so Tyson interrupts who does that the Sketchup campus stuff uses a tablet all the time and one of the things that he said was it did take practice to not move your hand when you're clicking whereas as you're dragging a mouse along you can just kind of you know basically take pressure off the mouse and click with this you have to kind of do the opposite and anchor your hand down before you click so the process of dropping to the bottom to click is something I'm struggling with a little bit especially with that precision drawing yes the Internet is suggesting to me that these windows are all curved but maybe it's only the front window hmm well see look at that look at my sections here that looks straight that looks straight I don't have a section through the window that I'm looking at right now though which is a big one oh it's two pieces here's what I'm gonna do I get to make stuff up this is my design I don't care I'm like they're gonna sue you already you can have half of everything I made today all right so I'm gonna say yeah right there and then we'll just make it to pieces I think that's going to work rather than draw those lines a second time I'm going to grab both of them and I'm gonna use push line just pull them right across happy little bean nose all right all right and I did an offset before of 1.5 1.5 now what I should be able to do just grab both of these use vector push-pull to pull it straight out like that did that nope but hey hey I don't know why I didn't think about this earlier I was in a meeting yesterday with Sandra and what they're doing at their house is they have camper time where she and her husband take turns getting to go out to the camper to do their work without kids yeah they have two younger children and I've had a couple calls with her yeah from her in her camper so when that mine was with her not in her camper Aiden was in the camper mm-hmm and she had kids climbing all over her that Aiden I don't that really meant but all right so let's see if I just orient this close I have some internal faces here I'm guessing so let's peek inside shall we do all the chat got really quiet sorry I know I got quite - I'm in I'm in like get this final I'm not the word final but like get this thing finished mode so I apologize I was gonna actually ask I want more more suggestions you guys had some good suggestions last week of what to watch now that we passed the halfway on better call Saul so I got like maybe a week and a half left of that show and then it's done so it's wondering what else anybody had out there for good solid movies hi I've been watching anything this week I've been playing borderland ants that's true that does reduce the amount of time you need to spend actually watching movies Sebastian suggests break it sounds too close to home is probably right yeah little too close for comfort all right and then these ones should be super easy because I think these are rectangles right yeah that's on a flat and this carry here Patrick Patrick Santos in quotes what did you do on Friday in response I don't know I watched some guys stitch for 40 minutes on YouTube oh come on guys I moved past it yeah this is what this is what passes for what is this entertainment education I don't even know mmm there we go all right and this will be easy because I can just pull this one straight out and this will go straight in it was funny I had whoops I had somebody I just thought I would I would comment on this so these videos once they're done they just kind of they live in the Facebook stream they just kind of keep going with with the stream but on YouTube we actually they're there they're maintained like a regular video so even though they were live they get up there they get all the information just like a regular live video and I had a couple comments which I thought were I don't take any offense to them but somebody was made a comment almost offended I came here what video was on but like they were irritated that the video was as long as it was said something along the lines of I'm not gonna I'm not gonna watch a blank hour video just to figure out how to model that thing or something along those lines I thought that was kind of interesting because we happen to leave them up because it's you know it's no thinking to us to just click you know actually don't click anything and they just stay up but I thought that was interesting that someone was like offended that it was such a long video and they did not want to hang out for it it's it's probably funner to watch these whenever you know it seems like we're talking alive not yesterday yeah I wasn't it's funny yesterday it's part of my mission to always I thought I'll pull that straight across but this not a single line for some reason try it again yeah but like I said I wasn't listening didn't take any offense to it but I was kind of surprised because that's a actually seen a lot of people who you know this this video or this stream is at you know the mill the night or super early in the morning their time zones so what they end up doing is checking it out at a different time so watch it in the morning or something like that which I thought that was cool I mean I and I told you guys before it it blows me away the support we get people hanging out with us or spending time it's really cool but at the same time I guess I guess anytime there's positive there's somebody being negative with the same thing right so I guess I shouldn't be surprised it was a suggestion in that in the thread there to put it on we should upload this stuff to Netflix maybe we could start to a syndicate like we get on Netflix get it on Hulu and prime you know anything's possible but probably not that I think that this would be a much different show in the middle of the night either if we were doing this in the night or if I was watching this in the hall the night yeah I would expect something more from it welcome to Sketchup after hours whoa Sketchup after dark all right there's the window oh man I'm struggling with the the click I should say one of the spots that that we've seen a lot of people who use tablets is people who are also using it for other things so people who are using a tablet for illustrator or Photoshop also hop over and use it in Sketchup as well which that makes a lot of sense but having said that there's a lot of people like I want to mention Tyson before is using it and then Nick Saunders is another guy who uses a tablet all the time which is Tyson's weird cuz he doesn't just do Sketchup he does everything it's his mouse he's got that thing sitting in front of he's using you know Google Docs and pulling out his tablet yeah Tyson is weird he's not here right he can't see me Kenny all right I appreciate that six-foot-two and as a mano brow and then yeah affects a very offensive demeanor on command he's one of the nicest guys ever though yes yeah I say that cuz I'm scary no I'm just kidding all right so next thing I to do is get a door in here and I'm trying to figure the best way to do that so what I think I'm gonna do oh yeah there's a radio I think I did that on this the radial menu is from from the 3d mouse I had different ways to bring up radial menus maybe both both devices will do it I think what I'm gonna do is I'm going to come in here and I'm gonna grab this curved geometry so just grab these faces real quick gonna copy em I'm gonna paste them right here let put a rectangle on the ground right here oh my goodness I feel like I have to say this out loud I'm gonna repeat Lawrence's joke all right I like jokes so he so he says the man goes into the pharmacy and asks a woman what's the best thing for killing the virus ammonia cleaner she replies oh sorry I thought you worked here he replied it took me three times the reading that before I finally got that ammonia sounds sort of like I'm only uh I'm explaining it to you in Kay it's really nice okay I liked it sorry everyone I did hear somebody I thought this was kind of funny I can't remember even where this was but someone who was in a store and saw somebody walking around or pushing a cart full of all the stuff we're looking for right had like stacks of cleaner and like wipes all the stuff you need rubber gloves had just all of it just stacks and stacks of it and this guy just went up and just kind of led into him about how he was you know stealing essential requirements from like the elderly and the young and this young twentysomething had all this stuff the social was he's gonna go out and sell it or something long those lines and just just just tore him a new one because of it after he got done the kid looked at him he goes are you done now he goes yeah he goes okay I get back to work I had to put these on the shelves went and tore into some poor stock boy thinking that he was stockpiling all right I'm gonna take that I'm gonna slide it just inside I don't want to go halfway I'll just go like that much in there all right and I'm gonna grab this edge I'm gonna move it horizontally hey what's the software you're using it shows your keystrokes in the corner it's not it's called key caster I believe let me pull it up yep key caster and because it's tech it can't just be CAS ter you got to lose the e caster key because that's the one it works pretty well the only downside to it as I've used it is it will only show keystrokes in one place and that is on your main monitor so I a lot of times when I do recordings I'll have multiple monitors and record well monitor recording softwares on another but it will only it doesn't give you the option to show on a secondary monitor but it works okay for this all right so now I'm gonna take this plane and I'm going to say intersect face with the entire model that will come in and break the outside so now if I make this a group and I go into it and get rid of all this all this in kids try the cake he instead of x-ray what does came out to that's mecha Jack faces yeah I I personally really like the way that x-ray looks now in the newer versions so I end up using it a lot some people like that no no I I like seeing the surfaces stack up but that's your call it is an option you can do that one could alright so I get this door some depth now so I'm gonna grab it grab the surface what's that now how's it it have it read philosophy how to make a deep nice yeah that was well played I will give you credit for that one and there's a door all right it's killer long oh you know what I was why is this like this that's cuz that top is not properly painted alright we're getting air stream II I'm gonna go ahead it would have been yeah Lauren said you should have kept a copy of the original shell before you cut out the door absolutely several times when I had to play with this whole mess on the top I was like off I just copied that shell or made a component or something come on new guy what is it you do here anyway but golly I just popped up you could accomplish this in 2018 there's nothing you're not doing things sketch of 2020 specific here this is probably you do all this in sketchup 6 yeah I don't know maybe not yeah I don't know that would that be my only thought solid tools I don't know when solid tools came around yep she still had intersector faces you could have that's you wanted to fake your way through that yeah it would be possible alright so I think that's that's that tags and get my floor back in here I'm going to take my floor black all right so the big question I have right now is where the wheels go yeah how you can roll this thing I'm not sure if we've gotten to get pictures of it when on wheels looks like there's most cases of there's a little hump for the wheels yeah your your original drawing there's some there's a little cutout for we almost there oh yeah here there here's the wheel wells oh yeah so I know there's two wheels that's the thing I know yeah it looks like they go sort of right about here so let's make some wheels I'll just draw a circle probably I gotta do a little more just touch past that all right we'll do these vertically let's come here all right so right about here right about that big all right so I'm gonna check this earlier it's about a 21 foot trailer based on other dimensions in there so you probably have to do two wheels yeah yeah definitely definitely do two wheels all right I'm gonna go with two wheels that's movie I haven't seen for too long maybe that'll make it on the quarantine hit list so that Sebastian suggested they look like John Malkovich cider rewatch rounders this week that's a good one to go back to if you haven't watched that in a while it's only been 22 years since it came out don't you hate when you're like yeah I remember when that movie came out you're like oh that was decades ago yeah I think it came out the same year as the matrix that was actually on my list my my children still have not seen the matrix and they're teenagers so it's it you know what's funny is I went back I looked it up and it's it's rated R which really made me pause for a minute because I can't figure out why I feel like it's the nicest violent murderers like the big thing yeah but I think you can get away with more like oh so I watched the thing with my son you know the old nineteen is junk John Carpenter movie like Russell right isn't it yeah and Wilford Brimley without a mustache I didn't know that happened but and it was not scary it was scary the crap out of me whenever I was a kid and watching it now I think stranger things is more frightening than the thing was yeah I do remember nowadays there's that scene where the thing I'm gonna spoil is for anybody but where he takes up that dog and it's all flopping around and like I'm where that's scary there's the messed up step in that show let's say the flicks yeah the oatmeal dude and the diabetes dude he does somebody asked if that's who Wilford Brimley was right he was on that he was a quick girl shake thing I remember yeah yeah but I think he's also thank you also more more recently than Diabetes Awareness commercials or something all right I'm gonna fill it's a good-looking wheel Ian thanks it's gonna make it it's gonna make a wheel man baby driver joke but I let it go oh nice good way to let it go that's you probably watch that I'll gloops I'll I'll gladly recommend everybody go watch everything that Edgar Wright is made because they're all great and Brian's right Wilford Brimley's has diabetes he does today meet us that's how my mom says it too you know actually it's kind of funny because speaking of Wilford Brimley and earlier we were talking about Seinfeld he plays the Postmaster General in Seinfeld if you guys remember that oh yeah his moustache in that you don't want to cancel your mail now do your son no no I don't all right so I've done this a couple of times before but just pointing out I'm gonna copy these onto the other side so I'm making my little flag right down the center and that way I can just click kirok mirror hover over this option click and now I'll have whoops I'm not I'm not committing to my click you know what it is now carick is okay this is weird all right so so I take both of those click here c'mere and on a hover over this face it shows me the preview if I click it doesn't show up that's so weird huh I don't know I just click here does it work weird weirdness is happening alright fine the fine fine we'll do this let's do this alright that's how it's gonna be I I'm ready for this I'm gonna push pull this Center axle if you will out to this middle point still in use my little flag there and then I'll come in here and I'll select all this geometry I will hit Q I'll go to the middle point of this the mill point I'll flip that around 180 degrees and and take that I don't mean no mirror all right I can give her that not you oh look I'm pretty sweet it's definitely a trailer I know that it's undeniable yeah try and tell me that's not trailer all right I am curious did he save lately yes good yeah chicken I wonder if anybody else has uploaded any new renders or somebody were a good get lad 2002 started uploading but it looks like he hit submit before the finished uploading because it just says that it's uploading yeah unfortunately I was two hours ago there's chance he might did not might not be with us anymore so if you're on the stream and your form name is g IL ad 2002 you gotta wait till it finishes saying uploading before you hit post cuz all we know now is that you did at some point try to start an upload you are planning on recess in those wheels like Tucanos in right you don't like that there I love it BJ Baby called you out you now I need wheel wells should have thought about that when you were building this thing I didn't all right so here's what we're going to do we're going to become inta all right that looks good I'm gonna make another cutter this wheels are like completely sucked in if you look at an actual Airstream I think they do not stick out at all all right there we want completely recess them we can do that all right let me try let me try doing this with back edges instead of all right I think the wheel looks something like this this is correct it's looking better it's getting there all right I'm going to erase oh they're going a lot of hierarchies are this is option yeah I hit command right so Giovanni asked how you got your color tray to look like pencils it's a Mac only question yeah I buy two Mac it's just the default again that default color tray that we use inside of Sketchup for Mac it looks like colored pencils whereas I think doesn't Windows have crayons pretty sure I might be right on that but I don't know all right I'm gonna take this window well and spin it around this middle point I just made a copy of it and I'm gonna take it and I'm gonna use it as a cutter but I'm going to trim so I'm gonna say take this and I'm going to rather than subtract I'm gonna say trim that's not solid house it's not solid there's nothing to it probably have a external phases try it again select here I'm gonna say trim from this piece so that I'll just go in and cut out where this space is but I'll leave my my window weld geometry as it was so again trim because I'll take this window weld geometry now and I'll actually turn it into the pan on the inside the wind wheel well excuse me keep saying window wheel well I'll turn you into the pan and the guard that kind of sticks out on the outside I'm gonna do the same thing I'm gonna select this and say actually that sticks out even further that's not quite centered [Music] you use the same piece as a cutter to trim the floor so there's a hole in the floor for this same thing over here it's like this trim out the floor it all looks the same right now but if I was to come in now and hide this you'll see that's what we cut out on both sides now I'm going to take these two their groups and I want to do is I'm gonna right-click go to group copies and convert it into components that is a part of what's the name of it who's got the name of that that's tom-toms groups into components might be it was part of solid or of selection toys awesome tool though alright so now I do make much the search for I'm I'm going a little off script here I admit but I'm gonna make something cool and get like a little bit of a kind of a mud guard I don't know so I'm going to take just these edges if you look in the forum thread that the crushed Airstream there you can see the way that the wheels are kind of tucked in there just kind of looks like there's a lip because we're in the bottom edge all the way around so I got you check just just check me watch me watch me here it should be happening on both sides because I'm work with groups I'm gonna push pull this back so it is just outside at the top edge sometimes it's gonna be a little bit of a challenge because of snap points but we're a precision there you go so just sticks out so you leave it like that or if you grab these two lines on the edge maybe move those in like that and do the same thing with these breaks right here grab both of those those in ever so slightly katya said it is groups two components version 1.1 dot oh nice that got weird undo that would actually rotate those want a cue from that point I'm going to take this point and rotate it back to yeah this isn't working as good as I thought it was going to I'll just leave that because that looks nice let me look at the let me look at the wreck because apparently that's our best photo reference is a wrecked Airstream okay I don't know what that told me anything I feel pretty good about what I got going I'm about to type something into chat and it's going to explode so sorry I'm not trying to redesign anything I'm just working off of my total lack of reference imagery alright I feel like this is a good spot I'm feeling like oh scale hold it what's the numbers we have alright here we go six foot seven top to bottom I come in here grab any point on the side pull line out go straight up go vertical come to this top plane right here so that should be six foot seven I'm gonna get rid of anything else I don't need and now I'm gonna scale this this line which is currently 14 foot 8 - miss Michelle just shot it and said we're using a wrecked Airstream as a reference I know I can tell there's some forensic work there nice bring it over by lora a reference size-wise all right pull that up to the origin that looks like it's about the right size I would say pretty good I feel pretty nice but this Don don't think she probably could have been a little more Airstream accurate but oh no this is this is the Aaron model its Aaron's dream uh-huh no I think that was that was pretty cool I was like I said that was Jodi you commented on this too I was very surprised at the lack of like plans or imagery I mean I know this the airstream is I mean it's a name brand it's not like just saying a trailer or a caravan or whatever airstreams is a company that makes the specific thing but I was surprised to not be able to find something some some measured accurate plans in everything I looked at so I was kind of a surprise for me but working off what we got this is this is this is not bad I think this turned out all right this is a cool looking a cool looking thing we did we did a good job I think the part was your was your corners whatever you were Kerrville opting them mm-hmm right for me that was good that was two hours ago that's cool yeah yeah yeah yeah it's all been downhill since then oh well I appreciate the honesty no I don't I'm too fragile I know it's been a even amount of greatness the entire time Oh like that even greatness great dish Steven Stewart you'd ask where the yoke is you know how you hooking that up to your your truck call it apparently this is actually a park in place this is being kept on site at a Airbnb that's right this is a tiny home in Boulder Colorado well yeah that's that's awesome right I will save this I will post this so if you guys do want to get crazy with it you want to want to get all yogi on it you are more than welcome to do so we're gonna hobbit it huh I don't care do what you want put some reflective shiny metal on it and render it I'd be okay seeing that that'd be fun oh yeah we'll share this overall I think that was that was cool that was a fun thing I did geometry was challenging but like I said it was the the best I thought it was an okay job considering the references that we had to model it yeah I think turned out okay I gotta fix this though let's get this I think Dave just took just volunteered to model the Airstream jammed onto the back of the Pontiac I that sounds awesome I'll look at that did you see that in the thread yeah the first company I did I like it oh I would love to see that Dave Steve wants know what your edge and face candidate me I'll see we can we can find that out not terrible I was more conscious to this than was like with the Cobra where I just kind of went for it I did when it broke it out it was it was not building off of ridiculous curves so not too bad yeah I mean it's very still very very quick very easy to move around so a snappy model still if you will and I gotta say so overall I this this became very comfortable very quick working with the tablet I mean as far as actually just going into modeling it became I would say second nature very quickly well what once you started using the space mouse in your other hand right that was yeah that was the thing for me but that's just because I'm so used to this I think if I did limit myself to this I could get used to this this combination also but it would take a little bit more work I do like I said I do most of these models with the space mouse but I don't always have the space mouse with me a lot of times when I work on the road or something like that or maybe just even at home I don't always have that space mouse so I do tend to do a lot of it just the mouse so I'm I am still proficient at using orbit and the modifier keys with the middle wheel but yeah I think I could get used to this too the part that I was the only real part that I struggled with was remembering my modifier keys but that's just have it same thing with with any of these I was actually thinking about putting a little piece of tape here and writing down what they were I think that would have helped you get used to what those those shortcuts were the other thing is just as I'm holding the pen not not spinning it as I work on it I don't know if that's just something I do but I many times I went to hit the button and the button was actually facing down I had to spin it back up so well not with styluses but like just doing drafting like actually using drafting pin and trying to draw on a drafting board like real paper stuff I tend to spin my pencil just because I don't want my led to get flat yeah maybe that's part of it too it is kind of cool though because it comes with so in this base there's actually a bunch of replacement nibs you can see that the black ones are kind of hard plastic but the the white ones are actually felty and I put one of the felt ones in there and it does feel like you're dragging a pencil on paper as opposed like plastic on plastic which can feel a little bit slippery and fake and that was kind of nice because you can actually as I move this around it some resistance as that felt drags on the plastic of the tablet so I like that that was that was a cool option to have over although I do think that and this is I mean just so you guys know I Sketchup and Wacom just have a friendly relationship this is not like a sponsored video or anything like that but they wanted to get my thoughts on on the 3d pen and the using the tablet I'd say that extra bounce button on the 3d pen is great I know with like drawing things you get the eraser which this doesn't have so you can swing around and erase lines or something like that I don't see where eraser would be that helpful on this but having that extra button to map to the middle mouse button that's that's really cool so this is if you guys do use Wacom already check out the propane 3d is it'd be worth it I think it's definitely I've used other this is probably my fourth or fifth tablet so I'm not totally new to this I just never used it in Sketchup before and I got to say this is this was this is this was pretty cool this was nice I did like it yeah somebody's pointing out that there there are gestures you can assign to the touch portion of this and I did not get into that that was a little a little too much for my for me so there is more you can definitely take this even further if you're willing to set up it's just like working with it with the 3d mouse though you got a put time into using it and fine-tuning it and tweak it as you go but yeah this is this is pretty cool I don't I mean I'm I like my mouse a lot but this is something I might actually use some more because this did feel very natural modeling with this so cool did it help that we you're forced to do it for the show today maybe you should do another show that's only that that's only the mount the Hat again yeah yeah just like you did it maybe maybe I will no I don't know what I'll do always changing is the future that's right that's right cool well thank you guys very much for hanging out with us I think we got kind of a cool thing done some definitely some some crazy geometry in here it turned out really well I thank you guys as always for hanging out go have an awesome safe weekend stay safe stay sane we will be back here with another Q&A session on Monday 1:30 in one last Patrick added a last suggestion step up for people to watch tonight felt very topical with specifically to you is lilo and stitch all right I'm shutting you off not bad not bad I'll take it wasn't mine but I appreciated it okay so back to this Monday cue date you guys are awesome come back Monday we'll do a QA next Wednesday we'll do another model along I think we'll go back to some machine parts or something like that something very specific and exact we can model I will be using my mouse for that but yeah and we'll come back I'm not sure what we have queued up for next Friday but we'll have something awesome happening thank you so much thanks for hanging out with us Jodi thank you for helping out you're welcome and you guys like I said stay safe stay sane and we will see you next week bye guys see you guys you
Channel: SketchUp
Views: 7,597
Rating: 4.9354839 out of 5
Id: n-ov01zHJbA
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Length: 161min 35sec (9695 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 03 2020
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