Modeling a Home Office with Live Components Live in SketchUp

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hey guys welcome welcome back to sketchup live or maybe not welcome back maybe if you've never been here before just welcome to the great show the great secret show just welcome i guess either way whether you're here or not we'll just say welcome hope everybody is doing well out there um yeah i'm just i'm self-conscious about my my desktop green screen section here and it's got this this it came rolled up so it's got like a little bump here and i'm just self-consciously subconsciously smoothing it maybe self-consciously but uh yeah i need to i need to tape it down or put a weight on it or something sorry kai kai called me out for being fidgety okay how's everybody doing out there i'm good i'm good i'm wearing i'm wearing green today so you can't pinch me oh see also that's that's why i blend in with the background i see that's he's actually here on screen right now i can't see him uh yeah it is it is st patrick's day happy st patrick say to anybody who's cares yeah does that sort of thing i guess i have found that uh it's i've been lied to most of my life it's not actually an irish thing real irish people don't apparently know much about it yes yeah it's really it was i think it was founded by and really perpetuated by the fraternities at all the universities here in the united states only people that care are people that are looking for an excuse to drink ooh kai is saying he got an ender 3 3d printer that's pretty cool nice i think that is if i were to go for a new filament printer that would probably be the direction i would go because uh i've heard good things yeah you can't beat the price yeah and and uh yeah just ease of use and and good stuff all right well it is officially noon mountain time so i want to we'll just hop on here and get this thing rolling hey guys how's it going uh i am aaron dietzen if we have met and if we haven't met i'm still aaron dietzen and with me in spirit and voice but not face is jody gates hey that's me hey everybody i actually do have a face do not uh do not believe the hype he's he's a person he exists uh he just he's just not here so we're still i don't know in case you're watching this is a video it is still amidst uh covidiousness so we're still part of the coronavers we're all still locked up so we're remote i guess i forget to mention that these videos do get a lot of views outside of here so we're doing this all remote right now but i hope you guys are doing good this is this is the one-year-versary right yeah right around now is when we went home for two weeks two weeks maybe a month that's what we were told when we got kicked out of the building i never believed it would be less than three months yeah but i was foolishly optimistic there too off by a factor of four uh so i hope you guys are all safe and that kind of stuff and i i was gonna ask like um so we did did mention that here in the us it is st patrick's day i realize that is from what i understand a fully american holiday it is marked by everybody wearing green and drinking beer sometimes green sometimes not and sometimes just drinking other things that maybe have a loose connection to some irish something or other pretty much if you put green dye in it you can drink it i guess is a rule but um i this this is how i wanted i wanted to brag on myself for a little bit because i feel so smart i almost grabbed a green shirt to wear today uh which in the world of green screen is an invisible shirt so i ducked that and wore a light blue it's kind of celebrative you know because look it it acknowledges that today's a special day that's what i got does it it sort of suggests by that reasoning that every day is a special day hey i guess you make today's special day that's that's up to you right every day above every day above ground that's right um and and this is this is my big success i almost grabbed the light blue tealish cup that disappears in the background but instead went with red so i kind of feel like a peak tier this is this is uh as as as professional grow up as i'm gonna get look at you thinking ahead yeah big day big day um all right so what we're gonna do today is this this is slightly topical again going back to talking about working from home that sort of thing we have a handful of live components that we're going to use to transform a room perhaps an extra room a study a guest room to convert it into a home office so um kind of cool some some of these live components have actually been up on 3d warehouse for a while some of them are brand new um i want to look at that but i also want to get into modeling rooms i mean honestly how do you go about modeling a room for something like this so i have a handful of tips and tricks that i've amassed over the years of making videos that i want to share with you guys that we can talk about when we go into model room so you guys come up with your questions fire them out as we go through here and we'll try to get those covered so let's hop in um all right so right here we have an empty sketchup screen i did go through and download most i think i may have missed one most of the components that are in uh the forum so if you haven't seen them we do have a list of extension of a list a collection there's the word a collection of these files so you can actually go grab them all if you want i download them beforehand you can actually configure them and then download them if you're in the the 3d warehouse but i grab them ahead of time because it's it's a little bit you know it's just not entertaining or fun or educational to watch somebody else download a file do you guys know how to do that i'm trusting you i don't know i think it's i think it's fun it's exciting uh whenever they've got like 20 tabs up there and they have to guess which tab they're actually going to a little bit of what's behind door number three that is true that's that is that's something all right so let's start by making a room i'm going to say that we want to work off of a room that is going to be you know around here kind of an average extra bedroom so outside of the master bedroom you have other rooms like i said this could be a study this could be a bedroom i'm going to say it's about 10 foot by 20 foot which seemed like a fair size so i'm just going to start with a rectangle i'm going to put 20 i'm sorry 10 foot by 12 foot 10 foot comma 12 foot enter i didn't do that right i did 210 feet by 12 feet that's not going to work wow first mistake ever and you guys saw it it's actually being recorded going to have to edit that out all right so here's my floor plan so uh if you wanted if you were so inclined you could just work off of this to do a room layout so what i could do is i could actually just grab come here and i could start putting my items in you know moving them around on this rectangle that would actually work that would that is an option of a way you could do this obviously one of the things you lose there is the 3dness of the whole thing so we're a 3d company right so we're going to go ahead i'm going to pull this up nine feet and now we have an actual room it's going to be hard to work in from here so this is the first thing i wanted to look at because uh working in rooms like this there's a couple options the ways you can go about working inside them so one is to just muscle through right just do things like poke your head through here work in here the problem with working inside of a closed room is it's it's hard to navigate even with the 3d mouse you can see it's really hard to look around but it's also hard to present your work so i've got this sweet layout but you can't see anything so from here there's this option ceiling deleted and i can work down into the box like this i know my my all my surfaces are reversed so i'll just do this so nobody mentions it i'll just say reverse faces now i have proper faces um this is an option too same thing happens here though so once i get so i'm gonna grab my couch again i'm gonna drop it in there and then um you know my to look around the room's a little tough because i'm stuck to looking down inside this this little model option three is what we call the vignette right so you get rid of this and you work off of this view knowing that those front walls do exist in real life but um you're not going to actually model them or maybe you'll come back later and just you know throw those walls back in that's possible so this is actually a very popular way to do it because it is so simple it is so easy a downside a potential downside is it does limit your view right you can only look at this side if i want to spin around so it looks like over here obviously can't do that so what are your other options well there's a couple things we've done in the past one is i can take each of these walls group them and then throw them on tags so i could have front back left right walls and then i can flip them on and off as i work through it that's nice because it gives you the most flexibility by doing it that way i can say turn these front two walls off and do all my work but if i want to in the end say i want to do a render looking at the room this way i could just turn it back on that is a great way to do it that's really nice another option and we've i've done a skill builder on this is to make the walls transparent from the back so what i can do is i can come in here with my colors i can come home right here if i pick this color right here right so if i pick this it shows me the front face is this white on one side gray on the other side so i can actually manipulate this ever so slightly what i could do is i could come in here and i could create a new color so i'm just going to say i'm going to come over here and grab a a silvery let's grab a ridiculous color so we can tell the difference purple color and i could put that on the back side so see now it's white on the front it's purple on the back that doesn't help me at all next step is to take that purple and give it 100 opacity so now it's see-through so now i can put it around the backsides so now when i look whoops let's try that again all right so this one the front face is the white the back face is my translucent purple on here i could grab the same one i can say make this one into that translucent so now i can still see it from the inside same thing over here we'll go make that translucent oops grab that translucent unfortunately if you just do a flood fill on a face if you just click it it puts that material on the front and the back so it'll be a little more selective so pick it and then change that to the flood translucent there we go so now whenever i look at the back side the back side just disappears i could do the same thing for the ceiling so i come in here close this back up i deleted that ceiling earlier select that and then make the back side into the translucent so when i look up i still see the ceiling so this is from the outside all four pieces are there but i can look through them from the outside this is nice but there's a butt here these things are still here for all intents and purposes i'm still on the outside of a cube so if i want to select this couch and i click right here i'm never going to get that couch i got to start doing things like this to move things around now if i want to move it here's the bad thing i'm actually clicking on the face of the clear as my starting point so everything has to become a relative move i can't snap the stuff inside real easy so this way of doing it is a nice way to present so if if when i finish i can go okay i want to present this room to a client or my significant other to show what i'm thinking about re you know setting up the guest room that kind of thing this is nice because i can spin around and i don't have to go flip and turn stuff on and off because i can just say okay as i spin around look at this look at this room it automatically does it so it's a really cool presentation tool it's not ideal for actually working in the model if i was to work in the model there's a couple things i would probably do one thing that a lot of people have asked and i don't know somebody may have already asked this because it is a pos it is a popular idea is to come in here and put in a bunch of section planes so come in here put my section plane 1 and then of course i do want to make sure that i go into my styles because right now that section plane doesn't do very good because the fill is turned on but if i come in here i can say section fill turn that off and now if i turn off my section planes i can peek in through this side and i can work on it and then in my outliner i can just toggle these on and off so if i deactivate that and then it goes away problem with that is it's a little clunky to be going through and flipping that stuff on and off so i'm kind of thinking the solution that i will use is a combination of transparent backsides and tagging these walls because i think i'll do a lot of my work without anything turned on so just just working on this flat rectangle footprint and then turn my walls back on as i need them i think that's the idea that i want to go for so i'm going to do that real quick i'm going to grab this front wall i'm going to make it a group i'm not making a component because i'm not going to reuse any of these they're going to be kind of everything to be one of a kind and i come over here to tags and i'm going to call this i'm going to do this i'm going to call it wall dash front i'm putting wall first because as i create multiple tags it's alphanumeric so all my walls will be together so grab this one i'll triple click make group and this is a nice thing about in the windows i'm sorry the mac interface i can actually come up to tag and type the name of a new [Music] tag right here and when i do that it automatically populates down here in tags if you don't have if you have if i have windows instead i do have to come create my tags first so i'll say wall back and wall left and we'll make one for ceiling and then i can just double click not triple make group assign that to wall back double click i'm i'm i'm click happy i want to triple click my my fingers just give me an extra click no matter what i do make a group and put that on wall and then we'll grab this this i can triple click because nothing else is connected to it anymore you're just you're ahead of your time right finger right so there so now i can with everything turned on i can see it easy enough and if i want to actually work in here i can say i'll turn my front and right off and then i'm just working inside there so that works that that's that's going to work for for what i want to do the other thing you could do with this in theory is you could save that as a template and then just go stretch everything out as you work with different size rooms that's that's kind of something so we need to submit this as a live component uh idea a way it can template the room yeah i like that it's a good idea um all right so i'm gonna do a couple more things in here and address some things that people have asked about so one is to uh i'm going to add a door this is another one of the spots where how much detail do you need to put in it really is up to you how much do you need to have a door there can you have a rectangle do you need to have a frame what do you need there and i guess the answer is depends on what you want so i'm going to say i'm going to have a six foot 10 door that is 2 foot 10 wide put that rectangle i'm in my left wall right now and i'm going to delete it and i'm say that's almost enough information for me so something else that i want to think about right now is my trim that i'm going to have on the edges do you have to put in trim no probably not you could probably get away without ever adding trim some people get concerned because you know it does add half inch three quarter inch whatever that the width of your trim is uh to the size of your room so if you're looking for something like will a bookcase fit in here it is going to affect where it can sit because it can't sit flat up against the wall with trim so it might be worth considering i'll go ahead and add my trim right now so i'm going to click around let's select all the way around like that and use offset and i'm going to offset it i don't know two inches nah three inches yeah that's better and then i'll pull it out like uh three quarters of an inch and for what i'm doing that's gonna be good enough i think that's gonna that's gonna work for what i wanna see um it's just enough detailed so that i remember that that's there when i go to take something and bump it up against the edge i'm not gonna go flat to the wall i'm gonna be a little bit away because that trim that's the kind of detail i think i need if you're going to the point where you're actually like buying trim off of this or something like that then you want to go a little bit further maybe make each of these pieces components that you can then tag and report upon um that sort of thing for me this is going to be i think enough i'm going to go ahead i'm going to i'm going to put a color in here too um let's see let's get a [Music] i almost asked a silly question so do we have a nice wallpapers in here because i don't think wallpapers come in nice they come in gaudy or mildly offensive they're like rv camper cloth materials so instead i'll i'll go find a nice uh i don't know it seems like most houses have this kind of not not white not yellow not peach but a kind of a cappuccino i don't know what they're doing so whenever i whenever i was trying to figure out what the perfect color was a while back apparently the sort of the favorite at least as a few years ago here in the us was uh swiss mocha i believe it's what they call the color yeah and which is it's it's like a really pale tan color right it's like the least offensive color in that we could come up with like it's like coffee if it was one part coffee seven parts milk that sounds about right um the issue and this this is just now i'm just talking we're just hanging out and i'm talking about stuff at this point but uh the thing that always gets me is i know it's the way that sketchup does shadows by default with my shadow settings with uh with these default settings the color looks so different depending on where i mean it's almost pure white here and if i come around bringing the shadow it looks almost like a like a dark peach color and that is where you can turn on use sun for shading and kind of get get these to a more uniform i forget the total uniform settings i think it's like 80 and 80 or something like that they won't they'll be the same no matter where you look at them from so if you have an issue with that where you don't like the way that the colors change based on where the sun is you might want to check that out turn use sun for shading on and set your dark up to 80 and that color will stay uniform no matter where you have it spun around so just a thought something you may want to consider um all right i'm going to go just one step further i don't actually like that that's too bright for me i'm going to cut my trim at the corners at 45 degrees that's just going to give all my corners they're going to meet nice nice at the corner there um so i could play around a little bit 45 in 45 minutes setting up this room would never touch a live component i'm sorry i'll the rest will go quick i think i'm gonna grab this line bring it around 45 degrees and then just push that down boom 45 degrees there's lots of different ways to put this 45 degree line in here i'm such a big fan of uh the rotate command i don't know what it is but the last year or so i've been just finding excuses to use rotate all right that was good i'm gonna go to the next wall i know i was all right so this one will go quicker because i'll just go to this height pull it straight across do a push pull and double click whoops it went the wrong way so i'll pull it out this way uh three quarters of an inch i know that's thick baseboard but i want to be able to see it good and because i've already done this corner i can just copy that push that down this side i'll do the rotate again option copy that to 45 degrees erase this push pull this down there and then last i'll just paint that wall in all right see that wall was quicker uh last two walls i don't have on right now oh i need to make the floor into a group two um we should probably put some carpet on here let's go check out what we got for carpet options so i'm gonna grab this well maybe i'm not gonna grab that color that kind of offends me there we go that's kind of that's the look of the carpet i want but not the color um i don't know if you guys hit this i hit this all the time where i like a portion of a stock uh material but i don't like it i want to have like a lighter color so i can do is find the one that has the texture i want and then if i double click that i can actually come in here and kind of colorize that so i can change it to whatever color i actually want so if i want kind of a i'm looking around my house because the room i'm in we have not painted we haven't changed the carpet like nothing has changed from the way the builder made it so uh i'm trying to match that for good or for bad but uh so that's that's an option too if you ever want to do that where you like the look of something but not the exact color i like to do is put it in come over here double click on it and then go to the color wheel and change that color all right real quick two more two more walls let me turn off these two walls turn these two walls on and uh i'll do the same thing here i'll just copy or here we'll just come up three inches oh what's going on there it didn't go up i went back go up three inches draw that line across push pull that three quarters of an inch and then get my 45s on here oops push pull that down all right i'm gonna do these two walls and then we'll get we'll start decorating this thing i think by i think it's okay because i really think using these dynamic components means oops i just put the wall color or the floor color on the walls using these dynamic components means this is going to go pretty speedy as far as actual decoration of the room last one snap that to 45 degrees push that down fill that wall in all right there we go so if we turn all my walls on i can spin around and this is kind of a cool it's a byproduct that happens automatically these materials are automatically using the same back side i've already used because i only painted the fronts so i'm getting this kind of see-through trim look where i can actually see where the trim is i can see where the door is from the back side but it's kind of ghosted it's kind of a cool look where i have a reminder that that's there but i don't have to actually worry about uh it getting and obscuring my way my view all right so there is my room that's probably good good spot to hit command s these are my saving fingers command over here save over here all right so that looks pretty good all right so i think i have to have a window in a bedroom don't i isn't that like a requirement i guess it depends on if it's uh to code right doesn't it have to have an egress yeah so let's uh let's slap a window on here i'm just gonna do a 36 by 36 win window that's good looking stuff right there all right so i'm just going to move it align that with the door let's put it right smack in the center of this this room where's the smack we're smack in the center what you just use the imprinting to find the midpoint of the line that's all you need to do i did but i clicked some other point instead of the midpoint so that was that was a silly thing to do all right so i'm just do that there we go that's my window again i can add as much as little details i want really my concern is that i don't put like a bookshelf covering that up or something all right we're there we've got this all right so i'm going to start my my actual work of bringing components in uh by i'm going to turn off my uh right and front wall and my ceiling so i'm gonna do my initial work in this uh vignette kind of view cool so let's go take a look at what we got for stuff what what did we what did the ikea run yield for us don't hate if you don't like ikea that's fine i'm sorry i apologize um people have strong opinions about ikea you know one way or the other very few people are like meh take it or leave it that's that's been my experience okay i'm pretty meh take it or leave it oh really i don't like how disposable it is though it's an exception to every rule i guess all right so again i think i'm gonna kind of use my room you guys you guys will get to see what my room ended up looking like kind of at the end here so i had um i do have a desk so let's let's start let's build our home office around the desk that makes a lot of sense so i'm going to bring in my desk this is way nicer than my desk is a piece of plywood on a folding plastic table so does this step up a sweet green topper that's right with my with my invisible green mouse pad four foot and they still call it a mousepad it's kind of cool um all right so let's start by i'm gonna i'm gonna actually line this up um one of the cool things about i think jody was this 2020 or 2021 where i got my grips on the corners of my containers do you remember uh it was like i think it was 20 20.3 okay so that is it's huge for for doing stuff like this so you can see i can just grab it by the corner rather than having to pick a point on the actual geometry i can use this corner and i'm just going to drop it boom right there so it lines right up with the trim even though the geometry itself does and that gives me a little bit of space in the back to run wires down and let me tell you something i have got cables in the back of my desk um i don't know if this space would actually be big enough to run all the pictures of their workspace and there's not cables and you're just like everything they found everything to be wired even my wireless stuff has cables i don't know who they think they're tricking because it's i don't buy me um all right so let's let's take a look at the uh this component so i'm gonna hit configure live component that's gonna bring up my live component window it's gonna ping the database and bring down my configurable data for this table all right so i got height options this does look like it's i mean based on this the telescoping leg here i'm assuming that this is a you know convertible to standing i don't know how high 1500 inches it or 1500 millimeters but based on the door up here at around seven feet that's a very high desk and i'm gonna call shenanigans on this leg fully telescoping into this top leg and i actually at the end no it's amazing it's the miracles of modern science that have accomplished this task we've tucked wormholes and pocket dimensions into our office furniture exactly all right well that's cool that's good to know good to know i can do that um again i do actually have a wider desk mine is eight feet wide because i have a lot of stuff on here so i'm going to go a little bit wider i'm going to move that over which i can do while i'm still in configuration i can also change my depth i don't i really feel pretty good about where this is at so uh i'm just going to leave that i'm going to go ahead and leave that where it is we can change our our corner types nice sharp corner that's that's called the thigh kisser right there that little corner right there it's a bruise maker and the inbuilt shelf i don't know what that oh that's that's fancy that's what i want i i need that i'm gonna have to build that expensive yeah that's a that's a smart design there i like that because i could put uh sodas and uh actually i'd fortunately you can't see it but i have piles of pens scissors um a guitar tuner some gaff tape some glasses man i got keyboards i got all kinds of stuff so this is actually pretty nice i'm gonna i'm gonna go with this um so this is the i'm assuming the material thickness it is number of shells two three four five that's pretty cool i actually like the three uh and the shelf height so i could actually make this a little narrower if i want i think that's a cool design i'm going with that all right leg type tapered wire frame simple frame i i guess i like the uh the adjustable looks the most professional to me okay for for what oh we have wood or laminate we don't have unfinished plywood as an option so i can't exactly match what i got going on we'll stick with wood i guess mahogany ooh so if we go pint it's a little lighter and then leg color i am going to go with the darker colors i think that looks better um that's pretty cool i do have to say some of these leg types like this this wire frame one looks kind of like we did a video last year with a company called kittenco and what they made was they actually made powder-coated metal parts that you could buy to create stuff like this but you would put your own wood on so if you had like reclaimed wood or like a slab you want to use the top they just made the the metal parts which is really cool and this this kind of reminded me of that uh we did a video with them like i said last year was supposed to be supposed to be the first of a series and then uh the vid hit and uh seriously cut down somebody are traveling it was a very short series yeah i think it was two two videos is what we ended up making and then uh travel kind of stopped all right so much talking i like this i do like that desk that's that's a cool that's a cool file so let's keep going though i'm gonna do more more stuff um so we have other options here we'll get to more of them i want to finish off my desk we have this computer desktop option so i'm going to drag that in drop it on here it's configurable too though i don't know how so i'm just going to put it on the top tabletop and let's see what configuration options we have for this this will be interesting well that's a that's yeah that's a fun fun one yeah this is i'm excited to see what i can do here okay so i have a monitor i can turn on or off see that's the the the i call it the coffee shop set up here let's let's go yeah there we go some people are like oh here's my my workspace and like oh man i don't buy it i call shenanigans that's not enough stuff how would you be productive with only that much stuff they're probably extra productive because they're not all there you go that's productivity getter done all right let's turn some monitors back on let's turn the laptop on let's turn the keyboard on what do we have here so we have a single monitor or a dual monitor all right dual is closer to what i got set up here uh is the display on or off oh that's kind of cool extra keyboard yes or no notepad yes or no okay so it's basically i'm toggling on different options that's cool uh dressing color curious there's not a mouse though oh so this is this is basically this is titled white or black but it's basically windows or mac i think is what those should be titled and then we have this gray which is like could be either way this is the non-discriminatory color of the desktop um cool so let's uh yeah i'm just leave it like that that looks looks pretty good i'm actually going to slide it back take it back i need that many i need that many things on my desktop so sorry you know i'm productive all right let's keep moving here um some things i don't have but i well okay so i do have a bookshelf off to the left so there's two bookshelves up there right now whoops i grabbed the same one twice oh no there it is so we have the same these two um i want to explore these i'm gonna i'm gonna do shopping i'm gonna go to ikea and uh shop for the perfect bookshelf so if i do configure my live component um i like this this has more of a classic well actually it has kind of a retro look with the round corners i get a 70s vibe off of that um but i feel like it's a little more classical look than a little more artistic over here or modern so let's see i can go with box shelving all right parametric shelf oh my there you go well if you didn't have a customizable wall feature before this is now wow i couldn't do it because i would walk into the room and i have to like there was a there would be a warp in the space-time company continuum on the side of your room yeah so i'm gonna go with the regular bookshelf because that is too much i can't handle it i'll be honest about it i can't handle it all right so we have the stuff i would normally expect here the depth number of divisions so that's the number of shells okay there that's that's what i was looking for um so if i go to square now i'm looking at like so this is our target ikea standard it's probably like 29.99 right here probably made a particle board laminate there's rock dots over the o in whatever the name of it is yes yeah this is actually a fluvan group okay so that's where we can oh this is so this is a different interface than we've seen on some of the others where i have a toggle between wood or paint and then i can switch between pine which will match my desktop over here or if i switch to paint that i can actually pick color or custom that's kind of cool i like that interface better than not not that it's sometimes we've seen where they're all compressed into one and i like that uh toggle lets me switch am i this can be all wood or all paint so i kind of like that so to manually make changes to this you have to first finish it and then download it into the model at which point it's a regular component right and you can make your edits that way well it's still a uh dynamic or it's still a live component uh unless i right click and i say detach definition at which point it becomes just a regular component they do anything i want with it at that point um what if i wanted to make that those those shelves red if i wanted to paint them red that's not an option well then i could go to wood or paint i could go to custom and then i could pick okay custom okay bad example what if i wanted to make my the desk red was that an option no it could be i get your point i mean the point is at what point i get to the point where i want to disconnect i don't want to have it be a dynamic live component anymore and that's where i can detach definition and edit however i want and and steve d on on youtube is actually asking if you can configure them manually as well yes absolutely so once you hit detach definition it just becomes a component so it's just sketchup geometry at that point you can go in and do whatever you want to it absolutely all right so i like this i'm going to undo because i want to get back to my natural wood so that's that's a contender but i want to see what i can get out of this guy right here so i'm going to start by i'm actually well no i won't put him i'm just going to stick him right here and i'm going to configure this one because i think i can come up with a better more cohesive look between this and the desk than what i can get out of this traditional bookshelf i mean this this is a good stand-in for what i probably already have somewhere in my house but if i'm designing i might want to go for something more like this i feel like we've looked at this one before actually i think we've seen this so we make it wider you can make the shelves a little deeper make it taller you can change the number of shelves so it has right now a small shelf option that can turn on or off and oh i can move that small shelf up or down i like it in the middle there and i can change the width of that smaller shelf let's make a little bigger shelf thickness frame thickness okay so the frame is lacquered steel right now sounds like one of the looks from zoolander lounge steel lacquered steel all right so i think what i could do here is if i go to this desk and configure it if i change the legs to be that modern frame i think i can actually have more of a a real office look tying together between these two so if i grab this i think i'm gonna have to go back to a darker color though change my legs to simple frame yeah see now i got now i got a little bit of a a match here but i don't have that same wood option so let's see if i go to natural and then i can do the same thing over here change that's natural too and actually while i'm well that i might scoot this over just a touch there we go sorry they got me i i i had to change that apparently i had to change that and i had to change it now um do i have so i have walnut sort of the exact same wood options but those are pretty close so that's that gives me a little more cohesive look because they kind of look like they go together a little better scoot this over just a little bit and get kind of centered on there oops um the other thing and i don't have this but uh i do have an option to grab some office drawers and slide them in i might start by so i'm gonna go with that bookshelf i'm going to throw some office drawers in here configure that get them to a matching look so see if i can get some some wire handles that are square like the rest of these pieces get uh the wood matching i like the triple drawer oh four drawers is just too much i'm not don't be let's don't be silly so i don't have an option of a square handle i do have a different round handle options so all right so let's stick with the bar handle for now maybe i'll come back and customize that afterwards i could put wheels or standard feet i'm good with wheels um let's see so if i go to mahogany that matches my drawers over there and let's uh let's change the front back to wood also i think that'll work all right let's move that then move that back here i'll slide forward a little bit so i can get into it i like that and slide this desktop over a little bit to account for that drawer space all right cool i think this is coming along um so i i don't dis oh i made a copy i don't dislike this but i don't think it's gonna make it into my my room all right some more options here um hey we got a feature wall jody somebody heard ya let's get that up there that's that's an important piece i do like so i do like the parametric random sliders it is kind of a fun thing that i think live components takes takes advantage of where i can come in here and i can do some stuff where just just get some weird things that i wouldn't put together normally it's not fully like random because it is parametric to controlling it but i do like the idea of having this thing that i wouldn't be able to come up with by myself like having that systematically generates kind of cool so in here we can do staggered squares or diamonds square grid that sounds too uniform i don't think i'm gonna go for whatever that is nah i like that staggered square best pick the best one right up front so we have a material texture canvas let's see what canvas looks like oh this is just like the the finish of the color that goes on there all right i guess i guess felt was good panel size panel spacing i like the idea of getting a little bit more yes and actually the size of it came out near perfect i think it's a little too big so i'm going to drop it down just like two panels i like i like the having the big ones on either side and then make my panels a little bit bigger to fill the space out a little too a little too filling up the space there and then i can make my colors i'll stick with three colors uh primary seconds all right and then i assume these are the options of the different pieces that are are put through here so let's see what we turn some tessellated ones on too and some valleys valleys are boring all right i like it i like i don't like the flat ones though those are those are dull okay maybe we need a couple though cool so uh i kind of i like that i like i even like the color i mean i don't i don't have a specific color in mind for this room but i'm just gonna stick with it um okay so it's looking good so we kind of have this half oh no you know what else i do i want to stick a couple more things over here so we have a plant i want to put on the shelf right here because uh because nature it just kind of creeps on through the floor of the shelf there yeah i'm hoping the live component can take care of that for me let's see what happens i have no idea what the options are i'm putting i'm putting things on to this this file before i even know what it does um fern tree fl a new zealand flax that sounds exotic whoa no yeah yeah that's not what i was expecting that to turn into oh so you take this take the height down a little bit now it fits but now i feel like it's a flower in a cage like it's a pressed but also that's a heck of a vase to hold those that's true we have we have some planter options here drop into a clay pot all right curved that makes more sense for flowers probably um it's not going for the rugged manly aesthetic i was hoping to convey in my concrete concrete cube there we go that's the see that's a little closer um it looks huge on that show it does look big um i'm curious you can't make the vase itself smaller no i can what else could we do well let's let's let's keep playing here let's see what a tree looks like i'm assuming that's going to be too big for the show oh hey we can make hold on hold on we can make this work i like this we can do this because what we can do so i'm assuming so let's say this is good let's get this to the point where we like this i like this little short tree i think it's cool um maybe even a little bigger uh just plain i don't know what that is that is cool that's fun because this is the kind of stuff that i as a guy who likes details in my models which i don't always get to the details and live models we talked about this last time sometimes i run out of time in the in the live models to to properly detail things out but i do like when my models are detailed i would rather model details into my model than use materials a lot of times but this is the kind of stuff i will spend hours on copying and and rotating leaves so that's kind of nice that it does that so i like this but i want to make it fit on my shelves so i'm going to see if i can manipulate my shelves so i'm going to say configure live component let's see what i have for for how i could change my shelf around a little bit to make this tree fit a little better so i'm going to go to my small shelf so only have the option of one small shelf but if i drop the number of bigger shelves something like that and then i can move this up all right maybe i'll make my whole overall shelf just a little bit taller that'll that'll by making the whole thing taller it'll stretch out my i call it a uh my tree shelf let's just make this whole thing a few hundred millimeters taller there we go and now i'll grab this guy slide them on up have you ever okay so as sketchup users have you ever in real life looked for a midpoint or a snap point on a thing have you ever gone to move something and gone okay gotta get this by the oh that's not gonna work i've done it both when when like cutting lumber like how do i snap the saw to the midpoint of this p it doesn't it's not there just in case you guys ever go looking it's it doesn't exist but i've also moved stuff and tried to line things up and gone just for half a second just just long enough to make myself feel dumb about the confusion of virtual and reality uh stumbled on sketchup enough i don't use sketchup enough to have sketchup specific uh attempts to use ui but there are other things i mean i'll try and pull up a mini map doesn't work dang it oh i go up to a book and i try and zoom in or a picture looking through a catalog or a magazine wait what what is this yeah yeah dieter has uh tried to use push-pull hand gestures before oh it's real it's real um yeah oh my gosh i'm so i just finished reading ready player two which i don't know if you guys have ready player one was a was a great book i actually liked it in a different way than i liked the movie but i just finished ready player 2 last night but it was actually a paper book that my brother sent me for christmas and i swear at least once a night reading it i would go like this [Laughter] at least one time every single night i tried to swipe the page up turns out you can swipe the page but you have to physically go to the next page and go like that it's real man it's real that's weird so you're killing trees and making your life more difficult to read that book you know there's still something tactile and enjoyable about paper i mean the smell of a book if nothing else like do you know that smell of of a new book of the pages it's cool there's and the touching the paper book paper is different from like printer paper well yeah the and then like the smell in a bookstore or a used bookstore especially oh yeah it's awesome but you the work it takes to not only and okay first world problems oh yeah i'm gonna complain bear with me keeping a book up on my lap and open at the same time with one hand oh it's so much work whereas i can have my ipad or my phone like this and i can swipe oh it's so easy it's so nice but the worst part the worst part of it all is i have to have a light on to read and and right i'm just such a spoiled human sorry i killed kendall paper white which is is eating so the battery lasts forever but it's it stays lit but not lit enough to mess with my night vision yeah so i've already decided uh my next book i plan to read because of the upcoming show that you told me about is uh running man the original running man by stephen king who wasn't stephen king but i decided i'm i'm i'm getting it on kindle i just yeah that's fair um i feel like this is this is the real failing is if you own a book i should be able to scan in somehow scan in like the isbn number or something and immediately have it as a digital book it kills me that whenever i go look for look for a kindle book seems like more often than not or as often as as as when i look is the version for kindle is as expensive or sometimes more expensive than an actual physical book yeah which i don't understand i don't know all right so for my lamp i got i got a what i gotta figure out which one of these i i gotta use because i i like this kite type of desk lamp this luxo style lamp but it doesn't really go as well as say this lamp right i'm curious oh hey that's kind of fun i guess that's okay i don't know it goes with the look and feel the bar and stuff but uh yeah i guess i'll just i'll i'll leave this here for now maybe we'll revisit this later because i don't love this but it's in there i'm going to modify my colors though i'm going to actually go for more of a kind of this this color right here as my primary color and then i'll leave the accent as black the light color will just go with pure pure white and now it's not going to of course it's not going to actually add any light but yeah i think that's going to work right now oops i just moved it all right so i think this wall's done um no chair oh yeah we're gonna need a chair let's drop this chair in here unless it's a standing desk i guess i wonder how tall this chair goes let's find out can you use the gangly awkward table with it will this go to six and a half feet let's see maybe sitting with your feet three feet off the wall working up with your head on the ceiling it could be fun okay so we have some options in here this is a cool looking chair i don't know if they they it's not oh it is a herman miller uh chair i saw somebody in the comments mentioned uh i'm reading back over comments the movie was arnold schwarzenegger mark running man the movie had schwarzenegger but the the book was very different from the movie just as much social commentary about uh actually way ahead of its time i think as far as reality tv now so you said you did recently reread it or you just i just started so i just finished last night i finished ready player one last night and downloaded the sample for uh running man so that'll be next well yeah i gotta go with a high back chair i don't know whatever man all right ooh look at this i kind of feel like i want just like a stark white just have it stand out but i spill too much to use white so we're gonna have to go with a different color so i was just telling you yesterday that i've been like i started binging i don't even know how i started binging this with my kids this weekend the rust brothers rust valley restoration show on netflix yes and so they're constantly taking old cars and and restoring them but they're you know they're all muscle cars but pretty much almost to a car they put white leather interior in all of these things or white pleather and i'm just thinking like every time you walk around outside of their shop it is just nothing but mud and dirt and i'm thinking do you not see the problem with having a white interior in such a dirty place i don't know apparently they don't so the option of finishing my uh my undercarriage with silver but that doesn't really seem to go so maybe i will stick with the i'll stick with the black paint on all that painted painted painted all right i like that that's gonna work for me um i think in fact if i go in here to move it i'm gonna rotate it just just slightly open so it's inviting yet i want to verify that that will yeah so we can still s alright so like that like someone was working hard and just recently got up cool i like this this is kind of fun i feel like i should have done this before i actually set up my office because this is the fourth iteration of my home office and i've yet to have modeled it in sketchup do as i say not as i do i suppose all right so we have a couple pieces left that i can use one is a clock which i i do like the idea of oh it does not it is not snapping to face that's interesting all right so i'll come up here is that it that's a live component it is a live component so i'm going to rotate 90 degrees um right i'm sure it gets more exciting than this let's let's see what we can configure here for our clock every once while i forget that i changed my setup on obs with the with my green screen things up here so i look up there and like what the heck is that in the corner of my screen oh it's me that's my stuff all right i'm disappointed that this live component which has the word live in the name doesn't have the current time oh now you're just pushing oh you know i just i just i just had maybe one of the dumbest thoughts i've ever had and that's saying something i thought this was a slider to determine how many hours you actually displayed on the clock i only want to see four like that's weird why would i want to have a clock with only 10 hours on it oh okay no this is so what jody was asking about so i could put this actually to 102 which is what my current uh the current time is oh man that that was the next level of dumb right there yeah if you're going to make a community yeah i there's some things you can make changeable but probably leave all all 12 all 12 numbers on there all right so we make it a big digital clock make it a parametric clock that sounds fun okay okay i like that curve look better make the back looks like this looks like concrete like something you pour out of concrete and then drill a hole and put the little uh motor in there yeah i it's that's okay i i guess can i make oh there we go so i can make a little bit starker i like that that's kind of a cool clock um i would never be able to read the time on that though so since this is my room we're going to go back to a traditional i can take a risk on traditional clocks digital would be best but i can't i can't go without any numbers like that so i can change the depth here bring it back to the wall frame width that makes that bigger um frame depth yeah okay so that that works numbers oh i can make bigger numbers this is probably where i'm going right now because i feel like i'm i'm at that point in life where bigger numbers especially if they're more than a foot away from me are probably good um my accent color can i turn those the numbers yeah that is i maybe that's a little too much maybe i could pull in maybe is the clock no probably the rim let's make the rim uh match we'll pull that into our orange palette to uh get that to to match a little bit something like that yeah that works all right what else do we got here to pull in here so i have a couch i have some blinds some window blinds should be very important especially if you film in your your office and then i have some couches i do actually in this room right behind me i actually have a futon so this is not too far from reality this is the making do with the space you have so here's my office and then back behind me we'll come in and we'll actually get some more pieces in here so i have two couches let me just pull both of them in and take a look at them so i have a sectional actually we've used this sectional before i think we used this in the first live component video we did um actually we may have had both these i don't know sorry this guy's floating in the air bring him down to ground all right so i know i have some options here where i can make this sectional bigger i'm not gonna obviously don't have room to have like this ottoman out here i don't it's not like people are gonna sit and watch me work so much so i think a big lounging couch like this is probably excessive i think i can take it down to yeah a straight straight three seater so that would be kind of where i'd want to go but let me check out what i can do with this one it looks more like a love seat right now but i'm guessing i can make that bigger and i'm leaning towards this one because it has these little metal legs which kind of goes with my medal i've got already i say these things like my house is all coordinated it that's that's not a thing i this this is wishful thinking right here i think yeah so up to three seats i like that um base shallow or deep what does that mean oh is that like the the oh no that's with or without the legs it's like existentially like you know does it talk about this boring it's like oh the kardashians or is it really digging to really think about things stuff does does your couch really make you think i'm trying to think of what kind of thoughts a couch could could could muster up that would be helpful but uh you know i'm got a little bit of a uh there we go that's the look yeah i'm gonna go with that one i'm gonna delete this this one i don't want this one uh so i'm gonna stick with this i might still be able to pull in some colors again white cushions just i just don't see it i don't i guess some people out there can handle that but uh man nah um but i am thinking maybe we go with like that that darker orangish color like we have in the my accent colors are actually driving this at this point so i pull this over a little bit just a little more like a little darker reddish orange maybe yeah there we go it goes well with the uh with the wall thing decoration yeah sound baffle we're definitely leaning into that as being our our controlling color scheme maybe i'll take the support color and what's that look like if that's white it's so stark it's so maybe gray what if we just did a little grayish color i like that i'll work i'll be honest gray and orange is that's that's my that's my happy place this i i seem to remember that uh you owned a vehicle that kind of did that exactly and then i sold that vehicle and got a new vehicle which is almost the same color it's almost the exact same thing i'm apparently very predictable well i guess this one's for you thanks all right so there we go that's this is not too far off of what the room i'm in right now looks like it's a little different but um let's turn on some more walls here let's go up to tags let's get our walls back on where's the table going to be with all the 3d oh i guess you can put your 3d printers on those shelves over there shelves we need more shelves so we need to throw uh some shelves up on above this right here they're going the you're going the wrong way how does he know where we're going there you go that's what you do is you put the you put your shelves inside of the wall and that way it takes up less space wow that's it's it's it's hard to change things out on those shelves but uh they don't get in the way awesome let's see what we got for options for our dynamic compo for our live component i don't have a bunch of toys and uh my own homemade stuff on here but the shelf itself still it still works all right so you can configure my length depth i actually my shelves are fairly narrow so i'm bring that back down i do actually have four shelves but maybe with this room we'll just do three space them out a little more probably drop them down just ever so slightly i like this i like where this is going you almost had room in your room this is looking pretty sweet all right um so you can see this is a pretty good example of how i can actually get a pretty good look even though i have all this stuff in here that those clear walls let me let me flip around pretty easy and see how stuff's going and just having the ceiling off is enough for me to get in and do some edits right now so it's a nice combination of a couple different methods um shelf finish i'll stick with i'll go with that that darker wood um oh i'm gonna turn on parameters see what it's like but it's just i guess i'm just too conservative for this i just it's just too crazy i gotta go back crazy i i it's cool but i'm just i'm boring i'm boring many can you go down to no no supports no two supports is the minimum three seems like it would make sense for that size i guess depends on how heavy the stuff is that is true and then i can change my support color to the dark to match the hardware on the rest okay looking cool looking cool did you know that the clock had an orange or a yellow bezel did you do that i did that i was trying to match this color over here i think i was just slightly off but yeah it is a little too yellow slightly off that's yellow that's orange i think i might have been sliding and not waited for it to update the the the color before i just called it and said it was good so uh let's try that again let's get that let's get that a little closer to or it may have been just the shadow that i was looking after yeah if i come like this this looks pretty close to this but uh yeah if i look at it in the light it's uh yeah when you're looking at it through the invisible wall you can really see how yellow it was yeah a little too yellow luckily most people don't have invisible walls people with invisible walls should not throw stones because right depends what that invisible wall is made of yeah i suppose all right what if it's if it's transparent and transparent aluminium then it's fine that's true then they're obviously living in the window yeah yeah or from the uk uh i'm disappointed that these are not sticking to the walls the way they're supposed to they do not snap they do not have glue too i i just uh oh hey that's that's fun way to do it check it out i can get this thing centered super easy by just flipping around the other side there we go um because that's look at this way i'm like well i covered up the window it's really hard to get it the right size now all right from this side i could turn on live component configuration bring up the configurator oh it's just saying i just made uh a series of videos on groups and components for our scare scare our square one series um and i feel like making that video i have a much better grasp on glue to uh than i've ever had before glue two and face camera like i really i think i understand it better now than i did before um good good for you yeah and you made the video so i did um let me make this smaller less wide whoop little little tooth a little too thin there all right there we go that should be good we probably have to go quite so far pull my drop distance up all right that's going to be good that covers the window enough um let's check our materials let's go with painted call me old-fashioned but i'm going to go with white maybe maybe we'll throw a color on the valance again let me just bring in a touch of one of these colors here see what the dark orange looks like yeah something like that that was cool all right and and i have one more feature that is actually part of my room that i want to incorporate i'm going to bring this back in again um so bring bring this thing in here and you will notice that even though i grabbed it out of here when i brought it in it has the same exact properties as the one i just set up they are components they are still components so if you configure or change one all the other copies are going to have those same copies just like a regular component but like a regular component i can make this unique so that didn't detach it from the component engine it just made that separate from other instances of this same live component which means i can come in here now i can say configure live component as i make changes to this one it should not affect the one that's already in here so what i'm going to do with this one right here this is going to go from venetian blind to a roller blind it is going to i'm going to mount it actually first thing we'll do this is going to be this color oh i can't change the color i'll have to explode it before i can change the color um i was gonna make this into my green screen so we're gonna make it wider i'll show you how this is set up in my room kind of feel like uh giving you guys a peek behind the curtain hey literally kind of all right make this drop a little bit more and then i'm going to move this thing what's val what is that oh yeah i guess that's better i'm going to move that up so that sits up here at the ceiling actually it actually drops down a little bit from the ceiling so i'm going to grab it there slide it out like this this is right about where mine drops down and sits right above the couch like that it does hang down on chains a little bit so it does come down more like that yeah that's about right so the camera sits right here and if i if i do it just right there we go i see the chair and then green behind so to change this to make this into actual green this is where i have to detach it so i have to say detach definition in doing that now when i right click on it i don't have configure component available for that anymore because i detached it but that means i can change anything so i can come in here and i can change this uh to the green screen color oh no i gotta go in i thought i was in there further you gotta go deeper that's right so there we go grab that material fill that with the green screen color come out here grab my roller same thing fill that with the green screen color there we go now we did it oh my goodness i just got a migraine like a spontaneous migraine looking at that color it is oh i didn't do the back what caused the but i think the back is actually white yeah i think that would make sense didn't go deep enough oh i got i clicked on a clear wall i knew it was going to happen sooner or later all right that is the thing that's what i got oh but oh no i was gonna try to i was gonna get crafty with it but i can't get crafty with it uh one of the things one of the options you have in a live component for this window is to open and close it and i was like i'll just roll my green screen up when i'm done but because i detached the definition i don't have live component options anymore so over here i can do this i can open and close this but this guy right here because he's not a live component anymore i can't do that so what i'll do is come in here i think i can just i'll come in here and just slide that up i'll have it hang down just a little bit so you know it's there that is pretty close to my my space looks like i don't have this this is by the way this is this is not here this is cameras monitors and lights but it looks nice um that's kind of cool i'll turn my ceiling back on let me just flip around take a look at how this uh how this works kind of like that that's kind of cool so you can see how those see-through walls let me kind of spin around and pier of course i i still have the option so if i did want to come in here and i do want to just like chop it off i don't want to see his back wall at all i just want to see this i can still come and use my uh section plane at this point so i'll throw a section plane on here i'll come right here i'll slide this guy in like that there we go and now i can see into it um by default section planes stay selectable so they actually have this this kind of foggy it's like a 5 or a 10 white fill on them um so what you're seeing here isn't like the full bright color it's actually muted because the section plane is the way it also means if you click right here like this it will often times pick the section plane instead of the geometry behind it it kind of gets in the way like that so a lot of times one of the things i will do is i'll work with uh with section planes turned off like this and then just rely on the outliner to let me interact with it so by this i'm inside here i can select everything it's not going to get in the way i see the true colors of everything like this but if i want to turn it on and off i just come over here right click and here's where i can activate cut without having it be visible and be in the way so that's an option too just something to think about as you set this up i very rarely want to see my actual section planes because when when i think about being in sketchup i'm thinking about sketchup representing a 3d model of real world things and when i look inside of a room i don't have a section clip plane so i usually leave it turned off and just interact with it over here rather than you know having having that this this show up all the time like this of course hey you have a better way to do it you do it your way that's just my thoughts on it all right um i haven't been watching comments at all yet it's good to see you guys are talking about stuff i guess i just haven't been paying attention i'm sorry i apologize i'm just just ignoring you yeah hope you guys are talking about fun stuff or something i don't know uh yeah titus is right it is probably command s time yeah so that was that actually made it very very quick and very easy to do that i enjoy that i kind of feel like i need to add a clock though i don't have a clock here um i feel like i should get one i'm gonna get one because of this this uh what we just did cool yeah and so i have room here for the door to swing open um it looks pretty good you could add a add a light piggy's pointing out that there's gonna be pretty dark in there unless you're sitting at the desk let's uh let's let's one-up that i i've this is a thing i actually do i really want to do is oh i'm stuck outside the wall i actually have a desire to add a ceiling fan to this room my concern of course is that i do actually have a green screen hanging from the ceiling and i'm worried that if i replace the light with a ceiling fan i'm going to it's going to get chevy chasey in here basically is my concern so let's do this let's turn off the left wall and the front leave the ceiling on let's stick a fan in here and see how small a fan i need in order to put a fan in here i believe that we actually have a fan somewhere in the live component list if you're looking for a specific live component i'm going to type in fan and i'm going to hit enter and of course i'm going to get lots of fans but if i come over here to advanced and turn on live component that's going to limit my list only to models that are live components and there's my live component ceiling fan from sketchup labs i'm going to grab this and i haven't been doing this but i do have the option to configure this model through 3d warehouse everything i've been doing so far is download it first and then configure it and use it inside of sketchup but you don't have to do it you can actually configure it in kind of a sandbox all by itself on 3d warehouse here and then once it's configured exactly how you want it then bring it over it's still configurable when you bring it over so once i get it into my my model i can still use configures like i have been but this is kind of gives you the initial run by itself before you actually come through i can spin it around it's it's sort of like it's like a sandbox so i'm just isolated to only working and looking at this model as i do this so i'm assuming i have to have a little bit smaller radius you have to be a smaller fan i would like to keep it as high up as possible we'll probably go with square blades to match the look of the rest of the building or the rest of the room industrial square that's right four or five blades seven no what the i think four is what i most most commonly see but uh it's i think the most common that you got going above your head right now i've got a pretty janky light situation i won't even talk about it i need a new dynamic i need a live component for this thing there you go um so then i have this option for light which looks like it turns the two bottom surfaces from the the default material into kind of a a lighter material to represent a light that'll work all right so i think that's going to work i'm going to go ahead and download it this is just like downloading a regular model from 3d warehouse at this point once i've configured it it does build it and then download it uh yeah sarah's commenting on how small that clock is over on the wall you're absolutely right it is it is way too tiny to be all the way over there um i will make that bigger i do have to because because the uh the live component itself doesn't have the option of resizing i won't be able to use scale on it so i will have to detach it before i can go and um resize it so i'll do that though i don't know what's happening right now um i tried to download this and uh something a thing happened which wasn't a good thing an error an error has occurred yeah it seemed to be i stepped out into the into the kitchen to grab something to drink and looked in the uh in the family room and it's it's a five blade oh fan in our family room all right well i i seem to be stuck i don't know if this is an internet connection thing or oops well it's not even it's not even spinning on the button nothing is happening right now so i'm gonna i'm gonna jump ship avert your eyes children what was uh what was that one movie where he would you shout ear or earmuffs at his kid every time he was going to swear old school cover up his ears that's cool all i got to say is your muffs all right we're out i don't know what happened there i'm scared now i'm scared all right let's get back in it's probably because you picked four blades and you're supposed to be fine it's like didn't you hear jody all right uh fortunately someone urged me to save immediately before doing that so i did so we did not lose any work um i've i've gotten to this point i don't know if you guys anybody else is out there but i've gotten to this point where starting up sketchup takes four or five seconds and it's bugging me some extension i have i start generally i start adding extensions as i need them right so new version totally stripped down i don't have anything and then i go get selection toys and solid inspector and the things i use every day and i start building them back up in there and then i start adding things that i haven't used before for a while and then eventually i've got 40 or 50 extensions running every time and i don't mess with it until i get to the point where every time i start up it's taking seconds to start up because to me that is totally unacceptable seconds um all right so let's let's address this clock issue first i'm gonna turn my ceiling off i'm gonna turn my left wall back on um i could tie this to seams too by the way i could actually if i don't like having tags open i could actually tie the visibility of each of these five pieces to a scene and i could actually have those buttons across the top just something to think about if you don't like the idea of having to come over and open the tags window all the time if you make scenes and the only attribute in the scene is that visibility you could actually do that and toggle off quicker it's funny you mention that because just a bit ago dieter was saying you would love to see a good video that really teaches you about scenes in the same way that the blade runner or i mean the cyberpunk video was so educational i love when i accidentally make something educational that's no no no he wants you to make something that is educational you haven't done that yet okay teens are still not educational i i have a goal then all right um so again i don't have a configuration option in the standard live component so this is where i do have to say detach definition and then i can just click on it and i just use regular scale at this point so um grab scale i'm gonna grab by this corner pull it up uniformly there we go that's the stuff i even i could see let's let's see let's sit down right here and uh uh what time is it oh i could read that it is 102 totally back to work working working working so the nice thing is i'm sorry yeah this day's going forever uh there's a clock in the corner of your your screen there on your computer too that's true no there's not i have a special version of well this is obviously windows because i have a yeah i have a special version of windows that removes all windows ui and only shows me sketchup sometimes i feel like that's not too far from reality i'll be honest with you other things sketchup all right uh let's try let's get that let's get that thing back in here that left wall again command s again let's go grab that ceiling fan let's try this again all right so we'll go ceiling fan enter filters only live components one i'm just going to download it without configuring it see if that's uh i don't know why that happened but that should eliminate the issue all right i'm gonna start by getting this centered so um oh i like that two blades the two plated uh that's not a fan at that point that's just a propeller that's just gonna pull the ceiling down on my head i don't like that exactly so i'm gonna get this centered in the room first um i'm gonna do that by hitting command on my keyboard to cycle through my my uh grips so i have here's my center point on this side and bring that through to centered here spin this way grab my center point come this way to the center here where's my center there we go all right so this is centered now now that i got centered now i can right click and configure and see how big of a fan i can put in there before it starts to cause problems with my green screen you know the nice thing about designing in in virtual reality is you really don't have to worry about price so much like what's a fiber pointed out earlier one of the one of the flaws in these live components is you basically are now creating a bunch of custom one-off bespoke things that have to be built and you can't just go to home depot and pick it up okay that's probably true that's probably true um all right there we go yeah i like that that works but i could i could uh i could be using these components to come up with something that is close to what i'm actually looking at working with so i could i could find the middle ground there i'm sorry smell it i just don't need you and you you're getting in my way i'm a fan when that yellow didn't go with the out would go with the colors of the of the room all right let me see let me check the shadows because i think that i'm closer than i think i am but if so if i come in here ah you're right that's way off all right okay so let's uh let's give this left wall let's let's match it exactly i'm going to come in here i'm going to double click in here double click in here double click in here grab all of this we've got to go deeper grab the color from here and there we go now awesome now you turn that off and really get some shadows still match there we go so now matching all right i like it i like my new home office um kind of makes me want to like actually coordinate some colors but as we were mentioning that's gonna mean like buying things or painting things and i don't think i want it that much i do wonder and this is my wonder in real life too if i do put a fan up there even though i have clearance can i have that on without like seriously messing with with the air in like blowing my green screen around i don't know if it's ever going to actually be yeah yeah that question was actually brought up dee carter was wondering if that's gonna mess with the green screen well if i roll it all the way in in its real life it's got that you know hard metal shell so if i put it all the way up i don't think it'll it'll mess with it i don't think that i i don't know even i don't know if i'd be able to have it on much higher than the lowest setting if i actually uh had the green screen down so uh star mangereen was wondering about that mouse in your left hand oh i gave him a link but this whole thing this this shapeliness this is a 3d mouse um it is used to move the camera in in a lot of not just sketchup but but a lot of modeling animation even photo editing software so what this does is this takes control of the camera so as a as a sketchup user a lot of us are used to doing this seeing this kind of view in sketchup where i use the middle mouse this is actually how sketchup's designed to be used i can use that scroll button to zoom in and out i tap it and spin it in 3d this works really well a 3d mouse takes that view and covers it by itself so i can just by moving this puck right here i can zoom in and out or move the model around in 3d space spin it and it leaves this mouse free to do things like all right let me go grab the next command i'm going to need when i'm on the opposite side of the building here it also lends these nice smooth 3d movements that you otherwise wouldn't be seeing so like i said this is what we get used to as a sketchup user seeing this kind of thing where i kind of grab and shuffle and move and zoom in in steps zoom out in steps that's kind of what we're used to if you're presenting this is somebody who's not familiar with sketchup or their brains not necessarily expecting those zooms to happen it can be a little jarring so as a presentation tool it's really nice because you get these nice smooth 3d movements as a design tool it's nice because like i said as you're moving around the model your mouse can jump over and grab the next command you want to use and then i'm there i'm ready when i come in so it does speed up for me it has sped up my design and for presentation i think it's it's really hard to beat the nice smooth movement of uh moving in 3d space with a 3d mouse it does take work this is not a grab it and you're going to be presenting awesomely you do have to uh dedicate a little time and energy to actually uh using it all right well i i mean i i hate to be a quitter but i also like being dumb when i'm done and i'm kind of kind of feeling that uh we've done the thing we needed to did and i feel did you use all of the components um i opted to we had some options in there we had multiple shelves we had multiple couches so i opted to use uh one of them because the average bedroom is not set up for a sectional and a couch and a full office you know most bedrooms can't accommodate all of that so oh i do have news though the good news is we were able to get online with tyson and fix his sound issues it was which was great right because yeah well the sound issues were specifically that you couldn't hear the most important part of the whole show which was me talking to him oh i thought i was gonna be included in that but yeah oh yeah and yeah yeah jody jody was but people hear you all the time that's true they got their break um so that's a good thing because tyson's gonna come back next week and give us another model so it's kind of cool um what i was liking about it was i i do my best to to kind of present as many different ways to model things as possible when i talk about things but there's definitely as i watch tyson i realized i am stuck in my ways on a few things like there's some default methods i go to to show information uh he has a whole different set of tools that he uses literally too because he uses a uh a stylus and no 3d space mouse yeah so it's a totally different workflow so it's kind of nice to get to see those different workflows so he'll be back here next week i don't remember what he's going to model he told me he wanted he had something he wanted to do but i don't know what it was we'll we'll put it up on the calendar what's the what's the theme next week it's next week is fun week okay oh so it could be anything well tyson tyson does some fun stuff so he does you know that could be good so one of my favorites was his uh telescope model which hey modeling a telescope and sketchup not something you normally think of but it was really a fun thing to watch so yeah so i'm excited to see that uh next week so if you're around come join us and see what tyson has to show us if you're not around come back watch the video afterwards i guess but uh yeah what else we got going on the most of it yeah that's all i can think of right uh so just gonna scroll back a little bit and point out titus said that you wouldn't be using your fan you wouldn't have heard about the fan causing ripples on your backdrop because you'll be turning the fan off while you're modeling because or during a live stream because it makes noise yeah potentially i guess depends on how good of a fan i buy for me for the bedroom pants is this oh it's become white noise at this point but uh i remember trying to like balance it for way too long and giving up all right well we're gonna call it there because uh i'm trying to get to the point where i'm not beating a dead horse and i feel like i've already got there so uh this is our our 3d model of an extra room converted into a home office my home office specifically kind of um i hope you enjoyed that and learned something so is this how big that room is it is it's about that room it's it's got kind of a weird the door is actually not here there's like a little bit of an alcove right here where the doors comes off of this wall and then this is closet but this is the actual usable space is about the same yeah that's about the size of the space i'm in and we haven't talked again about possible we're still working out the tyson thing to figure out if wednesday is the new normal or if we're going to change our normal yeah i'm hoping to have a solid plan by the end of the month maybe we'll we'll well you me and tyson are all online we can actually uh maybe unveil what our plans can be going on i still don't know what it's going to be but we want to try to maybe hit multiple days a week and get more than four live renders or live models every month so uh more more of this so that's kind of what we're shooting for so yeah we'll talk about it we'll come back next week we'll talk about it we'll put whatever the plan is will be on the forum if you don't already go there it is where we share our uh our plans our our schedule that's skipped on that word schedule so head over to the forum check out the schedule and we'll let you know what our plan is we will be back here next week one way or another most likely tyson modeling something that is fun so until then we will see you guys later until then we'll see you then that makes more sense you
Channel: SketchUp
Views: 10,957
Rating: 4.9679999 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 57sec (6597 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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