Modeling the Boiler Room from Spirited Away in SketchUp Live!

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all right guys welcome welcome to friday it's friday again i mean it's going to be friday it's going to be a good friday i hope so i actually i'm really appreciating keggie's post about uh when he's retired so any day could be friday oh i feel like i'm i'm not retired but since uh since the quarantine i feel like my my fridays don't have quite the same oomph that friday did you know 53 weeks ago 55 weeks ago i agree i agree with that i feel like uh i could really pretend any friday any day is a friday since the next day is the same there's just not a big enough difference between saturday and friday for me to celebrate friday the way i used to but now there is now that we're here live this is the reason that fridays are better than any other day sorry did i just put us up on a pedestal so i didn't mean to do that maybe i don't know colin's uh taken aback by your your new camera angle here man what's going on you feeling adventurous um i don't know it's in the same spot it's been for last couple months uh bill said he said he's only getting audio in the uk but keggy didn't say that so i'm gonna think that sounds like it's a bill thing maybe there's something going on with maybe bill should with your youtube bill turn it off and back on again that's always the solution all right let's kick this thing off hey guys welcome to sketchup live good friday edition i guess or well friday edition anyhow uh i am aaron and uh with me as always is my buddy jody that's me all right there was and we we are from trimble from the sketchup team and we're gonna hang out with you guys and model some stuff today it's going to be awesome so this is something we used to do on fridays um i actually got a notification on this we started doing these live streams like years ago i think almost two years or around two years um and we started just kind of doing them on a friday just to see what happened see if somebody showed up and you guys did we had hundreds of people show up and hang out with us as we modeled things live we ended up doing that for over a year and then the pandemic hit and then we changed things we were doing live streams like three times a week and then exhaustion set in and we stopped doing it three times a week um not exhaustion with us more like everybody got tired of watching live streams i think they got sick of us so we reeled it back in and uh ended up settling on wednesdays for our live streams for the last few months and that's been a lot of fun um we've kind of been wondering though like uh wonder what friday's like now that we're not around over there so uh we're gonna try some more fridays we're gonna just see how it works out we're always testing things trying things out so i apologize if you guys are upset that we weren't on wednesday but we're here now we'll be back next wednesday so you know trying to give you the best of both worlds and we're also keeping it confusing that's right on your toes that's how we like you whoa so sarah wolf says we're on a 65-inch tv in her house yeah i sure hope you uh i took a shower this morning and i'm i'm looking at my monitor now okay ready for my close-up series i ever do yeah and and bill's mentioning that he's having a uh it's evening in time for a libation as he as he watches so uh i hear that we're not only funnier but uh the the better looking better looking the tips and tricks are even more impactful after five o'clock so uh yeah this should be fun we're excited i'm excited i did pick a straight up fun model um i we we happened to be watching spirited away on hbo max last week and i'm like i've always thought the boiler room or the the boiler room in the bath house was just kind of a cool looking model i really like the bath house but looking at it it's probably too ambitious of a model to model in less than two hours i figured the boiler room i could we could do though so that's our thought we're going to try to knock out the boiler room today maybe we just do some some of the rooms from it several different rooms and after enough weeks have gone by and we've done enough rooms then we're already halfway done with the house could be that could be it that could work too we'll see what happens let's hop in here let's let's let's start things off all right um so if you guys have looked on our forum and if you haven't been to our forum you should check that out it is not only a great place to get information about these live models we have a calendar up there so you can find out when we're actually going to go live will it be wednesday will be friday you'll find out there um not only that but we also create a topic for each of these uh models so we can post you know the images or the files we're gonna use that sort of thing so those are up there i posted three or four images and i just did some screenshots of the movie uh so you guys could kind of see what we're doing i actually have a lot more screenshots and i'm doing something i don't normally do because i actually have one two three four five so eight pictures of it open on my other monitor i don't like doing that because then you guys can't see it and you know i i i'm a guy i'm the kind guy i like to share so anyhow i like how there's like there's already like eight pictures on the forum so imagining that you've got twice as many yeah i probably snapped too many but uh it'll it'll be fun i was uh so one of the reasons i thought this would be good was in recent history one of the most um i would say popular but one of the one of the the live streams we did that got the most comments and excitement was when we did uh these apartment from the game cyberpunk 2077. um that was off uh we did the whole thing we did photo match for the whole thing with uh screenshots from the game and modeled the whole thing in interior of the room using screenshots i was thinking initially my initial thought was hey we'll do the same thing here but uh something occurred to me that that maybe changed the thoughts on how we will go about this specifically these screenshots aren't of a 3d model or a real 3d space they're pictures of hand-drawn hand-painted images so they don't line up they don't uh you know it's weird to think about 2d traditional animation when we're in this world of everything's 3d is that most of these backgrounds are just hand-painted images and you know they're they're not they're not perfect so which is a bummer because you know perfection is what we strive for here it's gonna be interesting to see how how well they line up like as you sort of wing it like how many things like the the scaling is completely out of proportion yeah looking at the boiler room like looking from his his little perch from one angle versus another yeah so so with that in mind i'll i'll start pulling some images over and looking at them and we'll start modeling um i do have so i have a couple here that i want to like just where i'm thinking about starting from so this is the this is the first scene this is when she looks into the room for the first time she's in this room um you start to get kind of a feel for what this is you have the the some of the drawers the little drop floor right down here where the little soot fairies sprites whatever they're called kind of run around i think we'll start with something like this [Music] then we have i have a picture of kind of the rest of that lower dropped space and you can see kind of how it steps back up so that'll give us kind of the back and then we have another picture right here which is the opposite wall so this is the wall that is opposite the door she walks in initially so i think with those three we can kind of piece together the geometry of you know three-fourths of the room the front then which is primarily the boiler and uh the boilerman's perch up here i have several pictures of that so you can actually see this is going to be the this would be the fun part we'll be able to put some detail in that kind of thing and i did grab this is probably my favorite screenshot uh this is his looking back on his space where he's got his ladder and his little bookshelf and stuff like that so i think we can piece together enough geometry to make it all work we'll see it's well some of this stuff's gonna have to be kind of flexible because like i said we are winging it so a fun fun video for trivia is like we went to disney world uh with the kids like four i think four years ago the only thing that i bought that i came back with is a soot sprite that i can window magnet and so he just dangles upstairs in my in my dining room watching everything we do didn't he come to your dining room back from the office because i remember yeah do you guys remember office space that was the thing that we used to do like over a year ago jody and i used to sit right next to each other right now we're in the same town and he's actually this is kind of because i sit here jody used to sit over here and that's actually where he is on the monitor right now so i almost feel like i'm back in the office right now all right i'll never be back again i for we skipped it i was so excited about it being friday i forgot to say hi guys and and say you know celebrate where we're all from like i said joey and i are in longmont colorado calling in but uh we got some hellos already from singapore uh kentucky munich um mexico turkey brazil east africa the uk um georgia so welcome there's two different options here this could be american georgia or that's true not american georgia that's very true and mars holy crap i don't buy it i think mark's pulling my leg on that one oh there we go here here come seattle croatia really slovenia if he's from mars wouldn't take like 20 minutes for us to get the signal back from him i watched that i read that book i watched that movie but that was matt damon not mark bradley not sure actually i don't remember what the character's name was could be alaska's practically another country i think the sun's finally up in in alaska too right what time of year is it up there i don't know i don't really understand how that works i don't understand like that international date time i all that stuff confuses me several from india pakistan okay okay now now i feel like some of these some of these places are made up i've never heard of zakovia wait no wait have i heard of zakovia isn't that where you're thinking of sakovia oh okay maybe inspired by zokovia or maybe zakovia is how you say sokovia i always thought takovia's made up just so we could have some accords anyhow um i'm gonna as you guys keep keep keep throwing it out there whoa what juan cayo is that a place or is that like a greeting ethiopia canada all right i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to hop over to my style and i'm going to import a watermark of that first that first image where we saw her uh entering so i think i call that entrance what we should be doing is actually going to styles and creating a sketchup style that matches the hand-drawn feel of of hand-drawn animation yeah that'll be awesome all right so i'm going to get this in here just enough so you guys have an idea of what i'm looking at over here so is it in peru ah wait it's a place that makes sense all right so here's what i'm thinking again we don't have actual photo reference that's we kind of have to guess at some of the stuff because we are working from animation i'm going to start with a rectangle that i think is maybe maybe that's about the size of the room i don't know i'm not going to get too hung up on on exactly it is a very tall room we're going to have to guess at the height as well because i actually have two pictures we might be able to piece together and figure out the height but uh i'm just gonna start with something like this and i'm gonna go oop i did not mean to delete smelly how do i do that all right i'm gonna grab these and reverse them all right so i'm going to start working from this and that's going to be a flexible template for me some of you will take that space and kind of stretch that around as i need to to resize once i start putting detail in here um my initial geometry is going to be loose so i'm not going to worry about grouping anything just yet once i start putting in the drawers or we start putting in the more defined pieces then i'll start grouping so uh forgive me if i don't launch new groups and start start off with some loose geometry all right so as we're going to do that if we if we make it to the end and it's only been 30 minutes then you should try doing see what would have happened if you did do a photo match lean track we can absolutely give it a shot um spoiler alert so one of the things we talked about with photo matches too is the ideal photo we talked about this both for interiors and exteriors is vanishing lines that go together like this um a lot of times in cartoons you don't kind of see that so much so if you look at most of the photos or most of the backgrounds in here there's a flat back wall so one of your vanishing planes is flat against your face which is the exact geometry we say don't bring into photo match so uh we can try i have one or two that's that's close but uh like i said i just i so many of these were facing one of the planes it makes it rough but hey i'm all for trying stuff you guys know that okay and it's friday drinking beer wait are we doing a beer yet no we're not drinking beer no we're on the clock and very publicly so i'm gonna be scanned back to 22 minutes in oh this is where you said all right um so i'm going to start with this is so this is going to be my doorway my doorway so i'm going to push this back like this this is where she's peeking in and then i'm going to put the floor right here and drop that actually here i'm going to do this and i'm going to put another line over here all of this will be adjustable i'm going to drop that floor down kind of like that all right so i'm kind of i'm going for this this look right here we got right here um okay so she's peeking in and she's a little bent over but it looks like her face is about two drawers up so most of the most of the walls are made of these drawers um i don't know how how tall is a 10 year old how where's their face at like i'm going to i was actually just typing typing in a google search how tall is sen because somebody somewhere has figured it out i'm sure i'm sure somebody has has told uh his figure that has nailed that down um she is a very petite his child appeared blah blah blah blah these are vague these are vague terms she's kid size all right while you search that i'm just gonna draw up one of these bins so this bin is gonna be fairly simple um they are kind of tall and thin like this and then they do have a handle he reaches out with his very creepy long arms and opens something like that chihiro is five foot tall 103 pounds her status is you baba's apprentice wow awaits too huh or if you want that in japanese it would be 152 centimeters 46.7 kilograms well there you go and nerman said all right his is 145 i'm assuming he has a 10 year old oh did you did you run and measure your child for us that's that's the commitment i love it all right so that would mean so she's kind of ducked over in this photo she's kind of so i'm assuming she stood upright she'd be like maybe halfway up this one so if that was five foot that's actually nice because that makes them about two feet tall each yep that's handy so let's come in here i'm gonna go ahead and scale this two foot holy crap i drew that as two foot tall i have to call it now you guys i have to be done for the day because that is i have peaked that is the best this the whole thing is going to get i can only go downhill if i keep broadcasting from here wow what are the odds of that okay so i think what i'm going to do i'm let me i'm going to slide this up i'm going to slide this over here and up when i put these in here i do want to create they look like they're they close fairly well but i want to have a little bit of a gap so i'm just thinking like even just a half inch gap between all the drawers is just going to give me a little bit of relief that i can actually be able to see so i'm going to come into the component and i'm going to draw a line 0.5 i'm going to draw a line down 0.5 that seems too big all right here's i'm going to do half that i'm just do a quarter inch gap so i'm gonna draw a little square at this corner that's that should be all i need now so i went to search for a chihiro uh 2d component for sketchup so i just searched for hero sketchup and i ended up getting the spirited away bath house over on sketchfab somebody's modeled the entire bath house but i don't know what application they used so and also no che hero 2d component yet ugh clutch hero we'll keep looking okay all right so i am going to there is a uh so we have a little bit of a divider here the drawers are actually broken up into sets of normally on the on the back and the far wall it looks like they're sets of 12 where they're four by three this one over here is actually three by five next to the door though so a little bit different but i'm gonna go ahead and use a one inch divider to just to break those up i'm gonna say this is an inch because it looks right against this two foot piece right here i'm going to take this one and let's slide it over put right here and now i'm going to take this one i'm going to grab it from this corner right here i'm going to say option and copy it over and i'm just going to use the snap point so rather than you know actually hold on before i go any further i'm going to come in here right now i have this at some arbitrary length which i'm trying to get away from arbitrary you guys i'm trying to be better i'm trying to be more exact so this is currently we're all about precision that you're here that's that's what i cartoon saying to somebody somewhere um it is one foot two and thirteen sixteenths i don't like that so much so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna come up here i'm just gonna say one foot two i'm gonna grab this geometry right here i'm going to scale it back to one foot two there we go so now this is exactly one for two okay perfect that's what i want um i'm gonna slide oh i should check it this way too i guess this way doesn't matter quite as much but all right i pulled that out exactly one inch now i'm gonna change that to whoa there's no back there we go put that back i'm gonna push that in a quarter of an inch that way when i lay this flat against the wall i'll get a little relief against this side over here all right there we go now i got my two foot by one foot two what three quarter of an inch thick drawer front i'm gonna go grab that option i'm gonna copy it over to this so rather than butting up i'm gonna use this quarter inch uh square i put in there to create my gap and i'm gonna do that four times which is going to give me five total which is what i got in the picture whoops why'd i do that we got the picture one two three four five and now i'm gonna go take all of those and i'm going to move them from this corner option copy that up here 2x is going to give me 3. all right so that right there gives me this piece here one two three four five by three done and then right here what i'll do is i'll just draw a line over like that and then i will take that line option i'll put that up one inch and then i'm going to pull this out i'm going to option pull it out there that's going to give me the option to go in and put in a seam or something right there if i want to later on but i'll pull that out like that and then again option pull that out one inch and then i will drop that straight down and take that all the way up so that gives me my first bank of drawers again as i look at the image it does look like i have my little the little i don't know i'm gonna just say what i think these things are the concrete or stone doorway comes out next to that so i'm going to pull this out it'll go like three quarter again i'm trying to keep those lips where i can and then that looks like kind of something like that see did you do anything new with video today that might explain why people keep having some weird behaviors uh not that i could think of is is this a lot of things a lot of people having issues well so initially we had some people saying that they were only getting a voice so now keggie said the video keeps dropping out for him so i wasn't sure if um we can't even blame it on the ever given anymore i have not changed nope i haven't changed anything um i'll keep youtube up and running in my in the corner over here you're probably doing the same jody uh just to see if something something's weird uh we'll keep an eye on it i guess that's the the best thing we can offer but something it's better than nothing that's what we got sorry i really really hope it's a maybe a temporary thing um i do recommend if if anybody is hitting pro issues we do simulcast this on three different platforms so you can always go check and see if not you have to stay there but see if facebook is working better today or uh you know that sort of thing all right um so this is a complete tangent but i discovered just completely by accident yesterday i had opened up i usually normally use chrome but i was was working from firefox and i had gotten a link to a youtube video so i opened that up and i saw an option to run it as a picture and picture and so i clicked do that and then all sudden i had a small little youtube window floating around the corner of my my monitor i was doing stuff in other applications it was just always there my productivity has gone downhill since then i like picture-in-picture like i got that on ipads and iphones like certain certain apps youtube's apparently not one of them uh we'll let you do that that's pretty holy cow look how close look at this i just copied all three banks and let me see how close i am if this is a quarter inch i'm just gonna 7 16. that's kind of a useless number that does nothing for me still that's pretty close awesome so this is looking cool uh it it is you can kind of see that what happens is the other side of the door we have another bank this corner where where to chihiro's left we never actually see that i went through uh the whole boilerman scene and i never saw this corner of the room it's possible they do go back to the boiler room later on when the dragon flails around and shoots blood everywhere which that was unexpected i did not that was that was a little creepy um uh i they might look back that way but i don't think so so we'll have to kind of make that part up but the cool thing is because these drawers are i'm assuming the same size throughout the whole building we kind of have a unit of measure now that we can we can use as we go through here so what i'm going to do is i'm going to copy this this surface right here i'm going to option copy that right over here and then i'm going to take this line option that over one inch pull oh that didn't go all the way up or didn't go all the way down doesn't go how did i end up with different heights i'm curious huh if i take this straight across looks like they're right i must have clicked so what did you do aaron i obviously was me i don't know all right i'm gonna fix it i had an opportunity to spend a bunch of time undoing and fixing or just fix the problem all right so i'm going to pull this out to here there we go that's the important part is that we got that same look all right i'm kind of thinking one of the other things i'm going to do is make this cross piece into a group i'm not going to bother with making a component because if i do use it on the other walls it's going to be a different size so i'm not going to bother with that um where these vertical pieces i think might stay part of the background we'll see we'll see what happens now that sounds dumb that's like an excuse i made for no particular reason all right let's let's make that into a piece also i'm going to go ahead and grab i don't know if you guys do this generally speaking when i start modeling i don't always know how a model is going to end when i start it because i'll do this i'll start start modeling making some shapes and then find out that okay yeah this is the piece i want to make so i've gotten fairly good at selecting geometry out so that i can make a group or component at that point i double click in and now i can clean this up so obviously i don't want it to break right here so i'll get rid of get rid of that spin around the back side is open still so oh no it's not just reversed reverse faces all right so now i have this as a piece as soon as i come over here i could push this back to nothing get rid of that line take this piece and option copy that over here so now all of these trim pieces are actually separate pieces as are these and in fact if i wanted to get those drawers looking like they're deep or something i could actually get rid of this wall back here and then i have you know some space actually it probably makes more sense to just kind of do something like like that it's funny is the more i look at that picture the more i i'm now seeing what you mean by it as kind of a star wars vibe yeah sort of it's like uh like the the bath house is in tatooine a little bit or something all right so they can't do that because you only get water from moisture evaporators so it so i'm figuring that this room has got to be pretty warm and then part of the scene the boilerman is pours out some tea like hot tea right he's drinking hot dogs right into his mouth right does he like chug it right out of the yeah no no i don't understand man i can only handle so much heat well you also only have two arms so i know that you're a good person to judge his lifestyle yeah throw that back in my face why don't you old old two-armed jody that's a please call me in high school sorry dude i mean to open that wound all right uh i'm just same thing here just trying to close up this arch just grab all whoops grab all that not these make that a quick group oh no i also don't want that all right then come in here and i can clean this up i just make this whole thing just one big old piece get rid of any extra geometry flying around here this is also something i have gotten in the habit of doing as of late is running my geometry long you guys anybody else do that knowing that it's so quick and so easy to delete stuff after i draw it rather than depending on especially once i get like less beautiful geometry maybe than i should have i tend to worry about clicking to a spot and getting an exact endpoint so if i can inference or lock to an axis and just run a line long i've been finding that's a lot easier than trying to clean stuff up afterwards i mean it works most of the time i do that i do that for some stuff but definitely like the closer i am to other geometry i feel like if i go too long i run the risk of snapping to the wrong thing i just find that scrolling in it depends on how quick i'm modeling to that sometimes it's faster for me to make that sacrificial geometry than to try to zoom in you know spend the time spend the time zooming basically i don't know maybe it's a laziness thing i don't know all right cool and this i want to push back to here all right so like i say in this this spot right here i don't actually know what this is going to look like yet so um i'm just going to throw a couple drawers up here i'm going to probably just copy the same number of drawers over so i'll just grab all of this and then uh copy it over and then as we work our way around to the front of the room which we'll get from the other side of the building uh i'll possibly come back and change this uh bill's recommending that you look at your shirt and then look at the title of this document that's not exactly what he said but pretty much that was pretty good that was good one that was laughing on the inside bill yes let's save all right so again some of this stuff is guessed i don't actually know like how high this arch is because i don't have a picture of that i don't know exactly how many how far this goes over but let's say we'll come around so this is a pretty good start though this is this works for uh what we got over here so this right here will be where those wood planks are and we don't know how far this this is but we can find out right now because this back section is four four drawers wide so i'm gonna go one two three four it is three tall so rather than copying them a second time i'm just going to grab all those and i'm gonna grab this cross piece oh what the heck they're here i'll go ahead and grab all of this this should be a whole wall of pieces all right so now my intention is to grab these and swing them around and place them on the other wall i could just do that just as it is right now but what i'm going to do is i'm going to right click and make it a group temporarily and the reason i want to make it a group is if during the the process of turning it or moving or at any point i accidentally like deselect then i got to go back through there and pick all those pieces again by putting in a group temporarily i can grab it right now i can let's see grab it by this corner option copy that come over here put it right here rotate it out and if it so right there so for example if i accidentally select the floor instead of the wall right there i've deselected it not a big deal because it is a group i can just real quick pick on it and then slide it back to the wall so you think he had this room designed specifically for his long arms since he seems to be able to reach everything from his little vantage point it seems to make sense or is it just a happy coincidence that nothing is farther than arm's reach or does arms grow his arms do get longer and because she's she's against the back wall freaking out and he reaches back with an arm and moves her aside grabs something and then moves that arm way up oh i can almost pretend i'm there grabs another drawer way up high opens and pulls something out so his his arms are like uh he's basically a superhero okay see that um okay so a couple people have asked about the thing in your left hand um but also sarah said she got one as a gift got the basic model for is a gift for a birthday and it's hard trying to figure out it's like navigating with a playstation controller oh i know i know i know believe me i know uh this so we'll start with start with question one oh sorry just roll over my own cord um this is a 3d mouse specifically this model is called the space mouse enterprises from a company called 3d connection what this thing lets me do is it lets me move in 3d space by adjusting this puck so if i turn it ever so lightly i'll spin as i tip it i move the camera around through oh hey sumely i move the camera through 3d space it's really nice because what this does for me is two things one is it frees up this hand so my mouse hand because i can go over and grab another command i can pick something i can actually in like concurrently fly through here and like pick things as i pan i can do those sorts of things it really as a designer speeds up my work by by having all of my animating happen over here the other thing it does which is really nice is it gives me these nice smooth movements through sketchup not a requirement you don't have to have a 3d mouse to use sketchup in fact most people who use sketchup don't have a 3d mouse but it's worth saying if you have a 3d space mouse it is required to use sketchup though i'll go with that sure yeah i think to get the most out of your space mouse you should probably get a copy of ketchup tell me aaron sent you uh i do think um the the second point i know initially a lot of people get into it they're like oh it's harder it's it's more work i don't i don't do well with you know i'm stumbling that kind of thing that's absolutely true as well um the way i taught myself to use this bass mouse was i actually went into the settings on my regular mouse and deactivated the scroll wheel so for about two or three days anytime i went into sketchup i couldn't zoom or orbit with this i had to use the space mouse and that's kind of how i taught myself how to use it so it does take a little bit work it is an investment in your time and energy to make it work but for me i mean i there's no looking back once i've done it i i have no regrets whatsoever it does work i don't know exactly what other programs it works with as far as i know most 3d tools it will work well with but i can't say exactly which ones so that'd be a question for the folks over at 3d connection uh you can hop on their site and they have a list of what programs it works with or a question on our forums i bet you there are plenty of power users that would be like i use it with this i use it with this absolutely all right um i'm going to go ahead grab both of these and re-explode them um i just noticed that there's actually a piece of trim right here at the bottom of the drawers that runs all the way across here so that means i have to take all of these and shift them up one inch i'm going to right click on one and i'm going to go to my instances menu and select all this is a part of selection toys which is probably my number one extension in all of sketchup selection toys saves so much time so much energy in just regular input and editing i highly recommend getting select choice it's a free extension from tomtom um man it's super helpful so i'm gonna say select all that's gonna highlight every one of these pieces then i'm gonna do the same thing i'm just gonna because there's only a couple of these i'm just gonna manually go pick my trim pieces there's two here's three here's four five and six and maybe even seven there we go so i'm gonna take those pieces and i'm gonna shift them vertically i'm just gonna start moving along the vertical axis type in one enter there we go i can grab this guy right here and i'm going to move him option straight down to the floor and i'll just scale that guy all the way across to the opposite wall cool uh i'm going to have to fill in these other sides too that's some oh that's my that's my little that's intentional that's supposed to be there um all right so grab this one same thing option move him down straight down to the floor and then i guess i could have done both of these at the same time had i selected both of these i could have done this in one move there we go and i'm going to grab this piece and this piece and whoop not that piece this piece hit scale and there's my control there we go drop those down to the floor all right so there we go that's what i should have this is this this is actually starting to come together i'm kind of happy about this i know now i'm just above the walls that i eyeballed look at that it shouldn't matter when i'm done my goal is when i'm done to just triple click loose geometry and delete it and uh you know have a working model at that point so this loose geometry should all go away at some point we'll we'll see how that works out all right so now this step i'm going to push this back to uh i'm going to push this back to like the middle of this piece of trim because what it looks like in the pictures i'm looking at is there is a piece of trim that kind of wraps over this corner and it looks like it comes out about the same as this so what i'm going to do is go like that actually i'm going to do this i'm going to drop this down you know i'm i'm going to drop this down to the ground like this that's what i'm going to do all right and now i'm going to create it's actually below i'm sorry you know i want that there drop a line down here i'm gonna drop something down like i'll just do one inch again so this defines that ledge and i am just so you guys know i am intentionally staying away from groups at this point except for my drawers because that's intentional because i'm going to be copying a lot of these pieces around and i have a lot of concern about having geometry that i copy and then edit being different like this piece is going to get copied to the other side but it's going to get shortened up because the boilerman's perch interrupts this step all right so now that i have that i can come in here and let's see let's look at the let's leave the drawing real quick okay the boards run in this direction i'm going to create a rectangle i want to say i'm going to be exact with this but i kind of feel one one two three four five six seven eight nine ten so these are about looking at some of the other images they're about half the size of a drawer so i'm gonna make this into my board i'm gonna make this into a component as i just said i'm not doing that that's what i do i i defy convention take that no not really um well so that's this whole pandemic is sort of defied conventions for everyone right no conventions for us yeah it was good one i got it i enjoyed it so is this the one foot step is it gonna be one like a one foot drop down something like that pretty huge pretty big prep yeah it looks like it's about half the size of one of these yeah um so one thing i'd like to do if you guys have seen me model before i do like to make it so that if i was to turn lines off i can still see some detail um obviously if i came in here with this where these these flat boards are just butting up against each other perfectly uh if i was to come in here and turn my edges and profiles off that would look like just a well i guess you can get a little bit because you're getting the z fighting of the insides i'm gonna take that just a little bit further here's what i'm gonna do i'm going to take this and offset it not a lot like a lot of times when i start making models like this i'll kind of come up with a value which is my meh it's small kind of value so i'm going to i'm going to say eighth of an inch nope minus eighth of an inch and i'm gonna take that and i'm gonna move it vertically like an eighth of an inch what that's going to do is that's going to give me that floorboardy appearance see that i did make that too tall so it sticks up past the lip right now so i'll grab this and i will move it vert or i'll move it vertically down eighth of an inch and then just to keep everything tight i will slide the bottom up image so that gives me that little bit of relief and again totally not necessary but if i was to do something like uh render this uh this is gonna give me a gap there that some the light will have room to play in um just makes it a little more realistic i guess i don't know bill said chamfer the edges an eighth of an inch yeah that's that'd do a lot too yeah same idea there just give it something there uh because like i said once you if you go render as soon as you lose the line you lose that detail i don't want to i don't lose that i don't want to lose you like that all right let's look at this back wall uh i think i have to switch to another picture so here's where i actually have to refer to a couple pictures because so in this one that we're looking at i can see that i have one two three four drawers go across there and then i have to switch to a different view to see that what i think is one two three four more so i think this whole back wall is eight i think to go across here i have another set of four then i have the vertical divider then another set of four i think that's going to give me the width there then i believe i have a set of four and a set of four i think that is my back wall so if i look at this one looking back this way you can see this is what i was talking about with the accuracy of that hand drawn thing when i look at it this way these one two three four fill up almost this whole space but this space right here is actually wider than this space over here so and we know that there's at least two because of the picture i just had up has a set of four and a set of four so yeah oh how dare how dare traditional animation not be more accurate that's basically what i'm saying well you know if this was uh right now i'm not going to go there yeah good thing i don't know where you're going i i trust you i feel like if anybody was going to be accurate with this stuff it'd probably be miyazaki they're pretty good he does breed but he's also his stuff all kind of plays out like a dream and not reality so i don't know all right so same thing i did before i'm going to grab this bank so basically what i'm looking for is this is going to repeat two times for the drop floor and then two more times for the the step up over here maybe i'll scoot this over real quick to give myself plenty of room to play in all right so i'm going to grab set all of them i think i deselected that guy okay there we go so i have them again i'm going to right click and make it a group i don't want to be halfway across and lose something or the other thing is every once while when i start copying a bunch of geometry like this i'll change my mind and go ah that's not how i want to do it there's always undo but sometimes if you lose geometry that sort of thing and never do very rarely will i ever copy raw geometry that's just that's just asking for for for pain all right so i'm gonna grab this group option from this corner right here bring this straight across on the green axis so it hits that corner awesome and i want that three more times no four times and boom that should be the length of my back wall so i'll pull this back over to here i will grab this guy right here oops this one never got stretched down with the others oh no they shouldn't because this should go through pull that through to this wall okay okay all right i'm good with this i'm feeling i'm feeling i'm feeling good that's a lot of unmarked uh storage pay attention man oh yeah that first that first day was rough because uh to start remembering where everything's at that quick i was trying to think of how many things you can put in a bathtub i'm like uh okay lavender epsom salts mr bubble i just have three drawers apparently that's all you know you need and keeping your mr bubble in a drawer is interesting an interesting choice because yeah that's a liquid probably wouldn't work real well all right i'm going to grab all these floorboards i probably just yeah let's give these they're probably just different flavors of bath bombs just bath salt all right so i'm going to grab all of these i'm going to deselect the floor because i don't want to take that also i have to be careful i have to be conscious when i copy this this is one of the one of the things about putting like chamfers and stuff on that is i no longer have a corner on the geometry here but because that geometry the the the way the geometry is located inside the container that is that that component i do have a snap point right here so i can option copy it from there take it straight across and drop it right there all right these are going to be a different size so right now while i still have them all selected i'm going to right click and i'm going to say make unique the reason i'm making them unique rather than just scaling them is because of that chamfer i put on there remember it's an eighth of an inch if i scale the whole thing it's going to take that what's now 45 degree angle and it's going to stretch it out so then all the ends of this side are going to be cut back like that rather than at that 45. by making it unique i can come into one of them now select that face move it turn this back on and pull that all the way out to that wall all right oh it's coming i together this i do like it when a plan comes together this does uh does look like a kind of place where uh ba brackets would hang out i'm sure there's a reference there but i'm trying to figure out what that is okay so you said i love when a plane comes together which is what hannibal would always say in the a team and va brackets was from the a team i didn't feel it was that obscure but i apologize no no no you got that was good it was good i'm gonna pull no i'm not what am i gonna do here um all right so i guess i'll take these two guys and i will run those through to the back wall are you getting i'm getting those commenting on the shimmering background do you have like do you have some faces might be z fighting probably so along that wall probably the backs all those drawers shorter faces yeah i would not be yeah i i so again with the intention of eventually just deleting all this geometry in the background like that uh not too worried about it in fact i can get rid of it at this point i don't even care look at that see that's how i do oh okay so now i had to come in here and i gotta get this uh yeah my space for my soot fairies i want to maintain a little bit of a lip here so i'm going to start a line halfway through this piece of trim that side is going to be different i'll do it on this side over like this and i'm going to drop down a foot we'll see we'll see how that looks when when everything comes together um i'm just going to pull that through to here what do you guys think it's look like it's a little relative like about the same same size there um i'm thinking what i'll do now is run a line all the way up to here pull that line again through to halfway along this piece of trim drop that back down i know i just asked you guys an opinion question then kept modeling but i can come back in a minute and and change that all right so i'm just going to run this all the way out for right now drop that down vertically boom boom take that across to here and then what i'll have to do is i'll have to give it some length back here as well so i'm going to option push pull this back like two inches and what i've created now is kind of a big oops see why that didn't what did i do i did something wrong with my push-pull okay so there's my kind of like my concrete support is basically what i just created i'm thinking it looks good i think that that looks nice i'm going to do this i'm going to take this this face right here and i'm going to offset the whole thing two inches and then i'm going to push this up like eight inches because i'm going to come in here now and put my little sprite doors in here and they depending on the angle you look at it from it looks like you can see the wall so like right here you actually can kind of see that little wall right there the other views don't show it as much but i do see it there now the question is how many doors so if we look at this one i've got pretty much one per drawer this turned out to be a very solid unit of measure okay so do you think each of those goes to a unique sprite house could be so these are two feet across one foot two so we'll say i'll say like oh eight inches all right let's get let's get a center line here so i'm gonna grab a point right here this in the middle um i'm doing this i'm actually drawing the line rather than just inferencing it just so i have that point to snap to um that's probably redundant work but it was a few seconds so i'm not too stressed about it i think i'm going to do is i'm going to do a circle right here i'm going to pull this out to like six inches all right and then i'm going to cut that across i'm going to take that i'm going to scale that about the middle something i don't know these these doors look different depending on which screenshot i look at too some of them they're they're kind of like oval shaped like this others they look like they're straight on the side and have more of a perfect circle um also how high they go on one screenshot to the next so if i look at this one they're pretty close like three quarters the way up if i look at this one they're only maybe halfway up that step um see this one's less than halfway so i get those are shorter shorter sprites on that end i guess so yeah actually they look they do look like they change height all right well that means designer's choice that's what that means so what i'm going to do is keeping this out of context so this is going to i'm intentionally not putting this in the geometry yet i'm going to take this piece grab by the middle option copy it down to the middle of this one right here divide that by seven that should give me one doorway per drawer i like that that was good and then it looks like on the sides here i have six doors so i'm gonna go one two three four five six i'm gonna rotate it on the flat from one side option around this side i'll do i'll just take that right now option copy that straight across all right so now i have where all my doorways will be so i'm going to do is i can copy those doorways i'm going to cut them i'm going to come into context edit paste in place i will push this one through double click double click double click double click double click um so there's this is obviously something that i could have done multiple different ways um that's the thing about sketchup right we give you lots of options for skinning cats you know that's one thing that we've never even done either skinned a cat yeah yeah okay yes unless you mean putting a layer on a caterpillar that's true you could skin a caterpillar all right so i'm gonna make this room a group this room's feeling smaller than i was expecting yeah it really is but i'm i'm i'm doing my best obviously again don't have exact geometry but i have something that's i mean i'm using because of these drawers we have a unit of measure and this is kind of i'm feeling like pretty confident about this um yeah it's just once we start building boilerman's perch it's going to get a little more crowded yeah all right so i feel good about this this is this section's done so i'm going to swap out my my image up here brighten up my screen a little bit um i'm going to go to not scenes style i'm going to save that's what i'm going to do i am going yeah good stuff saving let's do it i'm going to take a watermark and i'm going to change it to i think we're gonna go with this with uh side low these are of course just names i made up all right so this one kinda starts to give us an idea of how big these spaces are so first thing this door is arbitrary i just put in a shape to hold this door that's not a good thing because arbitrary is not going to work for this i think if we look right here it i kind of feel like that's another one two three four then i have this picture right here here's a bank of four and then i'm assuming this is another bank of four and then this would be the third this is a bank of five which i think that works because what that means is we copy this bank of five this door is the width of a bank of four and then there's another bank of four and then that's the front of the room i think that's gonna work okay let's let's see what happens right here all right so i'm gonna grab this bank of five that i have make that a group i'm gonna grab it by this corner right here i'm just gonna take it with me because i don't actually need a bank of five right there let's see stick this right here and then spin around slide it forward okay then here's the other thing so now i need to get this over here so i'm gonna again group it grab it by this corner right here option and i'm going to put that like that there we go um we're going to copy this thing to here scale it back to here actually no i'm going to run this all the way out well we don't know how far this goes yet but i'm running all the way out like that and then i can grab all of this something extra grabbed there we go let's try try that again grab that oh did i copy that i did i made that part of that group whoops okay easy enough to fit give her that i over f i overfloored okay so now this is a group i should be able to take this option copy that over to there that is where this room ends man that does seem short but when you look at pictures like this that makes sense i mean his perch takes up almost half of the room it just seems shorter than i thought it was going to be uh that still works okay no problem all right i got to fix this though so i'm going to come in here grab i don't want to actually scale this again because i want to squish geometry but if i grab this line right here or these lines and i start to slide this over i can turn my wall back on and if i stay on the red axis i'll constrain if i come to the inside of this piece of trim and click there we go now my door is four banks wide perfect all right so now i can grab these two groups see we'll grab them by this option copy come over here right here and then i had that coming out just just a touch looks more like a smidge give or take all right so oh i grabbed two i only need one that is where my my everything needs to end oops two minutes twitch over d od over deleted there we go so that's the front the front of the the wall is or the the room is right there so take this one i'm going to push that back to here oh man that last floorboard is so close um starting to get cocky aren't you yep just gotta build everything on like an even one-inch dimensions and then i'm much more likely to get things right gonna come in here push my floor back oh whoops that's right uh it's hollow i'll just grab this and push that back to here and i'm missing a piece of trim so i'm going to grab go ahead and explode that grab grab this i like that periodically we we get a little peek through the through the doorway yeah cool so that is where the front wall is gonna go so i'm gonna come in here and this is a fairly beefy looking wall so i'm going to say it's like uh 10 inches don't you impose your real world dimensions on my imaginary world oops i think those are imaginary dimensions and real world dimensions at the same time yeah i'm making up real stuff is what you're saying exactly all right alternative facts so that is the boiler room in a nutshell we got some more work to do i'm not done yet but uh wow i be i just from looking at it i mean i i feel good about the the dimensions we put in based on the geometry that was available it's it's rightish but uh i think they're using a wide-angle lens when they're actually inside the room using a wide-angle lens when they're they're drawing the the pictures that are that the geometry exactly okay um you know i'm kind of thinking sumely then is about the same height as uh so it's about five feet it's good just our stand in um all right so here's the big thing now uh we need to figure out how tall this this this place is so here's my thought on on how tall it is so if i bring look at this guy this picture right here so remember our our banks of drawers were four wide and three tall so here we have one bank two banks at least one more up here if i look at here's another shot i got where they initially they panned down when you first come into the room this is looking down from above and what happens is i think maybe after this one so it's three tall then it converts into these shelves that have these vases on it on them um and then stuff disappears into darkness no i think there's another so there's like two rows of of vases across and then uh is another set of shelves or is that the ceiling i don't know i can't it's hard it's dark and it's too dark do what you want gotcha so what i'm feeling is that we we definitely have to go at least one more set up right so we need to put at least another uh row of shelves all the way up so let's let's do that so i'm here here's well let's let me think about this accidentally double so can i see how hard this is going to do if i line up my seams just like this can i select oh these guys are in groups too okay you're in a group okay so i managed to pull up a scene here and it's got a wonky perspective from at the base of that back wall there and there is nothing above the two rows of vases okay that's where the ceiling is that's the ceiling all right cool whoa so i'm gonna explode i think you think i can get trimble to pay for my hbo max since i just use that for work you know i've heard it never hurts to ask so why don't you ask and we'll find out if it hurts you dang it yeah sounds like a plan yeah all right so i'm gonna do is i'm gonna do my best this is another spot the 3d mouse comes into play people ask like how does it make you a faster better designer um being able to align views almost perfectly real quick is is nice so i just kind of spun this down so that this middle piece i'm selecting all the way across then when i drag a window and see i only have those pieces i'll turn that off got the little end line too all right so then what i should be able to do is move this from here option copy that up to here cool um and now i'm going to grab all these some of these are different sizes than others that's interesting okay i'm going to mess with this i'm going to mess with this more here as i'm looking at this picture is all right in front of boiler the boilerman space or just to the right there's no not any shelves there that's just wall right you're not looking at it right now no i'm selecting right now i understand one more and also it appears there's a big opening underneath the shelves on the opposite side of where sin comes into the room right that's where the door that uh oh no that's what you're talking about oh okay yeah no it's in your picture that's where is is that his bedroom no that's the door backed in the bath house that's where lynn i want to say comes in and brings him his lunch okay okay yeah so these we actually these guys right here aren't here okay and in fact this is in here and these guys right here uh will become unique and whoops they'll come in this way i don't know three feet how's that sound sure something like that okay so yeah so this thing this this door door wall whatever surface pull this back like that um i need to get a bank of drawers above the door i'm assuming again not seeing everything but this should just slide right into place oh the height's not right but i'm okay with that awesome wow this is it's a lot of drawers okay so above that that's where the row of shelves are um i'm going to isolate this geometry real quick because i'm going to draw some new geometry i'm going to draw uh basically the shelf off of the inside of these trim pieces like this this may be a little uh you know phone it in looking oh i have a couple pieces of trim that were different lengths get those two guys and scale them up real quick okay and then we'll go back we'll make these i'll go back two foot in the red axis bring that up here and then go back right yep all right same thing here go back to foot back this way two foot those jars look pretty big so i'm gonna give them a a decent sized shelf to sit on all right so actually pointing out that the drawers are not right they're lower because you're missing the bottom piece of trim [Music] oh my goodness oh yeah look at that oh yeah all right easy fix easy fix those are my favorite kinds of fixes yes one inch up and then i can grab this guy right here stick him down here now we're fixed all right at this point too this is all of the drawers so i won't have to run anywhere drawers what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna open up one of these drawers and i'm gonna get rid of this little box the other thing i'm gonna do to get rid of this flickering i'm going to put in the back of the drawer as a piece of the drawer um so i could do this a couple different ways i want to still look like there's empty space or space back there so i'm kind of thinking maybe what i'll do is i'll do something like this i'll i'll go grab these three sides offset them we'll actually just kind of make it like it's a real drawer um pull that back 24 that push that in get rid of that get rid of that get rid of that get rid of that and that all right and that looks yeah see now i don't have that flickering where i'm seeing the sky through there as much um awesome all right back to my shelves all right so at this point i've created a single shelf um again we're making this kind of up because this is where the the detail this is where the detail isn't um i'm going to do the same thing here i think i'm going to offset my outside edge like this offset that let's say two inches and then i'll take that push that up i don't know yeah 24 inches and i'm gonna grab all of that make that a new component in case i decide that it doesn't look right i want to change it later i'm gonna put that up there i'm gonna do it two times i know there's two shelves and then the ceiling comes in what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna do it two times because then this is just gonna be easier to take well actually if that's the ceiling then i guess that's just flat so i could actually just go like this right and then that would be the end sorry i'm not even paying attention i'm watching the movie now well that does not help me i didn't close the bottom there there we go all right so there we should have just about everything this wall and the reason i'm doing all of this is to figure out how to model this wall right here this wall has a very distinct opening in it for the boiler but it does go all the way up all right so what happens with this space or this this wall i'm going to draw it out of it here actually here's what i'm going to do i know i'm arguing with myself here i have a lot of thoughts going on i drink a lot of coffee today you're sounding like it wound up like a three-day clock it's friday i'm stoked i'm actually extremely happy that this is fun to be doing this on friday um how are you guys feeling you glad to be spending friday here this is this fun the consensus seems to be no oh okay oh wait no i'm sorry there's no consensus yet okay good i was about to just sign off okay see ya fine hang up i'm gonna put a section plane here on the back i'm going to move that section plane make sure i have the section plane selected there we go slide that up like this so that i can look at this front wall as i create this space this when i look at so here's a couple images i'm looking at so right here it kind of comes up and then it goes over and then goes up and it goes way up and does this big arc right here what i'm questioning right now see kind of comes up and it does this curve it has a lot of space that this wall continues over on this side so i'm kind of thinking that that that kind of keyhole shape is probably centered off of this right here so that's what i'm going to assume all right so i'm going to do a couple things one is i'm going to turn off my section i don't actually want it i'm going to go to view turn off section planes that's going to keep my section cut so i'm still looking through the model but it's not a section plane has kind of like a clear transparency that it puts in front of you so you're always in danger of selecting that plane so next thing i'm going to do is i'm going to come in here and whoa this is this is magic space mouse stuff every once in a while it'll start doing this where it just it's one of the axes is stuck or something so excuse me for one moment as i will have to come over here calibrate real quick there we go now i'm done so if you ever see that if you have a space mouse never see that where it just starts moving on its own just click calibrate real quick and i'll go back alright so looks like i have to pull out this floor ever so slightly so it's up against the wall all right all right so now i'm out of context i'm not in any group and i'm gonna i'm doing that intentionally because i want to figure out where the center of this is that's the middle i'm going to take this up really high like this and then i'm just going to kind of chalk line about where these pieces are so my son just walked in and was suitably impressed both with the fact with with what you've gotten done but also the fact that he managed to alter space time and convince you to model this since he was just talking about it wow nice work can you tell me what i'm modeling this week i'm just curious you're not modeling anything it's tyson's week's next week all right so that looks okay but it's not it's not right because as i look at this right here see how far out this piece comes into here um i'm kind of thinking have you saved lately kai won't sit here yes i want this to be symmetrical i really do but i'm kind of thinking maybe it's not so much symmetrical um i think it's i think it's probably not i kind of think this is over here like this in fact this might even be over here like this transom's back all right he said he's working in the shop today so he didn't get a drink no beer that is an excellent plan safety first not to later hey that's that you know in case you're wondering all of these uh shows are available for re-restreaming uh you know at your pleasure so you don't have to worry about uh having some issues with uh i should do is do this all right let me get rid of everything else there we go all right so i'm just i'm basically i'm i am drawing the negative space okay for the top it definitely has like a big wide arc and then rounded corners so i'm gonna do that in two two pieces i don't know how this is gonna work out but let's try it i'm gonna do first straight across like that and get my big arc in there and then i'll come in with secondary arcs down here to round those corners off why is it not working i don't know maybe did you break something odds are good maybe it's what i do all right so that looks like it's going to be my which i i feel okay about that actually i still feel like this is even further over i guess this hope opening doesn't have to be very big since all that goes through there are sprites with yeah something like that okay so i'm gonna take that i'm gonna come in here i'm gonna grab this i'm gonna cut it out of there come in context here edit paste in place and then just push that through the wall whoops push it way through the wall there we go okay i'm also going to grab all this right now while we're here and soften and smooth those arc ends i could have welded that beforehand that would have got me the same result but all right let's let's exit out and see how that looks okay i do think this right here has to be higher up so i'm going to grab it awesome i'm pretty i feel pretty i'm gonna save that because i feel so good about it all right uh it looks really uh appropriate it does it really does all right to um all right i'm going to come in here to my outliner and turn off my or right click and deactivate my section cut i want to come in here and build out the little door that happens here i'm going to do that by grabbing this piece pulling it back to here this piece pull it back to here all right i'm starting to feel like maybe i should have made these components at this point oh it always comes back and bites you um so there's six of these as groups in the model right now so what i can do is i can right click on one of them and say select all that will grab all the copies of this specific group then i can right click oops and this is selection toys again group select all and then i can say right click convert group copies convert into components then if i grab one of them and push pull those through to make them the right depth that should happen to all the copies of that one should it will it's it's gonna happen um that might be the easier way to do this whole thing if i grab this one right here say there's nine copies in the model so we will do the same thing select all uh convert into components and again select that one push pull that pure to here yeah i know i know i know i was worried about deforming stuff and making myself making a mess but uh it would have been a lot easier which i'm sure many of you said 18 so this is gonna be a bunch of them select all actually i don't even know if i have to hit select all i think i can just say convert into components awesome all right that is a little again more more accurate er that's not the right word um i think that's actually no that is a word let's just look it up on the internet is it is it the accurate or word accuratist ah that was what i was looking for all right so i'm going to grab that i'm going to move it vertically down to here uh we've got a gap here actually i'll just pull this down here and put that back where it was all right i got i got some handle issues my my handles are popping up into odd spaces or odd shapes all right so i'm going to take that push those floors back to here and then i'm going to make a brand new surface like that just just to take a look and see if that looks right that does look good i like i like the way that looks and that's actually two it's like a like bypass sliding doors so uh i'm gonna fake it a little bit because i'm going to come in here oh something's not vertical here that line that's vertical there we go um just take this one push it back a little bit all right and right now that's going to give me my sliders it's hard to tell what kind of detail there is it looks it actually kind of looks like this grab this squash it down a little bit to here and it looks like what i got is something like this those doors are a little bit of detail something like that i'll do the same thing here where i'll grab not all the edges but just these three offset them the same amount push pull them back the same amount that gives me the idea of the two overlapping panels right there that's gonna work for for what uh for what i need to see yeah that's good all right now it's time to do the part that i've actually been looking forward to the most which is this perch that's the term i'm using i don't know if they ever call it anything uh i think it's perch he's he's long and skinny and it kind of reminds me of a bird so i think it's fair it works he's sitting in the nest all right that's good all right so again just looking at images it kind of looks like if i run a line back it's you know two drawers in is where his his perch starts and comes out so that's me right about he has to be right around this line right here so i'm gonna come in and look at where the midpoint of this piece of trim is that feels meant to be it's it's curious how just sort of dead on so many of your your things were i feel like you maybe set up a bunch of guides in here the visible guide i was swiping the things we don't know about oh man i would like i'm sorry whoa sorry i was uh i don't know where i am right now where i'm inside i'm inside a box jump jump ship jump ship get out all right uh i would like to take credit for any of this but uh it's it's just working out that way i can't i can't say that this is is uh is is intentional um all right i'm gonna actually know what i should do i should go turn my section cut back on come in here i'm gonna activate that section cut again was a little easier to work inside johnny suggests maybe you want to save i don't disagree with that all right so i'm gonna come in here i gotta figure out how big to make this i'm gonna start i'm gonna draw a rectangle and then we can uh just kind of take a look at how big you want to be so it's be i'm going to say about three foot and then it comes all the way up to this line does it hang over just by a little bit so it's actually just a little bit wider than this it actually comes out like like that we'll say six inches because no three foot six inches there big guy okay starting over all right so we're gonna come out this way ah three foot six inches you know there's that point where you've had enough coffee that you're you're you're firing along and you're doing a great job and and then eventually you hit that point where maybe the coffee is making you a little jittery i feel like i've crossed that line so see by this point in the day i'm no longer jittery from coffee because i can't have it past noon or something like that yeah that's the problem is i've been drinking it for the last hour got that going for me all right this comes all the way up to this lip right here bill's recommendation is scotch i can't see that tape i'm not sure more entertaining maybe yes no you could not be more interested oh thanks jody yeah so so this is where i'm starting to have an argument with space in general because i'm starting to look at some of these things i'm like this is not this is not possible i think all right i do think up here i gotta push this whole thing over further because when i look at the reverse side of his perch look how far that comes over so that means i got to come in here i grab all of that and so light it let's turn this on see how far over there's really nothing else going on after that but there's at least enough wall that i got a screenshot that looks like which it could be it could be i don't know again hand-drawn backgrounds i know i know i know i know all right i feel like that is a pretty good representation of that perch though it might be just a little bit shorter this way i'll scoot that back half half a foot okay i'm going to go with that make this into a group this will not repeat so i'm good on this one being a group um all right so a couple things happen around his perch uh right at about this same height not at about at this same height uh it has a little should probably has this little box that sticks out right here that holds i don't know i guess these are maybe the the three most popular bath flavors uh any given at a given time something like that because he's got three big jars in here so there's his jar holder i don't have a screenshot of it but this basically sits down like that it's basically a little nest for him to sit in further to the point that this is a perch nest on a perch yep it's it all it's all coming together um yeah some of these views i'm looking at it looks like this goes up flat like that and this actually drops down a little bit depending on the view you're seeing yeah two screenshots i got it's a flush two screw screenshots i got it's about an inch below so i feel if there is no right answer you can't possibly get it wrong that's the optim interesting i am an optimist all right so i'm going to i'm not going to build each individual board that he has because this is just kind of looks like it's kind of built together out of pieces of wood he had around but i want to give it that feel so i'm going to just kind of pull the top out just slightly and then down here you need a little leave a little shelf up top because he has his his boiling water that he drinks sitting up there that's right you're right yeah i'm gonna take this i'm gonna divide this into 12 boards which is what it looks like he's got there run a line straight up and take that option copy 11x that's going to give me all my boards and again just to get the relief i'm going to come in here and just just push each one just a little bit just not not exactly the same but like because it does look i want to use the term ram shackle ram shack ramshackle is that right there right right that's yeah you're doing good okay uh because i kind of feel like that's kind of like i don't know maybe like he even built this himself and uh you know it's all just kind of slammed together his his drink perch back up in here there we go yeah that's that's working that's working for me all right same thing here i'm just going to grab this line make sure i select the inside line divide that i don't have a good picture i can see but about the same size boards no i'm gonna drop that all the way down another same thing here i'll just give this give a couple of these a little little push a little push in um this one i'm just going to option copy it this this direction lock it on the right axis and then i can swing around i got a little crazy and use this snap point as a reference rather than dividing again and i can say 12x and that'll that'll break that and then i can do that oh but that didn't go all the way down did it i'll just draw this line across here same thing so i've been working on uh my personal project this is going somewhere has been the uh cyberpunk apartment i continued modeling that and i've actually started building it in real space and i i bring that up because one of the things that uh i've been practicing a lot of is breaking things into panels and giving them like that look of you know broken up space so it's not a monolithic blob and i feel like that's coming coming into play now like i'm i'm calling upon that skill which i have been unintentionally developing maybe for this moment right now this this is all it all comes together comes together that's right everything for a purpose all right so there we go there's this perch up there that's pretty cool and actually it does not look like it goes quite so low so i might come in here and just pull that up a little bit he's a weird looking thing man i don't know i don't know what's this my son is completely he wants to be him i don't know i don't know what's going on with my with my kid but i was going to say there's worse people to want to be but now i'm challenged to back that up well at least his his intentions are good right i mean he he seems cranky but whenever sin needs a job he pays off uh what's her name with a little chocolate lizard or cookie shirt or whatever treat this heart's in the right place well i don't know actually he's probably got a different anatomy so who knows where his heart actually is yeah that that's that's very true and kind of yucky all right there we go all right so it looks like it's it's uh it's made of multiple pieces they'll think your corners are too blocky which corners is he talking about oh these some of these things right here maybe corners need edges uh we'll wait for a reply for bill on that and uh dq's wondering about his issues when he gets clipping the biggest problem i see with clipping is that people have parallel projection turned on and oh look at that as if requested clipping will happen ooh nice if you stick to perspective which is actually the view that sketchup was created to work in that's not dissing anybody who uses the other kind i'm just saying a lot of the tools the way the 3d view works was actually designed to work with perspective it should get rid of a lot of those issues the other thing is every once in a while just do a zoom all if you're having it like a lot depending on the model you're doing it may that may be causing a problem if you're working with an imported file like a dwg or dwx all right if you're worth a dwg or dxf that could be causing the problem you may have geometry it's really far from the origin that causes clipping problems if you were to go to our forum and search for the term clipping you'll get like 70 or 80 posts on it um most of them come back to the same issues and usually track it down to like two or three things something like that but um oh vertical the vertical boards on the perch oh right here because i have this flat corner yeah i can i get it places where there's not let's let's do this but also you have no edge where that butts into the other floor yeah i know i i i got a little lazy there because i don't know i guess because friday that's is that a good enough excuse i mean it's a good excuse for a good friday like today wow you're just nailing it i'm really just using the word good repeatedly it's not that it's not that tricky it's good that's good is there is so is the saturday between good friday and easter is it like is it good saturday or happy saturday what is that super saturday i i don't know it's not trying to be dissing i honestly don't know what the name is all right is that better so i know these aren't broken yet but i guess i could do that now i take this across to here this whole thing should come up to there there we go i just wanted to be on on record that uh it's presently 53 degrees fahrenheit in my shop and i'm sitting in the house it's it's it's in the 70s today it's crazy yeah all right i'm feeling good about this this is feeling feeling feeling neat i want to i want to i want to decorate this space a little bit uh let's start with some jars we don't we always hear that about how we don't get to details so i'm breaking we're stopping and i'm i'm doing that oops so jars also known as vases or similar to bases those are fun to do in sketchup that's right so these kind of go like this maybe like this and then gradually just kind of come back to about i don't know you can't see the back bottom half of it so i took guess so i'm going to come in i'm going to put a simple arc there actually i could probably do this all with just regular arcs when no no beziers whatsoever i can put a link to the forum or to the 3d warehouse post to this in the youtube description or only on the forum uh usually if i post it not that i don't want to but i often don't remember to it's usually in the form usually stick it stick a notification in the forum so if you're looking to get a copy of this afterwards i will because you requested i will throw this up on 3d warehouse i can't guarantee it will be today at latest monday i'll put it up there and you guys can grab it all right i don't know if this is gonna work i have i have i'm skeptical of of this shape but we'll see what happens um i'm gonna put a circle in i generally when i when i do my follow me like this i try not to have the circle connected to the geometry so i'll put it away from it like this and then i'm going to go follow me not too bad it's a little too wide though undo a couple times because i want to get back to this shape this is the spot that i want to come in here and manipulate this let's take these and screw them in inference there and friends there get rid of this ugliness put a new arc look at that i think it's going to be better uh bill is asking if monday is a holiday it is not we don't get any holidays holiday days for easter or around our next holidays but our next next holiday is our memorial day the end of may right right i believe i think so i think that's right you know the whole thing was a little too wide too so actually i'm gonna it's hard sometimes i have a hard time thinking of uh half of a shape so uh every once in a while i will it's one of those it's always funny to me to make a shape and then turn it into and then like do a uh follow me with it that's better he's surprised by the shape i make a shape and then i was like what would this look like cool that's that's an okay shape i like that there's there is room for improvement but uh not so much room that i want to spend time finding it let's see how close i was on size too let's see not quite as big as they need to be uh john johnny's recommendation is putting the circle above the vase that way you don't it's easier to delete when you're done yeah look it's just in here on the floor i'll just sweep it up right now all right with all that split that's right so i'm going to scale this guy up a touch just a touch that's good i do want to all right let's see if i grab that option you know i feel pretty good about that right there that's that's pretty good probably could have made that a component put the lids on there would have been a smart thing to do i can convert it group copies convert to component i can open one grab all this make it its own group to isolate the geometry temporarily so i can go put a circle right here whoops that's definitely not right oh wrong plane here we go like that because it kind of looks like what i see on my screen is there's kind of a lip like this and i have two different screenshots one these are open one these are closed it looks like i have this and then this this kind of creates like a brass lip on a glass jar so i'm going to make that into its own group grab this copy it come out context edit paste in place and then this goes up like this this kind of drops down inside there maybe oops maybe just for fun we'll do something like this i'll do this too there we go i like that i want to stick his wheel on the side though i feel like that is very important that's probably safe yeah he uses he bangs his mallet on that to wake up the that's right the sprites that are not working lazy sprites all right so i'm gonna start this with a circle i'm gonna i'm gonna do a tyson on this one that's what i'm gonna do tyson was a big fan of this process where he would uh he did a lot of this uh push pulling and this is really not that much to do actually it's it's only a couple it's only a couple pieces but he he did he used it a lot that comes out like that and then i'm gonna take this and pull this way whoa not that much settle down big guy okay easy easy it's a big wheel it is a big wheel that was one of my favorite things as a kid a wheel big wheel gotcha yeah that's too much that was too big a little little less big and then the whole thing slides back just a bit all right now i'm going to grab this i'm going to make it a group because i want to isolate that geometry i'm going to go offset this is the outer rim and then what we got what we got see is some arcs like they're not they're actually not very big so i'm gonna grab that offset that like that and there's four of them so i just grab this go find middle of the circle option copy that 90 3x we get all of that and then actually kind of looks like i got now i won't mess with that that looks pretty good like that like that like that like that delete delete delete delete give that a little bit of a that there we go and i can grab this shift that over to the center squirrel i'll be back wait jody's playing with squirrels not not hanging out with not telling us about it oh man yeah yeah that's good stuff like it all right and then we got a he's got a handle on it too which it looks like it's at one of these corners so um i'm gonna just draw a circle right here and this this handle looks like it changes too because i got two screenshots again one looks like it has kind of a you know i want to say a pommel or something like that on the end there the other one doesn't look like it has it so i'm just going to go ahead and again tyson style just kind of do something like that all right i'll grab that cut it come into context paste in place all right there's that it's funny because i'm like i said i'm looking at some screenshots here as reference i'm not made i i'm probably just need to shut up about this animation thing but look at look how different these wheels are same movie it's almost like they they had to paint or draw pictures unique each time we changed the angle i know shut up dude just just just model a thing and stop it i understand i hear you um all right uh let's what else what else should we put in here i'll put this little table he's got back here get that in there that seems important so i'm going to save i'm going to go to my outliner and deactivate my section cut come around here all right this is a cool looking little table um based on i don't think he can get i don't think he can get to a couple of these shell or a couple of these drawers throughout his uh his space i have a hard time believing he's i mean he does do a pretty good job of uh moving those crazy limbs around so maybe he's okay with it all right it kind of looks like keggie really wants you to do the kettle kettle all right oh you know there's actually an extension to draw tea kettles um i don't know if it's still an extension warehouse or not though but there was a tea kettle extension for for a while i'll make a group here um funny story about kettles uh there was uh we were doing a live session back before we did i guess we're doing these at the time too and we we had a uh it was josh and i and we were doing live modeling like head to head and one of the things that came up was a tea kettle and we did we both try to draw a kettle and at the time i had just made a video on drawing a tea kettle using sub d and i had practiced drawing a kettle with like as few clicks as possible so i kind of feel like i cheated a little bit but uh you know that's okay so yeah i'll draw a kettle that's that's that story was to say i'm game i'm drawing these these legs from a teeny picture about this big but it looks like it's something like this so matt also wants to know if you plan on doing the boilers i could not find a good enough picture of them that i felt okay drawing those shapes i originally i wanted to i thought they were pretty cool but uh no i didn't i don't feel good about that i'm just being honest here i appreciate your honesty all right i'm gonna i try all right so i'm gonna take these two pieces and put them into a group specifically so i can double click into the group and isolate this real quick what i want to do is i want to get this leg in the same spot relative to each corner so i'm going to come in here and i'm going to draw a square just where i think it looks good and i'll take that and put it right there and then i can take that square stick it right here and then i'll put that right there these two then i can actually just mirror around a middle line i'm going to i should be able to there's a difference sometimes i want to blame that on the twitchy coffee fingers ah that's a that's a great band okay so that looks good it looks like it needs to be a little little squatter baby but yeah there's there's his tea table uh teapot all right so here's how i drew a teapot when i was was challenged to do so i think i can pull off the same shape all right i'm going to start with an octagon grab that i'm gonna put it into its own group again so that i can isolate all right and i'm gonna come bring it up like this i'm gonna scale that out like this bring it up like this bring another copy up scale that come up like this oh that up offset that it looks like it has a knob or something at the top so again all right uh all right so that's fairly exaggerated let's clean that up just a touch grab that and bring it down actually grab all of that scale about the middle a little smaller there we go okay uh in case you have not worked it out i will be subdividing this real quick i'm gonna grab this i thought you were gonna just smooth all the edges and just say that's that always an option always an option uh i keep hitting offset instead of push pull rookie mistake all right do you have custom custom keyboard uh shortcuts for each of those uh p and f are those default what's what's the default for i don't grab this one ah i have to use vertex tools to move that one though all right i'm gonna do this and i'm gonna do this to keep everything quieted all right i'm gonna save and i'm going to subdivide it we're close oh hold up we're not close i got to do two things i got to break this keep this keep quality up here and i got to get rid of some internal faces so i'm going to get rid of internal faces with solid inspector which i do have a custom shortcut for i hit shift s for solid inspector let it fix and get rid of those extra faces on the inside because i was cr it was creating creases there so now if i hit subdivide that's much much much better all right so there's a couple spots bill and nanny did confirm pnf is that is that right all right yep that was that was one of the big noticeable uh differences between i think tyson's workflow and mine i think tyson has a more realistic shortcut setup the shortcuts are the shortcuts the default shortcuts are actually assigned uh to make it easy to remember so p is push pull f is follow me b is paint bucket um cue is rotate so most of them uh are are made to make it easy to remember where you know what they are they're not necessarily put on the keyboard in a spot that's that's uh conducive to quickly getting to them that's a spot where tyson has modified his shortcuts in his workflow to make him actually a little more efficient because all of his shortcuts are crowded on one half of his keyboard so it makes them a lot quicker for him all right so i'm gonna do some quick creasing on this and we're gonna call this thing done uh i'm gonna go to crease tool put that to 100 [Music] i'm going to grab this ring right here i'm doing a super speedy version of quad modeling uh i don't have my toolbars open i don't really oops whoa you still with me jody i'm here how are you doing okay i looked over and uh you're not there so i got i got worried oh i turned off my camera because it was getting all i kept getting jittery oh like too much coffee i know maybe that was it maybe it's just you or jittery because the coffee i'm shaking i'm shaking all right uh all right this is about as much as i'm gonna do i think oh no i'm gonna crease one more thing i want to crease this guy right here to give me a nice clean intersection there we go nice little teapot i might go here and uh just increase subdivision once i like it look good um there are of course uh yeah uh somebody's calling out the uh c graph the teapot thing the teapot uh is like the fundament isn't it like the fundamental 3d model like if you could make that in a 3d modeling tool then you're all set it should be that basic 3d model isn't there like an official name for the teapot there is and i'm trying to remember whose name it is but there's a it's somebody's teapot good it the utah teapot it very well could be i also don't remember i mean there is the utah teapot that's that's the that's a famous one i don't know about another one i would think that if you're talking about teapots i can't see why you'd use a u.s state because we don't be drinking tea like the rest of the world does so it's also known as the newell teapot i feel like that's more the way i was recognizing but according to wikipedia hey if wikipedia says it you know you're getting the best information because anyone in the world can put anything they want up there hello michael scott for y'all oh whoops that's why thanks uh apparently ryan is a is a teapot actually he short and stout though he said oh congratulations i think didn't wouldn't tom tom is didn't he the one that made the teapot plugin yeah that's just saying i don't know if anybody's had a chance to go look and see if that's still up there but it was on 3d warehouse i think for a while and basically it just made a tool where you could just pull out a uh teapot shape that's all it did oh i'm now realizing that uh how this this handle is crazy man confirmed it is still there it is i i don't i believe it was kind of a tongue-in-cheek thing like uh the tomtom teapot i don't think that uh go all right so this is too much detail on this already but uh same time i don't feel like i can quit all right let's try to get a shot for a sh a shop a shape for that half of the handle all right now i can come in here all right i definitely got to do this because i'm struggling with modeling inside that uh all that stuff so jonathan's noted a couple times there's a missing piece of trim in the background that it ended up getting omitted because you did a copy or i mean a move instead of a copy ooh oops all right i'll get on that gonna want to fix that yep you know i'm realizing i don't have a line push pull which is has become one of those tools oh wait this something's off everything's off i'm consistent there we go um line push pull make it real easy to pull this give this some depth but since i don't have it i'm kind of thinking maybe i could just just kind of grab these lines like that i think i could just come in here to curve aloft and skin that no oops try that uh whoops curveloft skin contours no it still does not like it how about that if i just grab that much still doesn't light all right then i will do then i will just do this don't worry i'm not going to stitch yet we're not we're not we're at that point um but i am realizing again it's it's i'm probably a good six months into a year before i figure out what extensions i should have installed from my old computer line push pull is definitely one of them that i feel like i'm remiss in not having gotten back on my computer um yeah it's it's like a it's sort of a like a marie condo kind of thing right you you have to decide which which extensions bring you joy who's condo she's that you know she's that woman has the whole getting rid of your i apologize declutter she's right the whole reason to get a new computer is just so you've got to reinstall extensions and confirm which ones you need or don't need it helps i mean i i i know we're talking about this kind of jokingly but uh man i definitely have to do that because i will end up with too much stuff if i don't all right um all right um missing trim this piece right here we're talking about wait i'm not sure i thought there should probably be a piece right here yeah but i don't feel like that's the one no but his comment was that you had you had moved you had moved something instead of copying it and so since you moved it you left you're like you stole a piece of trim from something else i'm not saying you're wrong oh right here yes i do remember that that's right uh ah wow so much better that's better now i'll build six night yeah we got it we got it that's that's uh nice thank you i'm feeling pretty i'm starting to feel pretty good about this i i uh yeah i'm gonna do this too i come up here model detail that nobody will ever think about or see that's how i roll i like to think that all of my hardest stuff is the stuff nobody ever sees anyway that's right and this this is like extremely arbitrary because uh i was looking at this and these on the shots where you can actually see it they don't seem to line up with anything at all so all right grab all of those i don't even know if they are on this side because again can't even see it but but there you go all right let's get a let's get a set of them over over here too jonathan's curious what your opinion is on doing a make unique versus just scaling a component uh it depends on what i think the potential is for changing it in the future um something like these tr like so if i'm doing something like uh lumber where most lumber is um you know an extruded rectangle over and over and over again so i've done entire framing sheet or framing things where it's just been one rectangle that i just used scale on to create the lengths uh knowing that i wasn't going to report upon it so when i needed to pull the cut links off of it i could actually just put a dimension on the group or something like that so i've done that before it's not a bad way to do it it's not the ideal way to do it because you can't report upon it i can't come in afterwards and go you know i need this many 20 footers this many 16 footers this many 14 footers uh so it's not ideal for something like this i'll never actually have to report upon the lengths of that that thing right there so scaling it's not a big deal if you're actually gonna so if i was gonna come in and i was gonna like make a model of this or build it in real life and i wanted to know what length how many of each of these pieces of flooring versus these pieces of flooring then i would definitely want to go through and make that unique um because that would that would make a big difference you know i kind of feel like i'm at that point where like this is this is feeling like a good spot whoa okay hold up i'm going to show something that i want to show at all this here screenshot right here shows one two three four five six shelves high is where those start [Music] that's definitely higher than what this screenshot shows so i'm gonna chalk that one up to uh hand animation again um oh i jody jody has things to say oh there we go i think that there's that the picture from outside the hallway was done by a different artist right each person there's a different guy drawing each room that is definitely possible and maybe they just changed to them post that's right all right i'm gonna adjust for the so andy's suggestion was to take the teapot and just scale it up really big and make that into a boiler not far off i don't think it looks like it it actually looks like i mean it looks like a lot of the things in that movie right it looks kind of like a big weird chubby baby or something i tried to find pictures of it and i i went through and re-watched just to try to find it but i could not find a solid picture of that that space all right i'm feeling pretty good about this i just deleted my floor though um yeah that kind of looks like that i mean if you did not know better you would believe that that is the boiler room from that show this actually drops down too it's true now we just need to uh stick the boilerman up there we don't really i'm just kidding yeah i'm not gonna no pressure no problem awesome well yeah i like i like where that ended um i'm trying to think of the best way to present this to actually show this because it is such an awkward shape you can't really look inside of it i'm trying to think of how to generate the thumbnail so i think i might come in with a new section plane i'll throw it on this side and then cut through like that yeah i like that turn it off so i can't see it oh i really messed up the backside of this didn't i i do feel compelled to clean that up though now we just need a a dirt extension makes it a little grimy that's probably an extension that would get used a lot me yeah i mean i guess actually that should be a style anyway hey we were talking about making a style you're saying the room stuff default uh sketchup livestyle is something dirty i don't like that all right i'm going to save that that's going to be my thumbnail that's what to look out look for on the 3d warehouse that was fun i like that i like that a lot that was a good time um let's let me look through the last two and a half hours of comments real quick see if there's anything to reply to no it's getting uh however you was asking how you yeah was it is asking how do we decide what to model i mean as much as possible i try to take recommendations from you guys so we keep an eye out when people suggest things we usually end our live streams by saying hey what should we model next forum's a great spot for ideas for models comments on youtube youtube we get a lot of great ideas we try to do this we're going to still stick with trying to do is we try to kind of have a theme for a lot of our live models so on uh one one week we'll try to think of a building next week we'll try to think of something small like a more of a entourage kind of thing like a teapot um uh so we try to try to come up with themes that we can use this was just kind of uh this was our extra week we had an extra week in the month of march i know we're in april now but schedule wise it fell into march um so this was kind of a what would be fun and like i said i happened to be on hbo max watching spirited away and thought this would make a fun model so that was kind of how this one came came across helms deep i don't dislike that idea that would be a fun one but it would have to be like like the the glory days right this second second era is that what they call it um where everything was shiny and not broken and covered in goblin scat dirt last way to say no to keep talking about poop nice and clean that's right scat that's a a good term um yeah that so that would be that would be fun um the second age that's why second age so so we love your ideas i will say and jody has has touched on this problem i'm assuming out in a sarcastic way uh just stop sending out pictures of frank gary stuff or those buildings that look like they're crumpled up paper and then go build it uh much as i think that like the opera much like much like fetch is not going to happen gary buildings are also not going to happen i i think the sydney opera house is a super cool looking building but i just have no desire to try to figure out unless the only way i would do this the sydney opera house would be like as a half hour massing model where it's like okay let's get one of these pedal shapes and then just scale and spin them and like when you look at it from here it looks yeah that's you could identify that that's probably as far as i'd wanted to go that could be a fun thing is you just do a bunch of sort of speed mass models of several of those over the course of one one session that could be fun that could be a fun one we'd have to come up with like yeah like four models to do half an hour max for each that could be kind of a fun time well keggy's uh emp museum museum from emp museum from seattle is that let's look those up because that's that's very uh gary looking a geiger or gieger would be a fun thing he does have some architectural shapes but they're all super organic that'd be a challenge for sure let's do the inside of the alien ship yeah just those ribbed hallways those are definitely cool looking have we do we did an ornithopter right yeah yes we did new design ornithopter that was based off of the image i found on the internet we have no idea what they're actually look like right so maybe we'll come come revisit the ornithopter after if we ever get a real get that dude movie out it's gonna happen yeah it's gonna it's it's been gonna happen for a year now so sorry it's i'm i'm trying to be positive the power loader from aliens actually i think that's come up before that would be a fun one um yeah so lots of ideas lots of good ideas here [Music] um and that's what we need we need we always need ideas so appreciate you guys uh giving us more because we could always use more but uh i think this is where we are going to call it for today i feel good about this this was a fun model and thank you guys for for coming out on a friday and hanging out with us that means a lot um let us know what you thought about that in the forum was it a good was it a worthwhile way for you to spend your friday afternoon evening saturday morning what have you uh love to hear that and like i said keep those ideas coming throw them up on our comments on youtube throw them up on the forum uh we love love hearing your ideas love hearing your thoughts and love modeling things you guys want to actually see but right we now have a pinterest board to put these on aaron remember that's right we did start a pinterest board i don't understand pinterest though i know there's pictures i tried to add a picture to the pinterest board and i didn't understand it so i just closed pinterest and left okay so the point here is you're not going to be taking advantage of that resource that tyson tried to make i i like the idea i i don't know it's the thought that counts i think i have i think i have a maximum amount of uh social media that i can i can fully contemplate at any given time so anyhow um andy's saying this is the best friday evening he's had since lockdown began appreciate that andy that's good to hear all right i'm gonna quit bantering i'm gonna quit just talking i'm going to call it now thank you guys so much for hanging out with us this is a lot of fun like i said love to hear your input tell us what you think hit us up on the forums hit us up in comments and we will be back live next wednesday wednesday we'll be back here tyson will be modeling a building he told me what he was thinking about doing but i don't remember what it was now i remember what it was date what would you do undertale yeah uh said some sort of sydney bridge that's right a bridge bridge yeah it looks looks a little like a more modern version but still complicated like the tower the tower bridge awesome yeah so come back for some bridgey goodness next wednesday we're going to bridge the gap between friday nights and wednesday nights with a bridge build our bridge so come back wednesday and we will see you then tyson will be modeling uh have a great weekend see you until then stay safe stay sane and we'll see you next time happy easter you
Channel: SketchUp
Views: 6,427
Rating: 4.9053254 out of 5
Id: PkYxdXYfZD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 174min 29sec (10469 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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